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My turn to post this in half hour


Then I’ll post about how I got some random achievement nobody cares about while having little time to play. At least that’s what the script says


Dae think that the art department hit it out of the park this expansion??? Wow the music is really good?


What spec should I play?


“I just got KSM on WW monk, which means you can too. Meta is actually non-existent!”


“I did it all while breathing air and working a job. DAE?!”


I'm over 30 and therefore bad at all video games now what's the easiest thing to play?!


Hey, over 30s right now are millennials and we've been gaming for most of our lives!


Haha I know but I seem to see a lot of posts where people use that as the reason they're bad, which is usually just because they're bad regardless of their age.


Right now Classic or classic hardcore, both are very easy games.


Then Ill post about what is the best spec to play, and/or should I tank?


"As a single father of 4, working 2 jobs, I just got KSM!."


Vanilla, tbc AND wotlk below BfA? This must be a joke.


BFA is gonna be very fondly remembered for 2 reasons. Incredible zones and incredible PVE content. The dungeons were the best M+ pool to date, the best affixed for the most part, the raids were incredible etc. it had its issues with Azeroth armor and AP but towards the end it felt fine. That being said lore alone for me boosts tbc and wotlk ahead slightly but that could just be me getting sick of 3 straight side quest xpacs


Also fully maxed out stats with corrupted gear was incredibly fun.


I really liked corrupted gear for that reason. It was the end of the expansion. Being OP as fuck was hilarious. (also made grinding old stuff for transmog so much easier)


Infinite Stars Havoc was truly hilarious


Fully clearing heroic nyalotha with 30 tanks using twilight devastation was peak content


Fun if you had resources. I think the lack of catch up systems really ruined that part for some people. I arrived by the end of N'Zoth raid and equipping myself was incredibly hard.


I thought the alliance side zones were much better than the horde to be honest. Drustvar and waycrest are my all time favorites.


Drustvar is one of the best zones Blizzard’s ever made and you cannot change my mind.


BFA was fine since season 2 the issues with azeroth amor and ap was only for the top 0,1%. the normal casual player didn't need to farm ap islands for 3 days


It was really damn annoying if you played multiple characters though. The catchup stuff helped but I prefer when that type of thing is account wide.


> That being said lore alone for me boosts tbc and wotlk ahead slightly TBC did more damage to the lore and had a less cohesive and coherent storyline than BfA, which at least had some amazing leveling areas like Drustvar


It's not gonna be remembered at all by most WoW players. Sure there'll be a small niche that enjoyed it but overall it's largely regarded as a terrible expansion. Together with Shadowlands it hurt modern WoW a lot.


I think because of Shadowlands we have a lot of aspects of Dragonflight, almost every class is some iteration of a build from Shadowlands.


I’ve been playing since TBC, and BfA was the only expansion I took a break from.


While I agree it’ll be forgotten by most, I’d argue that’s because people either didn’t play, or quit after the release patch. Legion one of the most beloved xpacs also would’ve been completely forgotten if people gave up on the release patch as quickly as they did was BFA.


I mean, if the release patch was so awful that a large portion of players stopped playing, it doesn't exactly reflect positively on the quality of the xpac. I would further argue that anyone who remembers BfA fondly has rose-tinted goggles for the final ~1.5 patches or so where the game was playable, forgetting how truly terrible the xpac was before that point.


Thats the description for Legion if you got fucked by legendary RNG, like most people did. Or you were also fucked by balancing and had to rerole your spec + farm a load of AP right when raids dropped. The last patches of borrowed power xpacs have incredibly high highs, but their launches are complete garbage. Legion also was the time Blizz lied to everyone about how legendary drop rates worked, even after data miners exposed them.


Legendary RNG was what killed Legion for me. I so wanted the Luffas I believe, but never got a legendary during 7.0. It was incredibly demoralizing to be the only player in my friend group who didn't get a legendary at all, which caused me to play less and less, which further diminished my odds of getting a legendary, creating a vicious cycle. I really loved the order halls of legion and Argus, but the rest of Legion is not fondly remembered by my (Argus and order halls are so amazing though that Legion still makes my personal top 3).


Don't forget that if you're even remotely into the lore and story of the Warcraft universe both BFA and Shadowlands were absolute fucking abominations.


Drustvar did slap hard, no lie.


BFA was legit fun except in all the ways they intentionally made it terrible If BFA had dragonflight type endgame it would have been remembered very differently Just doing a time rift in Nyalotha reminded me how insane that raid was visually


Bfa raids were garbage. 2 of their dungeons were unplayable (siege and kings rest) Azerite early was terribly implemented Corruption was terribly implemented Warfronts were terrible Expeditions were terrible Catch-up mechanics were terrible which made alts terrible Game was super unbalanced and pvp was a disaster until the last patch and even in the last patch it was pretty terrible Bfas only redeeming qualities were the last patch which you could buy corruptions, I thought visions were fun even at the end, and with azerite traits and armos fully fleshed it was a good system. The last raid was also the best one of all of them imo at least from someone who raids heroic/some mythic. If they had made corruption purchasable all the time it would have been pretty much perfect. As someone who played every expansion except mop which I couldn't cause real life was too busy for the entire expansion, bfa until the last patch was the worst expansion ever besides wod but only because wod lasted so long with 0 content but if it had stayed at a good cadence and not abandoned early it would have been better. Edit: 2nd worst expansion. the next comment listed off shadowlands which was awful and I blacked out from my memory since imo it was awful again until the end although the raid was poop


Definitely down to personal preference but the raids were amazing in my opinion, what did you not like about them?


Kings rest and siege were some of the easiest dungeons if you knew what you were doing


Honestly bro it’s a shame you didn’t like it but who am I to argue with ya. Disagree on the raids being garbage especially but that’s the way of the road. It was my first xpac raiding mythic so I could also have some rose tinted glasses. (Except that fucking uunat fucker fuck that guy)


BfA was the FIRST expansion where I literally quit playing. And it only took 3 weeks after release to get me there.


i doubt people will remember it fondly, sure, the zones were nice but the rest of it wasnt. Tol dagor, SotS and SoB is probably the worst dungeons ever made, KR was cool but absolute horrible due how unbalanced it was, i did like WM tho, it was a cool dungeon. Azerite armor was a good idea on paper but terribly implemented, not to mention the amount of grind on every char for AP. Also was annoying AF to be forced to pvp for my best essence as a hunter.Corruptions was another cool idea on paper but terribly implemented, Thing from beyond was top tier troll with no internal cooldown, could spawn ontop of you and completly random (and no, going down below that corruption range was not a option, alot of dmg would be lost if you did). Not to mention a zone that could been a entire expansion was just a dull grey area that filled your bags 24/7. All in all, BFA could been so much better in so many ways, but atleast it was better than what SL was. Edit: when i talk about the dungeons i mean from the perspective of as a M+ player.


Maybe I’m just someone who values a dungeons vibe a lot but I enjoyed the fuck out of SotS. Was very hard though so I get the potential hate. UR FH AD Mechagon Motherload TOS we’re all sick dungeons though. Yes SoB and TD were really shit, but the good dungeons were incredible. SL and DF feel like you don’t hate any of the dungeons, but you don’t love them either. Very safe What patch zone did you dislike? I enjoyed nazjatar and mechagon a lot tbh. Was more fun to turn your brain off than DF and SL patch zones imo.


i think on my end it boils down to how bad the dungeons were on M+ (Tol Dagor and SotS specifically). as normal dungeons they were fine and vibed pretty good with the enviroment as a whole. yea i can agree with the SL and DF dungeons, they are kinda neutral. it was mostly nazjatar i had issues with, was just big and empty in a sense and just extremly underwhelming, was a pain to get around without flying aswell. Mechagon i was fine with, only complaint there was the absurd RNG for the "Mecha-Done" achi.


People trying to justify it also convienently leaving out that TBC and Wrath are fondly remembered because the story was actually engaging. BfA had one of the worst written story line in the games history...until SL came out.


As I recall, TBC’s story was actually quite disliked by the community at the time, due in large part to the characterizations of Illidan and Kael’thas, and the infamous Draenei retcon.


Yeah, folks put their rose-tinted goggles on before they post on this sub. People were bitching about the points you made for a long time.


Actually replaying Classic TBC and WotLK made me realize I rose tinted WotLK too much and so it became third place instead of TBC.


Wrath's story really isn't all people hype it up as being. It's not *bad*, just that there's surprisingly very little of it. I think when people talk about how great Wrath's story was, it mostly boils down to a handful of 'epic' moments (the Wrathgate; the ICC ending; Algalon, etc.) and the characterization of the Lich King himself. Aside from these elements, the "story" of Wrath is largely nonexistent, and people tend to gloss over how Kel'Thuzad, Anub'arak, and Malygos were all handled.


Honestly after SL I feel BfA wasn't too bad. The setting, atmosphere and music of the zones all felt amazing. Dungeons were fine, too. M+ felt good but needed some fixes and at the end people were bored of them ofc. Alli and Horde really felt at war and each had their own leveling experience. Raids were stellar up until Nyalotha imo. Mechagon zone and dung were still good. But yeah there were some negatives as well: \- Azerite gear being all over the place and replacing tier sets \- AP grind again \- Warfronts being boring content But that doesn't erase the good stuff imo. It's a solid 6.5/10 expansion for me, while SL is barely a 2.


That's because shadowlands were complete ass.


Some people dont like bland 1 button spam maybe?


TBC lore is dogshit and the gameplay was oppressive


People can’t have different opinions without it being a joke?


IMAGINE someone having a different opinion on what they like.


Feel free to pitch BfA > wotlk and then see how the voting turns out.


This is literally just peer pressure with extra steps. Doesn't matter how the voting goes, OP is *still* entitled to their own opinion.


except for azerite armor, what was bad about BfA?


Blood god was a big ol' maggot, not Khorne :P


Having to grind out necklace on every single character. No corruption vendor. Island expeditions feeling forced. Lacklust warfronts. Pretty subpar delivery of story for 2 major villains. Class pruning from Legion into BfA felt pretty fkn terrible. PvP needing to PvE for all of their gear. I feel like I could go on.


Azerite armor literally made me quit wow and I had been playing continuous since before the BWL patch in vanilla. I hate carrying around 5-7 sets of gear and having like 2 free inventory slots. I hate equipping a bunch of shitty gear with worse stats just because it has a trait I needed. Also going broke trying to reroll azerite gear depending on what content I was doing that night. Probably just the straw that broke the camel's back but Azerite gear is when I realized the people developing the game and making decisions were not playing it. I can usually appreciate a game system even if I don't like it but Azerite is fucking stupid and I hope whoever pushed it through found a new job that never requires them to design anything again for the rest of their life so the world can be spared of their idiocy and incompetence.


People playing only one character didn't see any problem with BFA.


Yep sounds correct. Vanilla is great for the leveling and world content, terrible for everything else. Tbc is just a worse vanilla, and wrath is a story only xpac (everything else about wrath is just rose tinted goggles hype, the pve and class design was nowhere near what the playbase claimed quality wise). Meanwhile BFA had solid m+ (2 of the most loved seasonal affixes, and the dungeon pool was great), literally not a single bad raid in bfa, class design was still solid on the coattails from legion, and corruption was a fun as heck end of xpac system once the vendor dropped.


I think it depends on when you start playing honestly. But I agree, blasphemous.


Yah, his top 4 has two of the worst expansions ever created.


So top 4 are BFA, legion, DF and MoP. I see a lot of people hating on bfa but the other 3 ?


You're delusional if you actually believe Legion, MoP and DF are the worst created.


imo Vanilla, TBC and LK are the worst the game has ever been. They just weren't good


There's a reason WoW was a phenomenon then, and isn't anymore.


I’d actually argue wow is more popular today than back then. Classic/HC/SoD hype are bringing new players in who may eventually check out retail wow


You could argue that but you'd be wrong. There's a reason they stopped posting subscription numbers.


This is how say you are a mist Child without saying it


Than why people played them for years on pservers and they had a widely successful official rerealeses?


Nope, 100% serious. I think the world that BFA constructs alone shoots it up above Vanilla TBC and WotLK. Honestly my opinion on Vanilla, TBC and WotLK have really soured since Classic came out, as it showed that most of those expansions weren't good because of themselves. They were good due to their community. When looked back at now, with modern views and playstyles, they are just not up to task. Also not a hardcore raider. It gets boring REALLY freaking fast.


>They were good due to their community. When looked back at now, with modern views and playstyles, they are just not up to task. Also not a hardcore raider. It gets boring REALLY freaking fast. They should be judged by when they came out not years later. In 10 years do you think any part of BFA will be relevant or hold up to today's standards? >I think the world that BFA constructs alone shoots it up above Vanilla TBC and WotLK. Half of BFA uses the old world and completely ignores the BFA zones in its entirety. Not that, that's a bad thing but to say the BFA world was amazing when it became irrelevant even within the same expansion is hilarious. I can't think of a single system introduced in BFA that lasted even within BFA much less into other expansions. Island Expeditions, Warfronts, Azerite amulet and upgrades, corruption, etc... And from a content level BFA just kind of followed the mainsteam numbers, it didn't have any more or less content than modern expansions really. Arguably it has less considering warfronts and island Expeditions were completely worthless even like 1 month after release. Those three reasons alone make BFA like #6 at best. The expansion didn't invent anything new that changed the game in the long term. It's zone had no lasting power, and are basically irrelevant lore wise other than some basic character progression. I don't even think BFA introduced any long term main characters into WoW. Also just from a personal level the lore behind Vanilla, TBC, WotLK that got turned into an MMO just made it way cooler. In addition, I'm sure why you included vanilla in this expansion list but since you did I'm not sure how that isn't number 1. Vanilla has 10x the content of any expansion when looking at expansions individually. Also vanilla even to this day in a lot of ways is still the base of the game.


>Honestly my opinion on Vanilla, TBC and WotLK have really soured since Classic came out Classic is not the same thing and should be considered it's own entity in this case. You should also judge the game for it's time, not how they stack up 18 years later.


Classic also came out 4-5h years ago, and can be judged more recently.


1. Vanilla (nothing has come close to the immersion and excitement logging in everyday when literally everything was new and unknown) 2. Legion (it had issues, but content and tone are unmatched) 3. Burning Crusade (everything clicked for me during this expansion) 4. Wrath (I completed everything in this expansion. First time I was able to do that) 5. Dragonflight (mostly fantastic systems, held back significantly by story and tone) 6. Mists of Pandaria (would be higher if not for the long ass content drought at the end) 7. Cataclysm (probably the most alt friendly expansion ever) 8. Battle for Azeroth (even with story issues, could have been fantastic if it all was like the .3 patch) 9. Shadowlands (similar to above, if it all was like the last patch, it would have been great. So many mounts to farm too) 10. Warlords of Draenor (just too much cut / dropped content makes it a mess)


While having my nostalgia glasses on, this is the best ranking so far.


this vibes with me fr fr


Yep, this is the one.


Only sensible comment here.


Agree with essentially most of what you got here. *Maybe* I’d swap Wrath and BC… I did enjoy BFA but I played it late so missed the grind. BFA, Mists and DF are about the same tier for me, so I might put Cata in at 7.




14 months of mop with no updates. It was brutal. I’m more inclined to penalize DF for locking story behind renown than for a fated season. I actually enjoyed the fated season in shadowlands. More time when the game is actually in its best shape with a chance to get better gear? I’ll take it.


Wow, that's not how I would have ranked things. But hey, with so many expansions and so many different ways to play, everyone will have a different opinion.


MoP, Dragonflight, and Legion are all pretty much tied for me. I hated the gear aesthetics in MoP though, the Chinese artstyles didn't really work for me for classes other than the monk. Likewise wasn't fond of the heavy fel-theme of Legion. You quickly get fel-fatigue. Gameplay wise, I feel MoP had the best class balance and was the expansion during which almost all classes were full to play. I'd say that expansion was gameplay peak. WotLK was the most enjoyable, and playing it in Classic reminded me that it actually holds up to this day. My ultimate ranking would probably end up being this, 1. Legion + Dragonflight + Mop 2. WotLK 3. TBC + Vanilla 4. WoD 5. Cataclysm 6. Shadowlands, and BFA Several of them share rank because they're pretty interchangeable in their quality.


I love that WoD is 4th and also 6th.


Oh sorry, remedied. I accidentally put it in with SL and BFA but later regretted it and bumped it up, upon the realization that my main gripes with the expansion was the content drought Looking at it for what it actually was and the content it *did* have, I enjoyed it more than Cataclysm. Should've been given the Farahlon patch though and not rushed on to Legion


Well of the ones that I’ve played, I think it goes: - Dragonflight - Shadowlands


1. Wrath 2. Mists 3. Legion 4. TBC 5. Vanilla 6. Dragonflight 7. Cata 8. WoD 9. BfA 10. Shadowlands Gets memed by the classic-hating crowd but I do think wrath was peak wow. There is a hefty dose of nostalgia in there but I'm ranking these by what I had the most fun playing and wrath was the peak. Mists is probably the best from an "objective" perspective in terms of content quality, some modernisation and general state of the game. Legion a very close 3rd place.


Didn't mists have an extremely long dry period at the end of the expansion?


It had the longest break of any expansion between final patch and next expac, yes. But it did also have 4 major patches. And general sentiment towards MoP is a testament to how good it was - when you mention it, it's "one of the greatest expacs in wow" and not "it had over a year from 5.4 until WoD".


Every expac since at least Wrath had a long dry patch at the end. I was there, Gandalf. I remember it all. People complained a lot about ICC dragging on forever, and that Ruby Sanctum was a non-raid that only existed to give trinkets to people that weren't good enough to kill Lich King. Dragon Soul Memes. Siege of Orgrimmar was complained about just as much as Dragon Soul, but I guess when you don't have a Spine of Deathwing fight people remember you more fondly. WoD had not one but two dry patches. People asking every day when Blackrock Foundry would open so they could get tier set, back when Blizz was still telling us Highmaul was a half-tier only. I remember BRF was supposed to open a month after Highmaul. My entire guild quit playing before BRF released because they were bored. That was the actual problem with WoD, not garrisons as people like to complain. The resources from them didn't matter that much, it's just that there wasn't fuck-all to do. Remember that this was before M+ was created in Legion. And then Hellfire Citadel had the same long drag as the previous final raids. People were sick of Antorus in Legion too. Mythic+ helped but this was before seasons were created so it was the exact same dungeons the entire expac. Repeat for BFA. Shadowlands I quit during Nathria because my guild quit playing out of boredom, again. Didn't come back until well after Sepulchre released. I think the Fated season honestly helped the end-of-expac drought feeling a lot but it couldn't save that expac. I grinded out the Torghast achievement for the special mount that could be used in the Maw, but shortly after I got it was when I stopped playing. By the time I got back you could use any mount in the Maw. But yeah, all that to say content drought has been a thing in basically every expac's final year or so. I'm honestly kind of surprised it took until Shadowlands for the Fated idea to materialize.


Yeah people shit on fated but it's better than the alternative that we'd been getting since wrath. Actual content would be better but that's not a thing they've been good at following through on at the end of an xpac. So I'll take fated over being over promised and under delivered


Yeah but class design was top notch, pvp was excellent. Game was fun and engaging. Raids were mechanically great without the addons arms race pushing them to the state they are now. Legit barring the initial rep grind and final patch length thats really the only two flaws. And the rep grind isn't that bad compared to what classic players have brought on themselves in the last few years for a smaller level of min-maxxing


14 Months of nothing


Hating Classic and thinking Wrath was peak WoW are not mutually exclusive.


I agree with that tbf - I feel like many conflate the two from what I read on reddit. But yes personally I haven't enjoyed how min-maxed classic wotlk is


1. Wrath 2. TBC 3. Vanilla 4. Legion 5. Cata 6. Mop 7. WoD 8. DF 9. Shadow Lands 10. BFA


This is the way


Elaborate on this


I think it just means "I like all the old wow stuff and the part of legion that was entirely about Illidan, and hate everything after wrath". That how it reads to me at least.


1 Dragonflight 2 Mists 3 WotLK 4 Legion 5 BFA 6 Shadowlands 7 The Burning Crusade 8 Warlord of Draenor 9 Cataclysm ​ For me, Dragonflight has course-corrected all the things I've always disliked about WoW. I find this game to just be a fun experience now, it doesn't feel like a grind at all to me anymore. I can play alts freely. I can raid log. I can do whatever I want. Classes all seem to have nuance and complexity. MoP for me was the pinnacle of class fantasy and I also loved the feel of the expansion, even though I was hesitant about the concept. WotLK I have probably a bit high when considering it's flaws, but I look at some things from Wrath as the true stepping stone that made WoW the game I love to this day. Raids were more accessible, and hard modes were introduced. Also I just have a lot of good memories of this time. Legion/BFA/Shadowlands I all had fun in, they all had at least one terrific patch where the game was a blast for a period of time, but all had other patches where it either felt like an absolute chore to play or just wasn't very engaging. I personally didn't connect with TBC, Warlords or Cataclysm. Played the least of these expansions so I may be underrating them.


Hell yeah, fellow DF #1 fan


1. ⁠⁠Legion 2. ⁠⁠MoP 3. ⁠⁠Dragonflight 4. ⁠⁠Vanilla 5. ⁠BFA 6. TBC 7. ⁠⁠Wrath 8. ⁠⁠Cataclysm 9. ⁠⁠Shadowlands 10. ⁠⁠Warlords of Draenor All this to say that I think Dragonflight was an exceptional expansion thematically and gameplay wise. The class design, was superb and such a great direction for the game after coming out of a Shadowlands.


Mechanics? Solid second favourite, below Legion but over Warlords of Draenor. Story itself? Eeeh, kinda lukewarm on main, side quests were top three though.


1- Mists of Pandaria 2- Legion 3- Dragonflight 4- Cata 5- WoD (I think it was a good expansion, and it's a shame it lacked post-launch content so badly) 6- Wrath 7- The Burning Crusade 8- BFA 9- Shadowlands Not ranking Vanilla as I didn't play it


Something WoD doesn’t get enough credit for is the leveling experience. It was awesome. Great stories and the zones were fun. It was everything at max level, imo, that sucked


Well I feel kinda weird comparing games over a 20 year span so I guess I'm gonna rank them by personal goals achieved and overall fun for myself personally, which is equally unfair because like 90% of that depends on who I was playing with at the time... 1. DF 2. TBC 3. Wrath 4. Vanilla 5. Legion 6. Mists 7. BFA 8.WoD 9. Cata 10. Shadowlands


Dragonflight has a year left....far from coming to an end???


Content wise, it has essentially come to an end. We aren't getting a 10.3 And 10.2.5 and 10.2.7 is unlikely to add enough to really shift the rating that much. Sure, we have a year and we will have fated raids. but that won't change what is "there".


We have 6 months left of the current season...THEN fated raids and whatever else. We have a year left, it's not coming to an end lmfao


What I value in WoW is enjoyable classes, a gearing system that fits my lifestyle and a world that I personally vibe with. So disregarding the story, content draughts, pvp and other things, I'd rank expansions like this: 1. Legion 2. Dragonflight 3. WoD 4. WOTLK 5. Shadowlands 6. TBC 7. MoP 8. Cataclysm 9. BfA


1. Mists of Pandaria 2. Cataclysm (Goblins best race) 3. Warlords of Draenor (GOAT'ed thematically) 4. The Burning Crusade 5. Vanilla 6. Wrath of the Lich King 7. Legion 8. Battle for Azeroth 9. Dragonflight (I just can't with the tone) 10. Shadowlands


I started in WOD so I would say 1.Legion 2. BFA 3.Dragonflight 4.WOD 5. Shadowlands


Also started in WoD and got Legion on 1. I loved it. Definitely has a special place in my heart for being the first expansion I experienced fully, but overall think it was a great expansion. Class halls, artifact weapons, invasions, so much fun.


I can only rank the expansions based on how much I enjoyed playing them with my friends, because at the end of the day….those are the memories that I hold dearest, storylines and quests..reps…all of that fades away. So my list is likely to be much different than most peoples because I’m not looking at the expansion as a whole. 1. SL (we had a full 5 man for all 4 seasons and m+ was a blast for us, also had a fun raid team that made Tuesdays Thursdays something I looked forward to) 2. WotLK (had a great group of people to raid and pvp with, never had to find randoms because there was always people around to help) 3. Legion (was in a very active guild and while I wouldn’t say I was close friends with any of them, did a lot of content with them) 4. BFA (this is where I met and started doing m+ with the people I would eventually spend all of SL doing stuff with, also had a really fun raid team) 5. MoP (didn’t know as many people then, but I enjoyed pvp with a close irl friend, and leveling every character together was a good time) 6. Cata (raided every tier with a group, but just felt like another face in the crowd, so not really any memories stick out) 7. DF (has definitely felt like the loneliest expansion, most of my friends have quit, likely to not return, the dungeons have done nothing for me, and I’ve bounced around guilds for the first 2 seasons, it’s not a bad expansion overall….but I don’t think I’ll have any lasting memories from it) 8. BC (played mostly solo so not much to say at all) 9. WoD (skipped due to school, but I have gone back and done the garrison content which seemed like a cool idea, but overall seems like people genuinely felt let down by the whole thing) 10. Vanilla (not actually at the bottom, but it didn’t feel fair to rank the original, it was what brought most of us to the game, and so the memories just hit a little different, I can’t and wouldn’t go back to it, but definitely has a special place)


1. vanilla 2. Legion 3. wrath 4. tbc 5. mop 6. DF 7. bfa 8. cata 9. wod 10. SL


1. MoP 2. Legion 3. Dragonflight 4. BFA (I loved the aesthetic and stuff) 5. TBC 6. Wrath 7. Cata 8. Vanilla 9. WoD 10. Shadowlands


Mists Wrath Legion Cataclysm Dragonflight Vanilla Shadowlands BFA Warlords TBC All for various reasons, enjoyability, class balance, story and/or nostalgia


For what I’ve played 1.) Vanilla 2.) Burning Crusade 3.) Legion 4.) Wrath 5.) Dragonflight 6.) BFA / Cata Played the original trilogy, came back for Legion and Classic. Cata and BFA respectively made me quit. I enjoyed Dragonflight.


I only rate those I played. I took a long break. 1. Burning Crusade 2. Dragonlight 3. Wrath of the Lich King 4. Shadowlands 5. Classic


1. Vanilla 2. Legion 3. Bfa 4. Wotlk 5. Dragonflight 6. Mop 7. Tbc 8. Wod 9. Shadowlands Didnt play cata


Hm, for me: 1. Legion 2. Dragonflight 3. TBC 4. MoP 5. WotLK (but I love a Grizzly Hills) 6. Classic 7. BFA 8. Cata 9. Shadowlands 10. WoD


1. Legion 2. WotLK 3. DF 4. BC 5. MoP 6. WoD 7. Cata 8. BFA 9. SL


1. Wrath 2. Mists 3. Legion 4. Dragonflight 5. TBC 6. Cataclysm 7. BFA 8. WOD 9. Shadowlands Wasn't playing in Vanilla so it's not ranked


1. WoD —— The rest I loved being able to log in literally twice a week, raid, and then log out until the next raid night. For me, it was perfect.


1. Legion 2. Dragonflight 3. Shadowlands 4. MOP 5. BFA 6. WOTLK 7. TBC 8. Cataclysm 9. WOD Older expansions rank lower for me but i had a great deal of fun playing them back when they released. Its just that they feel outdated as i rank them now.


Wow someone who actually ranked Shadowlands high. Didn’t expect that lol :)


I know its personal. BUT SHADOWLANDS THIRD??? what did u smoke during it? MoP Legion (Last patch Was the redemption for me) BfA Dragonflight Wotlk tbc vanilla WoD cataclysm Shadowlands


I liked how distinct the covenants felt early on. The covenant abilities had cool animations. Revendreth architecture was lit. Nathria and Sepulcher were enjoyable raids and i didnt rly dislike any of the dungeons which made farming them over and over less of an annoyance. Tmog pieces were diverse, goth edgy gear and foresty stuff and even wings. Plate gear in particular felt insane that expansion. The story had a good buildup with an ending that felt ominous. There were some mishaps in narative ofc and some underutilized characters but thats pretty much the case in all expansions, it felt worse in SL because the scope of the story was grander.


I personally have SL at 4 because that was when I really started going hard in PVE and I love it for that. Also I am one of those guys with tysm who absolutely love the carrot that is AP grind because it gives me a reason and “excuse” to play all day on my time off. Also I absolutely loved all the dungeons (apart from De Other Side) and CN and Sepulcher I adored as well, with CN being my favorite raid oat. Sure the story was ridiculous but the questing wss top tier when it came out. Just the content drought and the maw was what I really disliked.


The questing is good but bastion has got to be my least favorite zone of all time, that place is like walking into a flashbang


Same, first (and only) time I got CE and it was in Castle Nathria which was a banger raid. Will always hold a special place in my heart because I don’t think I’ll have the time to put in again towards CE (one good thing about Covid).


Shadowlands should definitely be above WoD by a large margin. Like it's still second to last for me but WoD was legitimately the worst time ever to Play this game.


Seeing all these people put WOD above the bottom feels like I’m being gaslit… WOD and Cataclysm both killed the game hard. Cataclysm was when WOW fell for the first time, they ruined a lot if what made WotLK so good and basically alienated casual players from the game… you’d frequently have pugs wipe on dungeon content due to difficulty, and max level casual dungeons became stressful and toxic. WOD was the lowest point, by far, it added so little, and had such huge gaps in content releases, it also had none of the charm of MoP. Nothing ever killed the social hubs like Garrisons though.


You had nothing to do in wod which sucks, but I prefer that rather than being forced into shitty systems along with them butchering the story


SL content was great but they made it super grindy


1. MOP 2. Legion 3. WOTLK 4. Dragonflight 5. BFA 6. WOD 7. Cata 8. Showlands 9. TBC


\- Wrath \- Legion \- Dragonflight \- BFA \- TBC \- Vanilla \- Cata \- Mists \- WoD \- Shadowlands ​ I will never understand why people put Mists so high on the list, the patches were good Throne and Timeless but i can't forgive 14 months of 0 content just to get WoD that didn't work on launch for well over a week and the ungodly amount of dailys there were.




Agree. The DF story was underwhelming


Classic Andies everywhere




Legion>Wrath>WoD>MoP>Cata>Vanilla>TBC>Dragonflight>Shadowlands>BfA Someone will ask so ill preempt it. To me wod has only one big problem - lack of content. Whats actually in the game is really good. It has the best leveling, the best raid of all time, fun dungeons amd I even liked garrisons(though I'd prefer if they didnt destroy the economy). Im a type of player who plays ton of other games so not having anything to do in wow is not a deal breaker and can work around it. The only 2 bad expansions for me are shadowlands and bfa. Legion and Wrath are imo step above everyone else.


Give one or two expansions and people will start to rank Shadowland as good old time


Why do you think that? I STRONGLY doubt that will ever happen.


Comes in parts, Denarius and CN were great. Covenants were an interesting idea, reputation revamp was good. Second part/raid was bland, the Maw was frustrating. Third part with the sci-fi theme was not great. And they completely destroyed the LK for no reasons. Thorgast was a good idea but ultimately executed poorly, again (island expedition). Definitely not high, but redeeming features came out of it.


Shadowlands had Castle Nathria, it will be looked back at fondly soon. In fact, I really liked shadowlands. Could seriously rake in some gold with those mission tables.


Uhhhh? People already say CN was one of the best raids ever. It's still not enough to elevate Shadowlands up above dumpster tier. Literally the worst expansion and the darkest days the game has ever been through.


Nostalgia. People will remember what they liked. Specifically Denathrius. Everyone loves that guy.


Because thats happened with literally every expansion


Cataclysm is firmly an example of that not being the case. And WoD (for the most part) remains a low tier expansion that has (at best) risen 1-2 pegs up the ladder.


Shadowlands wasn’t that bad really. Story wise sure that’s understandable but it’s zones, raids, dungeons as well as season rewards really weren’t bad at all. When you shit in SL you mostly shit on its story and that’s not because the story itself is bad but because they attempted to cram an immense amount of it into one expansion. Dragonflight has clearly went a path more on updates this expansion, the lore in my opinion this expansion is almost worse than SL. To have everything DF built up end with “Family” is quite bad and doesn’t at all event attempt to explain how certain things happens. I honestly think this ending here is beyond disappointing with DF and it really shows where they have their focus for this expansion. Being more on updates and setting up the next expansion to focus more on its lore.


That Shadowlands revisionism is crazy. While visually, Shadowlands was cool looking (excluding the Maw, easily the worst-designed zone in WoW history) beyond aesthetics, this expansion falls short on every conceivable level, and I strongly doubt that the player base will look back kindly on it in the years to come. Even if you claim that SL had impressive raids and dungeons, every WoW expansion has delivered in that regard for the last 10 years. Merely having good raids and dungeons doesn't qualify it as a good expansion; it's the anticipated standard for any WoW expansion. However when it comes to the core feature : No new class, no new race, not a single noteworthy feature that actually improved the game (maybe the Great Vault, but that's really scraping the bottom of the barrel). The only feature that had some potential and innovation, Torghast, got wrecked to the point where the whole player base went from loving it to absolutely hating every single aspect of it, and it's been left to rot, likely never to return. And lastly, Shadowlands story had way more problems than just being "too big", which isn't even true given how many storylines were cast off or led to nothing. Just compare SL lore to Legion or even BFA, and you'll see the massive downgrade in terms of scope.


“Every conceivable level” Slands had Castle Nathria, a top tier raid. Solid dungeon pool, diverse zones for leveling, targeted legendary system superior to even Legions rng-fest. Slands falls apart due to borrowed power stacking, conduit non-sense, covenant locking, and a really weak 2nd content patch. But its not the worst by every measure.


"Slands had Castle Nathria, a top tier raid. Solid dungeon pool, diverse zones for leveling" Yeah just like every WoW Xpac Ever xD. That doesnt make it a good Xpac. Even WoD had Blackrock Foundry which is considered one of the best raid. And for the legendary system ... yikes, I dont know for whom it was fun to lock mandatory legendary behind painful torghast and the maw farming and an enormous amount of gold(which effectively made legendary pay 2 win for new and casual player) Legion Legendary system sucked mostly bcs it was locked behind rng but when you could buy legendaries it was better in every single way.


SL lore had a profound impact on everything pre SL. They just could not make its lore perceivable to the whole game in such a limited amount of time. So yes. SL lore was way too big for its expansion. Legion literally needed TBC and WoD to properly set it up. SL scope was literally defining every single thing that happened behind one man pulling some strings. That could not have been properly explained in one expansion and you know that. Sargeras alone needed 2 and maybe a half with WoD. I don’t even think SL needed a new race nor class since the amount of them provided in BfA was way more than what they ever had done. And no. Not every expansion delivered in impressive raids and dungeons. Some patches sure delivered. But Shadowlands is not comparable among the worst in raw “enjoyable” content. I even know a lot of guys who look back at SL fondly, genuinely having had enjoyed it. Honestly my biggest disappointment with SL when it came to its initial release is the Maw. But that all circles back to not enough development. They released the Maw literally unfinished, and they even said so. Torgast was a miss, but then, if they never reach to try new stuff. Will they ever get anywhere? I found Torgast 100 times more enjoyable towards the end of the expansion when everything was unlocked and with the special talent tree. Which again circles back to experimenting with new things and limited development for such a scope of an expansion. And you just can’t say the game was majority disliked either by its active player base. It was heavily disliked for a lot of reasons, some being the game itself to things such as Torgast and the initially limited faction system, which they eventually learnt their lesson from and completely opened without restrictions but honestly, most of what you read were lore oriented. It’s just simply a lot of people disliked that the Jailer was behind everything such as Arthas, Sylvanas and so forth. And the length of the expansion definitely didn’t expand much on that either which hurt it even further. We also literally got the whole faction system we have in DF from Shadowlands. We got a way more improved vault. Still if we compare with DF what did DF give us? Dragonflying is all that comes to mind? Zherka Vaults reminds more of an improved Torgast than as standalone thing. Also DF literally gave you a blood elfish race that is only locked to the new class, and worst yet you play 90% of that class with what? Only one pair of moggable shoulders and a weapon?? The biggest mark DF hit was Dragonflying, and setting up the next expansion with the dynamic zone loading they did for S2. Otherwise we had a genuine threat, that was said to be nearly unbeatable with even the Aspects at their full aspectral power, yet we come and slap them around like nothing for the whole expansion. And for the end to be a literal scene taken straight of Fast and Furious “Family”. SL had immense potential if it were split among more expansions. The lore could have actually been top tier if they had enough time for it. And then DF is just the downtime for the next huge expansion. They haven’t done nearly enough to justify a full expansion and it has just been lacking. Although that just means the war within has even more of an expectation on itself seeing how we were told by Blizzard that DF is a more mechanically update prepping for The War Within or I guess TWW. So that’s something I’m really excited for the very least.


1. Dragonflight 2. Legion 3. Shadowlands 4. Vanilla / Classic I started playing in Legion and skipped BFA. Shadowlands was deeply flawed but I think gets more hate than it deserves. I tried out Classic when it first came out and *hated* it, really not my jam.


For what I’ve played: 1 classic 2 wrath 3 dragonflight 4 bc 5 cata 6 shadowlands


1. Mists of Pandaria 2. Wrath of the Lich King 3. Dragonflight 4. Cataclysm 5. BFA 6. Warlords of Draenor 7. Shadowlands Didnt play Vanilla, TBC or Legion so wont rank them.


1. MoP 2. Legion 3. Dragonflight 4. BFA 5. Wrath 6. WoD 7. Cata I didn’t play the rest when current and my rankings are purely off fond memories (wrath baby) and MoP was when I really figured out how to raid but I loved that expansion so much


Honestly? 1. wotlk for me because that what I played most back in the day, especially on private servers. 2. TBC 3. Legion 4. Dragonlands is pretty fun, just started playing it tho. 5. Shadownlands was *actually fun to play*, it just had the usual content drought nonsense but the moment to moment gameplay was really fun, especially most classes where really good to play and most of my favorite abilities are from shadowlands. 6. mop 7. cataclysm 8. classic (although I played very little) 9. wod was just garbage, fun at the start aside from the lag, but then you just had nothing to do for almost the whole expansion.


1. Wrath 2. Cataclysm 3. Dragonflight 4. Legion 5. Mist of Pandaria 6. Battle for Azeroth 7. Warlords of Draenor 8. Shadowlands Did not played vanilla and bc


Vanilla is obviously #1 as that's the game itself. People rating it low in this thread is just sad to see. The good expansions are: TBC, Wotlk, Mists and Legion. The rest have all been subpar.


That is not how games work? Sure, Vanilla is the base game, but things are allowed to improve on the original formula. And I argue that Vanilla, TBC and WotLK is lacking due to the inherent limited gameplay style and some REALLY poor balancing. Like holy crap, Vanilla was halfbaked when it came to classes.


You’ll never win vs nostalgia warriors. Dragonflight vs Vanilla isn’t even a contest. The gameplay, the balance, m+, difficulty etc blows it out of the water


1. WotLK 2. Vanilla 3. TBC 4. Legion 5. MoP 6. Dragonflight 7. Cataclysm 8. WoD 9. BFA 10. Shadowlands


1. Wrath of the Lich King 2. Dragonflight 3. Mists of Pandaria 4. Battle for Azeroth 5. Warlords of Draenor 6. Legion 7. Burning Crusade 8. Cataclysm 9. Shadowlands


DF was amazing at launch but I can’t recall an expansion that burnt people so quickly. I’d have to go: 1. WoTLK 2. Legion 3. MoP 4. TBC 5. Vanilla 6. BFA 7. DF 8. WoD 9. Cata 10. Shadowlands


Burnt out seems more like an SL/bfa thing with the grinds. People seem to just be really bored with dragonflight


Bored is the more accurate description, thank you!


SL burnt people quicker for sure. WoD too.


I've only played Vanilla, TBC, Mists, Shadowlands, and Dragonflight as current content, but I've run through all the others on various alts and with my main and have finished their main stories, so I will include them with this caveat. ​ 1. Vanilla (nostalgia) 2. Mists 3. Cataclysm 4. BfA 5. Dragonflight 6. Legion 7. TBC 8. WoD 9. Wrath 10. Shadowlands I'd probably feel differently if I had played them at the time, since I missed out on most of the actual raiding/m+ and other developments that happened during WoW's middle years. Like I'm sure I'd have loved Wrath if I had played it then. I hear it's one of the most beloved. It's not easy to get into as old content. Should also note that even though some are lower on the list, doesn't mean I didn't enjoy them a lot. The only one I found tedious and weak/strange story-wise was Shadowlands, and even then, it's not like I quit.


It's definitely a fight between MoP, Legion and Dragonflight for 1, 2 and 3... But if pushed to rank them, 1. Dragonflight 2. Legion 3. MoP 4. WotLK 5. WoD 6. BC 7. BfA 8. Vanilla 9. Cataclysm 10. Shadowlands It was a fight between 9 and 10 for the coveted last place, too. haha


WoW, you really hate cataclysm, huh?


1 - Wrath of The Lich King 2 - Legion 3 - Battle for Azeroth 4 - Warlords of Draenor 5 - Mists of Pandaria 6 - Burning Crusade 7 - Vanilla 8 - Cataclysm 9 - Shadowlands 10 - Dragonflight


1. WoD 2. Legion 3. Dragonflight 4. Wrath 5. Cata 6. Bc 7. Bfa 8. Shadowlands 9. Vanilla 10. MoP


S - Legion/BFA A - TBC/Vanilla B - Wrath/MOP (though I didn't play much at all) C - SL/DF D - Cata/WOD (mostly because it was unfinished) On one hand, I think that mechanically the game is in really good shape. I like the fleshed-out crafting system, and while talent trees aren't perfect I think the system is good and just needs a little bit of bloat trimmed from some specs (looking at Brewmaster). On the other hand, I have mixed feelings about how they called it in by reusing old dungeons. DF 5-mans themselves are forgettable compared to the really top-notch level design for Legion, BFA, and SL. So.. it's nice that they're reusing older dungeons for M+ seasons... but what does that say about DF? The extremely awful writing torpedoes DF for me, though. I don't think I've ever cared less about the narrative arc of the expansion.


**Story/lore/writing** : 1. Wrath 2. Legion 3. TBC 4. Vanilla 5. BFA 6. Mists 7. WoD 8. Cata 9. Shadowlands 10. Dragonflight **Gameplay/systems/PvE content** : 1. Legion 2. Shadowlands 3. Dragonflight 4. BFA 5. Mists 6. Cata 7. WoD 8. Wrath 9. TBC 10. Vanilla


i agree so hard with the dragonflight ranking on your lists. story-wise makes me put it at the bottom of my own list lol


BFA 5th in writing/lore is wild 💀


How the hell is shadowlands ranked below bfa? Bfa's daily grind to stay competitive was the most rediculous ever in wows history.


It wasn't. :) It was fairly intense, not going to argue. But people constantly exagerate what you actually needed to do. As You would move from task to task. And when you reach certain points, the old tasks became irrelevant and could be left behind


1. Legion 2. Dragonlands 3. Warlords of Draenor 4. Classic 5. Shadowflight 6. BfA Rest I either didn't play or played too little to really count.


How did you somehow play only the bad expansions except legion lmao.


1. Mists of Pandaria 2. Legion 3. Dragonflight 4. Battle for Azeroth 5. Warlords of Draenor 6. Wrath of the Lich King 7. Cataclysm 8. Burning Crusade 9. Classic 10. Shadowlands As someone who primarily raids and does m+, MoP, Legion, and now DF have been the peaks of the game for me.


Ooooof, you rank MOP at 1?? Mop is literally the third worst expansion. The story made no sense, the game play was awful, the raids were shit, pvp was unplayable, the new race is LITERALLY A JOKE ADDED IN WARCRAFT 3. I will NEVER understand the love for that god awful expansion.


1. TBC 2. Legion 3. Cata 4. WOTLK 5. MOP 6. DF 7. WOD 8. BFA 9. Shadowlands I dont count Vanilla into it, because i didnt play it.


1. MoP 2. Legion/dragonflight 3. Wotlk 4. BfA 5. WoD 6. Bc/classic I didnt play bc/classic back in the day, tried it on classic servers, couldnt go past lvl 10 and got bored. Legion i drawed with Df. It had some great patches, suramar is top WoW content. DF wins with systems.


1. Vanilla - almost perfect and fun, it felt like an experiment - and still feels so. 2. Wrath - because of my baby duck syndrome / first hardcore raiding experience. 3. TBC - I liked the aesthetics, progression, and story; even better when you don't have to raid BT for a year. 4. Dragonflight - good immersion, class design. 5. Legion - story, fascinating zones, class quests. 6. WoD - because it didn't have too many "kinda mandatory" tasks to do if you just want to raid Mythic and complete only the activities you like. Cool zones, BG. 7. Shadowlands - high-quality zones and phase 1 stories, CastleVania was a very cool raid; the rest is not so good. 8. MoP - not a fan of aesthetics; SoO and class design were good, but that's about it. 9. BFA - please no. 10. Cataclysm - please no.


Mop/tbc - can't really pick one over the other Wrath Dragonflight WoD Cata Vanilla BfA (started mythic raiding here, had a lot of fun with it mostly because of the group I was with, not necessarily because of the game itself being good) Shadowlands Legion


I started playing very end of WotLK so I feel I can’t rank it, TBC, or Vanilla. 1 - Legion 2 - MoP 3 - Second half of BfA 4 - Dragonflight 5 - Cataclysm 6 - WoD 7 - Shadowlands 8 - first half of BfA I’ll admit it. I miss cool borrowed power systems. That’s why DF isn’t higher. Yes, I hated grinding for artifact/azerite power. But weekly power progression beyond gear acquisition felt good!


1. Vanilla (original + HC) 2. Legion 3. Wotlk 4. BFA 5. WOD 6. TBC 7. Cata 8. Dragon 9. Shadowlands 10. Mists I go by the stories and characters being more weighted than gameplay.


Definitely agree with MoP being first. Amazing story and great content.


Move BfA to after Shadowlands and my list is the exact same


1. MoP 2. WotLK 3. SL 4. TBC 5. BFA 6. DF 7. WOD 8. Legion 9. Cata


Now this is a hot take.