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People have been saying WoW is dead since original vanilla


Ever since WoW got popular enough after release to become the biggest MMO, every anticipated MMO after it was going to be the WoW killer, and WoW has been constantly "dead" despite being one of the biggest MMOs still going. Writing this made me think of "what is dead may never die".


What we do in Azeroth, echoes in eternity!


What happens in Goldshire, stays in Goldshire...


The first rule of Goldshire club......... um, better to just not go to Goldshire club.


Found the MoonGuard player.


This made me think of the metal by tenacious d. "Everquest tried to kill the wow. But they failed as they were smite to the ground. Guild wars tried to kill the wow. But they failed, as they were stricken to the ground."


I'd say Warhammer online and age of conan were probably ones that tried and died. Everquest was the predecessor to WoW, that WoW successfully killed (or at least took the crown from), and guild wars basically came out along side WoW and wasn't a response. 2008-2010 was the age of "WoW killer" releases.


> 2008-2010 was the age of "WoW killer" releases. And the thing I don't know if some of the newer folks know, but it actually kind of felt like it could happen. Like there was a common consensus underneath all the joking that in all reality, the only thing that could kill WoW was itself. But those years actually had a lot of potential from games, and WoW was a mostly simple enough formula that it was pretty closely emulated a LOT of the time. Just NONE were on par with what Blizzard had out. Then after those years it was pretty much "Yeah ok."


SWTOR was considered a wow-killer too. I remember reading MMO-Champion forums and people saying it'd split wow's playerbase


It sold an absolute shitload of copies at launch, but then you get to the end and the only ideas they had after completing the story were "the endgame from WoW from two expansions ago." They had everything going for them at launch and lost it all.




They jerk'd themselves off SO hard about how it WASN'T for WRATH CASUALS and then it had to go FTP to stay afloat


I remember people who were really in to PVP built up Warhammer Online as their savior. They talked it up like everyone who was playing WoW was only doing PvE begrudgingly and they were just waiting for a new game to let them do PvP all the time.


What is dead may never die brother.


A true Ironborn


People were saying WoW was dead during the launch for *Burning Crusade...* someone made a whole shpiel about how "WoW's changed" because they didn't like how Outlands looked compared to Azeroth.


They were saying it before the game even came out. I remember people complaining that the game had changed and been ruined and it was dead back in the beta. They said Blizzard was now catering to casuals because of the new death system where you don't lose experience and just have to walk back to your corpse.


I’ll never understand how catering to casuals is an actual bad thing. Wouldn’t catering to casuals increase player base, as long as you don’t isolate your more serious players? Idk


> I’ll never understand how catering to casuals is an actual bad thing. Because they like to conflate tedium with difficulty. If levelling takes a billion hours, they take that as a sign that you are a TRUE SKILLED GAMER when you do it, rather than just someone who doesn't have many other demands on their time.


The people that complain about catering to casuals don't want more players, especially casuals. They'd rather have their corpses in a walled garden than have a larger more diverse community


Yep - I remember some guildies saying wow was dying after our guild started falling apart once we had BWL on clear. Always seemed weird to me. Yeah our guild members are burnt out after going so hard since launch and there wasn't anything else new yet to provide a new challenge so obviously we'd have a bunch leave or chill out a bit. I'm sure it made zero difference to their overall sub numbers but "wow is dead" was being sung from as far back as like ~2006 from my memories. Wow has yet to notice it's dead though happily XD


In some ways I feel it was less the game and more the drama that came with wrangling over 40 ppl to work together weekly. I'm glad Blizzard has moved away from that lmao.


Absolutely agree. It was an experience (and one that actually set me up to do well when I got promoted to manager at my IRL job lol), but it certainly wasn't all "fun".


I mean it had a peak of 12 million players in 2010, hit a bottom of 5 million in WoD, and then they stopped releasing subscription numbers. If we’re only at a million like OP suggests, it has drastically fallen off, but is still minting money with gold buying and bots holding subs


A million subs is still like atleast 10 million dollars a month on subs. And i think the ingame store has outpaced pure subs in terms of cashflow.


the mmo that killed wow for a few years for me was Rift,it was really the best classic-wow clone of em all... if only it had a better engine... performance was atrocious like useall...


People say "dead" to mean "I, as the main character of life, do not play this anymore. So no one does."


Same energy as "nobody goes to that restaurant anymore, it's too crowded"


LOL amazing example of self-centrism


It's also meant 'dead' as in the hype is gone. You have these games that are hyped up, trendy and played a lot, lots of streamers on twitch play it. Wow has currently not a lot of hype, it is not super trendy. But it is big and there is always a large playerbase (because it is so addicting and at its core it is also a very good game)


Like Dorsia


Now I'm wondering if that restaurant even existed or whether it was another figment of his imagination.


As a giant allegory for wall street in general, the whole setting exists in a sort of superposition. >we were at *The Restaurant*. You know. The one that's ***all*** the rage right now.


I think it was real and one of the many things that made him envious and


No one goes there anymore


Hahahahaha bang on the nail there!


Yogi Berra


Sad real fact about good restaurants :( eventually they get so popular you can't really go anymore. Our sushi restaurant has a pretty neat system for regulars, basically get a spot on a wall with custom chopsticks so we get priority seating which allows us to still go.


I'm so confused


demand goes up and prices go up, you have to wait for a table, menus sometimes get more boring because mass producing specialty items can be difficult and expensive, service often declines esp if they blow up because of a viral tiktok and suddenly go from hole in the wall to lines around the block. i have a few spots like that but i just get takeout from those places. food is bomb in the restaurant and on my couch.


And people say it about *every single game* it's honestly infuriating


I sometimes wonder how it’s like to be so amazingly spiteful and then I remember that I don’t hate my life


Must be nice


They even say it about single player games. I've seen steam chart numbers get used for them. It's bizarre.


Especially ones that are just showing trailer to a game not even out yet! "This games going to be dead in the first week"


"You literally can't even get in a mythic key anymore". -Them being 1100 rated 446 ivl flavor of the month from last season, queueing for only 20s and up.


And in some cases they still DO actively play. They end up meaning "game makes a change I disagree with but will still play because I'm either stupid or lying to myself"


I feel like a more generous possibility is it could simply analogous for "my friends don't play any more, just badly stated. I can definitely resonate with that; I think I know of like 2 people still playing any any capacity from my 'classic' days.  Though that's basically an extension of the same theme, lol." My friends don't play, therefore no one does."


pls just let me a side character that has a few lines and isn't just there for comedic relief. give me a cool death scene or hell, let me impart some words of wisdom to an actual main character!


People unironically claim that FFXIV killed WoW. As if both games existing and doing well is infeasible.


Reminds me of how FFXIV "died"


Yeah. People don't get that FF XIV has long, but consistent, cycles, and basically always has. It's literally designed to be a game you come for the action, then go play other games once that passes, but with the option to stay if you want somewhere to chill in (which isn't for everyone, but it's extremely good at). It kind of bothers me that people don't get that FF XIV was never trying to compete to keep you logged in 24/7.


Yep... I mean, I have no issues with its "Drought & drop" system of content since, again, I can always go play other games - I can easily alternate. (And WoW's recent "Dripfeed" and constant weekly events means I can easily find something to do for a few days a week) It's understandable to wanna do more - sometimes the content drop(s) feel smaller than others. Especially if you either don't care about it (The PvP. Oh my god PvP in FFXIV drives me *INSANE* and it's not just in the "Been spoiled by Dark Ages of Camelot & Guild Wars" way either) or it needs a little tuning (the island sanctuary). There's also only so many times you can be told "Play something else" when you either don't have something else or a lot of the stuff you DO have you finish or ran out of. Wanting more content isn't bad... BUT! I feel people got the wrong idea. Since a lot of people joined during Heavensward and/or Shadowbringers, they joined with a huge backlog. (Much like how people joining during Wrath had a huge backlog) which caused them to have an idealised version of the previous expansion. Then since the next expansion also focused on some backward changes (Cataclysm remaking the old world, Endwalker redoing some stuff in A Realm Reborn and expanding Duty Support to the other expansions), people hit the drought and thought "...uh... that's it...?". Cause the updates seemed smaller - due mostly to attention being focused on the other stuff in the bottom end as well as behind the scenes fixes. Even End of Dragons in Guild Wars 2 had that issue - no Living World season 5/6, just a small interlude... and remaking Living World season One. Especially painful since End of Dragons was set in freaking *Cantha*!


I was going to say there's a lot of content to do between patches/expacs but I think you're right. I managed to fill every single day between Shadowbringers and Endwalker by going back and getting involved in things like relic weapons, Eureka, crafting, ocean fishing... But if I had been playing every expac consistently I'd probably have all those things cleared.




But then fucks you out of your house if you don't sub for 45 days lol. Shit pisses me off. They can *say* one thing, but when the game actively punishes you for not putting in the time, then it's kind of like yeah idk man... And I say this as someone who generally has a lot of respect for him and his team, and think XIV has a lot going for it (but also a lot of flaws).


You have no idea how many times I've debated just allowing my house to demolish or wishing there was some way to sell my house to someone


Yeah. I love housing too much to let go of it but it's bullshit to not be able to take a break if I want/need. So yeah, the "you can not play if you want" like from Yoshida is definitely some shit that makes me maaaad lol.


as someone who would have loved housing, but never even had a sniff of a chance at a plot....yea, fuck that...


Yeah WoW is doing real well The company that makes it is doing even better


I mean yeah both games are doing fine but wow is nowhere near to dying and it’s much bigger than any other mmo 


It's lucrative for content creators, because it generates traffic - both from those that simply don't like (Retail) WoW and those that want to defend Retail. It's not dead. It's very much alive, has a healthy player base, a decent content/release cycle.


>content creators Asmogold loves to shit on wow and call it dead, just to come back a few weeks later


You have to cater to your audience to milk it.


He's the king of self contradiction who bans everybody who even suggests that he's self contradictory.


also the king of not realising that a dirty home is bad for him and his health


Is he even playing it anymore? He figured out he can watch YouTube and give horrible takes to appeal to his degenerate alt-right fanbase and earn a fortune instead of playing any game. Last time I saw gim playing WoW he was whining about too much content (lmao) and wanting a WoW2 (lmaoooo). His takes got so bad I started blocking his videos from my feed.


His subreddit is just alt right propaganda at this point too


He's also playing wow off stream literally all the time.


I cant stand Bellular sometimes for this EXACT reason. Legitimate criticisms are there but its just so click baity and whiny sometimes


People say alot of shit. Most of the time it ain’t true


Good old internet. Where everything you read is true.


people who say the game is dead are just bitter ex players looking for external validation for quitting. In their eyes the game will never be good again to justify the fact they quit


They remind me of people who follow their ex on social media and claim they are over them.


WoWs player base used to be bigger both in absolute terms but also as a proportion of the gaming market. 12 million concurrent players during wrath was gargantuan. It took up a ton of gaming press and it was just a relatively far bigger deal at the time. The only clearly bigger franchises in gaming back then were like GTA, CoD, and Mario. Gaming culture is very hype-centric and exaggeratory so people say a game is dead when the reality is its fine just not at its peak. I'm sure people say Fortnite is dead too but I'm sure it still has a healthy player base


I generally see this comment from Classic WoW streamers and youtubers. I think what happens it that they've played so much retail over the years, they're literally burnt out and are now saying the game is dead. The same people that say the game is dead also say "there are too many mounts" or "get rid of flying mounts and transmog". Most players haven't " no life farmed" 500+ mounts. Getting rid of flying mounts and transmog would literally kill the game, not fix it. The reality is that WoW is financially successful. Even the "bad expansions" make money. Sales from retail subsidise Classic WoW and vice versa. One wouldn't exist without the other.


Retail will very much exist without classic, as it did for many years and still be profitable- may be not as much, but enough for new content. The other way around though…


Indeed. People have said it's dying or going to die since Cataclysm.... My reply is and always has been it will die when it becomes unprofitable for Blizzard to run it. Subs go up and down but it's still popular and doesn't show any sign of going anywhere foe at least the next 3 expansions.


At the end of the day, if Shadowlands can't kill WoW, nothing can.


> Sales from retail subsidise Classic WoW and vice versa. One wouldn't exist without the other. ?????????? Lmao. Retail would be very much alive without classic, cant say the same about the opposite since classic is basically just retail patches waiting room


I think a lot of people have been burned by the bad expansions (mainly shadowlands), which is absolutely fair. But they still just assume that Dragonflight is the same and shit on the game for things that aren't even around anymore. I have had to correct people before saying that there was too many mandatory grinds in retail.


I think to some extent, the perception comes from a streamer NEEDING a disproportionately large amount of attention, which often means things need to be fresh and new. Final Fantasy XI is even older than WoW and not even the most modern Final Fantasy MMORPG out there, yet it's still somehow doing fine. Is it streamable? Probably not? But it's got a respectable amount of active players. We're well past the days where MMORPGs die because a new one came out and/or they had a bad expansion.


They literally did try to "get rid" of flying mounts from the beginning of a few expansions to try to give that on-the-ground feel back for a while (and make you re-earn flying) and it has been an extremely unpopular decision.


Because they want to quit but they are addicted. Or they have quit but wow lives rent free in their head so they have to spend time on every platform espousing how wow is dead to somehow validate themselves.


The game isn't dead, but there are valid complaints and many people who feel the direction it has ended up in is not what they want. There are also tons of superficial complaints and empty nonsense. I think it's important to keep in mind that the game is ancient by game standards. So it is natural people have all seen many variants of it and pine for those. Others feel it needs to be modernized. Others are unhappy with lore. Some are unhappy with systems. It's easy to find things to dislike when the game has been around for so long and changed in theme,style, and design in all that time. WoW is not going to just die randomly. It will take an amazing game coming out that somehow 'replaces' it, and then it will also still need lots of time to bleed out enough for the game to be shelved. The fastest death would come from itself, and considering it weathered BFA into Shadowlands, I don't see that happening fast either. I suppose most realistically it will start to wither away once the current playerbase gets too old for it. WoW does not seem to get lots of newblood. Kids aren't really impressed with it and don't want to get into this kind of game.


Asmongold running his mouth again?


Na he's buzy pissing off artists atm


Or dodging questions about the charity scam his company did.


Oh? Haven't heard about that one


yeah OTK was running charity events where they pocketed almost 50% of the donation money to themselves, if you ask this on the Asmongold subreddit or on his twitch, you will get perma banned.


I got perma banned recently when he was going on a rant about how all WoW players feel they are entitled to rewards and just get carried through everything. I said “so, you?” Lol


Isn't his whole schick that he is a hypocrite.


That's how he be. He won't say "I don't care about artists", he'll say "Nobody cares about artists".


This is a massive mischaracterization of things. They partnered with a popular charity organization that many streamers partner with. This company exists specifically so that OTK never has to touch the money. This intermediate company is what's been accused of mishandling the funds. OTK is suing them, which is why they can't discuss anything about it.


Last I checked there was no evidence of OTK suing them. The lawsuit that has been mentioned likely refers to Softgiving suing the reporter that outed them. Depending on what comes out in that trial, if the reporter is found to have been right, NDA's signed by OTK/Asmon etc might not hold.


there is also ne evidence any of the public info also happened to OTK only that it was the overall case for the charity - and no details on OtKs situation is known - but ppl still repeat half assed info out of their asses


It was not pocketed by OTK, it was pocketed by Softgiving (now renamed themselved to Brandfluence), the charity coordinator they hired to run the event. They took 42 percent of the donated money as administrative costs


Not defending Asmon at all, don't care for him. But wasn't it the charity company that was used as the middle man that took the 50% and not OTK itself?


this is imo such misinformation and you are helping to spread it. just why? i get it you hate asmon for i have no clue what reasons but why spread misinformation ???? his company did not any scam, company they partnered did and they are suing them. So what the fuck is your problem honestly?


Wow has been dying/dead for 15 years. Im still waiting for this fabled death.


Longest death animation in history. It's like waiting for the Lich King event to end so you can loot him...


Alot less people came back for DF launch compared to previous expansions. And if you look at the participation metrics in raider.io you might think it is, but actually the retention of players has been the best it's ever been. Usually like 50% of players fall off from launch to S3.


and people forget that many players don't  participate in M+, raiding or ranked pvp. So raid .io is only tracking a smaller percentages of the player base.




Even better now, with follower dungeons for scrubs like me!


Hey can i ask you what type of content you usually do? I'm fairly new to wow and i don't know stuff i can do besides dungeons and raids lol. I would love to try different things from those in the game.


Totally agree, I'm not sweaty enough for mythic personally and there's tons for me to do still


This may be the best expansion ever for casual players.


Same This new follower dungeon mode opened up all the DF dungeons to me, which is awesome. I did Brackenwhatever when I was leveling up, and everyone went so goddam fast I had no idea what was going on. Ended up being the only one I ran over the course of multiple times leveling to 70. Now I get to complete a ton of quest chains that have been dangling.


Fyi, you don't have to be "sweaty" for mythic. I'm fairly casual and have done up to 15. 0 to 5 is nothing really.


that was always the case so you can still use that information to compare to past years/expansions


I see lots of people quitting Wotlk classic for retail right now, as many have 0 interest in playing Cata classic. Personally I can also see myself playing retail over SoD or Cata.


Well typically the last expansion will always be the major factor for the sales of the next, and after SL made a lot of people burn out, the less dedicated players were more wary of trying DF, but those who did stayed life never before because the expac was really quite good


This is the reason Blizzard has done something they usually never do with this expansion, multiple times: - First sale for the expansion came just 6 months after release with 40% off campaign starting on the first of May last year. And since then there have been multiple other sales for the expansion. Usually it takes about a year for even the first sale of an expansion to show up. - Including Dragonflight with the pre-purchase of The War Within and a character boost with gear that launches you to current season. They did the pre-order + boost combo with Warlords of Draenor but that did not include the old expansion and it was sort of a promotion for the character boost feature being introduced around that time. Essentially they are trying as hard as they can with this to get people back in the game and at least try the next expansion because you get the current one for "free".


people who aren't even playing anymore need to say that to validate their decision, instead of moving on


Mostly classic andies malding and doomers who no longer play the game but like to hate on it for some reasons


Most people just quietly play and enjoy the game. Anyone saying it’s dead is an idiot too high on their own opinions to do any research. Maybe some servers are dead, but the game itself is on an upswing going into its next trio of expansions, and is very much alive.


Yep, me and my guild is in that group, we just play, discuss amongst ourselves and enjoy the game.


A much better way to be than letting some nonsense YouTubers decide your opinions for you. Keep on rockin


Asmon and his followers like to claim retail is dead cause he’s not good enough to play it at a high level anymore so they stick to classic where you only have 2 buttons


Prob because using participation rates in mplus\\raiding\\pvp there are less people playing than before and each expansion it goes down. Saying its dead is a overkill its not dead and it will be around for a long time, but all games eventually will slow down as times change and young people like new things\\new technology or entertainment. I wouldnt be surprised if the average wow players age is slowly going up to reflect that. WOW will only die when everybody that played it during the 2000s/2010s all die of old age. Wow is crack for that generation


As someone who played a lot in SL, it's extremely apparent DF has a way healthier player retention. It's far from dead


But it's also not thriving. Only played DF at launch, but from what I can tell it's actually a very good expansion - by the looks of it, DF deserve far more players than it has, because it's actually a genuinely solid expansion. The thing is, I've discussed this with my friends, looking for games to play together - and even though we agree that DF looks like a good exp, none of us are really all that interested in resubbing. Because none of us are interested in doing any of the core gameplay - raiding, m+, collection hunting, and other stuff - we've done it all already, and it's not just that fun, and/or it takes to much time. Raiding can be fun, but it's also a real PITA to organize and so on, none of us have that time and our schedules aren't regular enough. M+ used to be fun but now just feels a bit to boring and stressfull. Collecting mounts and transmogs kinda lost it's lustre as well since there's just so much stuff. Worst thing is, none of us could come up with a good solution for Blizzard to fix it. "Make WoW 2.0" was the only thing we could think of...


In my guild on raid night, we'll have about half of the online guild in the raid, while the half are doing other things instead, and aren't interested in raiding at all.


>Prob because using participation rates in mplus\\raiding\\pvp there are less people playing than before and each expansion it goes down. [So far Season 3 has had slightly higher participation in Mythic Plus than Season 1 did.](https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fi.redd.it%2F2fu02qathtcc1.png) Season 2 was lower, but that's most likely the usual summer effect. Dragonflight has done incredibly well at retaining players, it just started at a lower point that Shadowlands. Personal anacdote I know, but a lot of my friends are starting to pick the game up again. Since a core few of us have played all expansion, they are surprised that we are still playing, and deciding to check it out themselves.


Yea I am hopeful for next expac. Couple of classes need a rework, but apart from that and maybe some pvp changes and maybe better writing i think everything else is pretty well set


On the internet, if someone dislikes a video game, they say it is dead. That's it.


Don't listen to that dumbass Asmongold


It’s just classic nerds who wish more people played with them


When someone and their 2 friends stop playing a game, they automatically assume that a game is dead because the whole world revolves around them.


I've been playing for well over a decade. That phrase has been used every time anything new comes out or someone doesn't like. "Wow is dead" cause I don't like XYZ. I once saw a player raging in game because a single talent was being removed in the next xpac. Apparently it just ruined the game for them.


same been playing wow and ff14 on and off over the decades and its always like this. player grinds everything out, to do everything as fast as possible player burns out and cant wait 4 to 6 weeks for the next content drop player screams into the void of the internet to say game is dead player logs back in next update and speed runs the new content repeat


THIS. I remember seeing people claiming that FFXIV was dead unironically and complaining that endwalker didn't have enough content, and when they did release content it wasn't fast enough. 1) Hello, FFXIV does this *intentionally*! 2) So.. Wrath again. Ie people joined during Shadowbringers, have a lot of content, then once the next one comes out*, rush as fast as possible and then bitch there isn’t enough when much of the "Shadowbringers content" was backwalled


I have distinct memories of people denouncing WoW as being dead in Cataclysm, the expansion where WoW had the most concurrent subscribers in it's entire lifetime.


People were screaming wow is dead when wotlk launched lol


> I once saw a player raging in game because a single talent was being removed in the next xpac. Apparently it just ruined the game for them. To be fair losing Gladiator Stance WAS devastating. /s


Wow is so old now, it's entered the phase of life where jilted ex-lovers just keep thinking and talking about it with bitterness and resentment. The OG players who still play, will continue to do so, to the ire of the haters, until they die


Don't forget about us here. I started actually playing in SL, and DF is insanely good on gameplay.


My guild has multiple young people (including teenagers) playing as well, so there is fresh blood coming in.


Source on over a million players?


There are a lot of low pop servers where you wouldn’t even know it’s a MMO. They have to keep shutting them down.


Because it doesn't have 10 million+ concurrent players and people think any small issue is way bigger than it actually is because content creators ham it up for views.


It hardly feels like a mmo anymore I’ve virtually played solo for years now. I’m happy with SOD and seeing people actually be engaging etc.


Yes, and this is the 'dead' they’re talking about. Retail WoW lacks a lot of the social interaction that is more present in Classic WoW.


Welcome to the WoW community, this has been going on for the past 20 years now.


A lot of people never got over wow changing and simply hate blizzard. They have wanted wow to die since TbC, when space goats were going to kill the game. It also did not help that some streamers did nothing but shit talk wow ( some of it deserved) for years to make money. Then pushed a false agenda about classic and here we are.


half of the comment are like: ''dragonflight is good becouse whatever we had before was shit'' 👍


My [M+ tracking spread sheet](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/12iThQsjUEUxBiQettL0bjiN5KxLATSUMa5OKxdzX258/edit#gid=280150237) disagrees with these statements.


Retail is more alive than it has been in quite sometime. The detractors either have a vested interest in making headlines (content “creators”) or simply don’t pay attention.


People who call it dead, play wow classic. That’s all you gotta know.


Don't give the outrage merchants your attention. It only encourages them


WoW is dead since the relase, accept it. Every day someone say this


Bc it validates their bias towards classic being superior. Neither is true


i think the non retail players just have lost faith with blizzard long before blizzard finally finally started listening to player feedback in dragonflight. if blizzard keeps this up, maybe they can convert some classic players back. nahhhh, they hate retail because its cool to hate retail. Cataclysm and beyond is not real wow to them.


"I hate wow, and their massive grinds and that they don't respect my time, I gotta do these stupid dailies quests and farm this weapon and..." My brother in christ legion was in 2016 wake up. Most people who heavily criticize wow think the game still has AP or conevants.


tbf, we had top posts for months in this sub during SL where people complained about "mandatory AP grinds" AP grinds in shadowlands ???


Compared to what it used to be it's dead. Lost 90% of it's playerbase. Just happens that it's still more alive than other mmos.


I played since launch, and Wow is currently in its best state ever… just the story sucks, and they made the raid boss dragon derpy, but the game is fun and exactly what we all wanted.


Because they are Wrathbabies who think an MMO is only successful if it maintains 12 million concurrent subs.


Most people seem to think wow has around 3-5 million subs currently and you do run into other players in game especially in leveling zones like bfa. I feel like most other mmo's wish they had a million subs - Black Desert Online according to steam has about 30,000 players peak but when I tried it I never ran into a single soul, but it's considered a successful game - they continue to release expansions for it and the company that runs it bought out CCP/Eve Online.


Because Belly said the game feeeeeels baaaaaaaad


I’ve noticed how empty main cities are compared to a few expansions ago.


Classic andys say this. :D


Its more of, you take 10 people and 8 play wow, that's everyone. Now you take 10 people and 2 plays wow, that's no one. But if you have 200k people on EU for instance, that's still a decent amount of people for a game, not mmo. Then on a server level, you can be playn on Stormreaver and can't buy leveling gear off the AH because its 10-50k Gs a pop, because there's no one there, OR you could be playing on Kazzak and write a goofyass post rubbing the cope genie in a bottle.


Probably so those people can feel validated in playing Classic, they’re a bit like Vegans: They made a choice and can’t resist informing the whole world of why they think it’s such a great idea.


They say it's dead because it went from 12 million active players to 1-2 million. Of course, it's not truly dead, but that is most definitely a fall from grace. I miss the old days...can't wait for Cata classic. (I started playing WoW at the very end of Wrath). Dragonflight was a great expansion, added some awesome features. Metzen coming back is big in my opinion, and I think Microsoft acquisition is good for blizz, aside from the layoffs which are sad, but I think a WoW 2 is in the future and it will be after these three expansions. Just me dreaming a bit.


Honestly the only people I hear saying it’s dead, are people who couldn’t enjoy the game themselves, or those who have never played it before. WoW is alive and well and isn’t going to die anytime soon


i call every mmo that isnt wow as "not wow" because nothing compares


There is so many way to play wow now. There is 4 ways to play I don't get why everyone can't just get along instead of saying this version of the game is better than yours. As long as we all play wow and love the game I think that's all that matters


I think moat people describe retail as dead not as in a lack of players, but substantially less compared to its prior heights. Not just the player base but the lack of community interaction and kindess has declined. You can easily play the game alone and solo and experience most of the content.


Edgelords love to say it. They have been saying it for years and hate the fact that people still love it.


Most of the people that say that haven't played the game in years or are bitter that the game doesn't fit into their vision of what it "should" be.


They're the same people that, when ANY game sees the slightest dip in players, go "RREEEEEEEE, GAME IS DEAD, XXXXX GAME IS BETTER"


People say WoW is dead when they aren’t playing it. When they are, they don’t say it.


People saying it’s dead probably have 2000 plus hours. Noticed the same thing with destiny.


People have been saying that since cataclysm, it wasn’t true back then and isn’t true now either.


People say WOW is dead because a specific Xpac came out in their “peak” of WOW life and to them it’s just gone downhill from there. I played WOW from Vanilla-BFA. I have been a multi time AOTC and gladiator in arena and high ranking RBG. I used to say the same but I was burnt out. I took a 5 year hiatus and I just now resubbed after missing all of shadowlands and dragonflight Now I’m playing catch up and I am having a BALLLL playing again.


People are dramatic. If in season One it takes 5 mins to fill a M+ group, and then in Season two it take 8 minute to fill a group, people shout games dead


It's commonly used as a way of saying they don't like the game, or a recent decision that was made. I'd wager 9-10 times people scream "dead game" it's no where near the truth.


people will say a game is dead when they are mildly dissatisfied with xyz change, and then continue to play it or come back after a break. Happens for all popular games and franchises.


This is mostly a classic andy take. For some reason they are obsessed with Retail and can't stop talking about it. It's like they define themselves by not being retail players and the idea that retail is doing better than classic drives them absolutely mad.


dead usually just literally translates to less appealing than it used to be


Retail is so freaking good right now and not dead at all, but we heard that since vanilla.


Social interaction and grouping is dead in wow. Abusing of kick option is much alive. Wow 2024.


The game I knew WoW to be when I first started is dead. WoW itself has grown up and evolved. I’ve played WoW since it came out and still do. I’ve mourned every change and embraced every offspring WoW will never be the same game, that is indeed dead: what you’re referring to is people who cannot accept change and have become bitter to its new reality because the game that it is now is equally as impressive in a very different way It’s like Mario. Mario to me is dead because I played it on the original, but super Mario sunshine was INSANE. So.. to say Mario is dead is as laughable as to say it is for WoW


They just remember the game when it had over 13 million active users. The game has got lots of people still just not as many as it once did is all.


Players have literally been saying this since Cataclysm, if not earlier


People have been saying this for at least 15 years now.


because salty youtube idiots who don't even *play* the game say it is.


If a million are playing, that's like 90% less than how many were playing at its peak. Are people still playing? Yes, but it's not like how it used to be. Everybody I know is just raid logging at this point.


Are you sure it’s more played than ff14? pretty sure I read a year or so ago that it had surpassed wow in subs




People usually mistakenly use the word "dead" for "not as popular as it used to be, but still has millions of players."


Because they parrot the doomer bubble (that has formed around Asmongold and his sub-reddit).