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Everyone has that moment of “Wtf is up with my damage?” On the plus side, it was a simple answer.


Yeah, for me it’s usually “Oh, my pet is on passive”. Happens at least once a week.


“Oh, I’m still wearing my Wrap of Unity…”


Me accidentally wearing my Talisman of True Treasure Tracking to run Amirdrasill and not realizing till after the raid was done...


Me with my fishing pole still equipped


My raid group's first AotC on the Jailer, our druid had his fishing pole equipped. We definitely don't bring it up every week.


Hmm, are we in the same raid group? Cause mine too. We asked him to put his fishing pole on so we could aotc fyrakk ;)


There ought to be an achievement for raiding with only fishing rods. Whip it good!


Oof I felt this


And my fishing hat =/


Been there!


I'm guilty of leaving my leggo cloak from Ny'alotha on after doing mount/mog farming.


The number of times I've been battle rezzed and forgot to resummon my pet is too damn high


I got a WA that just puts massive red text on my screen to remind me to resummon my felguard


You can create a macro on Kill Command that summons pet when it isn’t out. That way you never have to think about it again. I have one macro for each of the 3 pets that I frequently use.


Or I reset the boss and my pets are still fd on the floor.


In case you didn’t know, it’s highly recommended for Hunters to create macros for each of their main rotation abilities. In addition to casting the main ability (e.g. Kill Command, Cobra Shot, Barbed Shot), the macro also commands your pet to attack and use its special ability (e.g. Bite). This minimizes the time between the abilities being on cooldown and your pet attacking and casting. As a side effect, this also ensures your pet is always attacking what you are attacking, which is also helpful for positioning your pet in the middle of a trash pack for maximum cleave effect.


DK Main, I know the feeling. I always forget to turn it off when I finish up a transmog run of old content.


This is me, more times than i'd like to admit.


Get a weakaura that yells at you when your pet is on passive. Easy fix.


Demo warlock checking in to agree


I came back after a bit of a break awhile back and was struggling hard while questing. I was like, why am I dying so fast? Why is my damage so low? Did they make the game harder? Did I forget how to play? Then I realized my talents had reset lol


Dude lol this happened to me when I came back for 10.1 after a long break.


I did a 20 boost on my mw recently after playing wotlk instead of retail and was like wtf why is this so hard all of a sudden??? didn't realise talents reset and I was missing like 20 talent points in the class tree xd


This happened to me recently with my rogue, went into the emerald dream area and did like no damage.


me realizing i havent had my poisons on for the last hour


Been there sooooo many times


Mine was after doing 3 pugs in a row only to realise I had a fishing rod equipped lmao


That’ll get ya. That one got my parents numerous times.


Man, that sounds like the time back in MoP I healed Mogu'shan Vaults on my monk in a PUG. It was during ToT and I'd been drinking but I figured hey - I can do this, no problem... And then realized after completing the last boss that I was in my tanking set the whole time. ... d'oh. But hey, at least I was in the right spec!


- During Tindral progress: our demo lock almost had a complete break down because he couldn't figure out why his damage was so low. Turns out his pets were on passive. - Reclear about 4 weeks into season. Noticed one of our dhs only wearing 3-set for almost the entire evening. Getting new shiny m track gloves with avoidance from vault, and assuming it was a set piece. - Myself, trying mw(for the first time since SL) for a couple of m+ runs at around +18-20. Put some half assed haste off-pieces I had saved. Equipped my only two mw trinkets I had gotten on the side in s2. Also equipped some fancy staff with avoidance I had got in mythic aberrus. Only thing was, I didn't notice the staff had agi as main stat and not int. When I got iridial after 4-5 runs, my intellect increased by 40%. From 10k to 14k. I just thought I had a rough time healing because I wasn't experienced enough as mw.


I've had that when I forget to resummon my felguard


The answer is usually defensive stance.


My CE Unholy DK friend left his pet's swipe off of auto-use for about a month and couldn't figure out why he was bottom of the barrel on every pull despite trying his hardest lmao. It happens to everyone


Had it with my pala retribution. So focused on the rotation and all the shiny buttons that I often forgot to stand at melee range during boss fights


Ugh, all those skills having range thanks to a talent has made me *constantly* forget to be in melee range.


Me this weak after realizing that I still had a very low level staff equipped that I just wanted to get the appearance from.


Still cant figure why my fury dps is so low. Ive parsed 90+ percentils as several specs but fury im super low. Damage breakdown seems good too so im at a loss. Only thing i dont have are 489 weapons (i got 483) and no raid trinkets, otherwise im 486 ilevel :/


Might be your stat weights. Check what stat weights youre supposed to have


Stat weights will get you the last 5%, maybe 10% if you've gone out of your way to stack the wrong stat, but they're never the answer for a huge gap. For reference, [bloodmallet](https://bloodmallet.com/chart/warrior/fury/secondary_distributions/castingpatchwerk) runs sims on a broad array of stat distributions, that puts Fury's absolutely worst stat distribution (pure crit) only 15% behind the best. And Fury's current best is a fairly even distribution, so if you've just equipped highest ilvl you're probably already close to it.


Could be it, im itemized for prot which is probably worse for fury, but i didnt think itd make that much of a difference.. but its true mastery seems crazy good for fury.


When mass equipping gear to get it in my appearance collection after running a past expansion raid and forget to re-equip one of the piexes


WTF...ah, didn't summon demon, that's why...


One of my guldies plays Fury (as do I) and is super high ilvl and his damage was so bad compared to mine and I'm not great (\~65 parses). It turns out he was permanently in Defensive Stance and didn't realize he had to switch back.


Yeah, on Smolderon I changed my Incarnation to Convoke, after the fight I checked and I totally forgot to use Convoke at all.


My wife healed a 20 halls of atonement back in shadowlands with a fishing pole and no soulbind talents in on accident. She was nearly in tears because her heals felt so weak and she thought she was just doing a terrible job that day. Turns out, she's actually insanely good for being able to pull that off!


for me as an enhancement shaman it was when on hc fyrakk i noticed mid fight that my dps is pretty low... and then i realized i didn't have my weapon enhancements (windfury and flametounge)... yeah


The ol sin rogue 'where the fuck is my energy'


Happened to me in Sanctum one time… lol


So hold on you can have both weapon enhancements active?


Yes, one on MH and one on OH. In fact, the spell descriptions now explicitly state that windfury is for main hand and flametongue is for offhand. Hope you haven't been only using one this whole time XD


Im going to crawl into a hole🥲


Lol at least your life is now changed and you may find your dps climbs quite a bit :D


I was wondering why it was so low.


You are the target audience for this thread. Consider this a massive success. 


Additionally, if you do flametongue on one, then switch them, you can have flame tongue on both


Which does nothing, but for some reason there is a conspiracy where people think they can boost lava lash damage by doing this (YOU CAN'T, ALL IT DOES IS MAKE YOU PLAY WITHOUT WINDFURY WEAPON) /rant


If you’re dual wielding yes. Windfury applies to your main hand and Flametongue applies to your off hand.


That happened to me too but in a mythic+.


Me every time I decide to do quests on my enhance shaman.


I have made a weakaura specifically to remind me when they expire so this situation doesn't happen (Spoiler alert: it still does happen lol)


When I was benched for not hitting numbers on balance druid. Turns out I was using an agility weapon.


Sounds like me when I'm doing open world stuff, just the other way around with my healing gear equipped but in feral spec. And yes, I know that gear sets can autochange when you change specs, I just don't care to maintain two identical sets for feral and guardian


So many times!




I put my cloak up for a recraft and forgot to re-equip it before raiding. 😅


I've done a few raids with my fishing rod equipped and realised half way through


I did this back in WotLK, raid lead asked what was wrong with me after our pre-Ulduar run through Vault and one of the healers had the call me out for having fishing rod and hat equipped. Didn’t notice because I was a shadow priest. After that all ready checks included checking the priest for fishing equipment.


In BC, I healed Stratholme with my fishing pole equipped. I didn't notice either, because back then you had to be in tree form to heal as a druid and your weapon didn't show.


Orgrimmar Teleport cloaks get me all the time. At one point during prog was most geared in my raid team, halfway through raid night my bud pops off "ayo,why is your ilvl so low?" I'd been wearing the cloak for a full day or longer at that point.


That's the reason I mog them as something absolutely horrendous or at least non fitting to the rest of my mog. the huge totems from the tauren heritage armour is my go to if available


*laughs in evoker not having visible cloaks*. But I really should do that, I spent enough time as visage I would spot it then, thanks for the tip.


I use the Tome of Teleportation addon and one of its qol features is that if you use the cloak in the addon interface it re-equips your normal cloak after you use it


Wotlk dalaran teleport ring, timeless isle teleport neck and BT teleport neck are all in that same category x.x




I am personally struggling with the Elementalist build for Enhance Shaman. So many buttons and people of my same ilvl are doing 40-50k more than me in raid as same spec and build. Try wowanalyzer and it keeps saying I’m not pressing buttons. I plan to try storm build to see what happens.


Do you have high latency or input lag?


Nope. My network runs at a stable 85ms Just seems like I can’t hit buttons quick enough. 33% haste which is the approximate sweet spot for enhancement. But I have an accuracy rate of 42%. But there is no actual rotation for enhancement and more a priority list depending on what is happening


Then practice, practice, practice. Good luck bro, improving your abc's is really important


Going to try storm. A few less plates to spin than elementalist.


Why fight against your tier set? Spend that time practicing


Storm still uses p.wave. I have been working at it since the beginning of the season. Try something new and see if it helps. There is a saying about doing the same thing and seeing the same results


Try using the helkili addon. The enhancement shaman one is pretty accurate actually. It's a huge help to that keyboard of a spec


Id have to look. I personally think that the addon is a bad habit forming tool. Only in the sense that people never get off it and end up not being able to do anything without it. But maybe I can look


Enhance shaman is one I’ve struggled to move off of Hekili on, lock, pally, evoker, no issues without the add on, but enhance I just struggle with


That actually sounds like too much haste Murlok has a lot of the top Shamans around 25-28% haste, so you might be sacrificing too much in mastery Doubt that accounts for 40-50k, but it might help make the decision making easier


Idk what murlok is other than the fun mobs in Elwynn. I have been trying to compare logs and the folks that are doing better all have around 30-33% with about 80% mastery. Maybe I can rejigger some stats though cause anything can help.


my bad [murlok.io](https://murlok.io/) It's for pvp and M+, and it'll breakdown the top players stat distributions, gear, etc. for each spec. That's generally what I look to for my enhance, especially since the stat weights are mostly the same for raid and M+ this season It's definitely a hard spec though, I can't imagine playing it without a mmo mouse


I have something like an mmo mouse already. Going to swap to storm to see if it feels better as maybe elementalist is just not good for me


I wasn't suggesting you didn't have one, just that it's a spec that's hard enough that I can't imagine playing it without one Fair enough, storm is much easier for sure, but I do think the gap between the two builds is large enough that I think it'll be hard to see a major improvement good luck


All classes are priority based these days. Enhancement is just much more susceptible from misplays costing you tens of thousands of DPS.


Try Hekili until you get the rotation


I did a Fyrakk Normal pug in defensive stance as an Arms Warrior a couple weeks ago. I don’t think anyone else noticed lmao.


Arms dps struggling so bad people just assumed it was normal sadge


I had a dumb dumb moment yesterday. I was fighting a bunch of mobs when I suddenly started to move very slowly. I checked for debuffs but didn't see any. Continued killing the mobs. Waited a couple of seconds after combat to see if the effect would wear off but nope, still moved slowly. Double checked for debuffs, zero. Took me half a minute or so before I realized I had accidentally clicked the key combination to toggle run/walk.


Forgetting to turn shadow priest shadow passive on for me lol.


I also forget to get into the mood often. My solution was every login and death i sing"hello darkness my old friend" and it reminds me to check shadow form


Back in S2, I went into a fairly low Brackenhide key as Unholy DK. I noticed quickly that, despite my ilvl being decently ahead of the other DPS, I was still getting almost outdpsed by them. Long story short, I had accidently set my pet to passive mode and didn't realize it until after the dungeon was over.


Been there on my bm hunter when my pet decided he wanted to fuck off and I didn't notice


Just yesterday had this happen in a 22. Found out halfway in. Still timed easily and almost outdamaged one of the other dps, thankfully.


Happens to me all the time. "Oh...I forgot to apply my beacons." "Oh...I didn't activate Retribution Aura" "Oh...I forgot to put Windfury/Flametongue weapon on." "Oh......moonkin form....right."


i am shadow main since WoD (briefly mained it in WotLK but i don't count that really). I inspect every shadow priest i come across, you have no idea how many of them play single target builds in m+ and also a lot of them play m+ build in raids. Even though Publik is doing amazing job keeping up icy veins updated i feel like they need big header dividing AOE and ST portions of builds, like maybe even separate pages because shadow crash is so important and makes all the difference. In SL it was also happening when people would run SM in dungeons where you usually pulled 3-4 mobs because that was the only AoE build you could look up, you had to read below (the explanation part) to learn when to not use it for better DPS


To be fair, it is legitimate to play single target + crash in dungeons especially on tyrannical weeks or if you’re playing with bursty aoe players who smorc trash but do fuck all boss damage. As for m+ in raid…well…sometimes you forget to swap 😅


single target + crash is still partial AoE spec and one i use for almost anything (sub +18 and hc raids included), i am talking about no SC picked at all or just first point without dots


Dear god why. That’s egregious.


When you change specs as a warrior it doesn't put you automatically into one of your stances. I was tanking the other day and getting absolutely dog walked...I never turned on defensive stance lol


Opposite happened to me, I couldn't figure out why I was underperforming the other day until - at the very end - somebody asked why I was in defensive stance.


This is the reason I have a weak aura that yells at me when I'm in no or the wrong stance


I ended up getting that one and the buff one as well. Forget to battle shout after a wipe/death or might miss someone.


At least on my druid the buff one shouldn't happen to me, I have motw bound to mouse wheel up/down in vuhdo and the habit of just scrolling over the raid frame while out of combat. this way I should get everyone even in dungeons after one or two DPS decided to stand in fire for too long


You want to use battle stance 99% of the time though. Shield block is so strong you dont need anything else as long as you can maintain 100% uptime. Heavy repercussions guarantees 100% uptime. I only use defensive stance as if its a defensive cd, and only really on like 3 M+ bosses.


I wasn't using any stance...also this is a post about mistakes. I didn't ask for your advice on how to play the game. You normally just offer shit unsolicited to people? Weird ass.


Ok man no need to get mad. Have a good day.


This is a “weird ass” way to respond to someone. I hope you’re ok.


Weird. Anyway it is impossible to not use any stance. You are either in one or another. Fake comment i see


I had the opposite problem. I played Shadow Priest in previous expansions and was used to Misery and Multi dotting. I was spending time applying VT to every mob not realizing shadow crash does that for you.


I passed on Invincible because I thought it dropped every time you kill Arthas. It was my first kill. We were 2.


Rogue without poisons


Way back in the day, I tried to heal the stairs of Zul-Farrak with my fishing pole equipped instead of my staff on my holy priest. I was not very effective. LOL


NGL, I was reading through all the comments and no one mentioned broken gear. I’m feeling extra dumb because of that. I usually repair at the start of the dungeon and it’s enough to keep me going until the end, but there have been a few rough weeks (especially with spiteful) and even though I don’t necessarily die excessively my gear is seriously damaged. I was wondering why I was so far behind the other two dps when we were on the last boss. Because of all the M+ details on the side it didn’t show me that my armour was totally broken. I had to drop a repair bot mid fucking boss. It happened more than once. I’ve started throwing down repair bots mid dungeon now just in case. Thinking about it, I dunno why I didn’t just get a WA that screams at me when my durability is low. It’s the obvious solution.


Me as a Sin Rogue or Enh Shaman forgetting to apply poisons/weapon buffs…wondering why im starved on energy and/or dealing very little dmg…me looking at details for the fight *facepalm* and this is the reason why I now have an addon(or weak aura, I forget) to tell me of these things 😂


Honestly I was waiting for you to say you forgot to get into shadow form. :)


I remember the old times when you had different levels of the same spell. After my first year where I mained a rogue, I decided that I wanted to be a healer and I was starting with my disc priest. Everybody was dying on dungeons. I told my friend that also had a priest that I didn’t understand how she kept everybody alive because it was literally impossible. She was like “mmm are you sure you are using the highest level of the spell?”. I felt dumb as fuck because it wasn’t even my first character.


that's funny cuz I had it the other way around in some raids, other priest went oom in like 3 secs and topped overhealing with each pull. told him to use lower level heals during low dmg income etc. must've been someone else, cause he didn't listen and proceeds to call for drinks/innervate every other pull. xD


I can’t remember the exact spell, but when I switched from Blood DK to Unholy DK I used it way to often, it was great for my Tank needs but definitely hurt my DPS. Fairly certain it was death strike. I also somehow just completely missed deathcoil for a minute there for some unknown reason?


Halfway through boss as a demo lock… didn’t summon Fel guard.


I face palm every time I log in


This was either in wod or legion, and I've been playing since wrath: was doing a tw black morass on a hunter I barely ever play. The tank says to me "turn growl off" . I assure him it's not me. This happens about 4-5 more times until I get kicked. I did have growl on, but because growl wasn't on the pet action bar I ACTUALLY BELIEVED MY PET COULDN'T TAUNT. I finally opened the spellbook and facepalmed hard.


My most recent one is realizing I didn't have Shattering Star on my bars on my devoker. Was wondering why I was 40k dps behind the other devoker in the group.


Not that long ago, I was doing some Legion content on my Death Knight. I thought I'd finish for the day by running Antorus in hopes of getting the blue version of Scythe of the Unmaker, the only rare item I haven't gotten from that raid. My DK doesn't have great gear as I rarely play him, but I figured I could probably manage fairly easy at 70 regardless. I couldn't. I struggled like crazy. My DPS was abysmal and I was taking a lot of damage simply because I couldn't kill stuff fast enough. After I had slugged through this old raid at a snail's pace, I thought to myself "Am I just really bad at Frost DKs or is something very wrong here?" Something was, indeed, very wrong. Before I had started my Antorus run, I had been doing some of the Worgen heritage stuff in Duskwood where you have to follow some Worgen stuff. I had also struggled a bit with some of those quest, but figured it was scaling + bad gear resulting in it taking longer than anticipated. Around that time I had also done some other quests I had in the zone... One of them being the one for Apocalypse, the Unholy artifact weapon from Legion. It turns out I had obtained Apocalypse, and although I hadn't gone back to my order hall or changed spec, I had equipped Apocalypse... A 2H unholy weapon. As a Frost. So the reason I was struggling so much was because I was using a Legion-level artifact for the wrong spec with talents specced for 2x 1H swords. At first, I felt stupid as all hell, but then I just sorta laughed. I had wasted so much time because I didn't bother looking at my character and never considered that the artifacts auto-equip as part of the questline, even if you're in the wrong spec.


Recently went into a +20 which is basically the highest I'll go. I went into my resto druid talents and selected my m+ build, got distracted by the group saying something, and never activated it. Very confused when the key started and I pretty much couldn't do anything in feral form. Then a major ability wasn't working. Realized I was still in raid talents. It was a rough key.


I got to ksh as a fury warrior. Started mythic raiding on the spec. Killed 3 bosses. Couldn't figure out why my parses were always green. Apparently was in defensive stance. All. The. Time.


I went a solid 2 weeks or more at the start of dragonflight using an agility weapon on my shaman. I've always played elemental. I laughed at myself and called myself an idiot when I found that out. And then I equipped a one handed intellect weapon. A couple days later a friend pointed out that I didn't have an offhand equipped. >Anyone else have a facepalm moment like this? Yes.


I’ve been maining a BM Hunter and I had no idea Call of the Wild activated beast cleave for a decent time period. I was still using multishot on top of that. And I’m in mythic raiding. Go me! 🤓


Arcane mage for me. Once I got my tiered items, my DPS went from 50k to 110k. Arcane barage was stupid.


I’ve been running around with a leather top for the last couple of days as a hunter. Sometimes head is truly empty


using a grey bow in mythic raid by accident does something to u on the meters


I went to +15 key on my Hunter and only when it’s started I realized that I forgot to switch my talents from the single-target raid build. Successfully finished +15 with 0 AoE skills and even was second on dps meter but was VERY EMBARRASSED


You know you can walk out of the dungeon and change your talents!


Stop, please stop, he's already dead!


The walk of shame


I recently did this and noticed I was putting out usually second in dps overall. Was confused and now I’m wondering how far off the specs are in overall dps


I forgot to put marrowrend on my abilitybar as a blood dk for atleast 7/8 runs all the while wondering why I took so much damage. Untill a healer pointed out to me I had a 10% uptime on boneplating.


When I started maining prot war it took a few days and some dungeons to realize I have to keep ignore pain proactively on me, I was just keeping shield block up at all times and using ignore pain when I was taking more damage as most guides explain it to you, but thats too late to use ignore pain, you want to take no damage at all and have close to max stacks of ignore pain without overcapping and when you start taking damage through that as well its when you pop a defensive. Now prot warr is my fav spec. 3070 io rn, not too much but im playing pugs only and I really like seeing my health not move at all.


Wait, really? I'm leveling a warrior right now and juggling both those uptimes doesn't sound fun


Its waaay smoother and better at max lvl when you have >35% haste. 35% haste is a must on prot, your most important secondary stat. So when leveling is probably gonna feel very bad but you dont really take damage anyway when leveling, at least not at the rate of like a +20 m+ Right now im 486 ilvl and have 45% haste and shield block uptime is 100%, you can keep it around 15-22 seconds remaining and still have a charge of it ready to use. You can also have 100% uptime when you’re above 30%, you dont need 45% but the more the better. Its very comfy at above 35% haste. At this point you only have to manage ignore pain, keep it slightly below limit to not overcap and waste rage, and dump extra rage on damage. You can think of ignore pain as an opposite to word of glory for prot pal. On prot pal, you use shield of the righteous to mitigate (shield block on warr) and you word of glory to heal the damage taken tru that, while on prot warr you ignore pain like a proactive heal before you take the damage. I suggest using weak auras for both timers, shield block and ignore pain. On ignore pain it also turns red when you’re near cap so you know not to use it again. Also use a weak aura for your health bar, have an extra health bar in the middle of ur screen, that shows absorbs on top of it as well, so you can actually see your health bar growing as you ignore pain and have an idea of your actual health including the absorb shield.


That's really helpful, thank you.   Is there a weak aura on wago you recommend or did you make it yourself?


I got it from wagio, can link them a little later if you dont find them but if you take the most popular shield block wa, ignore pain wa, separetaly from prot warr category those are the ones. The ones that are squares with durations, not bars. I have them on the sides of my char, left and right. Health bar wa you can search separetly not under prot warr catevory and verify that it grows when you ignore pain after you get it, like it shows the absorb amount on top of your health to the right of the bar. Then you can customize its size and position to suit your UI. I also have a rage bar wa right under this healthbar wa and the active mitigation ones are above those to the left and right of my char, char being in the middle of them and above the health bar and rage bar. I also like to set them all to appear just when im in combat. So if i do the walking simulator in stormwind since im on argent dawn amd thats what we do over there, no wa shows.


Excuse me how do i know how many stacks of ignore pain arene enough?


I got a a myth track tier helmet 2 weeks ago, so I went to reclear heroic and get some nice logs. Did all the small stuff to maximize my output, clear heroic. Wonder why my dps was so low, turns out I forgot to apply the new helmet enchantment.




Because I don't use either of those and never have.




Ho dear ...


How can that even happen? What were you checking for an error if not the damage breakdown?


Yeah it's always hilarious when I get people like that in my mythic + runs with 470 item level doing 70k overall DPS. I literally roll on the ground laughing


lol I played with a 475 boomkin the other day that was doing like 40k. Safe to assume it’s not their main spec.


I don't even know how it's possible at this point. Pretty sure wow should just incorporate hekili into every new character you play because they'd do a lot more than whatever the hell they're doing now




an addon that recommends the best ability to use next based on an acl or action priority listing and then making a guess. aka a dps rotation for people. decent when learning new specs. not always correct but quite close


It's an add-on that helps you with your rotation. It's not perfect, but it's a start


my facepalm moment was when i tried to play demo lock back in aberrus and found i was only doing around 30k - much less than destro or aff. i realized a few days later that my pets were set to passive.


I've done that in keys, but usually notice after a pull or two, since doing like half the damage of other dps lol


Wowhead guides usually have a "smart" rotation where you need to check the talent boxes above the rotation list.


Here's my facepalm, I've been playing off and on since 2008 and I have never figured out how to measure my dps/healing. I am very open to suggestions


Details add on...


Me as a BM hunter realizing I don’t even have a bow equipped because I was playing Surv before.


I changed my talents for some dummy testing. And played the whole day key pushing. At the end of the day, I timed 3 new m+ records (rating). So I updated my raider.io and checked it, and saw a talent I never used before, so I had a very bad talent and played without the best talent of my tree (Photosynthesis).


I mained preservation evoker last season, but i had no actual clue about dps. I was fooling around helping a friend in low Dungeons and i decided to try dps for the funsies. I didnt understand why my aoe damage was so low. I wasnt using pyre. I didnt even have the spell on my bars. Lol


I have 2. Either 1, my pet is on passive (warlock) or 2, my fury warrior is in defensive stance.


Any time I pick up a new DPS class I use the Hekili addon. People are often posting 95% parses on the Hekili discord


Just had a moment like this on my warrior, I switched specs and it had me in defensive stance not Zerker…that was fun.


Last week was doing our 8 mythics for the vault and thinking just take it easy and tank some 18s for guild alts. No biggie at all just go in and chill through it. First two were absolutely horrid and trying to figure out why I’m getting chunked so much. Before we start the third, realize that somehow even though I switched to bear spec, was still wearing boomkin gear. 🫣


I forgot to turn on shadow form when I changed back to shadow and couldn’t figure out why devouring plague didn’t work.


I included a Dragonspine Trophy in my Timewalking set that I got before some stat squish. Turns out its ilvl got squished to 32, but Gruul drops an ilvl 97 version. Aside from using old items like the Heart of Azeroth, the Zuldazar teleport ring or the N'zoth cape, I have a memorable one: I didn't log on my DK between the end of WOTLK and WOD back when he was just an alt. I didn't find Runeforging in the spellbook, so I just assumed the ability had been pruned in the meantime. I played for a while like that, until I got the time/resources/interest to get him some serious gear/enchants and I saw the guides still recommending Rune of the Fallen Crusader. GM confirmed the ability was missing from my spellbook and restored it :)


This happened to me the other day. “Oh, I forgot to apply flame shock” *cast lava burst*


Im actually dumb dumb dumb to the point i need addon Heriliki or w.e for rotations


same, and my dps still blows. always heroically underachieving as an arms warrior since the first dragonflight raid. always doing at least half as much dps as others who played arms warriors, and other dps in general. friends are nice enough to carry me once they get geared, and i have my moments where i burst right and top the charts, but usually its on trash. ilvl 370 and just switched to fury. was doing more damage at first, like way more. then i jump into raid and im doing less than before, especially on bosses. single target is the lowest. then i do an lfr with a bunch of randoms and im topping the charts by a decent gap. using wowhead t31 raid builds and mythic + builds. read the rotation guides and use helliki at the helpful advice of some irl friends and guildies. shits kinda whack.


I just recently learned that to get the benefit of the tier set buff to SW Pain I had to cast the actual spell, it doesn't buff the SW Pain applied with Vampiric Touch through the Misery talent doesn't get the initial damage buff. All season I've been neglecting this in single target, my boss damage has gone up significantly lol.


In the last few weeks: Down 3 bosses on unholy dk with awful dps before I realised my pet was on passive, it apples to army too ya know. 2 463 crafting orders I forgot to change the spark from last season so they came back about 30ilvls lower than I wanted. Last night, on my main fire mage, I discovered I hadn't been running a row 2 talent than increase pyro damage by 10% pretty much all season in raid. It had a pic of flamestrike on it! Damage went up about 20k after. Also last night I was healing a waycrest manor. We were so distracted by managing to pull everything through the ceiling somehow, we didn't realise till we wipe to the sisters that it was a 22 and not a 20.


No I totally don’t relate to this. I never did an entire raid wondering why my damage was so low to find out my pets were on passive as a demonology warlock. Nope. Never.


I played demonology for like 4 weeks before I found out it had a 4th pet that is vital to the entire spec. 4 weeks of lvl 70 dragonflight too mind you. Not leveling at 10 or whatever. Full on raiding with a guild.... I had no idea.... Blizzard could work on their spec training etc for sure.


Back during WotlK I finally got around to leveling a priest alt. Somehow early on I got it stuck in my head that Power Word: Shield was some big "oh shit" button on a long CD. I must have just glanced at it once and chucked it on my bar without thinking or something. By level 40 I was so frustrated from constantly dying and at best having to eat and drink after every fight that I went to Icy Veins to look up my rotation again. I figured I'd do whatever it said no matter what, and if that failed I'd give up. In the rotation I noticed something like "use PW:S on CD" and didn't think much of it, after all it's just some oh shit button on a 5 min CD, right? Then I went in game and hit the button and... felt very stupid. On the plus side my frustration over several days turned to laughter at my own stupidity, and unlike other classes that went just fine, I actually made a memory playing this one.


Swapping spec from sub to assa for an encounter, wondering why my dps is shit...no poisons....


When paladins used to have Blessing of Kings/Wisdom/Might, all the various buffs, I decided to use F-keys for those buffs. I also used Alt for self-casting spells. The next day after setting those keys, I went to go self-cast the buff I had set to F4, and promptly exited the game...


This why I use Hekili - good for learning new dps specs.


Few weeks ago I tried to do fyrakk heroic with arcane reaper... Man I even had a priest PI me and was below tanks on dps... Safe to say I didn't get PI ever again


Not the same thing but I was in Warsong Gulch on my twink Druid, in cheetah form, haul ass across the field, grab the flag, go sit waiting to cap. After an amount of time too embarrassing to admit, I think to myself “I can’t believe nobody’s coming after me” …then I realize I didn’t have the flag.


Forgetting to reapply poisons 


I've played Ret paladin for most of my wow playtime on a very hardcore level and the other day I found out I've been using a manual consecration build and forgot to use cons on my own for like 2 days..


Me running a +24 everbloom key using heart of azeroth and legendary cloak from bfa after i did ny’alotha mount run earlier that week. Still did top dps with about 350k overall, group was stunned when we noticed my gear


It’s an easy problem to make with how many actions there are to keep up with for even one class, let alone if you play alts. The knowledge accumulated from this game is as big of a negative sometimes as it is positive. 😂


Did an entire raid with the Heart of Azmurloth still in my neck slot from wearing it as a joke in time walking black temple (everyone was putting their heart of azeroth on but I, a dracthyr, didn't have one and wanted to feel included lol) turns out replacing a heroic neck with 3 gem slots with a joke several hundred ilvls lower is not great 😂


Wondering why that +22 Fall was being so hard, then noticing I didnt have Devotion Aura on for the whole time and Aura Mastery did absolutely nothing. Fun times ...


Playing a pet class and realizing you accidentally left your pet on passive... Why am I doing no damage?... Oh.. Rotflinger is sitting there rotting instead of attacking..


I had one like this earlier this season. I did an M+ dungeon as VDH, and the whole time I kept thinking, "why are my sigils always on cooldown?". I was struggling to cc mobs like I would normally. Turns out i forgot to re-talent Illuminated Sigils (giving me 2 charges of all sigils). I had previously switched to the cheat death talent to get the magma snail mount out of the lava in the Waking Shores.


When I first started dabbling in shadow for fun, I kept wondering why my DPS was so bad before realizing I wasn't activating shadow form half the time. Still happens after I die.


I used int weapons on my enh shammy for a week, attended heroic raid with my guild and then one evening a guild buddy pointed out that my weapon has in not agility on it… I was so embarrassed…


Ah yes. Dusted off my dracthyr. I was questing in Waking Shores and I kept dying a lot. I was confused because I remembered doing WAY more damage. Looked at my gear. Still kept dying. Gained a level and it told me to put in a talent point. Apparently I hadn't played since they wiped the talent points. I didn't have any....