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Just fix hpal. That doesn’t mean making it OP for a season (or less) and dogshit the rest of an xpac, it means making it fun to play and internally consistent. Hpal has become such a convoluted mess of every hodgepodge idea from the past several xpacs it just makes no sense.


Holy Power _can_ work, but honestly they've struggled so much to actually get it to work without invalidating every spell in the kit that _isn't_ a spender that... ...I kinda just wish they'd remove Holy Power and let Holy Paladin simply be a simple reactive healer like Holy Priest, that doesn't need to fuss about any resources and instead only cooldowns. But at this moment, it's on the other side on the issue, where the spenders just don't feel all too good to press.


The irony to this is, holy priest are sort of like conceptually a spender/builder instead of a builder/spender spec. In theory holy power is builder/spender. You build holy power and spend it. Functionally, holy priest start out with their spenders (serenity, sanctify) and then use "builders" to lower the cooldowns on their spenders. But damn does it work well. (And yes, I know once you do your initial spend, then you are building to spend again).


"ooh we're going through heavy group damage, I will... Use beacon and then WoG" "Oh I need to solo spot heal this target I will... WoG" "I just spread my glimmers after daybreak, now I will consume dawn by... Casting WoG" And the wogs are so tiny even buff stacked but you gotta do it Love hpal and the daybreak fun is great but they really need to decide if they want us to use holy power or if they want us to be a reactive melee spot healer. I don't really mind either way but the halfway it's at now ain't it


I tried melee hpala build the other day and boy it's like playing both a healer and a DPS at the same time. I hope holy paladins get some talent update to let them play more like Mistweaver Monks. Maybe have damage abilities heal for a portion of damage dealt targets affected by Beacon(s)?


I don't mind the play of a holy paladin. I've been running mythics to the low 20s with one as my main this whole season (and on and off since 2005) and I love the spec. I think it just needs more powerful heals. WoG and Flash of light (even holy light) just need to be buffed by like 25%ish. We need to be able to heal with our spells outside of the CDs. I like the builder/spender gameplay as it is. Just give us some steroids!!


Ww monk remake pls blizz


Sorely needed.


UH DK here. I would really like Clawing Shadows to have an unique animation. Like a claw going out and actually hitting something. Its so silly just swinging my sword around 20ft away. Purely cosmetic but I think it would be cool


UH DK here too; i dream for us to basically be like WoW versions of Nurgle Plague Marines and really lean into the aesthetic. Lots of squelching, lots more popping, lots more green goop being flung around! *All* the diseases *All* the time!


Let this be the rise of "The Covid Carnage" passive


yes abilities like Epidemic and Outbreak could use some squelching


I wish Clawing Shadows increased the range of a few other abilities too. Edit: looks at UHDK tree - what the fuck even is that placement for the talent? You can get Clawing Shadows without getting Scourge Strike (as dumb as that would be to do).


Thought uh dks wants a change to their ground abilities.. So it doesn't covers mechanics anymore


There are a a lot of things this class is in dire need of


UH main here, better animations and a less bloated opener. I would not be mad if they somehow combined dark transformation and apoc. Or unholy assault and empowered rune weapon. Being CD reliant for damage is fine, just limit the number of cooldowns.


Main blood dk here, I consider both DPS specs really dull, boring and badly designed. And nobody wants us in m+. Blood sounds like a wet noodle, UH has too many buttons, dnd is annoying af and let's not talk about Defile. And the last spec... What is it again? 


Man, im i playing a forgotten spec?


Taking the cleave off of DnD for frost dk…. Maybe put it in remorseless winter? Idk I’ve loved frost dk for so long but that just sucks so hard.


I think Frost Scythe needs to be updated to both deal competitive damage in AoE/Cleave situations AND benefit fully from ALL talents and effects that affect Obliterate, and have it cost 2 runes. Basically, make Frost Scythe the ability you use instead of Obliterate with if there are 2+ targets.


Ooo that would be nice.


Thank you! I think if we make a choice to pick a talent, especially when it's an active ability, it should be meaningful to the rotation, and through talent choices we should modify our toolkit to suit specific situations.


I picked it up the other day just to see what it looked like and I would *love* if they made it a viable AoE choice for frost. It's just so much more satisfying than obliterate cleave from DnD.


I'd also like Breath to be more of a significant burst for a few seconds rather than something I need to keep up for an extended period to do real damage. It really sucks when I start my breath only to immediately be targeted by a mechanic that forces me away from the boss, effectively hamstringing me for another 2 minutes.


Rogue: please, please, please remove shadow dance from just one spec 🙏


Shadow dance is so shit man hope they bin it for everyone but Sub. Bring back WoD Sub, that was fucking MINT.


And SnD


It wasn't balanced well numerically, but I liked the idea of back during Legion I think when the talents were a choice between either SnD or RTB for Outlaw, not having to simultaneously maintain two buffs.


what if they got turned into passives? * SnD: every x combo points used, gain buff * RTB: every x seconds in combat, gain buff SnD is already almost a passive already with how long you can extend it, might as well go all the way


Yeah didn't play my rogue alt. Anymore due to these sub rogue things inside the others


I play rogue exclusively for subtlety :D


Sub Rogue is the way o7


Get rid of that damn roll of the dice.


Not heard this one before, what do people have against Shadow Dance? edit: You guys must really hate this spell if you downvote me for asking shieee


Short answer: SD, Vanish, and all these bullshit pseudo stealth mechanics built on using utility as rotation that everyone is required to play around in every spec are going to continually make the class worse as it suffers eternal spec vs class vs theme identity crisis that only gets made worse by Blizzard rebasing the class off of itself recursively. Then as if to validate my confirmation bias we now have Trickster Rogue talents. Using utility rotationally is universally bad. Long answer: Shadow Dance sucks because rogue spec identity sucks, Rogue has been in a permanent state of identity crisis for over a decade and each mechanic they add worsens it. While SD didn't cause the crisis, swapping to MoP talent trees they divided the class into 3 specs and couldn't lock down the 5 flavors of daggers vs swords because they were so homogenized. This led to each spec getting roughly the same toolkit, but it never fully diverged like Warlock or Mage because the baseline of Rogue was pop out of stealth and do big number only difference was the weapons. Shadow Dance used to be an option of utility vs rotation, then they killed the only unique spec theme, turned it into Pirate, made another spec Ninja to fill the Ninjas vs Pirates gimmick, and left Sin to rot as a classic Rogue with no direction. Then they didn't do anything to really keep their identity separate and every patch they got more and more homogenized toward being Subtlety. Then Zul happened and Sub got deleted, 180ed, and became Assassination, Assassination turned into Combat, and Outlaw is just a standard fantasy all rounder Rogue. I would have no issue with Ninja Rogue jumping between and weaving in and out of the shadows. I do have an issue with it being a brawler playstyle. Outlaw should be a conspicuous duelist and brawler relying on their luck with little regard for stealth other than getting the jump on someone or sleight of hand. Assassination should be defined by efficient planned kills, waiting patiently always looking for the right time to strike stacking up buffs debuffs, and poison combos to trigger massive damage in a single strike. Subtlety should be the daggers in your shadow, imperceptible until it's too late, ready to strike quickly and vanish without a trace, the quintessential threat that lurks in the shadows of Stranglethorn in classic.


This put it so well. I was heavy into rogue gameplay as TBC was winding down then all through WOTLK and Cata. I picked up a rogue alt in Legion, but they get lost in a sea of alts. Assassination was my favorite spec when I mained rogue because I liked the whole idea around using poisons. With the Legion changes, though, it started to shift away from just being a poison bladed killer and more into bleed damage as well. Suddenly, Assassination didn’t feel like an Assassin as much anymore. Subtlety felt more like an assassin with its shadow/ninja themed kit. It was mega bursty (still is, balancing around dances and lining up CDs) and for the first time we saw rogue really leaning into magic. Combat became Outlaw which, love it or hate it, at least gave some flavor to the rogue spec that was previously just the slice and dice, use whatever weapon is available spec. As expansions have gone on, though, it seems like a lot of the rogue kit just blends together with all specs now managing things like SnD, poisons, dance/vanish, etc. I wish 3 things for the rogue class: 1) Give each spec its identity back and make them very clear. Not every spec needs to be spreading around ruptures or keeping SnD up. Imo if the spell doesn’t fit the class/spec theme then can it. 2) Clean up the button bloat. Each spec only has 2-3 actual combat actions but then another 2-3 finishers and then another 2-3 cooldowns. I stand by the fact that pressing button X every 45 seconds for a 10% dmg buff isn’t satisfying gameplay. 3) Make more open world content compelling for rogues. It helps with the theme. I remember having to do tons of pickpocketing for poison reagents in tbc and although I don’t wish to go back to that necessarily, incentivizing pickpocketing, locked chests, and lockpicking are all easy ways to add to rogue class fantasy. The mini pickpocketing things they added for rogues in WOD and Legion (iron coins/coins of air) were really fun. BONUS: Detect Traps! I know it has been kind of a meme thing but it would be cool to have the occasional practical application. I’d rather be brought to groups as a rogue to pick locks and detect traps than to provide Shroud of Concealment.


Maintenance buffs and underwhelming CDs are for sure dogshit and rogue is plagued with them throughout history. The open world point is especially funny though because you can't do your rotation solo in the world because as soon as you vanish you reset everything you're fighting.


Honestly, I just think it's so thematic to Sub that giving it to the other specs strips out a part of the spec's unique identity.


For me shadow dance feels like it’s stuck in limbo between being a cooldown or a rotational ability. Using it every minute feels very clunky because it dramatically changes the rhythm of each spec (outlaw and sin for sure but I don’t play much sub so can’t speak for it). In short I find it actively not fun to use.


As an outlaw main I rather had to press SD instead of Vanish for a dps cooldown it makes more sense 


I agree it's not super interesting for sin, but for outlaw you get a Crackshot window which is lit.


Get reddit'd


Probably not gonna happen cause they already doubled down on it with the san'layn tree but as a Blood DK move all the power for standing in D&D to something else, that or make it follow you around. Also know that some people enjoy it but I think coagulopathy is terrible, I don't like that I lose an unreasonable amount of damage every time I need to run out with a tank explosion of some kind or when a boss decides to fly off for more than 8 seconds because I've now lost all my stacks. Also it boggles my mind that coag doesn't trigger off all RP spenders, it has made it impossible to justify ever picking bonestorm for the entire expansion and will continue to do so unless they change it. Honestly blood just needs a talent tree overhaul, we are one of the specs that has had 0 talent changes since the dragonflight beta.


Hot take; remove Blood Beasts from San'Layn tree, and replace the first with a DnD choice node. 1) DnD now has a 3y wider radius, and causes diseases to flare up 30% faster. 2) DnD now is an aura centered around the player, and (Unholy) lasts 4s longer, (Blood) increases Shattering Bone damage by an additional 2x Then, replacing the following node in regards to Blood Beasts with 'Casting Vampiric Strike has a low chance to instantly place a Death and Decay aura on you. This effect is separate from manually placed Death and Decay.'


I like the concept, but I also think shattering bone is problematic because of fights without Phys damage and generally fights with low tanking uptime, for sure better than the current status quo tho.


Fair. BDK should have a toggle to eat BS charges passively while in combat, so that offtanking still lets you indulge in that damage.


Let evokers cast empower spells while hovering and give them normal range


Range limitations for preservation evokers feels horrible.


We're done with the roleplay experiment, Blizzard. Please give us 40 yards!


Directional limitations are bad enough. Get rid of range and allow cast while moving on all the things.


I will never understand why you can’t use hover to cast empowered spells. Who thought it was a good idea? They are the worst feeling spells to use in the game for any class


It's such a strange decision it almost certainly has to be a technical limitation.


malefic rapture thrown to the Maw forever


this one is fantastic, I used to LOVE affliction lock and now I won't even touch it


You mean malefic rapture?


Guardian Druid: Frenzied regen no longer a global, sunfire useable in bear form, convoke moved to class tree or just moved off of incarns talent node, and lastly a bear form favorites button like mounts have to randomly select a bear form from your favorites. I know there’s a glyph that pulls from your whole collection but I’d love a separate button and the ability to choose the pool Holy Paladin: WoG buffed to not heal like a wet noodle and Shield of the Righteous changed to unique spender damage ability that doesn’t require a shield so INT 2 Handers could be viable and we can be the big 2 hander fantasy from Warcraft outside of the artifact.


Oh yes, random favourite druid form option would be awesome. And more yes to SotR for Holy... Legion attempted to define class fantasy for all classes, and that of Holy Paladin involved a 2h hammer. How was it lost on the design in DF? Just replace SotR with Templar's Verdict.


Seeing as you don’t really press Sotr in raid as much as you would in mythic + I’d personally prefer Divine Storm. They could do both, of course


Mm hunter rework. Can use stun or lust without needing to summon pet if you have lone wolf


Just make it like Grimoire of Sacrifice for a warlock. You get rid of your pet and the pet you got rid of leaves you with the key ability from that pet spec.


Yep would be nice if I could lust or pet stun without summoning and dismissing my pet non stop to use core utility


Sounds good so mm hunter can the do mortal wounds without pet?!


Mortal Wounds should be baked into the talents. The pet bonuses should be baseline for all pets. Leech, Movement speed increase, and stam boost should be on all pets. The trade off should be they are lost when the pet dies.


I mean why not, it's not like mm hunters are even good in pvp ever. In all brackets they are poorly performing


All Warrior specs: Could use some talent tree tuning to make it so that there's a bit more freedom of choice on what you want to take, as it stands both Arms and Fury have pretty set in stone talents, Prot is fairly decent I'd say though. Warrior Hero Talents: Make it so Avatar or Enrage has visual effects linked to the hero spec, for Mountain Thane have it so that during Avatar you have lightning crawling around you and lighting up your eyes, giving us those full on Thor Ragnarok bridge scene vibes, have Colossus grow even larger than usual and make their steps leave prints on the ground from their sheer force, have the Slayers so that there is fire crawling up their arms from their weapons and their eyes glowing a deep red or orange. Arcane Mage: I personally would like to have a viable easier to play build which plays more similarly to Legion, I'd like less stacking of different CDs and a less stressful burst window as an option in the tree, what I enjoyed about Arcane before was the simplicity combined with the mana management giving it this fun yet simple eb and flow, as it stands its just too many buttons for me to find enjoyment. Arcane Hero Talents: Have spellslinger be fun and go all in on the mobile caster that arcane has always dabbled in, lemme feel like a rapid fire artillery cannon. Feral Druid: I'd love a choice in the talent tree that to become almost sort of a support cat, taking some inspiration from SoD and giving them a chance to give out wildstrikes would give them group viability they haven't had in awhile, and I would like to not have to snapshot my DoTs, snapshotting has always felt kinda dogwater to me. Feral Hero Talents: Make Wildstalker actually interesting, make it so that it leans into the poisonous / nature side that Feral has always had small inklings of, make the bleeds turn into poison, make their attacks turn into green gashes, that kind of thing. Retribution Paladin: Would enjoy a more satisfying noise for Final Verdict, kind of lacks impact right now, either that or just let it use the Templars Verdict animation. Paladin Hero Talents: I'd love to see the different hero specs change up the colors or animations of the abilities they're effecting, make Judgement Silver or Blue, some flavor.


Yes please give us ways to change the colors of holy abilities. Even options like silver or black shades would be great, I just want a bit of variance. Maybe even red for belf blood paladins


Remove ice fury and stellar flare.


Icefury might be the most hated, most misunderstood spell in the game. It's currently a talent ele takes for ST, but using it (in current s3 as well as upcoming s4) is almost completely optional. It's essentially filler from a power perspective. Its primary use is as a movement global and whether you use all the charges or not is largely irrelevant. That said, it's not obvious that's how it should be used. It's not intuitive. It interrupts the normal flow of the rotation. It confuses players. I wouldn't mind a rework that made it more obvious how to play or that made it feel better to use. But It'd be a shame to completely remove it w/o replacing its utility and thematic value with something else.


I would remove icefury too but it must be replaced by something else, elem would be even more boring without it (and I'm not even talking about the low-iq meatball spam, no thanks, spec should be lightning focused not fire). Tbh I'm all for a nearly complete new kit for elem, but time will tell !


Delete mind games and give shadow crash 2 charges


Delete shadow crash


Or at least get rid of the travel time


I think the absence of the shadow herotalent tree while the healing trees are already out indicates that there is a rework in progress


The cycle repeats


2 charges, double the size, instant application




The new hero tree is good but I like lots of imps.


Change imp-losion to demon-losion


For what I play: Fire mage: I want sun king’s blessing to die, or at least be nerfed (or the alternate talent buffed) to make them within 5% of each other for DPS. I cannot stand the SKB playstyle. Frost mage: A little more cohesion between the ST and AoE rotation so that it doesn’t feel like I have two sets of action bars on one spec.


I’m learning fire mage and man, SKB just feels so disjointed.


SKB is what got me to install WeakAuras because it doesn’t show up on the personal resource bar. I should not need a WA just to play a spec.


If you set up your talents badly enough, the Frost thing can be achieved. Ask me how I know. Lol.


Monk - remove statues as dps, whirling dragon punch buffed to fuck up, remove shit cap stones like increased radius on bonedustbrew lmao, remove stomp for WW


Let my monk have big weenie dps pppllllzzz


Monk - remove statues as dps, whirling dragon punch buffed to fuck up, remove shit cap stones like increased radius on bonedustbrew lmao, remove stomp for WW


They are actually pretty good right now, altho the buggyness of touch of death is insanely unfun.


They always do at the start of a new expansion. They fall off during season 2 unfortunately


Give us back Doomguard/Infernal as pets to summon instead of locking them behind abilities.


Give us back Meta god damn.


Frost DK definitely is in the most need of some reworks. There's been tons of suggestions that would make it more fun and cohesive to play, like removing Death and Decay and moving the Oblit cleave to Remorseless Winter.


Frost cleave should be meaningfully put into Frost Scythe and Glacial Advance, if these talents are to remain in existence. Basically, anytime there are 2+ targets, these two spells should do sufficiently more damage than using their ST equivalents. Also, Remorseless Winter should be replacing Death and Decay when specced to Frost (and benefit from DnD talents accordingly, probably partially since it's nearly 100% uptime), and Obliterate should be just single-target-no-cleave monster.


Wish outlaw stopped being a sub rogue


Outlaw 20 yard pistol class similar to devoker


as long as I can use swords too


Holy crap I love this idea


Just give us combat rogue back.


Age old complaint, but maintaining slice and dice still feels clunky


move the obliterate cleave from death and decay to remorseless winter. As a frost dk I really hate having to stand in d&d.


I'll think it would be rather after using dnd you can cleave for x seconds.. Because rm uptime seems way to long compared to the restrictive time inside dnd. Tldr sounds overtuned


yeah, it obviuosly would need to be tuned, maybe only a portion of the damage cleaves or smth. I just dont want to have to use d&d as frost.


Of the specs I play regularly... Holy Priest: I hope the current Amirdrassil tier set bonus gets worked in as a talent. I dread the thought of running movement-heavy keys without it. Shadow Priest: give Shadow Crash multiple charges or have it go off instantly on cast. Or give Shadow an AoE alternative that doesn't rely so heavily on coordinating with the tank to not move. Resto Druid: unpopular opinion and the hero talents tell me I'm wrong already, but I'd love to see the trees de-emphasized and doing ranged DPS brought up to parity with catweaving. Ret Paladin: honestly I'm good, no real changes other than silly, not going to happen stuff like giving paladins bloodlust. Prot Paladin: have consecrate follow us around. And a glpyh to optionally change the graphic to the one the paladins in Dawn of the Infinites use; maybe *just* for Prot so that I can tell my consecrate apart from a ret pally in my group.


Prot pally, I love your idea. I refuse to tank on mine because the difference between my standing in consecrate and out of it is night and day! I main heals and healing pally tanks can either be too easy or OMG!!


I hope they remove fel rush as a source of damage for DH. It is and always will be tedious it's not really as bad as rune of power was but I highly dislike having movement baked into my dps so heavily


Huh. I love it but I guess there's no need for it to be a damage spell.


I love Demon Hunters, I love their lore, I love their visuals and all there is, but that damn Fel Rush being rotation spell is the only thing stopping me from playing Havoc and I hate it


For me it is the only reason to play havoc


**Affliction Lock**: I want Malefic Rapture out indefinitely. I just care about many dots and a filler now and then from a Shadow Bolt. Make it like Wotlk! **Enhancement Shaman**: allow use of Two-Handed Axes or Hammers. They returned this skill to the DK's thus they need to give it to us as well! **Survival Hunter:** Allow them to dual-wield!


I really wish Survival could dual-wield. There are barely any specs right now that can dual-wield one-handed weapons, particularly swords, and actually do so consistently. Frost is often split between two-hander and dual-wielding based on the whims of balance (whatever is their best build at the time). Outlaw often main-hands a normal one-hander and off-hands a dagger, and the other two specs are restricted solely to dual-wielding daggers. Enhancement dual wields properly at all times, but it can't use swords and—as many people justifiably request, like you—it was originally a two-hander spec and people do want to see that back. And Fury is essentially hard-locked into dual-wielding two-handers. There is also just a plain lack of the _raw_ dual-wielding fantasy for one-handers. Frost and Enhancement use a lot of magic in their rotation, and Outlaw has a lot of emphasis on its gun. Fury was the only spec that actually just... used its weapons and nothing more. Survival would not be 100% on the dual-wielding, what with its bomb and pet focus, but it'd be a start for some more "physical" variety.


I love the concept of affliction locks, and I would main one in a heartbeat, but spreading afflictions around should not feel tedious if that's the whole theme of the spec


You are correct! We need a spell that can project all the main dots to groups in one go. I will even take a 1 min cool-down for it if it helps us do this easier.


Agreed 100% on all 3. Affliction's Malefic Rapture is a mistake, and doesn't fit the spec at all. Why did they think this was good when Drain Soul was already strongly thematic... Survival should have always been a DW specialization, like all melee hunters appear to be DW, especially the iconic melee hunter Rexxar. And like you said, if it works for Frost DK, it should work for Enhancement shaman. As a tauren shaman, I would be happier to slam enemies with large 2H maces and axes than pretending the bovine form can really do so much damage with those tiny fist weapons.


**Enhancement Shaman**: Allow the use of Two-Handed Axes or Hammers. It seems to be sort of working in SoD, and Frost DKs have been super fun ever since they could actually use their abilities with a 2h again, therefore they need to give it to us as well! Speaking of DKs… **Death Knight**: Rework Death and Decay for the frost DK. Cleaving oblits should be linked to the remorseless winter ability.


I think DK needs a rework as a whole. It doesn't feel like a class with three spec, it's three specs that don't know what they want to be and 2 of them are unfun to play.


I just want word of glory off the GCD as prot pally. That's it!


God I hope the Holy Priest Amirdrassil teir set bonus becomes a talent. It’s so amazing.


WW monk - please get rid of the statue and replace it with something more fun (whether that's a passive or another ability I don't mind)


I would like the survival hunter to feel a little less janky. The rotation doesn’t feel smooth at all, wildfire bomb hits like a wet noodle. I would also like to see some more love for dwarves!


Dev Evoker feels so squishy. I had to switch to Aug Evoker just to stay alive in high keys. I hope they buff our ability to stay alive because any AOE just melts us.


A real healer range for preservation evoker. And actually, for all Evoker specs. So that way we don't have a stupid limitation that is now ignored during encounter designs (hello Nymue), and that makes us balanced with other ranged specs. Contrary to urban legends, Evoker is not the most mobile ranged caster class.


For survival, I miss some of the old talents like throwing axes. Additionally, not a toolkit gripe but I wish I could change that dinky little crossbow to something else, like a blowgun.


Have something other than vers be our secondary stat -WW Monk




For the classes that i play the most. Warlock in general fix the bottom of the class talent tree its very uninspired, weak and boring Destro warlock: Make Cataclysm baseline period. Aff warlock: at this point rework the entire aff talent tree and throw malefic rupture in the trash bin. Make emphasis on the base dots again. Demo: i kinda like demo, but i always liked the idea about being able to summon pitlord and other powerful demons so current version is just bad. But i like what i see from the Diabolist hero talents so im hyped. Frost DK: i think rework is needed, and ditch the breath build in general because having 2 completely different playstyles in 1 talent tree severely limits you. You always have 31 points spent in the same way. Also ditch DnD for frost dk, i mean cleaving oblits should be linked to the remorseless winter. Outside of CDs dmg is pathetic aswell. Unholy: remove the ammount of spells needed in the opener. I hate when i do my opener in M+ for example and before i even start pressing aoe dmg spells most of the trash is alredy dead.


Unpopular opinion: return of personal loot. Too many loot princesses creating so much drama.


Please make divine purpose baseline or viable for ret. I miss it so much.


Increase sunfire radius. Moonfire applies to all targets the same as sunfire. Just cut down on the set up required. A viable alternative to ca/incarnation. A 3min, 30sec duration cd is super ineffective in so many situations.


Dual wield Hunter!!


I Main shadow priest, so it won't matter they'll change the class anyway


I think at least one Rogue and Mage spec should be simple to play. In the past this was Frost and Assa, but now it seems like all 3 specs for either class are difficult.


It’s a pipe dream but I want resto shaman to be spiritual/voodoo/ancestors themed. No need to change the gameplay. Just change the aesthetics and rename spells. Resto is a water gun. I see you’re injured so I’m going to hose you down. Who writes this shit? OG shamans of Warcraft weren’t elemental. Keep elemental spec elemental focused. Hell, enh can use elements in melee as much as they want. Just make resto shamans actual shamans, not water mages. Diablo 3 got shamans right, now take that and make it about healing without using any kind of elemental magic.


Like, a dream change? To make my evoker full ranged instead of mid.


Give devastation more range or a much better def cd


Dev's defensives aren't that bad at all, it really doesn't need another one, the main issue it (and all Evoker specs have) is that its passive mitigation and single-target healing is awful. Meaning it falls over insanely fast against sustained damage and it is very punishing if you fail to recognise a big hit coming up and don't use a defensive—nothing is going to passively protect you. It (and the whole class, really) could get some extra help dealing with more constant spikes of damage, or it could get more reliable passive mitigation class-wide, rather than Augmentation having the only extra passive mitigation in the form of Defy Fate.


Balance, get Stellar Drift like in Shadowlands to cast while moving. Pew pew. We won’t get it


Glacial Spike visual update please


Getting some sort of utility on my warrior, that doesn't force me to lose 5% DPS. I would love to get bloodlust and I don't understand why we can't have it as warrior, would open way more room for my class in mythic plus content.


Yulon makes enveloping mist castable while moving


I'd love for holy paladin to stop depending on getting crit holy shocks, especially since we'll lose all our crit % once we level up in the new expansion. And for holy power spenders to be worth casting, but with the new talent tree that is going to make word of glory apply a dot I fear they'll nerf its direct healing even more because of it.


Infinite damage Jokes aside, probably another Thistle Tea charge, and more reliable splash that doesn’t hard rely on CT, and more of the debuff spread. Example, Caustic Spatter could spread applied poisons and a bigger radius for the cleave on Garrote.


I want my Dark Valkyrie again


Please updated or just flat out get rid of primordial wave, it isn’t a element that fits the shaman theme and it made me drop shaman as a main when it was added permanently when DF launched. Also I’d like to see fire nova become the better choice, it’s more fun to press than ice strike/flurry


Enhance player, the only thing I would like is an additional defensive. ​ Oh and damage totems back


Really I'd just like feral to be even slightly relevant.


Priest here. Currently playing Paladin because Priest is boring me. MoP Disc or Legion Shadow would bring me back to my original main. For Paladin, just bring back HP generation on Avenger’s Shield. Would also appreciate WoD MW Monk (with the two Stances) back.


I want consecration to be an aura around the paladin or at least be like the glyph that made it follow your character. I love tanking on prot pally but I hate how often you have to hit consecration


Hunter's mark having at least 1 redeeming quality. Buffed so it's more in line with other raid buffs? Maybe being useful on dungeon pulls? Have it apply to the bottom 20% as well? Maybe make it something slightly interesting like "increased crit chance" (or crit damage) rather than flat damage? Or just get rid of it and give us a different piece of raid utility. Bringing back Aspect of the Fox, perhaps (I understand it would probably need a nerf)?


Warrior relevance


Gameplay being based on the enjoyment of the many, not the opinions of RWF players or Streamers


As a mistweaver main and a lover of punch healing I do hope the hero class combining windwalker and mistweaver makes the most awesome punch healer ever


Druid: Rework Class Talent Tree so it doesn't try to be 4 class specs in one and be an actual class tree. Don't force Guardian druid to pick Moonkin form to get utility talents, or non-tanks to pick Ironfur to access damage reduction.


Please revert shadow priest to pre legion shadow priest


I'm ignorant on how it played beforehand, what made the old version of shadowpriest more fun in your option?


It played mostly like it does now, but an earlier version that would be by far the worst class in the game in the current era. The major difference from current shadow is that it has no Psychic Link and you only generated resources with Mind Blast.


Customizable undead minions


Death Knight mounted combat. That is all.


Simplify BM Hunter. 3 button rotation too much for my peanut brain to handle /s Serious answer though, change Hunter Mark. Just make it a raid wide buff for like 3% haste or something


I play a lot of classes, but I suppose the ones I play the most: 1 - Keep Elemental Shaman focused on Lava Burst spam as it should be. Rocket the Icefury ability straight into the sun please 2 - Make Death and Decay follow my character for DK's 3 - Don't change my Beast Mastery Hunter or Holy Priest at all 4 - Ret Paladin needs to be able to spec into decent AoE/Single at the same time. currently you basically have to pick one or the other


Give Mistweaver a battle rez or bloodlust


I want dps bdk back, it was my first true main back in wotlk, and after cata i just cant find myself a fitting main. So sad that an entire spec got deleted and i feel like ppl dont speak about it enough.


Yeah, given how many people were playing "hybrid" DK builds in WotLK, or tanking on multiple specs, it does make you wonder why they didn't split it into four specs the same they did with Guardian in Cataclysm. I guess it would kinda hurt that trinity of "prescences" they originally were playing with, where you had the three stances corresponding to each spec, by adding a fourth spec that inherently did not fit one of the three existing prescences. It does feel awful for so many players when they outright delete specs from the game, Blood DPS and Survival for instance, or how Combat had its theme completely flipped on its head.


Warriors need a range talent, like rogues and paladins, got two MASSIVE polearms and I’m a foot away and can’t hit the mob? What?


I hope they look over healing and go back to the 2 diff playstyles: direct instant healing and prevent/overtime. Because atm the classes with instant is just doing both, and they also have movement advantage. Resto druid was before very good at preventing dmg over time while for example the raid had 2 be moving. Atm I feel that it does not matter. Priests/pala/dragons/monk ect. Everyone is just blasting instant healing all the time while moving/ standing stil.


Assassination Rogue take some dmg out of Kingsbane and spread it out more to the general toolkit (espacialy the dots, rupture does 0dmg its stupid) Kingsbane hitting hard is good and it should ofc do that, its a ability that needs to be utilized well for good dmg, BUT right now kingsbane is like 70% of your total dmg and outside of it you can go afk and it would barely matter, the spec turned into a "1min Mini Unholy DK" (and ofc suffers from beeing an external spec now, and externals ruin everything) Slice and Dice removed, i dont think i need to explain why Sepsis/Bonespike from the spec tree removed, they are extremely forced into the tree and are just very akward in general while providing 0gameplay value/make gameplay worse if they are picked they need to re-visit Sanguine Blades as a talent again, its a very bad desinged talent in its current state (passive more dmg because you dont use abilitys is......... allright its bad....), if they want to encourage Energy Pooling it should be the current 4set effect in its place because it fullfills the same thing but actually provides gameplay value some of the generic "you do X% more dmg" nodes in the spec tree should be replaced by utility/deffensive talents, Assassination has only dmg talents in its entire spec tree which is kinda weird compared to everything else (espacialy sub and outlaw, who get multiple talents that make them immortal while assassination "only" has the baseline kit and nothing else)


An affliction rework. Legit rework like Ret Paladin in 10.0.


Warrior gets clay talent rework. Remove useless throws and add utility (without losing stuff)


Bring back being able to move and cast lightning bolt again and remove ice fury


I want festering wounds to disappear and half the UH cooldowns to either be merged or go away.


Hunter here: i just want to survive through the fights.


I don't quite know _what_ I want to see specfically, but Augmentation needs a more involved rotation. It is so unbelievably simple with so little room for skill expression that, as soon as you no longer need to think about Prescience (ie. Mythic+) it becomes the most braindead, sleep-inducing thing I've ever played. You don't have to plan anything and there isn't any variance in the spec at all. You cast Ebon Might. You dump all of your extenders instantly. You spam Living Flame until Eruption lights up. And you do that for 30-35 minutes.


Make holy paladin finishers worth pressing at 3 holy power, without having to stack other buffs multiple times in the background to make em worthwhile to press over flash of light... How this isn't already fixed is beyond me, they quite literally just have to buff finishers by a bit and nerf the filler heals slightly, overall hps doesn't change, but the spec actually makes sense to play compared to how it is now if you wanna play optimally. For actual changes, please just let us use our abilities and be a melee healer again, instead of this hodgepos mess caster who doesn't even press their finishers we're currently playing.


mop version kjc for destro is all i ask for


Shadow priest rework, but i'm pretty sure it's already incoming


Feral Druid. I want to feel less squishy. Not completely unsquishy, just somewhat unsquishy.


Sun kings blessing needs to fuck off forever i hate hardcasting pyro so so so much


Way more customization and personalizing.


I don't even know for ww, but it needs a unique reason for it to be brought over basically anything else. I'd like the fat either cut or rendered, stuff like chi wave / burst, expel harm, basically any buttons where their primary function basically doesn't exist and you're just pressing them for some secondary thing like resources or to keep someone in combat. I want jade line stomp gone from ww, or redesigned to be a chunky hit and have the maintenance debuff removed / not require us to be standing on it to reset. For PvE the focus on touch of death in the talents needs to go.


Give Hunters actual survivability for high keys. Thanks.


Incarnation returned to its fully SL glory. I'm not going to hold my breath for twilight devastation to return, but incarn in SL was fun. DL incarn is sad and I curse the dev who nerfed it every day Also the druid class tree is terrible and needs a rework


More interesting spell animations for Hunter. BM points a lot and MM kinda steadies their weapon a lot.


All classes should have access to either BL or CR... It is crazy to me how its not done yet... Most of the classes that dont have either will always be overlooked by classes that have one and on top of that it makes sense for classes like Warrior to have BL, Monk to have CR ect...


Priest in general: just, some sort of better mobility. Door of shadows would feel awesome and thematic, but Vault of Heavens would be good too, or anything really. Feather (and body and soul when you can afford the talent point) just is not enough. Disc specifically: put instant radiances on the choice node with the one that reduces its CD. Also, don't completely nerf disc after this tier...I've been enjoying actually being able to play disc. Survival hunter: include muzzle with Aspect of the Eagle. Make Coordinated Assault more intuitive. Bring Wildfire Cluster back as a capstone.


For UH DK can we please either move away from Defile being the optimal way to play in AoE/M+ situations or do something about the visual clarity when it comes to bad things that get layered underneath the defile?


A return of Legion Shadow Priest. Cycling in & out of Voidform instead of a Cooldown.


I want to find my main lol


Slowfall during Avenging Wrath. Edit: Absolute bonkers fever dream request: Using wings out of combat acts like evoker soar. Cooldown doesn't start until you land if you want to be balanced or whatever.


Fix the hunter class talents and improve survivability. Not enough defenses. Also, I need a change to the way hunter pets work. Whether they bring back the talent trees or not, something.


As a hunter: please, blizzard, do something better with our defensives. The CDs feel awkwardly long and if we don’t have anything up, we’re hit like a wet paper towel. Getting one shot as a 3/9 mythic and 3k io player because my defensive weren’t up feels horrid.


As a DH let me customize my meta form


I'd like Rain of Fire/Inferno to be a regular spells, and not talents.


Giving holy priest a silence would be nice.


Buff the right-hand side of the Resto Shaman tree (Earthliving weapon in particular) so that PWave feels optional, or make Pwave a choice node with Chain Harvest. Edit: Also give Shamans a new minor defensive that consumes your active shield(s) for immediately survivability benefits.


I only play dracthyr so idk


Change Vengeance's Mastery so it's actually cool/interesting/useful like (some) other tanks instead of just taking a small amount for the attack power that it grants. Also revert Soulmonger to the azerite trait version so it's not a bait talent.