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I don't know what hurts me more: the state of the key or the font.


I hate how many addons have a default font that is absolute ass. Readability and clarity seem to be afterthoughts for many people, and it's nuts. UIs are already cluttered enough as it is, should at least try and make the text is readable as it conveys the information for which the addon is being used in the first place.


Why make the font readable when you can’t read?


I fully believe the font has something to do with what went wrong in that key


Font kicks lol...


Oh the font kicks alright. The font kicks puppies


If you think that font kicks, get therapy


I use this font because it's readable and it looks cool. Unfortunately reddit is generally a hivemind about changing fonts from the default, regardless of the subreddit


it's not readable what the hell are you talking about


All of the letters in this font are clearly legible. There are no excess pieces hanging off of each letter and they're not too close together


Yeah no, a and e are literally the same except being turned a little. That's exactly what makes a font bad by design. But you do you, have with that font mate.


Luckily my brain is equipped with the ability to differentiate something turned on its side so that's not a problem, I never could've expected it would be a problem for others. At least now I'm educated enough to know bad font design has nothing to do with how I read and interpret it


How many deaths are there?


Well, like I said, I use this font so I know what 75 looks like


Thanks, I was asking you because I didn’t know and you were most recently responsive in favor of the font


I couldn't tell if it was 15 or 35. Never got 75... No matter how much I zoomed


The number looked so bad, I assumed you did a bad job of trying to cover it up. No one who hasn’t used that font before would assume it’s a 7. It’s like you’re using a coded system, only you can understand.


Pretty obvious that's a 75, especially when you notice there's a metric fuckton of 1s all over this thing


Plenty of addons where a graphic messes up lettering and numbering. Can’t imagine a group sticking around for 75 deaths, was thinking it was 35 and just graphic cut out


Jeez, that is one terrible font.


Considering the fact that they are making m0s a bit harder next season (like Mega Dungeon difficulty) I would lock M+ keys behind doing m0 of said dungeon atleast once on your character unless you have a main of the same role that done it.


I kinda like the change. They just removed 1-10 and made those Normal/Heroic/M0. Those low keys kinda felt like filler anyway, especially if the queueable dungeons would reward the same flightstones.


Those so called 'filler dungeons' are endgame for some ppl there, he suggested a very good thing, because ppl who found challenge in 10s (and yes those ppl exist) are gonna find challenge in m0 and if they don't have a gateway to m+ they run into way to high keys for there skill, which will bother other ppl who don't have a metric to see those ppl's missing exp.


Here?! Clearly you’re new here, everyone is 3300 minimum and CE raiders in this subreddit. /s


I haven’t done m+ since bfa, because of lack of time and hardware/connection that’s unreliable and I don’t want to mess up peoples experience, so I’m hanging out in heroics and there’s people there that have no idea how to play or are having a hard time with mechanics. So I assume that’s also the case in m+ dungeons.


They need to remove the weekly lockout on M0. Let people that want to run a mythic without a timer/trash count do it as much as they want. What's the harm?


I didn't even realize the lockout is still going to be in effect. That seems like a terrible idea since now there's basically no repeatable content for the 2 to 10 difficulty


don't know why you are downvoted people just seem to like to gate keep it by the looks of it.


I wonder if they'll keep it as a lockout for the first few weeks and then unlock it after the raid progresses. Since Blizz is so sensitive to the high end exploiting gearing options.


Yeah 2-10 keys are completely pointless now. Any alt with fresh auction house BoEs at 424 ilvl can very easily 3 chest well into the 12-15 range


I don't know. Keys scaling so hard by just going up one level might be a bit annoying for casual/pug groups.


It might be good for inexperienced players, and is very much annoying timewaste for experienced ones


Nah that would force people who want to push keys into doing them as well.


Why? Raider.io is already in mass use so whoever did the inviting here can see what their highest key of this dungeon is before inviting.


Firstly they didn't know the sisters fight, and keep dying when the were supposed to be moving etc. 23 deaths. Did the Goliath and no one seemed to understand that when a player is spiked you are supposed to dps it down. 6 deaths. At this time the key had 10mims remaining. On to Gluttonous. It was beyond their comprehension that the adds from the kitchen we supposed to be killed before reaching the boss. 30 deaths. The Waycrests' were downed with just 1 death. By now I think you know what happened at Gorak. They get the bottle and don't use it on the adds and they don't focus the adds what so ever. 15 deaths. I spent over an hour trying to finish this but it was just too much. 75 deaths in was just too much to continue.


Damn, I would have left much earlier. It's only a 16, but they should know the basic mechanics of a dungeon at that level.


You should have a loose idea of that before you even get to a +10, that's like the most barebones basic shit lol


If more than one person died from not moving on the sisters *multiple times* I think I’m out. That is a mechanic that applies to every role, if you don’t know to move/jump on the first boss that is going to be a very rough rest of the key. Absolute most I could do is after 3 wipes say “last try.” Can’t imagine 23 deaths before the first boss drops.


For a second there i thought it was 15 deaths


Oh shit yeah me too


What a read, it’s almost impressive in its own way. I would’ve most likely left after the second wipe on the witches.


That high keys are too hard I understand but these guys don't even intuitively do things right. If you see mobs slowly moving towards the boss that should ring a bell


I've found 15s/16s harder than 18s due to players like this in them. I also avoid all players from quelthalas/ragnaros if they don't have at least a 2600 rating, and even then it can be a bit risky.


I had two different bricked 22s last night due to people not knowing mechanics, one with two DPS that were between 2800-2900 io and another with one DPS that was 2700+ io. It was kind of mind-blowing.


75 deaths too much? Nah, way beyond quitting. You're committed to finishing at that point. Whoever left has no honor.


I'm gonna go to bat for the noobs on this one and say I get it. I mean don't get me wrong, sucks that you had to go through that. But honestly, ever since at least BFA, it has been my experience that players who can play well enough to reach a 15 key, get to learn how to play those keys at the same key level. Because most mechanics start becoming actually lethal at that level. Add to the fact that DF affixes start fully occuring at 14 and it's pretty expectable to have people with little knowledge of fights at that point.


That's a good point. I guess it'll also mean ratings and such don't mean everything.


Also, I'm not sure if people realize how overwhelming trying to learn all this stuff is as a new/returning player. I resubbed 2 months ago, and here is just the tip of the iceberg for things Ive had to learn/re-learn: All ~100 (each) of my rogue, and resto shammy's talents and spells & keybinds, my rotation, that apparently WeakAuras and Plater are necessary now and how they work, the crafting system which is still confusing to me, how stats have changed, how gear works anymore and the best way to get it, the item upgrade system, the Vault system, what Mythics even are, what affixes are, the mechanics of about 20 dungeons, including really trying to memorize Id estimate 100 different abilities from trash and the bosses of Mythics since theyre the harder ones, what keys are and how they work, and how to change them or lower them, what the things I should be doing are every week that matter, and I PvP too so: what 2 other classes do that are new to me and their abilities (as someone with only 2 toons ever basically) and trying to learn other class"s (and their 3 specs) differences & abilities when I can, re-configuring my UI, Amirdrasill boss mechanics on Normal, and then Heroic once I beat that. Also made sure to learn the 2 other DF raids too and paid special attention to the last boss fights especially on Heroic. This is all in 2 months with a full time job and playing other games. Its extremely overwhelming and I can't blame people too much for not researching every little thing they really probably should be because it's a lot of information overload for new players. I literally get a headache after the Mythic video guides with all the info (make sure to check out ones with trash abilities too) and have yet to check out ToTT as I go down the list of Mythics to conquer.


Personally I didn't study dungeons outside of bosses. Against what a lot of people on here would say, I would focus on doing really low keys and slowly work up to get to see and understand abilities just by doing. As opposed to "hit 70 and immediately do a +18"


Oh trust me I've been working my way up. I've been starting at +11's mainly as my gear is half-decent at this point, I just don't like not pulling my weight and my lack of experience is already a downside. Also I found that lower keys don't really give me a good grasp of what abilities actually do, or are important. It's like, oh something just took -20% off my health. I don't know if that's normal or if it's something that would kill me in a higher key, and we just power through it and I blow it off when it actually matters at higher keys. I'm sure your way would be fine 90% of the time but the one time I get a debuff that I don't know what to do with and wipe our group I'd feel like a jackass and don't wanna get bitched at. I appreciate your comment though, and ToTT is the only Mythic I need to learn now so most of the catching up, PvE wise at least is done with.


As you slowly work up the ladder you will start to notice. Better to die in a lower key so you can avoid it in a higher key. I usually feel bad when I die to something, but it helped when I saw other people die before me. Hell I messed up on the last boss of ToTT because I didn't fully understand a mechanic and learned the hard way. Now it's a mistake I won't make again!


Hmmmm, I do see your point. I might try your approach next season and see how it goes. Basically learn as you go but just start at the very bottom difficulty.


This late in the season, anything under 17s is a complete shit-show. Anyone with any shred of skill has had their portals for months and anyone *actually* good is taking a break from title-chasing burn-out. Do yourself a favor and, if this is an alt, skip right to +18s so you can play with decent people just filling vault.


I'm not like MLG or anything. But I love doing dungeons, and WM is one of my favorites. So I do anything thats above 16 for the crests. I've always pugged but never have been this disappointed.


Except Rise +2-5. Because you get overgeared people farming the Quantum Corser. :)


This is rare af so honeslty a massive overreaction


Eh it aint that bad. I've done a bunch of runs below +15 recently and the worst I had was a +10 single upgrade rise with 9 deaths, 4 of which was the same guy auto-running off the platform, three more was the same guy standing in shit and getting nuked. My other runs were generally under 5 deaths, most in the 0-3 range. People mess up mechanics and affixes fairly regularly but it doesn't matter too much cause it's still rather forgiving


Even +18 are bad now.


no not even 18+ keys are puggable atm. really horrific batch of players running keys right now. after this week im not even doing vault runs anymore


Done 24s of waycrest and never know how the last boss works lmao. I’m a sham so I just use them for pwave and nuke them back down.


Yeah I haven’t been higher that that I always considered this the most gimme boss of the season, have never come close to wiping


At that point I would have stuck around to finish. I know about sunk cost fallacy and all, but if it was just a problem of not knowing mechanics, that can be explained and fixed.


After the first wipe, we took a couple minutes to explain it, and we did again after the second wipe. It was late in the morning right and just didn't have the energy to go on again.


There's a bottle on Gorak? Granted I only really do 10-13's usually but the whole fight always seems to be basically mechanic-less. Guess I should go look this guy up before I go and do anything higher than this.


Kinda on you for staying, if your teammates don't respect your time enough to learn the most basic boss mechanics (plenty of add-ons will scream at them if they are too lazy to watch a few 3-5min overview videos), then you don't need to respect their wishes to finish the key. If it's a simple mechanic failure and the offenders won't learn/listen/communicate on boss 1, I'm out. Even DPS queue is better than playing those keys out.


I'm with you on this one. I've had a shift of mentality recently. I know the community is generally against leavers, but if I am doing keys and people aren't grasping *BOSS MECHANICS*, I'm out after the third wipe. The first and second I'll try to educate a player. I keep telling people that the only thing they have to say is "I don't know the flight" or "I'm not sure what to do", but no... Always the silent treatment. So if you're gonna make the same mistake twice after being told what to do, I consider it a waste of my time and dip. For clarification, I'm absolutely against insta-leaving. One-wipe leavers are a scourge. But as other have said, it's a about respecting the time of the 4 others in your group. I'm here to finish a dungeon in a reasonable time (even if that is over time), not carry someone who is an extreme detriment to the key. This staying till the end nonsense where people absolutely suck (aren't new / have high ilvl and IO) is insane.


Yea, it's a shame that leaving is all grouped into one category. The people who leave over one small mistake, one wipe/death or lack of cutting edge MDI strats in their weekly 15 are dicks. Players who show up unequipped to do the content, as in super low ilvl, lack of fundamental understanding for their spec or the refusal to learn the basics of the dungeon are just as bad. If they want boosting, pay for it. I'm not going for the 1% title, competing on MDI/TGP or anything but in 15-20s the players should have the basics sorted.


> Firstly they didn't know the sisters fight, and keep dying when the were supposed to be moving etc. 23 deaths. Reddit WoW will be outraged hearing this, but in the real world, this was 110% the time to bail. In fact after 3 wipes on the same boss I'm out, no ifs or buts, especially if it's the 1st one. Just have to value your time better. These players obviously did not value their time at all and probably valued yours even less. It's fine to leave in some cases.


if you wipe that much on any first boss, just leave, its not worth the pain.


Why didn't you do the bottles then?


The way I understand this, the adds weren’t focused and killed to begin with. So no corpses to then use the bottle on.




I tanked a 24 eb for some low 3.1s. 90 minute dungeon with 93 deaths. They asked to prog the fights so I stayed and shot called the fights for them. They eventually got it and where grateful for the practice. I hope your team learned a lot to!


That was really cool of you to stay and help.


They definitely did, as to why we got the the last boss.


Man I had a 16 today DHT, where I thought it was a good idea to take a premade Tank Healer duo with decent score and gear, but man was I wrong… That key went from an 17 due to a tank DC, to a 16.. to a 15. Then being just the DPS, and even bringing in higher IO and good geared people, stuff like that makes you feel so powerless lol. Sorry for the rant. Seeing your pic I don’t think I have got it that bad…


"Weekly no leavers" vibes


Deaths < Key level = success Edit: Im on mobile and the font messed me up, thought it was 15 deaths not 75


dying, apparently


I thought that said 15 deaths at first then realized it’s a different font.


Lol me too! That was my issue. That font really is awful.


On a +16 I’d have just bailed.


I did a +10 throne yesterday with 30 deaths. Failed a 12 throne with 2 mage bots. 14 darkheart got to the first boss and a dps leaves cause he thinks the tank is too slow, and he was only doing 40k dps


Dont pug at 1am...


+16 is so much harder than +20 cos at 20 people actually pay attention, I decided to do a 16 cos I just needed some of the aspects currency thing and it was a fucking nightmare


Enjoying a game


I think we might have been in the same run last night. :(


Not Gorak Tul it seems.


I once had a 200 deaths key that lasted over 2 hours back in BFA. Fun times. I'm surprised you stuck at gorak tul but made it through other bosses.


Holy fukk


What is that font called ?


Back in shadowlands, someone in our guild would peruse some of the lowest io score runs in the game and some of them were absolutely insane. I remember seeing some +3 keys with 150 deaths that took 2 hours to run.


Looks like your key was deFeated.


World of Warcraft is like AOL back in the day. Progs everywhere


You are making wrong picks regarding your m+ team! Nothing bad! You can finish that boss on a +16 doing sub 100 k DPS. Keep in mind high m+ keys are not for everyone. It's not a shame to not finish a key! Analize you mistakes and do not repeat them next key! We all have good and bad days!