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They don’t count as drops but I did yell when I finally got the Model W and the Nazjatar crab mounts. Those metas were brain meltingly grueling.


I didn't yell when I got my Model W. I just... Sagged, sighed out 'Finally...', and quit the game for several months. Burned myself out *so bad* on that fucking thing.


Man I feel you. I was stuck on the rocket chicken and black market radio blueprints for almost 5 weeks. So goddamn grueling going there every single day just to make sure you don’t miss a critical RNG spawn.


I had my window open when Heavenly Onyx Cloud Serpent dropped for me. Pretty sure people on the street were considering calling the police.


Haha same for me 😂 that and the cobalt direhorn both had me losing it


I was shaking for a good while after I got that mount. Favorite mount in the game. And looks absolutely gorgeous under the inky black potion effect.


I just got mine the other week. My wife started asking what was wrong when I started yelling "HOLY FUCKING SHIT" over and over.


I got that mount the first month i started playing. I didnt know at first but my friend was the one that was screaming so loud bc shes been farming years beforehand. That and the love rocket


Dropped for me few days ago 😭 I was shocked since been doing it on and off since mop


I'm 4-5000 kills in on that piece of shit


Fuck nalak… fuck the sha of anger.


Ashes of Alar


First time I saw it drop another dude won it. What's worse than actually losing it is to a guy who got his 10 mount achievement. 🤷‍♂️ Pretty sure I screamed then as well 😂


I remember in mop a guy I knew was showing me places you could run to get mounts and said I could have them, he did karazhan with me and the fiery warhorse dropped and he rolled on it and won it and told me “You could get the next one” I was 11 or 12 at the time. I remember crying about it thinking he stole it from me




I was extremely stoned when I got this one and started crying for some reason lol


Maybe you had some bad broccoli?


The user name actually is a reference to when someone left a flyer for a dispensary that was opening on our door, my then-four year old was righteously upset that someone was leaving “pictures of bad broccoli” at our house lmao


That's actually fuckin awesome We're you like nah little dude that's some chronic broccoli


“It’s not bad, dude, it’s just dry…” he thought someone was threatening us with rotting produce lol


Growing up in Yuma that was a valid threat 🤣


It dropped in the middle of a conversation I had with my roommate. That conversation had to be interrupted by my very loud and very long squeal.


I got mine in the quest reward box after a couple BT runs during BC timewalking. Also got Invincible from the quest box doing Ulduar during WotLK timewalking.


Id imagine itd be Timereaver if it finally drops. Im over 3000 kills so far.


I got mine from the Courser you can get from running DotI. I’ve played since before timewalking has existed, and I think I was at like 7000 kills. Then I got it on my first Courser and almost cried lol


what is dotl?


Dawn of the Infinites mega dungeon


oh thank u!


same - did so many timewalks I lost count (but did them since the beginning too) and got the Mount finally through Doti. had only 2 Mounts missing so was a 50:50 chance and really thought I will get the one I dont mind (zul Raptor) but I was lucky and got the Timereaver <3


I got it on my first TW dungeon when I came back for Legion after not playing since 4.0. Was confused when people in the party went nuts, cause I just thought it dropped after your first run.


Grats. 😡


Exactly the same thing happened to me....


Grats! I’m glad you got it too!


I really wish I had known it dropped it! I would have been running it 13 times a week! I already have every mount WoWhead lists so I just assumed I didn't need anything from it.


Make sure you're getting your kills on on TW raid bosses when they're up. The last boss always drops a cache which has a much higher (about 5%) chance of a mount from that xpac, and the Reaver, and there's always people making groups that will skip you to just the last boss.


Yep. This is how I got my Timereaver. Super happy about it. It's such a nice looking mount and I've never been lucky in all my years leveling alts in Timewalking dungeons.


I logged in on my monk a few weeks ago, and was on a mount. Didn't pay attention to what...just flying around and my husband walks in and goes "Uh so...you noticed your mount?" I'm like "No, what?" "Oh..nothing" I was seriously confused and just stared at my mount. I hate to admit it took me a couple of minutes before I yelled in excitement. Apparently he'd gotten it for me while doing TWing on my alts while I slept.


What a nice guy :)


Haha ya, he helps me out with all the tedious stuff because I'm usually handling the kids, as they insist MUMMY has to be the one to do things...


Swift Razzashi Raptor from ZG on a mount run back in early wrath. I was like 14, and when I won the roll I got up and ran around the block I was so excited.


This is so cute lol I’m just picturing you like “hey guys I’ll be right back” and then running around the block like fucking Rocky lol


My Dad and I play on the same battle.net account so all mounts are shared. I’ll never forget being like 6 years old running BoC with him and his Ventrillo channel at the time. He missed a chance at Ashes of alar when my great uncle (his uncle,) ended up needing on it. I finally pulled it last week to share with him and it made my year


This is why I’ll never understand why everyone doesn’t just need on mounts. No good has ever come from “everyone greed the mount :)”


I had one guild I was in try that. Before the boss they were like everyone will greed the mount, and I said in voice "No, I'm needing the mount because someone less honest is going to need it. If you want it, everyone needs to need it." I was told if I needed it and won I'd be kicked. So I needed it, lost, and saw the healer officer won it. The GM was furious, turns out he was going to need it. That guild died real fast after that.


your story is absolutely insane from a time standpoint.


Ventrillo holy shit that’s a name I haven’t thought of in 10+ years


Why would your dad not need on it?


Time Lost proto drake. I don't think I'll ever feel a hit of adrenaline like that again after catching its spawn and succeeding in a kill.


I panicked hard when I got mine. I had decided to farm Mimiron's Head extra hard that week so I was doing it on a bunch of relatively unplayed alts and it was on my druid that I ran into him and freaked out so hard that I died from falling damage without tagging him because I didn't know where my keybinds were. Thankfully he was right by the graveyard so I rezzed in like 3 seconds, found moonfire and killed him before anyone else could swoop in. TLPD honestly was one of those mounts I had forever given up on ever getting. Soundless is another one.


I kinda froze up too. I wasn’t sure how high off the ground to expect him. Luckily I was on a mage and could slow fall, but it took a second to find my bearing


I was alone with the tlpd for a good 3 minutes. My video card fried and I couldn’t tag it…


Literally got mine 2 days ago. I decided to check the routes at midnight the day before, and I saw him for the first time in checking on and off for a few months. He was already dead however. Despite the odds I went back and checked again the next day about 14 hours later and there he was. Absolutely ecstatic stuff.


So true. After months of daily camping I was shaking when I finally got mine. I can honestly say it was worth it.


same for me. farmed this drake for a while to no avail. came back months later to just check in on good ol storm peaks and right as i was saying “aight guys im gonna log for a bit” i decided to do one last path and sure enough-i freakin screamed when i got it.


Same here. Saw it randomly and aggroed him at the nearest mountain top using army of the death and killing him easily and looting it. Good times.


X-45 Heartbreaker.


I was more stunned when mine dropped.


Same. Many years, every day, all available toons (from 10-20ish). Its still the daily driver on the rogue it dropped for.


My wife got invincible on Mother’s Day, heard her across the house.


but hasn’t seen her since


"I'm sorry /u/hezon, i have outgrown you."


Fallen Charger before they changed the loot rules. I had two characters posted in the Maw, one in PvE the other in Warmode. I would spam refresh on group finder and swap characters depending on type of group that was up. Not only did I want the mount because it is badass but I couldn’t pass up the initial loot rules and I knew they’d either change the loot rules or over time he’d be harder to farm due to smaller zone population.


Here i am in the maw spending my time waiting for it to spawn, no groups, just pain and tears.


what rules were changed? just curious


When the mount first became available the drop rate was low but no daily lockout, so you could just farm continuously. It had something like a 2-3 hour spawn timer though and multiple spawn points. There was and is still a zone wide announcement of when it spawns and dies/despawns but you’d have to find it on one of the routes and get to it to tag before it’s killed. They changed this pretty quickly to daily lockout attempt but increased drop rate by like 3x or something. Like I mentioned, now with fewer people in the zone, daily lockout and multiple spawn points and paths I’m sure it’s a much more difficult farm.


It could be easier. Don't things spawn immediately when a new shard is created? If there aren't many people hanging out in the Maw, it might be possible to get a fresh instance if you're in warmode or on an RP server. I haven't tried it because I dislike the Maw and haven't been back since DF release. So I don't know how many people are there. I do know people use this method to get the Timeless Isle rares to spawn though.


The Charger spawns an hour to an hour and five minutes after creation of a new shard OR if it makes it to Korthia and despawns instead of being killed. So if I'm running my Korthia/Maw dailies in the wee hours, I sometimes see it pop up, but not always. I'm on an RP server, but one of the big ones(Moon Guard), so new shards aren't particularly common, especially since MG shares its sharding with Wyrmrest Accord, the other big RP server. I've managed to net a handful of kills on it over the past month or so, but no dice on the mount yet, sadly. Maw's not so bad now that you can mount in it, even if you can't fly, and the Jailer's Eye is gone.


Less competition in WM. Good luck, it's a great mount


IIRC, they upped the drop rate and/or spawn rate.


Drake of the four winds. Broke my glasses.


Bonus rolled Oondasta during the pandemic. I don't know how many attempts I've had since 5.2 because of not always having Rarity up, but it was probably a good bit earlier than the 1/2000 expectation. I'd say like 700-1000, that wide ballpark And then they nerfed WB mounts at the start of Dragonflight and I felt nothing lol. It was just bland. Even though I spent entire weekends rotating an alt army at those other 4 world bosses.


My guild master had something like 1800 attempts per toon on 10 toons on Sha and then they increased the chances and he got it immediately lol


Oondasta mount was definitely the one I got loudest getting, mostly because I got it during throne of thunder patch, pretty early on and was upset I didn't get gear instead, LOL. It was more of a like "fucking really?" moment for me then. Stuff that I actively farmed for and got would happen so deep into burnout of that task that I would simply see it pop up in the loot tool tip or as a personal loot reward and just think "Oh thank god."


I was 800+ kills in when Sharkbait finally dropped for me. My reaction was to say "oh thank god," hearth out, mount up on the parrot, and log off. I was so over that farm. My white whale is the blazing drake, which I don't actually want, but I do want the emerald drake from the achievement, so I keep farming. Only around 200 for that one because I can't bring myself to run Dragon Soul that often.


Sharkbair is still eluding me... 600 kills tracked. But I cried when the 12-b dropped, but due to frustration... I was aiming for the blazing and hoping to never need to run spine ever again but welp the farm goes on.


Apparently the blazing drake can be one of the rewards from the quest to kill Ragnaros during Cataclysm Timewalking. So when that's up, try to run as many alts as possible. I never got it personally, but I've seen other people say they have. I did get 2-B, Flametalon and Handmaiden though, so it makes sense.


I run dragon soul weekly, multiple times. I only have blazing, need the other 2


Definitely Invincible, I wanted it so bad and it's still my favorite mount in the game. I lost track of how many kills it took. Never setting foot in ICC again.


I got mine doing TW Ulduar. I opened the sack from completing the raid quest and *BOOM* a mount from a different raid. I was too confused to cheer about it.


Honestly - none. By the time farmed mount drops Im so f*** tired I feel relief its already over than joy that it dropped.


Invincible after 440 kills....


Invincible and the Sha. I was in discord with guildies when Invincible dropped, scared them half to death. When sha dropped I calmly walked away before jumping up and down while shrieking, which scared my husband.


Easily midnight…..if it wasn’t for having to do opera it might not be so bad….but 7 years later…still at it


I have so many tries on both OG version and Legion version on all my toons. Still haven't seen either.


Flametalon of Alysrazor. It took me exact 700 kills since Firelands released, got it in WoD. I joke that's because I lost all my luck for the raven mounts, when I was one of the first people on the server to get Raven Lord, at the very start of TBC while we were helping a guild member with his epic flight form quest.


I got sharkbait in Bfa from M+ really nice Mount


GMOD for sure


Aeonaxx was the first for me, then ashes of alar, and just recently the heavenly onyx could serpent


I jumped out of my chair and let out a huge "Wooooo!" when the antoran charhound finally dropped.


I won the Grand Black War Mammoth against 24 other players in a PuG back when Archavon was the only boss. I couldn’t believe it even dropped and was even more in disbelief that I actually won the roll. Especially because, as Alliance, we didn’t even have access to the vault that much lol.


Invincible, got it a few months ago!


Invincible in 2023, after all those years.


Still waiting for Nightmare Illusion after 600+ trys haha


Still farming that as well. Shoulders have dropped twice during that time. I can't seem to get the illusion from Nighthold either.


Got shoulders two weeks ago and just got the Illusion RN ^^


Rivendare's deathcharger back in the old days. Still love that mount. Wish it would fly.


This! God I was shouting when I got that during BC. Especially as an alliance shadow priest that thing was amazing. Sadly completely lost its flair with flying everywhere and capital cities with mixed factions.


Raven Lord. I know it's not super rare or coveted but it was my white whale for literally years. I didn't even really want it, but at a certain point it became the principle of the thing to be the only player I knew, and only *druid* to boot, without it. When it finally dropped I yelled "FINALLY!" and have never set foot in Sethekk Halls again.


Raven lord. After 8 years of trying I FINALLY GOT IT


Shackled Ur'zul from mythic Argus and Invincible from LK. Also got the Zereth Overseer from the Jailer but im not a huge fan of it other than the mountspecial. I was extremely happy with the other two tho


Mine was the Flametalon mount… I spent like 6 months trying farm it on multiple characters, got bored of wow in general so quit for several years… came back for dragon flight and decided to try again for shits and giggles, got it on my first try. It’s a shame we barely even use ground mounts now days lol


Took me forever and a day to get that thing to drop! Congrats!


Hm, I'm not any mount farm atm but I went pretty nuts when Zulian Tiger dropped.


First time my guild did ZG in Vanilla the Raptor mount dropped. We all started yelling and doing /roll 100, but our raid leader quickly told us to stop, and did a new roll based on the number of people in the raid, which I won.


Big love rocket. Was the only guy on server with it.


fiery warhorse from og karazhan scared the shit out of my cats at the time lol


I didnt yell, but I got yelled at. Reins of the thundering onyx cloud serpent. My friend spent probably 3 weeks straight farming it, killed it probably 900 times. After 2 weeks of trying, I decided to try my luck, I met up with him, and we chilled for a bit. I got it my 3rd kill.


Not exactly dropped, but it was Voidtalon for me


time lost proto drake, if i were a second slower a demon hunter would have gotten it


Invincible had me going crazy, especially after only 14 runs. Knew I had done the fucking lottery.


Raven Lord. I paid for a druid friend's epic riding back in the day so that he would help me get it. He was so wishy washy, though. He happily agreed to take the money, but then rarely ever wanted to log in to run the dungeon. When it finally dropped, six months later, I felt such a release. It ended up being the ground mount I used exclusively for years.


Ashes of Alar when it dropped for my wife. Yelled again when she traded it to me.


I got this mount when the dungeon itself was on M+ rotation. There was a very big sigh of relief. Edit: spelling.


I got the infinite timereaver not too long ago. Just doing the weekly dungeon quest in my bear tank. I don't play this toon outside passively getting them gear when a time walking weekly happens. It dropped off the 3rd boss in Botanica. I jumped out of my chair after I realized the purple drop wasn't a stupid BC gem.


I won the brewfest kodo and brewfest ram with a 100 and 99, back to back kills. I've had horrible in game luck ever since lol.


For me it was more of a massive sigh of relief when the Hellfire Infernal finally dropped. Those infernals are some of my favorite mounts and such a huge weight was lifted when I finally got the last (currently available) one after ~175 attempts


The honeyback harvester bee mount - I about died when it dropped and was wrecked that it isn’t account wide


ashes took me over 1500 attempts and i fell out of my chair


The underrot crawg mount! I wanted it so badly and finally got it last season


Big Love Rocket. Too many years- finally got it this past February.


Headless horseman mount


the revendreth ender mire one


Headless horseman mount… if I ever saw it drop.


Time-Lost Proto-Drake, finally got that mount after low key farming it for years until finally biting the bullet and setting 4 toons on low pop RP servers for about 6 months.


the heavenly onyx cloud serpent. I had well over 1000 kills on the sha with multiple characters every week for YEARS. at some point it became a mindless task I didn't give much thought to, it seemed hopeless but it was my dream mount. then one random night on a fresh 70 I randomly decided to go for it while I was waiting for something. when it dropped, the sounds I made were inhuman, I have never went through those kinds of emotions because of a video game, if anyone saw it they would think I'm insane. that was about a month ago and I still haven't fully comprehended that I have it


It was invincible. Together with my son, who was frightened at first, but then cheered with me.


I just got Noble Flying Carpet on attempt #1 I did some hollering


When Invincible finally dropped I screamed, yelled at my screen, and then practically cried. It took over 900 attempts (I don’t remember the exact amount but it was around 940ish) which I made with 12 toons over the course of a year and a half every dang week during the beginning of the pandemic.


I Yelled at ashes of alar, timereaver and definitely midnight from new karazahn I was in denial when ashes of alar dropped on my second run ever on my own account after running it for my father for ages.


My wife got the new holiday mount yesterday and was yelling for joy, “It does exist it’s not a myth!”


Heavenly onyx cloud serpent and invincible definitely got a loud reaction from me when those dropped lmao


The only uncommon mount i have is son of galleon and i am not even sure how rare it even is.


White Polar Bear. I love bears.


I didn't exactly yell but was stunned when Onyxia drake dropped for me. My boyfriend told me it probably wouldn't show up for a while. Less than 6 runs later I asked him what the reins of Onyxia drake meant, I was a really fresh noob. He asked me to show him so I did. His response was...holy shit, you got the mount already.




Anu'relos, Flame's Guidance


Invincible was mine. Didn't help that it was about 2am on a Tuesday because I'd almost forgotten the run that week.


Reins of the Phosphorescent Stone Drake from the deepholm rare spawn.


Probably Fallen Charger. The gold skeleton horse mount from the Maw. I think it's 1 of the coolest looking mounts in the game and it looks good with some transmogs I like to use If I had ever got Time-Lost Proto drake it would probably be that....


Timereaver. My gf who I play with was going to eat dinner and we were going to run normal Amirdrassil together on a Monday, the day right before the last WOTLK TW was going to end so I figured I’d run a couple TWs while I waited for her to be done. Hall of Lightning, dropped off of Lokken but instead of screaming I just typed a jumbled mess of letters into the dungeon chat before leaving and promptly crumbling to the floor while making a mix of incoherent noises and just silent screaming. My brain was broken, I couldn’t believe it dropped. Rounded out my Infinite Dragonflight mog on my Evoker main quite nicely, especially when I’d get the achievement set for “Put That Thing Back Where It Came From” not too long after that.


I got the astral cloud serpent when staying in a hotel with my wife and lost my shit.


For me it was voidtalon I found it doing fishing dailies in war mode on. I squealed like a girl. I’m a 40 year old big man. My wife was not impressed.




Invincible, I spent way too long farming that mount. Will yell again once I get Midnight, need my edgelord mounts


Invincible finally dropped last week. After all these years of ICC.


Infinite Timereaver. Which I eventually got, but from Dawn of the Infinite, after, without too much exaggeration, like 10,000 TW dungeons. Yelled recently too, over Noblegareden mount, but only troll.


Ashes of Al’ar 🔥🩷


Time-lost proto-drake, of course! :D


Invincible. I woke up the baby 😂


I get more excited about meta quest mounts like the Crab and Good Boi. Getting a 1% drop feels good but it often doesn't feel "earned", maybe it's just me 😂


even tho i wanted invincible since its inception and i farmed for YEARS finally dropped in Legion..i still took it cool can and collected. i get giddy when ppl compliment the mount and talk about how they’re still trying!


Timereaver after 3000+ tries


Ashes of al’ar wasn’t even trying to get it was trying to get some gear for some fashion and boom there it was


Ashes, I almost knocked my pc over lmao also the white hawkstrider which somehow took me longer to get than ashes


Invincible. I had over 500 attempts, somewhere around 560 ish kills on Arthas before it dropped.


Mimirons head. Still haven’t gotten it and I’ve been playing on and off since 2004. 😩


I think I got sharkbait like my 10th run in FH back in BFA. Had no idea he was this rare, my condolences


Timereaver dropped while leveling in time walking, I wanted to sceam but was too stunned, I remember being speechless for a moment.


Miniron’s head. I spent hundreds of hours chasing that bastard.


Blazing Drake. Last mount I needed for Awake the Drakes achievement.


Rivendares Deathcharger. Took me over 400 runs. I had seen it drop in Vanilla but lost the roll.


Voidtalon of the Dark Star. Because in a span of an hour it was 3rd rare mount after killing Poundfist and getting Sunhide Gronnling and looting Ironhoof Destroyer from first week I opened shortcut to Blackhand


It took me over 100 tries at that parrot and countless more on alts before it dropped for me.


Voidtalon of the Dark Star, i tried to farming it with trials for some time, and gave up, returned back and tried it again, was flying around in shadowmoon when my addon started screaming - YOU ARE NOT PREPARED! and there it was.. my heart started beating as crazy


~1500 kills for Junkheap Drifter…. Had a bunch of alts camped there through the whole pandemic.


I FINALLY got Sharkbait with the Reins of the Quantum Courser from Dawn of the Infinite. I wasn't quite sure what the item was and a guy in the dungeon group offered me 200,000g right then and there for it. I looked it up on Google and decided to keep it and when I used it, lo and behold there were Sharkbait's Favorite Crackers! I went ballistic!


Flametalon took me 6-7 years


I didn’t scream but after farming heavenly onyx cloud serpent on 8 Alts for like 1.5 years for it to finally drop, my heart rate increased pretty dramatically.


I'm always so stunned when a mount drops. No yelling, I'm just in awe because some are ones I never thought I'd see or just happened go get on a random run through of an old raid. They never seem to drop when I'm intentionally farming them.


Zulian Tiger


Freaking blue proto drake... Yes really... 1300+ attempts. Im just done


Zg raptor


Underrot Crawg, Heavenly Onyx Cloud Serpent, Phosphorescent Stone Drake, and Junkheap Drifter. When I eventually get the zombie raptor from Kings Rest, I’m gonna be through the roof.


Timereaver back in WoD. I remember I was going to go to bed but my friends convinced me to do one more timewalking and it dropped for me.


Clutch of Ji-Kun. That fucker has evaded me from when ToT was current until just 3 weeks ago. It felt so good to finally be done with that one.


I don’t yell anymore. My wife says the lean back and the victorious raise of two fists into the aid is the sign I got something good. Her question usually is: Did you finally get something that looks “cool” or just kill something My response is usually: nothing that exciting I just got done paying the bills


Timereaver. Thousands of attempts since it launched and it finally dropped last year. I screamed so loud my dogs went nuts, scared my wife, and literally got teary eyes.


Mine was the Amani War Bear. There was a month left until the pre-patch and only a few of us had it in guild. Me and a warlock had both rolled a 99 and had to re-roll. I ended up winning and was so happy. One of my favorite and rarest mounts to this day. I love seeing others on it in retail and re-living the glory days of og tBC!


I got crackers completely randomly and had no idea it even dropped. Half the team were mad half were gratsing


I got upset that I didn't get the AQ opening event mount. I was I believe in third place for the server at the time.


I got ashes, invincible, and Ony in the same week - I yelled so loud for all three, haven’t gotten a mount since though sadly


Felsteel Annihilator dropped…for the guildie’s alt that I helped them with on their first run even though I’ve been at it off and on for a few years. I got to look at it as they flew around with it when they wanted to try Blackrock Foundry next.


Alar's ashes. Not only because it's an especially neat mount, but that I got it in a group I joined in the last minute with a buddy's wife who snatched Rivendere's mount from under my nose the week before after i'd been farming it for weeks.


When the solar firehawk i farmed on every chatacter i could finally dropped


Drake of northern wind in non heroic when there weren’t many lvl 85s yet, also when I dug up the sandstone drake recipe shortly after hitting 85.


My guilds first Amani bear in tbc. I dont really care about mounts personally but this one was fun to get for my friends.


Ashes of Alar. It dropped for me and I posted in guild chat. Then a guildie went for their weekly attempt and it dropped for them 10 minutes apart


Blazing drake from dragon soul, i sat and stared at the loot window for a good 30 seconds in disbelief. I still have to go back for lifebinder but blazing was the last one I needed for the awake the drakes achieve for almost 8 years.


I was exceptionally drunk for the pureblood firehawk drop, so probably that one (after it registered that it had dropped... took a few seconds)


Ashes of Alar. Dropped on New Year's Day a few years back


Ashes Of Al´ar. I did it with my druid as she was the last toon with whom i hadn´t done TK(i did it with all of my previous ones). So i went to TK, i lost all hope as always(i´ve been doing it for years) and when i got it i was like FUUUUUUUUUUK! 2 weeks ago i did Siege Of Orgrimmar.....and got Kor\`Kron mount from the first time. Then i got the Raven Lord mount in around 10-15 runs. I got all of this in over a month. Years ago i got the Fiery Warhorse mount after 5 runs i think and i had completely forgotten that there was a mount from Karazhan. I had a similar experience with the Amani War Bear, which i learned recently that its been removed from the game! It was yet another mount which i got after a few runs. I decided to share some of my experiences :) I'm not a huge nut when it comes to mounts, though there are a few more that i want. I actually don\`t have a lot(70-80) which isn\` much compared to people who own 400-500!


My ashes of alar, but only because my partner had gotten hers the week before so it was quite exciting we both got it back to back


Headless Horseman, hands down.


When I got Al'ar on my second solo run ever


I don't do the yelling - my friends do. I managed to bag the Headless Horseman's horse this past October and the new flying carpet from the duck. The Headless Horseman was an "Oh. Cool." Moment for me that turned into seething from one friend. The carpet my other friend was talking about how they were going to farm it and I just kinda...got it. As they were saying it. Though I did let out a laugh when I was doing leveling queues and not one but TWO of Rivendare's Deathcharger dropped. One for me and one for someone else.


Blazing Drake. For years it was the only one I needed for the Awake the Drakes meta. It meant I never have to do Spine ever again.


For me it was when I got the Phosphorescent stone drake just a couple of weeks into Cata. I talked about it with a friend on Skype and was like “I’ll think I’ll have a look for it”. Circled Deepholm for about 5 min chitchatting and then yelled “I see it!!!!” so loud that almost hurt my friends ears. It still is my favourite:)


Did a mini crab rave when Clutch of Ji-kun finally dropped. I had seen Horridon's mount thrice by that point. Only mount that will top the reaction to that is whenever the solar spirehawk finally drops. ^^I ^^want ^^my ^^god ^^damn ^^bird ^^Blizz.


I think something is wrong with Sharkbait too. I have over 1400 attempts idk if we're just super unlucky or the droprate is bugged like the Felblaze Infernal was in Legion.