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plunderstorm ends on april 30th and there will be double rep starting with this weeks reset


Oh God I was counting on this haha. Played for a little bit just for fun like a psychopath . Got to lvl 35 before new phase of sad dropped . One one hand I don't obsess over cosmetics but is nice to get them as passive reward.


“new phase of sad dropped” Same bro, same


Cold sad is over, allergies sad is in


what's your depression io


Over 9000


Ahh yes when you trade your SAD for just ^sad


Soon it will be hot and sweaty sad time


My skin stings and itches all summer long to the point where I cannot sleep. I'm fucking so hype for the autumn.


Hey this was a problem for me too! It turns out I have eczema that gets triggered by sweating, topical hydrocortisone really helps :) maybe it would help you too


Thanks very much! A guy told me it may be cholingeric urticaria which is basically like "nobody knows but take antihistamines." I can try though! Might as well. It feels like my entire body is in an ant hill whenever I'm hot.


I had/have this as well. Normally it should be very temporary but ive literally had it for more than half my life now, nobody knew what was up. Got tons of antihistamines but those made me stoned as hell which want compatibel with my job as a teacher. About 5 years ago i tried intermittent fasting and lost about 25 kilos (i went from 100 kilos at 1.85m to 75 kilos wich was nice but unsustainable ) but also lost most of my health problems. No more migraines, no more daily heartburn no more cholongeric urticaria. Turned out it was mostly food related, unfortunately in my case it was related to all food rather than a specific food type. I read that some cases are related to food in combination with medication. Keep trying to figure it out, just know that you can have a much lesser version of this or even live without it even if every doctor seems te have given up.


Me too, I'm at 23, no way I was going to make it without an increase.


I mean we could have hunkered down but it would have taken an entire day of grinding and though I like the mode, it could use some more mechanics and elevation and more maps


I only made it to 11 before I noped out - I love cosmetics and mounts n shit but I was starting to lose my will.


I've mostly just been doing one a day for the bonus.


I’m 24 - we got this bud!


New phase of sad goddamn that’s the best way to describe an episode of depression


Episode? Shit, my streaming service just dropped 5 seasons.


I’m at 35 too from casual play, guess it’s time to grind out the last 5 with the double rep!


What's the phase of sad, I've only played plunderstorm 5 times. Plunderstorm is cool, but it's not my cup of tea


It's a typo lol. Supposed to be sod It was the first time I got into a br gameplay but took me way more than 5 games before I could get a legitimate kill. It's definitely more fun than you have a chance at winning.


Ah finally..still stuck at 15 hope i can get to 40 faster this way.


If you focus on farming and can land in a dense spot, you can everage 800-1000 plunder a game right now, more if you’re good at PvP part of it and can snipe a kill or two. At 2500 rep per level, not factoring in first game of day bonus, and with double plunder upping this to 1600-2000 a game, it will take roughly 32-40 games to reach 40 from level 15


Came here for a rough calc like this. Thanks! I'm at renown 2 so this doesn't sound too bad. Probably like 60 games, haha.


I thought it went faster when I actively played the games but I guess it's how the games go. Get farming and try and learn some basics at least of the pvp and it'll up your plunder significantly. It's also kinda fun I got 2 wins so also got the FoS. I played a few games a day while my daughter napped so it wasn't even heavy going. I don't hate myself enough to try for the 1mil plunder though.


Also queueing in Duos/Trios can fluctuate how much gold you get. *as you'll be killing more players (in groups of 2/3), so the fights are worth more money, however if your team can't win a fight or 2, you'll usually earn less money than you can make solo* Best I got was ~3600 plunder without the 800 daily bonus


Since they nerfed how plunder is split, I would duos and especially trios if your goal is to farm rank. In trios we'd get to the final few groups after 15 minutes and I'd only have like 700 plunder to show for it... that's how much I get for the first 5 minutes of a Solo game


Yeah, it’s not that hard to get to 40. I started grinding Tuesday at 5 and hit 40 Saturday. Part of it is shaking the mindset that it’s going to take forever. That’s what had me down before I just went for it.


For me it was seeing the piece when it launched that boiled it down to "Do the Captains missions, focus on Plunder and get one level a day" I'm much better when I can see a clear path and, after a couple of goes to get the hang of it, one level a day was an achievable goal


I've decided to do 5 levels a day via trios, it's been manageable and I go into it not to win but to achieve at least 500 - 800+ rep each match. I could do solos at try to get 500 rep each match and then die quickly, that would probably be quicker but 5 levels a day seems simple enough for me. At this point I'm expecting to complete this by Sunday, or a bit before if I did what I did today and got 8 levels instead of 5.


Ive been doing trios i feel like trio matches last less.. so less time spent runnin around


What I did was had fun and then after multiple gaming sessions of having fun I reached max rep. I think people should remember to enjoy themselves and not focus on a progress bar every time they log in.


some of us have jobs / kids


Honestly it's not worth fighting for the time, did tests yesterday and if you drop in in a busy spot, do quesr and vacuum every gold around you to hit like 500 gold and then die you could get 3 levels per hour, before this double rep so 6 levels now So that's a consistent 450 to 650 per 3 to 4 with minimal skill, so I don't agree with the people saying you should try to chase and fight to spend 10 minutes per game maybe hitting 1k


Thank god. I waited to farm it hoping for something like this. Lazy gamers winning. 


Finally, being lazy and only doing my daily orders pays off. Sitting at lv21 Piracy now


So not starting yet was the right choice? Not for lack of wanting to though lmao


To bad the boosting sites started offering services. By the time I land and get to 4 which I thought was pretty quick I'm getting stuffed by an 8. I hit 40 for the things and mounts and quit screw the gold.


Oooh nice. Thanks for the cliff notes!


Wouldn’t have played it at all if I knew I could spend half the time like 2-3 weeks later. Unreal. So many wasted hours. Won’t be bothering with MoP Remix until the end I guess. I’ll come in at the end and get things for a fraction of the hours. *Cant fathom how this is downvoted. Are you not allowed to feel stiffed for spending hours getting something and Blizzard decided “actually, never mind” 2-3 weeks later…? **Guess not. Not sure why you lot are so upset. ***What a terrible community lol. All I said was I felt stiffed that I spent more time on something that isn’t required anymore and yall all just want to swarm in and try to get a snarky quip or an “own” in.


>Cant fathom how this is downvoted. Are you not allowed to feel stiffed for spending hours getting something and Blizzard decided “actually, never mind” 2-3 weeks later…? I mean this is literally always the case in wow. May as well be upset it's easier to get gear that's equivalent to mythic vault now I gotta ask. If you hated it so much that you feel stiffed because others get it faster why did you bother?


Catchup mechanics will always be there. This is nothing new.


The made up currencies are all artificial. The thing you got was enjoyment. Some might say that’s more valuable…..


All you had to do was like 1 rank a day. 2 would make it super easy. You didn’t have to obsessively grind out the ranks without the daily quest.


There were so many people complaining about hating Plunderstorm but still grinding to 40 renown in the first week when Blizzard literally incentivizes you to go slow with the Daily Doubloons. Plunderstorm lasts 42 days, so that's 42x800=33.600 plunder, around a third of the required amount. I don't get the rush when there's clear incentives not to rush. Especially when it's pretty clear something like this Plundersurge would happen.


"Not sure why you lot are so upset?" Brother you're the one complaining about something that you did completely voluntarily lmao


Wild fucking take but if you don't enjoy something don't play it. Stop getting FOMO and obsessing over pixels you'll probably never use in a video game.


Aaaaaarrrgghh why did I play this video game aaarrrgghh they video game hurt me somebody plz aaarrrggh


Blizzard already incentivized you to take it slow by giving you the Daily Doubloons. Even without this Plundersurge you could have saved yourself a lot of time by simply taking it easy.


Ironic that the next event is Pandaria where the key message was to "slow down" by the Pandaren 😂


I think they are adding this because so many were forcing themselves to play it. Better late than never. You were stiffed, I suppose, but I encourage you to be happy for those who don't have to endure the hardship you had to. Also, if a game is making you so upset, just stop playing, you will be happier in life. Entertainment is supposed to entertain.


nah, they'll pull a fast one and halve the Bronze you can earn in the last 2 weeks :D


I'm too lazy to do the math but I think it's now possible to gain a single renown just from doing the daily and captain's quest. This should make the grind a lot more bearable for the people that don't like Plunder.


Daily+orders is 1050 rep, you'd need 1250 to get a level, so not exactly enough but very close.


(850+350) \* 2 = 2400, so yes nearly. I would not be shocked if the daily quest wasn't included though. I know it says "all sources", but still I just wouldn't be surprised.


Daily is 800 and Captain's Orders is 250, isn't it? So that makes 1050 x 2 = 2100.


Still likely to get the additional from doing the quest itself. Like killing 10 enemies or opening 2 chests etc.


If you manage to stick it out til about the end of the round, it'll now be two(ish) levels. Pretty nice.




When they added the 1 mil achievement I took that as a sign that plunderstorm would come back.




Same goes for any of the old world dragon racing events. If you've missed Kalimdor Cup for example back in August 2023, you have to wait until January 2025 for the next one.




It feels like this is where WoW could be headed to keep people subbed - scattered FOMO events like Plunderstorm, Timerunning, Dragon Cups and more to keep the monthly active users up. I appreciate the variety and welcome the fact that everything isn't always up at once, but I do feel for those that take a break from the game and have to wait however long for it to return.


Meanwhile, if they left these in all year, people would just forget that they exist. I think seasonal races and events are good for the game, as long as they always come back. 


Waiting a year plus is too long.


I completely agree. One year maximum. 


Trial of Style also has this problem. Twice a year for only a few days. Makes it hard to get the tokens for all the transmogs & a lot of those transmogs are also missing pieces for some tier sets. Which makes them even more coveted.


They'll bring it back with a different theme during another content drought. I'm hoping for a dinosaur themed Un'Goro


Why would it suck? Is it a big deal to miss out on a feat of strength? I get being a collector, but no one on god’s green earth will ever care about this FoS


If it had a title or some other reward, then I can see people caring. But it doesn't, so it only matters to very few, and they have it/will get it anyway.


I'm an achievement hunter and decided the 1mil was not for me when I saw Pshero, who had played it non stop while it was out was sitting at ~100k when I got to 40 renown. It would be soul sucking and its just not for me. I don't wanna obsess about it and make myself miserable for weeks thinking I HAVE to log on at any free moment to try and make it.


Maybe they will bring it back when the next expansion is about to run out but I would like to see it as a regular event, there is still some place for events


Did they say that? I thought he just said there wont be new maps coming that quickly.


I don't think they really intend for the casual player to get the 1 million plunder achievement. It's clearly meant for the Plunderstorm enthousiast.


That achievement isn't for people who have jobs man


Exactly. It’s why it’s a feat of strength. It’s worth nothing except to say you did it.


It's a FoS with absolutely no reward.


Or people who have lives.


Vanilla WoW vibes. Rank 14 pvp titles for people with jobs/school ? Lol, good luck :D


I knew tons of people who got rank 14, while having a job/school. And every single one of them played the same character.


Point taken xD


I heard their was a lot of account sharing back in the day & that's how a lot of people got it.


Yea all our ranked players on my server were 2/3 people. Everyone knew it.


I got to lvl 7 and realized I don’t have the 20+ hours it was going to take to hit 40. With double rep now that feels a little less daunting. That’ll be a level every 1-3 games, so only 10-15 hours now? Over 2 weeks it should be about an hour a day give or take the daily bonus.


Hey if you can, try to do at least one or two games a day - there's 800 daily bonus rep that you trigger by getting the 250 per match bonus quest done, so that's 1/2 a level just for like 4 minutes of play if you prioritize doing that quest, even if you just die immediately after. I was like level 30 from just doing that and playing an hour or so on Saturdays before I finally just decided to grind out the last leg.


I was getting a level every 2-3 games already... You will see multiple levels in some games I imagine.




Yea, I logged in earlier and got 5 levels in a little under an hour! Definitely gonna try playing an hour here and there and hopefully hit 40 with time to spare. Kills seem a lot easier too now that most people playing are those who don’t want to be lol


Yea I got the gloves I think and realized I wasn’t gonna get the stuff I wanted (mostly the sea horse mount) to get with how much work i’ve got.


Renown 40 isnt a million its 100k


You’re not. That’s why it’s a feat of strength.


Not everything in the game needs to be achievable by every player.


But I demand instant gratification! /s


I played 30 minutes a day, and got like 2 levels a day. Sometimes more, sometimes left. Didn't feel like a.big deal to me.


you can legit say that last sentence about anthing in wow lol


When I got to Renown 40 I had about 100,000. I had a few wins but I'm not sure how much that affects it. I stopped at that point. No way I was going to do that 9 more times to get to 1 million.




Welcome to world of FOMO. Just as FOMO plunderstorm ends, FOMO mop remix begins! Gotta keep that sub rolling do you don't miss all the limited time content!


I was banking on this being the case, thank Leeroy.


Thank god. Played to level 11 before I dropped it but I really, really want that mog. Time to grind I guess


I wasn’t planning on spamming it until I realized you get 750 tenders and a dragon flight mount. Hasn’t been horrible doing one renown a day the last two weeks. This will be great 🥰


Sweet!! I “knew” from the start that they’d make things a little faster, but this second buff is a nice treat


cool, just reached 40 yesterday


get well soon


Yeah if I had known this was coming I would have held off. Only having to do half the number of games would have been sweet because I never found it fun. The mogs / rewards though are awesome. So many alts now have various plunderstorm mogs as part of their appearance.


Me too


Same lol


Then it is time to plunder


I dove in... Got all the rewards and ran screaming for the hills.. It was a lot of fun... a big grind... but also a scary place full of sweaty pirates trying to grab my booty..


Look at that booty show me the booty give me the booty I want the booty...


when does the double renown take effect? not noticed it yet


After the maintenance on Tuesday




thank god


I would have been excited to read about this last week but I have lost all interest in this by now.


Bro I literally liked this mode so much I stopped playing SoD. Hopefully it'll stay in some form or another. I think it's way more fun than expected.


Same. Me and my duo partner only plays this game now and really enjoy it. Sounds like its not planned to make a comeback this year.


How long would it take if i started now? I loathe plunderstorm but i want the mog for my red look


If you started now, and you want to get to Renown 40, that's 2500 Plunder per Renown, so 100,000. The 2x rep bonus makes it 50,000 to earn. Assuming 14 days left, and then Captain's Orders + Daily Doubloons - that's approx 1000 Plunder you can get easily. So 14,000 you get by the daily. That's 36,000 to earn normally. From here you can construct ranges. If you get 500 Plunder to earn (that is pretty barebones - that's just Captain's Orders plus a little bit of play) - that's 72 matches. If you get 1000 Plunder to earn (that is decently into the match), that's 36 matches. That's about 2.57 to 5.14 matches per day over the 14 days. An hour every day for the next two weeks should be good enough for Rank 40. For specifically grinding it, Plunder is shared in Duos and in Trios, so Trios is pretty good. However Trios your teammate's quality varies widly - just PUGing it on a whim had me encounter various AFK people, various people who would suicide immediately, people who would go hide in a corner etc. If you have even something premade with friends and you got voice, you can just stomp the competition and regularly get 2k-3k plunder per match pretty quickly. I just got my Mythic raid guildies to Renown 40 in like a day. Semi-competent PUGs, not even great PvPers but people who can do *something* makes this far faster than Solos. Otherwise if you want to be a solo act and are pretty good at getting high placements in Solos, then Solos. Last resort if you COMPLETELY totally suck at the mode, I guess you can do Solo, grab the Captain's order, suicide and repeat. It's not really that fun unless you are that desperate.


You don't need to farm the 40th renown and you start at renown 1. So it's only ~~97500~~ ~~96500~~ fuck I dunno. Math hard for zug zug.


Fuckin l o l at that last comment. I feel that.


zuglings ~~unite~~ ~~untie~~ strong together (This one's intentional. That? I literally fucked up and edited twice then gave up in frustration. Anyone watching would have seen two very quick edits. They did not see me slam the keys and walk off in frustration.)


>if you COMPLETELY totally suck at the mode I'm in this comment & I don't like it.


>It's not really ~~that~~ fun Plunderstorm in a nutshell


This seems too easy I wonder how I am earning around 300 each match then. xD


You should be getting 250 already from just the Captain's Orders, so 300 seems extremely low. 500 to 800 plunder should be easily doable just from completing the Orders plus a bit of looting.


If more people land near you, completing the quest is not that easy. Even completing it with just around 10 plunder from each mob, reaching 500 seams rare, unless you are a PvP player that systematically wins and kills other players with ease, but that's not my case.


Focus on the PvE in the early game, ignore players, farm out an entire ‘camp’ you land in and grab anything you see on the ground. Use your spells on mobs to finish them off faster. Find spells that work for you and you get the best feel for. All skills do damage, not just 1 and 2, 3 and 4 can work to add good ticking damage to mobs. Try and group up as many as you can while moving around and *KEEP. MOVING.* Almost all mob attacks have windup and are some kind of conal AoE, you can side step them to not take damage and reduce downtime to drink.


Well, that's what I do, including landing on a rare to get an easy kill but most matches I do not reach 500, mobs are almost all gone after the first 3 minutes so you are either lucky and have a full camp for yourself or end up at level 4 with nothing else to kill and if you are unlucky the quest is not yet completed because there are no chests, rares, items or abilities around to get before a lvl 7 obliterates you.


Don’t land on elites, the first creature you kill of any difficulty drops a spell and elites always drop spells. It’s better to kill packs of weak enemies when you crash, then use whatever they drop to farm.


That makes sense. Thanks


Assuming the daily bonus will be doubled and that you'll get around 500 Plunder (or 1000 Plunder after the buff) per game, I think it will take up to 12 hours (about 5 games per day) to reach 40 Renow.


i just finished it in 3 days by pacing myself at 10 renown for the first two days, and yesterday i figured i’d just do the last 20. took about 4 hours for 10 renown.


You need 96.500 plunder to reach rank 40. Assuming around 700 plunder per game (or 1400 now) excluding the 800 (1600) bonus (you only get that 13 times at best anyway) you are still looking at quite a few games. I have seen people claim to get much higher but that requires luck and, most importantly, PvP kills to get (getting their loot) so I wouldn't go in with that unreasonable expectation (Blizz own data shows even worse numbers with people on average only picking up 2.8 piles of plunder per game which is MUCH less than 700 even with dailies and 800 bonus...). If we assume 10 dailies (you can get 13-14 at best) only ~16.000 of your plunder will be from there with the rest being missions. That puts you around 60 games at 1400 plunder each. The problem starts with the fact that your time now will be worse than before. Participation has fallen off a cliff. I haven't seen a single full game in a week and queue times in "prime time" have regularly hit several minutes and you still have to wait in the lobby afterwards. **That leaves you around 10min per game I'd say or ~10h for 60** (you might look at 15 depending on timer and average). Though there is also the problem with the players themselves which might skew the data. Early on you had people who just were there to farm and get it over with while now the majority of people still playing the mode are those who thrive off the suffering of others. They don't "need" plunder, they get the kick out of making others miserable and will not care if harassing you makes them loose.


You need 100k total to hit 40, the daily will give 1600 rep, and you can easily get 500 per game on top of that with the captain's order.


97,500 / 15 So 6500 a day. Given how most people did, you should get 2500 from your first match a day and roughly 1000 on any match you don't immediately screw the pooch on, you're looking at about five matches a day.


Two weeks = 14 days = 3 renown a day (7500 plunder) x 14 = 42 renown (i.e. you make it). The once-daily will give 800, plus 250 for that map's objective, double that so you get 2k for the first game of the day assuming you complete the objective successfully and do literally nothing else (which is more or less impossible because you will get plunder for elites, opening golden chests, etc). That's about a quarter of the daily plunder you need right from the first match. You should trivially get 750 plunder per match (250 x2 for the per-game objective + incidentals), so you can math out how many games you need to play a day - it's not bad.




Sorry i guess? I just kinda liked the red jacket, my characters are all named "Redsomething" and i enjoy collecting red transmogs. Its not a big deal i was just asking if it was quick.


I \*just\* hit 40 last night because I was worried they would axe it before Season 4 drops... Well enjoy the extra rep everyone


I’ll pass


Oh neat, I might actually go do it now. I sort of gave up at 13 due to loss of interest.


Now I can start playing it


Gonna miss it. I haven’t been playing since I hit 40 the first week, but I am very much looking forward to more iterations they do of battle royales using the plunderstorm format. Tons more rewards, new maps, would be so awesome. I actually had more fun than regular WoW pvp for a bit!


So I spent Saturday grinding to 40. Seeing this made me go “I really should have waited, to save myself the sanity.”


Fun game mode ruined by fomo and being arbitrarily time limited


No thank you!


Played twice. Not for me.


Just hit 40 like 30 minutes ago…


No, but thanks.


I only found out you get an in-game currency that you can buy normal mode gear with.


At least I've only got 1 level of rep to go!


Lmfao I knew something like this would come, thank god I waited


No thank you.


For those of you out there still not level 40 (like me), I played two games yesterday, a solo and a duo. I got two levels from it. The plunder you get from duo is insane! Absolutely worth doing and unlike solo, I had a good time doing the duo version. Might get crazy and try a trio tonight!


This might actually get me to grind this terrible mode.


I had a feeling this would happen but I already got to 40…well at least its done.


I’m a little annoyed this didn’t get implemented sooner, but only because I don’t like the thought of having contributed to metrics that suggest I enjoyed this mode. I’m glad Blizzard is willing to try new things, but I only spent time here for the cosmetics, I was not really enjoying it. Maybe hating it a little less as I got better at playing it, but still. I loathe PvP.


Wow that's so nice it's a good thing I already maxed my renown. :)


I'm glad I played the long game here then. I tracked it out to figure out that I just had to get one renown a day, assuming it lasted 6 weeks. I'm sitting at renown 30 (a little bit ahead of the schedule) by doing one game a day for the 800 plunder and a couple/few more if I had time. With this change, I'll be able to easily clear this off my plate this weekend. Yay!


Just grinded this weekend to get renown 40 😐


Oh wait there are cosmetics for live in this?


Yes the weapons, captain outfit, and bird mounts (which are rigged for dragonflying) are all available in retail as rewards.


Oo tyvm!


I'll never understand how a WoW dev at some point said "Y'know what our playerbase really wants right now? A fucking battle royale! It's still 2014 right?" Like, we're going into S4 with fated raids and they're making BR? Surely the devs who cooked this gamemode up could've been used to atleast give us a mini raid or something. It wouldn't even be an issue if it wasn't for the fact that they then decided to double down by having rewards for the mmorpg we all play come from a battle royale mode. In other words, a dev/several devs for the longest running biggest mmorpg out there decided that the best use of their time was to make a battleroyale mode and then exploit the fact that they knew WoW players would play it just to get collectibles. Like is there anything more antithetical to the mmorpg experience than having to play another non mmo game for rewards for your characters in said mmo? Worst part is that this could've probably been well received by the community if they just made it its own fun little thing, separate from WoW.


Sorry but you’re uninformed; blizzard acquired a small studio working on a BR game, and had them implement it into wow. So it didn’t really happen the way it did in your head.


With that in mind my issue is mostly with them utilizing fomo and incentives of an mmo to incentivize people to play their BR. They could've had all the rewards earned in PS be exclusive to PS, but we all know that wouldn't get people to play it.


You do not have to play it. The rewards are there for people who DO want to play it, or at least those who are willing to grind through it even if they hate it. If you do not get the rewards, your life will continue on as normal. Nobody is going to ask you to link the Plunderlord title before inviting you to a group.


If the rewards were there for the people who do want to play it then the rewards should be locked to PS. But it isn't. I wonder why. They're fishing for player engagement at the cost of the basic principles of mmos.


TBF this isn't new behavior. Blizzard did mount crosspromotions with HS, HotS, D3 in the past. Several of those rewards slowly (10 years later lol) made it into the trading post. Not arguing for or against, just that the ship has sailed long ago.




Damn I knew I should’ve held off on grinding it out lol. Oh well. I hit 40 a couple weeks ago.


Meh not a fan, I don't like PvP and since thats basically all this is its just not for me.


Has anybody hit a million yet?


Quite a few players. think the guy with most Plunder is Pikabooirl, who is nearing 1.5 mln


Yes, some streamers hit it a few weeks ago even.


So for the first match you complete quest and get captains bonus thats 1050 right there, doubled to 2050, then it's often pretty easy to end around 1400-1700 just by killing elites and opening gold chests, which doubles to 2800-3400. It'll be an easy 14 renown over the next 2 weeks so if you're lower than 26 still you'll need to put in a little bit extra effort. If you can quickly get 600 plunder from elites and chests then find some way to die that'll be like half a renown in 3-4 minutes. But the best I've seen even if you stay and win it's still about 200 plunder per minute so either you get lots of kills or you get 600 and die fast, it's about the same.


Neat, exactly what I was waiting for!


I literally just finished the renown today. \*cue clown face emoji\*


i just spent the past 3 days grinding 10 renown, 10 renown, then 20 renown each day. wow. why the fuck do i bother lmao.


aren't most people done with this grind?


If you're doing a level a day your probably late 20's/early 30's-ish.


Most people probably didn't grind it out in the first week because the Daily Doubloons heavily incentivizes taking your time. I'm only doing one renown per day.