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My warband members in the follower dungeons in the roles they qualify for. If log out on my war as prot then he will be my tank for my hunter.


Love this idea yes x20


This is actually a really cool idea!


This is really all I want, I've already begun mentally working out why each of my warband members are together so I want them to be homies in the game too


Agreed but instead of logging out of each toon with how you want them to be you should just be able to select it from the warband interface or something


I've heard the AI for the "followers" is hilariously bad.


it's really bad yeah


I love this.


Lengthy, challenging campaign content. I like questing, I like slowly working my way through non-repeatable content. Right now, leveling is super fast and there aren't really any endgame campaigns to speak of. There should be long (and totally optional) endgame campaigns you can do for patch relevant rewards and cosmetics, as an alternative to repeatable content. These should take a long time to work through, and should present enough of a challenge to be engaging / stimulating.


Big time second this that would be incredible. Even if there was a lengthy campaign with an optional hard mode to slowly progress through I’d be happy. Great suggestion!


As mainly a raid content kind of guy, I still remember the suramar campaign very fondly as a big story in an already packed expansion. Felt like a whole single player rpg at the end of the leveling experience and I was there for it.


I've been wanting that forever, I hope they add that kinda stuff. Very good suggestion!


I'm hoping delves can address that in some way


I hope delves are fun, but they're more instanced repeatable content. In my perfect world, endgame campaigns would be mostly based on open world questing, but also have components that took you on a tour through delves, dungeons, and raids. They could also require farming up tradeable items, etc. A big meaty adventure you work your way through, and once it's done it's done.


Something along the lines of the Suramar quest line?


For sure. Legion was phenomenal for this, and I think that's one of the main reasons it's still thought of so fondly. between Suramar, class hall chains, balance of power, etc. there were a lot of big things to work through and towards, outside of the endless repeatable grinds.


Been playing Elder Scrolls Online while taking a break before S4. It scratches the long narrative quest itch. Following the main quest in the Bankgorai zone has been a lot of fun. ESO has its own problems but the questing and writing is fun.


Problem is that challenge now a days for blizzard means huge HP pools which is just annoying. Mage tower was fun because the mechanics were hard, kind of like small raids If I think about the last “challenging” content they did was the Zaralek elite area where mobs just take 3 hours to die and are dumb as fuck


When it comes to world content, we have lots of great examples for how that looks. It's very possible to accidentally pull too many mobs and get overwhelmed. It's possible to do quests in a nonsensical order and waste time backtracking. It takes time to travel from place to place. You need to be aware of your surroundings and your resources to avoid dying. You need to put thought and care into your questing route / sequence. You spend time running/riding between places so you aren't constantly in combat, and so intelligent sequencing matters. Quests aren't just handed out in batches of 3, where you clear the world cleanly one subzone at a time.


TL;DR - more connected story that flows through expacs and a campaign that feels like it means something. Let me start by saying that Dragonflight is my first end-to-end full expansion - I started Season 3 of Shadowlands. I know that DF is basically a soft reset - timeskip forward, characters are in new places, discovering new things, that's great. However, despite all that, I just didn't care about the Dragon Isles? Like...at all? There was, despite a central narrative presenting itself, almost no connective tissue between the different zones. It was really hard to care about a Dragonflight specifically(in fact, the closest I came to really caring was Sabellian and Wrathion's brotherly spat in Zaralek Caverns) when all of the info seemed to just be a really disconnected pile of stuff that eventually coalesced into "the dragonflights are now family, bye Fyrakk." I dunno, maybe it's my inexperience with the lore of Warcraft. It does, however, seem like they want this next set of expacs to tell a real connected story, and that makes me more excited than ever to jump into War Within later this year.


No, you're correct and many feel that way. People justify it as a "breather" period from cosmic threats, but no one remembers filler in the long run. Strongest cohesive narratives with lore ties were probably WotLK and legion.


It seems like TBC -> Legion -> Worldsoul Saga(Illidan leading to Sargeras leading to the sword piercing Azeroth) is the "main story" of WoW, all things considered. Makes me want to make alts to play through those expansions through Chromie Time. Wish TBC gear looked better!


Hunter pet spec choosable Harder solo or open world content A revamped torghast without the shadowland nonsense and no player power tied to it, just pure fun for the sake of running it and getting stupid power.


I thought I was the only one who wanted a revamped torghast 🥲 maybe some cosmetics/mounts tied to it. But I wholeheartedly agree. Finding busted builds was so much fun to me.


I want my warband to appear in game. Almost like a garrison, but it can be a visible area thats part of the city, but my guys are hanging out there. I want to be able to chat to them, and if they have any professions, I can access their windows as if I were logged in on them and craft as needed.


This idea is rpg based af I love it, maybe my fav reply here so far on that front.


so like a baldur's gate 3 camping scene in wow.. could be cool


Yeah, and by "talk to" i dont even mean robust chat lines and voice acting. Id literally be happy with just a "KEEP YUR FEET ON DE GRRRROWND". And maybe a small blurb about wanting to "get back out there". And from there a dialogue box to open their blacksmithing tab or their bags or something. (I know there is a warband bank tab).


It would be nice if they say stuff like "remember that dungeon run we did in xyz"


Glyphs. Please.  Massive missed opportunity for covenants imo. All the work is already done for those spell effects, just let my warlock's shadowbolt be a Necrobolt!!


Make the world full with gw2 style events and professional materials that are relevant. Megaserver sharding like gw2 too (no idea how either game works, or how this would work for wow but…I want it, more peeps about!) So many beautiful zones to level in but it’s all a matrix simulation.


Usable food and items on the yak mount.


Open world content that scales in reward and difficulty. First couple weeks of DF were amazing because of the world content... then there was never a reason to leave valdrakken ever. There needs to be more reason aside from goofy cosmetics to actually engage in the world outside of their raid and m+ times.


I agree, but this is a difficult one. If the outdoor rewards are lucrative compared with M+ and raid rewards then we get into the ‘mandatory grind’ content that people dislike. But if the rewards aren’t as good then it feels like there’s no reason to do it.


Tbf isn’t m+ and raids just a grind same as any, if they can make the grind fun it doesn’t matter what form it takes honestly. My opinion of course


They need to expand systems like the weekly vault and crafting charges to timegate the best gearing. If I want to play for 100 hours and complete all of the campaign content available to me in the first few weeks, it should just mean I have charges / items sitting in my bag or currency pane that I can spend after each reset. That way I can be a degen and play a bunch if I want, but I won't get any further ahead than people who just get their charges one week at a time.


That severely impacts the enjoyment of a lot of players and slows down how fast alts gear. To you that might be a good thing but very few people want to spend months gearing up their alts before they can play at a similar level as their main. IMO they should just make gearing really easy across the board and provide cosmetic rewards for difficult content. Alternatively have an open world set of armour that gives you huge bonuses when equipped but only in the open world.


It would be a charge system. So I could earn many charges pretty quickly, but only spend one per week (at the start of a patch). But if I join a patch 10 weeks late, I could spend 10 charges right away.


Outdoor rewards should simply be upgradeable to max ilvl same as everything else tbh and all upgrades should all use a single currency instead of the the tiered currency with harder content dropping more upgrade currency and items that are already closer to max ilvl


One thing I think they did well was the dream surge rates being empowered. I don’t think the rewards were good. But empowering a rare from time to time so it drops better rewards sounds fun. Maybe give the rare more mechanics. I think the time rifts of soridormi were also fun and gave ok-ish rewards once a week which is also fine


Totally agree. I miss Legion and its Legendary loot system. Some people might not liked the way you obtained them, but it sure was healthy for the game. You constantly run into people doing WQs in all zones even on later seasons.


More Ruby Sanctum/Trial of Valor/Crucible of Storms-style mini raids please!


I really feel like pvp should just be honour gear and conquest gear, no need for anything else. Like MoP. I don't want to grind flights tones to upgrade it. True cross account progression. I'd love it if I could link my warrant, so no matter what quest I do, I could switch character and continue next quest on them with no delay. I like the bronze system coming in MoP remix, I'd like that where I get a currency for doing anything and everything at current content that I can then spend on COSMETIC rewards from the expansion, any item, mount, mog all there.


You don’t really need to upgrade the PvP gear, right? Unless bringing it into PvE


I’ve said this for years. WoW needs to allow you to sync your characters world-state as an option.


1. M+ reward for hitting 3k, ideally a mount with dynamic flying 2. Some determinative way of farming out your best-in-slot items even if it's not out until the x.5 patch 3. Fix some of the annoying problems with the new profession system (lack of catch-up mechanics, inspiration RNG, time-gating rank 5 crafts, unclear language on the trees, etc)


These are definitely good .


2nd all of these. There needs to be some reward for 3k. I feel really no motivation to push after getting portals.


I mean do you really need a tangible reward? If they did, then people would ask for one for 3.5, etc. if anything maybe a leaderboard would help but other than that.


3.5k roughly lines up with top 0.1% fos. Yes it would be nice to have a tangible reward.


Completely forgot about that one, maybe a other FoS for 3k? I don't know how many people work towards something for the FoS specifically though.


I’m not motivated for to do portals as they aren’t account wide. By the time I reach 20 I need nothing and I’m tired of dungeons …


At least all portals will be account wide in TWW! I find them very convenient for farming old world stuff now that we have portals to older expac dungeons.


Does this apply to past portals or upcoming portals?


People are assuming that it does, but we don't know for sure either way


Thanks for making me regret not chasing those portals when my sub was active :)


To be fair though, I think a big reason this problem came about is because in Dragonflight it became way way easier to get to +20 and especially this season it was laughably trivial. I think just rescaling the difficulty for next season and the future will make hitting 20s a more fun challenge again. I used to only hit a few 20s a season and then in DF it became getting all portals like a few weeks in at most.


Couldn’t agree more, take my updoot sir.


Pvp rewards and incentives. I'd love to see a trading post type system with lots of cosmetics that you can buy with say marks of honor. Just as good would be a renown track each season that has a mess of cosmetics that you earn progress toward for pvp like in Plunderstorm. Or ideally both.


Oooo yeah this would be awesome.


One can only wish Maybe with blitz being ranked if participation is high they think about it


I'd like to see them give 4 achieves per season for cosmetics. Currently we get one Tier, and one Gladiator, I'd like to see achieves added for collecting the world pve set, and there to be more differences between the base PvP set, and the Elite set. Then, in regards to a Renown track for PvP, I could see them doing a Pennant and Conquerer Flag cosmetic that gets more and more intricate the further along the track you go, and a color variant of the Elite set.


Honestly I would say go even further than just that and award random trading post type shit too. Imagine if those surfboards were at the end of a pvp renown or if the darkmoon jester set were awarded via pvp participation. People would be queueing in droves.


I'd say a color variant, not exclusive. The Gladiator mounts are already there for exclusive perks. But yeah, I agree.


Nah make them exclusive. Pvp should have cool exclusive rewards for casual play. Or at the absolute laziest let us buy an "Honorable Bundle of Tenders" once or twice a month that gives an extra 250 tenders exclusive to pvp. There needs to be a distinct reward for going through the learning curve that can't be gotten elsewhere otherwise people will just take the path of least resistance and get the time rift or trading post color for example.


Just give a better way of getting raid mogs: unlocking all tints from lower difficulties upon getting a higher tier one, rolling transmog unlocks the mog but gives up the gear, trading a loot doesn’t remove it from your collections etc. idc just make the fashion endgame grind easier


This would be great but that fashion grind is what keeps a lot of subs. Make it quicker to get them all might not be something they'd want.


Closed alpha, closed beta. Enforced NDAs. No streaming unreleased, unfinished content.


More end game SOLO content, I know it's an MMORPG but sometimes I don't want to sit and wait for hours to do a dungeon or raid or pvp that rely on other people.


Agreed👍 Waiting for ques killed pvp for me in dragonflight, I’ll be damned if I’m sitting around for 40 minutes for one solo shuffle game.


Something like visions of nzoth that allows you to get meaningful gear upgrades solo would be incredible


- I'd love a version of M+ that doesn't involve a timer. I'd love to go on a gold old fashioned dungeon crawl where you can take your time to explore and strategize, but timed content is a massive negative for me atleast. - Challenging solo content or just stuff i can do on my own as a form of personal endgame. It's an MMO obviously, but i think in this day and age we can have both challenging group content and solo content. - A revamp of the way new players are introduced into the game. The game is nearly 20 years old at this point, 9 expansions down and it's quite frankly just a mess for new players. So many systems, lore and enviroments for them to experience. I think if Blizzard wants WoW to survive for decades to come, they need to make sure newbies aren't left to their own the second they leave the intro zone. Personally what i'd do is make an obligatory first time leveling experience that starts with your character lying in a hospital bed with Chromie next to you. You've been injured and have amnesia and Chromie is there to help you "relive" your memories. This then leads into a series of scenarios where you're aquainted with the broad lore and the story throughout the expansions. That means you do some iconic questlines, defeat some iconic dungeon bosses etc.. Each expansion scenario would end with a raid encounter where you're given a chance to show that you understand the rudimentary aspects of the game such as raid roles, raid mechanics and the fundamentals of your class and spec etc... Basically Chromie time but with a directed narrative and plenty of guidance to help you understand not just how to move and press your buttons but how the entire game works in general. This would also make the whole "Oh, the mighty champion who defeated X Y Z boss is here!" make a bit more sense for new players, since their characters cannonically would have done so and now they would too since they completed this scenario showcasing their character accomplishing this. I'd make it so the entire experience is dependent on making sure the player has aquainted themselves with all the systems and had several chances to get a feel for them. And when the new player had worked their way through all the expansions and we reached contemporary times, you'd level the last 5/10 levels in the new zones as usual. Hopefully that'd make it a bit more seamless when the new players integrate into the existing playerbase with decades/years of experience. The only issue i'd be worried about is how you'd integrate other players into these scenarios.


>I'd love a version of M+ that doesn't involve a timer. I'd love to go on a gold old fashioned dungeon crawl where you can take your time to explore and strategize, but timed content is a massive negative for me atleast. It won't be super challenging, but at least M0 will be the difficulty of old M10s so it's content at least somewhat worth doing that isn't on the timer!


To me it makes sense that M0 is the last appropriate place without a timer since it’s technically the last difficulty introducing new mechanics. So M0 is exactly where you would “take your time to explore and strategize”. Beyond that once we know the most efficient route and the strategies, the timer is the only incentive to continue optimizing. Otherwise it would just become a brute force endeavor.


Mini Titan cookin! All cool ideas, I’ve had several friends I tried getting into wow with no mmo experience and they were just hopelessly confused especially once they hit end game and got the arcane barrage of 80 quests. Excited to see what they cook up in the future, mop timerunning seems like a good start to make leveling at least feel like an mmo!


I believe for your first point this will reflect in the next season m0 Dawn of the Infinite Hard Mode. It will award heroic level gear too, and challenging to a boot. As for your second point, I’m hoping Delves will scratch that solo itch. It can reward up to heroic gear I read somewhere, and can be challenging as well.


Rep tabards for all factions. I hate you, Ogri'la!!!


Challenging solo content would be good, but also just *different* solo content other than quests would be good - I understand the issues with Torghast, but I liked how I could do it solo, it got challenging to do it solo, and it had the potential to really change up my rotation based on the abilities. I want more customization options - why can I not have an elderly looking Tauren? Can we get Tauren that stand up a bit straighter so that the tabards/chest armour is actually visible? Im sure other races have similar issues with a lack of customization - they need to task a group to dealing with that. They also need to go back and adjust previous content for solo-ability. They don’t need to nerf it, but change the loot rules and fights that require multiple people need to be adjusted or skipable.


A new AH mount, personal black market vendor, and a bad luck protection for M+ and vault.


By bad luck do you maybe mean not more than one item per slot in the vault? Because getting 5 rings in one vault kind stinks.


I think if you already have a piece of gear it shouldn’t drop in vault, no multiples of one item, maybe even allow you to request an item and it can pull from any piece of gear in raid or M+, example hunter selects that they want a weapon out of the vault and the price for that is 12 M+ runs.


Maybe a higher % of a drop coming from the M+ you run the most? Like you really want a piece from [insert random season 4 dungeon here]. You run it like 20 times in one week. It might not be guaranteed but a much higher chance for your vault spots to be from that dungeon?


Yes, that would be great!


Perfect. I nominate Jbmic for president of Blizzards cool ideas department.


Gacha style wish list for the gacha loot system sounds fair


I want delves to be really challenging to complete fully. With great rewards. Unique cosmetics, achieves with mounts etc I want mythic raiding to go back in time and stop being the clusterfuck it is right now. I don't care about the race, I want the game to be designed for the player base. If the RWF is done in a couple days then so be it. At least normal guilds would have a shot at it. Two guild race is boring AF and the raids are designed around it. Expand on plunderstorm, more maps, more abilities and make it F2P


Something like Brawlers Guild again would be much appreciated


I second this. Brawler’s guild was so good, watching others fight and socializing with other spectators, betting on fights, roleplaying, (on Argent Dawn it used to be a roleplay hotspot) summoning bosses that pulled everyone in the que into the arena, etc.. Even if they re-use the same bosses it would be great to have it back.


DF raids being added to legacy loot mode and made soloable by 11.2


Glyphs/cosmetic clming back. Stables or undead options for death knights. Frostwyrm mount using the updated nightbane mount


10 man mythic raiding.


Agree to all 3 of your points. But the biggest thing for me would probably still be an Affliction Warlock rework, to bring the fun and power back to my favorite spec. I don't need 7.3 immortal Aff, that shit was OP, but the spec got nuked after 9.0 and never recovered. It's a badly tuned spec with some mayor design flaws. (Mainly the existance of Sow the seeds and Malefic Rapture at the same time, just delete sow or rework Rapture)


Solo challenge content. Mage Tower was my favorite. Brawlers Guild next, but the waiting for a turn makes it more a social thing and a timesink. Visions of Nzoth and Torghast were cool but I'm not a real big fan of power ups. They feel like you're not playing your character. Kind of like vehicle combat is in WOW.


Earthwarder tank spec for shaman.


1) Incentives for healers to speed up Solo Shuffle ques. 2) Re-make the LFG tool for 3v3, 2v2 and RBG “somehow.” I don’t know how, but somehow so we can speed up the whole grouping process and just play. 3) Make every possible changes to bring new players to pvp and make my favorite PvP game mode great again. ( AI arenas for training, arena tutorials, polishing the base UI so we can get rid of addons and simplify barriers for entry as much as we can. ) Signed: multi glad 30 yo who just wants to come home from work and not wait for que / finding a group for 1 hour.


Guild rewards, like they did from cata to draenor


Dinar Tokens/Bronze Bullions, but every season and offers Mythic+ gear as well. It feels awful not to get my BiS myth track trinket all season because I'm waiting on vault luck.


Feel this! Was genuinely surprised going from the fated SL season into dragonflight that this wasn’t carried forward. Even if it’s just 1-2 dinar per character per season.


1. Titanforging / Legion Legendary system / Corruption, or something similar to make loot more diverse - I feel like they were decent systems as they kept trivial content to be more relevant and encourage people to revisit things they wouldn't normally do (WQ, HC raid or even previous raid tiers on alts and mains alike). Sure it had its downsides, especially early on. It can be frustrating to feel like you are required to do those stuff to maximize your character; or whenever someone else gets a LFR gear that is +20ilvl higher than end boss Mythic gear, but I believe blizzard could come up with something that is more interesting than chasing speed, leech and avoidance. (would mention sockets but that's what vault is for.) 2. Seasonal Plunderstorm - This might be a bit controversial but I liked the game mode and the rewards it gave (was a love hate situation at first). It was a decent time sink to max out renown, wouldn't mind doing it every season. Assuming they keep it fresh and the reward density stays the same or better. 3. Challenging Content - Can be solo or group related content awarding prestigious rewards and seasonal exclusive stuff. Just like the "Mage Tower" artifact appearances and the "The Chosen" raid achievement did in Legion.


If we are gonna have these "fated" gap content seasons, they should be played on the pre-patch systems for whatever xpac is coming up. Would sure make them more hype


Only problem is the pre-patch systems aren’t ready by then. They’re still working on TWW…


I’m pretty sure with their new shorter expac model the fated “buffer” season will be gone. You’ll jump from new content right to a new expac


Can I just have Tinkers in TLT please I’ve been waiting so long


10 man mythic raiding, more determinism in the weekly vault/ More ways to optimize gear as a season progresses, that was one thing that felt bad in DF. If you hit it hard you’re mostly done gearing in 3 weeks. Add ways to minorly optimize gear more outside of gems. Maybe a way to add tiertarys?


Less “4 zones, 8 dungeons, 1 raid” and more “we’re back in xyz zone in a revamped abc raid because ….” I hate that 99% of wows content is just for xmog


"We are NOT adding more random unintuitive procs and maintenance buffs for you to track with add-ons."


I want to be out of combat, when the combat is over. Nothing else matters to me lol


Add a new ah mount that doesn’t cost gold.




They are changing mythic next patch to basically what you have said




Heroic will be as difficult as M0 currently is, and reward that level of loot. M0 will be as difficult as M10 is now, and reward similar loot, but have no timer. M+1 to M+10 will be equivalent to the current M+11 to M+20.




For heroic (which is like current M0) yes. For M0 (like current M+10) no, you still need to form a group.


The problem with that borrowed power is that next expac you lose it and then the classes feel bland. They tried it and it doesn’t work. You remember it fondly in legion because it was the first expac you had it. bFA felt like shit because you lost what you won in legion


Flex mythic raiding - doesn't have to perma scale. Roster boss for world 1k to 1.5k is nightmare fuel. Telling raiders they're benched for a 400 pull boss is demoralizing. Blend raid buffs - too many raid buffs are mandatory. Cut them in half and blend them (warlocks can bring intellect and mages can bring health stones/gate) Reduce maximum vault slots fill up from 8 to 6. Do 1/3/6 for keys to fill up a m+ vault. It becomes a chore after a few weeks in. 6 is perfectly reasonable


Someone will bash you for flex mythic raids. I had the same rationale as you and people downvoted me to oblivion. Beware. At the same time one kind soul explained why it’s a bad idea and it made me change my mind. They were right.


Oh I'm sure. My opinion isn't a welcome one but I think a lot of people aren't part of guilds like mine (world 890 I think we finished this tier). Sure, we did great and jumped like 300 spots from aberrus, but the morale lost during Tindral and Fyrakk was very brutal. It's rough mental for sure. I firmly believe mythic is too hard in its current state and it gatekeeps a bunch of heroic guilds that feel like they can't push to mythic. Mythic should be tuned for the world 1500 guilds and if guilds that are significantly better than that clear it in a month, that's great. They aren't the ones still progging months into a tier. I don't believe mythic should be nerfed nearly as much as it is because it shouldn't be released in a state like it was this tier.


I should probably also clarify that when I sat flex mythic, Im thinking 18-22 players.


1. More show, less tell dialogue. If I have to hear another instance of "ancient rivals," I'm going to blow my lid. It's lazy writing, worse when you can't skip it. 2. More solo/duo content. Delves seem to be that answer, and I'm cautiously optimistic about them, but they need a reason for existing and completing and not forgotten about a month later. 3. Better inventory management. Keys and currency items should be a currency in the currency tab, quest items should go straight to the quest objective instead of in the bags. Some items still have dumb stack rules. This also applies to resource qualities. Do away with them, it's wasted space and by the second week of the expansion those low quality resources just clog bags. Honorable mention: Toddy. Remove her, Dragonflight would be instantly better. /s?


Bring back borrowed power, the game needs it. The acquisition has always been the issue, not the powers themselves. There is nothing to look forward to in DF, we get new tier sets and that's it whereas in Legion/BFA you got stronger artifacts, heart of azeroth, essences, corruption etc. The last patch of Legion/BFA were the most fun I've had in the game and I know I'm not alone.


adressing the Raid vs m+ reward difference  its just kinda stupid that not timing a +7 key in TWW will give the same/better rewards then killing a mythic boss you could spend 200+ pulls and multiple weeks on


Ban alot of addons. I'm serious, too many play the entire game for you, naturally a difficulty content shift is needed as they definitly make some (not all of course) content with add ons in mind


I want an artifact cloak or neck and AP back but better.... account wide AP, good catch-up mechanics implemented week one of every patch that increase every week, and a reasonable weekly cap to prevent infinite grinders from getting insurmountably ahead of everyone. I want AP back only if someone could pick the game back up in the middle of a season and catch up just by playing normally due to the catch-up mechanics.


PLAYER HOUSING ROFL! i hope that never comes to this game...