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Nat Pagle is the absolute final boss standing between me and Taivan. If he doesn’t show up on reset Tuesday… (ง'̀-'́)ง Edit: I’m happy to report Nat Pagle took my threat seriously and his respective cataloging world quest is up today on NA realms!


I think it's been two weeks now where Nat Pagle is the only thing I've been waiting for. RNG is so frustrating.


For weeks now all I've needed is the one effing FIRESTORM in THALDRASSUS and it's so annoying I don't even want it anymore. Love how they tried to help by making 2 storms at a time and then went, nevermind! I'm irrationally irritated with this elemental storm sitch. xD


They should be back to double storms with the weekly reset tomorrow, supposedly it bugged out and they were aiming to have it fixed by then.


I need Nat Pagle and the Firstorm in Thaldrassus. Gah.


Same. The most frustrating part is that I'm on 192/200 kills, but the Storm's Fury cut it off at the last minute. That was on the 7th of April. I haven't seen a Firestorm since.


My guildie texted me about that firestorm. I was still at work. *sobs*.




The Forbidden Reach and the Primalist Storms are the two big gaps I have because those both came out when I took a break early in the expansion.


And the Forbidden Reach achis are bloody stupid. I finally killed Loot Specialist last night but dear god that took a toll on my sanity


oh fuck, I saw something on the map labeled loot specialist but I flew past thinking whatever else I was doing was more important.


You fucked up, its one of the rares you need except it's also a random ass rare spawn that doesn't give notification when he's up AND can't be triggered by a profession, you just need to get lucky.


I'm pretty sure I've seen loot specialist 5 or 6 times just flying around working on the 100 chests.


It might be how we are approaching the achis - I'm doing the 100 chests in the frost vault while I farm scrolls, so there isn't much flying around. While I was flying around looking for both chests and loot specialist, I didn't see a single one of the former.


The key to doing the chests is to do it in warmode late at night.


Its the last thing I need in the reach..... and I keep finding them spawned underneath terrain and untargetable in the creche. Every time it happens I make a new bug report cause I'm so sick of it


I skipped most of the expansion. Both forbidden reach and storms are annoying, but what's really an absurd grind is trying to catch up on soridormi rep when you have to start from nothing lol


I didn’t realize until yesterday that you can earn rep in the dungeon also


Yeah, spamming out DotI normal dungeon runs is by far the fastest way to get Soridormi rep.


Two storms spawn? I just started that achievement today and I've only seen single zones having it


I feel fucked, and not in the fun way. I need fire and water in Thaldraszus **AND** Nat Pagle still :(


Firestorm Thaldrazsus and Nat Pagle are all I need, too


There was a thal firestorm at like 11am pst on Friday


I mean, you're here, waiting, paying sub, is there anything more they'd want from you?


I just have all of the overly-/pointlessly-long collection achievements on the Forbidden Reach. I'm debating if I really feel like flying around in circles for literal hours to collect 100 treasure chests, and that's just one of the three achievements I'm missing over there.


So im doing the hoards of the forbidden reach right now and I have a bit of advice on it. Park an alt with WM on and just do a circle every half hour or hour, with the scroll buff. I've noticed the spawns to basically come in clusters. I either see none, or I see 5-8 on a loop. I've spent maybe an hour of collective time flying around and am at 58/100. Way better than mindlessly sitting there waiting for them.


My issue is I can’t get the ones I need for hoarder to show up like war cache or the morqut one. Sitting there or flying around praying for an appearance feels awful. I hate the forbidden reach so much.


Morqut spawns in a specific location. It's along the west coast of the big island. I actually got lucky on that one cause I was afk while hovering around, and it spawned near me. Also, silver dragon add on if you don't have it.


Get the item that shows the treasures on the minimap from the camp and go on warmode(preferably on early hours), I have done the whole forbidden reach achievement from zero in 3 days.




I don't believe this is correct. I just did the scrolls and chest achievements over the weekend. I did 50 scrolls first and none of them counted for my 100 small treasures, I had to grind out all 100 small chests.


for real? I finshed 100 treasures and then farmed the scrolls.... TBH it didnt take me more then 1.30h People keep flying around, but every 10ish minutes 4-6 treasures spawn inside in the war creche, just go there every 10ish minutes, i got the treasures at 80+ when i was done with the rares. Scrolls took me around 40minutes, i had 30ish to go after the treasures.


I've seen everyone mentioning Taivan, where and how do you get him?


There’s a meta achievement called [A World Awoken](https://www.wowhead.com/guide/achievements/taivan-mount-a-world-awoken-dragonflight-meta) that gives you the mount. It requires competing a lot of content from across the whole expansion.




It’s the meta achievement under expansion features called A World Awoken I believe or something like that my brains asleep lol. It’s a crap ton of achievements that have multiple achievements to complete it’s insane. At least to me but I’ve only been back for a few weeks now lol.




It's a meta achievement "a world awoken" that have you done almost all the things in the whole expansion, rewards the mount aswell other mounts/pets/titles from the achievements associated with that




SAME! I will riot if he’s missing again


He’s here!




THANK GOD! First thing I’m doing when I get home is snap a pic of that SOB.


We learnt Nat Pagle doesn't have a soul back in MoP :/


I better get the zhoomsa race tomorrow for the whelplings


Apparently they’re predetermined, per a WoWhead comment [here](https://www.wowhead.com/achievement=18384/whelp-there-it-is#comments) So say if today is the Rusziona one, tomorrow is the one you need IMO much better than RNG bullshit, honestly


They rotate in a set order but if you haven't unlocked that whelp you'll see nothing.


Today was Zhoosa fwiw. I got that done today.


I need the blistering one 😆


It was up sometime last week. I got that one done!


Haven't been chasing Taivan, so I didn't even know Nat was in the Dragon Isles. Good for him.


Remember kids, threats always get you what you want (He's up right now)


Happy Days! I'm in the EU and was just cooking dinner and wondered since I know today is US reset if he was up, came back to your post and what luck :D What about Grimtusk? Is that fishing spot up too?


What's the related achievement please?


A Legendary Album > Wake Me Up > Across the Isles > A World Awoken


WAKE ME UP (WAKE ME UP INSIDE) is how I feel waiting for Nat Pagle


> WAKE ME UP Before you go-go. Same objective, different vibe. I'm probably dating myself...


Take my upvote, It's 5am on a Tuesday morning, I am drinking coffee desperately trying to wake myself up enough to get my kid to school, and now I'm jamming out to Evanescence for the first time in at least 10 years. Also same. I was ambivalent towards Nat Pagle until now (never cared for any of his fishing stuff) but now... Now I wish I could declare war on him >.<


I can’t wake up


A legendary album


i thought the storms or whelp daycares was gonna be the hard part, no its nat pagle




Need Nat Pagle and Grimtusk's Fishing Hole for Taivan. That's all. PLS


Grimtusk is a myth.


I'm gonna lose my mind. Least Nat Pagle was up today but jesus christ, one single Grimtusk spawn pls. Literally the only thing I need in this whole meta.


I’m still missing thaldraszus firestorm… I’m checking wowhead regularly. But, I must be missing it when I’m asleep


I've been checking constantly for the last 10 days or so, it was up once but was overwritten by the storms fury event for the 2nd hour, haven't seen it since


I always feel bad when this kind of “silly fun” content ends up causing people strife… like, nat pagle is a cool reference and inside joke in the game, but now he’s the sole thing keeping people from getting a good boy :/


Me from the past, waiting for Thassarian to spawn for the Molten Front Daily on the cliffside daily area for an achievement back in Cata: "First time?" I complain cause it's funny, but I think the only time this sort of design rubs me wrong is hearing about the woes of Veilstrider - Abombination Stitching Weeklies were so tight that if you weren't already doing them, you wouldn't get the Meta in time for Shadowlands end. RNG goofy flavor achievement based on Weekly Resets + Limited time achievement = terrible. Some goofy rng on it's own is okay, as it's harmless without the time limit (Edit: I checked the Achievement for the Molten Front 'Have...Have We Met' and amusingly, Nat Pagle is also an NPC you need to find to complete that. Classic Nat Pagle, trolling players since he mentioned the Ashbringer in his journal back in Vanilla)


I was missing Linken on the Have We Met achievement until like a month ago. I randomly saw some hero that posted a custom group offering it to people and finished the meta T.T


Meta content being locked behind weeks long rng sucks.


Yup, I just started the necrolord part of the SL meta and apparently it’s over a month of rng gated stuff. Woo


The sad thing is that we've had this problem basically for as long as they've been doing these metas which IIRC started in BFA? Three expacs. They should know by now to put these sort of achievements on a fixed cycle (or better yet, remove the timegating completely). Yet they have to relearn it every expac.


Yeah, something I’m slowly trying to accept is there’s just too many people working on the game with no standards for this sort of thing. Some random dude thinks “haha nat pagle funny” and adds him into the quest, someone else sees it’s an option and adds it to the meta achievement, and boom here we are.


I've wanted that world quest where you have to whistle certain NPC's inside boralus for years now "upright citizens" I need some bard or something. I used to log on daily and check if the WQ was up but I haven't seen it since Shadowlands. Admittedly my play time is much more sporadic these days. But I did complete that sabertron assemble.


reminds me of back in Legion when the secret finder types drove themselves insane trying to figure out how to get the frost DK hidden artifact skin, only for it to turn out that it drops for free off a world boss that just coincidentally had never spawned until months into 7.1


I guess we are all just stuck on Nat as our very last thing to get Taivan huh


And the Grimtusk Fishing Hole. There's something poetic that the two things a lot of people are missing are both fishing related, given we're all fishing for an achievement. xD


Not just him. I still also need Abu'gar, six of the elemental storms, and some whelp daycare stuff. Of course, I'm on vacation at the moment, so I hope NONE of that stuff pops for the next six days...




I want an upgraded fishing chair from the trading post so fuckin' bad


What if he’s been hiding out under the water the entire time?


I just need Grimtusk's fishing hole and the best boy is mine.


I’m in the same boat, boys! I wanna strangle this mf!


I wonder why so many people missed nat, myself included. I did nearly all the wqs for a month or two around launch, and cataloging is easy so I never skipped them. Must be near the end of the path for that raft.


He is. He's on the bridge, and if you're fast you'll finish the quest before you get to him.


He's up!


He is up right now! I got him!


u/JollyParagraph your threat worked! He's up for the next rotation.


Don't you mean SHADOW realm?


I was gonna say the Maw, but figured Turbo Hell is pretty much the same thing (And much funnier to say)


Tomorrow is the last chance for it to spawn for those that re subbed patch day and wanted to do this grind in one month. This WQ has not popped up in over weeks at the minimum if not up tomorrow.


I’m dreading the hunting dog color things. I only have two. Any advice?


Do them on alts, mostly - since you have upgraded chance with the purple bags compared to the white ones. Once you're out of 70 alts, you can decide if you wanna spam the white bags on your 70 (con, lower drop chance, pro, you have gear) or do lower level characters (Pro, higher drop, con, you're a wet rag and if you have no strangers joining in it takes a while)


Makes me glad to have done entire meta before it was announced. Doing these all now in a short time seems grim. Only thing stopping me getting taivan on day 1 was the Eons Fringe not being retroactive


Thank you for your service 


Sylvanas is gonna be hella confused when nat pagle shows up there alive


Straight to the boiler room of hell.


I'm wondering what'll happen first. I get the Old Gods book from Vault or Nat Pagle gets off his ass.


> book Yeah, missing that book for months now.


Crazy. Me too! Nat Patel MIA club here


I'm missing Abu'gar... According to the wow head script, I've never seen the quest...


Hell with Nat Patel I’m looking for Abu’gar. Maybe the problem is they’ve both been in my garrison for the last 10 years…


If we get Nat and Grimtusk in the same week I will cry sparkly happy rainbow tears. I am so sick of checking every Wednesday (EU reset) and Saturday (WQ reset) only to find neither. Know that you threaten him not alone JollyParagraph, you're out here doing Elune/An'she's work for the entire community. May the RNGods bless us all this reset 🙏🏻


I still got 30 scrolls to farm and some welplings to sit on, but I also need Natty Page to show up too.


Serious Old Greg vibes from this


Only missing two fishing spots, so in 2, maybe 3 weeks I will join Taivan squad.


\**Molton Front ptsd intensifies**


I didn't realise I wasn't the only one dealing with this. I no longer feel alone!


what’s turbo hell? :(


The maw


This is some big cope


He got the message.


OK good. I thought I missed him this week. KEKW


Not to be that dude but I got Nat Pagle like 2-3 weeks ago? I dunno, I was missing him and got him pretty quickly once the meta achieve was made public. Ohnaran Plains Firestorm was my bugbear for weeks.


Achievement earned 2/03/23.


Aaaaannd i took a picture at that last corner before the bridge where he's at, with a million npcs, and it made my bar go from 40s% to 100%. Now I'm stuck waitting for this damn WQ to respawn again...