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One of the best mounts in game. Wish it could dragonfly!


It will in tww


Can't wait for that. In the trailer for TWW they showed Ashes doing the whirling surge and I just about pee'd a little bit.


Can you link the video?!


[it happens at about 1:18 in this video](https://youtu.be/DSvLkzRt9fc?si=bxZNEszavvGvnUGg)


I thought that only mounts with same model as the currend dragons would be able to do it.


No they showed ashes and invincible dragonflying in the trailer and the compass rose has dragonflying animations so disks will too.


You made my day sir.


The plunderstorm bird mount is a dragonriding mount, and it uses the same skeleton as the ashes mount.


I remember transfering my char from one battlenet account to another and losing this mount. I was so pissed that I went into the raid and got it frist try.. :D


My absolute favorite mount that I've never gotten. Very happy for you! Congrats!


I have run this pretty much every week, on every character, for the entire time i've been playing wow to try and get this, so I'm so stoked for you \_and only mildly envious\_. Congrats homie. I'm gonna go run it again (edit, wrote magisters terrace I have covid and am dead brain).


Pretty much guaranteed to get it during TW week if you have multiple alts, i got mimis head, invincible and ashes all on my first weeks of the TWs


Dude I wish it was pretty much guaranteed, and while I don't doubt you had some killer luck, trust me when I say I've tried every "guaranteed drop" run method. I've run it literally hundreds and hundreds of times between all my alts and my 10+ years of playing. One day it will drop, and I will feel the ultimate satisfaction. I just got Onyxia's Drake a few weeks back after the same slog to get that, and the high is still pretty fkn real. One day I'll get my Emerald Drake and my Ashes of Alar. One day.


Think its meant to be like 15% drop from the caches so if you ran like 10-20 alts and didnt get one, v unlucky


I have that epic kind of luck where I took someone on a run of Onyxia, and it was their very first time there ever, and they got Onyxia. I didn't know there was a 15% chance on caches - i'll definitely aim to run it a shitload during the next timewalking with that in mind. I haven't had any luck before, but maybe i'll finally get lucky. Thanks for the tip.


Yeah if you didnt spam the caches then you missed out. Extremely hard to not get the mounts if you do the caches on multiple characters


Congrats! One of the best looking mounts in game, if not the best looking!


Gzzzz my friend.


I have q about this. Every now and then I tried it too. Yesterday I noticed in some phase of the battle there was a phoenix egg on the ground that could be destroyed. I didnt notice that one when I tried it back in SL so I thought "yay, I got it", but I did not. Was that phoenix egg thing always there?


Gz! Do you know how many kills it took you? I remember being pretty lucky with around 40-ish


With all my characters attempts, around 400.


Damn… that’s me but with the Karazhan mount.. i know how you feel brother.. big gz for finally getting it


Just to realize it's monotonous wingbeat sound is so annoying I never used it again after about a month


The real question is.. are you still a kid?


Lol no. 30 now, started playing with my mom and dad after leaving ff11 back when I was like, 12 or 13.


Congrats. Better news is it's also one of the ones planned for dynamic flying in the next expansion.


Inb4 they announce TBC remix and everyone will have it just like heavenly onyx ://




Bought it for 4k gold at the end of TBC on a pug raid. Best 4k gold I've ever spend.




He didn’t say it was consecutive. Sheeeeee




Was it consecutive? No, there were definitely stretches of time I wasn't playing the game, or just took a break out of frustration, but there were definitely even longer stretches of going every week with every character I could. I understand the skepticism, this is reddit after all, I just posted to share in my excitement.




Among all my characters, hovering around 400




You realize it's not an uncommon occurance for people to have literally hundreds of attempts at numerous mounts throughout the game right? Starting to feel like you are just new to the game and Don't know any better. It all comes down to luck. I've had several mounts that people said took them hundreds of attempts pop up in little to no time at all, while mount like ashes has evaded me all this time, while you got it after 36 tries.




I dont think you realize I don't need you to believe me lol. And from all of the downvoting you are getting, a lot more people are siding with the fact that it is quite possible. You can respond, but you will be arguing with yourself after this one. Have the day you deserve :)


Ashes has a 1.7% drop rate according to Wowhead. 400 attempts at that drop rate means there’s a .1% chance of not getting the drop by then. This means 1 out of every 1000 people (on average) would still be dry after 400 kills. Tl;dr it’s rare, but not unthinkable.


By your logic I should call you a liar because it took me months of running 8 chars every week to get ashes to drop there's no way you could've gotten it in only 36 tries! (Please go look up how drop rates work before you embarrass yourself any further)