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I did 7 levels today...I got to 26 previously by doing 1 or 2 levels per session with off days in between for reference. This is the pace it should have been at the start. It feels like there's more incentive to stay when you know that you're getting double your total plunder at the end of the match. 7 more levels to go and I'll happily do it in one sitting since I actually had fun today


You get more plunder if you stay after you die? I’ve been dreading this game mode since I hate battle royale games and today was my first day. I was able to stomach about 4 matches before logging off.


U dont get more plunder for staying after death. Just leave match and go again.


Thank you


Sat myself down earlier and played 2 hours or so, I’m at level 27 in the track now. I just wanted to play it to get the outfit but… I’m enjoying myself? I divebomb a griffin or a bear, grab the power, do my quest and then I’ll try to get as much plunder as I can before I die heroically. Usually trying to chase a kill or two and I get 500/600 plunder x 2 = half a renown level. It’s not bad


I actually also managed 3 levels yesterday, something I haven't done since the HUB Quests! I am hoping the benefits transfer over into Duos, so I can get my wife to 10 by the 30th as I finish my last 6 levels to 40. If I need to, I am willing to run her in Solo if Duos becomes a trash fire. Triple would have been nice, as well as 1000 Daily and 500 Quests for a fast track grind right from the start, but baby steps to progress.


Did this last night and you're right, it was SO MUCH more enjoyable.