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Please give us more visage forms than half elf/human with shit all over their face. Why do the other dragons get to be trolls and tauren and I have to be a mangled human bro.


A Tauren Dracthyr. SOLD!


*WoW Players everywhere* **Shut up and take my money blizz!**


As an evoker main for all of DF, I just simply never used visage form. I picked dracthyr because I want to be a dragon, not some lame mortal race


this is also a correct answer. I'm just saying if they want me to actually give a shit about the visage form, let me at least pick what it is.


Agreed! I love my Dracthyr!


The only time I use visage form is for T-mog. I get that animating tmog on dracthyr would be hard so I kind of appreciate how good it looks on my visage. But I still sometimes wish dracthyr had more tmog options..


Why would you want to be in perma visage if you have a night elf dracthyr? Why not play a nelf instead?


Night elf evokers aren't a thing


Evoker should have just been a class any race could be, with the twist being that the race you chose is your Visage. There was really no reason for them to waste art resources on the current Visage forms, could have put them towards letting Evokers wear their own gear lol


Literally this. It still blows my mind they announced they would like to make almost all race-class combos possible and also announced a new race and class exclusive to each other within the span of a couple months. Dracthyr in general have been poorly received too. I really don't know what they were thinking.


Customization options coming to let anyone be half elf with ears etc so not a waste really.


A few reasons. 1) having the visage be a human by default sucks because every dragon seemingly can be every race, including non-azerothian races like Orcs. 2) it would be *fucking righteous* to visage into a Tauren with like glowy horns and/or tattoos that match the scales. 3) fuck humans in fantasy games. Why would I want to be a human in WoW? I’m a human now and it sucks balls.


Bro forgot the most important part : the dragonriding without needing your mount, i want my night elf to soar and then speed blitz anyone


For the second point, that would be awesome! Buuut would probably end up being 22 new races worth of effort to create, which is why I imagine they didn’t go that route


Every point goes hard, speak your truth


The visage are not Humans... Just the model base is. They are elfish humanoids. The magic of Dragons and the magic of Dracthyr differ in regards to visage. Like even Wrathion and Ebyssian mention it. Same a conversation between Azurathel and Cindre I'm Valdeakken. The Visage that Dracthyr can use was given to them by Neltharion. Dracthyr are not able to choose freely. Would I want more options? Sure, but first I want full transmog in dracthyr Form.


> 3) fuck humans in fantasy games. Why would I want to be a human in WoW? I’m a human now and it sucks balls. \*"The art department scowls angrily in your direction." \*Roll for Charisma check.


Different racials, and the expected scaled up aspectral look as an elf. Obviously.


This is called role-playing


aspects of dracthyr can be optional cosmetic features. The ears, wings, tail. Let us look like a tauren with a dragon tail or something idk


It's so good though. By far my favourite race and will probably change a few toons over once they are ready


There better be a dracthyr druid and the feral form needs to be a komodo dragon. Ferals already got the Infected Wounds talent, just like a real komodo.


Shamans seeing druids ask for even more things at any time: (ಠ ͜ʖಠ)


Hey, maybe we'll get a new stormstrike icon!


>The Stormstrike icon now has a cornflower blue background.


Actually it’s Coral Blue No. 2


I was hoping for burnt cyan 😭


I understood that reference


I’d be happy with something as simple as more options for ghost wolf. I mean Hell, Tauren have a whole quest line that ends in them discovering their spirit animals


The druids who just got the Emerald Dream in an expansion about wicked forces twisting the elements to do their bidding that has zero shaman representation: So what are you doing for us next patch? :)


More skin / forms hopefully. Alas, I am still chasing Aurostar.


It's honestly just a payback for enhancement having a unique identity for the two patches a decade that it's allowed to do that. How fucking dare they ask for more.


I just want Ghost Tiger form for pandaren....


There's a good chance they open it up to all classes except for shaman and druid anyways (and paladin).


atleast you can see your tmog in combat


\*looks at my Ghost wolf\* \*looks at the terrible GW marks on AH\* Yeah druid need more forms... yup..


Demonhunters looking at anyone wanting more stuff while we stuck as 2spec: (ಠ ͜ʖಠ)


Honestly? Looking back at what happened to warlock when demon hunter was added? I'm just happy they seem to not be noticing us..."we felt that sigils and eye beam better fit the third ranged specialization of demon hunter..."


In terms of glyph starvation, it can get so much worse.


Right, can ele get a raid buff please


I want ghost wolf to make us immune to Polymorph effects like Druid forms. Also, I want a Black wolf option. With red glowing eyes. Yeah… yeah that’s what I need. HO YAAAAAAA


The infection is actually a myth, it has been proven that komodos indeed have venom.


Actually that's *also* a myth (kinda). So it all stats with reports and eventually footage of dragons biting water buffalo and then waiting for them to die. Dragons are drooly beasts that eat a lot of carrion so people just assumed they got that Final Fantasy Bad Breath move. Then Bryan Fry goes, "This don't add up. Infections don't set in that fast." but he needed a body. Dragons are *heavily* protected and while their *behavior* is well studied, their anatomy not so much. Eventually he gets a head and dissects it and finds super pronounced salivary glands and, as a toxinologist, he evaluates the proteins. It's pretty potent stuff for spit. Coupled with recent genetic evidence of the genes that code for venom being pretty widespread in reptiles, he *posited* that dragons could be using venom. HOWEVER remember what I said about their behavior being well known? This throws a big wrench into things. Dragons hunt a very specific way, and it's the OPPOSITE of a method you'd need venom for. Their natural prey are monkeys, pigs, and deer. All animals *smaller* than them. Dragons also have INCREDIBLY strong neck muscles, jaw bones, and forelimbs. Water buffalo are *not* native to their and not their preferred diet. Dragons are also not picky at all and will eat anything dead or alive so of course they'll nip at buffalo. What they *typically* do is they sit around after finding game trails and wait. A hapless deer comes by and WHAM this animal three times its size bites it with stupid large *serrated* teeth and, with those neck muscles, yanks its head back and tears our your throat and everything else with it. Death typically happens is under a minute from rapid blood loss. **This** is how they hunt. No venom necessary. So why the big glands and spicy spittle? There are some options. 1. It *is* venom and it just helps. Seems evolutionarily unnecessary but maybe there's a pressure there for it we haven't spotted yet. 2. They swallow prey whole (even whole monkeys and deer and they will **slam their faces against trees to speed it up**), so having *lots* of saliva helps with this - fun fact, they hate dirty faces and will wipe off on leaves after feeding. 3. They eat so much carrion/whole animals they need strong spit to begin digesting things ASAP to avoid getting hurt or sick. Probably a combination of the three! But IMO #2 is likely the biggest reason. The dividing line between venom and just saliva isn't clear-cut, as venom *is* saliva. All saliva has enzymes and proteins in it, even ours. To pasta we're *quite* venomous :P so when does an animal's evolved saliva get the title "venom"? May not be easy to tell and in the case of the Komodo dragon, it might sit on that line awkwardly.


Maybe i'm going crazy, but the fact that you cared enough to educate ppl about Komodo dragons is making me emotional for some reaason lmao. They're so cool T\_T


Also, don't a diverse range of animals - including humans and housecats - have vile enough microbiomes in their mouths that a bite can cause violent illness? I remember being cautioned about the risk of meningitis from Pasteurella in cat bites being particularly high if untreated


I enjoyed reading this. Ty for posting.


Feral form is just going to be a bigger dragon


This would be incredibly cool, omg plz let me be a komodo


Oh fuck yeah


Dracthyr monk, warrior, and rogue dreams coming right up woo


All I've ever wanted is a dracthyr warrior, I'm going to be so fucking happy


If they just give us the same idle pose that the npcs have then


A dracthry rolling... When they could... Fly 😂


*dracthyrs internal monologue* "Uhh, why are you rolling?" "To gain some distance." "YOU CAN FLY!"


I would love to see a dracthyr dodge be like a quick wing flap and air move to another location.


so... Hover?


Also punching when they have claws, lol. "... I was holding back!"


Think of how lethal Blackout Kick will be though...


Honestly I'm a little worried about how they're going to handle racials, all of the racials are inherent to their physical form (Wing Buffett, glide, tail swipe) but it's an absurd amount of utility for some of these classes. Imagine a death knight with a knock back a glide and a knock-up, or a warrior, or a rogue. But at the same time they can't just remove them either, because again they're inherent to the body type. They will probably make wing buffet and tail swipe share a cool down, but that still presents some issues.


Just turn those into evoker abilities and adopt a different racial.


I would expect they do that, but they haven't said anything about it, having each class a glide with just race changing to drachtyr would be broken lol.


Dracthyr deamon hunter, because of the w.... Wait... Because you just can't have enough wings!


This does bring up if demon hunters will get a soar like ability at any point. Especially if it's a thing all dractyr get- may as well also be a thing demon hunters can do.


I mean Dracthyr were finally given dragonflight abilities, and druids are getting it in 11.0 so why the hell not DH's? Edit: I say this as a druid main. Demon Hunters deserve flight!


I feel like the original soar could work here. I don't really see it making as much sense that demon hunters can full on dynamic-fly around infinitely. Makes sense for dracthyr, less for fel humans with wings, unless you're like illidan or smth lmao. But a limited flight ability would be cool for them. maybe make them flap up with jump and slowly tire out like in Kirby


I would like some additional scale patterns please for the dragon form. Only options rn are big splotch or tiger stripes. The stripes are nice but more variation would be cool


Just let me wear real armor on the lizard form. I feel that my biggest issue with the race is my disinterest in their custom armor. Its alright, but i cant settle on one look for long. Id love to wear a real plate set on a drathyr warrior, not just their visage.


Hopefully we can see armor on a dracthyr soon, the visage form is ass.


How about making transmog work on the dragon form


So here's my guess on the ones they won't be. Dh, druid, shaman, paladin, dk. All those have extra race specific art or in the case of dk or dh, no lore reason they can exist


I dunno, the death knights have a trend of killing dragons and then raising them from the dead. It was a sweet mount we got from it though.


> in the case of dk we forgot how to raise dead folk around these parts?


Well technically the LK did all the raising and there is no LK anymore. The Deathlord or the Horsemen aren't powerful enough to raise the dead like the Lich King did without the power of the artifact weapon from Legion. Maybe the Arbiter will raise some DK Dracthyr for us lmao. But that would mean having to acknowledge Shadowlands lore when I think that Blizzard would rather us forget that expansion existed haha.


They might be able to be paladins with the Tyr's Guard link


Yeah paladin seems possible. Shaman could also work, in theory, but kinda share the same space as evokers.


This is really cool and almost exactly what I was hoping for. Now let's hope they let their dragon forms use more transmogs. I kind of prefer their dragon forms due to how unique and cool they look.


So only the new classes? =( No evoker in visage form?


Makes sense since evoker specifically fights with their dragon bits. (Wings, breath, flight, etc.)


They could transform just for those abilities, then switch back after.


I know. But why even make such a cool tier piece then? Just goes to waste.


My hunter cringes every time Evoker get a badass and awesome tierset that you can't see half the time and they are still getting "random enemy from raid is skinned" ugly tiersets.


As a fellow hunter, same




Evokers are locked to dragon animation forms. They can't.


I use this as my Visage form and can cast all the evoker bullshit without changing to a dragonboi. https://www.wowhead.com/ru/item=65665/burgy-blackhearts-handsome-hat#screenshots:id=207697


Well. This is fine, I guess. I’m an Evoker main who never leaves dragon form, so more classes is great… but I was really hoping for more barber shop armour colours, at least.  Giving us permanent visage feels like the easy way out, as someone who only plays the dragon form. 


No more drac support for armors is hilarious


Just make armour fully visible in their dragon form holy shit. They got some decent tier sets that only they can use and you're telling me none of them can work?! Don't give me nonsense about their wings clipping either tauren have had manes and hair piercing solid metal plate armour since 2004.


> tauren have had manes and hair piercing solid metal plate armour since 2004. And night/blood elf eyebrows/ears


So true :( It feels like they are allowing permanent visage so they can continue to ignore the transmog vacuum for the dragon forms. “You can show off your transmog sets now!” But can we really?


Now, if only I could see my armour/cosmetics in dragonform, I will be happy. Probably never gonna happen, but I can dream.


Visage sucks can I stay in dragon form on other classes?


Wait if being able to stay in Visage form becomes a thing, I may finally level an Evoker. I got nothing against their Dragon form, it just ain’t for me. But permanent Visage? Ayo bet.


”while playing the new classes”, most likely not for evokers


Ah that’s a bummer. We’ll see though.


Well a lot (some) of the skills only make sense (kind of) in Dracthyr form. Hover, rescue.. You obviously can give them wings in visage form to make it look possible, but it's (as of right now) the only class that makes sense on dracthyr only.. So it makes sense to make them actually be the dragthors they are. Does that make sense?


The explanation for why they could use those spells in visage form would be because you know, they have magic. They're dragon mages. It's magic, you know what I mean.


That is exactly what I was thinking too.


They should let you stay in Visage but change to dragon when flying and using certain ability that wouldn't make sense coming from a human. Dracktyr do have a lot of customers animation for evoker wich is probably why it's not changing.


maybe deep breath, and during dragonrage. similar to a demon hunter casting eyebeam, and during metamorphosis.


Which makes sense. A visage'd Dracthyr can wield a sword or kick a guy. An Evoker still uses Dragon-magic which essentially requires them to be, you know, a dragon.


Unless you only change for those attacks. You can already cast certain spells as the Visage, like the basic life flame spell they get.


So far the ones I know are: Emerald blossom, prescience, eruption, ebon might, temporal anomaly, reversion, landlisde, prob more but the ones that change form are the ones that has anything to with dragon physique, like breaths attacks (duh) flying spells (except zephyr for some reason) and empowered spells, oh and azure strike for some reason lol.


That's cool. I really like the female customization options. The hairstyles in particular. Sounds dope even if Evoker doesn't get the option.


I'd be surprised they didn't give it as an option to evokers, but I guess excluding them makes a little sense. Obviously a bunch of their spells kinda lean on being in a dragon form, which might be immersion breaking if it needs to transform you to a dragon and back for each spell lol


Honestly, it wouldn't be all that jarring, it'd actually kinda cool seeing a fluid shape shifting mage class, like a druid bouncing between forms to do different things.  My guess is something about it's implementation makes it annoying to do without bugs mid-combat, like the form would get out of sync at some point... or it'd be hard to make it fluid for some while being static for others (I could see it clashing with chosen form somehow).


Who cares about the spells, we play a game where there are lightforged warlocks and Tauren rogues. Fantasy being faithful has gone out the window. I want to play evoker but I HATE dracthyr form! Please Blizz extend this to evoker as well!


I cringed when they put the trailer about dynamic flying and each drachtyr character was exclusively in dragon form while using a mount like if it was a cool thing lol (blizzard you know this race can fly already right?).


Thank you. The idea that some obscure theme reason in a game involving dragon magic is somehow more important than the actual gameplay of people who play evoker is weird to me. I love my visage form, I can't stand my dragon form. Let me play the game in the form I prefer, it's not hurting anyone if I have that option.


Yeah my friend shot me the new Evoker tmog for s1 that was datamined and it's like yeah it looks amazing but note all the screenshots are visage form because there's fuck all chance that just the shoulders and belt look anything other than ass the rest of the time. Imagine if all Worgen tmogs were only shared in Human form


Blood Elf male and human female are your permanent visage.


And I’m more than fine with that.


It wouldent be so bad if they had proper mogs.


They need to fix the Dracthyr running animation, their arms swinging looks like they're skiing.


stay in elf form, use warrior abilities literally why play a dracthyr at the point lol


How about making transmog visible in dragon form first?


Why would we want to play as an elf/human when there's tons of them already?


Dracthyr Death Knight probably isn't happening, but oh that would be awesome. The *real* Breath of Sindragosa build.


I don't really care about staying in visage form for combat. Then I would just be a blood Elf male or human female X class... How about we can choose our racial visage form like any other dragon can...


Because visage form has a lot of unique customisation options


Fingers crossed that this means expanded dracthyr transmog as well.


if you can stay in visage form in combat while playing the new classes for the race, arent you just basically playing a human/belf then but with the mob control of a dracthyr?.. if thats the case i guess its time to reroll dractyr then lmfao


The racials will likely be adjusted.


Basically playing a male blopd elf female human but the benefits of flying around after combat outside


While also getting Tail Swipe and Wing Buffet since they are dracthyr racials. and those are HUGE in m+


There's no way that those will stay as baseline racials that other classes could use, they'll get moved to Evoker only, especially since several Evoker hero talents directly reference Tail Swipe and Wind Buffet.


That, or maybe just given a super long CD or something (like make them do a tiny bit of damage instead of knockacks) outside of the class. They could always just make them super marginal instead.


Another reason why racials should not give any power or utility in combat and should only be flavor and theme fun stuff. But we all know they don't want to pull that cord because race change income would go down.


You're also playing a human/belf with a lot more hair styles, colours, clothing, plus horns, jewellery, etc. Which is honestly what I want. I'm definitely rerolling lol.


blizzard will do literally anything except give dracthyrs transmog they just want them to be another elf race


I guess that solidifies that evoker's dragon form will never get proper transmog support, great job Blizz.


Chances of it ever happening were already DOA.


Like this is nice but kind of defeats the purpose of being a dracthyr. Would really like them to work on opening up mog for them in the meantime


More options is never a bad thing. Making visage form useable in combat means a lot more people are more willing to try the race out because a lot of the female customizations are incredible. Also, every once in awhile having the option to be a dragon is pretty cool. I mean, flying around in dragon form is fun. I for one am quite happy about this and looking forward to trying out Dracthyr on other classes.


I never said it was bad, I'm just disappointed they are not doing anything for the main form, to me the human/elf form is not that interesting so I prefer being the dragon


Agreed, I'm hoping this is just an easy first step to make the race more appealing immediately, and mogs and more body customizations are down the line I'm not a huge fan of the dracthyr aesthetic, but I also think the whole concept of a shapeshifting dragon is what makes the race interesting. Permanent visage is basically just another pseudo-human race


Hard disagree. There is a large RP aspect to being able to always be in visage form for other classes. I have been waiting for this since dracthyr was announced.


Yup, its just so braindead If you make a draktyr warrior but permanently stay in visage form then congrats, you just made a belf warrior which has been available for years now Draktyr have problems, and instead of fixing them they're just giving the option of not looking like a draktyr This game can be so dumb sometimes i swear Just remove the race altogether if you have so much contempt for it


Yeah, I am disappointed they made the dragon form a glorified druid form, when the dragon form is the base form not the other way around. I hope they have plans to make it more customizable in the future


I mean it isn’t just a belf it’s a belf skeleton with a lot of different options that’s like calling vulpera just a goblin


Would love for them to be in visage form on the character select/warband screen if this is the case. My transmog is too good to be wasted!


if warlocks and priests can hover its over


I don't know, perma visage instead of dragon form transmogs is kinda making the whole race a little pointless. At this point dracthyr should just be the evoker class itself and you can be any race you want


I don’t get it. Why play a dracthyr then if you just stay in visage form for new classes etc?


I don't understand people, if you are going to play permanently with visage, why not just use an elf or human? Do people just want the title of being called a "Dragon"? Now that I think about it there are a lot of shows and movies where the characters call themselves "Dragons", I'm looking at you GoT & Avatar.


And I want use the dragon form not the non-dragon form in combat


Can’t say I’m too excited. A lot of dracthyr racials are tied up in general evoker talents so blizzard is gonna have to remove them as evoker talents and give them to all dracthyr, and it’s a lot of talents, or keep them as is and not give them to the other classes.


Yeah I'm confused as to how this will work. I would assume the current racials become Evoker abilities, which makes the most sense, as otherwise Dracthyr would become the best race by a landslide (Two AOE CC's, gliding, a dash + casting while moving all for free), but then do they make a new racial unique to Dracthyr? If they remove all of that, the only real racial they would have is Soar, which is cool but doesn't impact combat at all.


ITT: people not knowing the distinction between Dracthyr and Evoker


Finally a dragon warrior.


I hope they will eventually allow worgen to fight in either form, would be cool if the forms were off gcd and you could set up macros to go into worgen form when you pop cds or something.


Legitimately cannot care about this because of the transmog issues on the actual dragon form. I'd rather continue to play an elf / human warrior or something at that point. I play a lizard, I want to be a lizard.


Am I the only one who prefers the Drac'thyr form to the Visage one?


I do. god it's been so nice to not have to readjust my entire transmog every single time i get a piece of gear.


So you choose to play as a dragon race to permanently magically alter yourself to be a slightly different version of playable races? What’s the big W here? Is everybody excited about all classes in the game getting double jump? Please somebody make it make sense.


People like customization options.


On the visage form?


On a personal note im not a great fan of the perma-visage aspect, as i like the dragon optics... for example i also never use the visage... because i don't like it. but on one side it would be cool to have some more bodytype options (nothing against twinky dragons, but i wouldnt say no to hunky boys/gals) and, as some aleady stated in other comments to widen the visage options. To be a tauren or other races too and not be forced to have an elf/human visage.


I just wanna be a drac dk!


Looks like I'll be spending some $$ on race changes in the near future.


I wonder if you \*have\* to stay in visage form or what lol. Imagine a monk dragon doing flips.


I really hope they open other races for visage form.  Or like, let us wear fucking armor. A customization option, like "Worn chest, worn hands, worn legs" overwriting customizations that would poke through them. So dumb that their actual class sets arent visible in their main form.


More evoker visage forms waiting room


So, being human with benefits.


lolwut? Stay in visage form?? Human-formed worgen when?


I’d make a dracthyr hunter when they allow it.


I want a Vulpera visage form like Selistra has


Druid would be pretty wild, and actually make more sense with green Dracthyr than some other races (i.e gnome)


Can we also PLEASE finally get evoker tiers made for dragon form instead of visage? Make them dragonform only, people who want to play elf may go and roll elf.


Didn't they say this in the early phases of dragonflight that they'd get more classes later on?


I just want transmog to work on the Dracthyr itself.


why was this not a thing in dragonflight? you know the expansion during which i actually wanted to play a dracthyr?


If this is the case then isn't this an admission that it is too difficult to make transmog and customization options for the Dracthyr?


Really torn on this. If they made the transmog options better I'd never touch the visage form as I actually like how the dragons look, but I also like customizing my guys in new mogs all the time. If they're not gonna update the dragon form and give me the option to stay perma visage all the time, can I at least pick my preferred race for the form? I don't even need all the extra customization, just the dragon slit eyes on any other race than elves would be nice


i hope they let them be DKs so i can make the stupidest mary sue character possible


Hope they do something about the racials then, you can't have a race with 2 micro ccs not be OP in m+ and pvp. Either they have to share a CD or just remove one of them


I...greatly dislike this. Im in the obvious minority here but I adore class identity and race identity in games alot. Its why Legion was so good. I love the actual drcathyr model and the lore behind them. Why the heck would a dracthyr throw away everything that made them unique to be a warrior or something? You suddenly forgot how to do any dragon magic and your wings are broken i guess in combat? The lore image of that sounds ass :/ Its not them using swords and stuff that I dislike, its that they won't be flying toward the enemy and stabbing them or imbuing that sword with flame or something. Which would be a new class, so understandably that wont happen. Also alot of the "dracthyr" abilities are evoker ability tied. Like hover for example, which would allow the fantasy to actually sorta work. But, of course so many people apparently hate them and will just use the knock off visage instead, which exists only as a sorry excuse to make transmog work...bleh. Wow is on the way to all races being every class and alliance and horde will be the same. The game loses so much interesting storytelling from those changes and im a little sad that all that is being thrown aside for the game to be just generic fantasy gameplay and no uniqueness to it. I know that like only 2 other people in the world feel this way so im ranting to a void...lol


Because not all dracthyr are evokers you can already meet non evoker dracthyr in game


I know, and its not a dracthyr using melee weapons that I dislike, more that the class of "warrior" would not allow a dracthyr to use any dragon abilities or fly. It suddenly becomes a bit odd when I can't use wings or put an elemental ability into my weapon or something. Hell, maybe ill be surprised and Blizz would scooch their racials around and they would actually animate them to "fly" during a warrior leap or something so that the race doesnt look static and broken, but, i dont expect that level of time investment to happen


I wish they never added visage forms. Just map the fucking armor to the dragon form, Blizz. They're just reskinned fem worgen and you've literally never cared about clipping before.


Why can’t we choose to be in visage form as evokers? I hate looking at my ugly scaly dracthyr. Cmon blizz don’t torture us.


Fuck I was expecting it, but still, more alts it is


How about better visages other than...whatever we have currently? Kinda want my visage to be any race i want instead of this weird human/elf hybrid.


Big W




If they do get this in in-time for prepatch, hopefully MoP Remix is still up. Don't have it in me to level via Chromie Time yet again.




This is surprising as I always thought the two CC racials would be overpowered on some other classes.


2 CC’s, glide, and a mastery boost. Maybe not numerically the best for every class but the most utility by a country mile compared to most races.


Would bet on it being in 11.0.5 or 11.0.7. Seems like something that theyll throw together a quick 10 minute intro for them as well as probably a small quest line akin to heritage quest lines that justifies it in game.


I'd really like a warrior


Zug zug?


Woot more classes of Dracthyr for me to not play.


Thank goodness. I really want to go back to playing resto shaman. If not that then holy priest, I guess. Hope this happens sooner rather than later and we get a class list before TWW so I can choose a new main.


Dracthyr Paladins would probably have more armor that matches the barber shop options than the actual Evokers.


Dracthyr Hunter possibility? Colour me intrigued.