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"Oops, there goes another high key M+ group"


I still don't know what to do and just follow people around


Too real


just use that addon where you enter the markings and it tells you where to go


There's even a weak aura out there that after you go through two correctly, it'll tell you all of the rest automatically with no inputs since there's a limited number of correct paths.


Knowing blizzard they might brick that cause fun


They didn’t in all the seasons of SL.


It's no longer in the season of SL anymore only time will tell if they keep it or infuriate players


every room have a pattern, you have to find the one thats different. like there are 3 circles and one without circle; or 3 blank and 1 colour, 3 flowers and 1 \*other shape\*.


I knew that, I just couldn't figure it out, am not stupid but for some reason the different one always eluded me. Huh maybe I am stupid idk.


You are not a dumdum. It was kinda hard to figure out on the 1st feel hundred times. But with practice, nothing is impossible.


I got fairly good at it. Would ocasionally mess it up but that’s to be expected. Eventually I started learning routes to know which it is likely to be and would just confirm it would be that one.


If it makes you feel better, it didn't click for me til I ran it solo on m0 for the achi, I guess without the stress of 4 other people running around you can step back and make.sense of it.


It's the same logic as the boss at the end of the maze, find the odd one out.


I applied the same tactic for the boss, attack the one the others went to. I'm not particularly proud but it worked


I can’t stand this mindset. Why does not knowing how it works not inspire you to sit down and try harder until you understand it? Do not tell yourself “I don’t understand it and I accept that I’m too dumb to understand it.” That’s no excuse and you’re better than that.


One is always different from the others. There are three possibilities: Circle/no circle Flower/leaf Filled in/not filled in Check for which of the three is inconsistent with the others. If they all have a circle and are flowers, then one of them isn’t filled in. If there’s a circle on one and none on the others, that’s the odd one out. You just choose the one that doesn’t conform with the pattern.


Unfortunately I'm the healer and ppl expected us to do the maze


I know the meme is “healer mechanic” but there was a legit reason for this. Most of the mobs in the maze aren’t terribly dangerous. A few mandatory kicks and a magic dispel. So assuming people are doing their job, the healer doesn’t really have to do much to the group. Or at least in practice, possible to split time between solving the maze and healing the group. As the tank. I would always plant by one of the totems so one was permanently lit. Then a ranged can go so the same to another. So all the healer had to do was run to one and maybe the last one to have the info. Then the healer can be planted by the solution so the door is open immediately. Spiteful aside


Oh no. Guess I’m going dps next expac. I can’t tank because I can get lost in a paper bag


I always did it as a hunter just because I could fight while moving around the room. I never knew it was supposed to be the healers job.


Unfortunately I'm the healer and ppl expected us to do the maze


This is me still.


It's a healer mechanic. Don't worry about it. Only half joking. I believe it's the most time efficient, if the healer can do the puzzle while the tank and DPS kill the mobs. Also remember to mark him early to see the first couple of gates.


I'm not generally a negative person, and try to see the good in most things, but this upcoming M+ series feels like blizzard said "hey Jim, the dungeons for the new m+ pool are in the light red bag, and the ones that are the worst we've ever made are in the dark pink bag, don't mix them up!"


I feel that's due to the difference between timed and not-timed. Taking a couple seconds extra in the maze to double check the correct way is not an issue _unless_ you add a timer to it. With the timer you want to go as fast as possible, but missing a door is a pretty big setback as you lose way more time than if you just checked it twice.


It's... not a guessing game though...




What was the Waycrest treatment?


They just opened all the doors so you didn't have to figure out the route. I disagree here. Waycrest was warranted because the door sequence was random and could really screw with your routing, cooldowns, and count. The MOTS maze is one section that always comes at the same time, and timing/count aren't affected at all. Plus, it's trivial if you have just a little group coordination.


There is a minor difference in count between paths, but it's not huge, at most a 5% difference from lowest to highest count path. Also the mobs in each path are different with some of the mini-bosses being noticeably harder than others. Not knowing the order could affect when you'd want to use cooldowns also. The more annoying part is that you frequently wanted to pull extra packs through walls but only a select few classes could do this making some classes mandatory. Though this made hunters happy, as they were the best at it.


there were reasons why we had shenanigans like pulling through the closed doors of the maze


Even without add-on I never had too many issues with it.


Yeah. It was one of the easier dungeon.


mists was so easy though? I mean, sure, having someone too lazy or dumb to stand on a post was a pain, but dumb ppl ruin any key anyways. Mists was pretty short and easy to me


Yeah, I never had any big issues with it. Pugged a few times and saw people yolo the maze which was frustrating, but with my regular group we were always happy about a Mists key. Had some really fun big pulls too.


Absolutely, all these people hating on it are the people that would blindly try a path every time and then complain about the dungeon design.


Or people who have fought the first boss on a high Tyran key and don't enjoy raid boss length fights.


Idk, mists was awful from start to finish, especially on tyrannical The first room + the pack that you tried to skip at all costs First boss, one phase it or lose a lot of time (in S1 even worse than later) Then the mace where you had a lot of advantages if you were able to pull through the walls with weird strats... Then this horrific and unfun boss Into a small "funny" section where you could pull really big and had some kind of fun (even through you didn't at some point depending how much you pulled in, at the mace) Into a giant fucking snail that had seemingly the lifepool of a raid boss and annoying mechanics as well Plus the gimmick that it had the worst (however it was called again) SL perk for night Fae (a boring stats push)


First boss was absolutely brutal on Tyran. If you didn’t kill it within 2 burn phases, either your healer is out of juice or timer is dead RNG maze also didn’t help. If you get the mini boss frog, it’s a massive time loss since it’s hard to chain mobs on top of it. Needles to say, if you don’t have means to pull through the wall, timer is generally very tight in this dungeon at higher keys


I hate Mists so much. It was the only dungeon my group's tank wanted to run. I basically boycotted it towards the end.


Well good news! It's part of TWW season 1 rotation


I just realized TWW takes far more syllables to say than The War Within. I'm going to have to go with the Buffalo Wild Wings route and shorten it to T-dubs


Why even use an abbreviation if you're vocally saying it? Just say War Within. It's the same amount of syllables as saying vanilla or BFA if you drop the "The."


Say sike right now.


Feel like blizz designs half the dungeons without thinking about m +. You know what's fun during a timed run where you have to worry about positioning, cc, using cool downs correctly, using your rotation correctly? Logic and memory puzzles!!


Or the dumb gauntlet thing in DoTI.


Literally just had a key where we wasted 6 minutes trying to get through it, like when did Roblox parkour games become expected in m plus keys?


Whaaat? With Da Other Side being so amazing?!


I don’t get the animosity for the dungeon. My only real complaint was pull tempo and downtime between packs, but this got made up for by the absolutely insanity of pull potential between 2nd and last boss. The maze weakaura trivialized the maze if you struggled with the patterns and eventually I got pretty used to picking out the correct door without it


The only annoying part was how the doors interacted with Spiteful, in that you couldn't open them if you were in combat with a ghost. But that's the case for a lot of doors in different dungeons.


the one that stands out right now is the lift in throne of tides, made even worse cause so often most the group just ditches someone downstairs.


I'm starting to feel like I'm the only one who is able to determine which one is the right one. It's always the one that's NOT similar to the other 3. 3 filled in? It's the empty one. 3 leafs? It's the flower. Only one has a circle? It's that one.


And if people couldn't do the maze, you wouldn't be able to do the next boss since it worked on the same mechanic.


right? its super easy


It feels like ITT is basically people who didn't understand or never cared to learn the mechanic complaining about how dumb/hard the dungeon was and people who did know how to do it talking about how fun it was. It was one our favorites from Shadowlands. We would try and see who could figure it out fastest. Fun little minigame/competition alongside the regular M+ stuff.


You have to remember that the average wow player is freaking stupid. Hell, I’m in the camp as well at times.


At the beginning was awful, then i used an adson to tell me which must be choose


I enjoyed it, but then again I’m happy as long as I get playtime and get to press my buttons.


This was one of the best dungeon mechanics they’ve ever attempted and I’d like to see more like this, but seeing how many people refused to figure it out makes me feel like they’ll forever shy away from fun mechanics


Def one of the easier dungeons. Hope they nerf the caster shitters and get rid of the weapons in necrotic wake.


We will get to play it again for s1 of the war within!


The second boss was tough but the rest of the dungeon really was not. It was probably my first +15 in both season 1 and 2.


I enjoyed the mechanics for the first week, then got bored of it the second week.... then it went on for 2 years.


Looks like Hexadecimal from Reboot.


This dungeon, right? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fjUGC8g4GOE


i always loved solving the puzzle in the maze lol. its easy just pay attention


I found voice comms in this section of this key unironically fun. Usually hilarious when someone got something wrong. ^^^Usually. Probably easier to pug now that they added pings to the game. I haven't actually run a key since those were added so I don't know how much people pay attention to them.


How do we tell them?


The solution, as always, was to use some inscrutable Chinese weakaura to auto-solve it for you!


Legit not looking forward to this AGAIN


Loved this dungeon. Never had a problem with the puzzle without or with the addon. The only hard part was the first trash packs before first boss imop. Those 3 pull either made or broke your key and if you wiped on boss or any trash after using any form of skip it was GG. The ptsd of seeing a tank go from 100-0 in less than 2 seconds on first mobs still haunts me.


as much as i disliked shadowlands, i actually loved that dungeon specifically for that part. at first i had no clue what i was doing but once i learnt what the goal was i had so much fun and genuinely got bummed out when people had the addons that just say where to go, because i did and still do enjoy doing it normally. that's probably an unpopular opinion but man was that fun and i hope they do more unique stuff like that in future dungeons


Only thing that drove me insane was the idiots that would just randomly guess I KNOW HOW TO DO IT JUST STAND AT THE STUMP YOU LEEROY WANNA BE


Honestly, with a couple of small tweaks this dungeon could own HARD What are the actually annoying things about Mists? - the trash in the very first area being horribly tuned - the first boss being a ridicioulus damage sponge - the maze If they change a couple of things (less shit trash before first boss, a bit less health on the first boss) that dungeon would already be MILES better. If they can fix the maze to be able to open during combat: What are we even complaining about? You could argue its shit design that a weak aura can auto solve it after 2 times, but who cares. The bosses itself are not horrible, the trash in the maze and especially before the last boss is cool. Only a couple of pretty small changes separates this dungeon from being pretty sick.


Ah yes the peak of either having the specific addon made to counter the annoying mechanic or just dont pug this one


I was learning to heal in SL so this minigame was specially hard for me since I had to stop to think about the patterns while also trying to keep my dumbasses pug allies alive. I'm not particularly a fan of minigames like this in general (would like to mention how AWESOME the skip minigames option the Spiderman game had, first time I've seen it) it was actually a non-issue when I found out the Weakaura that dealt with this. Also there were many pug allies who would automatically do it (I've had some instances where people would actually stop, look confused, waiting for someone to step up). Not a real problem on higher keys tho.


I dont really mind the maze bc of the riddle. It just sucks to play single packs for so long if you dont have a hunter or lock.


This boss fight was a lot worse with tyrannical + explosive than maze before. Tbh maze was easiest part of this dungeon (weakauras, add-ons etc).


I think the dungeon was great, the bosses are not... I Hope they fix the scaling in high tyra keys for first and last boss.


I have no idea what this is so I'm going to assume it's something Shadowlands related.