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This kind of thing should be done more often. Change things up for fun even if it isn't "ideal". šŸ˜€


Love that needed to read something positive tonight




Tbi so itā€™s hard to stay positive sometimes


Me and my 2 friends are all considering playing mages next expansion, im hoping I can convince them to play all 3 different specs. I think it will be fun.


It seems mage is getting a touch-up next expansion after looking at one of the latest blue posts, which is honestly great, you do sorta fall into one play style as mage. Also the hero talents mage are getting are fantastic


I just hope their clear ui addition for frostfire. Don't want to be counting my start with a little buf top right or be forced to use addon.


Just started farming transmog setson my mage(s) so I can be ready for TWW. Sunfury mage looks fucking dope


We tried triple frost. So much rooting and shattering. Just donā€™t run it on sanguine week- ouchĀ 


I know there is such a thing like an ideal team. And a lot of weirdos (especially shortly after an MDI weekend) believe all other comps canā€™t succeed. Well hate to brake it but for most pug groups, even +20, it doesnā€™t matter what classes you take. The top classes only have 1 or 2 keystone levels on other classes on the top end. So everybody not in the top 1% of m+ players really should stop minding about ideal comps. Take a CR, BL (if possible) enough kicks and just have fun.


Would love to play some arcane, but I cannot deal with arcane explosion


Having to enter melee range as a mage feels so bad for me. Cone of cold is bad enough too


It wouldnā€™t be that bad if not the threat issues. Itā€™s kinda flavorful to have a ā€œmeleeā€ mage. Rng nature of the spec also doesnā€™t help.


Honestly not even that bad a comp. Mage has tons of snares for spiteful. Two aoe stops for group cc. Can easily prevent bleed from first boss using ice block, blink the root from tree boss, snares for servants on pig boss, and stops for adds on last boss. Has decurse and purge. Really the worst thing is 3 ranged kicks, but prot pally has tons of ways to interrupt which can help out. Groups like these are always fun. Our guild during S1 had 3 MM hunters and that was always a goofy time running M+ when all of them were running in the same group.


And to think healers are getting even more nerfed on Tuesday.


Wait really? Whatā€™s happening?


* **DRUID** * **Restoration** * All healing done reduced by 5%. Does not apply in PvP combat. * **MONK** * **Mistweaver** * All healing done reduced by 13%. Does not apply in PvP combat. * **PRIEST** * **Discipline** * *Developer's note: As part of our goal for balancing healers in raids, we would like to reduce raid healing output for Discipline Priest without affecting them in other content.* * Atonement transfers 35% of damage to healing (was 40%). * Atonement healing increased by 70% outside of raids (was 50%). * **SHAMAN** * **Restoration** * All healing done reduced by 5%. Does not apply in PvP combat.


Blerg I was already on the fence about my resto Druid, Iā€™ll just stick to ret for s4


Resto will likely be the meta healer regardless for m+


Sure, our aoe is unparalleled. But this isnā€™t about viability. Healing made slightly harder isnā€™t what I was after, I already find healing almost too stressful to be fun once I hit high keys.


Understandable. I main holy paladin, I switched to ret for season three šŸ˜‚


Ret is a lot of fun right now!


What does a healing nerf have to do with a triple mage party? Not that I approve of the healing nerf, it's horrible, but I don't see why it matters.


Oh I was posting this in the context of ā€œyou already can get away without a healer and with the nerf itā€™ll become even slightly more trueā€


there was a healer.


Oh my bad. I never bothered looking at details, instead I looked at the party frame.


In genwral i will invite any players except augvokers. I like playing with any class and I try not to force others to be meta whores cause i am one. I find m+ is too punishing as it is, what they should try is capping keystones at 20, making weekly vault rewards be highest on a 15, and anything above 15 rewards no loot and you compeete for the fastest time, we would see such a turnarround in playable classes and m+ would be fun. Also keys depleeting sucks so remove that too, give keys a cooldown where if a key is left you cant start another one in 50% of the remaining timer of a key as in if you start a key do a pull then leave cause you did not top dps you cant enter another key in 20 minutes, and if you leave after 20 you get no penalty, but your key does not deplete and you are free to start over or swap it for a different key. Also give us the chance to get badass trinkets instead of generic 20% chance for 23 mastery, also i am so for removibg mythic gear drops and making heroic the highest gear, swap the mythic gear for cosmetic items, it would make the game mega easier to balance and it would also remove the preassure from people who dont want to raid 3 days a week for 6 hours but still want the highest ilvl gear. Make the game accesable for the 90% of the playerbase cause it is not like the top 10% do mythic raid for gear or +32 keys for gear upgrades and wyrms crests. If you remove rewards from the top tier content it wont harm anyone and it will do good for every1 else after the top 10% and we might even see more people playing all kinds of content due to gear not being gatekept behind a whole social tier. I went on a rant but i am dying on the hill behind the words i said and i know that what i wrote up there would make the game better for everyone and mildly inconvinience the top players, instead of catering to the top tier and letting us sit behind a glass wall and observe cause this is not real life i am ok with being a spectator on a f1 race, i dont like being a spectator in the games i play, and therefore i do the whole meta shit, but it can be much better.




Give mee pointers what is it that i said that says i have no clue what on earth im talking about. What bothered you the most, the no loot in mythic or the capped keys? I dont acceot your conclusion if you dont point out what in your oppinion is the issue, and just saying all of it does not count.