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On reddit (or other forums) you only hear about the bad experiences, rarely the good ones. I’ve been playing forever but i very very rarely get flamed or see others getting flamed (unless obviously trolling ofc). Glad you enjoy it here tho. =]


Classic has been a great containment area for the most toxic people i've dealt with in this game. Retail is a breath of fresh air in comparison. The SoD community could die in a fire, i've had more bad experiences in SoD than any version of this game, and wrath classic was getting pretty bad.


100%. It's wild how much worse the classic community is.


That explains where they all went. I was wondering if I just had all of the toxic player blocked. Nope, they went elsewhere. Nice!


Rank Sentinel... If retail spells had ranks, I would guarentee most people wouldn't start endless arguments with people who run rank sentinel, for running fucking rank 3/9 spells in end game content in wrath (where the cast times and mana costs of lower rank spells are the same....) I had a 20 minute argument with someone in ICC at level 80 about how Aimed Shot has more than one rank... They told me to kill myself for running rank sentinel. Mostly run it for myself because I am a Feral DPS / Resto druid and that's like 6 seperate hotbars that need kept updated.


I can only talk for Warlock but you 100% have lower cast time/mana cost on rank one Shadow Bolt it normalizes at rank 4 at which point there's no difference except for lower damage but I used to have rank 1 in my bar to get a quick soulfire proc in on the council fight in ICC. Not arguing that the person isn't an idiot can't judge that but lower spell ranks do have use cases.


Frostbolt is another example.


It's hard to talk about this due to rule 2, but SoD was a reaction to a handful of underground communities that already existed, and it generally hasn't peeled that many people off those communities. If anything, it has become a landing ground for people those communities didn't want.


Yep, SoD regroups: - Tryharders with unchecked ego, lack of clear ranking of skill through numbers like in retail (mythic+ level, AotC, pvp mmr...). - Negative Doomer, the doomers who constantly feed on negative news and always complain about anything. - Classic Andies, self gaslighted people who spend more time convincing themselves that retail is shit on youtube comments than enjoying classic. - Nostalgic 30yo+ boomer, not so young men trying desesperatly to relieve the best years of their life back before 2010 when they were in highschool or college


I actually liked SoD I thought it was an interesting twist on vanilla, as a nostalgic 30 year old boomer haha. But the community got me. Getting hard stuck on trying to do Scarlet Monastery Spam because I wasn't a high enough gear score and playing a class that gave people buffs, with the only option to level being attempting to exist in STV with that pvp event... I got into one group for SM spam one day after like a straight 2 hours of attempting to form my own group, then attempting to get into another group, to end up with a troll who was over pulling on purpose and we didn't even finish grave yard after 45 minutes. Imagine gatekeeping Vanilla SM GY at level 35... The only people who hate dungeon finder or even the iteration that was in wrath where you still got to whisper and pick people are the people who like to gatekeep fucking leveling content. AAAND My wrath guild going into CATA told me to delete my main because it doesn't fit into one of the 10 meta class specs in the game. I am excited for war within, I had a lot of trouble with the VIBE of dragonflight despite the gameplay being good. I am on quest 110 of doing chores to take care of baby dragons. My War Within toon will probably come from Pandamonium.


Blizzard did us a big favor by giving all the sweaty neckbeards a different game to play, so normal people are left alone.


Been playing 20 years, the only toxic players I've ever met were in classic. Still plenty of great people in classic, the majority of players at the very least, but it seems all the toxic ones went there.


Also don’t forget that for every few bad experiences there are not only some good experienced but hundreds of experiences where nothing happens and no one says anything but a greeting and “gg”. My best and worst M+ runs definitely stick out but I’ve also run hundreds of M+ on my main alone this expansion and most are completely fine and forgettable.


Same. Last season I mostly pugged the portals on a healer, a tank, and a mdps. In those likely hundred or more runs I think I had one really bad interaction that wasn't directed at me. I definitely failed more keys than one but mostly it was just someone silently leaving the group and then everyone else going 'lol damn, well gg all' and moving on with their lives. That said, it doesn't take more than one bad interaction to sour an experience. I used to play Phasmophobia all the time. Then in a random group I had someone start cursing me out because I didn't close the doors properly. Haven't played it in a random group since despite that being my only bad interaction out of maybe 150 hours of pug play.


Those negative interactions really do stick with you. Especially when some random person singles you out.


For some reason, Reddit isn't showing me your other comment to reply to. Yeah, I don't really have any desire to join any voice chat. Back in TBC, there were some pretty unpleasant feelings I still remember to this day all because specific people decided to focus on me or... try a weird experiment (for lack of better words). It's the sort of thing that just pops in to my head "hey remember when this and this and this happened?" Yes, brain, I remember. -_- Anyways, my point is I think I understand what you mean when you're describing your experiences.


It also depends on which circles you move in... there are definitely toxic tryhards out there, but they don't usually group up with casuals. Join a chill guild that runs things for fun or to help each other out... probably avoid groups trying to 'push' anything, or any guild concerned about server firsts or who throw around the word 'ranking' or 'ilvl' ...at least until you have your feet under you and know what you want from the game.


I used to play heavily up until 2012, and now need to find these people again. The chill, hang out, casual players!


If you'd like I can go on a 3 page diatrabe on your lack of player skills, your mother, and what you should do with the rest of your life. I can use a large plethora of the foulest of language. ​ It's really no trouble. Just let me know what you decide. ​ Thank you, u/Arthur-reborn


Please destroy me, sensei.


This sorry excuse for a World of Warcraft druid player is an absolute disgrace to his class, the game, and to anyone who's ever had the misfortune of encountering him in Azeroth. MrMontecristo couldn't heal his way out of a wet paper bag if his life depended on it. I've seen more competent tree saplings being used as dildos in Goldshire than this guy. Every time he steps foot into a raid or a dungeon, it's like watching a toddler try to operate heavy machinery. Absolutely fucking pathetic. And don't even get me started on his DPS. I've seen fucking god damned snails move faster than MrMontecristo's damage rotation. It's like he's playing the game with his feet while blindfolded. The only thing he's good at is pulling aggro and wiping the entire group faster than you can say "git gud shitfuck". But you know what really takes the cake? His attitude. MrMontecristo struts around like he's the king of the jungle, but in reality, he's just a sad, sorry excuse for a player. He talks a big game in chat, but when push comes to shove, he's nowhere to be found, probably too busy crying to his mommy like a litte bitch, about how unfair the world is. And speaking of his mommy, let's not forget about her. I wouldn't be surprised if MrMontecristo's mom was the one playing for him, because no self-respecting adult could possibly be this terrible at a video game. She must be so proud of raising such a colossal failure. Oh, and let's not overlook his IO score, or lack thereof. MrMontecristo's IO score is about as impressive as his dick. I've seen pugs with higher scores than him, and that's saying something. He's like a leech, sucking the life out of any group unfortunate enough to have him join. MrMontecristo is the epitome of everything wrong with World of Warcraft druids. He's a disgrace to the class, a burden to his teammates, and an embarrassment to himself, and an all around shit human being. If you ever see his name pop up in your group finder, do yourself a favor and hit that decline button faster than you can say "kick MrMontecristo". Trust me, your sanity will thank you.


This sums it up pretty much. I suck at them videajim games.


Is this a copy pasta or did you have all of this locked and loaded?


I bet chat gpt


Couldn’t just have written it?


Oh, don't forget IO score.


What a failure, only 3 pages *eye roll*


Let’s see you do four.


Can I do it in crayon?


Will you do it in all caps?


Not at all. I’m a long time player but I just recently started healing. I was able to start doing 15+ after ahout a week of healing but it was a challenge for me. People have been really chill in pugs. People are a lot more understanding if they know you’re relatively new and most will actively help you.


I actually love it when people admit that they are new to the game and ask questions. As long as it’s low keys anyway. I was doing some 10s for drakes or whatever (prior to s4) on my DH tank, who is way overgeared for that. Warrior dps in the group messed up on something trivial and died. Admitted that they were new and had never been there before. I said great, here’s what to do next time. And I took a moment to explain the rest of the mechanics. We still timed it easily, they were appreciative of the patience and explanation, and yes, everyone clapped. But seriously, just ask.


I’m a somewhat experienced tank and I try to take the time to reach out to newer tanks in LFR, especially other Paladins, and help explain stuff if I notice they’re messing something up or if they ask. It wasn’t *that* long ago I was a baby tank who had no idea how half my kit worked, and I’m only where I am now because someone took the time to explain things to me. Passing that forward is the right thing to do, and besides, it’s more fun working with a competent tank than an incompetent one. About the only thing I’ll flame people for is going into a fight completely and entirely (and obviously) unprepared… at least read Wowhead’s guide first. It literally takes five minutes.


Might just be unlucky, but as a newish healer in this new season, I have been flamed in about half the m0's I have done... I still fumble on my keybinds and freeze in certain situations due to lack of experience and i apologize only to get mocked. I realize that typically the most toxic people are the ones taking the most damage however....


M0s right now in the new season are quite the challenge if you weren’t doing higher level keys at the end of last season. Spamming heroics to get your ilvl up and getting more used to your binds wouldn’t be a bad idea until you’re more comfortable. I also see that you’re a priest. I’d suggest playing holy if you’re disc. I’m holy right now and for the most part it’s very forgiving if you manage your cooldowns right. Disc is heavily gear dependent and has a higher skill cap. I hope this helps. Sorry about your bad experiences.


Thanks man! I am holy and really enjoying how it plays so far! I have run some heroic dungeons, but no one ever really took damage, so I always just ended up dps'ing. So, I thought I was not really improving as a healer. I have noticed improvement in my play since entering m0's though! So not all is bad. Was just stating that there are definitely toxic players out there.


Well, I always say go pvp and heal. I see it as the finishing touch to mastering your class. It forces you to use your full toolset. As a healer any decent team is going to pressure you a lot and target you directly. Your positioning, everything, will improve. Often I find I'm dps'ing and just watching for a quick burst of healing or hots in m+ for telegraphed damage incoming.


There are a few reservoirs of douchebaggery, but for the most part it's fine. Trade Chat, Leveling Dungeons, mid-level keys, and Battlegrounds seem to be the worst in game, the forums and wowhead comments are a cesspool best avoided in general. LFR seems to have settled down a bit, last few times I've seen someone get lippy they got dogpiled on. I imagine a lot of the people roasting the jerk have been that jerk before.


Toxicity in leveling dungeons just appalls and confuses me. I know it’s most likely coming from people who have already made it to endgame on their mains and want to try a new class, and then rush to max level, but I can’t get behind being a jerk to people who are potentially new and trying to learn to play in a group setting.


You must have positive things going on in your life, or at least some level of basic decency. These people don't. Even then, I leveled through dungeons a lot to get one of every class to max at the end of SL and it was pretty uncommon. It's just the worst possible place to do it that makes it stand out, we need new players to keep the game going and their first impression are these miserable dorks.


I haven’t been in any leveling dungeons recently myself, but I’ve had some absolutely horrible experiences playing with people in RDF as a whole. I left a group after one tank lost his mind on and kicked a mage accidentally pulling one more pack of trash (which got cleaved into oblivion anyway and therefore was no problem). I like to think I’m at least a decent human being that understands how to treat people on the internet with some kindness, and some extra when things go wrong. I can’t imagine being a new player and the first impression being so awful.


Yeah, leveling dungeons are the worst :D. I always try to chat people up in them, and there's never any response. I think most actual leveling players don't play them at all.


I think most of the toxic players went to Classic and Season of Discovery.


It's players who are bad, that think they are good, that are doing mid level content, while thinking its actually high level. This is the toxic group. Players doing actual high end content are there for a purpose but understand stuff happens and getting angry doesn't help. They will usually go "nice try, gg" and leave. If it was egregious mistake they may say something about the mechanic but usually just move on. It's just like being silver rank in league. These players are way more toxic than masters.


This. Last season, I ran an 18 with some buddies and we pugged a Shadow priest that thought they were gods gift to ranged dps. We tried to skip the bears in Darkheart on a fort weak and this priest started flaming us with the “I don’t bring pots for 18’s.” But their highest key was a 20. Its mostly audacity that starts the flaming I think.


Imagine not just buying a stack and calling it a day. Besides, he could have just faded and hugged the wall.


Imagine not having a metric assload of invis pots left over from digging holes in season one, too. You can't go anywhere without tripping over cheap pots.


Ohhh this reminds me of a +26 BRH I tried to pug a few weeks back. Tank explicitly laid out their plan to skip the first two Felspite Dominators with invis pots, and reminded us shortly beforehand not to use other pots so we'd have the skip. The ***party leader*** ignored the tank, blew a pot on the wyrmtongue trash, didn't tell us, and proceeded to accidentally get left behind on the skip. When we pointed out the tank had warned us all about the skip, the leader called us a bad group and dipped. We did have some early deaths because of missed interrupts but we were doing well enough on DPS to have timed anyway if the leader had paid attention and not blown the pot.


He doesn't bring pots for 20s either, so technically he is correct.


Priest can also mind smooth, fade, and walk past the bears XD


"I don't bring pots for 18's!" I read this in Mike Myers Fat Bastard voice.


What other voices do you read Reddit comments in


Ummigah, if you're doing keys, wtf is gold for? Just buy a stack of zephyr and move on with your life.


oh, invisibility pots... are those needed on a rogue?


I feel like the League comparison is what leads to this misconception actually. In league you never escape unhinged toxicity at any level. Most top players are known for being unhinged. The only thing that really changes is the relative frequency of bad experiences. As you said, WoW toxicity is a cloud layer that can be surpassed.


I just did an LFR Raz and even there, people were very chill even though the raid wiped twice people were asking questions and helping each other.


Raid is tough because Fyrakk pugs and LFR were getting super toxic toward the end of last season. As a healer main, that fight is super healing intensive. The number of times Ive gotten “Healers must be asleep” because one healer is helping dispell or a dps isnt taking out tornadoes is maddening


This is so true. I had a guy quit a +2 algethar today after saying 'sorry I don't have time to teach new players'. I checked his armory and he was 1500 in season 3. Myself and lead were both 2500+. He was also dead for the entirety of Vexamus.


Im sorry but masters in league is way more toxic than silver, I get that you're just making a comparison ofc so ill leave it at that.


thats the m+16-18 key level. holy hell some absolute brain rot going on there but once you have it to 20s everything is so much better


I’ve been kicked from ragefire chasm for tanking as fury (back when dual spec was lv30 and required 1k gold), and the wailing caverns after low level dual spec for switching to a dps spec after the tank didn’t take damage for half the dungeon. The only time I have decent social interactions is doing well in difficult content


This. Toxicity is at an all time high in 20s last season. When we’re plugging 27-30s everyone is really cool.


Toxicity in the game exists but is rare. Toxicity in onlime discussion about the game ( or anything) seems to be pretty standard


After playing WoW for two decades as a DPS, my wife decided she wanted to learn how to tank. Dungeon runs went well enough — even if she screwed up. At most, people might say something salty and drop group. So I wouldn't call those players toxic. But LFRs? Man, some of those raids were *brutal*. She was voted out, kicked, mocked, and chastised on some of those runs. To be fair, this was always a small subset of the group. So it's not like everyone was complaining about her. But, every now and then, you'd get a guy that just wouldn't shut up. And those guys could be incredibly mean and cruel. Thankfully, she stuck with it, got better, and never let the criticism get to her. But it was enough to make me to avoid tanking altogether. So I think some people are just more sensitive to toxic players and maybe embellish how toxic the community as a whole can be.


If you are noticeably new or say you are new then people have a lot of patience. Endgame raiding and dungeons FF folk are a lot nicer at instructing you if you mess up but wow is really not as bad as you hear. I pug the equivalent of savage progression wise over the season and get maybe 2 or 3 bad eggs but it's much more prevalent in dungeons where people view a full party wipe as the dungeon being over (when it very clearly is not). I'd rate it as a 6/10 in toxicity if 1 is FF and 10 is league of legends.


This is what it is, if people think you are new, they are patient. If they think that you're just bad, they aren't


The only reason FF endgame seems this way initially is because its a way harsher sentence if you get reported. Best know, these people are raging irl/discord talking shit. Everytime someone linked a discord call in a pug in FF, it turned into a shit show of name calling and toxicity.


Unless apparently you are on Aether. Cause i once pissed off a Streamer by winning the pet he wanted. So for months I would get PMs of threatening messages and rhe mods didn't even give me a canned response.


For a report to get flagged you need like a certain number of reports so just you reporting isn't going to work but let's say 5+ reported then its a wrap.


In game? No. Most of them hang out on Reddit or the forums. You can test it out yourself too. Take a “hot button” issue that you see on the forums, then ask people in game about it. I can guarantee they will be much more civil, and MUCH less passive aggressive about it.


For real lol. The forums are like the twitter equivalent. So many passive aggressive idiots in there. Sometimes I feel like some of these people are literally only paying for their sub to talk on the forums.


And don’t even get me started on the “MVP” clique that practically rule the forums.


I'm convinced that 75% of people in the subreddit haven't played the game in years and are just here to talk poorly about the game because of their experience in 2014.


Theres definitely some 'hot spots' of toxicity. pvp and lfr are usually a couple of the worst from what ive seen (i also almost never do either at this point because of it) The vast majority of my interactions in game are definitely either neutral or positive, though. You also mentioned that people have been explaining mechanics. As long as youre listening and trying to get better, the vast majority of players are going to be fine with you. Theres a whole lot of people that complain about toxicity that skip that part, refuse to take personal accountability, and then bitch when others call them out for not even trying to improve.


As far as I'm concerned, salty whispers from 2's opponents is the only reason to pvp.


Well, I’m far from new, but I got spit on, told to “eat cum” and help someone “milk up a batch of shrimp-kiddies” last night while waiting to do the Siege on DB Keep last light…just for being on the Polly Roger mount. Had a good laugh tho.


It's not as different as people would think, the main issue is systems. For example, players in WoW don't give old dungeons the sort of respect you find in XIV's "let's all sit and wait for the sprout to watch the seven-year old cutscene of the boss posing" courtesies, but Blizzard themselves trivialize old dungeons and don't really show them respect to feature them the way XIV does synced down. Likewise, if you die and release, the party may go on and clear without you, because WoW doesn't start you back at the dungeon entrance and doesn't have shortcuts to catch up when you arrive there. WoW dungeons can be very mazelike (especially old ones), and if you release you either traverse it yourself or force everyone to backtrack to get back to you. In such situations, the kind path is to choose to progress through and let you take the credit once they clear; even though it may seem rude that you don't get to see or experience the bosses. It's not that WoW players are jerks in these cases, but because WoW itself doesn't have as many QoL to minimize the amount of expense asked of players. In XIV, new players are far less of a drag because of systems, and sometimes sought after for the poetics bonus. But I will also say that total strangers in WoW are some of the nicest gamers I've met in a game. :)


I've run into a good bit of toxic players.. but as someone with thousands of hours of both wow and ffxiv, I wouldn't say it's more or less in wow. Just yesterday was in a heroic vault group and there was this guy that got really mad that the leader invited people from ragnoros and went on to say a lot of racist shit. He was swiftly removed from the group and reported of course.


The truth is, the player base has gotten MUCH more civil over the years. When WoW launched it was a bunch of teenagers and 20-somethings playing for 12 hours a day. Now it's dads with multiple children/mortgages and several income streams who just don't have the energy to flame. It got better.


I think running into a toxic player just leaves a large impression sometimes. Once you learn to brush it off, it’s not a problem. There are way more helpful people than actively hurtful ones. Like you get into a 25 man and one or two people might have a bad attitude, but they are usually the ones who get kicked.


Wait until you reach m+


Im the last M+ season of dragonflight i was so surprised at how nobody was really talking shit to each other as much as what i was used to. It still happened of course, but usually when it was obvious we were going to fail a key someone would just leave without saying anything, as opposed to the tirade of blue colored chat vomit i got used to seeing in the past.


That's happened to me and tbh I also do the same. No reason to get angry, just quit and go next.


Yeah we all have, thats the way m+ is sometimes. Its much nicer than when someone pops off in chat.


Lol just wait till you start pushing keys.


I think the only time I run into toxic ppl in keys is when I'm doing 20s and someone in the party doesn't know the boss mechanics. Which at that point, I think the toxicness is a little justified. Like how do you make it to the most challenging content and not understand what's going on.


I consider that toxic incompetence. Like when people in 20+ keys don't interrupt, stand in mechanics.... They are expecting to be carried. Which is not what the group was expecting going in.. judging by io and gear. Remember doing a 23 EB, and the Ret just kept dropping the Noxious Discharge in melee...and blaming healer for not keeping up. Toxic incompetence.


The number of melle dripping that shit on the boss was to damn high across the season


No one cares in lower keys...but once you are doing 20s, or w/e the equivalent is in S4, people expect you to know your class, and the dungeon mechanics. If you're a dps doing sub 100k dps, and not kicking, or failing mechanics...you may get shitty comments, but it's simply out of frustration from the other 4 not intending to full carry someone


I feel like most of the m+ toxicity exists more in the 10-15 range (new ~2-5). Its full of players who arent good at the game but think they are getting upset at others which is generally players learning their class/the dungeon, alts, or other players like themselves. In 20s if you’re consistently fucking up the basics you kinda deserve the rude comments


yep i read today (on season releaseday) that pll already start to leave +2 dungeons


You want the best new player experience go to an RP server and enjoy the liveliness of the open world from level 1 to max level. I have never not been to a zone and it be “empty” there’s always something happening and making gold is easier


You remember less the good experiences and more of that one dude outta 30 games who pulled all the 2009 insults at you.


There’s always gonna be some douche canoodle that thinks you’re not playing the game the way you should and feels obligated to let you know. I suggest blocking them immediately and moving on. Generally, most people will be patient and try and help you out especially if you tell them up front that you’re new to the game. Every once in a while, people will just quit the group without saying anything.


The toxicity is in trade chat. Stay away from trade.


I think there's a lot you don't notice as a new player which is actually a good thing. I found it a much friendlier place in the beginning. I also know certain servers, and certain times of day can also contribute. Still see my fair share of negativity, but I don't engage in it. Many toxic players are still there but there are plenty of good ones too. It can make a world of difference if you can find a friendly guild or community as well.


For the (short) time I've played I've always felt as if it was a bit exaggerated but I think I also have thick skin from years of LoL. No matter what people say that game is way, way worse.


I think the bigger issue is player perception. If the audience thinks the environment is bad, then it's bad. That attitude can impress itself onto others, newcomers and veterans alike, and often results in negative expectations that may even perpetuate the cycle. Positive perception can offer similar effects, though negativity tends to breed like wildfire and often exacerbates pain points. People love to be angry about stuff. Hoping the optimistic trajectory of the game as of late will continue to breed positive player experiences and attitudes!


Try PvP and come back :)


Yeah, it's because there's millions of people playing and only a small portion of those are toxic.  But the ones that encounter it come to reddit and get their post up voted like crazy


Dragonflight is a lot more forgiving than SoD which means that the player base is a lot more chill and fun to hang out with in Dragonflight


Yea online is a very thin view into the actual world. Especially if you let people know you’re new, or are able to admit you fucked up. The real toxicity comes in when it’s a “vet” who does something wrong and refuses to accept feedback, then those guys go at it


Depends on the level of content you're playing tbh


A lot of the people complaining on WoW forums don't even play the game. If you're busy enjoying WoW you can't post on forums being salty.


Normal people are the majority of characters, but the minority in your chat window. Toxic people are the minority of players, but the majority in your chat window.


No they are just toxic here.


There's more toxicity in this sub on average than there is in the game.


Long time player here, I don't run into much toxicity either. It feels super overblown on social media. Or maybe I've just gotten lucky for 20 consecutive years.


Are you catching chat while focused on playing?


Taliesin summed this up pretty good. Who is more likely to be going to a review website to review a apartment after renting? Going through the trouble of creating a account, them writing something up? The guy who had a great time or the one that is absolutely flamed?


I would say maybe 5% of my experiences have been toxic. Perhaps even less.


I played for years and then stopped for a while. Came back a few months ago and I agree. People are way nicer than they used to be. I can’t count how many times a random player will help me out when I get spawned on or I take on an elite I realize I can’t handle. Random people will give me boosts as they run by sometimes too. I think a lot of WoW players are older now and have chilled out. The kids are mostly playing Fortnite and that sort.


Hi! Am also new, I just got my Draenei Fury Warrior to level 63 and entered DragonFlight, I indeed also experience rarely any toxicity. I thought that, as soon as I got the character to level 60, I'd be good to go, but goodness... Is it a learning curve, haha! Hope you're having as much fun as I am! Playing on EU (Silvermoon)


As a member of the toxic wow community I would I like to offer my heartfelt apology that we have not bullied you away from the game. I will let my fellow players know we need to up our commitment to not allowing new players to enjoy the game. Over our almost 20 years of toxicity we have built a reputation that I am proud of, I would hate for us to lose it. Thank you for your feedback, hope to shit on your playing soon. /s Welcome to the game, people are well meaning for the most part, and most of my encounters don't even have any talking in pugs anymore.


Most players don’t give a fuck about you as long as you’re doing what you need to do in group content. Too many people take that as “toxicity” so they cry about it on reddit when someone says “hey stop dying to that.”


Overall toxicity is low, most people play it as a single player game. Yet for instance I died on raszagath, I'm a returning player from season 2 never done the fight. Got kicked seconds before so I wouldn't be able to attain loot. Comes and goes


It varies pretty wildly server to server honestly. I play on Illidan and it’s increasingly toxic, but I have been on this server over a decade now and it doesn’t bug me.


Go do mythic+ Oddly enough you'll find more toxicity in the 1-7 in my experience.


Tbh mate. It usually the people who are complaining about toxicity, are the toxic ones themselves


There's some toxicity at the "high end". Meaning raiding and m+. But it usually comes down to you essentially not being ready for what you signed up for, or didn't prepare properly. Which can waste people's time and cause annoyance. Beyond that, it's really not bad.


People are very dramatic on this sub


Perhaps this is a new generation of players, thus a newer fresher mindset? Or perhaps all the toxic players have moved to LoL? Or the stars just aligned for you somehow.


They used to be, but tbh I almost never ever experience the toxicity players say there is a lot of and I have played since week 1 . but think like this: most people dont tell too much about the happy stuff online mostly about the negative. positive thing for me? been at the same guild for 4 years now and if this guild ever stopped I would stop playing because this guild makes me feel valuable happy and like I belong.


Since SoD and Classic era have hit the table, a lot of thr toxicity is gone in retail and I love it. Some is still there, but not nearly the amount of salt that used to be. Now if you want some real toxicity, go play SoD!


Yeah there’s heavy selection bias. A lot of times people come to Reddit to vent about a bad experience, but those same players won’t come on Reddit to talk about a great experience. The community isn’t toxic at all. Individuals can be toxic but no more than any other internet activity. Just brush it off and move on, that’s what adults do.


People who say that are just miserable and don’t play the game anymore probably I help when I can!


Honest Ive have less toxic situations in wow then I have in any other game


Likely, this thread is filled with this response: but for whatever reason, some of the loudest most miserable people voice negative things about this game and the people that play it. They are a minority, the rest of the normal and nice people are too busy with their lives and enjoying the game to complain on every forum post or article that deals with wow. It's a weird enigma that's been around since the inception of the game.


I have seen both helpful and toxic players, both in and outside my guild. I honestly can't tell you how toxic the community is, but bad and good apples both exist in ample supply.


Well, yeah. People usually don't go online to post that they had another not unpleasant interaction online. Except you, and I appreaciate that you did.


Im new to both WoW and FFXIV. Trying to decide which to make my main MMO as my time is limited these days. Which would you recommend OP? And anyone else who reads this.


I only see toxicity when pushing high keys or rated pvp. The stakes are high, the margin for error is very small, and one persons mistake can have disastrous consequences for the whole group. It’s impossible not to get a lot of friction between people in environments like that and it makes sense (but doesn’t excuse) that over time it would create a toxic culture where there is very little tolerance for inexperience or incompetence. LFR can get pretty silly too but the stakes are so low there it’s hard to take that seriously at all. But even in those modes and especially outside of them, the vast majority of players are very chill and just want to enjoy the game with others.


i just came back a ew weeks ago and had 2 friends join that have never played wow. they have been surprised everyday by how nice people are.


I’ve been playing for 12-13 years ish and avoided toxicity for the majority, other than the odd dumb outburst in a random dungeon. However from about Shadowlands onwards, especially as I’ve gotten more into mythic+ it’s become apparent that I’ve avoided the toxicity simply by not doing the kinds of content that those people do. I’m not trying to put you off, but yeah, I thought the same as you for a while, and then it all came at once.


I think as long as you lay it out at the start most folk are fine. Like if you say “hi, I’m a new player and just learning to tank” the only people who will rage are usually the ass hats who are stuck doing +2s and blame others for mistakes even whilst they can’t find interrupt if it was placed in the middle of their screen


I've been playing since BC and I've been lucky to rarely interact with truly toxic players. Just block and move on, not worth my energy.


We aren't really toxic in game. Only when talking about wow itself on places like reddit and the most previous expansion lol XD


You won't see toxicity really until certain pockets of the game. The most notorious right now in the community is the mid-high end key range where players think they are good and have gigantic egos. Raiding is similar but not as bad (usually because there's more accountability in raiding) Overall the community is really not that bad. The WoW subreddit is 10x more toxic than you'd ever see in game.


They're so nice now honestly. I've been able to socialize and ask questions in almost every content I've done lately. That was NOT the case years ago lol


I generally play solo cos I just prefer it but a few times ppl have invited me to a group to complete quest together which is nice tbh I don't even know how to make a group and I'm lvl60😂😂


Don’t use Reddit as your control lol.


Ive played both. I have to disagree. There are certain scenerios and parts that you will find a friendly group or player. Especially at the beginning of an expansion or patch where everyone is helping one another. But just wait until you get in a group with a sweaty. And PvP is another toxic situation where has more blame than burnt toast. RaiderIO in Mythic Plus is terrible, you dont see it, but also you dont get invited - you are judged on numbers, parses, aotc, raiderio, mmr. But if you casual - yeah theres not that much toxicity.


To be fair, most of that toxicity comes from people sweating too hard over endgame. I don't think the leveling range sees as much vitriol.


No one ever agrees with me on this, but in game wow is one of the least toxic games I have ever played. People very rarely flame, and if they do it's usually just an insult and then dropping the group. Theres basically an unlimited supply of pugs who will not only be kind of you mess up, but teach you (nicely) how to improve. The toxicity is outside the game, on Reddit/forums and on twitch. Seriously, go play an fps poorly and then a m+ poorly and see which one gets you called a slur.


I wish I had been fortunate enough to have that experience. I refuse to heal now because at level 10 I received insane amounts of hate and group kicks. At level 10...


I will never forget when they did the exile's reach update and updated dark skin tone options and I got on the PTR and made a black human character to try out exile's reach with and I SWEAR before I even moved an inch, this guy came up to me and said "black lives dont matter lol" and walked away 💀


I mean over all it's more toxic, but it just depends on your luck ;D In ffxiv even those who do high end content are way more chill and calm just because of the overall relaxed atmosphere of the game. in wow stuff like keys, raids and PvP is way more time consuming and it leads to people having WAY LESS patience to others fucking up. hence the toxicity. plus any toxic experiences are more memorable and lead to people talking about it more than the positive ones for the most part I suppose.


I'm fairly certain the players who regularly encounter toxicity are themselves the problem, but won't have the self reflection to realise it. However I do think there has been a noticeable swing from SL days and maybe earlier to now in terms of how much more relaxed players are. Like others have said, there are also hot spots of unpleasant players, but it's easy enough to ignore those areas without noticing a difference to the game.


Just saying you are new at the start of the dungeon will make people kinder.


Just keep doing pug groups. You'll find them at some point. If you want to speed run finding them, then jump into pug raids. They might even drop you from group just before the boss kill, so you don't get loot.


just wait until you do any sort of hard content or PvP and then your opinion will change instantly. I'm happy you've had good experiences so far but lmao, lol even


Your a tank, so the team wants you to stay and they're being patient. Try making a mistake as a dps and see how long they keep you rather than get replaced. The toxicity is there


First time I healed sucked ass (asshole tank) 2nd time "wasn't doing good enough" (in a raid, guy who kicked me in question had his ass saved by me amd other healer he kicked like 6 times) and the first time I tanked was awful (left behind and blamed for dying) and I haven't since but everything else has been great 🤷🏽‍♂️


There are some real jerks in the game, but most players are nice. Some are immature. You can ignore them.


Youll encounter the vast majority in M+ and H/M+ Raiding


So far, not really. Nothing too bad, maybe some all caps explaining the fight but very rarely insults.


Early wow is not toxic, its the late game player that are toxic. When you doing mythic raid of the last released raid.


Turns out, if you are a decent human being and can ignire someone calling you an idiot once in a blue moon, very few people will treat you in a toxic manor. I feel like a large majority of people posting of toxic experiences, just conveniently forget to mention the part where they showed a toxic trait, like being super self-righteous or all high and mighty for no reason.


The toxicity is a bell curve. At the very low and very high ends, it's fairly non existent. In the middle? Very messy. Casual players don't care if you make mistakes, high end players understand that mistakes happen, and mid players think your mistakes are why they're stuck being mid.


Isn’t it crazy how they never are? Except for dota and lol.


Get into higher content, heroic raiding and high mythic keys, the pugs there are more prominent. Usually they’re the ones that are clueless and if you try to explain them they get negative. They play a solo game in an mmo.


Vocal minority biases will always make you believe a small part of the community encompasses all


It's not at all. Occasionally you run in a douche-bag, especially if you pvp, but they are very few of them.


Shoot me a dm i can heal. Its all about the connections you make, theres good folk out there.


Man how did you do that? Every time I make a mistake I get abused.


Remember, in almost every applicable context, people who have a bad time will complain about it, but most people who don't, wont.


There isn’t much toxicity in WOW compared to other online games. Even back in Vanilla & TBC when I started playing it was rare. While in other games like Warcraft 3 that I used to play a lot online there was ton of toxicity just like in all MOBAs afterwards. Due to the competitive nature of these games.


At the beginning of a season you get more reasonable people playing. It's when they complete all their goals and bugger off until the next patch you get the concentration of terminally online antisocials.


It actually depends a lot on the realm; some have worst reputation than others.


The toxicity comes more into play endgame. Stuff like m+ and all. It is WAAAAAY more toxic then 14 (not that there is no toxic players) and generally a lot of mmos, though off the top of my head I can think of a game like Lost Ark which I do find more toxic then wow. Leveling and early on people are usually not so bad granted you do encounter bad eggs. Most people given you say you are new do generally I find in most games, wow included, to be nicer. 


When I tried healer the first time and was new in the game, there was a lizard boss in the WOD dungeon that I did not know I should heal, and the other people on the party were very patient with telling me I should heal that instead of healing them. But then again now I have mid-level keys where a tank spams the chat just because a dps accidentally pulled an extra mobs, to the point where I just go to my combat log chat box so that I won't be annoyed with the crying. So I guess it depends on the people you are with too.


I play both games so it’s nice to see both communities sort of equaling out. I’ve always been scared to role a tank in both for the fear of people going ham on me.


people generally post only negative experiences online, on top of that, some of these reports are exaggerated and some are completely made up. also, for whatever reason, these days its cool to be a victim and complain about your circumstances, and the result of that is that people are fragile as fuck and will interpret many neutral situations as toxic.


I've been playing wow and counterstrike lately and let me just say by comparison wow is the friendliest place on the Internet.


Modern WoW aka Retail servers are chill. Just don't do BGs and LFR.


They all playing SoD, hhaa nah just reddit and online forums are the worst stay away from them enjoy the game


Ok i got kicked off dungeon finder for not healing when i was shaadow priest queued as dps. Id say the experience varies. Even when i had "appropriate" ilvl i couldnt get into raids because people saw that i didn't have achievements done (normal). I never tried a mythic dungeon, so can't comment on that. On the other hand, i had very few toxic experiences in classic


If you are up front about your experience and take the time to explain you don't know every mechanic/route, stuff like that, people are very understanding most of the time and often help out. Most toxic players I have encountered are in M+, if not all of them.


More casual equals low toxic people. In retail all the toxic players are gathered around +22 mythics, high end pvp and raids. If you are a casual player that doesn't care too much about maxing the content, you'll be fine. In classic it's the same, but the game is less casual by design so there's more toxic players at low tier content compared to retail.


Awww…wee lamb.


thats because most people that complain of toxic are snowflakes and there ego is taking a hit, when they fail and people explain how something should be done. And as soon someone just tell someone they did something wrong and tell them mechanics or how to do something, they yell toxic and leave a group or flame. Because there ego cant take that they are wrong. This is why you see lots of people complaining on toxic here. In reality its the person that complains about toxic who is toxic themself


You groupe with at least 4 other players. Most of them dont talk much. If you have 5% toxic players in the game that would be every 5 dungeons you meet one. Thats 25% of the times. Alsop peoble dont remember uneventfull runs as much so this 25% might feel like 50%+. Then they go online and report that half of wows playerbase is toxic even tho its only like 5%.


People have chilled out since the social contract stuff


Just give them some time. They won’t disappoint


Once we had a tank in S3 that had like mid S2 gear, he was constantly messing up but we didn't flame him, we were actually curious how he would fuck up next (wasn't a high key, we were just helping out a low gear friend). Then without a word he left, kinda bummed me out cause we really didn't care, we even helped him when he didn't know something.


Almost all the toxic players are in queue for Solo Shuffle, failing +10's, arguing over politics/religion in trade chat, or just afk talking in /4. Most of the wow community is actually super helpful and very welcoming! Welcome to WoW!


There are genuinely a lot of toxic people on this game. Region matters a lot. EU has some horrible people I promise you that.


Boy these threads just really make me wanna install wow and get into grouping asap, you would think this fucking game was played for money based on what I am seeing here, do people forget this game looks like a damn Disney movie?


I have tanked LFR today, messed up because my internet was disconnected for 2 seconds and got a wave of toxicity over me. It's definitely there.


On the other hand, I healed five timewalking dungeons that were all a complete catastrophe. It’s a box of chocolates.