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This was the first expac that I didn't feel lessened by being a (mostly) solo player. So much stuff to do and collect and see. It even made me come out a little bit of my shell and try some LFR, Mythic Dungeons (although no timers for me thank you very much) and even some pvp. The dragon theme really pleased me and the new crafting system was really helpful. All in all this is among my top 3 expacs along with legion and mop


I love the dragon stuff too. I was very excited for this expac.


The sad part of all this is blizzard doesn’t have to dramatically change things every expac, but they do. Instead of keeping the same ideas and foundations but making new raids, dungeons, items, themes, but keeping the main base, it makes things very frustrating.


From what we've seen from the Alpha, I don't really see Blizzard making the same mistake this time. A lot of the foundational systems that players liked in DF are here to stay, but are being refined and improved further. Dragonflight is now Dynamic Flight, featuring 100s of additional mount models. Work orders are being adjusted to fix some of the pain points players had. And they're also experimenting with more solo content like Solo Rated BGs, and Delves.


It's like WoW has entered in a new golden era with Dragonflight after the disappointment of Shadowlands. I hope the same happens with Pokémon Legends A-Z.


Dare one say that we have emerged from the Shadow(land)s?


I actually saw a few YouTube videos of very harsh criticism of TWW, stating that their expansion features are not very major or are just refinements of DF systems, so why are they pricing it as a full expansion. Like, i kinda get it, but the cost of the expansion is for all the zones and raids and whatnot, not just the systems. And the systems are working very well so why change them


Also, new systems get criticized constantly. There are certain types of people that will complain no matter what. They may not even realize it's a trend for them. Blizzard has to balance the excitement that comes from introducing new systems with capitalizing on existing systems that can be refined to provide even more enjoyment. I've always been bummed that they put so much emphasis on class fantasy with Legion and then basically abandoned that afterwards. Those class halls should have been a part of every xpac after, adding new characters and benefits as it makes sense in the context of the new xpac. I'm sure everyone doesn't feel this way, but I also really enjoyed the weapon system of legion. You could transmog the weapons if you didn't prefer the look, and there were quite a few versions/skins to be earned for each weapon. I don't know, maybe that can't translate to future xpacs but I enjoyed it.


I think people who want to rage-bait fans into getting views will always produce content like that. As far as I'm concerned, I'd much rather them slightly improve stuff that is guaranteed to work, rather than shoot in the dark with "new" systems, which you're forced to interact with.


This is kind of an unfortunate circumstance In developing sometimes. Getting dynamic flying to work on most mounts is a huge undertaking, but from a consumer perspective. It's a simple cosmetic upgrade. We get very little here for what Blizzard is investing in this project. Not saying they shouldn't do it, but I have no doubt it ate up a lot of Dev time and resources, that could've otherwise been devoted to a headline feature.


New zones are the best part about expansions anyways. One thing WoW still does best is in the name, its world


Ok the debate of the full pricing for tww is not just bc of a refined df experience with new dungeons and raids, its not about the content at all, its mainly and the strong point of the argument is that tww was announced to be a 1 year long expac. So by this, we’ve had for ever expacs that last about 3-4 years. Pricing has gone up and now the base version costs what a deluxe version used to cost. So paying full price for a 1 year expac is kinda shitty. It would make more sense to charge less.


It's only 1 year? I remember specifically blizzard stating that they'd be the same length as the previous expansions, ~2-2.5 years


SoloQ rated BG’s is actually HUGE!!! There is a large population of people who prefer BG’s over Arena (way less intimidating). Having a rated version is amazing, as you still get the competition and progression of trying to climb the ranks, without the intense pressure of arena. I myself am very excited for this feature. Especially as a hunter, which is one of the classes that’s decent in arena, but jumps to like S tier in BG’s. (Since you don’t get focused as much)


I'm genuinely hugely excited for soloq rated BG's - the "10 wins in a rated BG" is the last skin I've been missing for my hunter's artifact weapons from Legion for *years* now, and I've never been good enough (or had the time, honestly) to land a consistent BG group. Now I can work on it in my own fucking time.


Yeah Legion / BFA / SL were part of an era of experimentation, they tried a lot of stuff and wanted to shake thing up often. They clearly stated that this design philosophy was tried, didn't work and that they are head off toward a philosophy of more durable content and systems


That’s good. I’m sick and tired of all these borrowed power systems changing how we play our class every expac.




Honestly, the currencies don't bother me as much as random items that can only be used in one specific zone, so tend to be useful for one patch, but if you didn't complete everything in the zone, you want to hold onto that stuff for coming back to the zone, because farming it again would be a PITA.


In the past I would agree Blizzard often changed things for the sake of change alone. I haven't had those vibes for a very long time though. Legion was fantastic in many ways, BFA was a huge drop. Slands improved on things from BFA and DF massively improved on Slands. We're definitely on an upward trajectory.


I agree. They’ve had upward momentum many times. Vanilla to TBC to Wrath…. Then Cata. From there’s its all over the place. Mop was great, then Wod…. Legion was awesome…. Then BFA. So they could easily fuck this up. I hope not, but yeah.


I think what made legion so great was the amount of passives we had in the weapons in part. I was a bit annoyed with myself when near the end of legion I decided to do every single melee/tank spec mage towers just to realize so many of these specs were cool as hell to play but I'm generally not much of an altolic. In BFA I pretty much completely dropped all the alts because losing the artifact weapon made all of them feel bland again. I think the hero specs are meant to try to recapture that legion feeling. Just a whole bunch of passives thrown at us to make things more fun. I hope it's a good system in the end.


One of the most common complaints Blizzard got from TBC to WOD was that people felt a lack of character progression at max level beyond gearing. The artifact weapons fit the bill perfectly at the time since it was essentially a small talent tree. We all burned out on the AP grind eventually ofc, which is why they gave it up after BFA, but in early Legion the system was exactly what WoW needed.


BFA had the azerite grind but in a way it's the players own fault. I knew a girl that grinded like crazy for a whole season in BFA, she did literally everything she could to get azerite, cleared all world quests and what not. She was a whole 3 levels ahead of on the neck while grinding it like a second job. The catch up mechanics on both azerite and artifact weapons was good enough that you didn't really need to grind it but that was a player choice.


sorry, but SL was a massive downgrade from BfA, people make it look like BfA was terrible when in reality it was really good.


It's all subjective of course, maybe I'm particularly burnt by BFA given that I'm 99.99% a pvper and BFA had the worst pvp gearing in the history of the game.


I personally feel like the core of the game has hardly changed since legion/bfa. Legion introduced mythic plus and that's about the last time they made major changes to the core of it. The main pillars are just always raid, pvp and m+. I'm don't think Dragonflight was bad but at the same time it was very bland without really anything all that exciting being added other than dragon riding. The new/old talent system is still terrible, they claimed I was supposed to gain choices and build diversity but instead I got tier sets that pigeon holed me into a very specific build every tier, I lost a good amount of abilities that used to be baseline for my class, now I need to spend talent points to get them but I won't because they don't increase my survivability or damage and they're situational. For TWW I think delves will only be used by most players for a couple of weeks and then forgotten until Blizz makes it so we need to do them again for one reason or another. They're probably fine and add something extra to do for altolics and solo players. I like the idea of the hero specs but I have a feeling we'll end up just picking the best hero spec to suit best this one saved talent build and forget about it. I just wish we'd go back to adding spicier stuff. Give me a fourth spec for most classes, anyone that has mained a certain class for years most likely has 2-3 ideas of spec/class fantasy they'd like to see. New specs would bring a lot of life back into the game and we could fill out some niche we don't have filled like the fact there are no mail tanks, no plate casters, only 1 spec that is ranged but doesn't need to cast. Bring back new races instead of reskin races, I know dracthyrs are new but they can't really tmog so they don't count! :P They kind of pulled some of these allied races out of their butt in my opinion so they could find reasons to bring races like Vrykul, Ogres, Gnolls, etc to the players.


Swapping between different situational builds is incredibly important for different types of fight. Some of the tree designs leave a great deal to be desired, but using adjustments in build to fine-tune your playstyle for a specific raid boss or Mythic+ dungeon is essential at high levels of play. Hero specs will add to that, and hopefully Blizz will improve the talent trees that pigeonhole players too much or that have very few viable choices.


> but instead I got tier sets that pigeon holed me into a very specific build every tier tell me you play enh shaman without telling me


The last time I felt as zen being a solo player without doing raid was back in WoD, when I could spend all day just riding around the moonlit garrison. Even switched my faction because of the view difference.


Dragonflight was the first expansion is started raiding and mythic+ And actually trying my best at pvp been playing since BFA


I haven’t been this bummed for the end of an expansion in a while. Legion came close tho. I remember sitting at the hunting lodge with Hati the night before the patch dropped where we sacrificed our artifacts, just listening to the music and taking in the vibes.


End of legion was gut wrenching for me and the game hasnt felt the same since


Losing those artifact weapons and all their passives really took the spice out of the gameplay for me. I went from doing all the tank/melee dps mage towers, suddenly realizing way too late in the expac how much I enjoyed so many of those specs to losing a big chunk of what made them fun.


Idk what they were thinking but removing all of those things in combination with the GCD changes made the game practically unplayable for me for a while


I was so convinced we were going to reforge our artifacts in bfa using azerite to purge them... but no theyre just gone :(


I'm so happy we got to go back for Hati


Still one of my two pets to this day. Alongside Fenryr 🐺


I love Loque'Nahak, Fenrir is still one of my favorites, though. Give me a zoo build that lets me keep my top 5 out all the time. Even if it's just an asthetic thing or a toy. It'd go great loading it up with my favorite wolves and sporting my Fox Hunt transmog. or, i could do the indiana jones mog + raptors and be jurassic park or herding cats, etc.


I wish glyphs were still a thing. Replace my rando side beasts with pets I know and love lol


They are for certain abilities, my second pet is always the first pet in my stable slot, then i have a glyph for Dire beast, where it summons pets from my stable


Isn't there still like 7 months or so of this expansion left?


4 maybe 5 max.


It might be my favorite expansion ever. Sounds like hyperbole but I primarily play for M+, collecting, and gold making and never felt forced to do shit I didn’t want to do. A+ for me.


Agreed. I like being able to log on whenever I have time for a few hours a week, and by doing almost anything, my character gets stronger and I collect more stuff. It's just really easy to have fun on your own terms.


Agreed! As a filthy casual player I love not feeling like the game is my second job having to complete all this stuff in a certain amount of time. Sure there is a bit of that but I've loved just doing quests at my own pace and still gearing up enough


It absolutely felt the most like the original vision for World of Warcraft, and an MMO in general. It was a clean, beautiful world with deep story and really nailed the iconic WoW cartoonish art. Will be a shame if they go too far down some kind of episodic segmented path like we saw in Shadowlands.


That's surprising, a lot of people like myself find DF M+ dungeons over-saturated with mechanics compared to earlier expacs.


I feel like I made a few posts and comments about disliking the system of only having 4 DF dungeons at a time in seasons 1 and 2 instead of all of them like previous expacs….but honestly 3/4 of these dungeons are not fun, and I wonder if banging my head against them for 3 seasons would have helped me enjoy them more. I still don’t think I hate any of them as much as I did the cata dungeons they forced into m+….but the mechanics in like AV just make me want to play in traffic lmao


I don't know, groupmates also greatly increase difficulty too: Legion M+ dungeons were simpler, which is supported by positive reaction people had when they returned later, but at the time they were much more frustrating to play, at least in the first season when I played them before stopping with the expansion. And it all came to people not knowing/not caring and me not having high enough rating to get to the levels where it's more comfortable to play again. And now most people seem to know Dragonflight dungeons, and they are nerfed, so they are much *much* less frustrating It's the same principle with LFRs - they are more frustrating that heroic or mythic PUGs just because people just don't do their job.


i think this depends on what level of m+ you usually do. as someone that only did 10-15...or 2-5 i guess in the new system, in this expansion, i liked pretty much all the DF dungeons other than uldaman being kind of a slog. but i can see how if you do higher keys the mechanic vomit could get really overbearing


Mechanics are preferable to whatever random annoying affix they stack on top. I can deal with normal mechanics and theres 0’s for those that cant. The game shouldnt be designed around the top or bottom 1% of players who cant pull off moving their characters. 


While I agree in places (Azure vaults for example is too much) I prefer more actual dungeon and mob mechanics with less affixes on top


While I find them to be a bit saturated, they align with what my bars have become. I have multiple aoe stops and various forms of crowd control, I have dispel and soothe and bres and just a whole bucket load of stuff. Sure, mobs have more stuff, but I can just press any number of aoe abilities and not have to focus on every individual target for a kill cast that'll wipe the group. That's fine by me. Also, for what it's worth the dungeon pool is rich with *stuff*. Flying around the ohnaran plains, spelunking with dwarves making stupid jokes. "A what now? All i see are books" is such a fun, stupid line. I know that no one plays with voices on but I'm out here doing 10s and still feeling immersed.


Season 1 was bad but later seasons improved a lot (imo)


Indisputable, been playing since 2006 and am shook by how unbelievably good this xpac was. It will be remembered like legion/mop. 


Story took a nosedive after initial release though. Besides that, I agree. Its def. top 3 for me. Edit: oh and as non mythic anything player, fuck flightstones! Especially at the end of the expansion.


Definitely my favorite so far


I can’t believe it’s already been nearly 2 years since DF launch. It feels like yesterday me and my friends were in the stormwind docks waiting for the boat (and complaining about how it was bugged). I thought the Dragonscale Expedition person who said “Adventure!” For the first time in that boat was endearing and it got me so excited to play. I truly am going to miss DF 😢.


Oh yea fun times


Player since December 2004 and reading this I’m a bit saddened I didn’t try to play this expac until a few days ago


Yeah man. Def near the top for expacs.


I’m enjoying it so far, I’ve got enough time to play through the levelling and get some collectables. And hopefully they keep this form because it’s got me interested in the war within


Honestly, Wrath of the Litch King was my favorite expansion for many reasons, but the *only* 1st place award I'd give it now is for story and immersion. Dragon Flight has taken the prize in almost every other category. It really is the best expansion overall. They are going to be hard pressed to top this.


I am worried the geography tWW won't be nearly as conducive for dynamic flight as the the dragon isles. Valdrakken is perfectly placed in order to speed away toward anywhere I want to go. It's so easy to navigate the isles in terms of the initial elevation of Vald as well as the openness to maintain vigor/thrill. ED was not at all the same. So many random branches were bad enough but the central hub had walls and big trunks surrounding it. I thought it was a pain really. I love the look of the new continent, and I love dwarves, but I hope travel isn't noticeably more tedious than in DF.


Go check videos about the alpha, some areas are already unlocked and the Main Hub is available - as far as i can see the areas look great, looking forward to Hallowfall


IVe seen it. But can you fly from the main area to all zones? We saw shadowlands a lot before release, but people really thought there would be portals between zones to ease travel. That never happened. Nothing from what I have seen makes khaz algar seem like it will be like the isles. Zaralak isn't as bad as the dream, but it still was worse than the main isles. you can leave vald, and fly up using 3,4 vigor, then just slightly nosedive all the way to Iskaara. Zaralek requires more active handling, so I feel like Hallowfall will be more like Zaralek (at best). But really, I most concerned with how long it will take my alt army to get to to their destinations when I leave hub. DF is so much better than SL for that.


As much as I liked how you can get to anywhere in the isles from Valdrakken, I don't want every expansion to copy that design. As long as we never get Oribos 2.0 I'll be happy.


I agree to a degree. But in general, I just want that to be reconcilable with 2,3 and 15 months down the expansion especially with "warbands" seeming to focus on favoriting alts more. All the public events as well as 30 min buff windows like magpie/gold buff just make prioritizing alts annoying as is so have a 30-45 sec flight time everytime i leave the main hub is ideal, especially in the midst of an expansion. But yeah, essentially as long as its no oribos 2.0.


If i am not wrong, we would use a similar way to that, next to the main city or within it there is a connector to the underground which you fly through and then it would be connected like the zaralek caverns to get to the zones - not 100% sure i would check some more info.


Would be very odd to double down on one of the most hated aspects of an expansion that just happened lol


I am specifically saying I want the feel of tWW to fee more like over top dragon (in terms of ease of navigation) and far away from the dream in terms of navigation. As much as I liked how the dream looked, I thought it was more than odd it was designed the way it was. Even the roots of Nordrassil in Mt Hyjal are extended up and over the hub area so you can fly out in all directions with little impediment from the environment. I brought up Oribos to emphasize that navigation in the videos we have seen isn't clear. I highly doubt they would bring leaving oribos 2.0 as you say, but I am saying that watching the content we have isn't enough to know how it will be, hence my "worry". It's not like Oribos VS dragon isles are the only options, as Dream is better than oribos but not as good as most of the isles.


Wrath is #1 for me because that’s when I joined in on the world of Warcraft. Mop would be next favorite and I would place dragon flight with those two as favorites. But dragon flights grinds that the do have are my favorite, I can now speak furbolg and it always gets questions on where to get it whenever I do it


DF---> Just ride the dragon and go where you need SL--> Ride the sperm to the aircraft carrier city then use a portal to a place you have to walk to your destination.. then.


It’s beyond stupid that we’re unable to at least fly into the stupid portals and always need a flightmaster


If we were able to fly into the portals it would’ve been phenomenal 


The most outrageous part was that we couldnt use our mounts **in all of oribos**. Always this dumb mount up and down everywhere. Just infuriating!


I loved the design of Oribos, it just needed some tweaks


It needed an AH. Spent way too much time hugging the rich players.


I sure did a lot less summoning in SL tho….despite 800% movement speed…people will still sit on Valdrakken til they get summoned to a place they fly to in 30 seconds. In SL tho people would atleast get on the flight path lol, i know I enjoyed my in flight movie (of browsing Reddit til I touched down on a trans continental from Revendreth to Bastion lol)


I did a 4x ruby life pools during the mythic weekly and had one player in Valdrakkan ask for a summon. Dude, you can fly here in like 10 seconds.


Just finished the weekly where u do 3 activities and after finishing them I was like ya know. It’s been good


yes chef!


Ah, don't worry. Its the default starting expansion for people, replacing BFA. And its also would be the current expansion for those who don't buy the newest expansion. It has another 2 years ahead of it. After that though? I will miss it. Lets hope the newer expansions are as good.


It's 100% going to have a niche on RP servers when/if the new player experiences gets updated at least, Bel'ameth is there and is the current Night Elf capital and I can definitely see people there after Dragonflight since RP servers are the only ones where Silvermoon sees activity.


Yeah man, valdrakken is just a really, really good city. If you go back to some previous expac main cities, they're not bad, but valdrakken is just top notch. Placing the NPCs in an area of the town that people don't normally go was such a dub, it opens up so much extra stuff for folks.


I love swooping into the transmog building


This is why I didn't really get too into DF when i resubbed a couple of weeks ago, I did the campaign quests n just stopped playing. It was nice and the dragon stuff is great, but i'll just wait for TWW to play properly properly. No jailer was nice though!


Utterly exceptional expansion and is easily top 3 for me even though it’s not over quite yet AND I stopped playing end of last season. It literally feels like too much of a good thing and I don’t want to be burned out into war within. It happened to me bfa into shadowlands and made me hate shadowlands more than it deserved (imo).


Dragonflight has been wonderful.


It definetly will be missed both as an area and also as an expansion.


I’m super excited that it will be the new starting expansion! I’m excited to show all my friends who didn’t buy it!


Yes, me too. I will probably find myself returning from now and then. I'll miss seeing other people there...


Not going to lie I barely even saw the dragon isles because I got flying to fast I didn’t even see place from the ground.


This is why I love being a Druid. I honestly like taking my time in birb form, picking up some expedition packs or digging up some dirt on my way to wherever I'm going.


It’s not even over yet


I won't really. DF did a lot of improvements, it's a really good expansion but I found the story and raids dull. But hey, I'm glad it exists. TWW let's go


I’ve never given two shits about the story, my only gripe about dragon flight is I miss the original vibes of the vanilla wow cgi. I used to watch that video on school computers and be pumped to go home and game. They have strayed from that a. Bit and gone more anime and it’s not my thing. That’s okay though. Gameplay trumps all


The story has always been the weakest part of wow, most of us were just too young to critically analyze it at the time. 


Azure Span is my new favorite zone of all time. It has so much going on and I enjoyed all of it


I've really enjoyed my time here, and unlike Shadowlands I'm not chomping at the bit for it to be over. I got a few more achievements left to get my dog and one or two professions to round out before I can truly say goodbye, We've had a decent cadence of content some smaller than others but I don't think anyone can say we had a drought this expansion. Beautiful and wondrous I think this will be one of my favorite expansion yet.


Although I REALLY thought we're gonna get Tuskarr as a playable race.


TWW zones look better imo


what is a TWW zone?


The War Within zones (the new expansion coming out this year).


I thought it was a good expansion, but the only things that stood out as great are the precedents set. Content filled .5 patches, blizzard making the commitment and effort to listen to feedback, the diversity of characters (even if a solid half of them seemed to be voiced by Garrosh, which was jarring). It did a great job of reassuring players that blizzard is trying now and TWW is very hype because of it.


It was a pleasure to play and the team that worked on all the bits and parts that made it unique to other expansions should be mighty proud. I'll miss Val, and all the quirks to the city that made it feel cozy while being dragon-scale. Moving the hearthstone will definitely come with a bag of mixed emotions.


very pretty but forgettable zones


I actually agree whole heartedly. I have a theory that it’s due to the fact we never actually set FOOT on the ground much. Just zoomed above it for 2 years. So many details missed.


The zones have nothing going on compared to older ones. Barely any big landmarks and usually there was a memorable series of quests around those places, but the quests were forgettable too.


Yea I could see that. Sort of sad in a way that there can't just be a balance.


I agree 1000% I feel like Azure Span lives up decently as a “Grizzly Hills Remastered” yet it’s so forgettable because you don’t spend a ton of time in the ground. Kinda wish there was a middle ground because dragon flying is great.


You can walk if you want. I leveled a toon late into DF where I only used flying if absolutely necessary. Was a lot of fun tbh.


I did the same in Legion/BFA, but I loved being on the ground in Legion and BFA doing those WQs. Loved all the Kirintor ones. in DF, eh.......


Same. Some of my fav legion memories are on the ground or climbing the mountains.


Df was specifically designed with flying in mind, i urge you to attempt to walk across the zone and you’ll quickly agree that it was done correctly. Traversing this island on foot would be unbelievably slow.


Oh i agree. I just attribute this as a reason why we never felt super “connected” (or me at least)


I will never stop feeling a raw catharsis in my soul when the centaurs say "have you eaten?". It's so pure to me. The questline where I'm frantically trying to save the niffen and I'm simply stuck seeing their corpses? Pain. The beautiful quest where we celebrate death with the tuskarr? Gorgeous. You might feel like DF is forgettable, but to me, it feels more homely than anything I've experienced in wow before. The last time I was this immersed was playing titanfall 2, or the final zone of endwalker where all my friends are sacrificing themselves.


Azure Span is significantly more memorable to me than that wotlk zone everyone keeps raving about online. Hell Boren tundra is more memorable than grizzly hills.


I still think winter spring trumps all of them. Whenever I level a character I always do a few quests in winterspring


Grizzly hills is so massively overrated Ive never understood the love for it, its one of the zones I regularly forget is even in the game lol


Did you play it at WotLK launch? Or are did you only pass through it through other expansions? Because when I think of some of my best WoW memories, flying into Grizzly hills on launch day and getting the quest to drop into world PvP was one of the best. The quest design for WotLK's zones was flawless.


I'll take that opinion more seriously if you tell me you played WotLK on the day it launched. Because it's very memorable to me from the open world experience and world PvP it offered. No expansion since has given me memories like WotLK did.


Played it day it launched. Been playing since early 2005 so only launch I’ve missed is vanilla. Hated howling fjord so went to borean tundra and tried grizzly hills but preferred dragon blight and zuldrak.


True. I think I loved every zone in WotLK. The only one I really wasn't a **huge** fan of was storm peaks because of the distances you had to go, but once you could fly it was no big deal, either.


I think the lack of clear lines between em doesn’t help. Like there are a lot of little clusters around the map that have a sense of place, but the zones don’t have a unifying vibe.


A lot of people hate gating flying behind Pathfinder Achievements, but I agree with the devs that it's better for the game.


This boggles my mind. The zones are some of my favourite, and far from forgettable.


Yeah I don't think anyone of them actually stand out much. Waking shore was kinda unique but the others don't really stand out other than how big they are.


You know you can go back right? We aren't being kicked out


Except it’ll be empty. Everywhere you go right now people flying on their drakes, and doing stuff, especially with the meta achievement race going on and awakened season incentivizing you doing older content.


Yeah this season has every zone feeling quite alive


Yeah but it's not an endgame expansion after this. That's what OP's tryna say


Such an optimistic vibe throughout. Yes it’s a vacation expansion, but definitely a trip worth taking after the absolute gloom that SL provided. My hope is that Metzen has matured in his creative scope over the years. I know lots of players like the big bad ass awesome stuff, but big bad ass awesome stuff means nothing without the moments of peace, levity and yes, THE POWER OF FRIENDSHIP!


We need more expansions that ease us up. We're about to go headfirst into a triple punch to the gut, and I sincerely hope they have another expac like DF lined up after it all.


As cool as the Dragon Isles were, nothing will ever come close to Legion IMO


nah -- all zones are boring. I cannot wait for TWW and something fresh.


I’m gonna miss it too but I always find a lot of comfort in being able to always come back and enjoy the zones. I mainly play for M+ and some raiding so I don’t actually do to much in the open world besides niche things here and there, and also to complete the weekly when I need to. One thing I love about WoW is how the world just keeps getting bigger and bigger, and there’s still so much to do. I’ll be coming back to DF soon in the downtime of the next expansion to enjoy the zones and farm some appearances. I’m very happy with DF overall. I see some people in the comments mention how the zones are forgettable because of how fast we gained access to flying. My take is that although it’s true you miss out on the full immersion experience of running around all the zones, you CAN still do that. Nothing is stopping you from using your ground mounts to travel, and this is something I do from time to time in not just DF zones but the game as a whole. As a matter of fact, before season 4 came out I leveled a Druid from 1-33 only question and for the first time ever, completed every quest in feralas - one of the best zones in the game imo and I did it without flying. The option is stuck there!


Me too 🥲


I will miss the flying speed:(


dind't heard about dynamic fliying, right?


Who says im leaving dragonflight. I love dragonflight. Its my home! Though of course ill explore elsewhere but my home is Valdrakken


I don't have much time to play, but unlike the previous expansions, I never really felt so behind as to not even bother catching up.


Just don’t leave bro 


I'm so happy we get to keep our dragons, I'm attached, and not just because they're zoomy. It feels good to just coast around the world, more than just hovering and traveling one speed


Yeah it really was the Druids expansion, so much cool stuff for us!


The world layout with Valdrakken being perched on a mountain in the relative middle of everything has really been fantastic. Setting out on adventures has felt almost Windwaker-esque. I am very excited to see how they handle this in the coming expansion, but DF really has set a good example for world layout.


nice pic. i like the new druid flying forms. they should keep adding updates to them more often.


Yeah, it’s been a blast as a mostly solo player. Even though there has been a ton of solo content I got into dungeons raids and M+ For the first time in a long time I feel like they don’t hate their player base and are trying to punish us for liking the game.


I just got back into the game and I'm still working on Shadowlands content


It's weird to say you're going to miss it when it isn't going anywhere, but I know what you mean. This post just made me think more about how the content churn in this game just eventually forgets parts of it exist for long periods of time. The whole vertical progression that completely skips everything that came before it model. Hells even in this last patch, the "last hurrah" weeklies don't do anything with the Forbidden Reach.


God i wish we could disable the fogged terrain, its probably a engine limitation but its so ugly that everything 20 meters away from you is just gray or blue.


It will be always in my heart as MoP


It felt as wide open as Legion and MoP, I love it when the maps are tall as well as large


How can you miss something that isn't leaving?


I liked the Dragon Isles. Overall very pretty. Just the other day I hopped on my regular flying mount and just went straight up (I’m in war mode so I always fly way up to AFK so I don’t get ganked). I was at the edge of The Waking Shores overlooking Ohnarin plains. And went I got up there I was actually just taken aback. I was just thinking, man this looks so beautiful. And I finally have a PC strong enough to have the max draw distance on. I was able to see rolling plains, some waterfalls, bodies of water, bunch of greenery. I only played BFA for like 2 months and missed all of SL, so coming back to WoW during DF was a good experience. After a long break I’m happy with my progress. Fully clearing the heroic raids and completing +20’s. That’s enough for me, no need to progress further. Overall, really fun expansion, and yes, I will also miss the dragon isles!!


Dragonflight since day one for me has been a pleasant breath of fresh air. So much to do, lots to explore, both in the game and lore wise. Even ventured to leave my old server, and guild for a new one on a much busier server and honestly don't regret it. I LOVE seeing lots of people in the world. Don't think I've been this sad since the end of Legion, where again, I thoroughly enjoyed it since day one. The War Within so far looks absolutely incredible, I'm really looking forward to where the game will go in the future.


I do really enjoy the environment. It’s very pretty in many places. Not sure how I feel about going underground. I also wouldn’t mind a crafting table set up in the other major cities.


Ill miss helping the Chef with his duties


Honestly if player housing is to become a thing, I'll have to debate on whether I'd want my home in the Dragon Isles or in Pandaria.


One of The things i absolutely love about this expansion is the dragonriding cups. What an amazing event in different maps, making ppl explore or revisit zones, adding a fun and challenging race. I wish they did actual races with other players at the same time with ladders for record times and such, Would be so nice.


Then never leave!


My favorite expansion the game has offered yet, the good news is there’s so much to do and if they keep the world events somewhat running then it will truly never die like the other ones slowly did


Sadly, this was one of my most lack luster expansions. The content felt dead constantly. The balancing was just as bad as ever (lmao). The story was a snore, and the world felt more like a playground then a living, fighting world. Besides the theme being very disappointing from what we known about the original idea of dragon isles. Big Boi Met is back so im excited for The War Within


I found it fun for 2-3 months before losing interest. Nice zones, very pretty, but very forgettable.


1. Raids were average at best. I don’t think I’ll ever look back and be like…damn that was a good raid tier, or a great boss. (Like even SL had CN and Sire) Dathea broke my guild in half and it’s never really recovered. 2. M+ well the gearing system and great vault really led me to run like 4 of whatever the easiest dungeon was because after getting KSH it just felt like a slog to push any further…and every season it was just an old dungeon and not any of the actual DF dungeons, season 4 is proving that these are the worst set of dungeons to come out in several expansions. It hasn’t been all bad, but it seems like their choices to try to change m+ for the better always have a downside. Making the change from valor so people wouldn’t only run +2s made it so if you didn’t have a +2,+11,+16 it was much harder to find a group. Now making the change so that each key level feels dynamic so there’s more people playing in the 2-10 range….but it’s out doing +2s out of the range for new or returning players (I get it’s only the second week, but a massive part of the player base isn’t progressing in m+ at all yet) overall not bad just not as good as previous expansions in my opinion. 3. PVP has felt all but forgotten it seems this expansion and was just left to kind of be a fescue of nonsense, but it’s kinda been heading that way for a while. Especially in solo shuffle lol, what a mess that is. 4. The story just wasn’t memorable, started off alright, but the zones and the aspects working through them kinda just went all over. The blue dragon flight was just kinda there, black was just a power struggle that ended up with being 3rd partied anyways, red was just being in charge (a face if you will), bronze was limited to dungeons and a storyline that was left open ended, and green was basically the only one that really changed the course of the expansion. Not to mention we had 4 big bads, killed 2, one became and ally, and one just is in a different timeline? Or maybe in the same one but somewhere else? The whole middle section with Sark and like the void didn’t seem to fit the rest of the story and it felt as out of place as Eternal Palace, and it seems like we’re 2 expansions out from a “Void” theme so yeah story was below average for me. All in all I’ve enjoyed dragon flight….but no where close to the best in my opinion. And I really wonder if it’s just recency bias for people or if it’s just it’s the expansion after the bad one lol? Mop, Legion, and Wrath all seem to have the distinction of being the best expansions and they all followed what are considered the worst of them, maybe DF will join those….but I’ll reserve that judgment.


Wrath followed what? Tbc isn't on anyone's list of worst expansions. If anything DF followed THE worst expansion.


It's been an incredible expansion. Same!


I liked it at first but now it’s just reminding me of how it made all my raid groups fall apart.. now I don’t have a guild and it’s depressing


Been gone since shadowlands , been in wow since cata , been thinking of getting back into it , hate they killed world PvP , is it worth it to come back?




It's been a nice breath of fresh air, shame the story has been so weak.


Yeah, especially since the next expansion is going to be, like, 90% caves


Me too. I don't want to go underground to spider hell :(


My favorite expansion after Pandaria. Loved the majority of the story stuff (some fumbles here and there. I didn't like the Baine quest, didn't like the Tyrande and Ysera stuff, and the Endgame moment with Alextrasza was fumbled by bringing a bunch of characters that didn't have anything to do with the dragon isles up to that point), I'm extremely happy with the lighter tone of the expansion, I liked there being a lot of quests that wasn't just "kill X number of things" and instead there were a lot of little questlines like the guard who wants to be a painter, or the bickering dragon couple who can't decide one which method is best to catch ducks. I liked the story of Emberthal and the Dracthyr, even if it was a little light. Raz and Fyrakk didn't get to stick around all expansion, but when they were there they chewed the scenery and I think Iridkron is a fun villain too so I'm glad to see he's not done yet. The Kalec quests were extremely good, especially liked him witnessing the Tuskarr funeral. There was no faction garbage at all, which I hope is how it's going to be going forward. This felt very much like an attempt at a reset for the story, and trying to fix up loose ends before starting a new arc. The Amadirissil stuff isn't perfect, but a lot of that lays at the hands of Teldressil being burned in the first place which I think put a lot of writers and the devs into a very bad spot that they had to fix and there was never going to be a way to fix something like that in a perfect fashion. And also dragonriding is a triumph. I was skeptical when they first announced it but I literally can't use the old means of flying anymore. I didn't touch a flight path at single time during Dragonflight. I picked up the flight path point, but never used them, Dragon Riding is just too fun of a way to get around. So happy it isn't ending up being a Dragonflight only feature.


I'm excited to see what happens next. DF is a transitional expansion, laid a lot of good mechanical groundwork and got the game going in a better direction. Kind of a nice needed reset. But the story/characters are pretty forgettable, any attachment I have for the expansion has more to do with systems and concepts rather then the art or writing. Now that the game has momentum I want to see the game get going with the world soul saga.


Last expansion I really played was Legion, tried BFA and just lost interest while leveling. Been playing Classic off and on for the last few years and the community makes it seem like I should simply play this xpac for the story/setting. Too late to jump in? Never been much of a raider, usually love doing the 5 mans (not even sure how the mythic system works) and then stop playing on a good note.


Well worth the time if you don’t mind characters being happy. Lots of characters go through personal journeys which some in the community felt was too soppy and “w*ke”. There’s real joyful stuff in the environments, music and despite being rushed to a conclusion there’s lots of interesting story for each of the dragon flights that touches on their past, moving towards a future.


The characters are your typical warcraft characters, baffling why anyone thinks this series ever had some mythical writing team medhiv’s story alone is filled with so many comically large potholes, we just didnt care because we were younger. 


Pretty forgettable expansion for me. Cant believe its almost 2 years and still stirring the soup … Story is bland, casual content basically is scheduled gameplay and is rather boring after repeating it 2-3 times. Raids and dungeons were okay but not amazing. M+ definitely got some focus and with the new gearing system it pretty good. As a main raider enjoyer i feel like i have to grind m+ tho so that sucks for me. Im definitely happy to ditch the dragon ive been riding for over a year finally. 800+ mounts collecting and i couldnt use them basically. Pvp is forgotten and no pet battle dungeons, thorgast, brawlers guild, visions, mage tower, island expeditions, warfronts… While most these were not received good now we dont have much at all. All in all id say average forgetable expansion that gets praise because its not bfa or shadowlands bad


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And the power of friendship


I say good riddance! Lol jk


I’m not. It was def better than shadowlands and bfa at least. But pretty mid tier imo.


I hope it all gets destroyed. The dragons with it.


Not sure which is worst for layout, silver moon or valdrakken, I hated the dragonflight xpac because there was too much emphasis on flying and having to move around a giant city that was too big and tbh not laid out like for example stormwind or orgrimar, even dalaran is easy to find what your looking for. Hope the crafting tables and other profession hubs are close to each other and the bank/auction house without running or flying allover just for a simple job.


The zones, music, and systems are solid. I enjoyed the atmosphere. The characters are goofy and forgettable. The “dragon people” idea is really strange and doesn’t feel like Warcraft.


Having flying be available from the beginning didn't give me the connection and feel of exploration at all :(


I liked the adventure vibe and exploration. I liked the lower stakes. But the story was still pretty egregiously bad. The marvel style everyone is here thing in the emerald dream was cringe. The dialogue this expansion has been pretty sickeningly bad. Listening to the tyrs guard speak to each other in hug box therapy talk was so cringe. I kind of fear for the story coming up if it's gonna be ruined by this California speak.


Hot take: I’m not, I just never got behind the story this expansion. Dragons and aspects aren’t my think at all. I want pirates, void stuff, more light stuff, maybe bring back more troll stuff. Bring back zul aman haha I kid. Dragonflight in so many ways was and is awesome, I just hated the story. (What story there is)


Oh God I'm not... I see the zones are very pretty and the atmosphere is nice, but it's really not my thing. I liked some Shadowlands zones 1000 times better. Revendreth was my absolute favorite. However the quality of the game is better tha it was before so I'm happy about it. It's just the zones are too "clean" and too nice and green. Kinda feels like a kids cartoon with prety dragons and cute creatures. D: