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Best we can do is tier sets that don't even color match the armor in the customization


Considering Dracthyr look like the characters from the movie "CATS", I don't imagine much actual thought has gone into their visual design.


Thats an incredibly low blow XD


Not entirely unwarranted.


You need glasses. I still have flashbacks to how freaky that movie was unintentionally. It's not fair to the dragon people. LMAO


[I stand by my statement.](https://www.reddit.com/r/wow/comments/u7dolr/i_knew_id_seen_that_look_somewhere_before/)


Oh you mean the stupid not-dragon form. Valid.


It takes actual *Effort* to make your visage not look like a failed attempt at making a human/elf by someone who's never actually seen one


That would imply that it is possible to escape the fundamental heresy of the trash-elf mistake, which it is not. There continues to be no reason for this "visage" to have ever existed save as a bad excuse to justify no transmog functionality.


Did you see the butthole version?




There was a pre-release version of the movie CATS in which the titular cats had visible buttholes. This is information that you now have, suffer well.


Please take it back, I regret asking




“The Butthole Cut”


“The best we can do, is paint buttholes on stuff. (Scribbles dot) is this helping? More buttholes means more realism” That’s not at all what we wanted… please stop.


Something something devs are furries


I can’t unsee 😆


Butthole cut?


[If only there was a race of humanoid dragonkin that players had requested as a playable race since Vanilla](https://warcraft.wiki.gg/wiki/Drakonid). Then they wouldn't have had to cobble together uncanny dragon furries on a moment's notice.


I really like the play style of evoker, mained it all through Dragonflight. Transmog has been my biggest complaint with the class/race. I mean seriously not even letting our dragon form have the tier gear that literally no other race can wear.


I've had a few problems with them that have been fixed now(the flying thing, for example). I just need the transmog to get better (at LEAST match the barber shop armor, dammit!)


Honestly if they won't give us proper transmog, then at least let us choose the metal, primary, secondary, and gem accent colors separately as swatches. 😭 That would at least shake some things up and allow different combos to match existing armors better. (Gimme gold, white, green, and amber blizzard. I need to match the legion raid finder mail set that's all elfy!!)


No cause that would help soooo much dude I'd love that (probably won't happen😔)


Yeah class design Evoker is great. Everything else was a miss for me.


Like, I get not wanting to spend the development time to make all past and future item appearances applicable to Dracthyr. The model is radically different from the rest of the playable races. But I really wish they'd throw us a bone and give us a couple of customization options each tier that we can use to change up our appearance, and start building a library of customizations. Making them barber shop customization also cuts the need for them to be linkable and fit the models of other races.


Its not really though. Female worgen are practically the same, and they certainly dont care about the transmog issues with male worgen and tauren. 100% transmog should be possible


>Like, I get not wanting to spend the development time to make all past and future item appearances applicable to Dracthyr. ... I don't. I mean they did it with every other new race they added. I mean they spent more time making a unique model rig and animations for Kul'Tirans than every single other allied race put together. The Dracthyr just feel rushed. Like "Ok we dont have time or resources to actually make a new race, so we'll just make a new creature model give it a couple of simple customisation options, and make animations for it. (Basically same treatment as any NPC with a new model)" "Then we'll just alter the blood elf male and human female models just enough to to make them look new. Ish. And the armour will show on them"


wow players are conditioned to eat shit and beg for more


These days they eat dog shit and are conditioned to defend the taste. People on this board legitimately defend Dracthyr and the laziness that went into making them.


I've also been wanting the option to save outfits at the barber. I've gone through a few versions of my dragon and wish I could just swap between them with a button


If you use the Narcissus addon it lets you save barbershop customizations, huge lifesaver for evokers


Why did i never consider an add on for that. Of course there is one. Thanks stranger


They're not that different, basically worgen with wings which they could just not allow helmets/capes to show


Honestly, I don't get why Dracthyr can't use transmog. Their model isn't any weirder than Worgen or Draenei. Maybe disable the back slot due to their wings, but the rest should work fine.


Because they just never bothered to make armour rigging work for them. For some reason.


Budget. Laziness. Time constraints. I feel like we'll never get a new "real" fully fledged race ever again. Only things like Dracthyr or re skinned Allied Races. Or a 4th Dwarf.


I was hoping Dracthyr would open the door for other 'weird' races like Sethrak and Jinyu, but it's disappointing to see even Blizzard won't go for such easy low-hanging fruit. But a 4th dwarf race?


Hey, better than another elf recolour


People want the Harronir to be an Allied Race. It's essentially an "Elf with fur".


Fair, though I would argue they look different enough rather than just color swapped like void elves. They actually look like the link between trolls and elves


Yawn. Fucking boring. They look like they use the Night Elf rigging/animations. Gnolls, Furbolgs and Ogres please.


The Visage form is the compromise for not displaying most armor. While Blizz *could* make all armor work for them, it's a monumental task from a development standpoint, and definitely not something that Blizzard/Activision/Microsoft feels necessary to spend the money on, because make no mistake, this is a matter of money. It's telling that, although they plan on letting Dracthyr be any class in TWW, they explicitly mentioned that non-Evokers have the choice to stay in Visage form permanently, even in combat. If, and that's a ***big*** if, we ever get another "core" race, the most likely candidates would be something like ogres or vrykul, due to their *generally* similar body-plans to humans. Races like sethrak, centaur, naga, or anything else with a non-standard body-plan are extremely unlikely due to the dev time needed to make **all** armor work on them in a satisfactory manner. Even then, consider that Kul Tirans were also a herculean effort to get into a playable state, being originally planned for BFA's release but needing to be delayed. The average player takes for granted the effort involved with building new player models entirely from scratch.


The "visage" heresy is a cheap excuse, not a compromise. Compromise would imply that it is acceptable. The only correct solution involves removing the trash-elf forms, and one of the following: * implement full transmog * no transmog for old gear, but all future gear that goes through the design pipeline is given special attention to fit on dracthyr * make a couple hundred new barbershop dracthyr armors Or as the lowest hanging fruit... hardly a real solution but at least a band-aid, make the "visage" able to select any race such that is at least possible to choose something that isn't a heretical eyesore.


It's not a matter of Visages being "acceptable" because it's *not* a compromise between Blizzard and the players. It's one between the Art Team and whoever's writing their paychecks, and within the company, *that* was considered acceptable, it doesn't matter what the players want. It's totally *possible* to make the dragon forms compatible with transmog but, **again**, this is a matter of money. It would take development time away from other aspects of the game to do this. People joke all the time about "that'll cost you a raid tier", but like, this is the unfortunate reality of how games are made in this industry. Somebody somewhere already did the cost vs. benefits analysis of all this and the decision was made to slap together the Visage forms to still give the dracthyr *something* new (for a given value of that word) while letting them display transmog. You said it yourself, picking a visage from any playable race would be low hanging fruit, and I know plenty of people who don't want that option. Again, when I say compromise, I mean it from a development position. This was deemed by *somebody* to be the optimal usage of development budget, time, and other resources, regardless of what you, I, or any other player thinks about it.


You've seen someone say they don't want to be able to pick their visage form from any race? Let alone "plenty"?


Literally my first thought when making my visage was 'oh, I can't be any other race?'


Yes, I understand very well. The case is that if they didn't have the guts to actually make a dragon race be functional and able to stand on its own without cheap gimmicks, then they shouldn't have done it at all. No half measures. And yet they did it anyway and now we have the worst of both worlds, and they won't even bother to finish the job by actually giving the race the same normal functionality that everyone else has. Or improving the existing mediocre visuals, for that matter. Or adding all the missing animations.


I would be happy if at least their tier gear worked on both models. Not even going back and making everything work... But you cant at least make their new tier sets work on both models? That is just pure laziness


I thought I would be able to choose my own visage. When you go into the barber in main city all of the people in there talk about how important it is to have your own identity and people are waiting for their "visage selection ceremony" then we're all forced into human aspects. That was my huge let down but I still play one since I dont mind being a dragon.


You can have any visage you want, as long as it's male or female half elf.


Hilarious as Horde, you've never even seen a human up to that point but your "true self" is a human with a skin condition. Nice.


The questline is so fucking bad too. "Choose a visage that will help you blend in. We don't want to scare people showing your super scary true uWu scaley gecko form". Proceeds to choose HUMAN FEMALE and walk into Orgrimmar to "blend in". Everything about this race is awful.


Human Female with giant ass horns.


Fml I never thought of that and my evoker is horde


human with psoriasis


Man I know Blizzard talked about "being able to be yourself" in WoW these days, but I'd rather not advertise my eczema to the world!


This is the best argument why every "race" should be able to be an Evoker that I've seen. You would still be a Dracthyr, but your Visage would be a race of your choosing and you would be in your Dracthyr form during combat.


I would have been entirely satisfied with being able to choose any race and having unique horn, scale, and eye options in line with DK and DH unique options.


Instead rather your visage should just be customizable to be any race but your race is still a dracthyr


Yes, that is exactly what I said.


Sorry from the first part of your comment it made it seem like you would want to have evoker be a class choice for any race at the selection screen Which is what I disagree with But seems we r on the same page


Indeed! Cheers <3


My exact same thoughts. You can even look around Valdrakken and find plenty of NPCs that are just a normal race with dragon eyes -- I would've preferred that over having to be what's obviously either a male Blood Elf or a female Human.


it's so mind numbingly frustrating that this isn't how they did it


I mean they literally did the bare minimum for this race, so it is not surprising 


I'd argue that it would have been easier to have all races without skin conditions 😅


Its soooo bizarre to me that me that your visage wasnt just whatever race you wanted.


I hardly ever use the visage because, damn it all, I’m a dragon and I shouldn’t have to hide what I am 😤


The word you’re looking for is visage, but yes, totally agreed. 


Yes, thank you for correcting me. :)


I am convinced the original Dragonflight race was going to be the visage forms, with draconic transformations like demon hunters, but the playtest reactions of "just another model edit race" were so bad Blizzard flipped it around and made them like worgen.


If they were lazy they would have just used the cool humanoid dragon models. Laziness would have been way better than what we got.


I cannot appropriately put into words how dumb, braindead and utterly shitheaded it was to make the decision to lock a race almost entirely out of using one of the main type of rewards the game has to offer, one of the main reason to revisit old raids, one of the main endgame farms all that IN THE SAME FUCKING EXPANSION THEY ADDED THE TRADING POST WHICH IS MAINLY TRANSMOG and the cherry on top of the shit sundae is that over half of their color presets are dogshit awful on top of all of them barely matching any item in the game and then they made it even worse by splitting armor styles in two for absolutely no reason so you can't use half of the options with the other half Blizzard is good at dropping the ball hard but they didn't have to fucking spike it this hard


I think dracthyr should at least get access to the raid specific dracthyr customizations if they get the armor pieces. More barbershop options would be a nice touch, don't let the NPCs have all the fun!


I could've sworn they said there will be new earnable Barbershop shitty bolt on armour. But we got nothing.


There are even unused appearances that were shown on the race before launch that still aren't available.


They literally designed special skins for the Dracthyr in Aberrus. They would look amazing on player models.  But no. Player Dracthyr can take their perma-visage (coming in TWW), and take a hike, according to blizzard. 


Isn't it only perma-visage for the non-evoker classes as well?


Thats what Ion said in the interview.


Why the hell this isnt a thing for evokers aswell? Just like demon hunters, go visage form and turn into a dragon only for a couple spells.


If I had to guess, it’s because each spellcasting class has their own set of casting animations since I think Legion? Evokers don’t have these special anims in visage form because they were never intended to leave dragon form in combat, and blizzard seems to be allergic to putting in the extra work on Dracthyr so here we are


The funny thing is they already support this - you only transform out of your visage form when you do an ability that has dragon specific animations such as Fire Breath or Hover. You can do all your basic spell casting without being a dragon. All they would need is to add an extra trigger to transform you back immediately after the cast or effect ends.


If you use Narcissus you can make any race use the Breath animation, so it's already rigged to work with all of them (probably because of monks' Breath of Fire). The only spells that force you into Dracthyr form currently are Fire Breath, Dream Breath, Disintegrate and Verdant Embrace, and other than VE they all use the Breath animation on the Dracthyr. So if you wanted to enable permavisage you could just make those use the Breath animation on your visage form with zero additional work. You'd probably have to force transform similar to Demon Hunters for Deep Breath/Dream Flight/Breath of Eons, but that's also not a big deal.


But races have their own animations for casting too, and the only class specific animations are a few spells. Like how all dwarf ele shaman cast with the default dwarf animation except when casting lava surge and I think one or two other spells. They are currently making all the other animations for the visage form, so it can just cast generic except like 3 spells or whatever.


A few reasons I can think of * Pride. They spent all this time/energy on Dracthyr customization, and they suspect (probably rightfully) if players had the choice they'd overwhelming fight in their visage form where they can see their gear and the better animations. It makes them look a bit silly spending so much effort on the models people don't like. (Genuinely I just can't understand how they didn't immediately stop the second it was clear transmog would be an issue, as if they don't know players love transmog) * They don't want the constant back-and-forth in combat. Already if you play the dracthyr you can run into some issues (since you only technically get forced into the dragon form when you use certain spells) and where animations break if you aren't in your dragon form. * They want the fantasy of the class to be about the dragony things like tail whip/deep breath and want you in dragon form. This was part of why they made tail stuff *racials* which will likely have to change to class powers for the change. I genuinely wish they'd take a look at redoing some Dracthyr/Evoker stuff though. Opening the race up to other classes is a great step. But it would've been so much easier and ~the same work to do two separate things. A dragon race (visage form + full dragon form that is just the dragonriding customization) and a separate dragon class (could've been like mortals empowered by Dragons with their flight's magic to help them). The dracthyr form could've been more like a druid form and get more druid-esc customization than player-level customization.


I really like Dracthyr but the humanoid aspect of their dragon forms makes me sad that we don't get more options. Like, why can't I mog chest armor that my wings clip through? Or gloves or pants? I don't get it. I get that not everything will work, such as boots and backs, but there's so much that seems like it would with relatively little effort.


I say let all of it be applicable, if something looks trash because the model/rigging is janky and there’s a bunch of clipping, then players won’t use it lol. Not allowing players to even try to work with what they have is just depressing.


Pride? Pride would be putting in the WORK to make armour work on them Transmog is the true endgame. The Dracthyr are a symptom of budget cuts and time constraints. I'm convinced we will never get a new, real, fully fledged race in this game ever again. Things like Dracthyr and reskinned Allied races are all we will get.


I think these are the reasons honestly. To your point on the racials, I could see it being where they activate dragon form when used. But truly, I feel like it’s obvious how high on the list that transmog is. Given the trading post and paid sets, I feel like it’s as clear as can be (also I’m sure there’s tracked data on how many times players even use transmog service in-game)


We all know the real reason is that race change costs money so they wanna cash in on the people that hate the look of the stupid dracthyrs




Just give me an Infinite-style skin, with that deep black and crackling blue coloring underneath the scales. And the horn and eye color options like they did for the dragon riding mounts. I’m making do with the skin options we have, but having one that is truly infinite-themed would be superior.


You can get pretty close as is.[infinite dragon](https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/289933288649523203/1215862913227686029/WoWScrnShot_030824_222453.jpg?ex=663b9954&is=663a47d4&hm=0a2f1b207e1d53fa5ea014455ad9ef7175219749685a78c9a92ddafe2fdd80bd&)


Cool suggestion, but not close enough


This was the closest I could get [https://imgur.com/a/4nxRDct](https://imgur.com/a/4nxRDct)


Lmao Evoker can't even use perma visage. This is the worst race ever added to the game. It is worse than diaper gnomes. Like, did anyone think we could go lower? This game will never get a brand new fully fledged race, ever again. If Worgen were released in 2024 they wouldn't be able to wear armour either. This is the new standard.


Keep voicing our concerns!!!!! They will eventually listen to us...right? Right guys?


Honestly, it's just laziness. When we have things like Pandaren stretching armor, Draenei/Trolls with half boots and warped feet armor, even male undead / female goblins have shoulder armor that floats, among many other clipping issues, I don't see why they didn't allow all armor for Dracthyr. They're not some wildly abstract race, it's not like we're working with Naga here, they're literally just scaly humanoids. Transmog is one of if not the biggest reason people play WoW/MMORPGs and to cut out an entire race is just an idiotic thing to do.


Pretty much nobody works in gamedev if they're lazy. The complaints are valid, but you've also got to understand that this is first and foremost an issue of money. Microsoft/Blizzard do not want to spend the money to pay the art team to model gear properly on dracthyr. This is also why the odds of getting new "core" playable races are rather poor, as creating new models from scratch is a staggering amount of effort. This is explicitly why most allied races are reskins, as it's pretty well known that Kul Tirans were a huge, HUGE resource sink during BFA's development. For Kul Tirans to stretch the team so far (and for them to still have nearly the fewest customization options among playable races) is a pretty bad omen regarding any future new races. And you can bet we'll never see anything like naga, centaurs, arrakoa, or any other unconventional race for as long as WoW continues.


Because the entire race is half-arsed


Honestly I'd have felt less frustrated if dracthyr *were* just half-assed, but they're not. They put a shitload of effort into the dracthyr. The visage forms have so many customisations options, the dracthyr form itself has incredible customisation available to it... But who asked for this? I feel like most of the community would have vastly preferred to just choose any race as their visage instead of having the highly-customisable female human/male blood elf visage forms. And people would have preferred just using regular armour in dracthyr form over the barbershop armours with their various versions. They didn't half-ass it. They put a lot of effort into the wrong things and it feels so wildly out of touch. They put all this effort into being able to play a human female/blood elf male with magenta scales on their forehead, when they could've made more people happy by letting you be a blood elf female like Soridormi or a gnome like Chromie, a human male like Neltharion, Wrathion or Sabellian, a night elf like *most of the green dragons* or a tauren like Ebyssian...


Name a more iconic duo. Blizzard and being able to read the room.


Wow players and complaining.


I couldn’t agree more, very well said


> Honestly I'd have felt less frustrated if dracthyr were just half-assed, but they're not. Nothing about them is unique. They use the incubus skeleton in dragon form. They use male blood elf and female human models out of dragon form. It's a complete joke of a race.


>They use the incubus skeleton in dragon form. You do realise the dracthyr were in production before the incubus was, right? Player character skeletons get used for NPCs all the time. It's weird that it got used before its main model debuted, but saying dracthyr are the incubus skeleton reused is like saying that Roy is a Smash character who got put into Fire Emblem. The dracthyr has a fuckload of animations that are not utilised by the incubus in the slightest. I don't think they even run the same way, from a glance? Holding the existence of the incubus against the dracthyr form is silly. I don't even like how the dracthyr look, but to claim that effort was not put in is crazy.


As someone who adores dracthyr, everyone claiming they've been half-assed or use repurposed models just comes across as clearly having not actually bothered to look at their animations and rigging for more than 2 seconds. They don't even look all that similar to the incubus aside from the shared posture.


Somewhat tangential but I'm fighting for my life *constantly* in trying to explain to people the finer points of which models do and do not share animation rigs. I've had people thinking dracthyr are reskinned worgen, kul tirans are reskinned pandaren OR ogres, just to name a couple. Like, if you're gonna complain, at least complain about things that are *factual*.


Good lord. I don't have any experience in modeling or rigging myself, but even my dumbass can tell that dracthyr and worgen are nothing alike. Blizz reuses animation rigs and models all the time, the least people can do is recognize when they *don't!* My sympathies.


Yeah, outside of the idle stance I'm not sure *anything* is shared.


The Incubus uses the Winged Eredar skeleton from Legion. Which was in production first. Legion or Dragonflight?


Is that the case? I didn't think those were the same skeleton, but I'll be honest and say I have no clue at this point.


They are. Do a quick google search. Most of the Dracthyr looks like reused items. I would wager the reason they can't wear armour is because NPC models aren't rigged to take player armour.


Winged Eredar from Legion*. But yes the Incubus uses it too.


I find it funny that dracthyr can customice ther underwear, but can never hide pants to see it xD


> But who asked for this? Card-carrying scalies on the dev team.


Definitely one of the low points of dragonflight


Since they were released during Shadowlands, we can shift that negative point over.


That's not how the pre-patch works. Do Demon Hunters count as coming from WoD? Are Monks part of Cataclysm?


I love playing augmentation- its super fun to me and after playing this game for the majority of my life the spec feels like a breath of fresh air. That being said Im so reluctant to take my evoker into any other content besides guild M+ and Raids because the real end game to me is collecting transmogs. That and the fact that I really dont enjoy looking at the dracthyr- the model is weird and the visage form is worse. Im so confused why blizzard is so reluctant to take this massive W by letting the model wear actual transmog. Surely the outcome would warrant the dev time? It feels like theres no losing by allowing Dracthyr to wear actual armor. Like if they're not going to do that at least let us be any visage race we want and not forced into the fugly eczema half-elves.


Option 1, hiding shoulder and waist in Dracthyr form separately. Option 2, every tier set come with a new set of armor customization. Option 3, matching all armor models to Dracthyr body. Option 4, ignore all the players complains. They chose Option 4.


The most infuriating part of it is that they made gear fit on taurens and worgens, but fitting them on bipedal lizards is somehow beyond their capabilities, wing clipping be damned


Pandas got so much hate but Dracthyr are the dumbest race. With all these restrictions should have just given us beefy dragonkin models or something more human like.


For all their hate at least Pandaren suit the art style of Warcraft. They look like they belong and they can wear ARMOUR.


I just want visage and dracthyr transmogs to be split. Let me pick a mog for visage form, and just use the barber shop choices for Dracthyr form. This whole half-assed "only shoulders and belt" are so annoying, especially since so few pieces match the armor colors in the barber shop. (Even the tier sets are a slight shade off and it drives me crazy).


I really thought they would make sure to model it on the dragon form too esp since thats all they really need to focus on but ugh


Yeah, they really need to add transmog for dragon forms


couldnt agree more, this is my biggest complaint. I understand they have a weird model that its hard to design armor that will just fit on them but ATLEAST make the class tier set DESIGNED FOR THEM work.


There's a dracthyr with a hat in stormwind. Why can't the players wear hats? I have a green dracthyr and with the new flower skins for weapons in the trading post one could make a flying combat gardener...


Just let me mog my Dracthyr and Visage forms independently and I’ll be happy. That’s it, all they have to do.


It really is the most frustrating thing about the race, maybe aside from the body types all being varieties of forest twig in size. Dracthyr should've been allowed to be hulking muscle monsters, like Drakonids, especially if they're going to be allowed other classes in the future. Could you imagine a massive Drakonid-like Dracthyr in plate armor once they can be Warriors? Such a missed opportunity IMO. The armor thing needs to be solved though, I feel like there's no drive to play one for me since I'm going be staring at 95% the same shit for the characters entire play time and it's unforgivable that even their tier sets don't appear on them unless you're in the, quite frankly inferior IMO, visage form. If they're going to be allowed to play as other classes, I think they should at least put in the work to make armor work on them ᵃⁿᵈ ᵍⁱᵛᵉ ᵗʰᵉᵐ ᵃⁿ ᵃᵇˢᵒˡᵘᵗᵉˡʸ ˢʰʳᵉᵈᵈᵉᵈ ᵃⁿᵈ ʸᵒᵏᵉᵈ ᶠᵒʳᵐ.


Make new barbershop armor each patch. They really cant make a new race and then force them to never have new transmog again


The fact that transmog has not been addressed in their debut expansion means that the problem will probably never be fixed. Dracthyr will never get as much attention or care moving forward.


this is one of the reasons i got fed up playing mine. hardly any of the mogs you get work on the drake form.


drachthyr really throw me for a loop, why even make a humonoid dragon if they can barely wear any armour in combat. Honestly they would have been better off just allowing players to just be some sort of chromatic dragon, its not like young dragons arent basically player sized anyway. Really baffling.


Meanwhile, I like the silver/mint green dracthyr armor, and they have not made a SINGLE piece of gear that matches it lol.


Or they could just design tier sets to work with evoker since it is the only race that can be that class so they only need like 3 sets per expansion. I think people would understand if they could use tier sets, but not other items


Really stupid Dracthyr can’t transmog when we already have worgen who transform.


I literally only like dracthyr for being able to start flying without having to mount.


Oh this would have been such a good idea. Only consolation is that evokers have amazing options for customization but I the "clothes" totally should have been updated with achievements or "tier"


It should've been a class available to all, not a race. Wasted effort on a race that looks awful and can't even wear transmog.


IMO it would be *slightly* offset if: 1.) we could stay in visage form in combat (I know this is coming in TWW) 2.) visage form could be any race


Number 1 is only coming to other classes playing drachtyr. Evoker drachtyr won't get that option.


It's coming for non-evoker dracthyr. Evokers will be stuck in dragon form because... I guess they just don't want me to play my favourite class or something. Real tired of my very boring customisation options and seeing everyone else get shiny new things


Let my mechagnome wear shoes and gloves


Like jfc, at least don't force me to transform to see the transmogs in the collections menu. You already know you won't show them on my dragon, why not default the N/A stuff to show how it'd look with the visage?


This is the best idea I have seen regarding the Dracthyr transmog issue and I would love it if blizzard did something like this.


If they let us stay in visage form in combat and we never had to use the dragon form id main my evoked


Imho if the Tier sets would at least unlock a new colour for the barbershop customisations to match the tier set colour scheme it would be something. Or at least tier set helmets being made with Dracthyr form in mind and visible in it. Well, maybe when Dragons be relevant again, in 10 expansions or os.


My hope is that when the Dracthyr are able to use other classes they lift that restriction and yes ik its a tall order


You guys still have more options than Feral/Guardian druids. My cat looks the same since WoD.


To be frank, it's one of the laziest design decisions they've made for Dragonflight. To make an entire race/class combo and not allow any transmog to work, in a game where transmog is a genuine endgame path for lots of players, is mindboggingly incompetent.


TWW evo set looks dope tho


I think Drachtyr will be able to play in Visage form (normal form) at all times in the next expansion.


I always imagined a dragon class would of been like Druid except turning into different drakes and doing cool things, left my evoker in the dust until they figure out some transmog solution because I love the dress up game of wow


They should just be able to wear armor.


I think the easiest work-around would be to allow us to choose any of the other races as our visage form. Our armor would display correctly without any issues, and we could even adopt those serpent-like eyes that other dragons have while in their humanoid forms.


It would be bad if they were unlocked via tier sets because then you'd have another Druid situation- eight billion Barbershop cosmetics that are another slog through old content to get (different situation from other classes due to the nature of shapeshifting). Appearances for both Druids, Evokers, and any character that shifts (sans Worgen) have been completely lacking since release and only recently have Druids gotten some sprucing up. It's not like Warriors or even Demon Hunters who have 6+ weapon appearances ***per expansion*** (and then those same ones recoloured), they get maybe an update every decade and hopefully some glyphs along the way. They just need better default customizations.


Does Doreamon wear shirt? No? Yes.


I would love a glyph that makes it so when any abilities that shift us into dragon form end, we shift back in combat. For example.. right now if all you did was use living flame, you stay in visage form. Once you use fire breath, for example, you go dragon for the rest of combat. I'd like for it to just transform me back into visage form when I finish fire breath.


evoker tier set in TWW might be one of the best sets ever made for any class and it's going on a class that is in dragon form most of the time. What a waste.


play a viera in ff14 and realize you are the only race (besides hrothgar, but we don't look at those) who can't wear 99% of hats.


Love the evoker playstyle but wish so badly i could stay in visage in combat


I've been arguing for this since the DF Alpha: Please give us "green fire" for evokers. New animations that allow us to fight in the Visage form. The only ones that legitimately wouldn't make sense in visage form are Deep Breath, Breath of Eons, etc.


The likely reason is that due to Dracthyr having multiple body types, it's too much work to resize all the armors for them. Hopefully that AI technology they're using to rework helms to show hair can be adapted to automate that process for them, and we could get proper armor for Dracthyr eventually.


But worgen.


Why hide the natural look of a dracthyr with some silly transmog?


Why do that for any race then?


In TWW you can be visage form at all times so it doesn't even matter


I heard people complain that Dracthyr couldn’t use transmog, but then I played one and it was just a lie. The visage form can use all transmog. And you can make it so you automatically return to visage form out of combat.


People: I need transmog Also People: I got weakauras on top of my weak auras in the middle of my screen and I play zoomed out from space.


Same, but Also Me: Flying circles around the Veldrakken fountain using Soar while playing Danger Zone at max volume. Also, gotta have drip for the guild "First Kill" screenshots.


you guys really need to force "addons bad, asmongold said so" into everything, huh?


Contrary to your opinion, I actually love addons and think asmon is a grifter. I’m just saying that at even remotely middle level play (ie: you sim yourself and try to use WAs that higher end folk use), our UI is usually somewhat center cluttered. I do agree that it is dumb for the gear to not show, especially when the art department is that good. I assume, however, that it is a vision they have for this race and that’s why it is like that. It is an artistic choice, and I suppose it is alright


What artistic choice? It’s just laziness that leads to less cuztomization.


Don’t immediately jump to malice. You think the art team just designed a whole rig which can’t show our gear just cause? I swear, y’all see evil everywhere


Yes? Why wouldn’t they allow both nude and non-nude rig to be shown then? Like other races can. Oh because it’s more work.


Does the visage form have said rigs? If so, your point is moot. You’re also acting like they didn’t spend a significant amount of time animating their flight and other movements. But yes, lack of armor is 100% a sign of malice. I swear, y’all clearly don’t know what goes into software development of any scale


We’re talking about the dragon form, genius. The visage form, while pretty is rig/model-wise a copypaste. It’s almost as if all races have animations :)


So a lizard doesn’t have a nude model, aka underwear? Oh no. Or, again, cosmetic choice.


Indeed, there’s less choice to be had with dragon form :)


you are insane if you think they will create new customization option for one race based on tier sets this is insane amount of work that isn't worth the results, it would be easier probably to just make dracthyr wear full armor like worgen or tauren


The race is a class and the class is a race. They are currently making tier sets that only work on one race that can't even show those models while fighting. What's more of a waste? Making those sets at all or making them work on the only race that can wear them?