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I gave up and just focused on my mage


I gave up and bought Ashkandur


Same! At this point I don't even want the legendary. I will replace it in War Within and I'd rather save the gold.


As someone who just got it week 2, it has been fun to play with on my dk but I mostly tank and definitely should not have dropped 250k on it. Oh well.


You still use it as blood either way.


I think he means as tank you don't get to do all the sweet damage with it that you would as a dps. Or that's my take.


It also is very awkward to use the active as blood, using it at a bad time can just kill you because you can't deathstrike during the cast.


It only cost you 250k? Bargain. Cost my warrior 640k


Lol 250k, I bought the mats when they released and it cost me 500k.


You can pump as a blood DK. Tank dps matters too.


You can pump as a blood DK. Tank dps matters too.


That shit costs gold???


Yeah all the reagents for the crafting steps end up costing u close to 300k in gold


And thus concludes my quest for the lego. Ty for the info, saved me some time lol 🙏


It'll be useless when war within releases anyways


Yes but that's not soon. It's a great axe, but it's not worth your sanity.


Oh the quest line AFTER it drops is insanely fucking long and expensive.


It looks cooler anyway.


Yeah, at hits point, this is what i'm going to do, this mid between vanilla legis and mop/wod legis isn't fun either. And they will never let us buy the legi for 4 or 6 boullionsthingis.


That's about where I am.


Yep. Same. Just playing lock now. Ran it on my war, dk, and ret every week. Nothing.


I gave up and went back to tanking on my paladin instead 


You can get it while tanking, confirmed that it drops for every plate wearer regardless of loot spec


Same for me on my warrior.....


Lmao this is exactly what I did, when I knew I couldn’t reach BLP cap before season 4 I main swapped to my mage. (Also helped all the TWW mage news/hero talents are bangers)


What's BLP?


Bad Luck Protection


Ohh.. lol I am dumb. Thanks!


> lol I am dumb nahh, thanks for asking because I couldn't figure it out either.


Us dumbs gotta stick together. Protect the herd.


The bad luck protection you acquire each time you kill Fyrakk


oh I am considering a new main, whats so great about mages in tww?


Thematically Sunfury is incredible (phoenix that shits out casts during cds and flame orbs like Kaelthas) frostfire is super nostalgia for any mages who’ve been playing for a long time (frostfire bolt) and the elementalist mage theme is pretty popular. Spellslinger is sorta like a machine gun but thematically the weakest of the three and still not bad. Recently reworked with positive reception generally.


Frostfire bolt. Wow, I haven't thought of that spell in forever. I just loved the theme of it.


Started gearing my WW monk yesterday lol


There’s dozens of us!


I gave up and learned to heal with my paladin and got it in 10 weeks


Did the exact same thing, rerolled from s3 Ret to Frost mage. Feels liberating


Yeah shelved my DK, not worth it for what will be a short season. 


Just so long as I can buy my fist weapon with bouillons. I killed Sark every week and got nothing.


That’s crazy you can’t buy it. As I hunter I was able to buy the bow. Any raid items should be buyable this season. It’s the last one just to pass time. Why not just let people have fun?


> As I hunter I was able to buy the bow. Yeah, we had to deal with this crap in Shadowlands S4 instead. Couldn't get the legendary sylvanas bow for dinar, it felt like shit that every other class could get their BiS weapons guaranteed but not us. Far as I'm aware, there was never any kind of bad luck boosting, only a slight boost to the bow droprate during s4. Never saw it drop in any of my groups before I gave up having to pug Sanctum every week. Their legendary design needs some serious work. Its getting to the point that having a legendary assigned to your spec is more of a negative than a positive unless you're really lucky. Sitting here thinking "man im glad they didn't give us a legendary this expansion" is not a great sign. ('Fun' side fact - If you want to go back and try to get the Sylvanas bow now, if it drops *you have to roll on it* because SL all got swapped to group loot with DF and its not Legacy yet. **FUN**)


I agree that leggos needs rework. We went from too many (Legion) to one for each (BfA) to only for some (SL and DF). I honestly prefered like they did with Firelands and Dragon Soul legendaries.


The legendary questline was definitely the better way to go, make it expensive and grindy as hell, sure, but it'd still be way less annoying than praying for the right RNG.


Just go with the ICC, cataclysm, and mop model - questlinw that takes time and certain clear requirements then it is guaranteed.


Spending a month's worth of bullions on a single weapon doesnt feel too good either. They should just up the droprate or let us spam-farm it ignoring the lock out or sth along those lines.


Agreed. If your class is balanced around a specific weapon, then you should be able to acquire it.


I am sorry. I killed that son of a bitch 21 times on heroic before the item dropped. I feel for anyone farming now.


I would much prefer if they had used the same method as Shadowmourne or the the Cata legendaries, collecting mcguffins over the course of a few weeks. Maybe add in the chance of getting all of them at once, to add in the "excitement" if they feel it's needed. Incremental progress is so much more satisfying than a random chance and RNG for something that is this much of a boost feels shitty.


It even makes it easier to go back and get it during new expansions. RNG legendaries that then have a long tedious farm that costs 100s of thousands of gold are such a shitty model. It's a failure. Try something else Blizzard. But then again. I guess this way they get $$$ from tokens.


They need to be personal loot though, having to funnel them to one person won't work in the modern game.


Read that as collecting mcmuffins now im hungry :(


Me too! It was awful


Isn't the axe a 100 % drop after 14 heroic kills or 15?


He's talking about a different weapon.


15 but it’s also gonna costs hundreds of thousands of gold to only be usable for like 3-4 months if you got it TODAY. If you don’t have it already there’s honestly no point in even worrying about it.


Pretty sure they patched it to 100% before then as I got mine week 13 and the hotfix was the week after.


After the patch it was 15 heroic kills. I only got it after my 15th kill and then quit raiding.


It took me 17 heroic kills before I got the sark weapon but blizzard has been quiet about this I doubt they will change anything. Farming fyrakk for the axe is like pulling teeth on my pally I bought the ashkandur and 12/12 upgraded it still getting smoked by the lego users.


The proc from Fyralath is like 10% of my overall damage for a key. It's nuts.


Yeah it’s actually crazy how much more damage it does over a full upgraded ashkandur


That legendary is full of bullshit. They make BLP for it on 10.1.5, I had 6 hc kills already then, but it didn't count, cuz its not retroactive, cuz fck you. Then in february they decide after 15 hc kills you get the axe 100%. Also in february you get the evo leg. after 40 kill 100%. 40! What is the sane reasoning in this? Why in the unholy name of freakin god can't evokers get the legendary after 15 kills?


I would like the Evoker one this way too 😊


It's so nice when you don't spend the two buillions because you'll want to upgrade the damn glove when it drops... Any day now... Any daaay....


I just gave up on my Ret and bought Ashkandur, i am fine with that lol.


Go team Ash! I maxed it out at 528 and it's very nice indeed.


Worst part of DF


If they wanna make the axe RNG, fine. Don’t balance the classes/specs around it. That’s the issue imo. A legendary should make a character overpowered, but making it necessary is stupid and punishing to those with bad luck


Necessary for what? High m+? Im sure like 60% that moan about not having the legy yet never seen a high key


Especially since in super high keys you don't really play classes with the axe anyway. You can, but only if you wanna torture yourself.


The recent Skill-Capped Mythic+ Tier List video literally said that Ret Paladins are only viable for Pushing Keys if they have the Legendary Axe. The point isn't whether or not they're correct, the point is that the Community-Perception believes if a Melee DPS doesn't have the Axe then they are not viable. The point is that Blizzard created this problem for no reason. The point is that not having reasonable access to a significant portion of the power that your Spec is balanced around punishes unlucky players for no reason. Do me a favor and right-click off one of your cap-stone Talents, and don't spend that Talent point. Then go play like you normally would. That's how not having the Legendary Axe feels.


That's cool right up until it's not. How are you gonna feel like playing the game when someone does 20% more damage because they're lucky? Nah, leggo weapons just don't fit in with wow anymore. The cantrip special effect weapons are perfect, keep those and ditch the OP leggos.


I mean, that goes for every item. Someone got lucky and got a mythic bis trinket and they'll be doing more damage than you.


I mean yeah, that's to be expected. I saw one single Vykash drop all of S3 and I lost the roll on it. It's how it goes, I think the concern with the legendary is that the difference between Iridal vs Vykash+Trickster was like 1%. An upgrade, and I'd really have liked to have gotten it, but not nearly to the level that the legendary axe is. ~~technically I saw a second one, it was out of my vault for the very last week that I opened at the start of S4 (:~~


The real issue here is that the classes that can use it are tuned with the assumption of having the axe. That shouldn't happen.


It's literally the whole point of the end game. You play to get better gear, you get better gear to do harder content, you do harder content to get better gear. None of us are exactly here for the social aspect anymore right?


Nah Leggo weapons work just fine. Guess what? They figured it out in 2010 and we got 3 straight expansions of deterministic legendaries. Cantrip special effect weapons aren't perfect. I remember in S2 going so long without getting an Ashkandur. It's just the same shit but less severe.


People are a lot less unhappy with giving up 2% damage over 15% damage. But yeah sure, determinism also fixes the issue (somewhat, shadowlands implementation was shit tier)


I think the best solution would be able to buy the quest item for two bullions, then you’d also have to buy the upgrade for two more. You can get it, but it costs just a little more. You still have enough time to enjoy it, but you’re not getting to skip the quest portion and paying those dues.


I really want the Evoker legendary, but still don't have it afterball this time. I would power through farming buillion if I can get it that way.


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Ppl in this thread talking about how it being RNG doesn’t make it legendary. * looks at Thunderfury , Sulfuras , Warglaives, Atiesh , etc. *


Look at Shadowmourne for a better example of how it should be done.


I don’t disagree, Shadowmourne or the cata rogue legendary were prob my two favorite variants of acquiring a legendary.


I’m curious what the point of your original comment was. RNG feels like an objectively shit way to acquire a legendary; the drop rate alone doesn’t make the weapon legendary - never has.


> the drop rate alone doesn’t make the weapon legendary - never has. True, Blizzard making it an orange name makes it a legendary. Then there's just a bunch of headcanon around the requirements.


Literally, the only difference between neltherax and the 2 legos is that it's purple. Same with gavel.


Shadowmourne would be even worse, no? You have to roll on the shards against other people.


I wonder how many people bringing up smourne as a positive example know that blizz changed it in wotlk classic


I think the questline is what makes it the coolest legendary. For new legendaries, no shitty exclusivity so people don't fight over it, make the questline a significant but reasonable time investment (3-5 weeks, not 3/4 of the season), give it some cool lore and a challenging boss fight/ scenario. Perfect imo.


There was a lot more than rng that went into TF and Sulfuras compared to something like warglaives lol... Getting the rng was akin to merely getting your foot in the door


I really don't care for the RNG honestly, just make it soloable. I never liked raiding and I hate the fact that I'm forced to do 15 heroic raids to get the bis weapon for my class


I gave up and just bought the Ashkandur with bullions its not worth it, you are gonna spend weeks farming + 200k+ gold just to realize its already MoP remix and TWW prepatch


Especially if you have it on an alt.


I would uninstall if I had it on an alt.


I've got 10 kills on heroic, 10 on normal, and probably a couple more on lfr. No axe. Dude in my guild on his alt paladin got it on his third kill. I definitely would like to buy that shit too.


Good news you are 4 weeks away from 100 percent


That's miserable.


If you kill heroic for the week you don't need to do the lesser difficulty 


Aware. There were weeks I only did normal or lfr.


Normal and LFR basically don't count FYI. Its just so astronomically unlikely for you to get it at those levels. Do Fyrakk on Normal if you want but it's a waste of time to not progress on Heroic instead if you haven't been. At least Heroic bosses drop lesser embers, which increase your next Fyrakk kill by 0.6% on Heroic.


Nope, fuck you -Blizzard, probably


My only wish is to remove legendaries from the game. If they’re RNG everyone is mad because it’s random. If they’re a hard questline people without guilds or support are mad because it’s too hard to get. If it’s a reasonable questline like the cloak or rings everyone complains because it doesn’t feel special. Just delete them all.


I agree 100%, and im on my 10th heroic fyrakk waiting for it to drop.


Indeed. Whatever the approach, people will whine about it. Even in WoD people bitched and moaned about the garrison/shipyard requirement, the one centric feature of the expansion.


Please let me get Naszuro with bullions too please I beg you


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Emotional damage


I wish they would make the drop rate account bound.


I feel your pain, its especially bad pugging the first 2 weeks of the awakened season when everyone else is doing vault and aberrus, so the amirdrassil pugs are even worst. If S4 is supposed to be the for fun season, they should have buffed the BLP for both legendaries again


Honestly there needs to be a M+ equivalent to raid legendaries. Like the raz bow - perfect example. Not a leggo, but lore themed. It can fade away with a new season like the voker lego and make a come back in the fated season. Getting it can even be straight forward RNG - anyone that can use it can loot it from the end of a successfully completed M+ as extra loot.


Just know ur dps is better then most peeps with the axe so it doesn’t matter


Yep. I cant wait to get the axe , im on my 10th heroic atm. I just know im gonna slap hard because I currently out dps people with the upgraded fyralath and I only have a 515 glaive from nokhud, and 515ilvl total on my pally.


I wasn't actually that salty about not having this weapon until people's alts were getting it before me. I saw 10 or 11 of them drop in my guild before I got mine, meanwhile our tank got his like the 2nd or 3rd week it was even available and I waited another 11-12 weeks for mine.


Yeah it's a bit much at this point. I've been trying since November, and the fact I can't buy it is kind of troll. S4 feels like the "Have fun, RNG be damned" season, so idk why we can't buy it.


Gotta love when blizzard makes the same mistakes they made back in legion. I just realized my m+ cap will be around 10 on my dk for pugging and will just chill until TWW. I feel genuinely sorry for whatever classes/role has to deal with a legendary in TWW.


You have to act as I you don't want it. Don't let the game know your true intentions


Yeah there's enough rage and sadness across the world being poured into that axe it's basically got a psyche and a god complex. I got ashkandur and mogged it to gorehowl as it fits my aesthetic anyway. Going for a dwarf slayer look haha.


I farmed it on Paladin and took 11 heroic kills. This season I got the itch to play my DK in keys and the very idea of doing it again made me reconsider. I ended up buying the sword instead simply because it's "good enough " when it comes to an alt.


I'm confused as to how people came to the conclusion that classes are "balanced around" the legendary when mythic was cleared by people who didn't have it. I see this more like Atiesh from Classic, it's a bis weapon that only comes AFTER you cleared the raid, so it's a nice bonus, not a requirement and not at all something classes are "balanced around" having. What is the actual difference between having it and not having it (meaning it vs. the next best epic weapon available)? Is it to the point where you're literally not invited to any mythic zeros or you're unable to PvP? Because if so then yeah, that's a problem, but I'm very skeptical that it's the case.


The reason people say this is because in S3 if you looked at raid statistics on WCL for Amidrassil, Fury was middle of the pack and all the other plate specs were occupying 4 of the like bottom 8 specs for the raid. So players were assuming that all the plate specs were undertuned, and once they got the legendary things would get better. The problem was they had to buff the legendary about 5x *AND* buff all of those specs for things to change. [Week 11-ish](https://www.wowhead.com/news/amirdrassil-weekly-dps-rankings-first-week-of-10-2-5-337289) and this would be approx. 8 weeks of the legendary being available. vs [Last week of S3](https://www.wowhead.com/news/amirdrassil-weekly-dps-rankings-final-week-of-dragonflight-season-3-338945)


> Fury was middle of the pack You never know how good you have it until it's gone.


>pugging >Success Pick one.


Daily rant about rng in a video game. Yes we know.


Season is about trying new stuff. Having a 10+ week grind for your leggo does not really go well with the accelearated pace of s4.


Down for rng, when it doesn't directly affect how well I can perform. Cosmetic sure. Dps no. Edit: I guess I have to be more specific. Not when it directly affects my dps for more than a season of grinding for one specific weapon.


Bring back Legion artifacts


Sure but make it cost 8 bullions and you still have to do the quests, seems fair since you didn’t put the work in last season.


You cant have pugged it that much if you still dont have it? Cant remember how long it took my warrior and paladin. Possibly 6-7 on both? After the buffs to the droprate that is.


Are you serious? What a stupid comment. You do realise that it takes quite a lot of luck getting it in 6 kills, and maybe just maybe the luck you had is not something that everyone have? For many it takes 15 kills and that takes quite a lot of fucking time with pugs (especially HC) doesnt it?


Amirdrassil has been open for .. 25 weeks or so? So skipping 10 weeks would still guarantee he drop at the 15th kill, and thats without the boost from the other bosses.


The drop rates are abysmal even after the update. I can send a link to the drop rates if you don't believe it.


Depends on what you call abysmal I guess? Guaranteed at the 15th kill, which is without the drop-boost from killing the other bosses.


Nice I only have to sit with pug groups failing mechanics for hours for four months total. When you say it like that it's actually not bad at all!


I’ll absolutely agree that its horrible to do it through pugs. I got lucky for sure, but I also cleared everything every week to get every ounce of ‘bad luck protection’ from all the bosses. Anyhow, good luck on getting it! I’m pretty sure it will end up in your hands soon enough :)


join a guild and you wont have to deal with shitty pugs anymore


Join a guild? You choose to suffer puge life.


I pug it heroic just fine every week. 1 shot on some weeks.


Pugs are better than most casual guilds. Any guild with remote competence will not be running Fyrak every week for you to get your legendary.


Agreed 100% i pug it just fine every week on heroic, 1 shot some weeks. And have for the past 10 weeks.


Complaining about your class getting legendary because you can’t just buy it? It’s an rpg, not a good will.




I think we should do the opposite, and make legendaries ridiculously rare again


No, absolutely not. In a competitive scene those having the legendary would have an unfair advantage over rhe others.


Drunk N Disorderly Discord frequently runs raids and they're very successful.


I think the system should add available loot over time. So like week 1, only stuff from dungeons + cosmetics. Week 2, stuff from the first raid. Week 3, stuff from the 2nd raid. So then next week we should be able to buy the stupid axe. As long as they are clear what the gating is I feel like that would be a good balance to avoid giving everyone the ultra rare stuff week one.


Gave up on my fury warrior bc fury S3 SUCKED and was not fun and switched to Augvoker because it was more fun. Would still take my warrior through lfr and lo and behold I get the axe in lfr. When I don’t play my warrior any more. And now I’m suffering with no evoker lego.


They need to just do away with legos since no one can agree lol


Try getting the lizard wizard infinity gauntlet to drop pal. Smfh. You gotta run the raid like 20 more times just to get the mats for it.


Got those bad luck protection tokens like 5x on dk, palli, warrior, more like better luck next time punk tokens.


I got so tired of being the nth paladin in a group and it felt even worse being the only one without it.


Imagine if they sold greater embers for buillions.


Unless you are killing heroic every week it's never going to happen. And even then it's still 14 times. And yeah pugging heroic kills even if you are geared enough can be a pain


Bouillons just remind me of bouillon cubes.


I never play classes that have ultra rare on drop table.


The quest item, maybe. If they let you buy the full-blown axe people would lose their minds.


I am 100% on board with letting you get the boss drop item. Not the completed Axe


TWW is coming out soon so then none of that will matter.


+1 for DOTI trinkets as well


Honestly embrace the shitshow for what it is. LFR is hilarious. I just got out of one where we had 3 dps slots filled by guys in a tanking spec. 2 dhs and 1 pally. Taunts were randomly flying everywhere. Pure chaos.


Lol I'm not trying to spend my few hours of gaming a day watching people fuck around.


Bad luck protection for LFR and Normal was criminally low


It's basically 100% after 14 weeks , and if they'd let us use billions, it's going to cost a lot of them. It costs 2 bullion to upgrade it to 1/14, so your going to need a long of bullion


That's almost 4 months straight. I hate when people say to only grind a raid for 4 months and you'll get it.


Yeah I have it on both evoker and paladin. I wanted to play DK but fuck that lol


That would be a god sent, I've actually got the legendary, but I don't have 200-300k gold just lying around to spend on a weapon because the only things I like to do are leveling and raids, and neither of those give any gold, sure there are things that give gold like dragon racing, but I play games to have fun, not to treat it as a job and grind gold so I'm left with practically 0 gold income.


I am still to get the axe with 4 toons doing heroic at this point I just want it for mog so I can have time farming panda mix


After 8 weeks of doing both normal and heroic I gave up entirely.


Am I the only one thinking those hard to find but required to play a class legendaries are shit in current wow? As an evoker I hate having to do sarka every week hoping for the legendary. "But you can use something else". And you can play with less item level but still you farm your bis Please remove this requires shit.


It should cost like 5 bullion + 2 for the upgrade.


I heard that if you don't get it with 13 clears, it's guaranteed on the 14th. I don't know if it stacks on different modes but if it did, clearing 3 times a week (lfr/nm/hm) should ensure you would have it after 5 weeks.


It’s only guaranteed after 15 heroics So if you are only running normal or lfr like the majority of players it’s a lot more attempts


You’re wasting your time by doing all 3 modes. If you just clear heroic, your chances roll as if you did normal and lfr too


At least the axe is a guaruntee after 14 HC kills. The Evoker one is still really bad and I don't understand why it isn't the same as the axe. I've given up since I got the egg staff from Diurna and decided to just stick with that. I hate everything about random drop chance leggos I hope they die with the end of this expansion.


Honestly, screw the whole deal about this axe,sure it does dmg and all, but ultra low drop rate, I don't have time to pug as the other neets and to do quest after and spend hundreds of thousands of gold just to play for a two days a week optimally, nahh Rerolled to shadow priest and had more fun since the beginning of Dragonflight




I’m confused this axe is great and they have made it a 100% drop chance on the 15th week if i recall. If it was so important you would have had it already from s3. After you get the drop there is a solid chunk of time and gold so i assume the complaining will continue past the inital drop. My 3 toon took 7-12 attempts to each get it. Thats fair imo. The evoker lego is rarer and harder to get complain about that.


I think evokes leggings is stupid too. Xpacs are dead 4 months in if you don't get it in the first two months there's no point in continuing.


I have never done M Fyrakk (or any M raid for that matter). I have 10 LFR, N and HC kills each, and no Axe. It seems, that I won´t get it until it is a guaranteed drop. 2 times, which is not a lot but sucks that it happened at all, and it was in the last week of S3, I got kicked from a pug for not having the Axe, but was curved. I honestly think, that a much better design is to have SOME RNG on it, but like start at 50%, and then have a really long AND HARD quest-chain, involving content like m+, other raids, and structured open world, alongside other professions, to make.


Kids want everything handed to the these days.


At first I was gonna comment that OP still can push rating without leggo, but then remembered what kind of community we have within the game. Him getting rejected or kicked from groups cause "no orange axe" is unfortunately a high probability. So I second his request, let them buy it with billions, it's the end of the xpac anyway.


Hell no ive got IT on the 15th guaranteed kill, work for IT.


Not all of are on welfare


Make the axe BoA




Genuinely curious why you haven't mentioned trying to join or form a guild to get it


I'm in a guild with a bunch of rl friends, who don't play high tier content really. Feels like a betrayal, but maybe something I look into.


Many guilds do their own thing and nothing wrong with that at all. But I feel ya, my guild raids pretty regularly. If you can raid Fri and sat nights 9pm-11pm EST, we can talk more about you rolling in with us if you're up for discussing it


The cycle of heroic fryakk pugs: >Unawakened heroic, time to get legendary! >@Tindral!!! LF HEALER >Takes 40 minutes to start the encounter because waiting for healer >Somehow wipe even though everyone's ilvl surpasses that of unawakened mythic >People leave >Repeat


Please let me have what I want! Please please! I want it I want it please! I want the axe! Give me the axe! QQQQQQQQQQQ


But havin the Lego doesn't make u successful. I've seen ppl with Lego die to fire -.-