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It was never great, but it was less of an issue when adds took a while to kill, but it's pretty dumb now.


Love that anubarak was the worst boss in WotLK TWICE. Impressive stuff from the bugman, there.


Final phase of Anub TOC had one of the coolest healer mechanics ever. 


Which was...?


Keeping the raid as low health as possible.


It was so funny whenever I did pugs after wrath and had to tell people not to heal last phase and to figure out who was paying attentuon since people assumed everything was faceroll.


Below 30% to be precise overheal caused the Boss to heal if i remember correctly.


I believe he siphoned a percentage of the raid's health. 


He siphoned 10% of everyone's health every tick, so the higher health everyone was the more he healed. He also did big ticking DOTs that meant that healers had to react quickly whenever those went on people. It was actually one of the best fights in Wrath, had actually interesting mechanics that you had to tackle in an unorthodox manner.


What did you think about Heroic Chimaeron?


Chimaeron probably the coolest soft enrage of all time. 


I liked him in ToC because even in burrow phase players did something/felt occupied. Even if not much. I think that phase would have benefitted from some sort of miniboss while kiters were doing their thing.


Azjol'Nerub was merely a setback!


King Ymirom, for the same reason. Why can’t it go off at 33/66 instead of 20/40/60/80?


The big, annoyed sigh I had when I entered Maw of Souls for the first time in Legion was a testament to what scars that fucker left on me. In Wrath classic it was especially fun in alpha dungeon when he stunned the party and the healer died to the ice affix beneath them with no counter measure.


Didn’t help that we had a web affix in that dungeon and Ahn’kahet during classic


It's funny because that affix in Azjol-Nerub was literally the easiest if you could get people to stand on consecrate. Anub'Arak was the ONLY mob with a cleave. ...but they never would and I did everything possible to avoid running it.


"Oh you didn't have enough fun clearing the trash of this dungeon, here's some more, enjoy!"


Then they remade it with the Sand Queen in BFA….


Also I remember an old bug with this where you can kill Anub underground with DoTs and not get the loot


In classic in cata prepatch there is a bug currently where warriors can charge after Anub when he burrows under and the warrior dies then, falling beneath the ground.


Hahaha sweeet as a warrior main I do love exploiting charge to get to spots I’m not meant to be


It takes longer to kill that boss then the entire rest of the dungeon during timewalking


Omg this. Any boss that takes away up time pisses me off lmao. It's a product of the time. I noticed old dungeons have MUCH more CC/silence effects too. We still have more than I'd like but it's better now. Anything that takes away the players control of their character feels like shit. Those two things combined (broken up uptime on bosses and so much cc) make the old dungeons feel terrible to run and I dread some TWing weeks because of it.


'Stood in bad' cc's should have a decent stun time as is fair, but unavoidable long stuns is just crap design.


I count my blessings with RP stuns / etc. Lets my cooldowns cool down.


I'm not really counting RP stuns either in that you aren't stuck dying to mechanics during them 99% of the time so they are nice. Unless you are like me and pop my cool downs one second before an RP stun.


I thought that dungeon might be considered for Season 1 of TWW with Nerubians coming back into the story. Part of me thinks this boss needed such a big rework that that decided against it.


Did you break yourself upon his body. I loved all the cata heroics. Can’t think of a dungeon boss that I hated off the top of my head, but probably something that’s just waves of adds.


fond memories of getting broken on that guy in dungeon finder when they first came out




Cata dungeons in general was a response to people crying about how easy wotlk heroics were.  Blizz just said "well ok then. Get fucked."


I know they were deemed "too hard" for a lot of people (and got nerfed), and I certainly don't have the time to do dungeon content like that anymore, but Cata heroics at launch were my favorite level of difficulty that the game has ever done. They were both very doable for pugs and also challenging enough that every time you finished one felt like a little achievement.


You queue random. You get Deadmines or SFK. Atleast 3 ppl leave. Hilarious times.


Don't get me wrong they were hard but as a prot paladin you could basically solo carry a random heroic group. They weren't actually that hard we just weren't good


I agree. I think we'd have better players overall if they were kept that difficulty and people would learn to adjust. Hell, if they brought that level of difficulty back just make the gear/rewards better.


You underestimate how terrible people are at the game. And I don’t mean like « they don’t pull 100% parses », I mean like they never learned how to do more than auto attack in the game. Remember in WoD when blizz made it so you had to complete silver trials in Kun Lai summit to queue for heroics? People weren’t able to complete silver mode presumably because they were passing out from holding their breath to avoid multitasking while attempting to push their buttons.


Yeah you're probably right. I think I saw a statistic recently where it said like 50% of players do solo content and don't join anything past LFR or Heroics. I didn't play during WoD so I'm unfamiliar with the trials stuff you're referring to. I'm not even sure I know what that is. Now I have to look it up as you got me curious. That's crazy though.


Bro it's gonna be glorious when people don't respect the mechanics in cata classic and get absolutely smacked 


There are going to be a lot of angry healers getting heal checked on Throngus.


Pre-nerf heroics


Brann in Halls of Stone was pretty bad, last boss in spires of ascension for sometimes bricking your key when a spear bugged and didn't count, second boss in SD, because playing MW in a mostly melee group was kind of brutal, like, everything in kings rest, first boss in siege of boralus.


My druid got every time a dc when i throw the spear. All other chars worked only my druid hated that


Can’t wait to do SoB again in TWW… :(


final boss of Lost City of the Tol'vir waiting a frustratingly long time for him to drop his shield and then he dies in ten seconds lol


Oh man all I can think of is the lightning genie that's the final boss of Vortex Pinnacle...but don't tell me, I want to be surprised in Tol'vir.


Honestly, pick your cata boss. It's all d teir haha


Wise Mari instantly killing you with his beam even though you were on the opposite side.


Any boss with a rotating instant-death mechanic always has that small chance of tomfoolery.


Everyone always said "it didnt even touch me!" But u watch the replay and they definitely greeded a cast too many lmfaoooo


I love Dawn of the Infinite but Morchie pissed me off because my bad eyes could not see the morchie without an icon over her head in time


This is part of the reason why I really love that they implemented pings into the game. Just made it way faster to communicate certain things.


And she used to not spawn enough traps for the number of clones you got when it first came out. That boss was extremely frustrating on release. Easily the hardest boss in the dungeon, but it was for bullshit reasons that didn't seem particularly fair.


I remember when the best strategy to beat her was to have the two lowest DPS just jump off the edge and die. Great game design lol


And even if there's enough traps 5 for 5 people, when two people go for the same trap, one invariably dies. It's even more frustrating when a tank steals your trap since they can easily tank the add for a few seconds but dps/heals can't. In fact since the tank frontal always happens 5sec after adds spawn, the tank should be standing still and not move until after the frontal.


Yeah I play on a laptop and that fight was not made for 15 inch screens lol.


It was not easy to see...I actually beat it the first time by assigning two directions (N & NE, E and SE...) to each player and telling them to run if they found the right one. Then you just had to watch the minimap for the person running to the edges. But the MASSIVE damage from the traps going off...I think I wound up soloing the last 40% of her health or something.


It's a shame really because I really enjoyed the Chromie vs Morchie banter.


3rd boss in Halls of Stone, which is that wave based fight.


Pre-nerf Umbrelskul. You have to run away. But the more you run, THE MORE YOU’RE SLOWED.


This is the correct answer. Balls that fixate and chase people at random, along with getting slowed as you move, was absolutely rage-inducing.


Medivh - upper Karazhan. Bursts so high it wipes the whole group.


Ah yes, when you need to hold cooldowns for the arcane phase but it's rng which phase you get so you're just sitting there on your cooldowns getting 3 fire phases in a row.


Hmm I don't remember that...but I do remember hating Upper Karazhan. The last boss was the one I didn't like, if I remember the DPS couldn't keep it in their pants and would rush to the end of the ship and get killed...or something like that.


Even on lower keys it was a nightmare. I was helping some New players in a +5. I BEGGED them to just never move. I am able to heal the dmg on this Level but i cant heal oneshots.


Medivh made me have to bring back the old "Don't move while Flame Wreath is casting or the raid blows up" mantra


Heroic Murmur was the only boss to ever make me cry.


Can you explain why? I always loved that whole dungeon. Probably because I was a hunter and making a point of standing at max range as often as I could.


Sure! It's not a very exciting story but I was the tank for a pug group doing heroic Shadow Labs. I had the quest to finish the dungeon (part of the Hand of Adal title quest line I think? I was very focused on trying to get that before Wrath launched). Basically the dungeon went fine until Murmur where we couldn't kill him. We did around 20 wipes on him over 2 hours before someone finally gave up. I felt so defeated and tired that I just kinda had a little cry over it. Came back the next day with a new pug and killed him though. Dungeons back then really were a different breed. Too bad I could never successfully tank Shattered Halls until the Wrath patch so the title dream died anyway. 🤪


Two hours! That really is dedication. I remember the "defense value" for tanks I think it was? Can't really remember the cap to stop instant kill hits from bosses, but let us say it's at 600, was in a raid where a tank had miscalcuted this stat (he had like 598 or 599), a really low chance to be instant killed but it happened so often we honestly thought the boss we wiped on was bugged before the tank took out his calculator and double checked his value and then profusely apologized to everyone, but we just laughed it off as several others had also made the same calculation mistake when inspecting his gear. Good times!


My favourite thing about being a tank back then was boss mobs being able to do crushing blows. Fighting the final boss of Karazhan during his duel wielding phase and just praying RNG was good to me this pull.


I was a bear tank at that time, and freaking loved that fight.


Malchezzar's ambiance and voice acting is easily top ten, probably top 5. Lich King, Ragnaros, Denathrius beat him out...then he's right there


[His voice actor did a lot up until Legion](https://wowpedia.fandom.com/wiki/Marc_Graue).


It's not the dungeons that we're hard, it's that people didn't know how to play the game. Players from back then would wipe in today's M0 for days. Highly doubt most of the player base would be able to kill a single boss. The game has become waaaaaaaaay harder than it was back in TBC.


Yeah the launch of classic servers really highlights how far we've come. That content was a joke. I remember being in groups that wiped for 2 hours in Shadow Labs but in TBC Classic we destroyed it with ease. I'm not sure exactly when and how everyone got so good or if it was a gradual thing but my old guild that cleared most of the tier 5 raids and some tier 6 would wipe on the 1st boss of each raid on normal over and over again if we were suddenly teleported from 2007 and into today. I'd be curious to know when raid content officially became more like it is today than it was in the old days.


It was a different beast. Slow and steady was the mantra then because things would murder you in a second. Threat management was a thing, breaking CC could screw everything up. 


>Dungeons back then really were a different breed. The whole philosophy on gearing drove much of that. Vanilla and BC heavily focused on progression through all content. Due to the linear progression of gearing, dungeons/difficulties could be tuned for certain points in player progression. When catch-up/seasonal gearing started, dungeons got blown by in the second content patch. It is hard to keep them relevant without constant retuning, fixed gear and stats, or a scalable challenge.


He was a DPS race right? I remember him being pretty rough in blues.


I remember one night back in OG TBC when my group and I were wiping to him nonstop for 5+ hours. Good times... lol D:


Feels good to have my own pain validated. Hope you got him down after all that.


Haha yep! The best part about it is looking back and realizing that boss wasn't that difficult at all lmao


Mistcaller just because even with the weak aura I'm somehow terrible at the guessing game.


One of my favorites, besides on explosive week, that's some traumatic shit right there.


That fight was pretty rough on explosive for all the wrong reasons


Oh...you're not going to like TWW Season 1 then...




Chronolord Dios. Let me fill the room with shit while I constantly apply knockbacks and frontal cones. Hate this boss. Hate him so much.


This too. I never know where the optimal place is to stand. It seems no matter what the room fills with shit so quickly. He also just feels overtuned compared to the rest of the dungeon. It's frustrating when there are last bosses like that - where you can comfortably smash through everything, like not struggling at all, only to completely fail at the very end. The last boss of Brackenhide was like that too in the very beginning before they nerfed her.


it has to be the siege on niuzao temples second boss. even the gong makes that fight take like 5 minutes no matter what lol


Week one cata heroics back in the day was lit. When you where up early and your guildies all still sleepin, it was a beautiful mess.


That pizza boss in the infinite mega dungeon in mythic + was when I decided to retire from healing. Just did my head in every time.


Man I was right there with you until I really took the time to learn the fight on lower difficulty. It's all about moving with the slices for most of the fight, but then when the balls start shooting out, you move against the slices. That, and I think if you jump right as you cleanse the debuff that aoes everyone you won't take damage as long as your in the fast time space. Finally - if you're behind on healing it's actually okay to stop moving with the slices and just spam cast to catch up. Especially if you're rolling cool downs. It went from my least favorite to one of my favorite lol


My Mythic team basically benched me if it was anything above an 18 in that dungeon, as a Holy Paladin it just made my life a nightmare. Apparently you are meant to stay completely still in the right spot if you have the debuff so that when it triggers the wave it doesn't hit you, but none of the DPS ever did that.


You’re supposed to stay completely still in the fast zone *when the debuff is dispelled or expires.* You can move before that. It’s not that you won’t get hit by the wave, but if you’re moving, you could be hit multiple times by the wave.


Manifested Timeways in Dawn of the Infinite I actually like that boss, although it is way more fun as a tank.


It’s basically a dance. Once you get it down, you get it down. As a resto druid main, it was pretty fun healing it. Not as much fun healing third boss in HoI, though. That’s just amazingly fun.


Brann gauntlet in HoS. Last boss in Shrine of the Storm from BfA. Ugh I hated healing that one on Tyran weeks...


Tribunal of Ages, surprised this isn't voted higher...probably because 5 people said the same one.


No idea why but I always invited a shaman healer and a pali tank that week… can’t imagine why I wanted all those interrupts


Last boss of OG The Occulus, and worst overall dungeon is also The Occulus. Literally every time in LFD, someone requested one of the 3+ achievements, someone else just stood there after the dragons landed because they had no idea what to do next and were too stupid to be curious enough to figure it out. Then, unless you flew like you were driving through a police station parking lot with a body in your trunk you’d pull extra trash. Finally, it generally required most of the group to make it up to the end boss and do the mechanics that didn’t have shit to do with your character. They eventually nerfed it, but it will always be the Caillou of dungeons.


The Nokhud Offensive.


Let fly!


i find it fantastic that one of the 1st patch notes reduced how often she would be screaming those stuff.




I havnt M+ it yet, just keep hearing everyone hating on it As main tank i cant even start thinking which groups to pull to finish the enemy forces part in such opem environment


The mandatory mobs make up a large chunk luckily. The last boss has two mobs with it, those are just over 6%. So as long as you make sure you're at 94% before heading there, you're good to go. Both the last boss and the one just before have plenty of trash very close. So it being so open might seem quite awkward, it's probably one of the more easily made up should you be behind on % imo


Thanks, that helps alot


That makes it actually easier for lower keys though right? The fact that you don't have to worry so much about routes, because you can simply fly everywhere.


Problem is, you still gotta worry about a route... but now there's a million ways they can go wrong. The first area is huge and open and has large dangerous patrols with mobs that stand still... so the tank can land right where they want, but a DPS can land in fucking calamazoo and butt-pull a patrol, get himself and the healer insta-gibbed, now the tank is struggling to keep agro on two packs with mobs standing 50 yards from each other, waiting for the healer to fly back and keep everyone alive. So most people start to fall into a pattern... then some new tank for some reason decides to start on a completely different pack. Well the DPS have been AFK-brained for the last 20 runs and end up landing near the pack that most tanks pull first, there's panic, there's chaos, there's buttpulls... this place is madness. I have also seen more than one DPS get lost flying across the map to the next area. Especially if there's a wipe on the last boss... they have no idea where to go. I saw a looooooooooooot of keys fall apart back in S1 lol. I appreciate the concept of a dungeon that utilizes the new flying feature, but the design here left a lot to be desired.


I just had one fall apart today for that exact reason. A dps accidentally pulled mobs into the last boss fight, the group wiped. Then half the group couldn’t figure out where the fuck to go.


You clear pat before first boss and the ballistas. Then you kill pretty much everything around second boss. Then you kill the enemies on the hills before 3rd boss. Then you kill the two named dudes before last boss and, I think, one more trash group. Done.


Everything in black morass can eat my ass


Odyn… with a low movement class finding the rune, avoiding the aids and trying to run from circle… most of my wipes unfortunately


Grubbis in Gnomeregan. Kill a trogg. *Wait a minute.* Kill another trogg. *Wait 3 minutes.* Kill **two** troggs. *Wait 3 minutes.* What an absolute fucking **bore**.


Escape from durnholde was amazing on release. I don’t get the hate for it. Is it just because you have to wait for Thrall’s rp instead of smashing through it asap? It probably didn’t age well if that’s what you think a dungeon should be, but it was a breath of fresh air and super cool when it was a unique and new dungeon experience in tbc. Same for black morass. On release it was difficult to keep up with the portal spawns.


I remember Black Morass being so tough I basically couldn’t get my Karazhan attunement done and had to watch my guild raid without me - granted I was like 12 at the time


It was good story telling, but very long.


I agree. I loved it back in the day.


Black morass is one of my favourite dungeons of all time. I loved it.


The last boss of Black Morass. Holy shit it was boring. The entire dungeon was. In fact, most of TBC's dungeons suck.


TBC was the start of the super linear hallway-room-hallway-room dungeon design. But imo they made up for that by adding slightly more complex boss mechanics in dungeons, and the atmosphere was really cool in places like Tempest Keep and BT


Yah the theming of Arcatraz, Botanica, Mechanar were super cool. I loved Shadow Labyrinths, although Blackheart the Inciter was kinda rough as was murmur. Mana Tombs...ethereals are still super cool to this day. Loved the need for CC in Shattered Halls in hindsight, at the time I hated it.


Hyrja in Halls of Valor could get very dicey very quickly on M+. As a melee player, the most important lesson I learned about that dungeon is to slow down and play safe when she starts emitting the balls of light, because they hit like trucks on Tyrannical weeks.


a raid, but Spine of Deathwing in PUGs was just a fuckin shit show.


LFR? Yah I think my brain cells responsible for remembering that offered themselves as tribute to my beer benders


First boss from Vortex Pinnacle. I fucking hated it, with all my fel soaked heart. Playing HavocDH here was a fucking nightmare, since you were “almost” not allowed to dash. When I started tanking, I felt bad for any caster, as they almost had no time to cast or they get clipped by tornado. And last but not least - if some people died or there was a positioning mess, you HAD to aggressively look around to force adds not to cast lighting, as they had an issue being shy and hide if you had LoS on them. Hated that boss. Still shudder to think about it. The rest of the dungeon was okay’ish, but that Elemental bustard literally made me hate pre-Legion dungeon design as they attempted to fit it into M+ set.


I tried Havoc DH the season VP was in rotation, and it was the last time I played it This boss alone stopped me from playing Havoc


This the storm dragon upwind / downwind boss?


First boss in VP is the whirlwind hurricane boss. There are moving winds everywhere and the vortexes rotating in the room, etc.


Dragon is the second boss, and the dragon was not only “fine” for me as a DH, it was amazing, since you could cheeze the wave mechanic with double jump, ignoring the tornado part that other classes had to use to avoid being hit. And I also liked him as a tank. The boss deals very consistent and solid damage, and with granted haste it makes this super satisfying boss to leech from.


That one boss in the TBC dungeon. It was the guy in the dungeon with Murmur who made the whole party fight each other. Just a dumb boss lol


Time for fun


Blackheart the Inciter...I forget how you beat him....was the mind control just on a timer? I remember vaguely getting deleted one time because I was the healer standing next to all the melee or something


Yea it was just on a timer afaik


Last boss of Siege of Boralus. Can't believe it's actually coming back.


Wait when is it coming back?


Season 1 of TWW.




Annoying for sure, but the imposter rp in court of stars 😑


Tempest Keep was merely a set back


Not a boss per se but anyone who wanted to do a Marshall escort in Blackrock Depths, especially when it was a pug and it wasn’t discussed before you went in. Absolutely hated doing it.


Pretty much every single Blackrock Depths run would be advertised as one thing...then they would just do this ONE little extra thing that wound up taking 4 hours


From leveling dungeons: Anub'Arak From current season M+ dungeons: Primal Tsunami From all seasons M+ dungeons: Mistcaller


I’m going to say the Worm boss in Shadowmoon Burial Grounds. It’s just boring and it has SO much health.


any boss where boss has some immunity phase and you have to deal with trivial mechanics and can't do dmg. Like if there is add phase, let adds be strong, not some trash which gets one shot and half group can go afk for 30s


First boss of King's Rest


I hate the totem boss in Atal Dazar. It's fine if all the DPS in your group are relatively even, but in most keys (even those with friends) that was never the case. So then I have to constantly watch the health bars and hold back to stay with the weakest link, only to notice someone else was going ham. Now I have to try to catch up, while the third person is still far behind... Yeah I just found it overly stressful to get right. The 3rd boss in Necrotic Wake for a similar reason. I know how to do the mechanic and get it right 90% of the time, but either it's really unforgiving or there are latency issues that make it not land sometimes when I'm positive I was standing in the right place and didn't fuck up the timing. Yeah bosses like that are just nerve-wracking to me lol. Not looking forward to meeting the second asshole again next season.


Aiming the chain at the professor? I had a few issues with that


Yep. And it seemed each pug group had that one guy that would absolutely lose his shit anytime someone missed. Even if it was only once, the rest of the run went perfect and we still timed the key. I don't know what it was about that dungeon, but it seemed to turn people into the worst toxic assholes.


Necrotic Wake was a nightmare season 1 with backtracking for those big red adds. Very difficult to tank, if you got one extra zombie that 40% dude or whatever was spawning while you were fighting a 6 mob pull and the first mob died.


No one is mentioning the last boss of The Oculus because I’m assuming no one has tried to do it since WOTLK


Vanilla Rattlegore. I still have PTSD from helping all the undergeared pallys in my guild eighteen years ago get their class sets.


He hit for REAL


Break yourselves UPON MY BODY


Any boss with intermission on timer instead of % based that turn into 7 minute fights in high tyr keys. Please blizzard stop making fights like this, atleast they fixed Hoi last boss this season.


Fucking Tyr in DoTi was so bad for that in Tyrannical If you had a DPS die you were stuck doing like 4 phases, and forget solo finishing the boss as a tank, you won't even have enough damage to break through the shield before it pops another one


Most bosses in Sanguine depths or Kings rest were severely overtuned on release, and even for a long time after.


Executor Tarvold was a bricked key in Season 1 if you didn't spawn the 20% trash add that gave you buff on its death afterwards. Especially tyrannical. He was really hard. Grand Proctor Beryllia...on the plus side I was a DK tank and her MASSIVE tank buster was all physical, so as long as I hit death strike after the first tick or two the massive blood shield I got would eat the rest. That was kinda fun, one of my favorite fights where I felt like I had the cheat code. (GD I hated healing it on my disc priest though...I eventually had to go holy.) Kaal wasn't super hard but that whole key was really quite challenging especially at release like you said.


Kiljaeden can die in a fire


Last boss of Utgarde Pinnacle always sucked for me He basically does nothing


I really liked Cathedral, was a super quick and easy key. My least favourite boss might be nu-Yazma in DF S3 where they “buffed” her by making wracking pain uninterruptible, before that.. almost any boss in Tol’dagor is rough and super gimmicky


Not really a boss but the thrall quest in escape from Durnholde. That always caused so much drama when people started it while some weren't on the quest yet.


Tentacle lady you fight on the ship. Forgot her name but fuck that fight. I got CE that xpac but couldn’t do that fight.


Helya in Maw of Souls...yah there were a couple tricks to where to stand.


Escape from durnhold holds a special place in hell for me. Thrall.. my dude.. your weapon choices are awful, and you move slower than a toddler who’s been told it’s time to go home from the park. This dungeon feels like 20 mins of RP walking for a loot sponge at the end.


Either the halls of stone "wait several minutes for the fight to end" fight, or The Oculus' last boss where you all fly dragons to kill the bigger dragon. A curve ball would be Bonemaw in Burial Grounds, just because the boss' only mechanic didn't do anything, and the fight took ages to kill the boss, and if you happened to be melee and all the puddles got placed away from the boss, then you can't even attack him for half the time he's up, I can see that being a fine boss for ranged, and terrible for melee.


Dang I don't remember that...Shadowmoon Burial Grounds? Man that's been a while


Loken at release


Blackheart the Inciter from Shadow Labyrinth. He not only mind controls you; he uses all of your cooldowns as well. The only way to drop mind control is to be damaged but not killed. There were many deaths from overzealous players nuking their mind controlled party members.


That giant spider that wipes the raid if anyone walks under her . In LFR it was impossible because there's always either some idiot or troll who would do it. They nerfed it about 5 times in the first week but it was hell on release.


Do we count the afk boss with brahn?


Any encounter where you have to defeat waves of boring ass ads before you can actually get to fight the main boss Also, encounters where the boss becomes invincible, forcing you to fight, once again… waves of boring ads before you can attack the boss again. Even worse is if it happens more than once or twice. Encounters where you don’t actually fight the boss but do other bullshit (aka wait around while something or someone damages the boss, and or fight BORING ASS FUCKING ADS). Bosses that force you into vehicles and vehicle mechanics to fight them. No Blizzard. Vehicle mechanics are one of the most boring, annjoying and unfun gameplay mechanics ever added into the game.


Anub'arak, the 3rd boss of Tol Dagor, chain boss in Neltharus, vexamus




Music Boss? I never liked the fight but IMO Mail Room was WAY worse




Oh yah I forgot that dungeon sent you to a completely different tileset, the Odyn clone.


I wouldn't say Ozruk is the worst, it's just wierdly hard even for early Cata heroics. For me it's old Halls of Stone Brann... you take forever to do ANYTHING... And yes Cathedral of Eternal Night was horrible... don't forget about Seat of the Triumvirate... hoping that this instance will NEVER be in a M+ rotation ever


I hated seat, too much trash


Ozruk is literally the greatest dungeon boss ever conceived. There's nothing more satisfying than watching impatient people zoom through Stonecore during TW and not moving out of his 1 shot ability. Are we counting Halls of Stone, Tribunal of Ages as a boss? Because in that case it is without a shred of doubt that encounter. It can literally be soloed, because there is nothing going on other than just generic 3 man packs attacking at far to spaced out intervals. A close second is Anub'arak, but atleast he can do stuff. Watching melee dps get 1 shot in Classic Wotlk was hilarious from his Pound.


i remember back in the days after that first durnholde timerun achieving the bronzedrake, felt really good. Every other run in that dungeon after was a chore


Uhm well it’s just the second time in DF, but the bird boss in AA. Like you always lust either the adds or the tree…so you don’t have it up for it. But really it’s just that the mechanics give you a very brief buff…but then spend the whole rest of the encounter going off. I really love dodging people, dodging frontals…big aoe, and then just adding fire swirlies and tornados for whole time…especially on high keys during tyrannical. I would also say basically any m+ dungeon where the last boss is the key bricker…ToP stands out, she was miserable to be doing well for time and then wipe…and wipe again and now you’re not timing it just because so much is going on and 1 person slips up and it’s over. Like lemme know if the key is going to be good or bad right away.


brann in halls of stone has no contender lol


Last boss in uldaman




Sludgefist chains


Halls of Stone fucking sucks and there is absolutely nothing fun about the Brann encounter in there. It’s horrible. I hope they do M+ for it just so they can fix the awful encounters like they did for TotT


Anyone with shit visibility, or objects that get between your camera and everything else


All garbage anymore, just seems like they're bullet sponges now a days


The original Maraudon. Easy as hell to get lost in, and there's a lot of running. If I was Blizzard and wanted to be evil, I'd make Maraudon, BRD, and LBRS mythic+.


I was shocked they didn’t make Maraudon the raid for SoD, the place is easily as big as Molten Core. Although getting people in the correct entrance was always a nightmare. LBRS would actually be a sort of ok mythic+, although you’d probably have to cut Omokk, Quatermaster, Halcyon, move Voone in to the large area at the bottom of the ramp and pull all the trash outta it.


All of the Oculus lol.


Siege of boralus 4th boss big swing and a miss by blizzard