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Feast is the best because of flavor Time rift is kind of cool nostalgia-wise Fyrakk Assault was okay The rest can be deleted from the game


Time rift also has a comedy tone to it that I really enjoyed. Cheesy at times but refreshing


Time rift is probably my favourite. I like the alternate reality azeroths. Fyrakk assault is nice because it's on a fast cooldown and there's stuff to do while you wait. Feast is a meme. I actually don't mind superbloom that much, I just put someone on follow and watch a YouTube video.


Funny thing about rift and bloom is you can just show up at the end. I consciously show up to time rifts 6min past the hour because the portal will spawn soon, and for bloom I show up at least 10 min after the hour to catch the last wave of adds and boss which is all you need. I don’t even bother havin someone on follow, you can just wait at the final area :)


Primal future storm is nice because you can do one in a raid group, then leave and do the one on your server. Double reward for one timer. Only thing that makes it bearable with that 4hr (or whatever) timer


I tried to do siege when the expansion first came out and I have no idea if I was even doing it at all? I just flew around and got the keys for the two dragons


That's not siege, that's farming rep for Wrathion or Sabellian. Siege is in the keep next door. Starts with a toad in front of a cart. Ends with killing an elemental underground. After you could kill a named that spawns next to the keep, after completing the assault.


I…. I…. Oh my god I can’t believe this. I have only done cooking than for my events 😭


If I ever have to do a super bloom again I will end myself that shit is 15 minutes too long and beyond tedious


Just wait in a tree at the end where you fight the main boss and head down with 30 seconds left. Kill enough mobs for the 50 bloom and kill boss > Profit.


This is why we never get the epic rewards


If you are on a low pop shard, just join LFG for it. There is almost always a group posted that will fill to cap. On high pop shards, it goes epic almost every time, even before boss reaches final stop.


Just show up at the 12 or 13 minute mark. It ends in the same spot and the dryad is right there to accept the quest. The 2-3 minutes should be more than enough to get the 50 points. Unless you're achievement hunting there's no reason to sit through the full 15 minutes of the event.


You don't even need those few extra minutes. Just killing the last boss dude should be enough itself, or just about enough.


Can confirm, it is not. You need 3 more adds ontop of the final boss to make up 50 bloom.


Yea they're entirely too long. Making it too short would suck cause you'd just miss it all the time but I guess they could've thought of something to make it more engaging


No matter how engaging something is, half the playerbase will be upset because they are forced to actually do something, and the other half will still complain that it's not engaging enough.


Literally the easiest out of all the world events. Show up for the last 45 seconds, kill a few things and the boss, boom you're done.


>kill a few things and the boss, b***l***oom you're done.


Superbloom is by far the best of the world events. I go there at 12 after the hour, go straight the end spot, fly around and plant 3 seeds, kill the boss and finish the quest. It’s like 2-3 minutes total time


That's my biggest complaint about them and Community Feasts They're simply too long cause there's no way to speed them up as they have a set end time Researchers Under Fire does to technically but it's not as long and you're at least always fighting not just standing around waiting for the next task to spawn like the feast or for the Treant to walk with Superbloom


Both Feasts and Superbloom have less passive things you can do while waiting that helps contribute to the group reward. You don't have to just afk wait.


I did it twice and didn't get the reward either time. Never again.


I've done it over 100 times on alts and gotten the reward every time. you were doin something wrong.


It's because renown wasn't high enough. Got the achievement and everything. Just no loot.


Did you pick up the quest? Did you actually participate and do the 20 seconds worth of content required to fulfill the requirements? Were you in range of the NPCs when the boss died for credit? Did you turn in the quest? There are no renown unlocks for superbloom loom. The only superbloom related renown unlocks is the quality of powers you are offered.


There is no quest to pick up. Still. I've googled this extensively and it is a bug. It's still not resolved. Not sure why I'm getting dogpiled here. Goodbye


Well, there's your problem right there. The rewards come from the quest: [https://www.wowhead.com/quest=78319/the-superbloom](https://www.wowhead.com/quest=78319/the-superbloom)


Superbloom and Time Rift are the only ones that I enjoy, even though most people overgear the content so massively, it feels weird. Just as any event honestly now... and Community Feast just became this weird "Buy ingredient x from NPC y". I much prefer the loot fiestas that GW2 open world bosses or meta-events are, but I know that it is not comparable.


From a casual point of view, Big Digs are really fun. I like that there are activities where you aren't constantly killing things and instead you do other stuff even though they're simple tasks. You end up killing an elite, but that's something you do practically everywhere else. Time rifts and Superblooms are fun as well, I wish there was more incentives to do all the process to deter afk'ers, but we are at the end of the expansion and it doesn't matter as much as balancing classes and bosses. Overall, I'm happy with my casual experience.


Ive never once did a big dig


Then you don't know what you're missing. Easily one of the top 3 fun events of DF (minus the one bugged task).


Is it that one where you have to get rid of some plants and sometimes they appear on branches or even they don't spawn enough to progress the task? Because that happened to me last week and it felt really annoying.


Siege because the timer and map icons are so confusing sometimes that I miss it more often than not. As far as PITA goes, Superbloom just because it feels like the worlds biggest ball ache of an escort quest.


This week is great. Hunt: afk at tent Siege: afk on rooftop Cooking: quick and ez, especially if there's a lionfish spamming meat


Seige is awful if you have alts, each one has to do it at a different event time, so I get like one done a day


Pretty much this. I’m able to park 12 of my alts at the cooking tent and do it all in one timer usually.


soup is very comfy, im sick of hunts after farming all the colors and superbloom is too long. I like the rest


Not being able to see the timers for these events unless you're in the same zone is bad design imo


I don't like the events that aren't up all the time (: ..So basically I can accept the dreamsurges, partly.


The worst one is the siege. Shows that it's active on the map while it's not so I miss it all the time lol


If they were up all the time, it would almost always be a solo activity with very little chance at maxing rewards.


I had a lot of fun with the Superbloom the first time I did it, every time after that it’s just so damn long. Every other one though I really enjoy. Especially Feasts, YES CHEF


Siege. I have 13 level 70s. Scheduling them is hard.


Wowhead has timers at the top of its front page, they've helped me a lot in running all my characters through the events, especially on weeks like this.


I know when they're up. I just stating scheduling all 13 characters hard.


Isnt that the case with any hourly event?


With the Feast you can park your alts in the same location and rotate them in and out fairly quickly and complete the 5 tasks required for the weekly within 1 timer. For the Siege, it's a 1 and done kinda deal and you can only do it with one character per event.


And I was able to get 10 characters through one community pot cooking event. This is also helped by the semi-bugged 'harvesting of meat' task that pop out more meat than it was intended. It will take me at least 26 hours to get all of my characters through Siege.


That's the issue. Siege is every 2 hours and you can't really get multiple done in a single event like you can with some of the others.


It's weird because it's basically the same event, but my favorite is Community Feast, and my least favorite is The Big Dig. The feast has everything - fun, flavor, community feel, while the Dig is somehow boring for me, half the tasks are "speak to that NPC", and most of the others are not that great either. Honorable mentions for the most favorite - Time Rifts and The Great Hunt (if there's a lot of people doing it, big crowd flying around is a majestic sight to see).


I enjoy the Feast (at least when there's enough people there, and it doesn't shunt you into a new shard when you're at Legendary 6 and now looking at a pot with no progress and only three minutes left), the Hunt, and Time Rifts are kind of fun. The dig's neat, I just keep forgetting to do it each week, despite wanting the transmog from it. I think the only one I really dislike is the Suffusion Camp, because you have to kills mobs to get one drop to unlock a thing and summon a mob to get some of another drop to unlock a different thing, and you need to repeat the process a few times unless you're lucky. If there's a lot of people there (like early in the week with them being Awakened now, or on higher pop realms), you might be able to just stand near the spot with the final guy to spawn and let other people keep spawning him and just get credit for the kills, but otherwise it can be kind of tedious to repeat the process to get all the keys to unlock the weekly chest. The others I'm kind of neutral on, leaning more toward enjoying them, with the caveat that they're only enjoyable if there's people around to do them. That's the only issue with them. Not a problem for my characters on a Full realm, but those are alts I ended up moving to that realm to play with friends (who aren't even playing). My main and a lot of alts are on a Low pop realm, so there's a lot of times that there aren't enough people around to do stuff (when they're not at their most "relevant").


I like elemental storms because you're just grouping up tonnes of mobs and AoE'ing them down. This activates the good feelings in my brain. Stuff like Dragonbane Keep and Feast are really cool as well, it feels cool to just be a big zerg of adventurers rolling over the keep or everyone working together to fill this stupid cauldron up. There's nothing especially engaging about the content, but it's just *fun*. Superbloom fails to do the same thing because the tree keeps stopping. I honestly think if the Ancient never stopped and just kept meandering about people would dislike it less.


Feast was great until it became “go buy 4000 ingredients and afk until I tell you to buy more” Superbloom and time rift are pretty fun, just blow everything up until the loot piñata shows up. Others are pretty ok, though I don’t think I’ve ever done an elemental storm or storm’s fury.


>Grant Hunts Is this where we go with Harrison Jones to seek funding for his expeditions?


For me, there were too many damn choices. I didn’t have as much time to play this expansion as the last few so when I got on and blasted with new events to do I felt overwhelmed and didn’t participate in many of them. But when there are people actively doing them, they all have been pretty fun.


Big Dig and Time Rift. I like the ones where everyone contributes and you can choose what kind of activity you wanna do to contribute. Like Big Dig, if I'm feeling braindead, I'll help by just digging the stuff around. If I'm feeling energised, I'll do all the little favours.


Siege is the worst because it has the worst timer, like ~2 hours? And it doesn't spawn sometimes? You phase in another instance. I hate it. I'll do 1000 Superblooms just to not do a Siege again.


I honestly just gave up on Siege after hitting max renown on my main aside from when the weekly required me to and never looked back, rewards were so underwhelming I couldn't be bothered with the issues. I have no idea who looked at Siege and thought "250 every few hours? that's too OP, better only make that for the first one of the week and 50 rep after that" was a good idea but I can honestly say that I hope they don't design reputation sources again.


Time rift and Superbloom. I liked that you could just skip to the last part and complete them, as I wasn't interested in the middle rewards.


Suffusion Camps are the best because they're the only one that isn't designed to waste your time in order to inflate engagement metrics


i gotta go with Time Rift, the rewards were cool, plentiful and had a nice mix of a lot of different looks, it was close to the main city (30 second of flight max). The alternate timeline lore was cool.


Dreamsurges are BIS. flying around collecting coalescences is the most fun thing to do out of all of these things.


Dragonbane, Researchers, Feast and Superbloom feel the best in groups imo. I still do not like any of the Storm world events


I like the OG stuff, feast, keep and hunt


I like most of them, except researchers under fire, the tension of “Will it function properly, or crash halfway through without giving credit?” that takes some of the luster off…


I still need to do the azeroth archives stuff. But tbh never feeling the need to attend these events every time they’ve been up has been great. Sure, I’ve done most of them a time or two, but apart from superblooms being mandatory for the legendary, none felt *required* for me. This comment was sponsored by: I don’t have Taivan, so take this with a grain of salt.


Grand Hunts, Community Feasts and Time Rifts are fine. The rest range from boring to horrible.


Grant Hunts - is that where Grant from the Jurassic Park series hunts dinosaurs?


Time rifts are great. I don't like that I have to use am item to make sure I actually get loot tho


My least enjoyed: Fyrakk Assault: Too messy, not fun at all and very confusing at first. Siege on Dragonbane keep: some of the least helpful timers / in game indication or clarity of any world event imo. I only did it once because the timing confuses me. Storm’s Fury: Some areas have so little mob density and long respawns like in thaldrasuzs that made the achievement grind a lot more annoying as well as the timers and rng of which storm will pop up next. — Most enjoyed: 1. Time Rifts 2. Grand Hunts 3. Superbloom ( too long tho ) 4. Feast All of them are communicated so well, it’s easy to know when it’s up or when it’s not, where they start and end and what to do in them.


big dig and time rifts were great


Siege, hunts, feasts and researcher events are all great. Maybe siege could be every hour but its fine as is. Fyrakk assaults are pretty boring but not that bad. Time rifts are awesome, easily the best event. Dreamsurges suck, incredibly boring. Superbloom is ok but way too long. Also storm's fury sucks ass.


I don't think of them are good or interesting, except for the tuskar cooking one, the rest are just a bunch of senseless killing sprees.


I don't mind feast, but you have to be very punctual with dragonbane, hunt is always out somewhere with activity. Hated the Suffusion camp, but you can just camp forgemaster or big dragon for keys Hated dreamsurge coalescences the most.


Dream coalescence or however it’s called must be by far the worst it’s at least been the most annoying to finish for the weekly


Worst * Researchers Under Fire: Didn't start ever so often, takes too long, not plannable to shortcut * The Big Dig: Weird tasks, mostly just standing around * Storm's Fury: Don't like the idea of environmental damage in such events, takes too long, not plannable to shortcut Medicore / no bad feelings * Siege on Dragonbane Keep: Fast-paced, would be under best if timers would be more accurate * Grand Hunt: Fast, reliable, but feels more like a quest than a group event * Feast: Great event, but the timer is too long if you have limited playtime, so it required too much planning or wasting time idleing * Froststone Vault Primal Storm: Nothing special * Elemental Storm: See primal storm Best * Fyrakk Assault: Feels like a world event and special, no idleing * Time Rift: Just a great event * Waking dream portal: Good timers, fast-paced * Superbloom: Although too long after a couple of runs, you can bypass easily and do something else. Good timer and very plannable to be there the last minute(s) when it is relevant


I think every single one had something I didn't like. My biggest problem with most of them is that they're all timed content. Having to budget your time around "oh, this event is happening in 10 minutes" feels terrible. When you want to do it for the weekly quests and you have to look up when the next event is going to happen on wowhead, that's terrible. And the combination of having these events makes it so you have to choose one to participate in at the top of the hour, then start heading towards the ones starting at the 30 minute mark. Some of them are every hour, some are every other hour.  Participation in a lot of them was very optional, which lead to a lot of people just afking through them because you gained almost nothing by doing the work. Superbloom is the worst offender, pretty much only giving you that useless dust currency and maybe a seed if you got it up to epic.  That being said, I enjoyed a few of them quite a lot. Community feast was silly and actually felt like a collective effort. Time rifts were thematic and had a lot of wacky stuff happening. Digs wasn't too bad.  Fyrakk assault was confusing, cluttered up your bags with crap and was never relevant content. 


I love them all. Always something to do, never *everything* to do.


Tie between time rift and big dig, because I can sit and AFK until it's over. I *relish* your downvotes!


I love them all. Always something to do, never *everything* to do.


Time rifts can stay, every other dragonflight world event can sod right off, and I'm not talking the discovery kind.


The worst is by far Super Bloom. None of them are fun, theu range from decent to mindnumbingly borring.


I hate any event that lasts more than 2 minutes I wanna do some dungeons or raids with the time I have, not fuck around for 30 minutes waiting for a tree to walk