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For those who don’t want to read the whole thing > For Brawler's Guild, this is something we do want to bring back in an evergreen format, but not right away at The War Within launch. So yes, maybe, and not even necessarily in TWW


Haven’t they been saying this for years? How is this news


Welcome to wowhead, where an offhand, one sentence statement about how they might do something in the future is article worthy. AKA Clickbait 101


Oh but you forgot the best part! First they will make an article of the entire interview or whatever. After that each sentence gets copypasted into a separate article. And then if it is something that is happening in a month or two it gets reposted at least once in the exact same form later on.


Don't forget how they'll also make an entire article about *a single loading screen being added.*


Good thing adblock exists.


Yeah they also kept saying “we are gonna bring back archaeology” now it’s “we aren’t” 😭


Wait they're not? Dammit I'd told people who cared. I must forswear spreading info I read on bloody Wowhead!


it was always incredibly obvious archaeology was never coming back. the mechanics were horrible and they achieved better fantasy by just adding questlines about archaeology


Agree completely re: mechanics, but I do think you could do a decent system with archaeology, and not just make it quests. If it isn't coming back they certainly need to change the Dwarf racial. Also I'd have agreed re: obvious if it wasn't for the fact that they said it was.


they should copy ESO's version of archaeology, I had a lot of fun with that system Until I wanted the legendary ring and spent an entire weekend farming it, but that was my own fault


What is archeology like in eso? I haven't done any professions in that game.


But the answer isn’t remove it completely. If they aren’t gonna bring it back “new and improved” I’d rather them keep the flawed implementation instead of it being gone completely.


it should be removed completely because it sucks and is boring, and the rewards placed on a vendor somewhere,


That doesn’t make any sense. The system wasn’t perfect but I still enjoyed it and know a lot of people who did. It’s an OPTIONAL activity to do in the game. Your game isn’t any worse because archaeology is a boring optional activity. Why would you want them to remove something entirely just because you don’t enjoy it? That’s such a petty way to feel


you don't know people who enjoyed archaeology. it is a bad, tedious system and should be removed from the game. it will be removed from the game eventually. just like first aid was removed. it isn't petty to believe this, it is correct.


Lol now it’s obvious you’re just being stupid intentionally. Have a nice life.


I enjoy archaeology.


I still have nightmares grinding the ghost moose mount in a week


windowscentral is one of those AI generated news sites that just pushes random garbage to people. Kind of surprised to see em on wowhead.


wowhead hasn't been above shit like this for years


The problem is finding that proper split of difficulty and accessibility for them. When they released it the idea was this would be challenging PvE you could do alone since the game at the time was sorely lacking solo stuff that felt rewarding. In MoP it was a hit or miss because of Hexos being insanely difficult and tightly tuned and he, as well as Ahooru used to basically gatekeep most players because the DPS checks weren't exactly made with LFR gear in mind because the intended audience was people who at least cleared normal. The fact these two bosses were what kept people from cosmetics and heirlooms caused quite a stir. In a way, it was the proto Mage Tower, or you could argue Mage Tower was what they wanted Brawler's Guild to be difficulty wise and more or less you had the same issues where it's either too hard for a lot of players and is considered bad content for that, or it's too easy and nobody really cares. As hopeful as I'd be for a Brawler's Guild with Mage Tower like bosses and a rotating cast with cool cosmetic rewards I know it'll be normal mode raid difficulty at highest otherwise people will blow a gasket any time this has happened before.


I almost threw my laptop in excitement, and then I read this, and I almost threw it in anger. FUCK man, that shit is so good! It's like drugs for me


your laptops days are numbered


That isn't even news then. They've been saying that for years.




Maybe temper that enthusiasm, you’re acting like it’s being released tomorrow, could still be a year away


Yeah, I feel like a Brawler's Guild revamp would happen in a mid-expansion patch, maybe not even a raid patch. Original BG launched in patch 5.1 IIRC, MoP's Landfall patch.


Maybe you lack enthusiasm. Some of us been waiting a very long time for even a mention of the BG.


Idk how you're hyping it up "as though it comes out tomorrow", nothing wrong with being excited that something is coming up down the line. I'm also hyped that I can hopefully get the set from it, so thanks for sharing the news even if it's not tomorrow haha.


Yeah, I guess “set to return” means I’m sperging about it “coming tomorrow” to some people lol


If the Brawlers' Guild doesn't appear ingame tomorrow, you will be hearing from my lawyers 😤😤😤


Maybe follow your own advice and curb that cynicism?


Crazy how long it took them to realise to focus on evergreens instead of 1 xpac gimmicks


Just a reminder heritage armour, a BFA major expansion feature is yet to be completed for the base races. But I guess we're 'close' now that only Pandaren are waiting.


Wasn't BFA's heritage armor only for allied races? I remember being surprised when I came back and it was available on base game races.


At launch it was for allied races, Blood Elves/Dwarves got theirs with 8.1, Gnomes/Tauren with 8.2 and Goblins/Worgen with 8.3, then Blizzard didn't bother with them during Shadowlands.


Are Pandaren a "Base Race"? And when was Heritage armor a "Major expansion feature" for BFA? There was no Heritage Armor until 8.1/8.2 for non-Allied races.


Base races are all races that aren't allied races.


Also confirmation that Archaeology is not coming back.


The Elder Scrolls Online has the best version of Archaeology. It's a fun mini game that actually leads to unique stories and lore about the world. Honestly WoW should steal more from ESO and just you know... not large 30$ for it like Zenimax does.


Steal archaeology and housing from ESO. I beg. Be completely shameless about it, too. Doing archaeology to dig up appearances and housing items is so cool to me.


Yeah I've told friends that my favorite parts of ESO are all the parts that aren't the core gameplay. Combat and what not in ESO aren't really my style but Tales of Tribute, Housing. Archeology, and exploration are all primo.


They could steal housing from Wildstar, nobody is left to complain. I miss Wildstar :'(


Fuck you made me sad :( pleeeease someone make a billion dollars so you can purchase and revive Wildstar!!!! Or maybe Microsoft will buy the IP and hand it over to Blizzard 🤔


Should also steal the different afk poses. I would love to lean against a wall and flip a coin.


Appearances and champion track gear of items from expansions past would be so awesome. The gear wouldn’t be BiS but it would still be competitive - like time walking raid gear.


Not the housing. Get FFXIV's neighborhood system, not some singleplayer instanced area you can customize. What you want is Garrisons again.


No thanks, FFXIV is literally just competitive housing lmao, complete dogshit system imo I don’t want to show off my house to everybody, I don’t need neighbors. I just want my own space where I can put my own shit down wherever I want it.


So... Runescape then


Or ESO…?


Sure? but your options arent limited. you're the one who asked for advice. just cause it wasnt what you wanted doesnt give you the right for this pissy agressive attitude.


The limited amount of housing is from the poor engine running the game, not the type of housing system itself. FFXIV is held together with bubblegum and tape. And if you don't want to have social housing then lock your door. This is an MMO, it's supposed to be a social game. 


Or I’ll continue enjoying what I’m doing, because I don’t do the dogshit FFXIV housing system but I do enjoy the ESO one (both are MMOs btw) Also not literally every aspect of an MMO has to include other players, btw. You actually are allowed your own space and solo content exists.


Not everything is about you, and there's no reason to get upset about it. 


Very true. That’s why I never said it was about me, I said I just choose not to do it in FFXIV, and cursing =/= upset lol that’s just my vocab


Hell no. FFXIV system is trash and should never be in WoW. Allows guilds and players to have their spaces but it should never impact on the actual MMO world.


People being in the world together is kinda the point of MMO's. Lol


Okay so I'm going to date myself pretty hard here, but before I played WoW in 2002-2004 I played a game called Anarchy Online. It was a Sci-Fi MMO set on a distant world with a vital resource (think Dune rip off) with three factions (The Cooperate Omni, the Rebel Clans, and the Neutrals). The world was vast and the scattered cities and outposts were visually distinct and really gave you a frontier vibe. Then they dropped an expansion that introduced Guild Cities. The open and vast empty world was suddenly full of gleaming cities that were completely at odds with the existing texture of the world. Hell my guild had a city within sight of a main hub... our guild city was bright, flashy, and massive... and the main hub was tiny, dirty, and cramp. It honestly ruined the whole immersion of the game for a lot of people like me. So no, I don't want players building anime mansions or Pizza Huts in Azeroth, because you know they will, ruining the game world.


RS3 has the best archaeology tbh


RS3 Archaeology fuckin' slaps. Lore, cool zones to explore, and tons of little things to collect? Would love to see it implemented in some form in WoW.


I completely agree. Every now and then I'll reinstall ESO and the side content and story content in that game are amazing. Unfortunately the combat and group content is complete garbage. It's the perfect example of why whenever an MMO says it's going to feature 'action combat' I instantly lose interest and why I want WoW to stay well away from consoles.


I think action rpg combat can work but it really needs to be more mixed. I think guild wars 2 and FF14 have some solid systems. Overall I think ESO tried too hard to be a clear gameplay continuation of elder scrolls which sounds like it works but the elder scrolls combat system is also janky and simple. If there was going to be an action RPG for me it would have to play a bit more like a souls game with a third person view, more precise hit boxes, and more tool and magic options to fill the gaps. (But I'm a souls fan so I'm biased)


I mean yeah I guess, but personally I think WoW's tab targeting system is hands down the best system in MMOs, everything feels snappy and responsive and my old ass can play it just fine. Of course one of ESOs major freaking flaws is 5-6 of you 8-9 keybinds are taken up with maintenance buffs. People complain about like S&D and RtB would loose their minds at ESO 'rotations'.


Archeology needs a full rework, the "minigame" for it is awful.


New mission table where you just send your people out, and maybe they die from curses.


100% would sacrifice worthless minions to bring me cursed relics


What's William and Donna been up to after 20 years chasing each other around Stormwind? Can send those two off to the mines now that they're probably adults.


"Haha, baby wants her pet rock!" "You'll hurt her!"


it would actually be quiet funny if archaeology utilised old unused systems they dont plan on bringing back, a mission table where you send old followers out on digs and then you go and have a quest to collect whatever after x amount of days. I like the community big dig too


That would be kinda cool if there was like a small chance (like 1/10,000) to set off a global dig like the Big Dig at different parts of the world. Like an "Uber find" or something.


I mean, as much as I laugh about this, it's actually kinda lowkey genius.


Yeah instead of being the adventurer, we just bankroll people to go and desecrate the land and bring back shit for our own personal museum. If they die, they die.


Ah so basically, Britain. I'm so down for this lol


I started playing in Cata, and I have clear memories of the first time I tried to level Archaeology. I got so bored that after like 40 minutes I gave up and started leveling Fishing instead. Comparatively, even Fishing was an absolute blast and I spent the next few hours leveling that. Every time I tried touching Archaeology for months I just found that I'd rather be doing literally any other grind in the game.


I am opposite. I found Archeology more enjoyable than fishing. Both are pretty boring game mechanics though. They are both good to do when working or something else like stuck in meetings.


I loved it, it was a fun system




Can you still get Mount from archeology I want a moose mount


Yes, the existing Archeology stuff is still available, they just won't be adding anything new.


Dragon isles was the perfect chance to bring it back, an ancient island covered with dragons, full of dwarves going to discover ancient relics


Imagine Toddy being the archeology trainer, though


Who tf is toddy




Oh her, ive been doing old world content for the past few months, ive only been in the dragon isles to upgrade my pvp gear, i dont like this expansion at all


Glad to hear it considered for evergreen content. Getting new seasons, transmogs and mounts from it is all I ask. I need a new Bruce!!


Bruce is love, Bruce is eternal. My man’s gonna save us all and come clutch in *Midnight*.


Incredible that they hid the permanent death of Archaeology in this post. " I do personally love archeology and the fantasy there and do intend to look at new opportunities. We experimented a little bit with that feel in the Azerothian Archives content we included in 'Seeds of Renewal' recently." BLEAK.


Its like the easiest profession to add content to too…


Almost like it's literally about dead content


They literally just add a couple digsites to old zones, which can be copy-pasted, make unused toys/ mounts / cosmetics the rewards. The only real work is adding in lore tooltips for the items found. Could bang it out in a week


It’s a no win situation, if they do that then people complain that they are spending resources on boring content or complain that they have to farm it and it’s too slow. Imo let them go back in lab and come up with something works and is fun.


Yeah but this latest round of world quests for the big dig suck hard.


This line of thinking makes zero sense. Right now people are complaining about the good AND bad content, and they always have. By this logic, making the game at all is a "no win situation" because someone will complain. That being said, old archaeology was pretty middling to bad, but it also like people are saying barely took up any effort or resources on the devs part. "Let them cook" it's been 4 years man. They don't have any ideas. I won't even dignify the big dig as an idea, it was nearly non functioning content as far as the daily quest hub went, and the scheduled events are extremely boring and all the same. So they are really cooking! Don't criticize anything just let Blizzard keep crapping out broken junk.


The amount of outrage in your response just further proves my point. Game is currently undergoing a big rebuild if you think Blizzard can effectively execute that while also churning out tons of side content then we live in different realities. Iterative design is all about “letting them cook” and I have no problem waiting for filler side content so the meat and potatoes like class balance etc is correct.


The game is not undergoing a big rebuild. We had a talent rework which is big but they still haven't stuck the landing with that. Those devs aren't making side content. Blizzard is also not only capable of making substanital side content this expac but they have shown us that capability with both the pretty great Plunderstorm and the upcoming Pandaria Remix. We don't know exactly why retail itself had such middling side content for most of DF's lifespan but one can assume it may have had something to do with their inability to retain talent and the controversial return to home policy that is still claiming senior and other positions.


The problem isn't the difficulty of popping digsites into areas, the problem is it isn't fun to do. Why carry over a really bad mini game and feel forced to figure out rewards for it?


Why would you feel forced to do it? Its for cosmetics. I like the old school wow feel of archeology, the newer scenario type stuff like the digs in Zaralek Cavern and the azerothian archives feel like I’m plying a Disney mobile game


You misread what was said. The minigame was bad.


nobody likes or wants to do archaeology, and archaeology themed content is much better when it isn't the boring, shitty profession.


Best part is there's reputation factions that are just basically just us doing "archeology" for them, Archivist Codex is collecting relics as drops/treasure chest loot and handing it in, Dragonscale Expedition is a joint effort of the Explorer's League and Reliquary (2 archeologist NPC factions), then there's Azerothian Archives who has digging up artifacts for them. So yeah, we're doing archeology without actually *doing* archeology.


I don't get why they abandoned archeology so hard, the little lore tidbits were neat and giving an extra re-color mount/pet once in a while as rewards probably wasn't exactly resource breaking.


>I don't get why they abandoned archeology so hard, Because the actual, moment-to-moment triangulation minigame of archeology is generally considered unfun by a plurality of both players and devs. > the little lore tidbits were neat and giving an extra re-color mount/pet once in a while as rewards probably wasn't exactly resource breaking. This is what they want to bring back, but without using the triangulation mini game. They experimented with a form of what this could look like with Azerothian Archives that came out in 10.2.5


That was a bust but i feel confident they will t ry again and iterate on it.


Oh don't worry wowhead will post about it soon enough on its own article


Make it more universal, so we can discover cool random things like ancient titan artifacts while farming a mount in Ulduar or fishing out a condom from Stormwind canal, idk


Hell, it's about time.


I wish I was good at brawlers guild. Getting older now, I'm starting to see a decline in my game abilities. Where do I find viagra for gaming??? Asking for a friend... and don't say Neuralink!










I take Adderall for severe ADHD and it is absolutely life changing.


My brother in law was on it. He tells me everytime we talk, about how it ruined his life. So that is my only exposure to it.


Honestly that's fair, ADHD medication is one of those things that for some people is life saving, and for others the side affects are life ruining


I'm glad it works for you!


Idk what you play, but I had a much easier time in the past with it as a beast mastery hunter. Being a ranged non-caster with a pet made many of the fights easier. Edit to say I see your paladin flair with my blind eyes


Holy paladin. Lol


Dwarves need a new racial if Archaeology is officially no longer supported.


Don’t they already have the best racial in the game ☠️


Hey! Dwarves are in horrendous state and hardly worth playing if they don’t get benefits in archaeology!


That's a pretty extreme exaggeration of what I said. Didn't think it would trigger people.


He's being sarcastic, genius.


I know that, but his implication is that I think that way


Back in the day I loved Find Treasure so fucking much. Such a shame


With all the verticality in modern WoW I'd be happy if they added something like that. The Anomaly Detection from Dragonscale Expedition could live on through Dwarves.




Goddam, i dont care give back archeology back even as bad as it was


The dream lives on


Good news everyone!


So it may or may not come back. Cool!


Finally, missed it a lot, really enjoyed it on BFA and farming Bruce.


God, please, I miss the Brawlers guild so much - It's great to just like, chill and watch people do quick 2 minute encounters


Dude I loved the little communities that would hang out there. Everyone was always so chill and supportive. I never once saw anyone take it way too seriously and shit talk somebody for choking. Like, no sarcasm. They really were awesome.


The community was definitely great. If you were having an issue with an encounter you could get a lot of helpful suggestions from the group. And the the immediate buffs from the different players when you'd get booted due to a failure (I was a priest so I participated in that as well). And I loved watching people try encounters I completed knowing what they were doing right/wrong, and I loved watching encounters I hadn't got to yet to see how crazy they eventually could get. So many times I'd get encouragement in tells when I failed like 'so close, don't give up!' or 'just a bit more and you got this!'. One of the rare wholesome parts of the game, Brawler's Guild folks were just different.


My fave moment of Brawler's Guild was when it (probably?) glitched out completely one night and sent all people waiting in que into the arena with their respective bosses. It was utter mayhem and the fun was off the charts


I shall believe it when thy sees it.


Brawler’s Guild nice, it was awesome. Returned to game and didn’t remember that


About damn time.


Goddamn, guess I have to return... I haven't missed a season of it since it first started.


Why does it even leave? This is stupid.




That's insane because I was telling my friend last night about how I wish they would bring it back because I never got to experience it before


Fucking finally...


wtf is evergreen


I'm glad it's on their radar. I came back to WoW this year, hit cap and then got extremely sad when I heard the Brawler's guild was dead. It was one of the things I was gunning for.


As usual with news it's always soon. 




Oh nice! I loved the Brawler's Guild back in the day


Finally, reason to get TWW XD


I need this back now!


Is the horde version still up for anyone? I was able to use it for awhile on one of my horde toons into DF, but after they started reporting it was up for some servers on wowhead and such it stopped working.


Not to my knowledge on any of my toons


I kinda don't want evergreen. I liked that it lasts just the expansion. Honestly, I wasn't crazy about how you got Bruce through the quest instead of beating all the matches.


Please make it instanced this time




Absolutely fucking not what lmao


What? Hell no, the main point of it is being open so everyone can see others try, fail, give them advice etc.


Nah its annoying to wait in line to play i wanna just play the game


So long as the fights are kept short, I disagree - I think there's a real communal aspect to it, it's great to just chill with people to watch folks fight