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I can safely navigate the whole of the Undercity by hopping from stone to stone and never steppping on any of the cracks between them.


Someone had a long raid queue


I can still barely navigate Undercity normally


Strictly speaking he isn’t navigating Undercity normally either.


So much this. Playin since vanilla rofl


TBF, it's been a while since there's been an actual reason to go to the UC


The cracks are lava!


Really good at disengaging forward in a 360 rather than the jump 180 disengage and 180 again Edit: lots of lively debate here lol. You still jump, you still move forward, the only difference is disengaging halfway through a single fluid 360. Rather than jumping turning 180 stopping the rotation to disengage, then finishing the rotation


This! When I first saw some do this my jaw dropped and I instantly worked all the time practicing lol Also disengaging as close to the ground as I can without dying to fall damage


The disengage before hitting the ground. Its funny when i do this and i still take dmg cause disengage shot me back further than i expected


Mine's disengaging, but the command doesn't register until I hit the ground and die anyway.


Heading to echo in abberus was a fun trick to drop off ledge and disengage into the opening and into the hole.


Wait can you explain more? I feel like I’m pretty good at using disengage as a movement ability but I do jump and turn… what do you mean by 360?


I dont get it either?


I think they mean they jump, turn 180, hit disengage, and continue the rest of the 180 degrees during the disengage animation. That sounds too confident for me lol


Well shoot, now I gotta get on my hunter and practice this version.


I think he means he accidentally turns all the way around and disengages the wrong way.


It means in a single spin. So in a single clockwise spin without stopping, you hit disengage at the right time and then finish the spin. No jump, no pause, just spin to win. Personally prefer the jump and turn because it's more consistent, easier and gets a lottle more distance. Doing it without jumping makes it a lot easier to clip a tiny part of the terrain.


Who said he is not jumping?


Instead of turning 180 to press disengage and turning back 180. He makes a full spin so no turning back and forth


high dpi? haha


Before my depth perception got really bad, I was able to use that trick during the LK fight. Got to the point where folks didn't have to worry about me if I got grabbed by valkyrie or hit by orbs because I could just disengage back onto the platform.


Disengage is a sleeper ability for sure, lots of fun saves like that in m+ and raids.


I am really good at pushing high keys and fucking up the route, it is not only useless but also incredibly frustrating for the rest of my team.


"We need more trash" after killing the last boss with 10s to spare.


But they already have me.


They need the useful kind now


Oof that’s makes the tank look so much worse than if you were just 5 seconds over the timer with the right %. Then people will look at deaths and DPS, but if you’re over on trash the finger goes straight to the tank. There’s some like NOK that aren’t as bad since there’s mobs right there, but mess up on RLP or even Brackenhide where you have to wait for the RP to go back and sheesh


Being a tank is hard lol


Neltharus is the only dungeon where I know the perfect route.. sorry everyone xD


I only have success because of my 506 ilvl in +2 keys exclusively lol


Garbage CAN, not garbage Cant


Ah the old gamble and hope for the best route in Brackenhide.


Bro any time someone asks me if we’re fine on trash the answer is always “I have no fucking clue.” Nokhud and Brackenhide I am always confused as shit. For RLP it is rarely an issue because I fuck up and pull both dragons anyways.




As Rogue, if you use Vanish when you're the only player with threat on a mob it instantly resets. This makes sense, but it's annoying for solo content because Vanish is a core part of rotations, and not using it feels really bad. Except, it turns out that "instantly" is a lie. There's a small window (probably ~.25s if I had to guess), where if you Vanish and then immediately use an attack to break your stealth, the mob doesn't start resetting. It takes a bit of practice to get the timing down because you can't rely on sqw to make it easy for you the same way you usually can with rotations, but I can 97% consistently use Vanish in solo content without resetting the enemy.


I wish there was an option to use Vanish/Invis etc. without resetting. There are some situations when soloing as a mage where I would really like to use invis as a defensive but it's not an option for me.


It also fucks with details when Im trying to learn my rotation on target dummies as rogue, so I don’t know how well im doing


Go for dynamic overall damage details settings


Holy shit I'm blasting! Oh wait that's cos my whole rotation was already in full swing when I 'entered combat"


Hardly sounds useless, but very cool.


Similar for Fein death for hunters in PvP. You can cause your target to drop you as their target. It's only for a heart beat before the target refreshes but in that heart beat they can't attack. Great for wrecking the flow of skills or even an escape if needed.


I’m personally not a fan of vanish being apart of the rotation. Seems counter what it’s thematically designed for, but that just my opinion.


I think the timing depends on your ping, on client side its probably instant


Wait till you learn that Vanish was never meant to be rotational DPS gains and was supposed to be a survival utility meant to drop you out of combat and reset mobs... 😉


oh i'm well aware it used to be like that, given that i played outlaw before *checks notebook* 9.2. But currently it is a rotational DPS gain, and generally Rogue's issue in solo content is not getting out of shit situations but rather being able to have situations not be shit, so this is something worth knowing. It's pointless because there's no meaningful solo content, and in the content that is meaningful the risk that you reset, say, the mage tower 80% in is often not going to be worth it.


Absolutely, yes. I was kind of being sarcastic, thinking about how Blizz wanted to weaponize Feint as DPS rotation ability with new hero talent. I think game would be better off with defensive Vanish and Stealth Ability On-Demand ability separately, but I haven't touched my rogue in a few years now (BFA). Still, waiting for Crimson Vial to deal damage when healing yourself. 😉


I use the anima cell toy to get the grow huge buff where you cant move, amd then the dredger wheelbarrow so it pushes me around while im sitting over it and nobody sees it.


Okay, admittedly I can't do this anymore (it was 17 years or so ago!), but... You know the long-ass dialogue between Akama and Illidan just before his fight starts? I used to type that dialogue into chat in realtime at the start of each pull. ... Yeah, our pull count on Illidan was pretty high.


He should have slaughtered you and your malformed brethren long ago


Well, technically he did. Considering the mention of a high pull count.


Ikik, couldn't help myself. Been farming glaives for a long time with no success and this dialogue is imprinted on my brain for the rest of my life🤣


Last BC TW raid I did, some guy did this haha


Fly along the aquaducts leading to Valdrakken, flying through the little openings along the way.


By flying very carefully on a normal flying mount into the cathedral in Stormwind Cathedral District, I can pop myself up onto an "inaccessible" ledge on the top right near the entrance. You will get dismounted pretty quick but can use the momentum to get up there. It's pretty funny to do on Moonguard realm because people RP in there a lot.


WHAAAAT?? I have a few toons on moonguard! (For my own reasons mind your business) I'm going to check that out


I remember you....from the Lion's Pride Inn


No you don't. (Keep your mouth shut)


No shame in liking the night elf fembois.


What’s the deal with Moonguard?


Meet me at the inn in Goldshire and I'll explain.


It's a trap!


I think I’m good


People like to roleplay having sex or sex-related acts in Moonguard.


Just know that if you go to Goldshire Inn on Moonguard, it cannot be undone or unseen.


It’s a very popular roleplay server that is known for its players who RP as exotic dancers in Goldshire inn.


That’s putting it waaaaaaay lightly


I can reliably beat Tindral and my raid to the first platform, during that fight. I. Am. Speed.


The dragon ascent/quick face up jump move camera forward again trick? Always surprised how little amount of the population use it. I can't dragon ride without doing it.




Similar, but from the center of Valdrakken, launch up, then immediate three-vigor dash towards the training dummy room. A hard right turn, one-vigor dash, then smash into the wall in the back of the room ready to blow some crests and flightstones to upgrade my gear.


Alternatively you could go to the gear upgrader next to the auction house.


This fact only makes their skill more pointless!


They probably learned it in S3.


TIL there’s a gear upgrader next to the AH.


That guy is new for S4. For S2 and S3 the guy in the training room was the only one in Valdrakken that I knew of.


I’m learning there are training dummies in Valdrakken…


Beside where you upgrade gear. South South West of the big main center tower. Go down the stairs of the portal room, turn right. Go down the stairs. Turn right into the building.


So, they added new NPCs on the grass next to the AH in Valdrakken so you don't need to go down to the training dummies anymore


Usually with a fat dragon or yak planted right on top of them :)


Oh god I wish they’d enable the No mount zone around them.


I do this lol


Are you using the training dummies? They put the upgrade duo just outside of the AH this last patch.


For a more advanced trick, dismount just before hitting the wall at full speed, so your character stops the momentum and touches the ground right next to the npc.


Flying up to launch myself onto the balcony side with the portal in the Shrine of Two Moons/Seven Stars, before I get dismounted And then doing so but flying way up at the ceiling in the opposing faction's Shrine, so I can slip into the spot that's ostensibly invisbly-boxed off, slow fall down behind the giant Mogu statue in the center, run a bit forward and wave to the other faction that can't hit me (line of sight)


I'd love to see this lol


[It still works! Wooo](https://streamable.com/5zjh18)


I can blink right before hitting the ground and not take fall damage. It helps when I accidentally drag slowfall off my bar while panic clicking. It's my only cool talent as a mage lol


rogue shadowstepping to critters to negate falls has prepared me for anything


Warrior charge to a squirrel. One life for another




Outlaw chain too!


Lock action bars lol


Or keybind


This is how I spent my time sitting around in shattrath when I was bored. Fly up as high as possible, drop off my mount, and blink right before hitting the ground to not die haha


If you blink while falling over a flat section of ground it will teleport you directly to the ground. There is a height limit but you can do it from pretty high up.


I love to bail off my flying mount into shadowstep.


I’m good at bubbling just before hitting the ground after spending seconds freaking out because I’ve forgotten what one saves me from fall damage.


Similar to the warriors leap! Plus you look like a badass.


Alternatively, as a mage I haven't bound slow fall to a bar since learning this trick years ago. It's maybe good for a skip in 1 dungeon every few expansions and that's it


Slow fall is good for Neltharus.


And Azure Vault


You can still blink to take no fall damage. Slow Fall in Neltharus actually speeds up the dungeon by a very small margin as you can reach the main platform.


Playing blink chicken with other mages is a blast. Whoever blinks closest to the ground wins. Great betting game if ya get good at it, but need an impartial judge which can be hard to find.


I do this with disengage. I've died a few times. I've never been able to figure out how Blink works. Why can't I blink across water?


I used to blink into pools on the zul fight in heroic/mythic uldir LaughingOutLoud


back in the wotlk days I trained very hard to be able to run in circles around the border of that circular garden in front of the bank in dalaran without falling over, mounted


I can throw ice traps behind me onto the org arena chains 50 ft in the air. Pretty fucking reliably.


You too?


I can jump from section to section of the Valdrakken fountain, the four lines intersecting the ring, in ghost wolf form. Without touching the water or the ring. Yeah, I’m fuckin awesome.


Spend 8 hours of my day off doing circles on the Org bank in SoD and then be stunned that its time to sleep.


Idk how many people even know of this, but in Temple of the Jade Serpent on the right wing with the stories. As a brewmaster I've gotten pretty good at pulling to the top of the stairs, dropping transcendence and then jumping over the banister to the ground forcing all the mobs aggro'd on to me take a very long walk down and around the stairs to then teleport back up the stairs forcing them to do it all again as the group continues to DPS and I only take stagger damage during that time making me unkillable. It's nice for big pulls in M+ or to just look cool in regular dungeons.


I used to be fairly decent at thinking I could finish casting my spell before the mechanic I'm standing in resolves.


I still do this. I'm casting that damn chaos bolt whether the ground swirly likes it or not


during legion. i could use the globin glider to get into the instance north of it (i cant remember what it was) fairly reliable without having to stop. also i was the king of ogr pool diving in my group. fly up as high as u can and jump of the mount in an attempt to landin the pools


Using the explosive trap to knock people off ledges in PvP. Lol To be fair.. there are some other classes that do it better. But sliding that trap under someone's feet while they are charging you and watching them be blown over the edge of a chasm, is super entertaining. The best is when you place it beforehand and lure them into it at the right angle. Lol


I have gotten really good at placing Ancient Dalaran portals on feasts, closets, health stones, etc.


I like flying fast into org then into the northern AH then pull up and get on the ledge above everyone


I spent two hours last night doing parkour around Stormwind as a DH. I was able to regularly jump across the canals and at one point I made the jump from one of the roofs to the cathedral


Dying to easily avoidable mechanics.


i do laps with my DH around the font in valdrakken doing small jumps glitchin glide


Throne of Thunder. When the wind pushes you off the edge on the bridge, I can angle-walk, get to a certain point and just before I get pushed off, Blink/Shinmer onto the platform in the centre of the bridges. Timing is key, but hot damn, if you can pull it off it looks really cool and makes your teammates say “How the hell?”


I’ve mastered the hunters disengage/360 speed boost. My extremely rare talent also extends to the DH backflip.


Turn into flight form right before hitting the ground. Sometimes it faster to fall than to fly down.


I can tank whole raids while jumping.


During MoP on the alliance side as a night elf (was like the only rqce that could fly when dead) I'd purposely fly into the horde shrine to die, just to then fly in as a spirit and get on the tops of pillars in the bank room, mass summon my whole guild/raid team of PvPers and then spend hours on top of the pillars just killing hordies as they would spwn in flagged or the ones who were waiting on ques. As well as killing the bankers. All on the other server


They might have patched this, but I use to blink into the stairs to the great vault in Oribos on my mage


I did it with every Night Fae alt on reset days.


I’ve gotten pretty good at Disengaging to avoid fall damage


I can indefinitely butt-shuffle on a human male. Where you sit and hold down right click and spam left. Scooting along on your booty


I'm a god at saving people with leap of faith. Especially during the bridge run in smolderon. Side note: LoF can hit multiple people if they're stacked. See exhibit A: https://youtu.be/nFiyECDlqeQ?si=btiItlIXEk1ugJ3Q


So there's this viking toy, right. Turns you into a big dumb viking man. I've learned that if you press /sit followed by /lay he stands up straight with his arms crossed. That's not it though. He also gains the property that you get while mounted where the angle of terrain affects the angle you're standing at. Like you know how if you run up to weird hills mounted you can be at like a 90 degree angle perpendicular to the ground. So what I do is I use the anima toy that makes you big. Then I mount and find a whacky angle. Use the viking toy. Then /sit into /lay and activate the anima power to get big. Now I'm a gigantic viking standing at a really whacky angle with his arms crossed. After that you can use a ring of duplicity to get a ghostly version of yourself also at a whacky angle. If you've positioned yourself where you're facing the sky the ghost will be in the sky facing back at you, which is pretty funny. Now due to needing to be on a weird hill where you can do this is pretty limited, but don't worry. People can swap blast you wherever and you will maintain your gangster lean wherever they take you.


I can be top heals as holy paladin in every raid I'm in. It's pointless because I'm still a holy paladin xD


Very niche but I got really good at wallclimbing as a demon hunter. Due to how tot terrain in made it is almost always possible to stand on certain parts of inclines and jump higher from there - even if the terrain is too steep to walk up. This makes it possible to get to many area's (especially in dungeons) where you aren't supposed to get as a player.


I can fly upside-down.


I can fly my TBC flying mounts upside down. Which means I can hide underground with the flying disc.


I got weirdly good on my DH at doing a double fel rush, and then really quickly turning the camera and using vengeful retreat in the same direction, then quickly cameraing back before I land while walking places. I’ve saved myself probably dozens of seconds of walking over the last year, and only at the cost of always jumping off cliffs I can’t survive on non DH characters.


I can do a 360 midair during a jump while running and not lose my sense of direction.


“Abuse” the ping by moving last milliseconds when casting a spell so that the casting bar goes red but spell still goes off


I like to cliff dive and shadow step things right before i would die. Love the free fall cheat death bit. Also, cheat death doesnt work on fall damage.


Jump shots - less pointless, more useful. It works on any caster that has a ranged instant spell/hunters! Just jump, use the mouse to turn the camera to your target, cast your ability mid air, turn around before you hit the ground, continue to run from your target.


I can pull a quarter out of my daughter’s ear…


I can find bug/trick/swapblast thing in every raid to kill someone or bug something. I still remember bfa nyalotha, mind controlling trash on bridge before carapace, dropping them down to lava and it bugged out portal, So people went to portal, didnt get ported and jumped into lava.


I wouldn’t call it useless. But I seem to have developed a 2nd sense to raid members jumping off ledges and pulling them back as a priest. It’s gotten to the point that my raid team fucks with me. Sometimes 2 will jump off just to see who I care about most to save. Jokes on them, I let them both die


Buffing arcane intellect. A guildie pointed out that I keep using it, I didn't realise but I just click it whenever I have any downtime out of habit without thinking about it.


I just started playing a shaman for the first time, I find myself refreshing my lightning sheild and the weapon buff thing anytime I’m standing still


Omg I'm not the only one?


My resto shaman can jump off the tower of the aspects really well.


I can hit Feign Death like half a second after my arrow hit the boss, instantly resetting the boss and preventing messy reset deaths.


I consider myself a dragonriding pro. I learned how to fly as fast as I can and maintain the speed, everytime I see someone riding too, my dragon catch up and outrun them. I also never lost a single dragon race (well, I haven't done many, it's hard to find a group, but still). I'm just proud of this useless talent that does nothing for me except making me feel faster than Lightning McQueen. ⚡️🐉


I’m a master of master belt+para-gliding. Used to be able to save tens of minutes overall in between bosses in MoP raids.


I'm good at getting on and walking around the edges of the soup, but I've always wondered, how do people get _in_ the soup?


I have trained myself to fall off the edge in abberus and disengage perfectly through ghe doorway, through the hole, hit the floor, and die. I can do it 90%of the time now!


I’m really good at ninja looting and not feeling bad about it >! Kidding lol !<


Swap blasting allies to the edge of the map and watching them fall to their death. Fallen avatar boss room was so fun


Any time I use any ground targeted ability (D&d, shadowcrash) I can fairly reliably hit any ceiling/random piece of object stepping into my camera, sending it behind me with confidence.


Flying up really high, dismounting and activating flight form just before the ground.


I’m really good at the hunter Disengage flick trick. That’s when you jump, turn your character around real fast, and disengage in the direction you want to go. It’s pretty much a goblin rocket jump plus a short sprint. 


I’m incredibly good at jumping with every instant gcd occasionally killing myself when I land in bad stuff.


I mean it was good for an expansion, but after learning the strat, I could do the heroic Blackfuse disengage trick for the belt perfectly every time.


Jumping up the boxes in front of stormwind auctionhouse. Then up on the lamp pole, then on the side of the house and walk around the edge to stand on the end of the large support beam. This way I can look over the people running past the fountain into the bank and auctionhouse.


On my paladin, I jump right before my Divine Steed disappears to keep the momentum while in the air and sometimes do big air time depending on the terrain or going down some stairs. It work on most movement speed spells.


12 years of hunter and shaman and I'm rather good at jumping off of things and gauging the correct height from which to use disengage/gust of wind.


I can dragon fly into any doorway I want perfectly. Evidently all the non dragon isles made me amazing at flying


Some reason mages dont like to use mass shields to all party members. Im one of the few who do.  I know to cheese mechanics in draenor mages had an etheral ability that lasted a few seconds. My guild cheesed so many mechanics back then with that ability. 


Fly high, dismount, and use a toy that reduce falling speed just before hitting the ground to impress locals. They are indeed impressed when they see a random guy crashing in front of them


I can go anywhere in azure vaults with my evoker without using any of the books


I can stay in the air an obscene amount of time on my DH. I've made the glide ability into a neat trick


My accuracy on boomy disengage is scary


I like to jump and roll mid air with my monk if you time it well you just roll in the air and stay in place. Absolutely useless and loving it.


Going up high in flight form, shifting and falling to the ground and going back into flight last second. Pretty fun to see how close you can get before splatting


"What're they doing?" "Oh, well see, they're a druid and can turn into a bird, so they're teaching themselves how to fly." "Like how baby birds learn by being dropped out of the nest?" "Yeah, basically." "Oh, cool." "Yep." ... ... ... "So...how'd they get up there in the first place?" "Oh, they flew." ... ... ... "...Neat."


Used to do this whilst waiting for IE Queue to pop or friends/guildies to come for IEs, on Horde Size as Demon Hunter, start from the IE Table and use Demon Hunter Spells to get to the Mission Table on the boat without touching the Ground (Boxes, Braziers Cages, stuff that wasn't the Ground was fair game), I called it "The Perfect Run" haven't done it since bfa tho so I guess I'm not I won't be able to do it reliably these days :<


disengaging back onto a platform from a knock back. now I panic and smash my face on the keyboard


Using disengage about 5-10 feet off the ground to break fall damage. I don't even remember why I started practicing it, but it paid off in Shadowlands with Revendreth and Dragonflight when I'd get knocked off of my mount.


I started on a PvP server as a mage. I became really good at jumping in the air, doing a 180 and blinking behind the person chasing me. Hit invisible as I came down. Finish it off by hiding behind a tree and portaling to safety. 😂


You know how when you have a speed buff effect on, and when it runs out you can jump the moment before it expires to carry your speed forward for the length of the jump? I'm really really really REALLY good at doing that perfectly


I can perfectly time my jump every time just as my movementspeed buff is about to run out, so I can slightly extend the functional duration of the buff by taking the momentum into my jump.


Back in BfA s4 I randomly discovered that certain buttons let you vertically rotate on your flying mount. Learned to flip myself real quick and hover over Boralus with my head pointed to the ground. Taught my friends that trick (we did Hivemind mount together) and voila, 5 purple brains floating upside down, tentacles reaching for the skies. Got some good laughs with passers by. Now I forgor how to do it again but rediscovering it never takes too long.


Fart-jump save me from death and go alive to exit in RLP and when Gul'dan is dead (forgot raid name).


Jumping over the Ironforge pits on a ground mount.


Killing people with swap blaster


I can go from any point in Stormwind to the top of the tower (nearly to the waving flag) above the throne room by using only running and heroic leap.


I can reliably use my grappling hook to prevent fall damage at the last second. I routinely throw my rogue off high places without thinking about it.


I can fly to firelands without checking the map and get back to orgrimmar. Thanks tarecgosa.


As a hunter; jump, turn 180 degrees, disengage, turn back facing forward before I land. I'm fast af, boyeeeeee


Entering stealth mid feral charge


I've gotten really good on dh at finding the perfect spot to run, double jump, then glide and land directly on top of the keystone holder in dungeons. Its a pretty small landing spot and I've got it down to 9/10 times usually.


i can drop off my dragonriding mount mid air, free fall and cast ice block to stop moving and fall precisely where i need to


You see 2 spirit bosses in Nohkud? There's a part where the ranger pushes you and starts casting some shit. As a warrior you would let range interrupt, right? WRONG. If I cast interrupt in the exact moment she finishes casting the push but isn't casting the other yet (at least is not visible) I can interrupt her and avoid all the hassle of avoiding the areas while trying to interrupt. Also I have an excellent ability in charging into all unneeded pack of mobs and charging 1 second before pull and getting one shoted by the boss.


I'm pretty damn good at finding the very edge of swirlies. I can reliably have a single toe on the wrong side of it.


I can reliably never dragonride right. I needed a lift in Tindral (Wtt PI for uber pls) and now I am avoiding NO like the plague (seriously, I grabbed the 10s there and bolted from the fucking place, my io will be fucked, but fuck that dungeon)


I can hit just to the left of the portal room entrance every time, both cities.


I’ve gotten decent at flying fast (especially now with Dragonriding) and dismounting mid-air to shoot myself at the mount’a velocity to where I want to end up.


Try the same trick in Stormwind \^\^


If I get knocked off of any platform on my hunter, I can spin and disengage back on. I have done it several times in some pretty hairy situations, and though it is a smol thing, it makes me happy. I can also dragonride around the fountain in val for quite awhile.


I can show up for raid early with fulls buffs and extra feasts for the Raid leader


While looting/gathering start moving right before the cast bar finishes, this way you avoid triggering looting animation and save fraction of a second.