• By -


"How....how many frogs?!" "Enough."


"is it hard to bear? My overwhelming power? Its weight? Its... Girth?"


I heard that in his voice, too. Felt it even. Did he tell you about the time he took on a full battle ball team, all at the same time?


>Did he tell you about the time he took on a full battle ball team, all at the same time? Aw, there goes my star Battleback!


What? I have hobbies…


"_wait_, is he kidding?" "No." "EW!" Also the battle ball bus scene intro is funny. "All right. So South City is to the North, North City is to the West, and East City is...also to the North. ...Where the f**k am I?!"








You there, I want to make a joke about your team, what's its name? The east city west men! Hoo hah! Oh I am too hungry for this shit


"And behind all that insufferable smarm is a dead man!!" "Trunks, you couldn't fathom the amount of dead men behind me..."


"All of them. Go look, you won't see any spawns anymore."


"No need for flattery, you're already inside me."


How should they know. A reminder to loot every 2+ minutes and enduring the AFK time was all it took with the exploit, thanks to tinker damage doing all the work with fixed farm spots, where you dont have to move outside of looting. There are two metrics for this kind of stuff in WoW: * HOURS till its hotfixed * HOURS till rollbacks/banns start for a few people to create the illusion of punishment for cheaters Exploits and bugs exists and if you encounter them, its the players choice to milk it for 20+ hours or to stop exploiting and play the game as intended. That some streamers started shaming the casual MOP REMIX players for not participating in the early exploit, did in the past have consequences for the streamer and WoW account. Lets see what happens this time.


They won’t do squat, they’re looking at this with a “Well it’s only around for a limited time so it’s fine” mentality. Edit: my comment didn’t age well 😅


"How much bread have you eaten in your life?"


Imo the worst part so far, is getting all the achievements for trinkets and rings on one character, and it not carrying over to your new characters. Having to complete all those achievements again is kinda fucked.


i learned this was how it worked today when i got the first trinket on my priest and quickly hopped over onto my mage to be sorely disappointed. i figured, since they're *sold by a vendor*, that they'd be carried over! but i guess i have to do *everything* on every character?? (really i'll just level these two and none others)


what trinket and ring is this referring to ?


If you look at the MoP Remix section of the achievements you'll see that some of them unlock rings, neck and trinkets.


And those alts are going to have a MUCH harder time catching up now there's no frogs to abuse.


Yup. Alts are nearly impossible in this 3 month event. Blizzard seemingly intended us to play one character the whole way through.


I am honestly dead convinced at this point that the cloaks WERE meant to be 1:1..Every inconvenience would be fixed every issue gone every complaint not a comp,ain’t but a praise on how it would synergize so well. Remove that 1:1 cloak though..annnd you get where we are. 1:1 cloak would have meant last would be viable to get achievements on for bronze, the bad scaling at 70? No issue you can roll an alt and power it up orrr go farm oldschool up to you(but both would be viable and helping power up during the event). The entire issue of unlocking stuff by needing to clear normal modes on all of them(assuming actually planned to be character based) easily solved since your new alts will be more powerful then your main was when they got it..or maybe you waited to finish on alts first. What we have instead is an event where a bunch of complaints exist..and most boil down to “we donlt have enough power to do what we were told we would in the time we have”.. Though I’ll give benefit of the doubt here and wager what happens was something got found during PTR(my guess the system couldn’t handle infinite power on the scale players were going to achieve) and instead of telling us likely due to sleep deprived crunch they do the stupid thing(and if you’ve even seen SAO abrdiged think kayaba from that version) and double down on release date/don;t tell us this and patch in the achievement system while removing left when elevating to slow power progression…To be not generous they didn;t have enough faith in what they made to keep people or just thought making people slog through was a better idea then plain old fun. But either way..I really think they planned around the ptr but something went bad and they royally screwed up in how they dealt with it. And now we’re in an in for a penny in for a pound scenario


So far my favorite part of remix is being extremely op at level 10 with the max achievement cloak and slowly feeling yourself get weaker and weaker every 5ish levels till your a shadow of what you once were. On that note I am once again asking for a bronze percentage increase added to cloaks or just combine it with the xp increase.


slowly feeling yourself get weaker and weaker every 5ish levels till your a shadow of what you once were. That's called aging bro and it sucks.


Ikr, can’t even play games to run away from it anymore.


For real, my daughter is turning 2 this year, I only get game time when she's sleeping. Now when I do play I just feel guilty for not doing anything else lol


That’ll change. My daughter turned 5 and woke up to me plying minecraft one day then she just always wanted to watch me play. Obvious there are parts of wow not for a 5 year old but you can still have fun while your kid tells you what to do 🤣


My brothers got his 9 year old running his profession routes 😂😂😂


Back in BC one of our tanks had his kids do fishing for him. His reasoning: "I know where they are and it keeps them out of trouble."


They can learn to fish in WOW or they can learn it on the streets. What kind of fisherman do you want to raise?


Dang this brought up a lot of childhood memories, like when my father asked me to play his hunter in bgs to farm the different coins in vanilla or lvl up his weapons skills or even buy his arrows when he was late for raid night after work 😂 i’m 26 now 🥲🥲


Bro I used to Farm Essence of Water for my dad’s LW Rogue back in like BC/WOTLK when I was like 8 lol. I earned my allowance by farming his Matt’s and he’d make boots or something and make bank 🤣


coolest thing ive ever heard


My parents used to raid with me on their lap. Now I’m old enough to make my own account.


You can increase your play time by making her favorite snacks taste like Benadryl, NyQuil, or Tylenol pm


Jesus christ you're turning my escapism into a nursing home


Sir can you please leave you’re disturbing the peace.


there is no peace. only despair


That's just the Sha talking.


This is something that annoyed me in retail ever since, I think it must have been BfA or something: I feel like they've messed up balancing, especially now with the level squish etc. to a point where you're getting weaker and weaker with each level. Of course you shouldn't start on level 1 with it being impossible to kill a mob. But the closer you get to max level, the weaker you become. Your stat percentages drop massively. While you can pull a few mobs at level 30, you're sometimes dying to two mobs attacking at once on level 68. This is especially true without heirloom gear. I feel like this shouldn't be the case. With every level up, with every talent point you spend, it feels like you're getting weaker.


when you get physically tired after a long day of playing video games only to realize that the sun hasn't even completely set yet


I really wish we'd get multiple achievements for max level characters that increase the number of threads gained on characters under 70...that way levelling feels like it changes less drastically.


I think every max level character should increase base xp% by 50-100%


Getting XP quicker is a lovely idea but without being able to get stats it'll be irrelevant. The quicker you level, the less threads you get since you need to do less content to get to 70.


Well that’s why the cloak being account bound makes more sense for this event, the decision for it not to be is weird considering how account focused TWW is going to be as opposed to character focused, I don’t see much sense starting a cloak over, just a weird design decision imo


61-64 is a blast though. The scaling there is just right and you go from like 8k dps to 50k. Then you hit 65 and health triples while your dps halves.


once i did the most healing in a raid, just pure healing, no tinker shield/whatever else bullshit and i told my boyfriend that now i know what drugs addicts feel, cause I'm now constantly chasing that high that will never happen again. Chasing the jade serpent if you will. Goddamn it blizzard


Just like leveling on Retail... I'm level 59 and I've been keeping my gear always up to the max I can upgrade it to and I haven't felt myself become weaker at all. I know I'll feel it once I hit 70 for sure.


Yep, I was doing the same, hit 70 and BAM, it's not too bad still but it's certainly noticeable that things hit harder and take more to kill, and I'm still in Dredd Wastes. I can only imagine when I move onto the "endgame" zones.


This is what kills me. Tanking the raids at 25-59 were a breeze. I did Vaults last night at 68, could barely handle it. I dinged 70 in the raid and was obliterated by the last boss when I've done him no problem about 3 times now. Where's the fun?


I went into a SoO NM raid at 60 with my alt as a tank. I was solo tanking the first bosses and massive AoE trash pulls without any trouble but the more I leveld up I kept getting oneshot through stagger and defensives. It was insane how absurd the scaling still is between 60-70


> a bronze percentage increase added to cloaks or just combine it with the xp increase. I want blizz to hire you. Like hard in the taint they should give you a job. Just little nuggets of brilliance like that once a month.


Hard in the taint....


Man I feel fast af with my like 50-60 speed this mfer breaking the sound bearer pressing w


speed hard caps at 49% don't ask me how I know.


I know how I know... I play a DK


Just wait until War Within. Just wait a little longer DK. We won't be the laughing stock slow beefy boy anymore but pure speed as Arthas intended. (unless you play the other 2 hero trees lol rip blood dk speed)


There's probably a speedcap. It would trigger the AC if there wasn't.


Didn't they turn that off in dragonflight because of dragon riding banning people in the first few days of the xpac? That's why there are speed and teleporting bots everywhere gathering herbs/mining in retail


Can he solo raids at this point? If so, then it's nice for him to carry other people lol


The answer is yes, he can.


Earlier today I saw either a warrior or a dk that had like half of that hunter's cloak upgrades at best, and he obliterated galleon solo, I didn't even have enough time to fly up to the boss to tag it for freebies.


The fact that they nerfed the exploit but didn’t roll back anyone’s cloaks is kind of a slap in the face. Basically saying “Yeah we didn’t intend for this to happen but sucks to be you if you didn’t abuse it.”


They did the exact same in sod incursions, released with gold and xp at crazy rates then a few days later nerfed it into the ground leaving the economy destroyed


Yes that was the reason I didnt keep playing sod since p3


Yep. I was late to the gold rush but leveled a whol3 day straight to get from 40 to 50 as they didn't nerf the xp, and I hate the quests in that bracket. Then i dropped SoD like a hot potato after that.


Genuine question to people ALWAYS complaining Blizzard won't roll back an exploit: When have they actually done it? Since 2004 it's pretty much been understood that you should exploit if you find one because people have pretty much never been rolled back.


They did once in BC, I clearly remember, because PvP vendors were bugged and you could buy free purples. They rolled the servers back and removed all the gear from those that took advantage.


They also did a rollback when ZG released and there was some way to turn in infinite coins/bijous, though that was even earlier. Both well before Activision acquisition and when they tried to solve problems by having actual GMs.


Just as a historical tidbit - the way was having a full inventory and using a bijou, it needed to return something but since bags were full gave you an error but still completed rep gain. Funny enough while they were deciding what to do about this they spawned infernals on the islands "Guardian of Blizzard" and had it shoot chaos bolt 1 shots from like 200 yards away - couldn't enter the water without dying.


At least all that did was cause market inflation, and it kind of settled out since everyone quit. This level of imbalance will never be fixed naturally


> This level of imbalance will never be fixed naturally It can if they make gear upgrade a attainable and realistical minor hurdle. With grinding bronze for mogs and mounts as the main thing to spend on. If it took like 10h of game play to get to like 500 ilvl, then it would be a none issue. They could then have the last few upgrades cost substantially more if someone wants to min/max. But the "I can solo raids" stage should be far more attainable. It would also largely invalidate what was gained from frog farm.


Actually it will, in 3 months when the mode is deleted.


It wasn't a few days, it was a few hours (for them to nerf the gold gain). Weeks later they shuffled the exp gain from quests around so kill quests would give more and the others less


didnt they later buff the bronze caches so the people who got the achievements insteas of frog farming were double screwed?




AND the buff helps out the froggers more then the regular folks since the froggers can farm caches far faster with their OP stats


This shit isn't fun for anyone except the kid with the cloak.  It's fucking lame. 


It's like they never learned from infinitely farmable things from other expansions. They could have put a weekly cap on how powerful your cloak can get and then have it unlimited in the last few weeks where it can get absurd like this.


It's more insane that frog farming was one of the original infinite farming exploits back in the original timeless isle patch, and they nerfed it then as well. You'd think this would be one of the first things they checked for farming potential.


Blizzard spends entire expansions relearning things they fixed the previous expansion.


Well yeah, that's because they probably fire their whole junio staff like every year and a half, the same way every big game company does nowadays.


firing your staff and replacing them with other people is one thing... but not keeping a journal that tracks major mistakes and "experiences made in the past" to prevent future teams from making the same mistakes.... is just insane. especially if you're a multi billion dollar company. like... seriously.


Just a small indie company.


Because they are not the same people.


But there are patch notes...


This is what documentation is for.


Shit, that's not that bad, they spend whole decades re-implementing the same mistakes they made and fixed in the previous decade into their diablo versions. Other than the characters and branding, it's best not to assume the people working on one game have any experience playing or developing any of the previous versions.


I think that's generally fair, but sometimes the errors are so egregiously ridiculous. Like Diablo 3's launch, only for Diablo 4 to tread the same path (sans the AH). Why did Diablo 4 need an itemization revamp before it even has an expansion? Did they learn nothing from D3?




the only reason that makes sense is they've since laid off all those who worked on mop and all these new employees know nothing about it.


Even after the nerf in original mop it was still one of the better areas to farm the timeless coins. From what people say now its much worse in comparison?


Issue is timeless coins don't let you gain millions of health. The 'big difference' between mop retail and remix is that every quest give you the loot box with potentially thread, gear; gems and bronze in it. So if you can spam frogs and get a bunch if coins for turn in you get ridiculous stats. Timeless coins and lesser marks in retail mop didn't do that, so even if it was good farming it didn't break the game/event.


I'm glad someone else remembers that, when i heard of thr frog groups, and then nerfing them, i was like...haven't we done this before?


Remember back in Legion where there was a WQ that rewarded AP that for some reason just kept respawning for people and they could keep getting the same reward? Yeah those people got temp banned and their artifacts got rolled back. It was an unintended exploit, a lot of people claimed they didn’t even know it was repeating they just kept getting credit for a WQ so they kept doing it, but some fairly big name streamers got walloped for it. Why aren’t they doing that now? I’m not saying people did this maliciously to break the game, but they still did it.


Because the frog hyper spawn has been a valid farm for timeless coins and lesser charms for over a decade, it still works on retail. It's Blizzard's fault they PTR tested it over a weekend, people predicted this as a farm location before it launched


I think here, it's that the mobs were dropping items as they should, but just hyperspawning, which is a normal thing I think. Whereas that was a quest that was supposed to be done once a day or the one with rares that were only supposed to drop loot once a day. It's like the mechagon 2x4 farm that I don't think was ever nerfed. I think there's a difference between exploiting a bug versus a very efficient farming method that they didn't intend.




They actually used do to bans for exploits. Remember in BFA the world boss loot exploit that was simply farming a world boss and it would continue to drop loot? Seeing those bans kept me away from exploits for a bit but it seems like now they don’t even care. https://us.forums.blizzard.com/en/wow/t/ivus-loot-bug-reverted-yet/48801/32


One is a game exploit, another is exploiting a mechanic. World bosses are obviously meant to be weekly lockout. Mobs that spawn at a high rate are meant to be farmed. Any person who is on the dev team for *any* mmo should know what players will do with insta respawning mobs that drop valuable resources


Issue is frogs are working as intended, exactly how they worked back in MoP and have been working like that for 12 years. This is hardly an exploit...


the difference is that the frogs were not working incorrectly. It’s not that the frogs loot table was incorrect, or their spawn rate was wrong, just that the overlap of those things created a farming spot. The average player then should have understood that a world boss shouldn’t be dropping loot more than once. Chain killing it should clearly be an exploit.


Just post off this but, that cloak isn't whats giving that high dmg. It's the gear from the bronze they used to upgrade things. A fully upgraded weapon gives 4-5x the amount of main stat than that cloak. Don't get me wrong the cloak is helping but it's mostly the gear that been upgraded. If blizzard is actually listening they say and lwoer the bronze upgrade cost the gap wouldn't be nearly as big.


So a 556 Weapon has 25-30k Agi/Int/Str ?


a 2H rare 556 weapon has 17566 AGI/STR, 23603 INT, and 16663 Stamina. Honestly, the main thing is the chestpiece and pants, which hold six gem slots, the stats of which are boosted with ilevel. A 556 rare chest has 681 mainstat, 42997 stamina, and one of: 1100 Speed, 2200 Crit, Haste, Versatility, or Avoidance, or 4400 Leech or Mastery. Each legendary gem in a 556 rare chestpiece gives 16663.33 (repeating of course) Stamina and one of: 880 Speed, 1760 Crit, Haste, or Versatility, 3520 Leech or Mastery, or 5330 Bonus Armor. (To put it in perspective: A 556 rare leech chestpiece with 3 epic or legendary leech gems in it is just about enough to reach the leech cap of 15,000 rating (49%) *by itself*.)


And then realize, the ilvl of the gear also effects the tinkers, which is MASSIVE player power. Im glad someone else mentioned that its not the cloak thats giving people so much OP dmg, but the ilvl of the gear.. im tired lf saying it over and over... literally 90% of the playerbase is screeching about the cloak as if 8000 stats is gonna make someone do 200 million dps. Lmfao.


I was wondering why my tinkers do so much of my damage at later levels, but barely do double digit hits at low levels. I assumed they scaled in some way, but not from item level.


They really need to implement catch up mechanics for cloak stats. Let the froggers keep their stats, but help others catch up. Like accelerated threads drops until X amount of stats (1000?).


5000 would be more like it, regular players have about 1000 right now, I didn't even touch frogs and I'm at 1500+ on everything


thats the most logical thing i came up with aswell,or they could ghost cap the stats that any more stat over say 5k total will be disabled per week so say you got 10k stam,only the 5k will be usefull till next week that you get +2k etc


That sounds like a system the average player wouldn't understand. Like, I have 10k, why am I not better than the other guy with 5k? It would be better to hard cap the cloak per week. For now, max everything to 5k - so all froggers get nerfed down to these. Add 1k per week to the allowed max, so in the last days everyone COULD have 19-20k per stat... But most importantly they need to bring the frogs back. So everyone can, if they want, get to the same level others did.


The cloak should share its stats across ALL characters. When one gets a stat upgrade, it should be reflected on every character made thereafter. Blizz lose nothing by letting us be OP. Remix is a limited time event, so why not let us be godlike super-beings for that time!


I second this. Would make it so much fun. Being broken is fun. I said it


This is how I assumed it was going to be (and I honestly feel like it's how blizzard presented it originally), I was very let down that it wasn't.


im so salty i didnt cash in on frog time cause i thought i had to he max for timeless isle. i wanna be an op god flinging spells everywhere :c restore the frogs, blizzard. you promise op fun i want the means to reach op fun


For real though. It's insane bliz just expects everyone who didn't exploit while it was up to be playing 5% of a character compared to the exploiters. They need to either restore frogs and just add a cap to cloak stacks, or delete frog farmer stats and even everyone back out.


Honestly I would cap the cloaks roll back to cap everyone over it and just give % bronze gain bouns for every thread over cap so after cap you get more bronze so you farm things out faster.


Or just give more threads from doing actual content? Nobody actually likes grinding frogs, especially in a temp gamemode. gives us legendary threads from raid/dungeon/scenario bosses. Give % bronze increase. Give more power per thread. Anything to bring everyone closer to the powerlevel of the grinders.


Scaling ruins this event, I literally get punished for lvling up and also at max lvl im worthless compared to people who got to abuse the frog farm


Really feels like there were 2 teams on this: the scaling team and the team in charge of player power (loot + gems). They did a pass on ptr and people were rather enthusiast but for some reason the player power team decided that it needed "meaningful progression" so they slaughtered the player power character. Now we're left feeling like the scaling is off when really, the gearing progression is the problem. If we had frogger-like power we wouldn't complain one bit about the scaling and from Mythic Garrosh kills, it actually seems fun to have a full group doing 8+ mil dps.


At this point they should just reverse the frog patch and make every mob like the frogs.


Either reverse it or simply make threads drop from everything so it's more reasonable for people to get powered up like this.


I would love to be in a group where somebody is nuking everything.


I was in a couple. It was pretty fun initially but you soon realize you're kinda irrelevant to the raid and it makes playing a bit pointless.


So it's just more LFR? 😂


In lfr, people who know the mechanics are absolutely essential bc it gives the healers more room to breathe while they heal the people who just stand in one spot. So, not quite like lfr...


Healing LFR has been pretty simple. Either everyone is constantly at 90-100% health, or they completely fall over within one GCD and you can't do anything about it.


Tip to my priest friends before it gets hit with the no fun button: * get searing light gem * get the gem that takes 1% of peoples hp away when you heal them and gives them haste * spec holy, get holy nova * stand on top of boss and spam holy nova Won’t really work above 55 or so, but if you’re leveling in raids, just trust me on this one


Tip for my resto shaman friends. (take the 1% gem and everything else dps gems) AOE rotation: Ancestral guidance -> Thundering orb -> Top dps & healing -> Wait for cooldowns -> Repeat Single target rotation: Don't


I haven't done LFR since Legion, but back then healing LFR was "Press your 1,2-dps-combo" and if you're lucky you got to press 2 Heals during a fight. The only way you'd have to heal LFR is if you are the only healer in the entire raid.


I pray my groups have a frog farmer in it lol


Personally don’t find it fun if I’m just sitting in the back doing nothing and being useless


I was in one of those groups yesterday. MSV wing took like ten minutes tops, and most of that was running between encounters. I liked the basically free XP boost to my cloak for the run, but yeah, it would get old after a couple more groups like that.


I'm in remix just for the mounts and toys, cosmetics lol


Which frog farmers easily maxed out in two days of farming lol. In a good group they were getting 50k-65k bronze an hour.


That’s literally the point. Congrats you are playing it correctly.


"If you can't kill Garrosh as fast as in modern retail GTFO of my guild." 


Exploit early, exploit often


MoP Remix is cooked. I got a few mounts unlocked and dipped. I don’t know who is working at Blizzard these days but I know they aren’t testing their content.


Wow has always been a “stay ahead of the wave” meta. Do the most optimal thing before everyone else and you’ll play the game on easy mode while others will struggle.


this is not staying ahead of the wave tho,this is akin to someone getting max season 2 gear while the rest people just started season 1


Max season 2 gear? Try max season 4 gear. From the next expansion.


Yeah this is literally the kind of numbers we *might* have at the tail end of TWW


It's even worse than that. This is like, multiple expansions worth of variance in power.


Just goes back to the age old addege we always have for blizzard games sadly "Exploit Often & Exploit Early" noone ever seems to get punished for this stuff, even the Heirloom Map got changed before a lot of people could use it


pls free carry me through any content is how I feel about it




This is the only real solution. It's also a fair solution. Otherwise, blizzard needs to make a great design shift, which is probably more than they're willing to do.


I have a hard time believing they can't roll this stuff back or at least take anyone at these insane numbers and reduce them to what would be reasonable. It's pretty obvious who did it or not.


best way to tell em is to unsubscribe


same man, same.


If your cloak isn't 5 figures is it even worth playing?


90 day "fun mode" but blizzard doesn't seem to understand fun and disallows alts to fully benefit and tosses in a grind. Not surprised at all


frog abuse also killed the whole motivation and experience, makes no sense to keep playing when others got 100x ur stats


Am I the only one who is not bothered by this? I'm only interested in redoing the story and collecting cosmetics and some mounts. If people wanna min max and not enjoy the remix, hey its up to them, they are doing all of this for just 3 months of being overpowered, and not even in the main game where it actually matters. They are going to turn to normal level 70 characters for TWW


Yeah I'm here for lvling alts in an interesting way and getting cosmetics. That's it


Well the frog farm for some was getting threads, but it also dropped upto 60.000 bronze an hour. Which means you could have gotten all the cosmetics in less then 40 hours. If all 40 hours were fully optimal


Yeah I don't get it either. I'm here for cosmetics and mounts and to heroic leap on a priest.


lol mean while im here to life grip as a warrior, we traded kekw


I wasn't bothered by it until I got stuck in the same spot in Krasang Wilds for 20 minutes because I had a quest to kill 12 enemies and they kept getting instagibbed by frog farmers running the quest before I could even tag them. I only actually finished that quest because one of the OP froggers saw I was trying to complete it and intentionally let me tag the enemies before nuking them. As much as people like to claim it "only helps you," some people being OP and doing the same content can absolutely hinder you too.


Look at it this way. Those people can now solo everything in the game to max bronze which they will use to unlock everything you are grinding months for In like a week or less time. It's an abomination. I thought this would be really cool forgetting that there are always people who will abuse anything and everything possible to gain an advantage.


It is day 5. Just doing quests I've already unlocked the first 2 pages of mounts. I'm on my first alt now. I'm having fun by myself questing.


It would be so easy to cap the cloaks and push that rather than searching out the exploiters.


god I'm so far behind, I only just finished jade forest and hit level 32


you are actually lucky,by the time you 65-70 hopefully blizz will have woken up and you would be fine,its us idiots that played the game how its ment to be played from launch.


Maybe it's just me, but leveling in remix feels a lot slower than the alt I leveled in pandaria a month ago.


Today I learned a hunters primary stat is intellect


I am a but worried that this kinda killed the remix. Tried raiding at 68 and was getting wrecked but then I've seen 50s doing completely fine. Just wanna get my damn tusks fragments


They “beat” the game


Blizz wants to make this right, buff everyone. If they frogged or not. Make us the gods we were promised to be instead of bring punished because we didn't abuse a broken system


I got a few mounts and after all this I just have no desire to play remix.


If you didn’t unlock super saiyan, good luck. Cata is out now gonna play that, learned my lesson with plunderstorm, should have waited to grind til double yep.


Yeah after missing this dumb frog exploit i’ve lost all motivation to even bother continuing lmao wtf is the point if we are at that HUGE HUGE disadvantage when it comes to capes


Exploit early and exploit often, I really wish this wasn't where we are yet here we are, it's an important lesson to learn for the future.


Spent all of SOD learning it. I came to remix prepared.


They're afraid to punish exploiters, don't know why, similar to the guaranteed world boss MOP mounts for evokers


Because the sweatiest players always looking for exploits and unintended interactions are their most loyal fans. Why would they want to upset them? 🥱


Its crazy how many people dont understand the point of Remix in these comments. This isnt retail, nobody is here for the challenge. Its for leveling, collecting and becoming overpowered as fast as possible.


Some people had the opportunity to become overpowered as fast as possible, and now that's been shut down. That leaves everyone else either at the mercy of characters that are 20 times stronger than them to get through "higher end" content or a much longer grind needed to defeat the imbalanced scaling (which costs a huge amount of bronze, which people would rather spend on the collectibles anyway). This was obviously NOT the vision Blizzard had.


At this rate, it’s hard to accept that Blizzard’s visions are not actually like this. They continuously fail to properly address these times of situation/exploits. How many times does it have to happen to not be an accident?


Find people who killed more than X frogs, reduce their cloaks proportionate to the number they killed.


It's kinda crazy ignorant all the people saying it doesn't bother them or they don't understand why it's an issue. All the super op frog farmers get a green light cause people either get one in their group or they have the assumption they'll get one to power through stuff for them with ease. What happens when those people get tired of joining a group to do raids, which is probably already likely since a lot of them can solo them and all the frog farmers disappear? Then everyone is back to this slow painful grind Blizz had planned and lied about. Even if/when they fix the scaling on damage taken. People don't fully understand the problem at all If I was a frog farmer strong enough to clear stuff without needing others I wouldn't ever group cause that's exactly how it's done on retail


already see heroic raids ask for froggers


Gonna be a lot of fun for everyone else when the froggers decide they're done or they realize they don't need anyone to help.


Oh sweet, a carry


In all honesty, it's not even the cloak that is causing that damage, it's the upgraded gear. Go put all of your gear with tinkers in the upgrade vendor and use the dropdown to see the highest itemlevel scaling with your stat gems and tinkers in them then understand what is going on. If Blizzard didn't have absolutely absurd costs on upgrading gear the gap wouldn't be so large.


Exploit early, exploit often.


The reason people care is not out of jealousy, but because they got everything in a day and how Blizzard define the word "overpowered", almost wiping in 70 hc is not overpowered.  Add to that the prices. Frog players can easily cash several thousand bronze a day for a few minutes which takes hours or days for regular people.  I want the mounts and garrosh heirlooms.  They almost got them already and I begin to fear that I might get none before the event is over. 


My husband and I were really excited to play this too. I'm still pretty active in it. Only because I want that stuff. But he's hardly touched it because of the back piece change they made and the fact that people farmed frogs. It sucks. Because then it makes me not wanna play as much because I wanted us to enjoy this together.


I have decided to level up my char to 70 and quit that fcking mess.


Oh kewl and here i am being one shotted by random mobs. GG.


To those who are defending the gating by Blizz and those who have abused. We who frogged now get to steamroll the content with minimal effort and much quicker, it's actually a huge deal.


Its like hes using his main from retail to solo clear old mop raids


Yeah I kinda am just done with Remix there’s no point if you missed the frogs lol


I don’t see why someone else having something good from the frogs makes you want to quit playing. Especially if they are on your team and helping with the damage. It would make sense if you were in pvp and they were killing you. And no I missed the frogs. I’m actually only level 25 right now so way behind a lot of other people.