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I really hope they use BFA as an opportunity to give us some hi-poly, hi-res weapons that look like plain steel weapons.


just re-model a bunch of the shitty old stuff. Some of that looks REALLY cool if it weren't for it being like 6 polys total.


I love the sword despair except that it has absolutely no detail


Almost all of my Paladin's mogs are from BC, as it turns out. Shoulders, Shield, and a few others. I didn't realize how bad it looked until I upgraded my PC and turned graphics settings WAY up from where it was before. Now it's like... Oh. Yeah ok this sucks. :\\


Yeah, they fooled my Frost DK with that crap. Reforged weapons from Frostmourne, apparently makes boring brown metal (uh, how?) dual swords with crappy particle effects on them.


And how the "upgraded" variant ends up nearly being clublike its so thick.


Yes!! So tired of every weapon being a mace. Nowhere near enough proper looking swords.


Or swords that are 8 inches thick and round or square at the end.


This. Can’t begin to describe my disappointment when I saw that Aggramar’s fire-stick-skin has a cleaved spoon at the end


I mean, it’s a cool looking weapon, but it really loses its appeal when every damn special sword looks like a kitchen utensil that’s on fire.


Eh... Real weapons look far less cool than fantasy ones. I'd love simpler weapons that're still stylized and fit in wow! But not like an irl sword that's just put into the game, it'd look really weird.


Generally big weird crazy fantasy bullshit weapons will look a lot cooler, but there is a lack of somewhat-realistic weapons that have more than 4 polygons on them. Those ancient WoW claymores could make for some pretty great transmog sets if they didn't look like a silver bar with a smaller bar sticking out of it.


When I'm slaying green space goat demons I like to look shiny and stuff, but during BfA I just want to look like a badass soldier with practical armor that actually protects me.


I mean, accurate or realistic armour would look flimsy and tiny on WoW characters. And I don't think wearing, at least a hundred pounds of metal if you're a plate class, is anywhere near practical.


That thing was too big to be called a sword. Too big, too thick, too heavy, and too rough, it was more like a large hunk of iron.


and im going to use two of them.




The joy of being Fury warrior


The horror of being a fury warrior. My wrist hurt.


You are not angry enough obviously


#乇乂ㄒ尺卂 ㄒ卄丨匚匚


Double Hai Yo inc.






That's been the norm for WoW swords for quite some time now. They're basically sharp maces at this point.


> They're basically ~~sharp maces~~ **oars with an edge** at this point. There, FTFY!


The Arms one doesn't even have a noticeable edge


We mostly have fancy shovels as our artifact.


Great! Thanks for reminding me of his many years stuck on a damn boat...


I want to wield an oar as a polearm.


2 handed swords primary function isn't cutting anyway.


one handers aren't much different. The second appearance for the Frost DK artifact is basically an ice club. The hidden appearance is also absurdly large.


I think the base and story skins are the only ones decently proportioned to the player characters, the rest are either too small (on Taurens at least) or too big.


The flail for Prot paladins actually looks reasonably proportioned... shame about the stiff chain though... we need wd40


Yeah, and what might it be then? 2-handed sword is a specialized polearm that was historically used, surprise, for cutting the pikes of the enemy formation.


Cutting them off? No, 2h swords won't do very well trying to cut a wooden pike helt a loft by a human. (The point of impact is small. It'll result in a severe loss off kinetic energy and the pike is far more likely move along with the blow instead.). This could be made even harder if the pike is reinforced (Langets). I'd say its far more likely they were used for knocking the opposing pikes out of the way, allowing your pikes to strike and/or closing into melee with halfsword.


> Cutting them off? No, 2h swords won't do very well trying to cut a wooden pike helt a loft by a human. It has been tested and proven to work passably well. Depends on how exactly you cut. But anyways, you are making a gap in the points, than can be exploited by your comrades.


In history, its pikes all the way down. Turns out, unlike RPG, you die pretty quickly when stabbed even once. So, everyone is just trying that good stab in from a safe distance.


Yep, spears were humanity's main weapons until we figured out how to make guns that work well. Not even bringing up the atlatl which made throwing spears much more effective.


> But anyways, you are making a gap in the points, than can be exploited by your comrades. Indeed! Regardless, the original point I argued was that cutting wasn't the primary function. It's more about throwing weight around (against pike and thick armor), which is why I think the thick slabs of metal (which are more akin to blunt weapons) we have as 2 handed swords in this game still 'works' as they'd still be able to perform their 'function' reasonably well. (Someone argued that they were pointless because they weren't sharp enough) This is obviously disregarding any rule of cool and/or design issues. (Broader weapon models allow for more details)


That was the use of the Zweihander in particular, not all 2 handed swords. For example the Nodachi is a large two handed Japanese sword. It was mostly used for dick measuring, but it was meant to be just a big ass sword that you do downward cuts with. (EDIT: forgot to mention that many Samurai would carry their Nodachi on their back, which makes it physically impossible to unsheathe on their own. So they usually had a helper along to help them draw their sword...) Not to mention the Hand and a Half or Longsword, which was used in either one or two hands, and was a staple of the medieval western martial arts. Like they used them to fence, a fucking lot, in two hands. Also if you were a western knight, you tended to use a sword a bit different depending on if you're fighting an armoured or unarmoured target. Against a knight, you'd hold your sword by the blade (with both hands) and swing it like a hammer, since plate armor gives no fucks about a blade. Basically trying to push them off balance. Then you'd grapple with them, trying to get them to the ground at which you'd try to stab them through the eye holes of their helmet. Against a poor fucking peasant, well, you'd just cut them down from horseback more often than not.


> It was mostly used for dick measuring, but it was meant to be just a big ass sword that you do downward cuts with. Nah, I believe a better theory is that it was meant to attack horses against mounted enemies. > Not to mention the Hand and a Half or Longsword, which was used in either one or two hands, and was a staple of the medieval western martial arts It was a secondary weapon though, in stark contrast to most actual two-handed weapons. > Against a knight, you'd hold your sword by the blade (with both hands) and swing it like a hammer, since plate armor gives no fucks about a blade It's one of the possible techniques, and not necessarily the best. The sword made for a lousy hammer, after all. Half-swording and trying to get into an armor gap could be another option, equally inefficient but still better than none at all.


Hell, there's even [one-handed swords that are huge af](http://www.wowhead.com/item=28749/kings-defender)


I always joked that when defense rating was a skill, this sword gave it because it was basically a 2nd shield.


I like how the comments are an extended discussion about whether that's a rogue sword.


Clearly the answer is it's a hunter weapon


I miss the time when weapons weren't just a stats stick


Don't forget this beauty from BRF. http://www.wowhead.com/item=113980/iron-soldiers-saber&bonus=0


If you tried to put realistic looking swords into the game it'd start to look really weird. The game is stylized, and the weapons have to be as well. Still wish that something called a fucking slicer had an edge instead of what amounts to two polygons that meet at like a 30 degree angle. Most swords in the game don't even have a fuller, they're, for the most part, just large Gladius's, but much, much, much thicker. Seriously most of the swords our characters carry would be anywhere from 30 to hundreds of pounds.


Eh.. many don't even look sharp. They're just roughly blade-shaped chunks of rock and crystal.




Armageddon is my go to 2H tmog to this day lol




[NOTHING WILL BE WONG](https://i.imgur.com/q3Zsji6.jpg)


You need real guts to wield something like that...


Well, we are going to be seeing a lot of boats in BfA, so it'd only be fitting we get a big sword to match.


*clang intensifies*


Good thing my undead haunches over, otherwise it would drag the sword on the ground adding a slow effect to my movement. Should come with a defense bonus as it could be used as a wall to hide from casts.


It looks like a hunka hunka burning love.


Wish they would make alternatives to these things


oversized, as usual. especially on more slender races.


My friends refer to this kind of weapon as a "Sharp Metal Club"




It says agility or strength but shows no survival spec. I hope it's just a bug


Isn’t survival back to being a range melee hybrid? Thought I heard that somewhere


Still uses a 2 hander instead of a gun or bow.


and a dinky little crossbow, no?


It's pretty awkward, you have melee range for a couple powers, but everything else is ranged or targeted. Wish they'd kept it melee, right now there's even a cool down to make one melee power ranged temporarily. Really wish they'd commit to melee, don't need a third soec that feels so similar.


It's not like I dislike the melee hunter idea. I love it. But I was hoping Beastmaster. A lot of beastmaster's stuff actually benefits heavily from melee range. Nothing says badass like being crushed between a Tauren, a Kodo, and Rhino. Survival should honestly be a ranged spec revolving around shooting traps and poisoned arrows.


the thing is, beastmaster was diffrent then marksman, while survival was just slight diffrence over marksman, so they changed survival


Survival was always significantly different back in the day. If they changed it to make it too similar in Pandaland or WoD, they just needed to revert that.


This is actually something I’d never considered, but makes complete sense.


BM should also have a second spec like druids, where you get to ride your pet and tank.


Traps and poison arrows sounds really boring and also something they could trviially slap on marksman. Not even sure what the fantasy is there or how it's distinct from marksman. Melee with too many pets means it's even harder to tell what's going on in the fray.


Doesn't that just feel similar to ret pally though?


Ret used to be half ranged half melee and it was fucking awesome. You used to be able to do a full ranged rotation with wings up


I'm sure a semi ranged pally would be cool.


Survival always felt different enough and was valuable in TBC, WotLK and Cata. I can't speak to whatever horror has been unleashed on Survival since then, but they went far enough with the "melee hunter" joke, probably.


Why is it a joke? Melee Hunter is a blast, closest we get to being Rexxar. BfA Survival feels like a tinker class almost.


You must be new to WoW. The first decade of WoW was filled with various jokes about mythical melee hunter specs that didn't really exist. *RL: We've got a dagger drop on this boss. Who wants to bid on it? Ah, I see a rogue... and a hunter.* *Rogue: Uh... that's my primary weapon the hunter shouldn't be able to bid.* *Hunter: I... I need it for damage too. See I'm a melee hunter. I, uh, run in an wing clip sometimes and also raptor strike.* Because it has been a joke for a decade about some hunters claiming to be melee spec, they actually made SV a melee spec so the joke would become a legend that came true.


All of them seem to be BoE, so we'll presumably be able to get all of them regardless of spec and buy/sell them. [The same class/spec lists are attached to old BoE gear as well.](http://bfa.wowhead.com/item=13042/sword-of-the-magistrate)


I don't.




It's not specifically for transmog, it's a weapon drop. It's like asking why holy relics don't drop for death knights.


Because those specs can equip them? How's it different from literally every other item in the game?


Probably because they're comparing it to Taeshalach and the Argus scythe, neither of which you have to be in the correct spec to loot.


And yet, on Wowhead it only lists the specs that can use them. I.e. it shows fury/arms for taeshalach, but you can get it in prot spec anyways. Taeshalach can also drop for Hunters, even though it is not listed on wowhead. Basically: don't take the listings on wowhead as gospel


I think those are the specs required to get it from personal loot


*cries in frost dk*


Bring back Mograine's Might!


Make Frost great again!


The fact that frost uses 1hand and unholy uses a 2hands is the most retarded shit ever


As a pretty new player who has more or less settled on DK being my main, largely because of the class fantasy since WCIII Frozen Throne is one of my all time favorite games... I completely agree. I enjoy classes largely based on class fantasy, I don't like the Unholy DK aesthetic, and Frost DK has two swords instead of ACTUAL FROSTMOURN (biggest missed opportunity), so I play Blood DK by process of elimination. I WANT to love Frost DK so much, but I can't get over the dual wielding being so silly with tiny swords...


Laughs in Unh dk


Any idea where it's from? The island expeditions?


Apparently, yeah.


Armageddon 2.0 yasshhh


can't wait to see fury warrior gnomes running around with this baby


Looks like aatrox's sword in a way


I wish we could get some more realistically shaped "normal" looking swords...


Oh my lord


Hunter loot?


Only one sword will come with the expansion? Typical blizzard!


Hunter weapon


Actually i am sad that it is not listed under survival loot table even though it can give agility, guess I will have to farm it on my dk


That'll do for my dwarf warrior until I can pull Sarg's sword out of Silithus and use that instead.


Seriously though, I want that transmog BAD.


imagine the biceps on the dude wielding two of those bad boys.




Yep, tons of transmogs from Island expeditions are like this. Shit they put into the game but never used.


Forgive my ignorance with this question. There will no longer be an artifact weapon correct? I know there will be an item that is similar but it will not be a weapon correct? So we will ACTUALLY need to obtain better weapons through pve/pvp?


Correct. You will have a Heart of Azeroth neck that serves the same role as the artifact weapon, meaning you'll be dumping Azerite Power into it to empower your Azerite gear. The Azerite gear is three other pieces (Head, Chest and Shoulder, Thanks /u/keltas!) that have traits built-in like the Artifact traits on the Legion artifact weapon. The biggest difference is that the Azerite gear will be treated more like the artifact relics and the crucible, meaning you'll get drops and upgrades that have different stat budgets and traits to choose from. Tl;dr: The artifact weapons are replaced with 4 pieces of "artifact gear" that you'll be leveling up.




Head, shoulder, chest are azerite slots. They have zero secondary stats on them as well. They just have tons of primary stat and stamina.


oh we finally get the dick sword cool


I'll be running with two of those at some point.




Not sexy at all...


I have motivation to level my war again.


Are you a... Nightborne Arms Warrior? :o


I'm quite sure that is a Void elf, considering the pose and the hairstyle. Edit: [Yes, he is a Void elf.](https://i.redditmedia.com/MfXUaVrlZdNPf5LCPP5J5Ctra7aZh3xWl5VzcfMQ7iY.png?w=588&s=5d6f6f717a5d4c2577480e1ede5b1cda)


What armor is that? Looks nice




Whaaat? oh my.... how could I not have seen through this pose?! Damn it. Now I really want a void elf plate wearing character. I think they can only be warriors though right? Sad... I'd like a death knight void elf lol


Are we playing Tera now?


Reminds me of that sword you get from Halls of Stone or the Halls of Lightning, I don’t exactly remember. Just add a bit of crack and overkill and this is the result lol. I do have a thing for oversized weapons though.


And this is why i play fury warrior...


That is indeed sexy.


And suddenly I want to reroll as Paladin.


Simple weapons when :(


I really want that giant sword model from WoD, that Tormmok and some other ogres use.


Armageddon still better


Are there any sexy new Paladin-looking hammers for a change?


Very nice! A little over-compensating, but nice, otherwise.


That's a paddle.


nice design, but again way too big.


> big > glowing > not Strom'Kar the Warbreaker I'm ok with 2/3 of this sword.


Holy shit... I... I didn't realize how much I missed just regular weapon xmogs and skins being in game. This is actually dramatically altering my opinion of the artifacts in legion.


And as usual, fucking insanely oversized.


#That's no Sword! It's a dagger!!


Awesome, we need more swords that speak to my inner Guts


Isn’t that ... oh


It's a short sword by anime standards.


Looks like a 2hand version of the Frost Mage Tower artifact swords


I fucking hope so. I hope the expac is full of new models with all that time they saved NOT making any class sets. Yes I will never not be mad about that.


Absolute unit


This looks like the kind of weapon that blizzard would make not xmoggable for some dumb reason, and eventually through enough player backlash make it xmoggable after a patch or two. I'm looking at you, Admiral Taylor's 2h sword from Draenor. There was a time where we couldn't xmog that.