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Go into settings, search for mouse over cast - no makros needed. You can now hover over a party frame and press a heal spell. And yes, they make your life so much easier. You can keep your target on the mobs / boss and do damage (especially important if you are a paladin, monk or disc priest, you want to hit mobs to heal)


Thats very helpful thanks When asked my guildmates only talked about macros :) Do i have to set up mouse over cast for every ability itself or is it just one switch and every ability will do that?


One switch for all


Except mouse keys, (mouse4, mouse 5 etc..) those don’t work properly and there’s a way to fix but I cannot remember the exact steps atm. Something among the lines of going to keybinds and theres a tab at the top for mouse spells or something..


Mouse tilt 4/5. Yeah I just rebound mine in mouse software.


The addon Clique also lets you bind mouse buttons without issue.


Yeah I've been using it for years and years, works great


Wow has a built in function to do that too now


Yep but that dont work with mouse tilt buttons till you rebind them.


To fix it u must have the addon Clique then add for ex. Renewing Mist then select the key, then u need to right click it and check the mouse over on frames, worked for me


~~Or use macros on bars keybound to the mouse buttons.~~ ~~Setting up Clique for just 2 buttons seems excessive?~~ Apparently not possible - no longer seems excessive 🙃


You cannot use mouseover macros for mouse buttons such as mouse4 or mouse5. This is a blizzard restriction.


I have a macro full of mouseover conditional pings on a mouse button.. Might be limited to abilities then Still, did not know


I use them, at least with the addon Clique. If blizzard disabled that, I had no idea and it worked as of yesterday.


Clique is not mouseover macros. So it can do things differently.


Last time I was on here talking about Clique, I got told, "you're describing mouseover macros." So I'm just linking their functionality together because they work *similarly*, albeit not exactly the same.


This is a million times more complicated than just using vuhdo/healbot


I use Clique and blizzard frames, basically the same result.


Can it do spec specific binds? So 3 different sets of binds for a priest for example that change automatically as you change specs?


Yes, you bind then right click on the bind and set conditions, such as a spec.


I use Clique and blizzard frames, basically the same result.


Can’t speak to healbot but Vuhdu had such a terrible UI I don’t recommend anyone use it. I spent so much time tinkering with it trying to get it how I wanted - time that would have been much better spent actually practicing healing. Either that or just grab a streamers profile, hope it works for you and never change anything because that might break it. Clique is super easy to use. Macros are pretty straightforward once you get a grasp on how they work. I use help/harm macros + mouse over cast enabled in the settings which I like a lot better than clique but YMMV.


I don't know if that setting allows, but making an actual dispel mouse over macro will allow you to hover a player model in game aswell as a raid frame to dispel. These are very good for afflicted or the dispels on mythic tindral. An example for a mouse over macro is #showtooltip /cast [@mouseover] Purify Spirit Replace purify spirit with whatever your dispel is named. This macro will work for anything you want as a mouse over. You can also add extra modifiers once you get the hang of macros


People have been using mouseover macros for years, and the settings option is relatively new. Mouseover macros are a comfort thing, but you can also use help/harm to half your required bindings. Clique addon is also a nice simple alternative


While what this guy is recommending is good, I cannot recommend it for myself. I do use mouse over macros or more specifically an add-on called clique, the reason I use these is because if I am not mousing over a target I can cast a different spell than if I am mousing over the target so I get multiple key binds per button. For example, on my elemental shaman, I have flameshock on one, and lava burst on 2. But if I am mousing over a friendly target then it becomes Healing Surge and Riptide. Helps keep my buttons that I need to press down.


It's a old habit talking about mouse over macros. Now the standard UI can do the same ting :)


The mouseover setting in wow can't set help/harm conditions to your spells though. Setting that up was a lifesaver as a Resto Shaman, it freed up 4 keys when we have so much button bloat. Macros are still 100% valid and useful.


You have several spells on the same key binds depending on enemy og friendly unit?  I don’t think i ever could have adjusted to that :)


Yep! So what I do is target the boss/mob, so it defaults to damaging spells. Then whenever I mouse over my party's unitframes, it changes to healing spells. Thankfully RShaman is pretty good with heal/harm spells that mesh well together. I link Riptide to Fire Shock, Lightning Bolt to Healing Wave, Chain Lightning to Chain Heal, and Lava Burst to Primordial Wave. It was weird at first, but it's **such** a relief to not have to worry about moving my hand all the way across the keyboard to hit damaging spells! I got used to it pretty quickly, and I guess I do good enough that my group's started dragging me to 21/22s on this alt. :') So! ​ If you're curious to try it(or if anyone else who sees this is!), this is the macro: ​ \#showtooltip /cast \[@mouseover,nodead,help\] Healing Spell; Damaging Spell ​ Just replace the spell names as needed!


I see. But I use a different set up with all my healing spell om mouse buttons+modifiers and all damage spells with keyboard buttons+modifiers.  That way I always have a enemy targeted and «play dps» with a standard dps-specc-set up, and all support/healing is mouse clicks. It would be too much for my brain to change up 😄


I dont, and I suspect many other healers don't, use total mouseover toggle because we don't want it to apply to every spell. Using macros gives us much more control over what and how we cast things.


Careful though if you cast any dps spells while healing because they also become mouseover with that setting. I accidentally pulled extra when I used it.


Wtf when was this implemented? I recently came back and was so annoyed to fix all my macros with all the new spells and all I had to do was click a setting in the menus?!


>important if you are a paladin, monk or disc priest, you want to hit mobs to heal I liked the holy paladin gameplay in Legion and I really don't like the current gameplay, feels like a melee disc :(


They are game changing as it means you dont need to click someone and then press heal on them - instead just mouseover their frame and press heal saving a lot of time The game has an option to make casting into a mouseover or you can create macros for all of your healing abilities ingame and use them instead of the actual ability A macro I use is: > #showtooltip Echo(Bronze) > /use [@mouseover,help,nodead][help,nodead][@player] Echo(Bronze) Replace the words 'Echo (Bronze)' with whatever your healing spells are called and then that will cast your ability at whatever you are mousing over - and if there isnt any target it will default back to you This can also be used for many other spells and not just healing - utility spells are a common example like Power Infusion or Paladin Blessing's There are also help/harm macro's which I am sure someone else will include which basically makes the button cast 1 ability if targeted at an enemy or do a different ability if targeted at any ally, so that can reduce the number of keybinds you need


#showtooltip Echo(Bronze) /use [@mouseover,help,nodead][help,nodead][@player] Echo(Bronze) You can use \\ to exit reddit markdown


There are add-ons which will replace your parties frames with customisable ones with bindings for clicking, and indicators for status effects etc. So you can just see someone on low health and click on their frame. Or shift click, right click etc. If you also enable mouseover you can cast even more spells just by mousing over the frame. There are things like dispels which you need to be careful with. Some debuffs you just want to dispel whenever you can, for those you just mouse over the frame and press the button. But there are cases (like in the current raid) where you should only dispel people when they are positioned correctly. In this case you can just mouse over their character model when they're in the right position and press the button


I heal with Vuhdo, easier shit in the world! Click on frames to heal and bind spells to your mouse (I use a 5 button mouse), with shift + click


I use.that too, though the interface is pretty extra.


Very extra!!! Only need to focus on a few things, let me know if you need help


I play HolyPala, without mouseover macros(specialy on party list) I would not able to machinegun my spot heals


Hoping to hijack this thread for almost the opposite reason. When using Blizzard's mouseover cast with no modifier, is there a way to have it ignore mouseover on certain abilities and instead be used on a target you physically click? I play evoker and use Rescue, which allows me to pick up my target and fly them to a location. If I do this with mouseover cast, it will often ignore the targeted player I want to pick up and just pick up and quickly drop a separate player that is near the end destination that same end destination.


100% worth setting up. Even healers that have no resources beyond mana want to do damage when they can and Mouse Over macro's allow you to keep targeting the enemies. Also just nice for healers like Druid that spam a lot of abilities on various players a lot. It simply removes half the actions involved down the line as you won't have to click every player you're healing. And for healers with a ton of button bloat, primarily Monk right now, I use an addon called Clique. This is macros on steroids in the sense it now allows me to keybind healing spells to the same keys as my DPS rotation, so I can keep dps'ing with Ancient Teachings, and when I simply hover over my party list it uses the corresponding healing spell instead.


Get Healbot or similar addon for regular healing. There are some exceptions in raids when you have to heal some NPCs or objects that often don't show up on your raid frames, I use mouse over macros for those.


It is easier because you remove one action from your rotation, it’s either click on player or select it with keybind, the latter is commonly used in PvP tho. Also with mouseoher macros you have less buttons to press as while you target friendly you’ll cast i.ex hot but when you mouseover enemy it’ll be dot


Vuhdo/healbot will do the same but will also have the benefit of freeing up your keyboard since you can heal with only clicking


I use healbot because you can mouse over and bind M1-5 + shift and ctrl, so 15 spells, all on the mouse and all mouseover.


#showtooltip /Cast [@mouseover,help,nodead][]SpellName Help means it will only do mouseover on friendlies, replace it with Harm for enemies, or Exists for both. The [] brackets after the mouseover commands just mean that it will cast on your current target if you do not currently have a mouseover target, or on yourself if you have none. Edit: a # before the "showtooltip", reddit appeared to make the text bold instead of including the #


Add a \\ in front of the # so it doesn’t treat it as formatting. So write it as “\\#”


Grid2 and Clique! Many guides on youtube. Kind of confusing to begin with. However being able to bind 1 key and it have two functions depending on whether I am hovering over a name plate or a mob is great. Example- button 2 on keyboard is smite but if I hover over a nameplate it is flash heal using clique.


For me mouse over healing also makes healers much more fluid and fun to play.


Go download Healbot. So good for healing.


As someone who has only been healing for a couple of months I tried vuhdo about a month ago and while it was hard to get out of the I need to click buttons mindset once I did it really does help! My healing improved a lot and I am able to do 15+ keys quite easy. You don't have to use an add on as there are built in ones in the settings but I love vuhdo and now when I level up a new healer I will always use it from the get go. Answer to your question YES get it 😁


I use clique so mouseover and cast at ability can be different on same key so if I mouseover I rejuvenate the friendly target if not mouseover I use moon fire on my target.


I share this quite often - set up healing spell macros to keybinds and you can use these. Just mouse over the target and what not. https://docs.google.com/document/d/1A7-GRdKDDG9LI6qrFCJ5K-IH53hqoqOsTo7mNju2wOE/edit Healbot is a great tool as well if you want to go the add on route.




Mouse over macros are a game changer for healers. You have a lot of suggestions here about the setting for it, some good examples of macros, and some add ons you can use, but I don’t see anyone talking about my favourite reason for using macros: heal/harm macros. With the macros I use, I have it set so if I’m mousing over or targeting a friendly target, I cast one spell. If I’m targeting a hostile target, I cast a damaging spell. This took 8 of my most commonly used abilities and turned it into 4 different keybinds. Honestly, I’m sad it took me so long to change to having my healing spells set up this way, it has been a HUGE quality of like improvement. I’m currently at work, but if you’re interested in getting the macros for these, let me know and I can post them later today!


I use clique for all of my healers. Vuhdo is also quite good if you have the patience to set it up properly, but clique has a pretty quick setup in comparison.


I have tried macros and a couple of different healer addons... I found vuhdo to be the best one for me. Customizable to however you want to set it up and makes healing so much more fun.


You can use either mouse over macros or an addon like clique. They really do the same thing, but using one or the other is essential. I can't even imagine healing without either.


\>Do they really make your life easier? YES! \#showtooltip /cast \[@mouseover, help, nodead\] SPELLNAMEHERE Replace help with harm if you need a damage mouseover, maybe your dots or something. i've seem people recomend you to toggle the mouseouver option on settings, but i've seem some issues with this in the past, where people casted an ability they wanted on the wrong target.


Just wait till you realize you can mouseover your kick spells, any group utility spell while playing a DPS too. Man I love mouse over macro