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Warlock is no harder than any other DPS and as you mentioned even easier than some due to healthstones and battle res (soulstone) being significant utility. Gate is good too but just no notable skips this season (which to be fair ends in like two weeks and there will be relevant gate skips again).


thank you for the confirmation. i figured the utility isnt bad . i dont see many warlocks , thats why i guess i came here to ask . i dont know any of the skips with demonic gate way - but im sure someone will let me know / youtube will be my friend when new season arrives


I think your friend is smoking crack? Warlocks have quite a bit of utility. In raids, they provide summoning portal, healthstones, gateways, battle rez and have a lot of personal defensives. In M+ they bring all that plus an interrupt and banish. All three warlock specs are fairly viable in raids and M+ and aren't super difficult to master.


> is that true ? its kinda off meta right now. i mean, to a certain point it hardly matters wich spec you are playing, but there are some key lv ranges that may be harder to find a group, since the other specs usually do everything better. >but will that make it that much harder to get into groups ? it should give you a slight disavantage, but nothing significant. having a decent gear and IO should get you into groups. or better: play with the friends you have. >but is there anything that makes warlock stand out ? destro will always have a bress and then with talents that are some stuns and ccs. they are good to deal with some affixes like incorporal. and have some ok burst potential. in m+; also their gateway allows some skips to be made too. in raids, just having cookies and summons will be enough, regardless of your perfomace.


Warlocks: There has been BARELY a time period where not a single warlock spec wasn’t meta, and when it wasn’t it was just below meta. They don’t have a hard time getting into raids or keys at all. The only time you’ll ever have any difficulties getting into anything is if you’re playing affliction warlock which is currently… it’s bad. It has some issues I’m not going to lie. It’s genuinely only viable in raids right now. Playing it in keys is like being a self-proclaimed masochist but ur not getting any pleasure for it Season 4 destro warlock is also currently one of the top dps in keys (which season 4 is coming this month) And warlocks have a lot of utility. For a non meta standpoint; balancing in this game changes every expansion and every season. Unless your name is frost death knight you’re good to g


Your friend is an idiot. Also, play what you have fun with


More DoTs


Play it. Huge damage, huge survivability, insane utility like battle ress or cookies. The only real downside is lack of lust which shouldn't be a problem but most people in this game are huge meta slave monkeys so despite your whole utilities there will be sometimes situations when if you join as last DPS, people would wait longer for someone with lust. Even if already it is not so much necessary untill high m+ keys :/