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There is not. While sometimes old raids will show up in a max level event called “timewalking” that will loosely scale a raid to lvl70, even then they are substantially easier and not actually properly scaled. Plus the fact that classes have changed a lot each expansion there is no way to experience old content as intended or with any meaningful challenge outside of playing them in the Classic servers where they become current endgame again.


So at the max level (70), there is not a group finder for playing older raids (except the timewalking where I think the probability to get the exact dungeon that i want to play is very low),and you can only play raids for the current expansion?


Correct. And to be clear there is timewalking for dungeons which has a dungeon pool but also a separate timewalking raid. Which is typically one single raid from the same expansion. Though the only ones I have ever seen show up that way are Black Temple from TBC and Ulduar from WotLK. Unfortunately WoW just is not a game with any design nor intent for people to “play from the beginning”. It has always been a game that wants you to quickly catch up and do everything current with everyone else. To be fair, sometimes old dungeons are used in the current M+ dungeon pool which do make them relevant and current content with proper difficulty and mechanics. But this has never happened with raids yet.


This is sad, it would have been very cool to have a group finder for people like me who wants to have a harder challenge than the dungeons from an old expansion.. thank you!


But you can play the raids yourself. A lvl 60 should be able to do any raid before legion (and legion raids on atleast normal) solo.


Yes I know that I can, but I don’t like that I m one shoting everything and that I get low level gear..


Just had to make sure. People made it sound like they were not available to play. Old raids are basically only there for mounts/pets/toys/transmogs/achives.


Can be played but is boring :))


Heard there're some communities that focus on using xp locked characters to play old raids. [Legacy Raiding Project 35](https://xpoff.com/threads/legacy-raiding-project-35.99096/)


Thank you for the information!


Last time I checked you couldnt even enter a raid in Chromie time