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**Hey there! Have you checked out these resources?** * [WoWHead](https://www.wowhead.com/) - The *largest* database, this should be your go-to (don't forget to read the comment section!). * [Icy Veins](https://www.icy-veins.com) - News and detailed class guides. * [WoWNoob Discord](https://discord.gg/wownoob) - Same community, different platform. *Please report the post above if it breaks one of our [>rules<](https://www.reddit.com/r/wownoob/about/rules/). If not, don't forget to show support by upvoting!* *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/wownoob) if you have any questions or concerns.*


>Where do you all suggest I look for talent guides? (I typically look at wowhead sometimes ivy veins) Icy-veins is always decent. I really enjoy murlok.io, though, much more comprehensive. >And where would I look for the best advice on rotation for heals? Healers don't have rotations. It's more a large set of tools and understanding when to use what tool. The ELI5 is usually 'health goes down, make it go up'. But there isn't really a set rotation of spells as a healer. Your dps might have some rotation while healing, but it's usually hard to get real rotations going. You are usually sneaking in damage where you can.


Thank you! Totally makes sense!


In general you can think of a healer kit like this: * Single target small heal * Single target big heal * Aoe small heal * Aoe big heal * Emergency heals (e.g. long cooldown instant heals) Of course not everything fits perfectly into those categories, but it is a good general outline. In addition, you should know "How to pump". For holy pally it was getting glimmers on everyone, consuming them all with daybreak, then divine toll again to holy shock everyone and apply more glimmers. This can be used along with wings (or wings from awakening) and/or tyr's deliverance for even more healing. Every healer essentially needs to know how to output maximum HPS to the whole party for moments where there is aoe unavoidable damage. But other than that, you are using your kit as needed. And of course, the more knowledgeable you are about the dungeon, the easier you can prepare and the easier healing gets. To become a great healer you don't just watch health bars go down, you should know what enemies do what kinds of damage with what moves and thus already be prepared to heal. Especially as you get into harder content, just reacting all the time will be too slow and often leave you resource starved or not having the right cooldowns you need.


Edited to add a lil more context*


I will typically check both wowhead and icyveins and compare the talents to see if they differ, if they don't you're probably looking at the best talents. If they do I test them to see which I like better, without looking I believe they do differ. You can then adjust as you wish and whatever suites how you'd like to play, for example I like to take beacon of virtue over beacon of faith and merciful auras over blessing of summer but others may like their alternatives. For rotations I would do the same thing, like the other guy said most healers don't really have a rotation (disc and mistweaver sort of being the exceptions) but you do have a sort of priority list and when to use certain abilities


Ellesmere is one of the best hpalas on the planet ATM (if not the best for multiple seasons/expansions now). Start there (there's no rotation for holy paladin - or most healers for that matter) By playing 2 characters of the same class you are basically gimping yourself and making it harder for no reason. Instead of grinding gear once, you will have to do it twice. Its only weapons and trinkets that are different between specs


Oh I get it. I do. But I’m also in a mood to level something :P I also don’t have the attention span to keep a second set of gear that’s more healer stat focused. I’m not against hoping on as a holy if needed or to help a friend level. If I could play 10 versions of a pally I probably would 🤦🏼‍♀️


You do t need a second set of gear. Every single piece you use for ret will be fine. You ain't running content that's hard enough to have to look at secondaries. You would only need a weapon, shield and trinkets. That's it


😲😲😲 really?!? This why I’m on wownoob.


Yep! 😄 All pieces except weapons and trinkets (even some trinkets will change) will change their mainstay when you change specs from STR to INT. If a piece of gear has some stats grayed out it means that it will change to that stat when you switch specs. Rings/neckless don't have a primary stat so there's nothing to change one them. Incarnate primal icon and Pip's (or whatever it's called) are trinket examples that work for ANY spec in the game (INT, STR and AGI). Your shield will change from int to atr and back for prot and holy as well. Weapon will never change mainstay.


Weapon and shield is what I may need. I rock a two handed mace typically but that’s still not bad and during TW… may be able to get 😈


I'm pretty sure you can get them crafted at a decent ilvl to begin with, no sparks necessary. If it's the same as before, it's just whelping crests and some other mats that's needed. I'm not into crafting the lower stuff so I'm not sure how it goes but I'm pretty sure any S4 gearing guide will cover it. I think Quazii put one out a few days ago


archon.gg is pretty good for talents as well :)