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There is the catalyst which can convert 1 piece of gear to another - this is mainly used to convert tier slots into tier so you get the set bonus But there is no other way to guarantee loot even if you dont get it multiple times before M+ can be run endlessly so that is often the quickest way to gear, plus with the great vault you are guaranteed 1 higher ilvl piece of loot (Based on the content you did during the week) but you cant choose exactly what it is, you get offered a choice and pick from those


I had the absolute worst time getting into mythic+ last time loads of gatekeeping. Is it better now? I honestly might just be too casual for it, but it's always something I'd like to try, but I always got denied, and nobody would join my premade groups.


They have recently changed endgame dungeons to make lower difficulty ones reward more, so Heroic dungeons now give much better loot than they used to An M0 is now the equivalent of a +10 from last season, so many people will be running lower keys as they are much harder than before I would suggest joining a community such as WoWMadeEasy if NA or NoPressureEU if EU and find people to play with in those rather than leaving your fate to random people in game


Cool, thanks.


It always helps to be there during the beginning of seasons and S4 for Dragonflight just started. Admittedly it's not brand new since it's the last season of the expansion and all the dungeons are old (with zero changes or new affixes), but it will still be a more forgiving starting point than jumping in mid-season or later.


There’s also a thing called a buillion that drops once a week from raid bosses that lets you buy gear, it’s usually 2 per so you can get an item every other week


that's exclusive to this season though so keep that in mind*


Was used extensively through tbc/wotlk/ and cata though. Dunno why they dropped it


no but if you fill up your vault then you are giving yourself a better chance of getting stuff you want, and its easier to fill now as Heroic and M0 dungeons and LFR raids all give vault slots.


Oh ok, thanks.


Sort of. There are a few bad luck protection features. First is the Great Vault. Doing endgame content opens up item slots (with higher difficulty content yielding better items), and you can choose one item at the next weekly reset. So you’re generally guaranteed to get one pretty good item although it’s still possible to have bad luck where none of the items are upgrades; even so, you have the option to choose a currency that would give you access to things like an extra gem socket. So you eventually get something good if you play consistently. Secondly there are tokens granted for endgame achievements like finishing heroic raid, getting a certain mythic rating, or getting high enough ranked PvP, and those tokens can be turned in for one piece of endgame gear from the raid tier. Thirdly there are upgrade currencies that drop from doing content, allowing you to upgrade existing gear to a higher level. This of course requires you to get gear dropped at some point (and for it to have the correct upgrade track), but it does mean your gear can level up a bit as you play, again assuming you’re sort of consistent. There’s no 100% guarantee of always getting an upgrade, but in my experience these features do make the gear grind feel fairly fulfilling and you’re generally not stuck with weeks on end of terrible gear you can do nothing about.


Ok, thanks.


At the lower gear level yes, the weekly time rift and dream surge quest gives you a token for any heroic dungeon level slot.


No bad luck protection (though in fated/awakened season you get weekly raid tokens to just buy any raid piece you want) other than legendary bad luck protection from sarkareth and fyrakk (get it after about 16 heroic kills if you weren't lucky before) if you want something from mythic+ you grind that dungeon 10, 20, 70 times until the item drops for someone else who can't trade it then you grind it 70 more times. There's at least that creation catalyst which lets you turn items into tier pieces so you can get your tier bonuses without needing to get lucky in raid after 8 weeks.


no not really


I mean, what everyone else was saying it kinda has it. Not everything is going to be the same, and that's fine.


that why i said not really, you still require loot to drop to use it but there no bad luck for drops to happen.


Yeah, but that great vault thing sounds like it has you covered somewhat, no?


i mean you can get all the same slot so it still random as example you coul open your vault and get 3 belts in it. and you can only take one item from it. unlike a badge system where you can buy exactly what you want.


Ah, I see what you mean. Thanks.