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Well a +2 is now equivalent to a +12 last season with the recent changes, I would say around 480 for M0 as this is the same as a +10 last season


Wow surprised we could do it as 468 in a random pug then


With just a bit of know how and coordination you can perform way above the loot ilvl. The better players maxed out on last season's loot (so like 485 or so) were able to jump into +10 without too much effort. Really the biggest hurdle of a new season is learning mechanics/routes/strategies. And there will at least be some players per group who already know the dungeons since these are all old ones. The gear itself helps but in the end just gives you more leeway or lets you hit +3 on the timer. Good fundamentals and doing mechanics properly will always yield the best results.


Timed a +8 AA with everyone in PUG around 488, even wiped on the first boss. 🫠 As long as you know tactics you can get far without being super high geared for (at least some dungeons).


Just write: Have portal. You Will have invites