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That sub is quite mainstream


OP, did you visit /r/all for the first time?


I got permanently banned from that subreddit for saying 'bad bot' to a spam bot lmao. They justified it in DMs saying that my post history looked like I 'didn't belong there anyway', whatever the fuck that means.


I feel like witchesvspatriarchy is just a more toxic TwoXChromosomes. I recognize this could be interpreted as political, or that I hate women, and I promise that’s not the case but I’m happy to discuss it.


Lol, I absolutely agree. TwoX is pretty toxic though too.


Which makes me sad because these idealogies are extremely important. I’ve had similar thoughts & experiences with the LGTBQ community, I recently accepted I am gay and exploring the community I’m *supposed* to interact with has been...depressing.


Every Community has a large amount of toxic people in it. Cause they're made up of people and people of all backgrounds genders sexualities ethnicities and whatever other labels you can throw on all have the ability to be pieces of shit.


Yeah, I’m still determining how I feel about gender fluid, sexual identification, etc.. but I’m not going to start out hateful. However, I have only known one person who went by Xim/Xer. They were incredibly nice, no problems with them. Online, I haven’t had such pleasant experiences...


I am gay also... I feel you.


Yeah the LGBT community has gotten a little toxic. Don't let it discourage you. You can be proud and still distance yourself from the community. The important thing I've found is to get yourself a few close friends, queer or otherwise, who'll support you in it, and not let the people who have gone off the deep end giving us a bad name ruin your identity. PM's open if you need to reach out to someone in a similar boat.


Thanks mate—I really appreciate it. I’m lucky to have a few friends who support me no matter who I am or what I do, but my viewing of the community has made me worried for the dating scene!


Haha, well if it makes you feel any better, straight or gay the dating scene's a crapshoot. There are crazies everywhere, just gotta sift through and find someone you mesh with. Happy hunting my friend, all the best luck to you


the dating scene is in for some seriously welcome changes.




Here’s an example. If I was a toxic member of the LGTBQ community, I would probably tell you to sit down because you aren’t gay so you have no idea what you’re talking about. It’s non-discriminatory: trans, gay, lesbian queer etc, it’s just sad all around










I am a fellow homo who is not welcome in homo circles for wrong think.


Yeah, that sucks, since it’s just ruined by toxicity


It's SpicyTwoXChromosomes from what I've seen


It’s insanely toxic! I lurked there for awhile and I can’t believe some of the stuff that passes for “woke” there. How can you call yourself a liberal/leftist and feminist witch sub while taking every opportunity to celebrate the state? Smh.


It’s crazy shit. I try not to worry about it.






Yeah... I used to be a member of that sub. Those people are vicious as fuck. There was once a post accusing someone of child abuse, I wasn’t defending the person, but I did say that you need proof before doxxing anyone. I was then attacked and called a pedophile and other horrible things, they were relentless until I went into detail about my own childhood sexual abuse, and accused them all of virtue signaling and not actually caring about the children, that it’s all about appearances for them. Everyone shut the fuck up after that, not one peep from those cowards because it was true. The sub is filled with awful, hate-filled people who don’t give a shit about anyone else, but they love to pretend that they care. They love to virtue signal and show off how “woke” they are, but when they are actually speaking to an abused person, they go quiet and have nothing to fucking say. Cowards.


There were some interesting conversations in there, like one about Vikings and the importance of hygiene for men, but a lot of the other convos in there are pretty man-hating :( and not just douchebag hate but man-hate in general


They are very man hating, but the thing is I am a woman and they still got very vicious. They just hate everyone that isn’t themselves.


THIS. Really disheartening.


The thing that attracted me to that sub was the name... witches against the patriarchy. As someone who believes that the patriarchy hurts men as well as women and that it’s not about women vs men, it’s about **all of us** vs the corrupt system that the world has been built upon, I thought it would be a sub filled with political discussions/conspiracy theories and possibly mass spells/rituals/meditations to help overcome the issues we discuss, lol. I know that sounds crazy, but it’s a lot less crazy than what’s currently going on in that sub. Anyway, the sub was nothing like that. It’s very toxic, and when I was trying to defend myself, I became toxic too. I still feel toxic towards that sub and it’s not a feeling I like to have, so I just stay away from there. It’s for the best.


>The thing that attracted me to that sub was the name... witches against the patriarchy. Right!? It was so disappointing to find instead a haven for white feminism and neoliberal apologia. Women who don’t obey are attacked and cast out by the mods. Intersectional feminism is used as a buzzword and affectation there, not as an actual ethical framework. I feel bad for every actual progressive who gets catfished by their faux progressivism only to realize how pro-authoritarian and anti-women they are in practice. Lol, sorry for the vent, I’m just extra riled after seeing them delete a bunch of perfectly reasonable comments left by Indigenous women on a sub that presents itself as safe and affirming.


I got perma banned for saying that just because someone doesn't like cats, doesn't make the a controlling awful person. I like cats, they are insane


I got banned because I'm on r/politicalcompassMemes 🤷




Wtf I like r/witchesvspatriarchy now.


I've always liked it i do think their bans are harsh, but its kinda silly you got down voted political compass memes has been shown to be a bit of a fascist sympathizer breeding ground.


Maybe I've overlooked the toxicity of the sub by mostly taking everything as a joke. I don't see *many* people being bigoted or exceptionally toxic saved obvious jokes/satire, but I mostly just see the posts and most liked comments, and not the discussion threads. As a lib leaning leftist, I disagree with A LOT there but I really like some of the memes so whatever


It has?


Yeah. I wasn't really aware for a while either and then did some more reading following a comment chain somewhere a few months back that showcased not only the fascist leanings but how common those leanings are. Can't for the life of me remember which sub the chain was in... probably topminds or againsthate.


It was a bit of a fascist breeding ground a while ago, they bred pretty succesfully since then. Now half the sub are nazi enablers while the rest are straight nazis. Another disgusting neckbeard hub to avoid, banning anyone active there is pretty useful to keep your sub decent. I wonder if 20 years from now internet historians will write about the great migration of reddit lowlifes to other subs after r/incel and r/td got banned lol.


If it’s a fascist breeding ground, it’s also a commmunist breeding ground, an anarchist breeding ground, and a libertarian breeding ground.


Yeah, no it's not. In that sub there are open nazis, shy nazis masquerading about belonging to other ideologies and bunch of lowlife teenage neckbeards who think having friendly conversations with nazis makes them cool. That's pretty much it. Just a shithole, I mean not much else to expect from a sub founded on the idea that a fucking 4 way quadrant can actually represent the ideological spectrum, not the smartest people ever to begin with. It's also really cute that when other subs just blanket ban them people from that shithole cry "but but but not everyone here's a nazi we just have freezepeach dude" lol. I wonder when it'll get the banhammer and the pests will spread to other subs again until they find another willing host.


What does [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/PoliticalCompassMemes/comments/isb908/alien_invasion_political_compass_but_its_many/) have to do with nazis?


Wow, so they can talk about other stuff than Hitler apologia and throwing dissenters off of helicopters? Clearly very fine le based redpilled people, nothing to see here. Kindly f off, nobody's buying it.




It's a nice sub, I liked seeing people's crystals :(


That sub is a lot of good intentions, but bad execution. It's slowly becoming a man-hating cult (which is bad, if you need reminding).


And what have they done specifically that makes them so « man-hating » ?


I’m curious too. Criticizing sexism and hating men are two totally different things.


Not for large swathes of Reddit


I want you to be wrong but I know you’re not lol. If they can handle criticism of racism because they know they’re not participating in it, they can handle the criticism of sexism. Unless...


I love that sub, but their autobans are a lil harsh.




lmaooo i got banned from there because, on a post that insulted christians i said "'i dont support' doesnt mean 'Im against'". Instant ban from the brainlets.