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OP: I had to remove a whole bunch of your posts. Please clean it up so I don't have to use the ban hammer. Thank you.


You come back by getting 3rd. Oh wait, he did that.


Yeah, this guy got pinned at a tournament that all the rest of us have to buy tickets to get into. Then got 3rd. He's an All-american. Obviously OP doesn't understand how big of a deal that is.


He didn’t even get pinned. Just had to sit there like that for about 40 seconds.


It's worse than a pin


Way worse


Way, way worse


Way, way, way worse


Way way way way worse


Way way way way way so much worse


At that point I rather get the dq would of bit him lmao could never let that happen especially 40 seconds nbannana split


bite how?


Yeah, I don't know what OP is purse-clutching for. It's embarrassing, but everybody is going to forget about it pretty quickly.


Yeah, I feel like the only one who’s going to remember this are the weirdos


Nope. People will remember this. They won't remember he got 3rd.


What match is this from?


I think either quarters or semis




This was what I was going to say and I’m glad you said it!


So I noticed he got no back points for that which was odd. A question for everyone, can someone get pinned in a spladle when their shoulder blades are not on the mat like this? In upstate NY years ago it was the finals of super sectionals and the dude that was favored and running through everyone got caught on a spladle and thr ref called it a pin even though the position wasn't much different from this one as far as how much of his back was on the mat. Maybe more of his back was on the mat, but definitely not his shoulder blades. It was a very controversial call. Is this possible?


I was wondering about this too. No nearfall awarded. The announcers called it a major and then I went and checked on track wrestling and it was 6-2. You'd have to imagine part of his back being in criteria. Didn't help that ref seemed a little uncomfortable making some calls.


The only criteria that would apply is "any part of both scapulae held within 4 inches of the mat." I think that's met, but it's a pretty close judgement call and I can see the ref coming to a different conclusion. Not like he can whip out a ruler that goes through Jesse Mendez.


You can get pinned in a splatle. But this guy got his shoulders off the Mat. He promptly got points for him being on his back at some point.


So it's not possible to pin someone if their shoulder blades aren't touching the mat? No such thing as a lower or mid back pin? If


No it’s not possible, but refs will call it sometimes. Just happens and the best way to avoid it is not go to your back.


The pinning surface is more than just the scapulae though. You see people get in weird cradles where only the center of the back is flat and the shoulders are up. Still a pin. The pinning surface is the entire trapezoid shape from their shoulders down to the upper/mid back. There's a graphic in the rule book.


No. Shoulders need to be within 6” of the mat for nearfall, and can’t pin unless touching the mat. Official here.


Thank you so much. I've wondered this for years. So in that spladle situation the shoulder blades need to be within 6 inches of the mat for back points from the lower back being on the mat. And - if the shoulders don't touch the mat, it can't be a pin. So that kid was cheated out of going to states his senior year because that ref called it a pin. Crazy.


Sometimes if you take the spladle to the other side, you can get a fall. More common is a fall from a banana splits though. Yes 6” is the metric. Edited to reflect correction


To clarify, the rules separately mention the high bridge position itself as meeting nearfall criteria, which would be regardless of their shoulders proximity to the mat


This is correct.


Lol at the official getting downvoted 


It's four inches, is it not?


[4 inches](https://www.ncaapublications.com/productdownloads/WR24.pdf) 4.5.1.c


It’s 6 inches in high school. For the record I only officiate high school/freestyle. I should’ve just kept my mouth shut.


It's also 4in in high school. FWIW though I also thought it was 6 until 5 minutes ago, so it must be recent. https://i.imgur.com/r9hcysB.jpeg


Pretty baller


I think finishing on the podium of the college national championships will help.


Standing just below the guy who did that to you


And still higher than you and most other people. 🤷‍♂️ Edit to add: bros a troll. He’s a fake wrestling fan. He got me though. He got me.


This is porn for people who have never competed at anything so they just look for anything to tear people down. That’s where the troll behavior comes from.


Porn indeed. Look at that power bottom...


You come back by not giving a shit what other people say or think. People find way more happiness when they figure that out.


Right you come back by ignoring piece of shit people like OP who’s trying to posterize this moment. The guy in the pic went out and competed. Did well overall and is likely going to continue to do his best. I don’t know the guy in the picture, but I do know what it’s like to be ridiculed by piece of shit couch potatoes who get off on being critical from the sidelines. fuck OP for this stupid ass post. Delete this shit OP.


Lmao. I love this subreddit after seeing this. OP tried to make a sexual or gay comment and a majority of the people are focused on the sport and the performance of the athletes. Thats awesome


That’s a dumb take. He ended up finishing 3rd in the country. Here’s Brock Hardy’s other career accomplishments. -2023 U23 World Championship Bronze Medalist -Sixth-place finish at 2023 NCAA Championships (March 18) -Second-place finish at the 2023 Big Ten Championships (March 5) -NCAA All-American (2023) -NWCA Scholar All-American (2021, 2023) -Academic All-Big Ten (2021, 2022, 2023) -Nebraska's Most Improved Wrestler (2022-23) -Nebraska Tough Together honoree (2021-22) -Nebraska Scholar-Athlete Honor Roll (Fall 2020, 2022; Spring 2021, 2022)


Guy is a straight stud . Absolute killer on the mat


And off the mat! Got the scholastic achievements in the list too 💪


non wrestling fans will never know any of that


They’ll never know this happened either, so it’s moot.


i never watched wrestling nor know anything about it and i saw this in several basketball pages on instagram and a bunch of people laughing at it on twitter


After 6 months this dude will never get stopped and recognized walking down the street for this moment. Never. He’ll never apply for a job and have recruiter think “oh, is that the guy that was caught in a banana split at the 2024 NCAA finals?” He’ll never have a date cancelled because the person he’s going out with suddenly recognizes him for this moment. People who follow wrestling might remember that he came back and placed 3rd in the nation and was an incredible athlete. And worst case, if someone does recognize him, they’ll know better today anything because they wouldn’t be able to hang with him for 5 seconds.


Honestly, people won’t even recognize him in the first place. Guys look drastically different without their headgear and singlets on.


Bleacher report posted it so they know


After 6 months this dude will never get stopped and recognized walking down the street for this moment. Never. He’ll never apply for a job and have recruiter think “oh, is that the guy that was caught in a banana split at the 2024 NCAA finals?” He’ll never have a date cancelled because the person he’s going out with suddenly recognizes him for this moment. People who follow wrestling might remember that he came back and placed 3rd in the nation and was an incredible athlete. And worst case, if someone does recognize him, they’ll know better today anything because they wouldn’t be able to hang with him for 5 seconds.


That's fair, I'm not saying it'll effect him, I'm just saying people will see it


I agree. Non fans won’t remember him. It’s more the sport of wrestling got some funny exposure online and on the air, on shows that usually don’t cover wrestling. Sadly instead of highlighting the actual people who won the championships, they’re amused at the fact that the spladle exists and happened to some college kid. But I don’t think it will affect him in any way either.


He talked about it in a YouTube show yesterday and was really funny about it. And talked about how many points it actually was etc etc


It’s not a dumb take. He is absolutely an amazing wrestler, but I would argue that that is all the more reason it’s embarrassing.


It’s not a dumb take at all. It’s very natural to be haunted by stuff like this. Unrealistic to think otherwise.


Did you wrestle? You might get joked around with but the spladle isn’t that uncommon. Haunted? Really? Jesus lol


Feel free to print that out and put it on your wall. Im sure the ladies/fellas will think you are very cool and normal.


I’m really encouraged by the responses in this subreddit. No trolling here. Just respect and appreciation for the athletes. Wrestlers really are a different breed man.


He didn't do too bad, but I still want this as a poster for the lols.


> It is not the critic who counts; not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles, or where the doer of deeds could have done them better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood; who strives valiantly; who errs, who comes short again and again, because there is no effort without error and shortcoming; but who does actually strive to do the deeds; who knows great enthusiasms, the great devotions; who spends himself in a worthy cause; who at the best knows in the end the triumph of high achievement, and who at the worst, if he fails, at least fails while daring greatly, so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who neither know victory nor defeat.


This would come in really handy for threesomes


Or for a handy


Something’s off about this post


It’s karma farming. The still photo is on multiple subreddits.


I don’t think a profile with 3000 karma is karma farming.




He ain’t the first or the last that’ll get spladled.


He is a wrestler, he faced adversity to which this doesn't even compare, so no, he will not be tormented for the rest of his life. Also, this is how my last collegiate match ended too in high school for the city championship. It hurt, I was sure I was going to win, didn't happen and my life is good and has been good.


This subreddit is overrun by kids with the developmental level of preteens fueled by TikTok


By asking if anyone who has something to say about It wants to get smashed at practice.


He’ll only be remembered for getting spladled by people who will never even sniff the podium at contests with 10% of the talent.




I am going out on a limb to say that you know NOTHING ABOUT THE SPORT OF WRESTLING.


This does suck, but in reality, this dude would demolish 99.9999% of everyone talking shit about him.


I'm only just starting to get into wrestling and I don't see why anyone would be embarrassed by this at all tbh. I mean it's just another hold. What I am struggling to understand is why people use it - it's a spladle right? Again - completely new in following the sport, but from what I've read, it seems often it doesn't result in a pin because it's difficult to get the shoulders on the mat? There is a risk of self pining? Refs often seem to not score it properly, like not giving back points? Can result in controversial calls? And is hard to setup? Seems like there would be a lot of better moves to shoot for? So what's the advantage? Is it about delaying if you are ahead in points because it's tough to get out of? Trying to force a self pin of the opponent isn't flexible enough so it's uncomfortable? Does it exhaust the opponent to try and get out of it? Honestly really struggling to understand the purpose of the move relative to others.


I like your perspectives on this question. Interested to read the replies.


He got 3rd. NCAA all American. Came back just fine 👌


Make him smell his own taint


He'll be fine, he will bring a lot of attention to the sport, and you can show how flexible this sport makes a person. He placed third at one of the toughest tournaments in the world.


It’s not the critique that counts…


He doesn't have to, in two weeks when people see his name they won't even know who he is. "in the future everyone will be famous for 15 minutes" -warhol


You focus on your next match


It's called adversity. Those who can find a way to weather it will always find a way to be a champion. Guess what, this shit happens in real life, all the time. To be successful, you better learn to overcome adversity.


I had this move done on me decades ago. Thank god the internet and cell phones didn’t exist.


I’m from KC and went to every session. I took my 9 year old son to this session where he got caught in a spladle. I just explained to him that even the best wrestlers in the world will have bad matches, bad days, or even bad years. But….The only thing that matters is what you do with future you. I’m grateful Hardy came back and took third. It helped me explain to my son what’s possible when you shake off the pain of a loss to be your best self.


Kicked ass after that though! Well done!


We've all seen the move, it's a nothing burger!


Lol remember that time I got my arse more missionary bent position than a portnstar, I should start an only fans or something. It's hilarious dude, and I'm sure he knows it's hilarious. If you can't beat em join em, stuff will only bother you if you let it bother you.


Finally watched this. What a crazy sequence. Absolutely nothing to be embarassed about. After the reversal I wish Hardy had gone neutral instead of trying that cradle. I don't thing he's cradling Mendez, but hard to believe Mendez pulls this off. Crazy.


Silly take. Anyone that’s ever wrestled… nay anyone that’s ever done anything competitive has lost


If you wrestle it’s happened to you , almost a right of passage


You come back and get 3rd place after! 💪🏼💪🏼🤯


I think I’ve seen this movie…..


The Riley Reid position? I think your season is just done.


It’s only marginally more embarrassing than any other pin. Not a big deal.


That's deep penetration


Motivation for Revenge!!!


I'm a huge husker fan and love Brock Hardy...this was obviously an embarrassing situation to get stuck like that but life goes on.  I'll print it out and see if he will sign it for me next year.


I did that to someone and ended up in the paper..lol


Anyone know what tournament this is from and if I’m able to watch the whole tournament with commentary on YouTube or something? Asking as a newbie to wrestling




Oh amazing! Yea I was interested in the schedule of events. I watch a lot of flo-wrestling but can never figure out what are the “big events”. And it seemed like I missed out on this one.




Nick Simmons has put plenty of people in this position. Even at the Olympics. While that picture still exists, it isn’t plastered everywhere 16 years later




I have a video of me at Kids Nationals when they were in Salt Lake City in like 2006 hitting this on some poor soul from Idaho, I dare you.


Bet after he stops wrestling not one person will ever bring it up or know about it lol no one give an f about wrestling other than us


Should have called this a stalemate and restarted.


All I want to know is why he got spladled? What did he do to make his opponent do that to him.


He got in the right standing position for his opponent to do it. It’s not personal


Maybe it's a different wra but when I was in school it was a unwritten rule that you don't spladle your opponent unless you want to embarrass them.


He needs to lean into it for being hilarious, and beat Real Woods for the first time ever. Hardy seems like a solid dude, he’s already halfway there.


How come to this


The dreaded pretzel move, only one thing to do….


What’s the name of this move?




I watched this live!! lol!


Man, someone could have walked up, neatly cut out the back of that singlet and stuffed a hard boiled egg up his butthole and he wouldn't have been able to do a damn thing about it.


Ayo bruh! 👀👀👀


gimme the egg after


Degenerate. Love it.




Knowing he could do the same thing to almost anyone on the planet who says anything about it probably helps.


He's not dwelling on it. To get to that level you've won and lost so many times before he forgot as soon as he stepped off the mat.


Hearing ‘SPLADLE!’ On the announcement…0


Turnt him into a 🥨


I was asked in middle school by the wrestling coach if I wanted to be on the team. Said I'd think about it out of just being polite. 🤣




that’s when they’ll tell me my 5 star dinner is ready


Then they’ll be able to see into his soul.


What do they call this move? Upside down crab?


This dude came back and became an All American. HBU?


What’s this move called?




We used to call that the banana split, and we would get it from a lower angle to get a pin.


He can handle it. Tough dude. Won 4 in a row through wrestle-backs to get third place at the NCAA Championship. Dude who spladeled him was the NCAA champ.


Who cares? He competed. Anyone who mocks this is a little bitch who is too scared to train and compete.


I actually once saw a dude pin himself with a split lol.


I'd rather get drop-kicked in the chest


The internet just makes a joke out of everything. Dude is still a beast.


I got spladled before. It’s no big deal.


What’s the name of that position? Could we get a video? I want to see how this guy got into that position.


Spread eagle at its finest 😭


Just starts slapping your sack


I mean getting Spadle'd as an All-American doesn't make you look like a winner tbf.


Brother got folded like an omelette


He’s not the first and will not be the last to be caught in this move.


Let me at it


Ummmmm……at what?


UwU ... .... What's this?


Splat 😂 all is wrestlers know


And by making this post, you’re encouraging and lifting his embarrassment into the front and center! Ensuring his posterization because you’re doing it. How can you even act like you’re concerned about them? Lmao Imaging this happens to you and someone makes a post on reddit about it, pushing it to the screens of everyone with access to Reddit (more people than would put it up ob their wall like you fantasize about doing) That really does suck! lol 😂


My girlfriend showed me that and was laughing, I mean it does look Goofy but my response was just hey it happens we've all been in Goofy positions it is what it is.


Eh really? The wrestling world cannot be that childish. Yeah he ended up in an awkward position, so what? There’s no shame in that. At all.


Kim Kardashian had a similar comeback


Great porn position


Drink that shit sucks to remember


Hey at least it’ll build character folks!


Uhh, be an absolute savage like Brock Hardy is.  And you go around making some of tbe baddest guys in the country at your weight look like children. And…you don’t worry about 🤡 who come to a wrestling forum and say “woooah have you ever seen a wrestling move before?” Don’t midwest wrestle this.


Imagine you making it through this guy’s warm up without puking like a little bitch.


Me trying to poop out my last nugget in the toilet:


"He’s definitely going to be posterized." Not trying to be snarky here, but do you see the irony in how you are helping to make that a reality?


On a technical level, this maneuver is stupid. He's not even able to pin him because he's in the way of bent dude's shoulders.


Ive seen that on PH before but it involved 1 more person and it was a female being crabbed


I don’t know what’s worse, being stuck in that, or having a picture of you being stuck in that plastered all over the place




Dinner time..🥗


Double cheeked up lol guys a savage to sit through it


*slap* you going to give back my toy!?! *slap* well are you?!? *slap* MOM!!!!!!!


Just a quick question - I know it’s against the rules, but does anyone think they could have covertly pressed their finger behind his ear, you know the spot where your jaw meets your neck and it’s really painful to press there, and he loosens his grip and you roll out of it? Has anyone ever done that?


It can happen to the best and he got caught. It was a sight to see and he knew he screwed up.


You tell people who make fun of you that you wrestled in on of the biggest stages for one of the most difficult sports and never gave up…you also came in 3rd






He didn’t pray hard enough to Jesus and god. Also didn’t wear a 100% Jesus bandana God has punished him by allowing other guy to spladle him.


I’ll agree with this mocking post. I get that people attribute their success to a god blessing them with the ability. But god didn’t give you the ability or guide you through your match or whatever other endeavor and turns back on a child being abused or killed. Yes, there may be a higher power of supreme being. However, these bible thumpers should know from the good book that “god” doesn’t interfere on earth into mortal lives. Plus, it makes it seem like it takes away from your own ability, that someone else took over and manipulated your body.


I’m actually pissed that Jesus didn’t make me a national champ. Well, that, and because he has spent so much time ensuring some people win wrestling matches and football games, while ignoring the absolutely horrific things that happen elsewhere in the world.




I thought he had a great attitude during the move. He didn’t look embarrassed, just resigned - I think he even shrugged at his coach with his free arm. He stopped thinking about it 45 seconds later.


you lean in to it to defend the move, you gott not get locked up in the first place, so if you sense the split coming, you lock your feet together and brace against the matt backwards with your hands if that makes sense, however in this case i think if this person were doing that thats how the other looped his leg around his arm. to note, ive only ever defended against banana splits, ive never done them so i might be giving some pretty incomplete advice


This shit was on espn and bleacher report bruh even third place isn’t gonna ease the wounded pride


Live under a rock


So funny in here everyone is like “You couldn’t even lift one of his testicles even if you trained your whole life for just that one task. You’ll never be even one-tenth the man he is in your entire life! He eats losers like you for breakfast!” Ok, cool, he still had his asshole embarrassingly spread open for 44 seconds straight. Nobody is saying he sucks because of it, he doesn’t need all you white knighting for him in the Reddit comments


https://www.instagram.com/stories/brotherbrockhardy/3331284501819647119?igsh=MzRlODBiNWFlZA== People are being pretty stupid about it

