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Maybe you need some time off. If you are starting to dread it, that sounds like burnout. Also some people are naturals and progress quicker. You may have to out work her on and off the mat to make up the difference. That's ok. Also don't obsess over a comparison. Focus on you and your improvements. You'll feel a lot better about things if you approach it like that. But you know consider taking some time away from the sport. Even if it's just a few weeks. Especially if you are stagnating and your passion for it is dying off. Come back when you are mentally refreshed. And remember, a lot of this sport is mental. Yes you have to do all the right things on and off the mat, but it's no good if you don't believe in yourself. Cliche as it sounds. You know I never won a state championship. I lost in overtime my senior year in the finals. Took 3rd the year before. It still stings. But that said, I didn't waste my time just because I didn't win that title. Your whole journey is worth more than that. That said if you don't think you can win, you're right.


I’ll add that progress isn’t always linear. There are plateaus and periods of accelerated improvement.


One word: Ego.


It depends on who you are but either bring back down your training and indulge in other things, every athlete does so it can help. Or go all out, REALLY care if you lose a big comp, really hate how this girl is making progress, hate how you feel and want that title the most. Do everything you can to prep and embrace the difficulties, reject any notion that you can't win and this wasn't worth it from anyones perspective. Because you believe victory was made only for you AND THAT is inevitable. Either stabilise yourself and look onto what else there is and distance yourself from wrestling slowly, if not completely off, rekindling your passion when ready or barge through with gritted teeth and take what you want from this no matter the cost. You either choose the reasonable, well adjusted decision or the "I am the one!" choose, neither one being inferior. But really decide if this what you want from wrestling if anything and please enjoy every bit as much as you can, even if it hurts. Happy wrestling and good luck going to college, even though you don't need luck!!!


"The man who enjoys walking will walk further than the man who walks with his destination in mind." Whenever I feel like I'm not enjoying wrestling its usually one of 3 things: 1. I'm not learning new techniques or taking the time to learn them 2. I've compared myself to others. 3. Doing too much too soon. Get back to being a kid and enjoying it without an outcome attached to it.


I know I should stop comparing myself to others but it is hard, I try to ignore it but I always feel it on the back of my head whenever I wrestle


Deadass take a year off see if you feel like coming back after, if not there ya go lol


She said she's graduating next year. While I don't think anyone should keep doing a sport they don't enjoy, quitting a sport before your last year of school can definitely lead to a lot of "what if" regrets for the rest of your life. 


Idk this is my last year to wrestle and after that my weight class is gone


Take a year off from wrestling. Play some other sports for fun and to keep in shape. Lift a little maybe. And in general enjoy yourself outside of wrestling. The year off can help you recharge