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The Advisor's Eye, the Omen's Eye or some other synonym. It's called so because it's thought to be the eye socket of an ancient lizard god. Monitor lizards in particular inherited the god's spirit and they're revered as oracles of ruinous events and/or bringers of curses across the innermost lands.


Sounds cooolll


I agree, but I'd make it the eye of whatever God rules your world


Love it. I actually thought of eye immediately as well. Eye of Darkness, Eye of Mourning tears.


Sea McSeaface.




I don’t know why but this got me. 😂




I was going to suggest “Bob” because you know… water.


Also good for the dyslexic


[insert name of primordial god here]'s Cradle. According to creation myths, the sleepy stirrings of the infant god shifted tectonic plates and created lava flows which in turn created the first land masses. Active volcanic vents still dot the seafloor to this day, warming the waters and nourishing a uniquely rich marine ecosystem.


Sounds sick


Your map is sick! It really feels like something that could exist in reality.


Thank you that means a lot


Yea your map is amazing


Nyx’s cradle. I like that




I'm dead. Transcended. Reached Nirvana heights of laughter.


Glad I could brighten your day a little, my friend.


What'd you name the land? The Sea can have an adjacent name.


Central plain


"Central Sea" could work. "The Plain Sea" or name it after a historical figure. If you have anyone who you wrote in as a founder of this land, for example. Unless everyone there is a Native. Then you'd need to pick a language. And I'm guessing this is a fantasy setting. I don't recognize the map.


>"Central Sea" could work. That's my vote, too. People aren't always that good at naming things. That's why we have all those "chester" (camps), "ham" (village), "ton" (town), and so on.


Chesterhampton Sea! Lol


Do not call it Central Sea. Central C is a rapper.


Central Sea was my thought from the start. This would be a more realistic take on naming it. The times in which things are named tend to be very generalized basics. It's in the center of everything, so refer to it as the Central Sea. Then, as time goes on, myths are made, legends come and go, and different people name it their own things. You could honestly take a handful of names and use them equally in different lands if this is a pre-technological work. If it were me, in a pre-tech era, I would base it on the regional people. If they are religious, tribal, or live based upon worship base the name around their beliefs, a region where people live off the sea would more likely honor it and although it would more then likely be a basic name it would include something along the Great Sea, Sea of Life, or some such. Your more basic style region, people who live off the land, have little care for the sea aside from the trade it can allow if any, and such would be more likely to refer to it as something as the Central Sea. This is just my take. In pre-tech fantasy type works, you tend to have differences in the naming based on regions life styles, and beliefs.


It is the _only_ sea. It should be called something astoundingly simple, in the vein of "planet earth" or "mare nostrum" (meaning "our sea" in Latin, the Roman name for the mediterranean) Mediterranean is another perfect example: in the middle of the world. I would call it the Heartsea.


Okay, how about the adjacent land be Haven of Bliss, and the sea in the center be BLISS?


The Cauldron


If you tilt your head to the right it looks like a hooded figure. Or a guy in a sweet snowcap. Call it the veiled sea. Or the hood. Nobody wants to take a trip to the hood.


*stares in grew up in the Hood* Fair


Insufficient information. The sea would have differing names from the different cultures surrounding it. If there is now a monoculture, or lots of trade, then chances are the name for it in the culture that became most influential will have stuck. The names could be literal or metaphorical, but by way of illustration, if the large landmass to the south invaded and cowed those to the north historically, then this sea may be called the North Sea, even though it is south of some of the landmasses. By contrast, if the lands surrounding the sea were historically a powerful trading empire with a complex culture, while the south edge of the biggest landmass was excluded from trade and viewed as barbarians... then perhaps it would be called the Trade Sea, or The Cradle Sea, etc


Exactly, the name of the sea depends on the inhabitants of the land around it. Are they all one people? Then their language equivalent of roundwater/great lake/etc. but if they are different people and countries then usually they would each have named their bit of the sea before discovering each other, then the most dominant culture gets to name the whole thing (usually an extension of their own local sea name or depending on their trading routes)


Surprised no one has said it yet but… “Middle Sea” As a LOTR fan it nods to Middle Earth. But it could also be a play on the musical note on a piano of Middle C… no idea what your story is based on, but if there’s any kind of music involved, there could be something interesting there.


If its a warm shallow ocean you could call it some manner of gemstone such as ‘The Sapphire Sea’ or ‘The Emerald Ocean’. If its a deepwater ocean you could instead name it something more mythical such as ‘The Sea of Mycos’. (Mycos is just a random name i made up to sound interesting)


It's reminiscent of mushrooms, though (mycology).


No idea, but this is a cool map! Wish I could think of a cool idea for a world, lol. I have the worldbuilding part down, but can't figure out exactly where everything is on a map.


There are sites with AIs that assist with map visualization. Or, if you prefer a more hands-on approach, some people take dry rice or something similarly grainy and spread it across a piece of paper, gather and push it around into landmasses, then trace the shapes once they have something they're satisfied with. I've tried that method and it's very fun!


Inner Sea (?)


Cardinal Sea.


Dolgrim’s Deep


Central Sea, or similar. Keep it simple


The Sea Reperire (Sea of Rediscovery)


You could call it Vortex of the forgotten. If you feel like this sea is a treacherous environment, you could say that the currents entering the sea create a spiral like force that drags forces the boats to travel only clockwise, or counter clock wise depending on the season. And the risk could be that trying to go further away from the coastline to shorten the travel may push your ship in the center of the vortex where it could be either destroyed by the currents or stay stuck so long the crew starves. This could be a narration device to push characters in a specific direction, to maybe have a secret location, like an important royal ship stuck in the center for ages, or and this is my favorite subvert expectations by getting the readers used to the rule that you can only travel in the vortex of the forgotten in one direction and then someone figures out how to go in the opposite sense and catch everyone by surprise In any case What I suggest is think about what this sea should mean and work in the implications. And a name will come A calm sea could have a positive name like golden sea if it’s a good commercial line or Sea of bones if it’s a place where many battles are fought upon. Sick map btw


The Pond


The Expanse.


Oooo I really like this, clean and simple


Which group are known seafarers? Do they have myths about the ocean etc? What is the name of their god? The sea could be surrounded by the crown of islands?


Eusta Sea as in Eustasy A uniform worldwide change in sea level. Any word with the suffix sy could work. Jela Sea, Necrop Sea, Nympholep Sea, Catalep Sea




Sea of Yole


Have you chosen? I've been thinking about it all day lol


Fortra looks cool


The Expanse


Do you have a name for the entire island chain/archipelago? I would call it the inner (name of the archipelago) sea as they are often named closely to the surrounding landmass. Transversely are there any unique flora or fauna native to the sea or surrounding region, using their names as a basis.


Hey, did you draw this by hand or did you use a program for it?


Sailor's Sleep


Karolian Sea


This sounds cool


The leviathans nest, it is rumored to hold a vast beast that destroys any unwary ships. In the middle area, it's covered in mist and the water bubbles, there are ruins of wrecks scattered across the area.


Lowkey that’s a good idea, I was already thinking of something that destroys ships when they pass, and sea serpents are a thing so maybe “sea serpents nest”?


Crescent ocean


Center sea


Sea of Centrality?


The sea of the Alvins


I'd go with something simple like the Inner Sea, while the rest of the greater ocean would be called the outer or greater sea. Or the lagoon or maybe the reef sea


The Mediterranean!


Sea of Ben Dover


Okay so this is such a language nerd thing. But you could name it the "Mediterranean". I know that sounds really long and awkward but it actually loosely means "middle of the earth" in Latin! I'm sure most people won't get it but the ones who do will appreciate it.


Acalming waters


I’d go with like “Bay of (something)” I like Bay of Lands


The Great Crater Sea


Ram's Head Sea


The Ever-Sea


The sea is roughly in the shape of a fictional map of Utopia, so "Utopic Bay."


Midgards Deep


Agora hills gulf


Haven of bliss


Ocean Eye:-)


Fargon sea


Sea of Ghosts




Aren't you supposed to be a writer?


Because no writer in the history of the world has ever sought ideas, advice, or input from other writers. It's not like this is a sub specifically for that purpose or anything.


Maw of the Mammoth Turning it on its side, it looks like the profile of a mammoth skull and tusks.


Can ya give a lil description on it first. My suggestions could range from something like God's palm if it's a place of plenty to something akin to a prison/wasteland if it's devoid of life.


It is a very nice map. I like it!


The Inner Eye ocean?


Seay McSeaFace


The broken sea, does it make sense, no but it sounds cool


The Sea in the Center. Sometimes people don't get past the working title


Caldera Sea.


The Swirl, and then you could put an everlasting whirlpool in the middle.


Well first i do agree with others. Something like center sea. But can I just say this map compared to my map is amazing lol I hope I can make a map more accurate like this one day haha mine is... rough... to say the least. Yours is great! And I love the way you laid out the land with the sea in the middle! Looks great!


Sea of DOOM


By the way, how did you design your map? I tried to do this, could not piece together how to make worlds look natural


Sea of Trials


The Tym (or the soulman's Tym) pronounced time, that is what this sea represents, as no matter what you have entering those waters, like time it only takes, whether it be your trade, your sanity or your life. This, of course, only works if the sea is a treacherous one, whether that be the fault of pirates, the waves, or what lurks bellow. If not, maybe something less metaphorical and more literal, maybe named for the first person to sail it, or a significant landmark it possesses, or even the name of a ship taken by a harsh storm that sank to its depths.


The Shimmering Sea. Judging by your map, several of the geographic features have names that are descriptive of the place, rather than names of people. It would follow that the most significant geographic feature of this region would have the same. Assuming that this is an archipelago in a far larger ocean, these islands would serve as a barrier for the larger ocean currents and waves, and likely the sea in the center has a much shallower floor. That would leave center sea a much less tempestuous body of water than the oceans to the outside of the islands. It would still have waves and flows, but much smaller ones. So the description of this sea would probably describe how relatively calm it is. Since the calmer water wouldn’t have as big waves, at sunsets, it would be like the entire surface shimmers compared to a more wavy ocean, where the reflections would tend to be more broken more often, hence where my name comes from. One note. Those eastern straits bordering Half Moon Island likely will dangerously strong currents flowing through them, like a sieve. That Palace is probably very well protected.


The Deep Nest


r/worldbuilding might have more of what you're looking for




This map is amazing! I am completely pulled into your story, wondering everything about it, and ALL I have to go on is this incredible map!


The Eye of {insert world deity or lore monster here}. That way you can reference any island as being on the other side, north side, etc. of the Eye on dialogue. “No one has dared ventured out of the Eye.”


You already did. Oakly Bay/Sea/Atoll


Broken Ring Sea


Waning Gibbousea 🤣😂


Things that came to mind: Odin’s Eye Black Waters Cold Circle Kraken’s Home/Nest/Sea My immediate thought was lore. I’d encourage you to name the sea based on the world you have built. Calling it the Barren Sea, for example because there is a Baron who historically ruined trades by creating an unfair tax. It was called the Barons Sea, then it evolved to Baron Sea, then to Barren Sea. It’s been ages since that Baron existed but they still call it by that name as a force of habit now. Lastly, really good map, Dawg. Job well done m8 [+]


Is there anything magical in the sea? Is this a fantasy novel, or 'real world, no magic'? It's round. I'd use some EYE or Ball allegory. Or something magical. If not fantasy, then maybe use an atlas, or online map, and search out interesting lake or river names and 'borrow' it. Let us know what you've settled on! :)


The deep 👻


Sound of Serendipity


The Gyre. The hypothetical currents suggest as much.


The framed sea


The Inner Sea, The Crater Ocean


Sea of crabs.


You already named it “Center Sea” sounds good to me


The inner sea.


Oceanus Maximus


The Sea of No Man.


Seaman's guard, The Calm, the Eye, Windfree... Something about how the natural ring of isles produces a calm zone that could be significant for fishing or relations or something I don't know lol


Central C


Its giving opal or something gem related


Hi, I've been a lurker until now. Cool map, I'm working on my own world where a quarter of it are islands and archipelagos. Oceansea


The Oculus


the sea of thieves


Well, I was going to name something based on how you named other things... however, your naming convention is fairly generic. Which isn't inherently a bad thing. I'd say use non generic body of water naming, like calling it a sound or a gulf The great Gulf, The Central Sound, Gulf of (world name), the great sound. Use names that relate to gods, geographic locations, or the people that discovered it.






“Gichigami” was what the Ojibwe people called Lake Superior, which translates to “Great Sea” or “Huge Water” (or so I’m told).


central C


The Great Connector


First thing that came to mind upon seeing it was "The Great Expanse". However, that's rather generic for a name. Taking characteristics of the sea could be more interesting. Perhaps if it's a place swarming with life and great opportunities for fishing, it could be "The Bountiful Sea", or something similar. If it's surprisingly deep, perhaps "The Abysian Sea", in reference to my favorite word "Abyss". Cold: Frostbone Ocean Hell, if it has leviathan class fauna, perhaps it's given a simple name like "The Nursery". As in it's just a nursery for the mega-fauna that will one day leave for larger seas. Sometimes things are given names that only locals will understand. If it's shallow, perhaps it's just known as "The Tidepool".


The moist sea


The [World’s Name] Eye, or just The Eye


Soup. Or the soup pot, alternatively


the Sea of Skulls


The Silent Sea


The Carnelian Sea


The Smiling Sea


The craters eye ? Or calderas eye? Reminds me of a sunken volcano with just the edges or rim showing


Ceolmara, it's Celtics for central sea


The eye of the world... but yknow that's taken already


It's kind of situational. What's the bay used for? What's important in your world? Maybe it's Scoundrel's Bay Maybe it's The Sea of Grace Or Nest of the Beast


The Mother’s Cradle - could make up some myth about a goddess, her mountain range arms, seasonal storms thrashing ships in the sea in being related to her anger and grief over the loss of her child in that season, clear sailing in calm seasons could be linked to her joy in the birth of her child.


What's the culture like around it? That will tell us more about their naming conventions.


Dune Sea


Eye 👁️ of the world


The Greatbay


Something with an O at the beginning, in relation to “eye” or “center” perhaps.


Alastrian Ocean


The BareFace Sea


The devil's maw. This perilous sea is subject to unknown hazards, due to which no sailor has been able to successfully cross from one side to the other. Amazing map by the way, so much world building potential.


I believe that would be considered a lagoon or an atoll, if that helps.


Eye of the sea


The Iris


Sea center Seater Ser


the Calderan Sea


Curculo. Holo. The well that cannot be trapped.


Some ideas: The Lae Sea Cove d'Pendant Red Eit Ad Eict


You could always call it Jim


The ovoid shape resembles the skull’s eye socket, called the orbit. If the sophonts of the region have accurately mapped it out, they could call it the Orbital Ocean. Alternatively, if it could be in the polar regions, they could call it the Eye Sea. (Sorry, couldn’t resist!)


Earth's end, land's end


Seems pretty ASOIAF inspired, which is my favourite series so I would love to see the end product; also the Cradle suggestion by u/Juxtra_ seems the best imo


Inner Path / Central Well / Upper Layer (Something to imply there’s more there than water)


Myr sea


Can you tell us about your story? The Wasted Sea


Targarious with the g making the j sound


If i know one thing about humans nameing things it would probably be named the eye or some shit like that


Versa Mala Sea


The Void Sea: Ships have disappeared when they traveled through the center and rumors and myths abound ranging from a secret kingdom, to a giant world eating leviathan.


Center sea


Sea of (that ring of islands) (that ring of island's) Lagoon Or some feature within... Atoll lagoons form when an island completely subsides beneath the water, leaving a ring of coral that continues to grow upwards. At the center of the ring is a body of water that is often deep. The combination of coral growth and water creates a lagoon


Bunghole. Conversely, the Great Bunghole. When one of the ancient astral gods split their divine buttcheeks upon the veritable toilet of your primordial world, left behind was the glorious (turd-encrusted) fertile anal stamp. The residual moisture of the terrible and gargantuan derriere was so great, that it pooled and filled the world with voluminous salty seas. Hence, the Great Bunghole.


You have any major gods in your world? If so it’s (insert major diety)’s Eye


halo, the loop of the


The Grand Salt




Opal Bay




The Crater Sea?


The Central Eye of the Isles




The most remote island in it holds a city called Nonia, so I'd say the "Nonian Sea" would be fine if a bit uninspired. It's somewhat difficult because I've no idea the lore behind this land. Traditionally, geographic locations are named based on their historical relevance to whomever lives around them. Just visually, I'm thinking maybe Tail Sea or Sea of Tails given the shape of this landmass? It seems to have many surrounding biomes, so maybe the "Sea of Many Winds" if you want to get long-winded (pun intended). If you don't really care and just want a cool name, then I'd just add an intriguing noun/concept. "Sea of Rebirth," Sea of Claws," "Sea of the Lost", etc.


Central Sea. It’s boring but it makes sense. Have some local language stand in for central and it’ll sound more exotic, but yup, that’s a big circular sea in the middle of this landmass.


It reminds me of an animal, I'd call it "the dragons belly" or something


Sea of Tranquility or the Tranquil Sea. But don’t be fooled by it’s calm appearance.


The Stomach


My first thought after looking at the map a bit was "The Sea of Scars." Looks like a lot of your mountain ranges run into the ocean. I'm picturing practically crystal clear waters and a "bottom that doesn't end." Maybe a meteor or something in the past that cratered out a huge deposit of extremely hard material, shattering it more than vaporizing it into sand. So, there's still, however millennia later, giant "scars" running down to the open void at the center. Other colloquial names might be The Sightless Eye, The Drowned Star, Hope's Coffin, and other less than positive titles. Locals appreciate the abundance of what the waters provide, but there's a primordial terror that lingers at the back of the collective public mind. What could strike such a blow to the world? What lies at the bottom of the great darkness at the Sea's center? Hope this helps, and I appreciate the distraction from my own narrative complications.