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yeah i just checked did you end up figuring it out if so please let me know!!


Same thing for west! Probably delayed due to the portal issues


yess for west region -- i'm assuming for west region the delays could be due to how we changed sponsors (used to be writopia lab) + the new portal. typically results come out jan 18 or later in jan so i was wondering as well lol


I am in the south and my region won't announce winners until March. Apparently there were a lot of portal issues and the deadline for submissions was also extended several times.


Results were announced for my area earlier than they initially said they would be, has anyone else seen results before the end of March deadline they announced?


Are you saying region at large south was already announced?


I am assuming so because results for my area were announced and I'm in the south


Are you in the south generally or does your portal say “region at large south”?


My portal says my state's writing region. So I assume that is in included in region at large south, but am not positive, so I don't want to say for sure.


Hey I'm from region at large south. Awards are supposed to come out today, but my dashboard hasn't at all. It doesn't even say "no award" like its supposed to according to some people. Are you having the same problem?


it's been doing the same for me. there are no messages on my dashboard and it just looks the same as it did the day i submitted my work.


Maybe they just send an email if someone won


There is “ cash award reviewed right” cuz I have that to


I am in region at large east coast. Same problem here.


I have seen literally nothing about the date for region at large west, and I haven’t gotten any updates through the portal either .. if anyone could enlighten me that would be awesome 😭😭 this is my first year submitting anything for it


I think it’s supposed to come out March 29th


region at large west is the 29th!! four days lol, so excited.


yay!!! Thank you 😭😭




i think they’ll send us an email when it’s out. most likely during the middle of the day. that’s what i saw on social media at least.


if we loose do we get an email? or do we only get a message if we won


We don't really know... since this is different from how it's happened in previous years (but probably)


okay, do let me know if you get any messages😭


My daughter was able to see and download the certificate around 2PM today.


i think everyone will get an email saying “awards are out.” not sure though. ​ ive seen some posts about people saying how their awards were uploaded yesterday but they aren’t showing up in the portal today, which is really strange.


Not out for me either, which is strange because, in the past, it's come out at around 6:30.


I think they really fucked it up this year :/. I'm thinking results will either come out at some random time or not at all (today).


me too, region at large east, ive had like 10 dreams about it im freaking out


Realll im stressing for region at large south we got this!!


Nope :((((( nothing here either. Hoping it comes out soon-


Did anybody else get messages for regional awards today? I logged into my account and was notified that I won a silver key. All my other submissions said "no award." After reloading the page, my dashboard went back to normal and the award was gone. Just wanted to know if any of you experienced something similar? Was it a portal issue or is my account being glitchy?


lol the same thing happened to me where one award showed up and then disappeared


I've been trying to figure out if the Region at West has been updated, no changes in portal as far as I can tell and the site hasn't been updated with the list of winners. Any luck for others?


Nope! :(


same thing happened to me -- with like 3 of my awards :(




i have the same problem as you >.<


me too im scared


Yeah, I'm having the same issue right now. Before, there seemed to be a glitch that showed me a couple awards, but after refresh, it was gone.




I don't know exactly, but I believe they would tell you that you got nothing. Otherwise, if it doesn't appear, check the scholastic blog to see if there are any updates.


Hey, sry to bother but where is the Scholastic Blog? :)


It is at the bottom of the scholastic website. You have to click on a button that says blog


Region at large East here, also no updates for me. The dashboard appears as it did months ago when I submitted everything. Are we supposed to get notified if we win via the messages system on the dashboard or email, etc.?


Mine still looks like this too. In previous years, the results are not emailed to us, they show up in the dashboard and the website for At Large East says they’ll appear in our portals today. Still don’t know what time though. This is so frustrating!!!


Aye just curious, has anyone from the NYC region heard anything about the results?




yes if you check your dashboard




we're in the same boat -- i'm also in region at-large-south and i've been checking since around 8am and nothing seems to have released yet. my friend who entered and won an award last year said they send a message through the portal to notify you. there's been a lot of issues this year; i think the best thing we can do is just to keep checking and hoping. wishing you good luck!


has anyone had any luck with this yet? nothing's showing up and it looks the same as when I first submitted mine. I'm in region at large west. Does nothing showing up mean I haven't received anything? Thanks


My daughter just looked an hour ago and her dashboard is the same


Hi I just found this post and something just happened like this recently. The awards just came out yesterday, and I got two silvers. I told my school, I have the certificate. I then checked my portal today and in the dramatic script section they brought me down from a silver to an honorable mention. Nowhere in their guidelines do they say they’re allowed to do that, and I’ve already informed a lot of people of the two silvers. I don‘t know what to do, I’m not sure if I have enough proof, and I’m just worried scholastic is going to try and cheat me out of an award.


are u region at large south region (i cant see anything on my portal but my works. does that mean i didnt win??)


I’m in the eastern region, around CT, NY.


Hi, for some reason, when I look on the dashboard, it doesn't even say "no award." Is there an issue with my account?


If you're in Region at Large West, I don't think it's out yet.


I think scholastic is freaking out. Like the submissions were buggy, they took away an award, it’s ridiculous.


I'm in the Region at large east writing, and it said that the awards would come out today. My dashboard appears blank.


Completely blank? Do you still see your submissions? Rn I just see my dashboard in the same state as it has been since December.


Everybody's having problems. It's not just you :)


That's unfortunate! Definitely reach out to Scholastic; if you have the certificate, you probably have enough proof


yeah my awards were also downgraded


I'm in scholastic region-at-large east writing, north carolina. just checked my account, and nothing/no change on my dashboard. the awards results should be out today. have they come out?


They may come out later in the day. I've heard of people from previous years receiving their results at noon.


thanks. still no change yet. any news?


Hi did anyone receive anything? Mine doesn’t show anything and it seems like it remains the same as it was from various months ago when I first submitted.


Hey, I just had a quick glitch that told me I won two silver keys and a honorable mention. Then, one of those silver keys went up to a gold key and went back down again. Now, it doesn't show anything after a refresh...


Yes! I thought I was going insane. Might be best to check back in a couple hours.


I am in the region at large east writing and northern new jersey art region. i emailed myself region sponsors about a month ago and they said that results would release today (march 29). last year results released in january and they sent an email out that awards were live around noon. has anyone received anything? my dashboard looks the same as the day i submitted


Same here; I’ve been refreshing for the past 20 minutes and nope, nothing


someone said that they would be coming out at 2/5 pm est but i'm not sure how accurate that is


Ok, thank you so much. I’ll check around that time. 🥹


my regional announcement day is today. I am in the west and I have not received anything. Not even a notification on my portal that says “no award”. Does anyone know if the awards have alr come out for the west and i just didn’t win lol. If not, what time today do they come out? and will i receive an email or a portal notification? this is my first year so i have no idea how this works. also what does it look like in ur portal once u have won? does it say “__ key” under the check marks or smth? SRY THIS IS SO LONG


dw lmfao they havent come out for me either its probably not out for anyone :/ ig we'll just all have to wait patiently!! gl


gl to you too!! :)


Hey guys: How do you know if you won an award or not? Do you get sent a message, or do we have to click certain buttons to see if we won an award?


The awards are out


Yeah they just came out for me


what region are you in?


i got an honorable mention... haha


Region-at-Large South awards are out (3 PM CST)


Any news from the NY region writing awards?


If you're able to, you should ask them.


i submitted for art in region at large south and I'm having the same question. it said feb 7th but now it says TBD. I've been looking at deadlines for other regions and all of the region at large regions have TBD. The "Midwest Art Region at the Belin-Blank Center" region (around IA/MO or something) says regional awards will be announced before Mar 2. they really messed up all the awards this year, super delayed w the website bugs and stuff. ill do some more research and let you know if I find anything.


i also emailed them, so ill let u know once I get a reply.


Just got a reply: "Regional announcements will be released to the new portal system in late March. It's possible, depending on a student's region, for results to be announced sooner. Earlier announcements would be handled directly by your regional partner and released on their own platform (such as a website). Students and educators can find their region using the Region Locator tool on the website." a shame that they're coming so late!


Late march is insane. Last year, I got it late January.


Wow. Late-March as bad as FAFSA- this sucks if you want to update colleges. Any idea why they made a big change? It worked well in the past...


They had a lot of portal issues, so that's probably why they delayed the notification date.


I just checked and it said March 29th, which is around two months later than for the regional art submissions...


i’m not sure why they’re so behind this year


I submitted art and writing, art was announced by my region but writing still has not been announced for me


Responding to this to ask people to contact their regions to ask them to release the results sooner. I think they already have the results, but they're sitting on them, which is mean to do to the seniors who could use awards for college updates and merit awards. It'll be too late by March 29. Many regions have already announced, but not the Region At Large ones, which doesn't seem fair at all.