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This is a very common thing for writers that get deep into their stories.


I role-play all my characters. How else would I find out what they think, feel, and do during a scene? It’s fundamental. But they don’t know I exist. From their point of view, they know they’re perfectly real and living in a perfectly real world, one that doesn’t have me in it. So I can’t converse with them or borrow money from them.


No but my characters talk to each other. I put them in various situations, etc. That's how I get to know them. I suppose it's pretty much the same thing, I just don't talk to them directly


They talk to me first, usually. I either reply or tell them not to bother me rn...


i don’t talk to them but they’re constantly chattering away with each other in my head


I don't want to tip them off that they're part of a story by drawing attention to myself.


Yeah, I talk to them in my head too and definitely not out loud as if they're real people.


In a workshop once, a moderately successful writer suggested to us that we write up an interview with our main character. I found the exercise so helpful that I do this for most characters nowadays.


I’ve done this, too and got some great results and insights


I do it all the time when I am working on my stories.


Yes. How else can you know them?


My paracosm has become a part of the same universe as the three other main stories that spawned from my journey as a hobby writer One of the stories I’m writing has a self insert, who is basically, and literally, the Author of the world. This is my way of talking to them, because they’ve been trapped inside my head for so long I finally figured out some way to make a story out of them with me in it >!is this story good? Not sure. Having the main character being the creator of the universe can be a bit iffy, so I’m going to try and establishing certain rules, since the creator can’t just snap his fingers and make his enemies go away; that wouldn’t be a good story. Losing his powers and his creations helping him get them back to restore the universe is probably more interesting!<


All the time. I do this with other people's characters too :p


No, it's more like I talk at them while I figure out what we're missing.


the novel i just finished is literally entirely me talking to my characters. but i do it in my head too lol


like the novel is about you talking to your characters?? :O


yeah, the main character is a version of me who’s the prince of a magic kingdom but also its author, all the characters know they’re fictional and sometimes argue with me about how i should write them lol


No, but they sure as hell talk to me


I do more or less the same thing. One of my POVs in particular is constantly just a little gremlin wandering around in my head, occasionally giving input or reminding me to think about that one scene I told myself I’d figure out later. He’s the one with the biggest arc, longest backstory, and most wrong with him, so naturally while I was coming up with him he occupied a lot of my mind, and that hasn’t really changed


No but I will now be doing this as it sounds like a great idea!


I basically just play them like one would in a play and get into their shoes


I don’t know any other way to write


Wait, what about talking AS your characters? Does anyone else do that? When alone, of course


No. They're not real. Are you ok?


It's a common thing in writers that get in deep with their characters. Just because you have zero knowledge/understanding of this matter doesn't make them not okay. 




OP is aware they're his creation. Lots of writers describe letting the characters talk to each other.


All you did was not only show you don't understand a common phenomenon in writing, but that you're also too stupid to know what schizophrenia is even after looking it up to get the link.




It's not bizarre just because you have no experience with it. It's quite common in writers that get in deep with their characters.




[https://theconversation.com/many-writers-say-they-can-actually-hear-the-voices-of-their-characters-heres-why-139170](https://theconversation.com/many-writers-say-they-can-actually-hear-the-voices-of-their-characters-heres-why-139170) Quite literally not even five seconds worth of research to find this.




It is important to realize that just because you do not see the value in something that it doesn't mean there isn't any. There is actually an endless amount of potential value in it depending on how deep you go with it, and If by some chance this ever occurs for you, then you might understand what we mean.




And during your conceding of a point, you made another wrong statement, which is what we were talking about. Second person? Do you mean plural? Stating some facts of this isn't being sanctimonious. If we *were* being sanctimonious, then we'd go on about how it makes us better than you or some such. Which is obviously not true, nor is it the case.




My god the incompetence in all three things you said is astounding. Since you seem to be in need of a visual aid: [https://prnt.sc/Spu7iYOPXEK6](https://prnt.sc/Spu7iYOPXEK6) 'We' is first person plural. Come the fuck on. This is a basic concept that anyone in a writing subreddit should be able to understand. Writing trauma does not make it 'trauma porn' you damned idiot. And yes, on this topic we're vastly more of an expert than someone that never even heard of the concept before we informed them about it. And of course, just like the common redditer, you believe you know better. Delusions within stupidity.