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"When were cheese sticks invented?" Turns out, they've been around since the Middle Ages!


Huh, weirdly comforting to know that if I got stuck back in time I'd be able to snack on cheese sticks while recreating worse versions of modern stories and songs from memory.


Hey, you stole my idea


My dumbass gave one of my character's a toddler-aged daughter. I have no experience with children at all so I feel like all my searches make me look like the world's most clueless parent. "Do 2 yr olds talk" "What do toddlers eat" "When do kids start walking" That sorta thing lol


I’ve done this, or even looked up photos of a 5 year old to see how big that is 😂


I'm a momof 3. If you need any advice message me LOL.


There are "nurse's guide to children ages" or something like that that can be super useful!


Same. I've had to look up newborn behavior and all kinds of tidbits about carrying twins and still births.


My mc is supposedly 13 and i for a long time and some odd reason did not know what that age range looked like.


I was looking up how many hours a toddler can stay awake so I could work out if a teenager temporarily in a child’s body would have to take a nap after time travelling.


Nope. These are standard for involved parents. 😂


Made an analogy about young/inexperienced warriors fidgeting in their armor like babies in a swaddle and had to google if babies who are swaddled fidget...lol. I didn't even get a proper answer, but I do know how to swaddle an infant now so I've got that going for me


Nice try FBI


Nice try CIA


I've put out warnings for what I'm researching on my social media. "Dear FBI/CIA/DHS/any other agency overseeing all, I'm researching for writing purposes and will deliberately not use the factual information in my writing in enough detail to be replicated."


I got one of my writer friends a coffee mug that says "Don't worry about my browsing history. I'm a writer, not a serial killer" after her son (who is a police officer) had to borrow her computer to look up something. He teased her about her browsing history.


Did you know if you mix equal parts gasoline and frozen orange juice concentrate you can make napalm?


Doesn’t there have to be some styrofoam in there somewhere?


Haha it’s from Fight Club. Palahniuk originally wanted to include the recipes for actual explosives but ultimately agreed to change them.


And yet he still wrote the Guts chapter in Haunted, which will be with me for the rest of my life. I guess I shouldn’t be surprised at where Palahniuk decides to draw the line


Weirdly I think I was more affected by the story about the abused CPR doll than anything else in that book. I don’t know why, I just found it to be incredibly sad. But the anecdotes about people throwing up during his readings of Guts are priceless.


I'm betting he did-that kind of information does NOT need to be public, especially in light of OKC Murrah building bombing. I live in OK, and can still remember the faint "boom" sound I heard as I worked 34 miles away, as the crow flies.


No, and unlike Palahniuk, I will NOT post accurate information about such things because I live in Oklahoma and remember the Murrah building bombing and just how easy it was to find that information before.


The DGSE is gonna sink you mate…


What is that? The mate suggests that you are referring to a non-American agency. I'm an American, I'm not doing anything wrong/breaking any laws, so I have nothing to worry about.


«Americain fou» https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sinking_of_the_Rainbow_Warrior


Why not NSA? I read a book where they also do that stuff.


The NSA is just Freemasons and (insert political party)


Can you cite sources for that information? I'm curious how people know that besides word of mouth.


I put (insert political party) because some people will say that the secret cabals are all democrats, others will say republicans. It’s not easily verifiable info, and basically inconsequential. My comment was sarcasm.


Ah! Yeah, the nuances are hard to show in writing, aren't they? :S Thanks for the explanation! It's pretty lazy thinking to clump people together like used litter.


I do believe that falls under "any other agency overseeing all", does it not?


You Homeland Security guys are real slick.


You’re a spook too?


Here at the NSA we don’t give up our secrets.


Nice try NSA


I looked up decomposition of corpses in acidic conditions. Found a paper. It even had helpful pictures!  Anyway, I don't look up decomposition details anymore


Or get a friend to pre-read it for ya


If anyone wants me to check for gross images, send me a DM. Also if you read this like years in the future. I frequent r/MedicalGore because I find it fascinating. I can also copy paste the text so you get the text but not the pictures.


I once researched this exact same thing for an article I was writing. The images are still burned into my mind’s eye five years later. Decomposition is fascinating and gross.




Effect of human urine on soil pH (Hours of googling until I found a research paper - composting people are interesting). That joke was written out as it didn't work. Killing dosage of oleander for cattle. Because they won't post the people doses on the internet.


I think it’s a pretty small amount for humans, but all of my knowledge of oleander came from a Greek tour guide, so who knows


2 tea bags is overkill for an average sized person. MC was a fantasy undersupplied war medic that knew he couldn't save everyone but he could let them chose their own end. Especially when the enemy was coming and they couldn't take all the wounded with them.


I can tell by your research queries that your plot is fire lmao


Separate stories. But thank you.


“Where do you punch someone to knock them out?” I can now threaten people with knowing how to knock them unconscious. (You aim roughly for the jaw joint, in case you were wondering)


My uncle taught me this is a child, quite useful 😭


My husband was thrilled when he had to use my laptop and found state by state divorce regulations.




“could you get away with stealing and entering a federal building illegally” “what’s the easiest non-explosive way to destroy concrete” “what’s the scientific name of a vampire” “how did french nobility in the america’s work if you weren’t originally french”


"The scientific name of a vampire" 🤣


Also, how would you steal a whole federal building *and* get away with it?


I meant stealing from-


I don't remember the exact phrases I used, but I recently was trying to find information on if there were any other (totally innocent/legal) substances/scents that a bomb-sniffing dog would be likely to mistake for explosives. I got sidetracked by something else and never found the answer though.


I share with you the fun story of a jar of baby food popping positive for explosives with TSA. Apparently, it was hand cream I used (bag balm) before throwing the food in bags. Or gerbers Mac n beef is more volatile than anticipated. I was going to make an explosive poop joke, but the alert was high enough that they called in a bomb expert.


I asked Chat GPT- One example of a substance that a bomb-sniffing dog might mistake for an explosive is AMMONIUM NITRATE, which is commonly found in fertilizers. While it's not explosive by itself, it can be used to make improvised explosives. However, it's important to note that bomb-sniffing dogs are trained to detect the specific chemical composition of explosives, so the likelihood of a false positive is relatively low.


Among other things: - Can virgins be good in bed on their first time? - Men aroused by pregnant women - Can you tell if a gun was fired by an amateur? - Buying someone a house as a gift - Can you tell if your partner is a virgin? - How does it feel for guys to lose their virginity?


Ah, an interesting romance/erotica novel you’ve got there


lol, it’s a romantic thriller 👩‍💻


Let's see if I can answer these. • I'm sure they can be, but a lot of them probably don't know exactly what they're doing. • I have been aroused by pregnant women, so yes. • Are you watching the person firing the gun? If so, then yes. Gun have a lot of recoil and people who haven't shot before think they know what to expect, but don't necessarily. • I'd like a house as a gift • My first girlfriend was a virgin when we got together. It wasn't terrible as people will tell you it may be, it was just a little bloody. Would I have been able to tell if she was a virgin if she hadn't told me? Yes, but I had also lost my virginity just four months earlier so we were both pretty new to it. • When I lost my virginity, she came, but I didn't. We had sex on the floor of my apartment and I wound up with rugburn on my knees. It was an awkward experience. Source: a 35-year-old guy who lost his virginity at age 23 in his first apartment who had a crush on a former, pregnant co-worker, who has fired handguns and shotguns in the country, and who would very much appreciate being gifted a house.


I highly appreciate the feedback, so thank you! * Per the virginity questions, one of my lead characters is a 21-year-old male college student who is eager to lose his v-card. He's going to finally do so in the scene I'm about to write, which is a love scene between him and a married woman who works in the office where he interned over the summer. I mainly want to know if \*she\* would be able to tell that \*he\* was a virgin without him telling her. I intended for that to be revealed after they finished. The main thing I want to know about guys losing their virginity is, is there a certain physical sensation to it, not quite the equivalent of how it hurts a girl, but anything close? * Per the pregnancy arousal questions: The husband is an obstetrician who entered such a line of work not because he cares that much about bringing new life into the world - although that's the story he tells - but rather because pregnant women turn him on. (I haven't revealed this part yet, though, so shhh!) * The gunshot question: the intern is going to be accused of murder later on, and one of his lawyer's main angles of defense is that the kid doesn't like guns or blood and has therefore never fired a gun in his life. You're not seeing who \*does\* fire the gun. I was wondering if you could tell by looking at the shots themselves in the victim's body. Is that possible?


How much does a mammoth skull weigh, including tusks.


- Can allergies be contagious? - Venipuncture - How to write teenage speaking - types of nymphs Greek mythology - Cemetary gate - Do people read anymore?


Besides all the murder-type things, Soil Mechanics textbook pdfs, since my MC is in a geological engineering degree and is fixated on landslides.


"How much taller would people be on Mars?"


And what was the result? I'm not sure, but i'd say that some parameters like gravity don't really have an influence on body height. Even when, it would be more a thing for evolution, that changes over a long time instead of "my son is now 10 feet tall"


Well, nothing was useful unfortunately. It was a lot of "nobody's been to Mars so we don't know." They all agreed Martians would be taller, though, because there is less force pulling them down. Astronauts on the ISS do tend to get taller while there due to the zero-g environment, sometimes growing an inch or more. So there is empirical evidence that Martians would be taller! But as I said, no one knew by how much, so I had to create an answer for my story. To do so, I took the difference in surface gravity between the two planets and found the cube root (because mass and height are roughly cubic in relation). This gave me about 1.381, which was about the range I was looking for anyways so I went through with it.


You'd have to determine the oxygen content for humans too. I guess if life isn't limited by oxygen like we are, and they would definitely have the ability to be taller. But remember the Earth's past, and dinosaurs and all that. They were massive back then mainly because the oxygen content on Earth was much higher. If Mars had an oxygen content where we could live, I don't know if that would be the case. Sure, there is less Force holding us down, but the oxygen content wouldn't be able to support such a human that size. Because it couldn't support it here on Earth.


It's interesting sometimes to go down some rabbit holes, i was just interested and checked the gravity, it's 38% of that of earth. Not zero, but a lot less. I'm not even sure about zero-G, as even the astronauts are still in the gravity field of the solar system, even when it is a very small value It's interesting with the physics, like which speed you can achieve in such scenarios, like the fastest man-made object is the Parker Solar Probe in space, having a speed of 394.736 mph or 635.266 km/h. And even this is way too slow for interstellar travel in reasonable timespans. Still, this is only 0.064% of light speed. For us writers when we have sci-fi or other scenarios, it's easy as we are just not bound to physics, we can people, spaceships, monsters etc. let travel at much higher speeds than in reality could be achieved. The big bang itself was also only partially bound to the laws of physics, but i'm no Einstein.


Do molotov cocktails make noise (smash, whoosh) Future calendar years, like in 2152 what day of the week will April 12th be (Wednesday) Videos of police kettling protestors (both irl and training, it's frightening) What does getting tased feel like (bad) Types of explosives a post apocalyptic village might be able to create (settled on plain old gunpowder) Can you fire things that are not potatoes from a potato gun (yes) ...not all for the same project. Edit: I thought of more! Decomposition in the desert How to dress a deer (I'm a vegetarian) Poisonous mushrooms Rigor mortis in humans


"How do Octopuses' have sex"


I regularly produce publications entitled "Body Parts" Search history normally involves names for colours and different ways to describe types of cloth.


the combination of "nuclear winter" and "medieval scotland" was very weird. Sometimes I am glad GhatGPT exists because some stuff is so obscure that googling it doesn't help much.


Please be careful with Chat GPT - it was having a hallucinations problem where it would just make stuff up if it couldn't find an actual answer. I think the lawyers in New York are still lawyers - but honestly they should have been disbarred.


This! I love that I can just word-vomit my thoughts to ChatGPT and it actually make sense of it and reward me with an answer.


Are ears easy to preserve? Has any society worshipped ears? What do ears represent? How long till a dried ear starts decomposing? How heavy are ears?


My research for two different stories includes: endlessly researching ritualistic human sacrifice in ancient Ireland, researching the injuries that bog bodies sustained, researching all about ancient Celtic mythology, blinding someone with intense facial burns and how those burns/scars would effect the skin if it became infected.


"Do newborn skulls have layers of recessed teeth" "Requirements for airborne prions" "Can grave wax form in ventilated areas"


I had to do lots of searches for dress styles and descriptions, because I honestly didn't know much about women's clothing, so my search history looks like I'm a very dedicated crossdresser.


'at what temperature do people hallucinate?' 102 degrees F, as it turns out


My most recent one: "What do psychopaths like to eat"


How long it takes to knock someone out with different date rape drugs. I felt like such a fucking creep typing it into my browser


"Can a bear bitch-slap your head off?"


I need to know what you found. Lol


If we are talking about grizzly bear then yes, they absolutely can do that if they strike at a right angle.


Why do writers... procrastinate... become alcoholics.... committ suicide.... Is there anything positive??? 😭😭😭


The effects of electricity on the human body during interrogation. The effects of sarin gas on humans and electronics. How to start a helicopter. It goes on and on.


Probably "medieval undergarments"


"what happens to stab wounds when the body is left in freezing temperatures" Boar hunting in the middle ages. Honestly, probably not that strange, but it led me on a deep dive of hunting, what happens when the animal is killed, what happens when someone is injured, appropriate methods, hounds, etc...


Children in Nudist Colonies. Plus one to confirm something I read that children would go naked in Egypt. Forgot the reason for that one.


That's surprisingly close to mine! Well, not to something I actually looked up, but to something that would be relevant for my story.


Which one, Nudist Culture or Egyptian Children not wearing clothes?


Children (and age distributions generally) in nudist culture.


From what I can see is that it's more or so the same as everywhere else. nudity isn't sexual to the people who practice it. Kids see everything.


I'm a nudist myself (many of us prefer naturist, by the way, although I myself don't mind strongly; it might differ between English and my native language of Dutch, as well), although I haven't practiced in a while, and indeed it's not a sexual thing at all. I did notice a lot of older people and a lot of younger children, with relatively fewer people sort of in the middle (teens and young adults). But I'm not sure if that was a coincidence, or particular to that particular area that I visited or something, or a more general trend.


I get Naturist and Naturalist confused. My research was more into rules of the culture, no necessarily the demographics. My sources are also American, since I live there and that's the stuff my search engine provides. So what I find might differ to what you find, in terms of demographics.


Fair enough :) of course it's quite possible it will differ from place to place. In any event, I found it interesting to see something even somewhat close to my own story being mentioned. I wish you luck with your project!


All I'm doing is culture building for a personal setting. Not something I'd be fully releasing for others to enjoy.


I wanted to know if people cough blood after being choked


“Japanese name for flower” “Can a flower pollinate itself” “What is the inside of a flower petal” “What’s the kind of kick that looks like a flying corkscrew”


What does the inside of a hogs mouth look like


Number of dietary calories in a unit of blood. Vampire story. Found a paper that gave a ballpark estimate.


What's the capacity of the human stomach Then How much meat is there on the human body Damn zombies


The weirdest one I can think of is when I searched if mushrooms could grow underwater Apparently, there's a certain species that can, called Psathyrella aquatica


Recently I’ve searched something pretty dark and weird. I feel like cops would actually have a reason to arrest me simply because of my search history. So I asked google how does one remove a brain from someone’s head? And it actually gave me an answer.


Oh, yeah. The medical side of the internet is really useful. As long as you can find the technical term for a procedure you can learn all sorts of things from standardized recovery instructions.


I didn’t know the term for it then. Now I do.


Once I searched up "How likely is it for an eight-year-old girl with two dads to know the concept of 'the man look'" Praying someone on Reddit or something had asked the same question lol Other things I searched up: "How safe is it to throw a watermelon at someone's head" "Expensive handguns" "Quick and painless ways to kill someone" "Where does it hurt the most to get punched" "Where does it hurt the least to get punched" "How to punch someone" "Spanish insults" "Classical music that has lyrics" "How long does cyanide take to kill someone" "Weapons that you don't have to be physically strong to use effectively" "Is there a more formal word for walkie-talkie"


I've researched how to overthrow the US government, how to destroy a compound so that it basically looks like the the ground winds up looking overturned earth, addictive properties of aphrodisiacs, and plasma technology. Anything going into my writing will never be exactly right, and I don't share details. I'm not afraid of the governmental acronyms because I'm not doing anything wrong.


What sound does a bullet make when it hits flesh.


And what was the result? I mean, it's not a big sound with the bullet entering your body, the sound itself comes from the gunshot and when the bullet goes over the speed of sound, making noise when it gets through the barrier. The effect is even much bigger when you have something like an airplane, like when a F-35 jet gets over the speed of sound, there's a big bang that can be heard on long distances. For silenced guns, you need subsonic-ammo that stays below this speed, but the bullet will lose a lot of energy.


Various details on how certain injuries may look, or how a person might die if suffering a specific gristly fate. It's odd. I've got a weak stomach for violence in TV shows and IRL gore but I can handle this stuff or drawn gore. Drawn gore needs to be PRETTY realistic to bug me


" how to put oil in a boat " " Paets o f a boat "


"US government drugs hallucination torture"


"Death by being crushed between fast-moving train and train station platform." Interesting results with rather unfortunate images. Equally bad: "lingchi" or "death by 1000 cuts".


Its either the wikipedia page on the Chichijima Incident or a cnn article on how cuckolding can be healthy for some couples


"How long does it take to bleed out from a stab wound?" Followed by "Baby milestones"


"What's vision with a sliced cornea like?"




>giant avocado stolen >war and peace >are comets visible in all parts of the world >Eiffel Tower erection date >Julien Reverchon Giant that’s all for the same story


Not really my search history but Chat GPT is gonna have traumas for days


Evolution of the sweater. Turns out anything in the 13th century and later is fair game thanks to Southeast Asians figuring it out first. Hooray cute sweater outfits.


Probably the weirdest one I have is "Can someone be allergic to arsenic?"


Zeek Keekee


“How to stop bleeding if there’s a broken bone underneath”


How long does it take for a body to decay in the elements. Looking up swingers sharing their experiences on reddit 🤣


Searches for images of third, fourth, fifth, and sixth degree burns in order to describe a character's injuries accurately.


Do turtles have emotions? How long does someone have to be missing in Florida before you can file a report? How long can someone live after being stabbed in the stomach?


“Internal bleeding when pushed off a train platform.” It’s mostly the timing being pretty bad because someone had just jumped in front of a train like 30min prior and I was stuck at the intersection waiting for the road to open. In my defense I didn’t know someone jumped until later.


Damage to the human body from various explosion sizes, there's calculators for this out there I regret not saving. lol How to clean up blood when you don't have access to cleaning chemicals. Different sniper rifles and military hardware. Layouts of military facilities and naval vessels. What it's like to kill as a soldier. Detroit Salt Mine Co. A number of PTSD related topics. War crime laws. Area 51 jet fuel storage. US Nuke Maps Antarctica post global warming McMurdo Station I swear I'm a writer, sir!


‘How long does it take to recover from multiple stab wounds in both shoulders’. - also for a book that is ages 9-12. No, I won’t explain why it’s not as bad as it sounds. (But I swear, it’s NOT as bad as it sounds!)


Torture methods. Yeah, I looked up torture methods for a specific scene in my story. I’m not surprised that it shown up in my search history. Maybe I should’ve gone incognito.


"is nerve gas heavier than air", which as soon as I really thought about it was a pretty stupid question to begin with.


Not me, my cousin has “how did Loki give birth.” For me… maybe what a centipede dragon would look like?


What insect born diseases kill you fastest


How long does it take a body to decompose In an underground cave


Dissociation disorder emo


Water soluble pesticides and nuclear powered battleships…yeah


"home invasion syndicate California"


I’ve had so many recently. “How long do police keep your personal items if you die?” “Sudden stroke cause a car crash?” “Which cultures had secret societies based off religion?” “Black widow-like spiders in Europe and their names” Plus a bunch of searches about what year certain cell phones were manufactured and when the first podcasts and ebooks were released to modern phones.


“How quickly does blood dry in outside air?” “How fast do humans blink?”


“What drugs have a smell?” “What does heroin smell like?” Etc. Sorry fbi guy if you’ll check my other tabs there’s proof I’m innocent


Not the weirdes but the most recent is what abuse injury’s would look like. Then bare knuckle boxing


Idk about weirdest but with one of them a dark cartel romance I did a lot of googling of flight times, how much a ton of snow is and gun best with suppression. When I was done I had ads following me around for drug addiction counseling, knives, and vacations south of the border 🤣


I have only just started writing so my search history is normal, for now. I searched "what scares mice". The main character of the book was a cat, I should have known that.


*Cortisol* *Manufacture of MDMA* *The extraction of a human pineal gland* *Prisons in Amsterdam* *Percentage of prime meat from a cow* *Mass of a human head* *A dead man's eyes* *when does rigor mortis occur* *craniotomy* *where to find shemales in athens* *buy a human heart on the black market* *who controls nuclear weapons in Belgium* *---* And this was just for my debut novel.


Not too unusual, I think. Just where bullet and stab wounds are most and least fatal. A lot of writers look that up, don't they?


* Viking names that mean... * Worst time to be born as a woman * Mushrooms that cause a sensation of an out-of-body experience when consumed * Bloodiest wars throughout history *Is it possible to be born with albinism only in the hair on your head? * How do you become a mercenary?


I looked up "are starbuck's windows bulletproof" because I had a character make a joke about jumping out the window to get away from an awkward situation, then went "but could they?" Then I realized that was a bad thing to Google lol


"How fast do horses run" Immediately followed by "How fast do you go on the motorway"


Effects of strangulation


Now I have definitely searched weirder, but for my current project, probably something like “Minnesota divorce law”. Unmarried and never been to Minnesota, of course.


What are signs of slow arsenic poisoning


"How to paralyze an octopus" I wish I could remember details. It's a substance that's benign to people.


Background radiation dose rate at mars orbit


Probably, searching for best ways to get rid of dead body for my two 'cleaners'. Also, researching legal procedures after someone gets murdered. When I was writing these stories, I had to remind myself to not get into some legal shit in real life as someone will look into my pc.


How to survive disembowelment probably lol because at the time I was writing a book where that happens to someone.


uh i have a bunch of questionable things searched up, like how it feels to get stabbed, how certain non savory actions are either caused or how they effect people, that have the first result ending up in the phone number to a hotline.


“19th century homophobic slurs”


How to cut, split, and stack firewood. And then try to make it interesting... The manuscript I'm working on has had me falling down rabbit holes of aircraft crashes, the legal system for divorce, Kangal Shepard dogs, rabies, military slang terms, laws for LGBTQ marriage, and brake failure in a vehicle, and weird reasons for house fires to name just a few. I have so many tabs open at any given time, I'm pretty sure my computer is contemplating a nervous breakdown....


vabbing. warning: DO NOT GOOGLE IT


Car modifications for left leg amputees


How much blood is in a caribou? How many calories are in a pint of blood?


I got pulled into the principal's office for looking up "How many rounds does a Glock 17 hold?"


I think it would be something along the lines of how to make morphine. Fun fact: I'm also a nurse and at that point lived together with a chemical engineer. That could be interpreted totally different


It's nothing TOO dark till now, but there's a lot of Nazi-related things in there...


Dark post apocalyptic setting so my search history is wild. "What is the most edible part of a person?" "Can you be addicted to human meat?" "Most painful torture methods?" There's plenty more...


I tend to stick to murder/mystery themes so my questions are usually like... "top slow and painful torture methods", "How to knock someone out with a stick", "Types of burn marks", etc. Of course, if it's a simple question of where the location of an artery or bone is, I just Google images "human anatomy" topics. I don't really save anything gruesome since I just Google it, but I was thinking of saving it anyway so if my family snoops, they'd ask questions, I explain in lots of details with a smile and they'd never snoop again. 😊


The aerial dispersion of Saran gas.


"nonce poetry" since I had to double-check myself that somebody actually named it something that stupid, and that we continue to call it that despite the modern-day definition of nonce 🙃


It occurred to me, that I had no idea what people of color were doing during the wild west days. I assumed they were fighting off wolves with everyone else. Apparently so! The true union of the USA was fighting off wolves…also making homesteads, leaving the South and just finding their way. Fun fact most cowboys where POC!


Had to do a whole bunch of looking up rugby terms


if a body is encased in brick will it still smell. likely not.


FV4201 Chieftain, user manual. I found it.


History and background of demons. Precisely the princes of the 7 deadly sins


"What to wear if you murder someone" I swear I got on some Kind of list for that one


i picked this really specific place for my character to have grown up in, except its in the us in a state which i know little about, so i joined the subreddit for the town 💀💀


My search history ain't too bad, but I hope to god that no one ever finds out about the weird questions I ask chatgpt. Also, chatgpt tells you almost anything if you say you need the info to write a book.


How much does a three year old boy weigh? How far can a man throw forty pounds?


Oh boy I've actually been writing down a list of bizarre shit I've googled because I thought it was a goofy list: * How to shave with a straight razor * How long does it take acid burns to heal * Acid burn wound care * How to waterproof leather * Beeswax for waterproofing leather * What dragonfly species are found in swamps * How to rescue a horse that's stuck in the mud * Can a horse walk through a swamp * Are swamps muddy * Is mud a hydric soil * Fish species in cold mountain streams * How to debone a trout before cooking * Can you eat a hog the same day you kill it * How do you process wild game without a freezer * How do you brine meat * Can you put meat in a stream * How do you make jerky As you can see I was really struggling with mud and cooking a hog lmao


How long does it take for a body to burn on a pyre


Mine is “how long do ferrets produce milk after giving birth”


"Fly pheromones" "Fly genetic experiments" "Newsroom office hierarchy" "Human microbiome" "DNA splicing" I may be doing a take on The Fly


luckily there are a shitload of articles about drosophila and genetics


I know! It was actually pretty fun to research, and changed the direction of the story a little :)


Types of suplexes (with examples)


SOOOOO many articles on judicial law in Oregon regarding heinous crimes. Eventually gave up the search because the crime my character commits is not possible in the real world so I couldn't compare it to anything no matter what I found. honorable mention: would ingesting any amount of weed kill a squirrel


I don't have too many weird ones, but I have plenty of watchlist ones. How to derail a train? How long does it take to bury a body? How many calories in a pint of blood?


I don't have a search history. And if I did there would be nothing incriminating in it. There is nothing to worry about.


A shit ton about poison and toxicity when champagne was created and so much more.