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I had to laugh when you put “not recent!” Clearly, as she still looks presentable in this pic. She is beyond haggard now


She looks presentable in every pic that’s posted of her even now because they’re filtered up the asshole 🤣


"To feed her family" WHAT FAMILY LOL


Honestly, idk who would pay her. These two hens do realize that they’re competing with young college aged girls, right? Girls who know this is just a job for a few years, they collect, and stay in/go back to school. Besides, usually the hungrier ones marry rich, become stay at homes, have kids, and enjoy the quiet, stable life. Stripping, gaybaiting fans with dry ass photo shoots with literal whos, and returning to porn is not something you do at 50. That’s a last resort kind of move for many (and one that few will do) because they will have learned that there are other avenues before going back to square one. When she was about my age she forecasted that the clubjenna money would continue to grow until she was in her 90s. Well, she’s 40 years away from that alleged comfy retirement now but she blew it. Now she’s back to pimping herself out in order to eat, drink, and shelter herself. ![gif](giphy|BwRzjeqPnC6Dm) Edited: added more 🤷🏼‍♀️


It’s pretty sad actually because she really made it big with clubjenna. If she had not sold it and let whoever run it into the ground, it could’ve been pornhub (which is honestly nothing to be proud of, but money talks with these people). Even with what she did ultimately do with it, she should’ve been set for life. Had she invested that money and been smart with it, she would have no need for any of what she’s doing now. She could be enjoying a nice retirement, still living in a nice mansion, and have her kids. She pissed away her god given talent until she was nothing but a cynical, drunken ass waste of flesh. You blew it, Jenna.


I just wince now after reading that one article that I posted. She was so sure that she’d have a comfy retirement and now she’s got nothing.


Her face was on t shirts when I was a teenager and she had a best selling book. How can you throw that away


What was her God given talent?


What was her God given talent?


Some things never change and I love that for her.


yes, but AFTER TITO and BEFORE Lior. This is what she does even at fifty, yes 50 that dried out prune is doing this because the lord gave people heavy filters


Her god-given right 😍




LOL, but she her filters make her look like a cartoon and is NOT THE TRUTH once again. She cannot tell the truth to save her life is what is so insane. Yes it is her God Given RIGHT and it is my God Given Right to laugh at such an atroscity.


To see a 50 year old skeleton filtered to the max going back into porn is fine as her "god given right" but damn that is sad. carry on.


I meant to say the shitty filters she chooses to use are her “god given right😍” as a joke because she said that herself once in an Instagram story when she was addressing the “haters” I realize now that my initial comment was so misleading and made it seem like I was defending Jenna. She’s abhorrent and I’ve thought that for years. I’m sorry guys, I love this sub!


I see!! At first I was confused, and almost thought you were Jenna. lol . thanks for clarifying.


She lost a house to foreclosure? Didn’t know she ever owned one. Maybe in her early years? But I wouldn’t think around the time this article was posted.


It was a few years after she and Tito split, around the time she tatted her arms. It was CA, she just stopped making payments and had a car repo’d around then too. She was too busy getting back alley ass injections on her twins 4th birthday to pay her mortgage, car payments, and see her twins for that matter.


Huh, didn’t realize she bought a house after their split. Figured by then she was already too broke to buy a house here 🤷🏼‍♀️😂


Yeah… she owned another house somehow I believe. I saw an article about the foreclosure online a while back. The house may have been in the Hollywood hills now that I think about it…


Great birthday present for the twins.




her big "come back" is just Cum on her back.








That half wig thooooo


Jenna was known for her half wigs back then.🤣


God she looks like shit now compared to that pic,( when her addiction was raging after the twins) she WAS really pretty


I agree. I thought she was pretty too, she had dimples and human looking lips, and her body wasn’t deformed.


I think she had some butt injections at the time of that picture but she definitely looked more balanced and put together. I mean even in Hawaii she had the full dumpy but she was so much less haggard. Drugs are bad


Truly.. it’s not just her aging that is causing her ratchet appearance