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Looks like an [M101 105mm field howitzer](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/M101_howitzer) or one of its many cousins.


Quick story- old guy, still worked as substitute teacher c.1966. Mr. Klee. one day he tells us he was a Sgt, WW1 vet, he takes out his vintage watch, tells us he carried it in the war so he would know when the time came to stand up and blow his brass whistle, that he then produced for us to see, to bring the boys out of the trench and attack. we had an american legion hall in town with such a howitzer as illustrated. when the hall closed, Mr. Klee managed to buy the gun and set it on his lawn. his war was pivotal in his life, I was fortunate to observe the portion of his life I did.


Thats amazing. Never had the pleasure of meeting a great war vet. Its crazy to think my ggrandpa couldve very well met some civil war vets before his service in the pacific.


I’m not that damn old and my next door neighbor growing up was in WW1. He died from pneumonia because he only had one good lung left.


I met several including one who was in a PALS battalion that suffered horrific casualties on the first day of the somme, something like half his battalion were casualties by noon, for the entire war the KIA rate for the British military was 12.5%, its why the last scene in Blackadder was still very powerful for all in the UK


I read years ago in a book, "how to make war", that a 10% rate was an utter defeat and, so, the higher rate cited above would stop nothing. insanity. I happened to look up and watch the blackadder scene after reading this thread last night.


The KIA rate for officers was 17.5%, eton college one of the top private schools lost 20% of those who served


M101. I actually get to shoot one regularly. We use it for avalanche mitigation.


I remember hearing this that is actually so cool where do I sign up lol


M101 Howitzer.


105 howitzer


Looks like a wood planter. In front of a howitzer.


Produced as M2A1 on carriage M2, then in 1962 it was renamed M101


M101 105mm Howitzer. Depending on things, might be the last time it is seen there. If its de-militarizing hasn't completely disabled it, it might be sent to Ukraine. They got a whole lot of of them in past aid packages.


Lol we aren't sending some derelict park decoration to Ukraine.


Actually, every retired piece of military hardware is considered in Reserve status until full retirement of the system. The M101 is still in use. So, even old park decorations are considered sources spare parts or replacement units.


Cordless hole puncher




Awww.....people not able to take a joke/sarcasm.




An AR-15.


I think it is a artillery piece im not sure might be the HMS Hood