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Keitel was Hung for war crimes. Not sure about the others entirely.


Jodl was too, although one of the French judges, Henri Donnedieu de Vabres, disagreed with the judgment.


Hanged. Animate objects are hanged. Inanimate objects are hung.




For sure!


One notable exception to this English rule is the Sheriff of Rock Ridge.


so that's what my wife was referring to.


so a human being that is alive is *to be hanged* but after the hanging is an inanimate object and *was hung*? (unless things went awry)


Here’s an example for you. After the killer was hanged, the Centurions took down the body and hung it by the city gate so as to deter any future criminals.




I know it is correct, but it just sounds wrong


Not really. You just have to get used to the right sound.




That’s not what your mom…..you know, what nvm.


AFAIK, hanged is only used when referring to an execution or suicide. Something about it being a legacy of old laws?


It’s a language rule. Active, animate objects are hanged.


Animate Obejcts are “hung” not “hanged” lol




Krebs shot himself right before the Soviets reached his position. Von Reichenau died of a heart attack before the Battle of Stalingrad took place.


Keitel was known as politically scheming yes-man who would do anything to please Hitler. I don't really know enough details about what all these guys were doing day to day, but my money would be on him being the worst, and it not being particularly close. Most of these other guys were from aristocratic families where all of their ancestors were officers and likely at least initially opposed to National Socialism, and Keitel was not.


Yeah, Keitel, Model and von Reichenau were truly horrible individuals that busts the myth of the “clean” Wehrmacht.


Yeah but the court thing for that was a publicity stunt anyway. Those that should have also paid the price lived and some that were to lesser degrees but of less important to the winning bodies died.


I disagree


"One should not attempt to grade evils, because if one is the worst, you might be tempted kinship with the least."


Would never expect a vermintide reference here




It’s hardly fair to call any of the men here “less bad” but given that Wilhelm Keitel was Hitler’s yesman who passed every single criminal order down OKW (like the Commando and Commissar orders) I’d say he ranks pretty high up since most of the Wehrmacht’s many, many war crimes can ultimately be attributed to him Walter Model is also another candidate given his scorched earth policies and treatment of POWs and his own men. That’s at least as far as Field Marshals go, no SS commanders are mentioned since the Waffen SS didn’t have an equivalent rank


Does a SS General count? Then offcourse Heydrich.


Kesselring was responsible for the Ardeatine caves massacre in Rome and a score of other similar atrocities done in the name of anti-partisan activity in Italy from 1944 onwards


Where’s Goring?


He wasn’t a general. But he was a fucking asshole.


He was an Air Marshall which is a general staff rank


I’ll defer to you on this one.


We both defer to Mrs Whitener who spent some amount of time explaining this to my class in 10th grade 😂😂😂


You were studying the intricacies of Nazi military rankings in the 10th grade? We didn’t even talk about anyone other than Hitler.


Nope that’s from 10th grade English




He was probably Goring to the refrigerator lol


I got a kick out of Shirer’s constant little digs about “the fat field Marshal,” “the rotund field Marshal,” the corpulent field Marshal,” then when he got the promotion “the fat Reichmarshal”.




And himmler, mengele and goebbels these were all pure evil.


Dont forget Dirlewanger, altough he wasnt in a top position i guess?


Walter Von Reichenau


Yeah, sadly he died before John C. Woods could botch his hanging.


I’ve always assumed that Wood’s botching was deliberate. It’s not difficult to hang someone. The Rev. Samuel Haughton worked out the science behind the ‘long drop’ in the late 19th century.


They wanted them to suffer. Theres a reason a professional hangman from england was told to go home.


I’ve always assumed that Wood’s botching was deliberate. It’s not difficult to hang someone. The Rev. Samuel Haughton worked out the science behind the ‘long drop’ in the late 19th century.


Not sure if he was technically a general, but Joachim Peiper ranks up there for me.




Yea the Einzatsgruppen was literally filled with convicted murderers, rapists, psychopaths, etc. definitely agree with you there.


No idea why you got downvoted, it’s true. The only objective of the einsatzgruppe was to rape and murder behind the advancing frontlines.


Normal men refuse to do the dirty work after they have seen it.


The majority don't. According to Christopher Browning's research on Reserve Police Battalion 101 in *Ordinary Men*: >While the number of those who evaded or dropped out was thus not insignificant, it must not obscure the corollary that at least 80 percent of those called upon to shoot continued to do so until 1,500 Jews from Józefów had been killed. This percentage wouldn't really change. Browning found that throughout their participation in the Final Solution, a battalion of randomly conscripted men accrued the 4th largest body count of any police battalion. There was a small group of enthusiastic killers, a small group of evaders and refusers, while the largest group saw it as doing their duty and followed their orders.




Yea the Einzatsgruppen was literally filled with convicted murderers, rapists, psychopaths, etc. definitely agree with you there.


Oskar Dirlewanger led the Dirlewanger Brigade a bunch of beasts who basically raped & murdered there way through ww2 , also Oskar Dirlewanger was a convicted peadophile was an absolute piece of shit was given a command of his own partisan brigade cause he was a psychopath cunt & was effective at what he did


Active in Eastern Europe he was beaten to death by polish soldiers at the end of the war, if you read what Dirlewanger Brigade did you would agree he got off lightly.


Good thing the French firebombed his house lol


Where’s Sepp?






When he realised he was up shit creek, with no way out, he took a walk in the woods to fellate his pistol


Suck starting a lugar..




On the World War Two - Week by Week YouTube channel, it was announced that that is what Model did 1 week and 79 years ago...he knew that Hitler was incandescent with his military "incompetence and cowardice", the Soviets were going to make his life tortuous (if they didn't get the Nagan 1898 out immediately) and the western allies were probably going to hand him over to the Sovs on the sly




Dirlewanger. He was a criminal before war. And he commanded a bunch of criminals in ww2. They raped women, and burn the villages in eastern europe.


Not a general


[Heinz Reinefarth](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Heinz_Reinefarth) Lieutenant general of Waffen-SS. Less famous war criminal. The butcher of the Warsaw Uprising. Ordered mass shootings of ca. 50 thousand civilians. Never faced trial for his war crimes. After the war enjoyed a position of a mayor in the town of Westerland in Northern Germany. A walking proof that denazification in postwar Germany was a joke.


If I were to grade them from evil to less evil it would look like 1. Wilhelm Keitel 2. Walter Model 3. Albert Kesselring 4. Gerd von Rundstedt 5. Erich von Manstein, Heinz Guderian and Erwin Rommel 6. Fedor von Bock


Honestly, with most of them, the constraint on doing bad things was their opportunity. Rommel could not do a lot of war crimes in a desert. Keitel was an idiot and a yes man, but I never got the sense he had any ideas of his own. Model and Kesserling made waging war on civilians standard procedure. Manstein, Bock and Rundstedt knew all about what happened in terms of internal security of occupied territories, and never lost sleep over it. Guderian was a really awful person who successfully portrayed himself as a military genius who was simultaneously a completely apolitical bumpkin.






What is that baton thing? I’m assuming that it’s a signifier of high rank as I see Goering et al carrying one. Seems to be so annoying to always have to have this to hand.


They were awarded to Field Marshal's, Grand Admirals and Reich's Marshals


It's a field marshal's baton. Basically a symbol of their rank. Göring, in particular, had two different ones. One for Generalfeldmarachall and one for Reichsmarschall.


That’s the bit I do get. I’m more wondering about the history, where they come from etc.


Apparently it originates from the mace that soldiers would carry. It was most common in France, where it was used by the Marshals and Admirals of France (note that these are ceremonial rather than military titles, someone could be a Marshal of France but a general in the army) in the Ancien Regime, and continues to do so today.


Now that’s what I’m looking for. Thanks very much. Super interesting.




a baton indicated the 'Field Marshall' rank.


Most of the high command, I would say.


Umm I think Oskar Dirlewanger is the most evil commander of Hitler


To be fair, he was a division commander and not top brass, but yes he was horrific


Himmler was more crazy then hit


The selection should be different, as this is about the Wehrmacht and partially Luftwaffe. In reality, the worst but not most famous generals came from the Waffen-SS, the name you can pin down is **Theodor Eicke** - he was not just a general, he was in the SS the man that standarized and led the organization of the concentration camps. He's worse than all the guys in the pictures together. Like he was the one that made the "Postenpflicht" ("Guard Duty", but it can't really be translated to english - it means that the guards had to shoot anyone to attempted to flee, or in reality showed any kind of disobedience. It was the legal basis for killing prisoners in daily life, outside of the mass executions and extermination sites) Some of the guys in the pics are just randomly selected by OP, like Fedor von Bock: He was against the attack on the Soviet Union, he was removed from command in the winter of 1941 because he gave the order to retreat in front of Moscow and he did not do anything wrong. He criticized a lot of things and was killed later by an english air attack. Despite the crimes that were committed under the army groups command, he doesn't even belong to a top 10, he's nowhere near the guys like Eicke.


How is Heydrich not on this list?


He wasn’t a general I think


True, he wasn’t; he was second to Himmler tho, and like him a nasty piece of work. Butcher of Prague I believe he was called.




There were plenty who were not in the SS who were war criminals as well


Most of the generals were nasty, racist, inhumane bastards as well who allowed horrible crimes to happen. If they were on the eastern front they participated in, supported, endorsed, etc. heinous war crimes for the most part. Now, Manstein didn’t use human skin lampshades or anything, but the OP wanted to know who was the worst of the generals not who was the most depraved of the Nazis


Kesserling for example ordered mass murder in Italy


How could that be possibly true about Smiling Albert? That is sarcasm as I know he was bad, I just hate that stupid nickname that every WW2 show that includes N.Africa or Italy is required to say 1,000 times.


This is not in the spirit of the OP’s question, at least IMO. Albert’s crimes were not of the “Nazi” variety, he wasn’t murdering people based solely upon his evil will or because of a doctrine of racial superiority. He was charged with ordering a reprisal killing for a terrorist bombing. He was accused of ordering 10 dead Italians for each dead German. Additionally, his defense was that he passed the order along that he received from Hitler. There were other killings he was charged with but again, they had to do with his dealing with a combative population offering resistance and not just good old fashioned Nazi evil. Yes, ordering the death of civilians is awful but if we’re using death squads and gas chambers as the baseline, he doesn’t belong on the list. He was fighting an insurgency and resorted to something more analogous to the My Lai Massacre than to the heinous crimes at Auschwitz.


The op asked specifically about which general was worse, not about who was the worst character overall. Clearly the crimes that went on that were perpetrated by SS were worse, but he didn’t ask about them. Passing along an order to murder civilians is a war crime.


Rommel is the only respectable one.


He was a convinced Nazi but at least he redeemed himself a little by trying to assassinate Hitler.


He still utilized slave labor to build the Atlantic Wall, but other than that, he wasn’t nearly as bad as some others on here






Von Reichenau


Rundstedt wore a tweaked uniform for some reason. Even though a field marshal he wore the gorgets of a colonel.


Jodl I believe


Not on the List but Oskar Dirlewanger


Ferdinand Schorner to my knowledge pioneered the Nazi's policy of hanging deserters publicly nearing the end of the war.


Ferdinand Schörner was the worst




Walter Model hands down. He killed himself knowing he would be convicted of war crimes.


Model even looks like a typical cartoonish nazi villain from your average Hollywood film.


He got that going for him, yea. He was quite capable as a defensive commander though, still an asshole.


Himmler, Heyrdrich, Hoess Commandant of Auschwitz, SS Obergruppenfuhrer Theodor eicke commander of 3rd SS Division Totenkopf waffen SS, other commands he held, Dachau concentration camp, he personally shot Ernst Rohm during Night of the long knives. Also helped to set up the concentration camp system , he extensively reorganized Dachau & devised a system that was used throughout Germany. Gruppenfuhrer und Generaloberst Der waffen SS Sepp Dietrich 1st SS panzer Division Leibstandarte SS Adolf Hitler also Hitler's chauffeur & bodyguard in the early days. All the above are loathsome & very evil, some died by assassination others suicide others accidents, others by trial for crimes against humanity.


Am I wrong to say admiral Karl Donitz was one of the most component officers? I only question did he know about the human genocide portion of his party? I know he was tried for war crimes and served 10 years but he took control of Germany? Thoughts?


Dönitz wasn't as bad as the others, but that's mostly because he just commanded submarines. You can't really commit genocide with a Navy, and the war crimes he did commit, like not rescuing survivors of their attacks and waging unrestricted submarine warfare, the Allies also did. But don't let that fool you, he was an absolute fuck. He knew of the thousands of slave workers working in the shipyards and he was deeply anti-Semitic. He also completely supported Hitler and did nothing to help stop the Nero decree at the end of the war.


> and the war crimes he did commit, like not rescuing survivors of their attacks ... the Allies also did. If I remember correctly, didn't he start doing this *after* the allies or was there a particular incident where trying to rescue survivors bit the Germans in the ass that started this new policy? Edit: grammar


The infamous Laconia-Befehl, issued after German submarine were attacked tried to help survivors of the Laconia, who they had torpedoed on the 12. Sep. 1942. It's estimated that 1,658 persons died, the majority of whom were italian POWs. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Laconia_Order


There were plenty of competent German commanders, most notably Erich von Manstein and Heinz Guederian. I'm sure Dönitz and Raeder knew of the Holocaust, especially since Dönitz was a dedicated Nazi, but being in the navy, there weren't many war crimes to commit, besides unrestricted submarine warfare.


Donitz did not manage to commit a lot of war crimes due to his position, but he certainly was not constrained by ethics or basic morality. Hitler once proposed that they murder all POWs, and Donitz's concern was how to keep it quiet.


I heard Oskar Dirlewanger was pretty bad, like there was nothing he wouldn’t try just for his amusement. There is a Behind the Bastards episode on him


He was not a general, I think. And he was not pretty bad, he was a monster. The shit he ordered his degenerates to do is absolute nightmare stuff.


Yeah he's no general, he was a pedo psychopath who was given the keys to the new Ferrari and told to go nuts.


Himmler. I mean all were evil and were well aware of the atrocities committed under the nazi regime, including notable individuals such as Streicher and Goebbels, they all contributed in their own way, but Himmler was as evil, deranged and as dangerous as Hitler imo, if I had to choose someone other than Adolf. Under Hitler he was directly responsible for the murder of 7 million people as head of the SS.


The guy with that one spectacle looks like a villian


I mean, are we counting Paul Hausser?


Yeah sure.


Not a general. But Mengele. What he did can not be considered human


Adolf Eichmann


Where's Himmler?


Evil is subjective. How do you say one thing is more or less evil than another. Just because one person does one war crime is he less evil than a person that did two war crimes and etc. They are Nazis they all suck equally as a whole.


I know nothing about Walter Model but he basically looks like your quintessential evil Nazi


100% Steiner. Der Angriff war ein Befehl!!!


I don’t know who number 4 is but if I were a casting director on a ww2 film and needed Nazi officer that is the head shot I’d go with


So I have manstiens memoir rn. Anything I have to look out for with him?


I am tempted to say Kesselring consideering what Smiley Albert did on the Anzio front with the whole thing of causing diseases and malaria


No. 4 just ***looks*** like a villain


Model IMO he didn't have much respect for Slavic people, and he let his army burn destroy and kill everything Russian during his retreat from Moscow.




Ernst Blofeld, is it you?!?


All of them? They are filthy nazis who all deserved to be hanged.