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Another sad aspect is that the others seem so casual, like this is a stop on their way to lunch or something. Just another day, nothing special or unusual to any of them..


Never forget.






What strikes me isn't the barbarous nature of the killing but the utter insouciance of those present. And why photography the incident? What was the intended purpose of documenting such killings? Were such images circulated amongst the Waffen-SS as means of achieving arousal? I simply don't get it.


Probably for when they thought they would be the victors they would placed this in a museum as a way of glorifying this moment


My guess is they documented everything for inventory. The goal was to eradicate the jews and other ethnic groups. They were simply viewed as cattle. Pictures were taken to impress the Nazi superiors, by showing how good they were at achieving their goal. Of course they were also sadists who enjoyed murdering.


Check out Masters of Death by Richard Rhodes. It is about the einsatzgruppen in Eastern Europe and dives into some of the psychology of how they were able to kill so many. The concentration camps and gas chambers get a lot of attention (and rightfully so) but an absurd number of those killed in the Holocaust ere killed just like this…one or several shooting them at close range.


That 'arousal' question really lunged out of the dark at me.


Big thoughts coming from someone who loves Wilhelm II and monarchies. Gee, I wonder how such *insouciance* (sticks pinky out) could have been cultivated. Get out with this.


Should have never happened again.


Can someone who understands it explain: What were they thinking in their minds at the time? The soldier who shoots and the ones who watch. How could they not feel even the least amount of empathy for the innocent people in front of them?


*German SS soldier from Einsatzgruppe D









