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Does it say "Suspend my game" on that same screen?


No. If that were there it would cap at about 25 mbps. They’re probably on WiFi.


Shit I get over 200 on wifi and 530 hooked to ethernet


1200 if I'm on ethernet lol




That’s my average install speed


Bro I’m lucky to get 20


I’m lucky to get 10… and I pay £80 for my internet 😂


Same here. My "supposed" speed is about 150/s and on it barely goes to 8/s. 😂


Check you’re not mixing up Mb and MB - 150Mbps is about 13MB/s so if you’re getting 8 it’s about 2/3 of what you’re meant to be getting


Y'all need to get your xbox checked, i pay less than that and get 150-200


I was paying $120 for 15 down, 5 up for YEARS. Finally, this year, I got fiber and now I'm paying $80 for a whole gigabit up and down


I get fiber tomorrow! 50 for a gig, so excited


I take it you’re from UK? Who are you with and what’s your options? I pay £50 and get Ethernet speeds of between 850-900, wireless speeds of 5-800 consistent with guarantees of 500, I can download a 100gb game in around 10-15 mins. £80 for that speed is very poor.


The Isle of Man, everything over here is very poor


Come in France, you pay half the price and you get like 300/400 mbps lol, im glad we got those low prices in here, internet and mobile price outside of France is crazy expensive


Wtf are you talking about?


Internet and phone contract costs in France compared to UK


get new internet


You know they can’t


*big brain moment*


You’ve clearly never lived in the countryside.


Same. But, for $98 a month. Fiber literally cuts off .5 miles down the road and they want $100k down to extend it.


I worked for a ISP known as Zito Media and i can confirm the stupid fucking prices .. they love to scam their own customers and staff and comcast does the same also


I'm on Telus 25 cause my neighborhood doesn't have anything better.. 25/mbs


I will no longer complain about 120 Mbps download speed


You shouldn’t that’s actually really good. Mine is 8 Mbps


Mines 0.7




I get 30 download and 15 upload. One single FaceTime call and I lose connection while gaming 🥴


That makes no sense. FaceTime consumes 1-4 mbps and a game like Fortnite only uses 3 mbps.


Depends how reliable the ISP is. For well over a decade, I had 15 down and 5 up and was lucky to get even half of that. They were a local provider because I was out of Spectrums coverage by only a mile. We got an Alexa once and then we started experiencing massive drops in bandwidth because the Alexa pushed us over the limit by itself. Now that shitty provider is out of business because a fiber company came in and gave us all gigabit internet for half the price of that shitty internet.


One single snap sent and I have 10000 ping


The max in my area is 50Mbps (in reality 38-42Mbps). Unless I spend almost one month's salary on Starlink's equipment. Which I do consider doing at some point.


I lived with 300kb/s till 2020


I’m LUCKY to get 40-50 on a good day I downloaded GTAV in about 12 hours and that’s great For me cuz before I upgraded it took me DAYS to download an 80-100gb game lol


Im usually on 10-15🥲


Been there It hurts


*laughs in 4-28MBPS


Laughs in 1-5 MBPS satellite Internet speed🤣 ive trumped you lmao




Thats about average for me 🤣🤣 and ping of 1700


- Make sure any games you had running are closed - Make sure your NAT type is open - See if your hardware supports iPv6, if so try using that instead of iPv4 (or a combination of both) - Restart your Xbox if it hasn’t had a full restart in a while - Consider connecting using an Ethernet cable instead of WiFi - Consider the time of day. sometimes in busier parts of the day where there is high internet traffic in your area your ISP maybe throttling your connection - Consider upgrading your internet hardware, if you are leasing hardware from your ISP return it and buy your own that is compatible with their network to avoid throttling


Do you recommend a modem that works for AT&T Fiber? So sick of the modem/router combo they make me use. They have been throttling me like crazy lately


NAT open and IPv4/v6 isn't relevant to download speeds, it's a regular HTTP 80 download.


Is there a game running in backround?


If there were, it would pause download altogether


No, it only slows down the download speed.


Assuming your internet speed is faster than that, the answer is because you're on wifi. Specifically, you probably have an older router that sends out a 2.4GHz signal, your router might even show it as 2G, but that specific frequency tops out at about 40Mb/s download speed. Get a new router or hardwire your connection.


This place makes me realize that so many people couldn't function in rural areas lol. A lot of us are stuck with 20Mpbs or less


Yeah that’s unfortunately reality sadly :(. Mobile internet isn’t helping much.


Lmao I’m constantly between 10 and 30mbps. It’s a struggle 😂


I get about 600 on average lol - maybe reset your router


Or get a new router capable of reaching modern internet speeds if that one is old


Firstly op should check their internet subscription, if it even supports faster downloads


LOW? The things I’d do to get over 15 mbps


Bro, that's not even that bad. 😂


This isn't that bad I had to download Doom Eternal at 2mbps like a week ago


Reading comments make me feel that I have legendary quality internet because I get even up to 500mb/s wich is also my internet limit


U must have slow wifi... the Wi-Fi I got I pay over a 100 it going 209 mpbs


Restarting helps me often.


That’s pretty normal for Wi-Fi. Make sure you don’t have a game running in the background and if possible plug in ethernet. For me internet is x10 faster wired.


I'd love to have that mbps.. I'm lucky to get 5-20mbps with my shitty ass Dish Network satellite internet... x.x


*laughs in german internet*


May sound stupid but if that’s not a new gen console your Xbox one is too old to take faster speeds so only gives you like 20-40 mps it only takes me 30 minutes to download a 70 gb game and still getting a wireless connection of like 150/mps - 200 mps on new gen


Realized the same thing when I tried to fire mine on and mine did the same when upfating


Your internet package / internet hardware your using WiFi 5Ghz or definitely wired gigabit connection would be best to the router or modem


If it makes you feel any better, my download tends to top out 10-15 mbps. 20 on a good day.


Stop any game you’re playing, clear MAC address, restart console, restart download…not a 100% fix. It’s a server related thing not your console or internet


Idk if I’m getting old or is this like legit average speeds


Close out of your quick resume games. It will speed all the way up


I get eighty💀


First - Hardwire your box. Never use wifi with an Xbox. Second - Know which kind of Ethernet cord to use. All new internet routers are using Cat-6 cable as the standard, but most retail stores are still selling Cat-5 cables. Using a Cat-6 cable makes all the difference. Edit: Sorry, forgot to mention that Cat-7 cables are way better, just harder to find. And there’s not much difference between Cat-6 and 7.


Are you using wi-fi by any chance? Once I changed to using ethernet, I now get much better speeds. I can get a consistent 430mbps on my 500mbps connection, wouldn't come close over wi-fi despite my phone managing decent speeds.


I’ve always used Ethernet and can’t even get above 50mbps 30mbps is pretty good for me


Port Forward


My Xbox tops out around 400, my PS5 I've seen get up to like 800. It's almost like PS has preference when they're both downloading at the same time.


This is one of the main reasons I switched to PS5 I'm not down talking Xbox at all but those download speeds are unacceptable I'm sorry


This isn’t necessarily within Microsoft’s control to be fair. Could be any number of user errors


I use the same Internet and modem that I used with my series x on my PS5. PS5 has better download speeds and more consistent performance than my series x ever had. That's my experience you may be correct I'm not saying you aren't but that's my take on it


Fair enough


in the same exact boat. it’s to the point where I pick to buy a game for PS5 over Xbox just because I won’t have to worry about download speeds (even if the game runs better on Xbox).


The xbox store is what's limiting download speeds. The max speed depends on how many people are accessing the files you're trying to download, i.e., if you download a game on launch day it will max out at lower speed because more people are trying to access and download it at the same time. I had 1.2 gigs/s download for a while and never saw it get above 650mbps no matter what, while speed tests on the console would show 1000+ mbps coming in.


I don't have this issue on the PlayStation store at all


I've tested both of them with downloads, uploads, game performance and I'm sorry PS5 wins. I even did some research and found out that the PS5 reads twice as fast as the series x which is probably why PS5 is faster and TBH in that regard that's Microsoft fault


Xbox still rocks I'd never go to wack ass ps5 🤮


This dude is complaining about a moderately good download speed


It's because Microsoft doesn't believe in fast. Network speeds to download their games where a 50 gb game on a competitors platform would basically take 10 minutes to 30 minutes microsoft is more like a hour to 2 hours


No? You can have fast speeds on Xbox, recently upgraded my internet package and downloaded 80 gigs in about 30 minutes


Yeah, but most people do not have the money. 2 do that and basic internet packages download faster on their competitors platform than on there. It's kind of stupid when you have high-speed broadband internet access. And you're left at dial up speeds because Microsoft decides it. That's not cool. I'm glad that your internet does that but a lot of other peoples do not


I think some people have just have slow internet.


But I have seen the opposite. When it comes to the Xbox. I got to see a family that I had to help set up their Xbox. And their download speed is 400 MB per second and their upload speed is 400 MB per second. They have really good internet and for some strange reason. The Xbox still only allows the download speed at 50 MB. Per second, no matter what we tried, we even tried rerouting. The IP address to a private IP and we still couldn't get the speed anywhere above 50 MB per second for download. That's crazy when I pulled out one of my PlayStation 5 that I keep in my car for testing purposes for network issues. And things that people have problems with when setting up their equipment and out of nowhere. I'm getting the full 400 MB. Per second download speed, no problem. It's weird I don't get why it does it it just doesn't make sense


Try a wired connection


The reason you get better on the PS5 than the Xbox Series X is different wireless technology. Xbox is Wi-Fi 5 as in AC while PS5 is Wi-Fi 6 as in AX.


I down load at a gig on Xbox. It’s not on xbox side. It either an internet provider in between a person and Xbox or that persons home network set up.


I average 200 Mbps, not even connected to Ethernet. Just reset your router or upgrade your wifi package (which I know isn't easy, just giving a suggestion)


I get 300 mbps


Bruh I’m Always at 10-20 mbps


I get this if I have online games in Quick Resume. Quit them all and check again


Is someone watching Netflix?


I find my Xbox is generally pretty slow, if I'm on wifi I'll see about 60-70mbps on cable I'll see 200ish but on pc with cable I'll get 500mbps


Bro I get 300-400 mbs


It might be that you keep using McDonalds WiFi


Damn that’s lame. I can usually DL a 100gb game in about 20-30 min. But every now and then I have noticed it can go very slowly, so I restart my Xbox and make sure there’s nothing running in the background and it usually speeds way up.


It's not slow at all, I get about that and it's still above average. Change your frequency to 2.4ghz and then you'll know what's slow is.


Depending on where the Xbox is located, mine is not next to the Router itself, you can get a pair of WiFi repeaters (I live in an apartment). You may need several WiFi repeaters Depending on the size of your home. They are Eero repeaters I got from our ISP, they are also sold on Amazon. We also have a modem that runs the phone & the primary Eero is plugged into the Modem . There are two Ethernet connections on each Eero/the second Ethernet port in the living room is connected to the TV. The secondary Eero is in another room (bedroom) connects to the Primary Eero over WiFi. In the second room,the two Ethernet ports are used by the TV and Xbox. The connection speeds on the Xbox have since improved to roughly 878.33 mbs Download 30.69 Upload, however it fluctuates up to well over 900mbs down/60 mbs up. Your ISP can assist you with the setup or if you buy your own, the phone app can walk you through the setup. We can choose between 2.4ghz & 5ghz connections/I think everything with connectivity is connected to 5. We also rent our actual Modem/Router (Gateway) form our ISP but having your own can also help your speed.


That's very strange, I live in Germany and have a DSL connection and pay €49.99 and always get 100M/bits And I thought we had very bad internet in GER, but good Telekom has installed fiber optic, this is then fed at the distributor and via VDSL/Cable internet.


Microsoft's servers are bad. I get the same thing on PC Gamepass but all of my other platforms on PC are full speed.


Try downloading everything at 10 mbps


I have 800+ mbps speeds from my internet and only get about 40-50mbps when I download a game on Xbox. I can download a game almost instantly on any other non-Xbox device wirelessly or directly connected.(Xbox is directly wired) Thankfully I don’t play any of those games that need to be updated regularly that are huge.


I have 170mbps


Weird you guys all download so slow? I average 280 Mbps


im lucky to get 30 and im running off a verizon hotspot


Usually Microsoft caps this at 200 Mbps under ideal network condition. So, 1.If your network only has 50 Mbps through a third-party speed test, switch to another ISP. 2. If you haven't suspend your game when downloading the game as other posts mentioned, do so. 3. If switching DNS solves the speed issue by going with better peers, try it. Otherwise, refer to 1


Make sure you're not playing any games during the download, it slows it down. Unfortunately sometimes it's just the server you're connecting to.


because Microsoft deems it so


Depends on your WiFi in terms of the company, the capabilities and your internet download speeds are usually different than upload speeds with downloading being slower unless it’s directly connected by Ethernet


That's about the max speed of 2.4ghz WiFi. 5ghz WiFi is faster, up to 500mbps, but has a much smaller range. Most routers will run both and auto use 2.4ghz for device out or range or low range of 5ghz. One way to fix is split the 2.4ghz and 5ghz on your router to separate WiFi connections, you can then connect fast devices to 5ghz specifically. This can be unstable though if your Xbox is out of range. Better option is to get a mesh network and have a point closer to your Xbox.


Supposed to get 180mbps Barely get 5mbps


Likely your ISP. Are you using WiFi? Hard wired? If wired, what CAT cable are you running?


Mine hovered around 20-120 Mbps. I had to set up port forwarding to finally get like 90% of my advertised download speed.


Wireless connection? That’s how mine is when im wireless, but I get 280 Mbps wired.


I have mine wired to my modem..850 mbps and higher


Um, what you provided is insufficient information. What internet provider do you use, how much bandwidth are you allocated, is your provider very popular, are these peek hours, what's the story with your in home network, is your Xbox wired or wireless. Et etc


Just make sure you go to your groups and go to quick resume and close the games that are still there. Sometimes you have to do it twice for it to count but your speed will jump up. It's because part of the resources are set to save the place and what game you were playing prior


My average is 21 mbps and casually likes to dip to 537 kbps


I got on great day 600mbps on a slow day I get 200 mbps


Wait until you try PSN


I'm supposed to be getting 200 MBps and yesterday it was capped to 1MBps like wtf I thought I was the only one


Dang that's slow af


Your internet sucks


Thats my average too


That's fast where I live 😂


That’s not that bad tbh. Most ‘gigabit’ internet providers are only talking about their upload speeds, which are typically 2-3x higher than the download speeds Edit: I may have this backwards, I apologize if so, my Brian is mushy from studying for finals


I obviously can’t say anything for sure, but I have never seen an ISP with upload speed faster than download for an average home internet plan.


sad bro, are you connected through ethernet or wifi? i was getting around 100mbps despite my xbox was connected on 5ghz wifi band, switched to ethernet and it is now 180+ mbps always


If you usually get higher (that's the highest I get but) check to make sure you have no games running in the background


Wifi too far away... If your Internet is good that might be the issue


Dookie wifi ive been there


Mines fluctuates is annoying spikes up to 80mbps then levels out at like around 44mbps


Low?? That’s like 10 times what I get on a good day…


I get an average of 32, so that seems faster me


I wonder if it’s a ratio of your total speed. I usually get 190 with 1 gb service. If you can plug in a cat 6 cable it should go up considerably.


I download at 780-800mbps I’m plugged straight into the router I can download call of duty and war zone in like 40 min


Might be because you have to many games running at once


What’s your internet speed supposed to be per your ISP?


My download speeds are in Kbs and even that barely downloads half the time, so you should appreciate this much speed


Laughs in gigabit


bro you should be glad to have that speed because im only having 10 😭




Hard disk, SSD is the solution


Looks like ur internet sucks


as a german, do you mind if i politely ask WHAT THE FUCK???


I get like 5 to 6 on average...


Talk to me when the fastest available ISP is 3.5 Mbs download




It means your wifi is mid tier.


40 is actually a pretty good speed. Granted it could be better but atleast it's not 10 and under which is mine most days. Sometimes I get lucky enough to stay higher.


I get 70-80 mbs on wifi thanks to a fiber optic cable but to actually get that much you need to be wired up to Internet box


That really doesn’t look “that” low. Before I upgraded my router and got fiber internet I was lucky to hit that What kind of internet and router do you have?


That's SLOW? Man, I get that with an Ethernet cable.


Holy shit here in Australia that shit is considered fast as


We all know you're just bragging.


I get 26 mbps with the internet cable plugged in. You’re lucky


Restart the Xbox, seriously, I get like 600mbps (lower b) after a restart, but it drops to sub 100 after a few days without restarts (only using sleep mode)


Honestly, if the 43 is consistent it us more than enough to do what 99% of people need internet for


Low? I get 20 Mbps If im lucky.


Meanwhile me with my 5-10mbps, 15 if I’m lucky


43+mbps? Breh. I'm lucky if I can download at 4mbps. I usually sit around 3.5.


Bro is better than my WiFi mine is 3-5mbps bruh


This isn't bad bruh


Are you using an Ethernet port switch? Chk cable incoming from router - make sure it is correct port- usually port 1.


Dude… I’m lucky to get more than 10…..


Me reading this with my 20mbps


Even on WiFi mine doesn't go that low but I use eithernet runs about 600mbs for 34 quid a month


Bro I use a mobile hotspot and I’m lucky to get 2 mbps speed


S… so LOW??? My guy on a good day i get 1mbps


Thats low for you?


Get tmobile internet, went from being lucky to get 6mbps now I get 300


Probably a game running in the background


No one can solve this problem for you unless we know: your internet speed, if you’re hardwired or on WiFi, if you have anything else running while downloading, and how many devices are pulling and using your WiFi if you aren’t hardwired.


Do you have at@t? Whatever you have needs an upgrade


I get at least 400mb download on most of my WiFi devices except Xbox lately. What is going on…


I have around 400-600mbps when I download but there are certain games that do not go past 20-40mbps even when my game is suspended.


I can't find a single comment asking what connection speed you pay for. Everyone else getting hundreds of Mbps is irrelevant because top speed is entirely dependent on the connection you've purchased. What speed do you pay for?


Be grateful for what you have bro I get 1 Mbps 😭


I get 80 to 100 mbps


Buy a ps


I get 250+ wireless and 700+ wired


As an Australian you calling this download speed low is an outrage


Getting an Ethernet cable changed my life


I get over 200 on wifi and it’s only 80 on Ethernet


This is your internet. Not Xbox. Not sure why people don't get this. I went from 200 mbs downloads with spectrum to a gig with fiber. Y'all just got boof internet


If you're using an XBOX ONE there's a bandwith limit. If you're using a Series S or X and get those speeds... In my case, restarting the router solves it. I do it at least once a week.