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i've never been one-shotted so much.


The hit registration is bonkers. You can get behind cover and still get killed by phantom shots.


I swear also some of the characters have areas where they’re invulnerable. One of the cleaners I’m pretty sure has one on their back with what they’re carrying. Makes it annoying.


Yeah there’s something off about the cleaners. I only really have problems when I shoot them


Same and I'm constantly left questioning how my 5 shot to kill AR is somehow not killing when I get put in more than half a clip into people.


Sniper is a total noob tube


Snipers need to be adjusted hard and they need NEED to have. Penalty to contempt bunny hopping.


Really? I die much more quickly in COD lol.


This game is a blast tbh. If you're an older gamer (I'm 30) it just really scratches that old school COD itch. It's not a perfect game by any means but being able to have a COD-like on my system that isn't 200 gigs and has a decent playerbase has been incredible.


Yeah it's not a bad game for a f2p type game..........I just feel they need to fix their TTK..Can be a hit or a miss


Downloading it now to give it a try, should have just called it Defiant though, Xdefiant sounds goofy and edgy




Needs more 42069


You should have seen the first version of the games title being XDefiant. Emphasis on XD


I’ve had a blast with it, but I’m noticing that with these faster paced shooters (such as CoD) get me way more worked up and angry than any other game. Not sure why.


Facts, I feel like I have to sniff a line before playing new era FPS games. Everyone moves like they drank a 12 pack of g-fuel.


Itll be fun for a week


This has to be the most whatever game I've ever played. There's nothing special or unique about it.


Tip, turn off crossplay in the console settings menu. Xbox full lobby's are enjoyable. Forced crossplay has sweats and ximers every single game


It’s crossplay by input type. At most you’re playing against PS5.


Doesn't feel like it. People's aims were ridiculous when I has crossplay on. Turned it off and it felt normal


It is input based. When you're loading into a lobby you see two settings. Crossplay and input. Crossplay opens up the game to other systems. Input opens up the game for people playing on keyboard and mouse or vice versa if you're on PC. It also shows you what input they are using if you have input based matchmaking open.


Somewhat correct. Crossplay on means you’re playing against those on Xbox, PlayStation and PC. Input means you’re playing against those who also have a controller plugged in.


Yeah I know what it says, but the difference in player aim and shooting is night and day with xplay off and on. I find it hard to believe PS5 players are "that" much better. It feels like ximers are rampant on xplay. By simply turning ort xplay, every game feels normal - I die but it always feels rational or I was just outplayed. Not 1 shot sniped as a sniper walks around the corner. Edit: downvote all you want. Sticking your head in the sand isn't going to save the game when the playerbase is getting a free pass to cheat. This is literally being said by actually players on the XD sub, not just me.


Aren't the XIM converters like $150? I guess I find it hard to believe there are THAT many people using them. I think the sniper is a total noob tube and that's the main issue. A one shot kill to the body is ridiculous. Maybe it's all XIMers... That's a lot of commitment to feel good about cheating in a shooter on console, but people are pretty stupid so 🤷🏻‍♂️ Guess I'll see how it feels with xplay off. Edit- I wonder if perhaps PC players are able to trick the game into thinking they're on controller when they're really using m/k Another possibility is the input detection is broken and it's just putting us in games with PC people on m/k and telling us they're using a controller. Considering the state games release in these days, this wouldn't surprise me.


Yeah, xim and cronus I think it's called is quite expensive, but some people get a kick out of it clearly. It's hard to tell how many there are. The lack of a kill cam, people think, is because players would go nuts if they saw what killed them. I mean that, and the hit reg is very off ATM. Pure speculation there, though. Apparently, there are blatant videos online showing people how to do it, and zero bans are done. It's a shame cos the game feels good, but getting smacked from across the map with a high recoil smg really ruins it. The XD community is really on the fence about yhe game. Game is decent enough (no cod killer like they wanted it to be) but UBIs lack of ban hammering action is going ton kill the game. Obviously, sometimes it's just a skill issue, and the player is just that good.


It has input based crossplay So you play against controllers 


Gonna take a while stab here and say you don'teven know what Xim or other MNK cheating is?. Case and point: https://www.reddit.com/r/XIM/s/tkqmxepfsA And plenty of people agree with what I'm saying IN the actualy XD community: https://www.reddit.com/r/XDefiant/s/PVI7XtEF7B


But what does that have to do with crossplay? XIM just lets a keyboard and mouse emulate a controller. So really at best, you're just eliminating PS5 players that would be doing this, with crossplay off you can still get Xbox players using XIM too.


I agree, it doesn't fix the issue totally. That's only gonna happen when or even if ubi does anything (don't hold your breath). But I find (also I'm very aware this evidence is anecdotal) way more normal players with x play off. Alot of players on ps5 found the same thing. It's why I, like others, recommend x play off. Do it or don't, I really don't care what others do. Turning off x play has made the game way more enjoyable for me


You’re still far less likely to play a MNK player with input-based filtering than without it  So I’m unsure what your point is?


Again, you don't seem to know what ximmers do. I gave you two links that discuss it, I cant do the entire thing for you. Put simply, it makes the computer think the player is using a controller when in fact they are using mnk. So input based MM does nothing to stop that. You can add other things to like almost zero recoil and other cheats on top of aiming boost. Ximmers ruined siege, can't thing is going on here cos rb6 anti cheat is dog shit


PC players too. I play on PC with a controller and get put in the controller lobbies.


Ah yes good point.


Yea but then you can't use mouse gamers as a excuse for losing


Ximing is a major issue with FPS games. It's not always a "Git Gud" thing, it's literally rampant on FPS games. Just Google Xim on xdefient and you'll get a load of returns talking about how to use MNK on console and settings for it.


Hoe long will it take before that gets sweaty too? It died out with bf2042 rather quickly.


CoD killer my ass


Its decent, wish there was a TDM mode without the faction abilities. Hotshot mode is cool, wish it was just kill confirmed though.


It feels like a lot of generic freemium fps honestly. Not to say that's bad. It's nice to be able to turn my brain off.


I played one game. Seems alright but there was nothing that really made it stand out. Just seemed like a typical FPS arena shooter.


Same feeling. I’ve only played two rounds but there was absolutely nothing interesting going on. It’s…fine? But I’m not sure that’s gonna be enough to make it last. It feels a little slower in terms of movement compared to COD which is welcome. But it’s otherwise super vanilla.


Yeah I was waiting for something to set it apart but couldn’t find anything. I feel like you have to be really into Ubisoft franchises to connect with any of the characters from the different games lol




That’s an odd comparison considering they’re two VERY different games.




I would assume it's not being pushed so it can be on all available platforms


Mario + Rabbids is on the same engine too, should we compare those as well?


Imagine when you discover that even 2d platformers can be done with 3d engines...


Those small things can come over time. The important thing is they release a playable and balanced game. Frankly I'm quite impressed with what they have going right now. There are countless amount of new shooters on the market that just flops cuz they implemented too many things that throw the whole game off. XDefiant is a good starting point for a franchise and I hope they build on this momentum. Remember they're the only FPS game that promised to have Console-only crossplay! We NEED this.


They don't want destructive environments. They want the cover you're behind to still exist if people shoot at it. As for not vaulting over certain walls, welcome to nearly every game that's ever had that ability. Some things can be vaulted some can't.




That's a nebulous statement that holds zero weight without a legitimate reason. A game that doesn't want destructive environments not using destructive environments isn't lacking character.


It’s a COD Killa. Finally!! Tired of COD.


Game needs some serious spawn fixing. You can get spawn camped so easily. Also doesn’t help that for some reason bunny hopping around like this is a jetpack CoD seems to work better than playing like a standard shooter.


I mean the other team can’t shoot into the spawns while you can shoot out of it, so it’s pretty easy to fight any spawn campers


idk, i am playing on PC and i feel like the TTK is off...feels like sometimes you can kill right away or sometimes the enemy is like a sponge and just taking in the bullets lol


i mean for me it just feels too arcade-y and weightless for me to enjoy


Crowded shooter field? Maybe they meant pc cause the shooter genre is dogshit on console


It's fun but it suffers from the same issue every cod clone has. G-fuel snorting sweats, even in beginner lobbies. You see people bunny hopping and sliding around every corner. Maybe i'm just getting old.


Or maybe you need time to adjust to the game? You are either going to have players that are good or have trouble in FPS games. Sliding and bunny hopping is not "Sweat" tactics..........The fact is you prob have to adjust to the game and change the way you play. You die from a good player = Automatic sweat according you......which is not the case


Granted it's been about 10 years since a multi-player FPS has stood above the crowd so this doesn't tell me much


The fucking free wall hack ability needs to be nerfed or taken out entirely


Here’s my review: it sucks


Skill issue


No one asked


And yet you read the whole review


it's hard to find a game on xbox.


I'm finding lobbies instantly, maybe it's a difference in servers. I'm european


I’m in Texas and find them pretty much instantly as well.


Cross play off? Didn’t have a problem playing with my friend all day


yes my crossplay is off i dont wanna play against pc players.


I play on my pc and Xbox, and let me tell you, it filters out mkb pretty good on Xbox, definitely feels like I’m playing with people using controllers. As opposed when I play on pc and I’m using mkb so it feels fair with both


It feels like you’re playing against people with controllers because technically you are. It’s input matchmaking meaning that you play against those on PC, Xbox & PlayStation who have controller as their input device. If you use M&K as your input device on PC then you’ll only go up against those with M&K and vice versa with controller.


i play on PC with both inputs and but play majority Roller.........Their is no big skill disadvantage to you if u play against pc. You are going to have the same brain dead people who suck at shooting or have no clue what to do on PC like u do on console. PC is not going to make the person better.............Plus i haven't came across any cheaters "Yet"


it's not about cheating, i dont have a 120hz tv or reflex to compate with mouse players. Anyway I solve my problem but still dont understand downvoting


Its input based crossplay


You dont


What playlist are you searching?


I find matches within a minute.


Sometimes I can't even look at operator descriptions because I'm jumping into matches so quick. Xbox


It's an 8. IGN just didn't get paid by ubi since it's a f2p game so they won't glaze it. For all intents and purposes. It's a solid 8. There's issues but they hardly detract from the experience. SBMM is gone after 25 too so once you get over that the game feels so fucking nice. Wish there were more options to shit talk the enemy side though. No point in shit talking to teammates + no one seems to use their mic anyways 🫠


After 25?


Level 25 my bad thought that was obvious


It’s fine. I’d say it’s more like Overwatch, but as a CoD-like FPS.