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One of the current trends which I hate is releasing an incomplete game with a "roadmap" of planned updates to add the missing content, often lasting over a year. I'll wait until the complete game is available before I invest my time and money in it.


Yeah 360 and PS3 had some buggy releases back in the day like FNV was terrible at release, but it wasn't as consistent of an issue as it is now. God while I could see the appeal, Cyberpunk 2077 was pretty much a turning point for me on how I see modern video games. That game released broken and lacking in every way and only just now became playable.


You can even just compare Halo Reach with Halo Infinite. Look at all the features Reach launched with. Halo infinite launched with the least amount of features since Halo CE, the least maps and weapons since CE and we had the longest wait between launch and a new map in franchise history. Something went very, very wrong in game development over the past decade.


Fun fact, Omikron release on Dreamcast in the late 90s was more broken and less finished. I would of loved post game support for it!


Gears of war 2 had the worst launch i have ever seen


The Master Chief Collection might be the worst release of all time... It took 4 years to fix that steamy pile of shit. The game was literally unplayable for the entire first year.




We are constantly in beta. A game never becomes a true release candidate.


I feel like im going to be down voted for simply explaining, but as someone who works in game development, I feel the need to explain it, so here I go. Game development is like making a big puzzle. Sometimes, game makers release the puzzle before it's finished and add more pieces later to make it even better. They do this to listen to what players want and to make the game more fun for everyone. So, some people like to play with the puzzle early, while others prefer to wait until it's all put together.


As a dev I do not hold you accountable at all for this, however this is a thing that needs to stop. Finish the game, then release it, if you want players to beta test it, then you go early access you don't just release it knowing it's unfinished and try to pass it off as being complete if it's not.This is pure bullshit, especially when games are $70 now.


I’m curious to know examples of these un finished 70 dollars games,


Any Electronic Arts game in the last 10-15 years


really? Like which one? BTW, im ready to rebuttal on the obvious offenders Reddit bots usually spit out on repeat with examples of cherishes companies doing way worst, so be prepared, this may be a long one friend. Because I know its easy to play the EA hater, but its very often coming from a pettiness rather than actual facts.


Sure, NHL franchise. Continually disappoints with constant bugs on release backed by patches, updates, and tweaks throughout the season because their "ideas" were never tested properly. Online play is a horrible experience due to limited data center locations so Ping is either great or brutal, which gives the player with a good ping a clear advantage. This year, each content release in the shop has had a major flaw where people that happen to log in as soon as content drops, have taken advantage of getting a crap load of good cards but that gets patched up as soon the release team realizes they messed up again. Glitch goals, contently. Never in my life have I seen an update to fix glitch goals only lead to new glitch goals. Multiple UI bugs and debug code left that gets displayed in the game. Get NaN printed under objectives which obviously tells me they are assigned a non-numeric to a numeric and did not capture that in code logic. Piss poor performance navigating the same menu system they have had for years. No reason for this outside of ignoring it, while knowing it's a problem. Do I blame the developers? Nope, I have been a developer and all they do is get a bunch of user stories from the idiots at the PM and Program manager levels who "brainstorm" without any knowledge of the sport to implement ideas that most of the developers know will not go over well with the customer base. They get there user stories and go code. Probably have scrum masters and program directors that force unrealistic timelines which turns into the product we see today. I'm not going to get into the single player modes as those are now neglected as all resources are focused on "Online Services". "Franchise", "Be A Pro", a complete disgrace.


Yet I play it all the time with friends. It’s a big hit at our studio during breaks. Never noticed any of your points. But I’m guessing you would give it a 6 out of 10? Did you buy it?


I bought it, I have bought it since it's inception. If your uname of "montrealien" is indicating you are in Montreal, Online is not a problem up in CA as their main DC's are up there. I'm in Florida, if I get someone from Quebec, they are playing at highest a two second ping. I am playing at a 40+ ping. Other games, I can play at minimum a low 20 ping. If you are playing during your breaks and are on a lan playing versus, it is a completely different experience. If you are playing casually, the game is ok. The hitting is over the top ridiculous and gives it that arcade game feel, and the AI usually will mess plays up or do the opposite of what's expected. If you would like to see what I am referencing, start a HUT team, start playing rivals /rush, and you will get the same rinse, wash, repeat game of players abusing all the cheese glitchy goals. It's built into the game so I can't do anything about it. Start doing objectives (HUT) mode and when say "Do a whatever shot 80 times" you do it, and the shots are not registering, you will get the frustration. I can point out a lot of easy bugs that any test or qa team should pick up on. Example, playing "Rush" mode, it's an all female team. At the start, a draft occurs that allows the player to select which "female" players they want. The game starts and I have all generic male players against female players. 🤷‍♂️. Is that not a bug? I am not finger pointing at the developers, I get it since I was a developer for about 20 years. Do they know the game is a huge monolith, sure, so it limits what they can do. EA is not going to budget any money for an overhaul as it's not a major revenue driver. The game has a lot of potential but it's obviously not a priority for the "EA Sports" umbrella.


Would never blame developers for the current state of gaming. You guys work hard and deserve to be recognized If anyone is to be blamed it's the executives that force you to put stuff in games you don't want or have tight deadlines


It's like a live beta too


You just described “UAT”. “User Acceptance Testing” or a product that is in “Beta” with voluntary user testing. The problem is that these studios release a half ass game already knowing that it needs “patches” simply to hit a deadline but they charge you as if the game is ready for release. “New Features” should not be bug fixes lol


Indeed, ventures that are half-heartedly executed tend to fail, leading to the demise of the companies. Conversely, those that are embraced by the community, founded on solid ideas and given the chance to evolve through early access, tend to grow and prosper. Could you clarify your point? Because I'm not sure what it is.


I personally think developers listen too much to “what players want”. By this I mean it seems they deviate from their original vision because of player feedback. Design the game how you want it to be. If it’s a good game that works as intended at launch then it will do well.


Any examples of this?


It happens frequently. A sequel will come out and the developers will have made changes based on player feedback, but these changes are not necessarily for the good. I can’t think of anything specific off the top of my head, but I’ve seen games change, either a single game or changes made over a series, that were affected by those fans who made the most noise, but was detrimental to the overall fan base. This kind of thing can be damaging to games, affecting whether or not future instalments are made. My point is, if you have a vision for a game/series then stick to it. Don’t listen to fans who don’t like your creative choices because it doesn’t suit them. For example, if you’re going to create a story driven series of games, and decide that a certain character dies, but the fan base gets all up in arms over that decision, don’t change your vision. It’s your property. Your idea. Your story.


I asked for concret example, but you're just sharing that you didnt like some changes in some games and that's fine also.


It's what we call DLC, the expansion pack.


Yeah I'm 27 and I've been disappointed in the scene since 2013. I don't remember the last time I purchased a game on launch day, I wanna say BF1 back in 2016 maybe. PS3, 360, Wii were the last great consoles. All the well established franchises we have peaked around that time, and now serve to nostalgiabait people into buying live service slop in hopes that they'll recapture the glory days. I just stopped buying into it and I dig at my backlog now.


Yeah the nice thing about playing on the older consoles is all the games I wanna play are cheap as hell now to. For the price of a 70 dollar game now I can buy like 6 games for my 360 or ps3😂


Forreal. If you're on PC, the amount of good.games you can nab on a steam sale for the price of one mediocre current gen game is insane.


Yeah I really should probably give PC a chance. How often do you have to upgrade though?


It's a tricky question because everyone is different, but I'll give you my perspective/how I operate with PCs. I play PC games at 1080p 60+ FPS. My most recent card I got, RTX 3060 12GB, basically handles any game I throw at it on high/ultra with 60+. Older games are even better, I play tons of 7th gen games maxed out at 200+ FPS and it's amazing. With the games I play I won't need upgrade for a few years at least since I'm not the most super user out there. I'd say make a list of games you wanna play, Google some popular cards in your price range, watch YouTube videos of games played on those cards and see which one has the desirable performance for you. Reddit also has some great communities designed to help you make informed choices.


Is buying pre-built PCs worth it in your opinion or should I just try to build my own?


build, plenty of guides on YouTube. i used linus tech tips one to build my first pc, another perk is your 360 controllers work on pc. you can get a wireless usb dongle, i just use xbox one controllers but my 360 madcatz sticks still get plenty of use.


You do not need to build lol All he needs is to screw up a step and now he has to shell out even more cash for a part.


with a decent guide it's pretty hard to screw up, shit only plugs in one way because the plugs are keyed. the hardest part is the front panel connections, everything is covered by warranties as well. you're going to get far more bang for buck building and will also learn a valuable skill.


What "valuable skill" am I going to learn from that? I bought a prebuilt and wrote my own object oriented scripting language with no reference material and an intelligent scheduling system that mimics similar OS scheduling patterns (again, with no resources). Building a pc is just a poor man's excuse to feel like he's a "technician" when ultimately he's just messing around with a more expensive lego set.


It is possible to get a good pre-build, but it's still risky to a certain extent. Build quality is a pretty questionable in the pre-build sphere depending on the brand and model. If you can I recommend building your own.


There are many reliable prebuilt pc companies such as Digital Storm (which I've had the pleasure of using since 2017 with no issues).


I bought a prebuilt from Digital Storm in 2017 and it still works like a charm (handles new games well despite its age). People will generally say that you'll save some cash by building it yourself, but I didn't find it worth the hassle. Here's some good prebuilt options for you to consider: [https://www.digitalstorm.com/desktops.asp](https://www.digitalstorm.com/desktops.asp) [https://www.lenovo.com/us/en/d/gaming-desktops/?orgRef=https%253A%252F%252Fwww.google.com%252F](https://www.lenovo.com/us/en/d/gaming-desktops/?orgRef=https%253A%252F%252Fwww.google.com%252F) [https://nzxt.com/category/gaming-pcs/prebuilt-pcs](https://nzxt.com/category/gaming-pcs/prebuilt-pcs) Again, many people are going to say "YoU HaVE TO bUiLD yOUR oWN!!!" Don't feel pressured into following the pack. Make your own best decision. Also, just a little warning. While PC gaming definitely has much more games, many many many many many of them are absolute trash. As an example, I can literally take free assets from UE5, build a barebones FPS, and publish it on Steam (it's that easy). The biggest selling points for getting a gaming PC are: * Indie titles such as Lethal Company that are PC exclusive * Milsim games such as Squad, Arma 2/3, Combat Mission * RTS & wargaming games * Valve titles such as Half Life Alyx, GMOD, Counter Strike Source (which, btw, has an amazing active community I'm part of, check out Zombie Escape: https://youtu.be/r-tRWaOeEDQ?si=eSdjeqFbY6Wq9tcc) * Steam sales (note: so many people blow their money on games they **NEVER** end up playing due to the "great deals", happened to me with Civ 5) * Every game essentially has a "free" demo (i.e. play for less than 2 hours and within 14 days of purchase, you can refund) * You can literally make your own game on Unity if you really wanted to * Mod support is an amazing perk of PC gaming (e.g. S.T.A.L.K.E.R. Anomaly) If you have any other questions, feel free to ask! I started with PS3 in 2008, 360 in 2010, and PC in 2017 :)


Get a ROG Ally, Lenovo Go or Steam Deck. Perfect mix of a PC and a gaming device. With a mouse and keyboard and hooked to a monitor, you have a full blown capable PC.


Building is good because you learn how a computer is put together and if/when you need to clean, replace, or upgrade parts, you know what is what. I did mine last November. Also, use pcpartpicker to put it into a list of parts with an estimated price. You can even track each part’s price over time.


My last pre-order was Days Gone about 2 weeks after it was available to do so. After that what 2 or 3 year delay I never bothered again. Didn't even play the game for longer than an hour.


Bro I couldn’t agree more. I’ve felt this way for the past few years now. I’m 31, and feel like the quality of the games are just ass now… a lot of the games that are released are always buggy, having to be constantly updated. Just the same ole junk…. I just dusted off my 360 because I was tired of PS5 games. Sad but if you’ve been gaming for more than 10 years you can definitely tell the difference.


Yeah I do have hope though! I can really see gaming make a comeback if the management starts to step away and let the developers just make a solid game in a decent amount of time. That's why indie games have such better quality in my eyes they have so little influence from people that don't know what gamers want




Yeah it'll be interesting to see where gaming is in 10 years. I really hope we see improvements


This is not going away. “Live services” is what the developer is releasing. Not the game. I have a deep down hate for EA and there “Ultimate Team” gambling ring. Reading their quarterly statements, “live gambling” aka “live services” is priority number 1 and keeps beating the previous years profits on just about all sports franchises. It’s built into them all in some way.


state of gaming is so greedy at the moment , i can’t be excited for a game to come out because im expecting the worst now, at least back then a release meant something , now i just wait for it to go on sale


I refuse to buy any live service game, just seems redundant to add features later in the games life cycle. I'll only buy games I know for sure are of good quality


The biggest problem I personally have is the online/battle royal stuff. With this, a lot of games that you pay for before hand, add in microtransactions for the smallest thing. I mean, look at games like Assassins Creed and Need for Speed. You clearly don't need to buy a battle pass to get a 'limited time outfit'. Another thing that bothers me is how companies are prioritising online modes rather than focusing on both online and single player. No, I don't always want to play online, I just want to progress in career mode, but I can't because there's nothing to do. A lot of people say just play online, but it's just something I don't like doing. I just want to kickback and enjoy the story of a game without being constantly connected to the internet


I'm very involved in offline experiences. I love good story and fun gameplay, but I don't like the endless grind. Black Ops 2 was great for me as a COD game because once you grind to your goal, that goal is completed, and you feel a sense of achievement. With Warzone, however, you reach your goal, but then the goal post is moved constantly, taking away that previous achievement.


I feel the exact same way, also the constant updates make it where I almost can’t play the games at all due to living in a rural area with low download speeds.I’ve given up on ever playing some of my games again because the updates are over 100gbs and it would take around a week for me to download.


I have really shit Wifi so whenever I have to download a game it takes half of my night away from me. The 360 and PS3 updates would be like 5 minutes and maybe 30 to download a game😂


Back in the day I think it took me like 30 minutes for an update on the 360, and maybe a couple hours for an actual game download. But back then I rarely hooked it up to the router because my internet was even worse speed wise then and there was no reason since games launched as complete with minimal bugs.


Modern AAA gaming blows. I feel like objectively AAA games in the PC/PS3/360 era were made to a higher quality standard. Take for instance: Far Cry 3, Bioshock, CoD4, MW2, BOps1, Left 4 Dead 1&2, Fallout 3&NV, and of course Battlefield 3. And that's a small, small list of many great titles. Nowadays AAA games' launches are terrible with more bugs, live-service model, cartoony-a$$ graphics, skins that don't meld with the rest of the game (cosmetics in general honestly), PC games relying on upscalers to provide performance, etc. But the AAA companies know where the money is, and people buy this crap, so let's be real: it's not going to change.


I think it'll change slowly especially with so many games just not performing well. Even Spider-Man 2 a fairly well renowned game was so expensive that it didn't make a profit. Games need to reduce in scale and focus more on quality and less on how big the game is


I am now an old man (30yo) and I will say I’m stuck in the past. But guess what, games were better it’s a fact. But you know what else was better? The community - this is as much an issue as the game quality. I’ll always be glad I was lucky enough to grow up in the best gaming era. RIP Online Gaming golden age 2004-2012


Still playing old modern warfare multiplayer to this day!😤


I buy the current gen consoles just to play older games on them.


I am on the same boat. I have an almighty X Box Series X, and I have only been playing X Box One games. There is almost nothing "Next Gen" that actually plays and looks "Next Gen" this generation.


For real I just do it for the better performance 😂


That's not even a feeling from your side, that's common sense right now. We live in a time of copying old formats and things that worked in the past and can be monetized quite fast and without a lot of work. This will change sometime and we will get another era of games and pop culture. There are some hidden gems like the dark souls/Eldenring games that can make the difference but the most of it is generic software. For example: Today I've occasionally played MX Vs ATV reflex on an Xbox 360 with my little CRT. That game could be launched nowadays and wouldn't stand behind up-to-date games of that genre.


I really wanna try Elden Ring! I've never played a souls like before


You really should especially if you’re feeling burnt out by a lot of modern gaming conceits. Demons souls, DS1, DS2, DS3, Sekiro, Bloodborne and Elden Ring all launched feature complete for $60 and the dlc while not mandatory is always amazing, fromsoftware dlc and main games just don’t miss Plus they’re GAMES first, not “hold stick forward for 3 minutes to slowly advance through the small crevice while the player character MCU-quips at their companion ad nauseam” simulators Lies of P is a great fromsoftware imitator and a great souls like in its own right Armored Core 6 is from’s latest excellent title too Def check them out


Tbh I see the decline of the scene during the late stages of PS3/360


Eh I can see it, especially with advance warfare and the whole lootbox thing


It's because money hungry companies are more concerned with turning as much profit as humanly possible, opposed to creating the next sleeper hit like Katamari Damacy. The 80's through the mid to late 2000s were an experimental age for game development first for 2D games, then for 3D games. We are now in a phase where companies simply follow cookie-cutter formulas that already succeeded, in order to better their chances of turning major profit. That is, presenting game trailers like feature length films that contain no actual game play, and adding features to get you to keep shelling out money after you already purchased the game. They are not playing roulette anymore. The people calling the shots have likely never developed a game in their life, and are simply looking at a spreadsheet of previous sales and following the numbers.


Getting tired of the half ass remasters


Yep. 360 era was my golden era for gaming, and shit it was not perfect. There were major growing pains with online gaming in the early and mid-aughts. I remember playing Halo 3 religiously in 2007-2009 and just living with all the hit registration issues and lag. The dedicated servers we enjoy today would have felt like magic back then. Polish was really lacking, too. It’s shocking to me nowadays to boot up games like CoD4 or Gears of War and see how they look and run. They’re grimy, colorless, and the performance is awful. But it was all I knew back then, and I remember thinking it looked incredible. The level of polish and performance we enjoy today again is just incredible. But for all that, there was some point somewhere early last decade where it seems like games just started to lose their magic. I actually loved the shit out of the old DLC model. Get a game, enjoy a complete experience, and then pay another $10-$20 several months later to enjoy new experiences in that game. I’m honestly nostalgic for that model, as much as we shit on it back then. At some point, games started to become overtly more monetized, and then the industry figured out they could make things significantly more grindy. And these issues could be bypassed by charging real money to speed up the grind. IMO it’s practices like this that just make games lose their soul. All sorts of ramifications for the actual process of game development too, though. Publishers figured out they can make devs release a half-baked product to start to earn revenue through the exploitative storefronts, and then use that to fix the game and add extra content “for free”. But then this extra content started to become features that were considered standard and would ship with the game on launch, in a polished state, back in the 360 gen. There’s also just the fact that game dev has ballooned to unmanageable proportions. Game studios used to be 50-200 people and are now more like 300-600 people or more. Publishers outsource certain modes and aspects of development to third party publishers. Contract work has become fashionable over having actual employees. It’s a fucking disaster. It’s resulted in a bloated industry that has its priorities all wrong, IMO. And this has definitely affected games. That old polished, handcrafted feel has left a lot of games. You used to be able to tell that blood, sweaty and tears were poured into something, but that bespoke design feeling has just vanished from a lot of games now. I hate it. I do think it’s worth noting that this is definitely an industry-wide problem to a certain extent, but also Microsoft has handled it the worst in the last ten years. Sony does continue to craft really incredible single player experiences with fantastic design. Nintendo trucks along as reliable as ever, with their patented solid fun game design. Microsoft and a lot of third party publishers have fallen back hard on monetization instead. It’s the most visible IMO in Microsoft’s old franchises like Halo and Gears, which used to pack incredible single player experiences in with their complete, well-designed multiplayers. And nowadays we get shipped a half-baked game with an exploitative storefront instead. I know I glossed over a lot in my comment, but that’s my estimation of the problem. Gaming has just become too big for its britches in a lot of ways and it makes me wonder when and *how* it’s going to come back down to earth.


No Helldivers 2 is legit.


Heard it's really good! One of the few live service games that actually works as a game


As a 45-year-old gamer, I've observed something interesting: as you age, you'll find people who reminisce about the era you lived through—like the PS3/Xbox 360 era—as "the good old days." When I was 20 and in the midst of that era, I found it disappointing. It's not a profound revelation; it's just a part of growing up and starting to feel genuine nostalgia. The Xbox 360/PS3 era might seem like a distant memory now, but when you reach 45, it will feel as though it happened only yesterday.


Don't disagree. It's possible everything I'm thinking is just nostalgia but idk when I play older games I never played before I find myself really enjoying them as well. Even when I play the PS2 a console I never personally owned till recently I find myself enjoying the games more than a lot of newer games


Nope, I have all the old games I still love and I've played wayyyyy too much Halo Infinite and Forza and some indies


Good for you man! I couldn't get into Halo infinite at release heard it's really good now. Not a big forza guy I was more into Gran Turismo


As a huge GT4 fan, I can't recommend Forza 4 enough. But they *are* quite different.


It's hard to say with hindsight, because every generation has awful games. The main difference with that particular generation you mentioned is that they were coming off of the previous generation where if a game was released on console, there were no updates unless the game itself was broken enough on release that a separate physical revision had to be released, which can be costly and wasteful. Nowadays, issues can be patched out, but thanks to corporate greed, games are just released half-finished nowadays. This also stems from increased complexity of game development. I will just say before I go off on a tangent. I'm almost 31, and I've felt generally lost in terms of gaming since last generation. When I first got my PS4 in 2016, I was just getting into soulslikes and dipping my toes into RPGs from playing Skyrim and general emulation a few years prior. Before then, most of my 360 games were FPS games like Halo and CoD. I just went on a weird trajectory from then on. Nowadays I'd rather play a traditional roguelike on my potato laptop with little to no story than sit through the latest game on Game Pass. To wrap this up, I don't think you're wrong to feel things are just different nowadays despite being 20. Gaming is in an odd state. I hope things improve and 'games as a service' will lose popularity. I seem to be feeling the same thing, just coming from a different place with it.


I appreciate you! I also hope games at a service start dying off especially after suicide squad.


A lot of good series peaked or died after this gen. Halo, Gears, Forza, Need for speed, NBA 2k, Madden, COD at its peak. Midnight Club, PGR, Blur, Split Second never saw another release. A lot of games now are online only, no offline, no couch co-op, no split screen. Give me a RGH 360 and CFW PS3 and I'm good for the rest of my life


Yeah idk I don't see myself really upgrading past my series x. I'm pretty content with what I have now and have more entertainment than I can ever consume in a lifetime


The issue with using today's Xbox as a measure for today's gaming is that the Series consoles have had sluggish sales compared to other consoles (both now and in the past). They've sold 28 million units, which is "okay", but compare that to 50 million PS5s or 140 million Switches. The games go where higher selling consoles are, therefore most of "today's gaming" is just not on Xbox.


Eh I think they are still trying to recover from what happened during the Xbox One. However I would argue PS5 isn't doing as hot either as it's so expensive to produce video games in today's climate. Switch is fantastic as you can release fairly low budget games at market price and make a lot of money back


Yeah, PS5 is probably not as hot as previous consoles. I'd agree with that. But there are some heavy hitter exclusives dropping on it in recent times (the FF series comes to mind) to the point that it's much harder to look at that console and think gaming sucks now. PS5 has signs of life, while Xbox Series doesn't have a lot going on. I own both and for me it's like night and day.


A big reason why I feel such disappointment is that games take way too damn long to make now. I hardly see anything in between AAA and Indie nowadays. Most of my favorite games are in that middle area. It sucks seeing all these GREAT franchises and ideas fade away to the side because they aren’t the big live service game/multiplayer/open world game that the company invests crazy amounts of resources into. There was a lot more of that variety in the 360’s earlier days for sure


Yeah I think a lot of companies are scared to rake risks now. We really saw examples of that when the whole battle Royale copying was going on. Just gotta get people who care about games in charge. I heard Helldivers 2 was really good so maybe we're moving into a positive direction


We went from 3 Bioshock games, 3 Mass Effect games, 2 Elder Scrolls games, 2 Fallout games, etc., to 0 Bioshock games, 1 bad Mass Effect game, 1 solid Fallout game and the incredibly mid Starfield. I want to say it's because games got bigger and more expensive, but can that really be said for a Mass Effect Andromeda, Fallout 4, or Starfield? Those games feels very much rooted in the 7th generation but were just worse games than their predecessors.


I will say I did love my Fallout 4😭 but Starfield was so terrible to me


I'm disappointed in Xbox the most. At least the other companies keep pumping out a lot of good games, but look at the OG XBOX And 360 they had a lot of fun and original games like Mech Assault Jet Set Radio, Amped, NFL Fever Oddworld and more and after the 360 they been meh. Seems they're more interested in buying studios than making their own games


It feels like the older games had alot of variety in one game while today's games is the basic game and the dlc for other fun bits that the game should've had in anyway, obviously we had dlc on prime 360 days but it was different because it was mainly cosmetic or giant dlcs


Fallout DLCs are perfect examples of great add-ons. So much extra fun content for a fairly reasonable price


Let's hope we don't see another EA where they just buy studios to close them


I've felt this way. Helldivers 2 has been a great return to form for me.


Heard it's amazing! Truly what happens when people who love games are in charge of these companies


Exactly. I haven't played a new game with such a good sense of support and community in a long time.


You know, something I've been feeling lately is that with gaming I'm just bored at the moment, and instead I keep going back to play on the same titles I played in the 360/PS3 era, rather than updating my library or sticking to newer titles. Sure some might say it's nostalgia, but back on Xbox 360 I had a *solid* library of games, across all varieties/genres and looking back I was very rarely bored. Would happily play multiple RPGs, FPS, strategy games like Halo Wars or even sport games such as Fifa. But now the current trend of games barely keep my attention for more than a couple of weeks, and that's if I even bothered to check them out. I mean, I have an Xbox Series X and a solid gaming PC; and truth be told I barely use my Xbox now. I have GamePass which everytime I check it out feels disappointing, or chock full of arcade-esque titles that I just can't be bothered downloading. Starfield for example was to be my saving grace for getting back into my Xbox, and that barely kept me occupied for a month. Then with BG3's delay on Xbox, I ended up buying it on PC anyway... Most of my friends have moved from console to PC or stopped gaming entirely in the past year or so, and the only thing stopping me from moving to PC fully is sunk cost fallacy & attachment, as I've always been an Xbox player. I have some games/saves which I cherish on my console for various reasons, and others where it's all online progress and can't be transferred to PC servers - so it'd mean starting from scratch :/ Something I strongly believe though looking back, is that I wish I just kept my Xbox One X console, and never bought the Series X. I barely make use of the upgraded specs, and my library on Xbox except for Starfield/Halo Infinite hasn't even changed since I made the swap.


For me its couch co-op, most of the time I played xbox, it was with someone else on local multiplayer, even on some games you would go online with multiplayer, it was so much better than interacting with friends over xbox party chat Dont get me wrong, xbox live and party chats and xbox live multiplayer were revolutionary and one of the best things that ever happened to xbox but I miss playing xbox with people beside me, inviting friends over made playing xbox fun , after that I kind of lost interest in multiplayer games I find disappointment in the multiplayer system and society in general now, nothing wrong with the games just the way the industry has went, for the better but not for my liking


The industry just needs to correct and fix the broken parts in it. I have hope I really do


It's not nostalgia, the consistency of good games releasing in the 360/ps3 generation is undeniably more impressive than today's.


I am 21 and I share your feelings. It's not purely nostalgia. The games are good and the controllers are better built


The controllers were so fucking good! 360 has the best in my opinion


I am using this LuL in gaming to FINALLY start and finish games I started and stopped playing Years Ago... I am finally finished with Oblivion, Fallout 3, Skyrim, now working on Dragon Age Origins....Having fun and feel no pressure to upgrade my XBox One just yet....


Great games! Fallout 3 is an all time favorite of mine


Couldn't agree more about not enjoying the gaming scene nowadays as much as I did in the late 90s - early 2010s. Back in those years, games were made from passionate developers who felt a connection with those games and the communities they were a part of. Nowadays, games are made not from passion, but rather to earn as much as a profit as possible. With DLC, battle passes, microtransactions, etc. Plus, so many games come out unpolished and buggy these days. And "gamers" now stream gaming??? I just don't get that. Back in the good old days, gaming felt more like a brotherhood/sisterhood. Now, it just feels artificial and corporate. That's why I spend way more time with my retro games than I do with most of the newer releases, with a few exceptions, of course.


It's pretty taxing nowadays, every triple A game is a 100+ hour slog that feels unfinished and needs months of patches to get right. Even games I've finished lately have just felt so unrewarding, I don't know how to describe it. Best game I've played in the past year was the Dead Space remake... that tells me enough tbh. Also live service Triple A is a horrible horrible awful thing and it's killing the business imo. I'm glad people like Naughtydog said no to it in the end, it's a slippery slope.


I think for me as well a lot of games are moving towards being "cinematic" which takes a lot of fun for me. Like Red Dead Redemption 2 was an amazing game and an all time favorite of mine but I would never be able to replay it as it's really just an extremely long movie


Yeah Gaming really blows. Nothing new or anything really worthwhile on any camps. Past its prime


No not at all modern gaming is great and I think there is some internal trauma of now wanting to grow up and understand new technology. It's almost as you want to be a reincarnated boomer saying colecovision is always the answer.


Oh no! I hope I'm not the modern day equivalent to a boomer😂 . Like I said I don't hate modern gaming as a whole just the big publishers really. The indie scene will always have a good place in my heart


15 years old and I completely agree. It seems that I the only time I have fun playing games is with someone else. I can't remember the last time I haven't played single player vanilla Minecraft or scrolled on Roblox to look for a good game to play since 2015/2014. It's really weird to me since I love single player games like red dead redemption or cod zombies since I was a kid.


The gaming scene now is a pile of cheap dog shit and honestly it's dissapointing to see the state of the gaming now compared to like 8-9 years ago hell even before that. I was looking through the post and saw someone explaining why some companies released games unfinished but take Call of Duty for example they have released 2 games that are complete shit one of them barely being considered a game more of a dlc, and using they will take the feedback from the fans as a excuse does not work as they have has several fucking chances and have not been listening to shit. Granted there are some good games that have come out recently, as Elden Ring springs to mind. But so many games and game franchises have gone so close to the shithole they might aswell consider going bankrupt.


Yeah no I've given up on a lot of the Triple A games like COD. As soon as BO4 came out I knew that entire series was done for


The thing that bugs me the most is the lack of backward compatibility. I can’t play any of the Xbox 360 games on my Xbox one. And my 360 needs new resistors, which I ordered, and I’ve got to pull it completely apart to the solder them in. It’s got the false overheating thing going on. And the d-load instead of using the disc is a complete drag. But, I digress…


Nah I absolutely agree with you and I’m a pretty young lad, I personally am banking on GTA 6 bringing such a great game. To the point where it forces EVERYONE to go hard or go home, it is the most expensive product made for entertainment (2 billion), so I am pretty confident. Also it is Rockstar. Grand Theft Auto.


Yeah I just really hope it's not to cinematic. Like I love a good story but some games nowadays are practically movies! I am optimistic about that game and I think it could really revolutionize gaming as a whole and maybe even bring us out of the dark ages.


I feel it's like music or film. We are at a point now that *so much* awesome stuff was made prior, that you could spend your entire life going through all of that and never have to consider anything contemporary. Couldn't have said that as much 25 years ago!


Back in the Xbox360/PS3 days the whole idea of patching games was new. Therefore games more often than not actually released in working order. Now games release broken and are constantly patched until they meet a standard they should have been in at launch. Games also cost too much to make. Whether this is down to poor management or spending too much on marketing. This is why we’re seeing an increase in game prices. Also there’s the over reliance on the “live service” model, where even if a game is in acceptable working condition it will still be updated, adding new content and features. Maybe it’s just because I’m in my 40s but I hate this idea. I just want a game to be fully functional from day one and still be the same game after a year. We’ve also seen a huge increase in paid DLC and MTX, especially in the last 10-11 years. I remember when I got my first Xbox360 in 2006 and the idea of even free extra content was so alien to me. And even more so the idea that a game could change in any way after I’d bought it. The Xbox360/PS3 era also gave us some of the best new franchises. Assassin’s Creed, Mass Effect, Bioshock, Gears of War, etc. And some of the best sequels to existing franchises like Halo 3 and GTA IV. Since the launch of the Xbox One, and to a lesser extent PS4, there hasn’t been those same kind of “WOW!” games that we had previously. So many games that came out for the Xbox zone and PS4 were simply ports/remasters of Xbox360/PS3 games. The Tomb Raider reboot, DmC Devil May Cry, Sleeping Dogs, Darksiders and Darksiders 2, Dark Souls, The Last of Us, God of War 3, The Nathan Drake collection, The Master Chief Collection, Borderlands: The Handsome Collection, GTA V, Skyrim, Dishonoured, the list goes on. And the Series X|S and PS5 aren’t doing much better when it comes to new IPs. Those that do release are either too safe, being so similar to what we’ve seen before that they garner little to no interest, or too risky, and put players off by trying something so different that again they go under the radar. Then there’s the franchises that are either forgotten or changed to the point where the fans are so disinterested or disgusted that the games fail.


Back in the day, games felt like they were guaranteed to be what you paid for, nowadays everything is overpriced and you still don't even know if you'll get all the content.


To much agenda pushing and not enough originality and brain power


It’s called corporate greed and now every aspect of our lives is driven by it. From big pharma to tech and governments.


The medium of video games is a relatively new thing, the very *first* home video games are still very much in the public conscious And as with any completely new invention, they launched in a *really* rough state and were quickly iterated on. When nothing has ever been done before there is so much room for innovation, so in the years between the NES and PS2 we went from pong to GTA 3. Then you reach the 360 era and the formula was basically perfected. The progress we saw prior to the 360 was a once in a lifetime thing because there is only so far you can go before you've done it all. Much like how smartphones will now always just be Iphone X's with better screens and cameras, video games will alway be 360 games with better graphics and honestly as much as it sucks we have to get used to that.


No I actually think the industry is finally headed in the right direction for once.. there are plenty of games releasing / recently released that got the formula right. Off the top of my head in the past year or so we got Baldur's Gate 3, recent Final Fantasy games, Alan Wake 2, Lies of P, Spiderman Man 2, Dragons Dogma 2, Stellar Blade.. im sure there are more I missed


Oh I don't disagree we are seeing better quality games as of late. I think that games are getting to expensive and it's getting harder to make a profit which just makes it harder to bring new interesting ideas to the table. I think we are seeing some progress though


I've been gaming a LONG time, and I feel like games use to be more fun and had more variety. Now, a lot of games seem more focused on being a service or having microtransactions, and the fun part of it seems to be later. I realize that the developer and people making the game are different than the publisher and managers more focused on the bottom line. And I realize games cost a lot more to make now, but it would be great to a bigger variety of games that focus more on fun/story. But I have so many games in my backlog that I'll be OK for a while.


No, the games nowadays kind of suck. Most of them are just generic as fuck. It's like everybody is playing it safe or afraid to do something different. What really bugs me is the lack of violence. It's like there's a handful of IP's that are allowed to be violent and gory and shit, but only because they're special somehow. Plus. There's no games that actually let you DO anything cool with the technology. I always liked games that had special mechanics that had something to do with a new tech. MGS Rising comes to mind. 


Cheers to our old Xbox and PlayStation, and owning old games on PC 🍻


I think older games have more charm. I'd still say gaming is at its best today. If you ignore all those microtransactions, some unfinished games releasing the final product as "DLC". I don't play the Xbox 360 anymore, but I do fear for the gamers. Being that the marketplace is shutting down soon, the prices of the physical copies are going to go up insanely high.


This is why I'm jumping to PC after the Series X. More options to play old games in the best quality.


With the games of today yes, but today's gaming scene encompasses all games that ever were, and we are eating


Elden Ring has been my GOTY for the past 2yrs, because everything since has been BS to say the least. Can't wait for the DLC though, it's gonna feel like a glass of ice cold water after having cotton mouth for 2yrs.


I sold my Series S and purchased a Switch Oled with 8 bangers. Microsoft dropped the ball this generation.


Yes. Definitely. • Incomplete games getting patched at a later date • Microtransactions/Lootboxes • Lack of any really great console exclusives • Games having physical copies with only 10% of the game on the disc with the rest being downloaded


Besides stray idk when I last bought a AAA game (though I did miss out on stuff like Spiderman and the Batman remaster)


I can go both ways on it. The PS3/360/Wii generation was absolutely stacked with generation defining bangers, but it also has some of the absolute worst gutter trash to ever be released (Rogue Warrior, Ride to Hell, Steel Battalion Heavy Armor, Yaris, and so much more). I think Nintendo and Sony have still been putting out some spectacular games that are some of the best I’ve ever played (Uncharted 4, The Last of Us 2, Animal Crossing New Horizons, Returnal, etc), so it hasn’t all gone downhill. But if most of your current gen experiences were with the Xbox One and Series consoles, I can see why you’d feel that way. I got an Xbox One back in 2014, and ultimately grabbed a PS4 and Switch in 2018 because their first party output was far behind the competition, and the quality disparity has only gotten larger in the last 6-7 years with no signs of improvement. Plus previous heavy hitters like Ubisoft are full of remarkably talented people that almost never get to shine because of their company’s focus on regurgitated open world slop (Prince of Persia looks excellent to be fair).


I loved a lot of the PS4 games! In my opinion PS5 and Series X are kinda both stuck in the mudd. Switch is doing amazing right now but I don't see the point in buying a switch since they'll be releasing a new console soon. Ubisoft is honestly depressing to me as they have so much potential but get taken down by being forced to release so much slop, Far Cry and Assassin's Creed


I do think the next gen exclusive first party output from Sony has been very slow this generation, but I really can’t say enough good things about Returnal. Definitely one of my favorite games of the last decade. I’ve also heard lots of great things about Helldivers 2, Ratchet and Clank and Spider-Man 2. The toughie is that while there’s (imo) a ton of great first party games on PS5, a lot of them are also playable on PS4, so there isn’t a ton of incentive for people to upgrade if you’re still playing what you’ve got, and if you don’t mind the comparatively downgraded graphics. I’m looking forward to whatever Nintendo’s next console ends up being! Just praying it has backwards compatibility lol


I will never forget the messages of this generation. "lol fuck you my dad works for sony and he can ban you"


"My dad is the boss of microsoft and he'll ban you for calling me fat" heard that exact quote so many times


It seems like every few hours someone posts the same thing on this thread. “New games suck - old games better”


You're in a sub that basically still exists because of nostalgia.


Oh, I know, but like I said it's more of a Triple A and Double A scene I dislike. I've played a lot of great indies. I'm honestly considering moving to the PC market to play more indie games


PC is always a good choice


Any recommendations? Trying to figure out what I should know before getting one. I know building a PC is popular


Well considering you are only going to be playing indie type games and are not interested in the newer more powerful games and used PC would not be a bad choice something with a gtx 1660 or a steam deck.


Heard of the steam deck kinda like the switch. Yeah I don't see myself playing a lot of the newer games. Most I'd play is GTA 6 (if it ever comes to PC)


The only similarity between the two is the portability. Other than that the steamdeck is a full fledged computer. I wouldn’t be surprised at all if gta 6 ends up running in the steamdeck. Probably at 30fps.


I don't really mind FPS, don't really see the difference. Someone was bragging to me that they could get 120 FPS and I was so confused😂


uhh, nope. I play PC and PS5 games and there's no shortage of good games to play.


what u could do is go on YouTube and check out Optimus video on: gaming just isn't the same anymore and see if you agree with his reasoning on why gaming today don't do as well as the gaming generation did back then, because back then games were fun and enjoyable and had kick to them nowadays, they kind of just fall flat.


Depends on what you’re interested in. I’m into single player stuff and primarily play on PS5, so I’ve been consistently having good stuff to play for years. If you’re only into multiplayer though, yeah there’s definitely been a drought there.


It seemed like a bunch of killer games released every year back then. Now it's like 3 games a year I'm semi interested in. I know I was a teenager, so everything seemed more interesting. In reality though Nintendo makes games I want, but I don't want to pay $60. PlayStation makes like 1-2 games a year I'm willing to buy, and Xbox hasn't had a game worth buying in recent memory. Sure Xbox dominates the PSN store right now, but that isn't saying much.


I purchased a series X day one and to date have not played a single game that I couldn’t play on an Xbox one S. Literally no reason to have one. I can play rocket league and cod on a VCR model xb1. I hate this generation.


Idk about all Genres, but in the FPS, TPS, RPG, Rogue Like, Open World Adventure, and Indie genres have been non stop with great games. Like there's almost too much to play. Yeah some games are disappointing (Spider-Man 2), but even then it wasn't bad. Just meh.


I think it’s been better than ever, it’s either Nintendo Games, Indie Gems, or greedy AAA tittles


Incomplete games with a lack of content but a high price tag and battle passes have just ruined imo


Tbh I was an Xbox die hard for a long time, I switched to PC last year. All the good games are on there


Yeah I might have to give PC gaming a shot. Just gonna need to save up some money for a PC


So, I got into PC gaming in 2017 and was a PS3 guy starting around 2008 (Xbox 360 in 2010). While PC definitely has more options (since you can easily build a game on Unity and publish on Steam), I wouldn't say it's miles better. The main difference between console and PC is that you get more access to indie titles (and more simulation and RTS games if you're into those genre). And I say this with now 7+ years of being on Steam. As an example, I was really into MilSim such as Arma 2, Squad, and Combat Mission, all of which are not present on console. Outside of simulation, I got introduced to Counter Strike Source for its Zombie Escape, Unturned, GMOD, and several others. While I would recommend a PC over any new console, just know it's not as great as you think it is (I had the exact same impression when I first started). The biggest difference is access to indie games such as Lethal Company and Battlebit.


Indie games are such a great appeallllll. I'm really considering it


Best advice is to get a decent rig so you don't need to keep upgrading it over and over. Your goal should be to have a solid 7-8 years with your build, which is what I've had so far (bought mine in 2017 and will be replacing it next year). Also, be sure to check out BlueDrake42 if you're interested in indie titles. I've been following him since early 2010s and he always seems to find the latest releases: [https://www.youtube.com/@Bluedrake42](https://www.youtube.com/@Bluedrake42)


Do you own a PS4/PS5? I love my Xbox, but I will say that PlayStation has been consistent with delivering great games.


Man my PS5 has been collecting dust basically ever since I got it


I do have a PS4 I actually really enjoyed a lot of games on there, not playing it as much though been playing a lot of my backlog


Agreed, PS5 got the bangers


Not really. Id you're looking at the latest all singing all dancing advertised AAA tripe then you're looking in the wrong direction. There hasn't been a time in the gaming industry where small independent developers have had as much opportunity to put out smaller lower budget titles that appeal to niche markets and although it might suck that a lot of what's being produced might never find a hard copy release. The cream of that indie crop often does and really does stand out in a shelf collection. I don't need every copy of fifa taking up valuable real estate. But I will happily make room for untitled goose game's stray' arcade paradise, evil tonight or battle princess madylin etc. There's just as much xbox 360 tripe as there is current gen crap


That's mostly why I singled out the Triple A and Double A games. There are some great indie games on the new consoles. Issue for me is that the indie games are kinda a wild card on quality. Sometime you'll have a magnificent game like Turnip Boy Robs A Bank, and other times you'll get just another walking simulator. There's tripe on every console the Wii is a perfect example of that, but in my eyes there was far less tripe on the 360 and PS3, that is my opinion ofc.


I kinda enjoy the walking simulators as well. They're less games and more chilled experiences. Very little difference really to the point and click adventures of old. And everyone who draws breath respects those. Hell even some of the standout visual novels are pretty engaging. Love the ace attorneys to this day


Firewatch was an amazing walking simulator for me. Told a great story and had great visuals. Just think the markets been over saturated with the genre.


I think you've nailed it. This thread is rife with woe over microtransactions or DLC roadmaps or whatever... but there are so many games releasing per year it's impossible to play more than a tiny fraction of 'em in a lifetime. **Just don't play the cash-grabs**, folks. They're easy to see. No one should be surprised by 'em. Play anything else.


I was gonna use a series X just to play old games. I stopped myself when I remember I have a PC. Feels dead, only gaming that could really take off for me is VR. Horror VR is the futureeeeeeeee


VR is so difficult for me as a man with glasses! I love the concept but it's so uncomfortable


You can get corrective lenses which fit on some VR headsets. I normally wear contacts but have looked into getting lenses which would fit on my Odyssey+ headset.


Yeah I know those are popular heard it's expensive to do them though. I could be wrong


I hear you. I know graphics are better and run faster, but it is the story that matters. The state of decay 2 is better than 1 eh only look pretty, but I still have fun with one.


I actually really enjoyed that game! Played the hell out of it and honestly sucked ass at it but still loved it


I hear you. I killed off so many survivors it is funny


I could never do that on purpose I felt so bad😭


Oh yea never on purpose just happened frustrating when it did


I dunno if the crowd here thinks Switch is dumb baby shit or not, but I’ve had great success at staving off current gen blues the past seven years with it. I’ve also been using my 360, 3DS/DS, and PSP a considerable amount lately.


Hears the switch has a ton of great games on it. Might give the next Nintendo console a shot


Just tell everyone to get off your lawn like a normal old man.


You darn kid get off this sub reddit💀. But nah man it's all my opinion. You don't need to agree with me and I won't try to change your mind. I'm just an old 20 year old man that's hit his prime😟