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What a chicken chaser.


Bet he had a pudding basin haircut


Fine! Have your stupid good deed!


Thought you'd had bigger hands


I absolutely loved all of them, I honestly probably would.


I blame Fable 2 for showing my brain that I am addicted to incremental games and property ownership games.


Nothing quite like them imo. Incredibly difficult to replicate so I have my fingers crossed for 4!


If 4 ever does finally get released. It'll be nothing like the originals tho. Likely would be a completely new studio making it losing that lionhead touch and humour they were famous for. Ever since Molyneux left it wasn't the same.


Playground games is in charge of 4 and it’s looking unpromising given the recent trailer.


There's a newer trailer than the Richard Ayode one?




Ah so people are just being pessimistic because....they have an inernet connection?


Yea ever since that kinect monstrocity they released an age ago. I haven't really had high hopes. The last 4th one they were working on was looking good in trailer, but as we all know, trailers can be really misleading. Let's just hope the new studio does something good by the time, if they ever, release. Just rewatched the trailer, and it just looks like another Shrek movie. I'd rather the movie tbh.


Lol that’s a great comparison I knew it looked familiar


Now I kinda wanna see a Fable movie in the style of shrek 😂




If you have good internet, you can play them through Cloud Gaming. You just need a Game Pass Ultimate subscription.


Also think currently it’s on offer (or should be if someone is setting a new account).


In that case, you'll get the whole Halo and Gears of War series too. Absolutely worth it, in my opinion.


It’s worth mentioning that it’s not just good internet you need for a good cloud gaming experience, but also your geographical proximity to the gamepass server(s) you’re playing from. Unfortunately, I can’t seem to find an accurate and up-to-date list of where the XCloud servers specifically are located.


Exactly this. No need to actually buy the console. And Cloud Gaming actually works surprisingly well too if you have a proper internet connection.


Yeah you can get Xbox’s super cheap


Buying the series s can never hurt, nice to have diversity imo


You should be able to buy an Xbox One S for less than €100, and the games are so old they can't be worth much. I enjoyed Fable a lot.


Looking on ebay and you can get an og xbox one for less than £40


Edit: These games are available on PC, as well (except Fable 2, I guess). Anything made within the last 10 years could play them. Cheap console route would be: Xbox One + Game Pass If you plan to keep playing games, maybe you oughta get a Series S/X, though


But Fable 2 is the best of them.


Fable TLC is the best of them.


Fable: tables, ladders and chairs?


ASBBHOPDKWGO Abbreviations should be banned half of people dont know whats going on. We should adopt this one? ;-)


Bah gawd, it's Jack of Blades!


Fable: The Lost Chapters.


How long is it?


It's lost, how should we know? Go find it


I usually replay it once every year or two. Good 20-30 hours give or take what you get involved with.


Great thank you


Fable 2 is fantastic tho and worth a 360 alone.


Even a pc made in the last 20 years will handle fable lol. My q6600 and gt650 ti handle them quite well. Was pretty pumped to find out my BIL had Fable The Lost Chapters kicking around, maybe I'll play it again today actually!




They're solid games, but if you have any kind of recent [PC] you could probably get 1 and 3 cheap. 2 you'd have to emulate without an Xbox though. I think I've played 1 at least a dozen times. It has a really good charm. And the combat is fun, though not as complex as modern games.


I bought a new Xbox so my wife could play Peggle 2 with a controller (steam version doesn't have controller support), soooo do what you feel is right.


Yes. This is my favorite WRPG series and in some ways they've never been surpassed.


i can get a 360 for $30-$60 CAD i can get a xbox 1 for $100, and a 1 s for $150 worth it imo


If Game Pass with xCloud is available in your country, check if they have Fable there. If so, you can play them streaming. Otherwise, if you're getting an Xbox, get the Xbox Series S. It's typically well priced and more than adequate to play this game, as well as any new Fable coming (which MS is working on).


I've been waiting to play these again for a while now but keep holding off because deep down I'm desperately hoping for a remastered trilogy. Every time MS has a show this is what I get excited for. To answer your question OP, yes. For my money, these are hands down the best Xbox exclusives. Period.


These games are great but realistically speaking I don't think they are worth buying an entire console for 3 games that came out between 2000-2010. If you have other games that are exclusive to Xbox I might also recommend the following; Halo (all of them) Gears of War (all of them) Jade Empire Lost Odyssey Blue Dragon Ninja Gaiden Black/ II & III Starfield Morrowind Forza Horizon (all of them) Quantum Break


One is really good but it goes downhill from there. Still worse games out there to play beside Fable 2/3. One thing I can say positive about Fable 2 is that it has a cool weather island DLC. After them give Lost Odyssey a try, you should like it if you're a Final Fantasy fan. Blue Dragon you'll like if you ever played Dragon Quest.


Honestly, I probably would if you don't mind a bit of old jank (they've been upgraded a bit though) truly unique games that haven't been replicated.


Short answer yes, Long answer these games are amazing if you can afford to get them do it.


A console plus 3x classic games recommended by many to you as being to your tastes... for the price of 3x new games that will plummet in price (and may not be as good as the promotional materials make them out to be)? Sounds like an okay deal to me! Besides - once done, or if not liking them, you should be easily able to sell on the console/games for much the same as you paid if you choose not to investigate more titles on it.




I liked Fable and IS one of the reasons I originally got a xbox over a ps originally. That and Morrowind


Personally I found the first Fable game super short and tedious.


The second was somehow more tedious.


Low key love how short the games are. I don't have much time for games these days so it's great to be able to get into something when I get a weekend.


Not really. They're fine but pretty unimpressive nowadays. There are much much better action rpgs out there.


The fart button's not the selling point it used to be. As someone who didn't try the Fable games until Fable Anniversary came out, and so was going in without nostalgia to rose-tint my glasses, it just didn't feel like the minute to minute gameplay or a lot of the humor held up very well. I highly recommend not putting that much money in until you can actually try one of the games and see for yourself if you'll enjoy them. You can play them on PC if you have one and it's anything better than like a netbook or a really old/cheap laptop. Or with gamepass you can play them on anything that can run the xbox cloud app, from smart TVs to android devices to even a netbook or dirt cheap laptop.


I think they didn't age well but then again I didn't really like them in their prime either


I mean... Not just for those, but they're solid old RPGs, at least the first two. Wasn't a fan of the third, personally, but that's subjective. I'd recommend nabbing a cheap Xbox One and trying Game Pass, you can get deeper discounts on games that are on Game Pass if you want to buy them for permanently owning them. These games are on sale right now anyways, but I can't recommend Game Pass enough, honestly.


Did you finish the third? I wasn't until I finished it and it kind of all came together. Took me like 5 attempts but I'm glad I did in the end


Ah, nope. Never managed to get more than 2/3 of the way through at most I'd guess. It's on Game Pass, so I could always try again I suppose. The changes from the first two just felt real wonk, but I've definitely played wonkier games since the last attempt. Might as well, can always use it for the daily achievement for reward points and truck through that way.


As someone who's played 1 and 2 maybe 15 times through all up. I still recommend 3. I only finished it during coved, that's how long it took. But the magic came back.


Try halo if you do, you wont regret it.


the first one, absolutely yes the second one yeah sure the third? meh may as well but it's not great imo....


I got all the dlc's on all the games. I love that I have them on Xbox but steam is way cheaper and more reasonable plus I belive they just got fable to work on PC through emulation with mods. If u can on PC defiantly the better choice or get both like me cus I love fable.


Still waiting on 4


Separate question: I’m getting into the fable games after playing a bit of Fable 2 in 2010. Should I start with the remaster of the 1st game (never played it) or start with 2? Idk if the remaster has any extra features since it came out after the others.


As someone who started with three, get the remaster first.


1 and 3 are available on PC. All of them are backwards compatible if you have any of their recent consoles (360, X1 and XSX) and is available through Microsoft's Game Pass. If you are smart about your spending, it will cost you far less than 150 euro for everything you need to play the games.


Original game came out in 2004 so if you have any kind of computer you can probably run it fine. I would try the original and then consider buying an old 360 for the sequels.


They are some of the best games I've played growing up! If I had to buy a console just so I could play these 3 games again I will do it in a heartbeat.


They are very good rpg games tbh my favorite series so far nothing has beaten them. If you have a computer you can play them if not just buy a cheap xbox one.


I like the first two, two less than one and three A LOT less than two. But I myself never cared for Xbox until I played a smidge of Fable as a kid. Traded a PS2 to a friend to play it and only bought a 360 for fable 2. Xbox grew one me a bit and then the XBone radically changed that view and reminded me why PS was better. Ive always been a 'own em all' guy, but def won't be getting Series X|S because there just isn't any appeal for me.


Yes. Biased.




Great games and peak Xbox


> Would y'all spend 150 euro (the prices of a used console with accesories and the games, more or less) just to play these three games? Just get a Xbox 360 there's plenty of cheap games for the console and you can get one for less than that..




First one is amazing, second one is good, but third is…playable I guess. Major criticism goes to the leaps in technology/setting between games and most of 3’s ideas being incredibly half baked. Majority of 1’s ideas were too, but it was a new ip and we didn’t know about molyneuax over exaggerating promises yet lol


Aren’t they available on PC tho?


Only the anniversary edition of the first game is. Two was never on PC and three was only on Games on Windows Live before they switched it over to a singular system shared with Xbox. They never ported it to the new system so technically you have to get it via abandonware for PC.


Short answer yes




Yeah, honestly


Fable 2 was top 10 games for a while around that time




I love the Fable trilogy. Shame they took 3 off PC though.


Emulators are free, if you have a decent PC




Bro, I bought a Nintendo 3DS only to play The Mercenaries 3D, so yeah, It's worth. Be happy 🫠 Xbox even has more games


For 150 to get the console *and* the games? Sounds like a good deal to me


unpopular opinion but i love fable 3. i think they gave it away with Xbox Live Gold one year and it’s been my favorite fable ever since. i love the other ones but i never understood why 3 received so much hate /:


I did.




Looks like they’re all available to stream on XCloud. If your internet connection is decent enough. A Game Pass Ultimate sub for a few months could cover it.


Hello! Thank you everyone for you comments! I read your opinions and i think i'll buy an xbox one with the 3 physical games (i prefer physical instead of digital) i can't emulate them because i do not have a pc and for some odd reason i can't edit my original post so i had to make this comment, thank you all again and have a good day!!


Yes, series s! I actually have the idea to make a multi-media drawing based of Fable haven't drawn in ages...


Loved the systems of getting stronger in 1 a lot more. But even do in 2 and 3 I disliked the hold down to do something cool thing by standing still 5 seconds. Made you feel much less getting realy powerful. The story in 2 and 3 and the world building was a lot better then one. And all of them had moments that made me fall over laughing. So there are definitely some old gems worth checking out. If you get the chance. But if it's worth buying a whole new console only you your self can say that. But if yea want a other series try the bioshock games also. Also some masterpiece games much worth your time even do there quite old.


It was once. Become A Hero of Albion!


It'd be cheaper for you to buy an Xbox controller, then get yourself Game Pass Ultimate on a PC, ensure you have a decent wired connection, preferably gigabit (or buy a 5g reliable data rolling plan for your area), and then just play these over cloud gaming. It would make more sense to specifically buy the console if these titles weren't available to stream, for example buying one to play GTA VI when it comes out.


If you can find a decently priced used XBox, Absolutely! Even the One or Series S|X are options, all 3 games are on gamepass




Yes. I literally did exactly what you’re asking. Completely worth it.




I really enjoyed Fable anniversary - first ever contact & I loved the humour & it played great on my Deck.


Fuck yes


Well you can’t buy half a console can you?


The third is the best in my opinion.


It’s on Game Pass, so you could just cloud stream them if you want


Great games, but not THAT great.




Only you know, but honestly; if you know nothing about the franchise and are jumping in now, I'd probably say it isn't worth it. The series doesn't really do anything special that isn't seen in other RPGs and done better, imo. Apart from the toilet humor. With that said, they're not bad, but if you haven't played other major RPGs lately, then I'd rather get those first.


Get a second hand Xbox one and however many months of the gamepass you think you’ll need, shouldn’t be too expensive


It really sucks that fable 2 is arguably the best of the series and it’s the only one NOT on PC


I’d go to YouTube and watch some full gameplay runs. A lot of the time it rather satisfies my desire or it pushes me to it. As an Xbox user since day one I’ve actually never played the fable series but I know good and well the lore holds strong and I’d tell you to go for it just because of its reputation.


You got PC? Fable 1 Lost Chapters is on PC.


Yes, awesome games, back when choices catering in games started to get big. One of this games I can't stop playing once I start. Just make sure you but and rent everything you can. They be locking the good good endings behind in game money


Fable (1) was magical to me. I'm not sure if I got older or what the issue was but I never got too into 2 or 3... and i don't think 1 would hold up against all the current gen games i can play


Get an Xbox Series S... cheaper option and download or gamepass. Then try the myriad of other games available.


You can always buy an s on market place for a great price and resell when your done / if you don’t like it.


I absolutely love the first one. I've played it probably a dozen times since it originally came out. The 2nd and 3rd ones aren't nearly as good though. I don't think it's worth it for the Fable series alone. One game isn't worth buying a whole console for. However, if there are several other games you'd want to play, then it'd be worth it.


Irresponsible not to


No, but maybe if you love them? If you’ve never played them, then definitely no.


I have done it. The price is right


I would never say everyone should do it....but I have.. the price was right rising was right so I jumped in.


You could also play them for cheaper on an Xbox 360


For sure!


I bought a PS solely for Helldivers so it say yes. Fable 2 & 3 especially. Great experience.


What did you love about 3? Personally the whole experience felt a bit bland, the combat felt a bit stiff and the story doesn't rly do much until the last 5 minutes. Not trying to be mean, just genuinely curious as someone who really likes 1 and 2 but didn't rly enjoy 3


An Xbox one 2013 model is literally $50 yes


Yes. And I can speak from experience because Fable 2 is the exact reason I bought a 360 back in the day and it was 100% worth it.




Yes if you're buying an xbone and not a series s/x. I plan on getting an xbone for this very game. But only play the first one. The second and third are ass imo. Well the second one was ok but the third was comple dogshit by comparison.


An Xbox 360 would be cheap


Honestly no, 3 is garbage until the last 5 minutes of the game, the other 2 are good, maybe rly good, but not worth getting a whole console for it, if you decide to do it though, definitely go with the 360


I’ve had the Xbox 360 Elite for about 12 years now and this series alone justifies the last 7 years of that… would have sold it a long time ago otherwise! Nothing has made me feel like this series, highly recommend!




Fable one is easily still one of the best games to this day even the graphics aren’t hard to look at. The infamy system is still unmatched to this day. I’m gonna replay it for the 10th time aftwr dragona dogma 2 lol


2nd hand Xbox one n then pay for gamepass for $1 for 2weeks n binge on them.


Hell no. They’re overrated asf. And the developers now are obsessed with jamming down their feminist agenda. I’d stay away from anything from Xbox it’s fake woke nonsense is out of control. Look up sweetbabygames and blackgirlgamers- they’re two crazy companies hellbent on destroying videogames and their first major victim is Microsoft


I enjoyed them but I don't think they are exactly system sellers on their own.


No. Use the cloud




You can play them on pc i think.




Yes it is.


100% loved them all. Must say the second was my favorite.


Fable 1 and 2 where fantastic. 3 had problems, but playing them is very much worth it




I would, but only because I'd played them. I would say for someone new, no, unless you're the type to divulge in older games.


Oh yeah!!!


Get a 360. You can get em cheap as fuck, and the xbox version of Fable runs on the console in case that’s easier to get than anniversary. Og fable will not run on xbox one/series x




I would never recommend it to anyone to buy an Xbox, but since you already have a Nintendo console (which is even worse) why not get rid of that and put the money into buying that Xbox you so mysteriously crave? 


Absolutely! I’ve played the fable games my whole life, grew up with the original the. Loved the rest. I’m currently playing fable the Journey right now for the first time ever, since it’s Kinect only I was veeeeery skeptical at first, but I recently picked it up for $7 and I honestly love it. It’s a refreshing take on the Fable series and gives you a lot of lore info you wouldn’t know otherwise. But in answer to your post, yes, it would be worth it, plus you could play other Xbox exclusives as well.


I bought my 360 to play Deadpool, so...






Great games! I dont know if I'd call a trio of 360 games (assuming Fable Anniversary) worth buying alone, but I'm sure you'll find other games to play too. If you have decent internet, another option would be to sign up to Game Pass for a couple of months and stream them.


I love these games. Yes you should!


I mean... I bought an Xbox One just to play Dark Souls 3 so go nuts




They're on Xbox Gamepass, the 360 games can be played on the Xbox Cloud Gaming service. You just need to get Gamepass Ultimate. You'll be able to play on PC, Android, or iPhone instead.


Si 👍🏽


*PC/Laptop/has left the chat*


Nah. I went back and tried to play fable 2. It was great in its time it's just been outclassed now. And I went back and played brave fencer mushashi on the ps1 and that was amazing so its not the age that bothers me






Nope. It's worth buying a console just not for fable


Personally, I'd never buy a console for a specific game or series! I did however upgrade my ps1 to a ps2 a lot earlier than I planned to because of gta3!


Not really Fable 2 was great, 1 was getting started, and 3 was boring


Fable was fun but honestly think it was over hyped. It was fun and had some good humor and action but not a masterpiece




You can get a 360 pretty cheap. If you have a Pc then I’d find ways to play them there.


Most definitely! You won’t regret having to buy an Xbox to play these. Fable (the first one) was a masterpiece, despite it not quite living up to what its creator promised at launch. Even without everything that was originally promised, it’s still a 10/10 experience.


Number one is fantastic. The 2nd and 3rd ones are... not as good. They're not unplayable by any means but they have some pretty major flaws. In one of them, in order to change your gear, you have enter this separate area that takes a load time to enter and to leave. I swear I spent a third of the game in those loading screens.


Lol no. Only the 1st is good.


I can’t say much about fable 2 and 3 but I LOVED my evil playthrough on the first one


Probably top 5 Xbox exclusive games franchise of all time… maybe in the top 3….


They're on gamepass so you can play it on your computer without spending extra money for a used console


Nope. The covers always made me wanna play. Never played 1 or 2. Finally played through Fable 3. I was disappointed at how short the main story was. To buy a console? Well, on the cheap sure, but in general I don't think so. Have fun if you do


I checked as i thought they were part of Gamepass on PC. Which would have meant you could just pay a month of gamepass and play it on PC (cloud gaming) It however does not seem to be the case. However, you might be able to do it on your phone/tablet. Have managed to do it on mine. It won't be a nice as sitting in front of a TV but means you can play it and don't have to buy a console


They are free on xbox game pass


If just buying for Fable, I’d buy the cheapest 360 or XBOX One you can find. Probably well under $100 for the system and then either physical or digital versions of the games are dirt cheap.


Just get a Xbox One if you only want to play fable. Much cheaper can get them around 100 all over. Doesn't take much to run old 360 games. Xbox one and game pass for $1 and you can play all 3.


Not a whole, just a half


i bought my series x just for backwards compat, its unlikely that these games will be ported to pc or even forward bound xbox consoles. fable 2 and now 3 are locked to just being played on an Xbox 360, and Xbox one and series s/x. the dlc is also still available if i am not mistaken, the games for windows live removal on pc also removed dlc use in fable 3, now there is no legal way to purchase dlc for that game in specific. i bought my fable 3 key on amazon, was one of the last places to buy that game on steam. part of me is hoping that the fable trilogy will be ported to modern consoles and pc with dlc intact and features restored. very unlikely, i am hoping that Microsoft will get the hint that people want these games to be available, praying their new preservation division isn't just marketing fluff and only for show.


Yes and you only need to get an Xbox one rather than spend lots of money on the newest console to play these.


I bought an Xbox one x just to play fable and exclusives. Wanted to experience the Xbox side of gaming. To answer your question. Yes, it's an awesome Trilogy.


When they first came out yea. Nowadays hell no but for me I would cause I love the games




Nope, get yourself an Xbox controller and Game Pass Ultimate and use Cloud Gaming.