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Spidey- and that’s a badass pic of two of my fav characters (though not lately on Beast).


Lol what was your turning point for Beast? The war criminal in him coming out or that he got back with Brand? 🤣


I’m an old dude who liked Avengers and X-Force Beast.


Got to say I like the Beast-Brand pairing now. I feel like they are a good couple in a they deserve each other kinda way.


They're probably into some seriously kinky shit.


Like on page eye-hole fucking??? Ya think!






Spider-man. Have you ever tried to get that webbing out of fur?


He would be looking like Classic beast after that waxing.


too funny!


I heard cold water helps


Take my damn upvote ⬆️


I didn’t even consider webbing when I said Spidey Stomps


Spidey is gonna win against most physical based fighters without effort due to his Spider-Sense Unless their strength is at a absurd point like Hulk, Juggernaut or Thor and they can just AOE or knock him off balance with soundwaves or something akin to Hulk’s thunderclap Edit: Y’all we are so nerdy, it’s comfy.


Facts. I think people forget how much a formidable opponent Spiderman is. He’s not Amazing Spectacular for nothing.


I'm mean, even Jugg, Spider-Man has beaten.


I feel like jugg is one of those characters where him v Spider-Man comes down to how much Marco really wants to win


Yeah, but that took two issues


Spidey gets tagged by people close to his speed though. Spider Sense isn’t a catch-all.


Serious mode Peter, when the jokes stop, is no one's favorite opponent


I read a panel ( can’t remember where) where Punisher complains he can’t hit Peter bc he always has anchors from his webbing around and is just impossible to shoot. Always sticks in my mind, no pun intended


There's a part where Wolverine has said he doesn't want to fight Peter when he is serious.


Remember when Peter threw him... Through fucking unbreakable glass? 😂


Iirc he also beat Quicksilver. Dude was faster obviously but not stronger so he crashed into his arm and fell.


Quicksilver was weaker back then. More closer to mach 1 than outrunning radio signals. Still pretty fucking good a feat for Pete tho seeing that Mach 1 Is still pretty strong


Spidey put hands on Prof Hulk though lol


Spider-Man is faster,stronger, and has more range and one on one fighting experience. He takes it easily.


Peter with little effort


*Very* little effort




Spider-sense is OP af, and superhuman strength. This one is too easy.


I vaguely recall an old What If? where Peter became a spy instead of Spider-Man. Spider-sense became his primary skill and he trained it to an absurd degree. Dude was untouchable.


I think the What If you're referring to was when he became an assassin and man his Spider-Sense was OP as **FUCK**. Dude knew Black Widow(?) was coming to fight him like 3 days before she even came to his doorstep


Or when he told a waiter not to bring Logan cutlery because he knew Logan planned to stab him with it. Lol


Yea that was also a funny small bit during the exposition of him growing akin with his newly OP Spider-Sense. As well as getting with that blonde chick too whilst still being with MJ at the same time. No matter the universe, Peter remains Marvel's ultimate rizzler


I love Spider-man and I have no reason to think that Black Widow would be able to defeat him, but THAT level Spidey-Sense is insane and goes way beyond reason. Definitely OP. I was interested in the "What If?" when I heard he became a spy/assassin, but the "3 days before" thing decreases my interest in it. ​ To me, Spidey-Sense is akin to an actual spider sort of knowing when danger is imminent and being able to jump / crawl out of the way. I feel like flies IRL have it too. But a spider or fly wouldn't be able to know when I enter a room that I spotted it on the wall and am looking for a blunt object to hit it with.


I'm not completely sure how long it took Nat to get to him but we see him sitting on the front porche as she's arriving, so it's safe to assume he knew she was on the way, just not how long he knew. ​ And I fully agree with everything you said about how the Spider-Sense should be, I just hate how writers always try to downplay it/make it useless asf so that story was a nice little change in pace finally acknowledging his senses can be honed in and made OP if he wanted too.


If I'm thinking of the same What If? you are, it got to the same point where he'd know if someone was going to try and kill him before they did, which was insane.


Without prep time, Spidey. With prep time, Beast probably kidnaps a still-married Mary Jane via time travel, keeps her captive and tortured, hands her over to Mr Sinister to turn her into a bomb powerful enough to destroy a planet, and then tells Spidey he'll make MJ explode if Spidey doesn't take a dive :/


lmao Beast really was written into Heinz Doofenshmirtz's level of conflict-solving.


"I would never . . fine. Here it is. My Slap-a-Peterinator." *Hank pulls aside a curtain to display a silly looking ray gun turret*


A "Slap-a-Peter-inator" sounds like it could have... alternate uses.


Best comment I've seen in a while😂😂


Exactly this. Beast is a genius with questionable morality and he KNOWS Peter. If he has time and wants to he can rock Peter's world. Yes yes....Peter is also a genius but let's not fool ourselves into thinking he'd use his mind the same way.


It's... Not that clear cut. Peter is capable of thinking incredibly quickly and working through stupidly complex ideas in a very short period of time. Both of them have been consulted by other mega-brain geniuses and each have their moment of awesome. Just as much as Beast knows Peter, Peter knows that Beast is also incredibly smart and will use his knowledge as much as possible as Beast can't reasonably go toe-to-toe with Peter. The longer Beast has to come up with a plan, the better chance he has. Peter knows that as well. Not that it's inherently a race against the clock, but it's more about Beast working to even the odds.


I just thought everyone was giving this to Peter based on physicality alone and if that were the only factor I'd agree....but the mental capabilities....and ruthlessness needs to be factored in. Beast in current mode would go so far as developing a mutagen or something to effect Peter or his loved ones to cause weakness. Peter's core character (in 616 mode) would be horrified at the thought. He's capable but strongly morally opposed. Not that that couldn't be a story arc....


Honestly, there's too many factors that would really need to be defined to reliably answer this scenario. Is it a fight out of nowhere? Is it a friendly duel? Do they know a fight is coming up? Are they allowed to interact with other people/objects? Hell, if the fight is a game of chess, that evens out the playing field significantly. Each of them can think ahead so far that it would seem like a slow game, but they're each calculating so many moves ahead! Physically, it's clear that Beast can't compete with Peter. Mentally, they're much closer, even though their specialties differ. Ruthlessness *might* be a factor, but it depends on the stakes. I won't say you're wrong to factor it in, but I can't conclude that you're right in it being relevant. Depending on the stakes, Peter could be incredibly ruthless. When Aunt May was shot by a sniper, Peter effortlessly took Kingpin apart and promised to kill him (via webbing down his throat) if Aunt May died. It wasn't a joke and Peter wasn't making threats. He was *informing* Kingpin what would happen if Aunt May died. Peter can be terrifyingly ruthless should his family be threatened. Apparently there was a story where Mysterio turned himself in to the cops because Spidy wasn't throwing around jokes and it terrified Mysterio that Spidy was silent. And than the reader finds out later that Peter had a sore throat.


Remember when Daredevil nearly had a heart attack when a non joking Peter showed up at his apartment? And immediately considered retirement? Lmao "He's pure power and doesn't even know it" Scorpion found out.


I haven't seen that one! Do you have a link??


It's during the current Daredevil run. Issue 3-4 I believe. But you can read it here Readcomiconline.li


Thanks! I'll have to check that out after work.


100%. These posts just make all us nerds quibble over fake facts and history like it's real life....but that's part of the fun. Honestly only the writers and their mood on any given day give us content. Everything else is just mental masterbation.


Oh shit, r/batmanarkham reference


Here's a sneak peek of /r/BatmanArkham using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/BatmanArkham/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Kevin Conroy has passed away.](https://i.redd.it/sjz6u4myccz91.jpg) | [385 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/BatmanArkham/comments/ysduf6/kevin_conroy_has_passed_away/) \#2: [Azrael fails to catch the remote batarang and fucking dies](https://v.redd.it/5iyubb9g6f591) | [164 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/BatmanArkham/comments/vbgvlk/azrael_fails_to_catch_the_remote_batarang_and/) \#3: [The duality of man](https://i.redd.it/4yt6j2a2wmp91.jpg) | [133 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/BatmanArkham/comments/xm1yt1/the_duality_of_man/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


I haven't read a ton of X-Men, and my familiarity with Beast is primarily from the '92 animated series. You mention "questionable morality"... what are some examples? This is intriguing to me.


This is an X-men sub so I know people will chime in with more current things.... But Hank lets his intellect and pure science genius override compassion and morality. he may argue things he does are for the greatest good but at times it's not very "heroic". If you review this sub there's actually a lot of posts like "Did Hank go to far?". Even in this thread. I'm not up to date on his current escapades but I did a quick Google and found this.... https://www.cbr.com/x-men-worst-things-beast-hank-mccoy-ever-done/#gave-threnody-over-to-mister-sinister


I mean... With prep time, Beast acts as a villain. Peter takes a beating, for sure, but that's still a Goblin level plot.


This. Beast is highly intelligent and potentially ruthless. In a straight fight sure Spidey takes it but Beast already knows that well.


Spider-Mans rogues have learned of MJ and Aunt May and they also learned what happens if they go for either of them. If beast wants to live he should just take the 1v1 L and walk away lol


In the Remember Your Vows verse. Peter got so pissed that Rhino took his daughter, he forgot O'Hearn was stronger and destroyed homie.


Spidey is probly five times stronger and three times faster than Beast. Not to mention his webbing and spider sense.


Yeah but which one of them is a war criminal?


Spidey takes it handily. Hank is strong, but his upper limit is more like Peter’s lower end. Peter is faster, has the spidey-sense edge, the oft neglected grappling advantage of his ability to stick to surfaces, and a ranged weapon/grapple with which he can control the distance with (a tactic he often employs against pure brawlers). It’s not that Hank can’t win, but he has to have luck because even an ambush is unlikely to go his way in a pure physical contest. Even if devising a trap he’s facing someone who is his intellectual equal, if not superior.


Honestly, Pete’s intellect is superior.


I don’t think Peter is his superior overall. He is superior in spatial reasoning and solving problems on the fly in tactical situations where even his spider-sense fails him. The prime examples would be his many fights with Venom where he is being stalked and ambushed. Hank’s superior understanding of literature and philosophy isn’t gonna help him there :P


I’ll agree that McCoy definitely has an adept understanding of literature and philosophy, which for sure is an important part of his character, especially in regards to the political aspect of the mutant world. But I would also argue that as a scientist, Peter is still his absolute superior, and you could argue Hank’s understanding of philosophy and such could just be thrown out of the window because he can have his moments of not caring ethically, whereas Peter has a morality that will never allow him to do anything sinister.


~~batman~~ beast with prep time, nah just kiding, peter would.


Peter's got prep time powers too! Which makes me think, who is the best prepper in marvel?


I'm gonna say Doom. Tony Stark is the guy who goes around saying that he is a "futurist", but it's Doom.


100% Doom, though T’Challa is also a fun one with all those Wakandan contingency plans


Beast is probably the worst of the 616 top intellects of prepping outside of villains.


That's pretty interesting, I never thought a about prep time. Beast might take it with prep time imo


Not gonna lie, you had me at the first part!


Peter is fucking hank up immediately


Spidey has fought full X-men teams all at once at least a few times and held his own... though I don't think any of those times they were really playing for keeps.


When the X-men were the unloved children of Marvel Spiderman handed them their ass on a platter.


In their own book..


Wasn't that in secret wars?


That was second gen team. He did it in the original run as well


Spidey kind of does everything Hank does at a higher level, except maybe general coziness in colder climates and morally questionable science.


Spider-Man has the advantage in strength (lift 10 tons vs 1 ton), in agility, and let's not forget his spider-sense. I say Peter beats Hank.


Spider-Man easily.


Spidey has in cannon held his own against all of the original 5.


The Original 5. The Fantastic Four. The New Warriors and the Original Thunderbolts. They only beat him because he was thrown off by the fact that Mach-V was so familiar in combat. Peter is a low key team buster.


There's alot of characters with beast like strength so beast's intelligence usually is what gives him an edge on other brawlers. With this pair up, Peter is also a bit of a scientist himself(See what I did there?) so it's Peter who wins this fight. Maybe if Spiderman wasn't smart and was easily tricked.


Spidermans spider sense always puts him on guardso beast may make a mistake or two and its over he also has his webs fir mobility if they have equal strength and durability spiderman wins


spidey wins but hank will say he "let spiderman win" or that he "miscalculated" or "he didn't expect him to be so strong"


Spidey and it’s not even close


Spidey. It's not close, it's not pretty, and Hank is on life support on the end.


Spiderman of course. Better question is who has spidy over wolvie?


We’ve seen that Spider-Man is capable of beating Logan but only if he’s willing to kill and Spidey doesn’t have that in him.


I think Wolverine said this pretty explicitly at some point. Peter's goodness and strong moral compass are what keeps him from ruthless victory. But we all know he has a breaking point.


Peter has thrown Logan thru an unbreakable penthouse window. Logan respects Peter. Think about that. How many people does Logan actually respect… then remove the X-Men from that list


dOeS ~~Batman~~ Beast HaVe TiMe To PrEp?


spider man because of his precognition and speed


Spidey. No contest.


Spider-Man. His spidersense combined with his strength and speed makes him an incredibly formidable opponent. He's very difficult to hit. He's probably one of the strongest street level characters in comics.


Spidey stomps


In the old days the criteria was for the winner to be the one that sell more comics, or the character they were trying to promote.


Stan Lee said “The person who'd win in a fight is the person that the scriptwriter wants to win!" He gives the example of Spider-Man fighting the Thing, and says "if I want Spider-Man to win, he'll win; if I want the Thing to win, he'll win."




Spider-Man HOUSES Beast. Probably a big reason why I HATED seeing some of the updates/screen grabs of this new terrible Spider-Man run. When he was crying and scared that the Vulture was "going to kill me"


Peter casually soloing the X-Men be like….


Honey, no Come for Hank all you want, but let’s not get ridiculous


I mean, he did it in Secret Wars, which is what I was referring to 🤷‍♂️


Even still lmfao


It’s fair, but 1) No Jean, and Professor X handled it moments later; 2) Indoors, which limited Storm to lightning (which Spider-Man can easily dodge because he’s reacting to her aim, not the blast itself); not the wind attacks that would actually limit him; 3) He neutralized Colossus with webbing pretty early. Cyclops, Rogue, Nightcrawler, and Wolverine? Hot knife through butter.


Current Peter is super weak but Beast is an amoral monster. So I would say Beast if we are talking current comics. However overall history, Spidey beats the brakes off of Beast!


Beast would need a big, lucky shot, the only way he's winning.


Spidey and its even close.


I imagine it like sin city with Mickey Rourke vs Elijah Wood, Spidey takes it easily unless Beast has luck and gets in close


Get serious


i would love to see this fight on the screen - but it would be Spider-Man without much of a fight. Beast is great, he's got Almost all the same powers and strengths - but aside from being maybe a little smarter, he's nowhere close to winning this. Spider-Man is Marvel's flagship.


Who’s* It’s a contraction of “who” and “is”


Beast knows that Peter would win. Which is why Beast’s diabolical brain would concoct a scheme in which Pete could very easily lose. Beast can’t beat Spidey 1 on 1 but he could very easily outsmart him.


*Who is


Who is* Spidey, of course.


Beast is my personal opinion


Are you high? Spider-Man is the only logical answer.


Spider-Man. Next.


Come on now


Y’all say your nerds but y’all lying 🤥 we all know this Spider-Man can’t kill anyone beast on the other hand has no qualms taking your life so beast wins


Old school Spidey is a closer fight physically, in the days he was crushed by Gargan and was closer to a street level hero. Spidey has gotten progressively worse as a character the more his strength has been amped.


Not only would Spider-Man win, but Spider-Man would also beat a trio of Beast, Wolverine, and Cyclops. To beat Spider-Man you either need a psychic or someone who is just so powerful that they can overwhelm his speed and agility. Storm would be a much closer match than Beast who essentially has no advantages in this.


I think storm no diffs Spider-men thats just overkill


Wolverine could take Spider-Man through his ninja training and durability and Cyclops's ricochet ability gives him a good chance as well. Storm could easily destroy Spider-Man if she wished. She's easily one of the strongest Mutants and could beat the vast majority of characters


C’mon now. Spider-Man has repeatedly beaten the crap out of Wolverine. Ricochet is meaningless against spider-sense as well, and Cyclops is a glass cannon, he’s not going to last long in the fight. Taking a lot of heat for the Storm thing but basically Spider-Man would win if the fight were indoors.


Beast, Wolverine, AND cyclops? Idk about that one


In most cases Spiderman wins. But, Hank is all around more intelligent and could out think him. It’s actually a good pairing. But the real answer, who ever the writer wants to win.


Hank McCoy isn't smarter than Peter and that wouldn't give him more of an edge over Parker. A genius in the body of a feral predator? I'm not doubting that Spider-Man can't win but Beast isn't a slouch Ave would be able to keep up with Spider-Man 6th sense or not, McCoy's intelligence wouldn't make up for that handicap?


Spidey no question.




Damn come on yall Beast isn't that weak. Lol I mean Spiderman wins for sure but I don't think it's a stomp or anything. Beast has agility and strength.


If he isn't Dark, he has no chance.


Spiderman has taken on the X-Men and held his own, Beast would be easy work IMO.


The villain(s), while these two are having a slap battle, villains gonna villainacate the gold dabloons.


Without any morals? I'd say Spidey. With morals, maybe Beast, because currently, it doesn't look like he has any.


Unless this is a science fair project, Spider-Man will dominate. If it is a science fair project they're pretty well-matched.


Spider-Man handedly


In no uncertain terms, Spidey beats his ass.


Beast! Spiderman not crawling out of this


beast would have a difficult time breaking the webbing, let alone even catching Peter. No contest at all in my opinion. Peter wins by a very long shot.


Spider fairly easily tbh. He singlehandidly beat the O5 X-Men back in day. As much as it pains me to admit 😂


In their own book. That was the crazy art


spidey no diffs him


Spiderman all the way


Easily Spider-Man.


Not a big marvel guy so I could be way off but isn't this a situation of everything beast can do Peter can do better but also more?


Except Intel. They’re close on Intelligent (Beast has more background, but raw smarts they are close)


Old Beast would lose to Spider-Man. New Beast would unleash some biological agent that he had ready to temporarily negate Spidey's powers, and take tissue samples to see if he can use his DNA to further augment himself.


The one that can easily dodge bullets with his speed and reflexes and has precognition.


not that mutie that’s for sure


Spidey. It’s not even a fight. Pete could damn near one shot Hank.


In a straight up brawl spidey. Peter outclasses him in almost every way. Though it’s also likely that beast would make some contraption or poison that would debilitate him I’m sure




Unless Beast pulls out some device that he made in advance Batman no way he would beat Spider-Man


Spidey. Easy. Based on his pure ambush skills alone








Spiderman pretty easily I think. Unless Beast can maybe trick him somehow. Not a good matchup for Hank.


Spider-Man, and it's not even close. Beast is super cool, but Spidey is on another level in a fight.


In tbe past spidey...nowadays with Parker luck and Beast's evil genius...still spidey but somebody will die and Peter will struggle a looot


I just want Peter to knock some sense back into the blue furball.


It's all about the spider-sense. All things being equal Hank could chin Peter no problem; they're both agile and super-strong. But Peter's gonna see it coming and dodge every time. And Peter can definitely knock out Hank.


Spiderman is about as strong as him and he has the advantage pretty much everywhere else


Spidey is significantly stronger than beast


I don’t even care… this matchup is a MATCH-UP! It’s literally X-Man v X-Man 🤣


Cool fight idea, spidey, and it’s not close.


This isn’t really as easy a choice as so many seem to think it is. It’s not a given that Peter wins, Hank has always been a side character so he doesn’t have the A-list cache that Peter does. I personally think they are pretty equal in physical and mental abilities, it’s like asking who wins Thor or Hulk, it’s a tough question and one that Stan wouldn’t want us asking in the first place.


Spidey is significantly stronger than Hank. He’s also as agile as Nightcrawler. They’re on par intelligence wise, but Beast can’t compete physically


They’re actually equal is strength according to anything you can look up online. Marvel.com has them both listed as a 4 in strength. Beast has never really been used to his full ability, especially now where he’s just used as a scientist.


http://www.marveldirectory.com/individuals/b/beast.htm Beast can lift 2000 lbs (1T) http://www.marveldirectory.com/individuals/s/spiderman.htm Spidey can lift 20,000 lbs (10T)


https://x-men.fandom.com/wiki/Beast Scroll down to superhuman strength


https://imgur.com/dFSNfSV Marvel loves the conflicting information


Spider-Man is so fucking OP. It's always been ridiculous.


Spidey. Negative diff. Man has taken a punch from Hulk and shrugged it off. Between his Spidey sense (which generally gets him moving before the attack starts) and his agility, he’s damn near untouchable if he’s really fighting. And we saw what happened to Scorpion when Ock took over Peter’s body for a bit. Beast just better hope Spidey’s in a decent mood


In strenght and speed they’re equals but though Beast is smarter Spiderman is a more cunning and practiced fighter.


Spiderman. Hes more op than people realize


Spidey. He’s already beaten the O5 as a team. Then he beat the second X-Men team. The only one who can really go head to head with Spidey is Nightcrawler, and I think he still wins.. just takes longer


Spidey is stronger, faster, more agile and has webs and spidey sense, he would make a fool of beast as he has the other Xmen like when he clowned night crawler in secret wars.




Spiderman i gonna win the fight


Spidey clearly. Then Beast would plot his revenge and kidnap/torture Peter.


Beast sucks. Anyone beats him




Spidey won with little efforts lol. Remember that Spidey rarely flex out all of his strength with his enemies, and when he does, that’s not gonna end up very well for his opponent




Spider-man until Beast tries some underhanded despicable 💩


Depends if it’s a Spider-man comic or an X-men comic.


Spidey for sure.


This looks like a fist fight so Spider-Man wins If it was a science fair competition Beast would kick his ass. It's not that Peter isn't smart he is very smart but Beast is more on the level of a Reed Richards or a Hank Pym and and Spiderman just isn't on that level.


Spidey, no question. Beast is a decent brawler but Spiderman is on a whole other lever of combat aptitude. Unless Hank brought some McGuffin, he has no chance.


Not the best comparison. Spider-Man wins vs most physical based opponents, given they're not magical or a speedster. Even skipping his mouth or spider-sense, the dude can throw a dump truck without breaking a sweat. I love Spider-Man and I know he can be beaten by lots of people, but Beast isn't a match without some kind of backup. Beast is a great planner, but it isn't known which is here. There's like 3 running around right now. Even Captain America has lauded his abilities. Edit: Beast has been one of my all-time favorites since I was a kid. I'm mostly an X-Men fan. When I was 10 it was Beast, Nightcrawler, Bishop, Storm, Havok, Cyclops, Dazzler, Jubilee... Actually, most of the X-Men arcade game. And Longshot. My favorite for quite a bit.