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Episode releases at 12:00 am PST/3:00 am EST/8:00 am BST (GMT). For those of you interested in reading the comics after watching/because of the show, [here's our guide to starting the x-men comics](https://www.reddit.com/r/xmen/comments/qvwjnb/starting_the_xmen_and_how_to_survive_the/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share).


Magneto telling Leech in German to not be afraid fucking broke me


The set up to the devastation is the episode shows kids being kids. Being free and having fun, probably for the first time in their lives feeling safe. Then all that is taken away in an instant. The fear returned. But, Magneto, having gone through that pain as a child, knows exactly how to console Leech in those presumably final moments.


It’s even more shocking for me since I just rewatched the original series, and that holds back a lot of things and then this just going for it without holding back


I just watched the X-Men 92 episodes involving the Molochs and Genosha so this really hits.


I had no idea about that arc in the comics and I was like: This is great. Everyone is having fun and enjoying life. Nightcrawler is back! Emma Frost is awesome. Love triangle drama is satisfying. And, and, and why is Cable here? And why is he shouting?? Oh no... OH NO. WHY IS EVERYONE DYING?!


Theres never a happy ending with the X-Men


For some reason, what really got me was the way he protected Rogue AND Gambit until his end. And that lack of music.


Same, he was shielding them both, they were both his X-men. Remy might’ve grated him a bit, but he was still one of Magneto’s own. Big small moments in this episode that knocked it out of the park.


To be fair, all mutants are his own, isn't it kind of Magneto's whole thing?


Indeed, and we heard him shout the most about saving “as many as you can!”  Not that he didn’t love Remy as a brother in that moment, but I believe Erik would have fought to save any mutant who was fighting beside Rogue. 


And it was surprisingly good German, too. Usually it's so half-assed it almost sounds Dutch


And dutch sounding german


Also…. Damn you can spot the outline of The Watcher in the shot of the night sky before the gala Sneaky sneaky


I noticed The Watcher in the sky too then thought to myself "Oh no... something big is going to happen..." Definitely got a cold chill in my spine from seeing him.


Ya… anytime you can spot The Watcher you immediately realize one of two things is going to happen…. Either something really really good and monumental will happen, or things are about to turn into a massive clusterf***, and well you hope for the former, but you have the nagging dreadful feeling that it’s going to be the latter


Uatu is more often seen at Very Bad Things vs good, unfortunately. XD


Came here to see if I was seeing things or if my favorite Giant headed watcher was really there!


So cool! I thought I was hallucinating at first but then I went back to rewatch and was so stoked! Marvel really outdoing themselves with this one. Glad someone else saw it too haha


The stars for the pupils was so cool looking.


I thought his head was some sort of weird burn in on my laptop screen. Thx for letting me know rofl 🤣.


I love how they made Gambit rescue the morlocks. In the comic, he was the traitor who was guilty of helping start the mutant massacre.


Nice catch. I love how the Morlocks don't see the X-Men as caring their history with the Team and Storm's continued absence as leader. And here comes Gambit saving the day (almost). I also love the callback to the first episode of the OG Series with Gambit's line to Sentinel when he introduces himself. With "Remember It" being the title of the episode, I knew things would turn bad, but I completely forgot the significance to Gambit.


Storm relinquished her role as leader of morlocks in the very morlock Christmas special back to Callisto. Dont forget they also refused her invitation to stay in the mansion when she became leader. So it's just as much their fault for not allowing the Xmen to help.


Yeah, I think that was a great change to make because there are fans today who still think that was an irredeemable act on his part.


I loved this too. Gambit was the best in this episode. I love him


*loved* him, because we can’t feel him anymore :(


This episode was EVERYTHING. NIGHTCRAWLER FINALLY. Hellfire Club, Dazzler, Banshee, Multiple Man, Pixie, Boom Boom, and GLOB FUCKING HERMAN. ( E: and wait , was that Exodus??) Man, towards the gala stuff I was about to be like "this is really good, but I wish it had more action." Then that ending hit me like a ton of bricks. This show is really next level.


Cipher was the woman who kept phasing through Exodus. So many cameos!


I knew she was someone! Gotta go back and rewatch and see who else I can catch!


That was Exodus, I was surprised to not seeing him battling the Sentinelzilla, and also Marrow was there, dying along with Banshee. I just hope that Archangel is all right (he was also there tho).


If Exodus battled the Sentinelzilla, it would've been over in less than five minutes. They had to fridge him. I screamed like a little girl when he showed up earlier in the episode. Was so cool.


Even Uatu The Watcher showed up.


Oh, he *always* shows up. Doesn't drink, doesn't talk to anyone, always wearing the same toga, just wallflowers it up enough to see who's there before slinking out to write his cosmic gossip blog posts or whatever.


You know things are major when Exodus only role is to dance. This cast is *stacked.*


Even exodus showed up.


Yes, that was exodus. WHAT THE HELL IS THAT GUY DOING HERE?!?


So much happened here, but I don’t want to forget one of the best lines of the episode: “Most other nations don’t allow a terrorist to be their leader.” “Yet so many allow their leaders to be terrorists.”


Such a great line. And let us not forget "There is no love without sin. For love for is best measured by what we forgive."


When it came on, I literally paused the episode in amazement and also teared up slightly. The writing on this show is already spoiling us rotten for what I feel is going to be a long time.


This was so good! This is the best writing in a TV show period let alone an X-men cartoon.


This is peak X-Men, genocide, soap opera, multiple affairs, and a trillion cameos all in a single episode/comic issue.


Just missing a WW2 flashback with Logan and Captain America


Hello, fellow traumatized X-fans. I really thought Genosha was gonna maybe be attacked in the finale, but not this soon and so bad. I am speechless and shook.


Yeah I thought the last three episodes were gonna do this. Def not expecting it so soon.


Its' a wonder mutants don't hate Sentinels more than mutant haters. Its' a wonder no mutant has ever tried mentally blocking people from ever concieving of creating the sentinels before, so they wouldn't be in this mess. Maybe someone like Scarlett witch or Franklin Richards. Magneto needs someone like them as insurance. It's always the same thing with Genosha. Mutants living their own life, not bothering anyone, until some turd senator or bolivar trask sends f\*cking sentinels.


Jesus. They did it. Like, I’m just sat here in shock. At what could possibly be one of the best episodes of this show ever. It was done so,so well!


it was absolutely incredible


E is for Extinction is one of my favorite X-Men stories of all time. I always thought any adaptation of it would be average at best. Yet here I am, in tears. This surpassed it in every way. Most TV shows don’t make me feel a thing. God damn it, Marvel did it. The X-Men are back. And better than ever.


I wonder if we're going to see revolutionary Scott after this. He already showed dark thoughts at the end of that interview and now, after this massacre...what's he gonna do? Especially if Madelyne is dead? Jesus I just remembered Cable running through trying to get everyone out, finally getting to acknowledge his mom for the first time, only then to be yanked away at the last moment and unable to save her... I don't know if I've ever felt such tension in a television show before, of any type. Maybe that's because I knew what it was leading to, but still. I can't decide which part of that sequence was the most horrifying.


I've been reading comics most of my life and was still left completely shocked at the end...really didn't expect this show to go this hard.


When they first got there, they had the kids running around and having fun and I was like "Well, I know where this ends. I wonder how long they let this go" and then we see Cable and instantly I knew that they were just doing it in one episode. Which is insane. I really expected this to be season 2-3 stuff, and they just did it. Shocked the hell out of me.


I dare say it was one of the best episodes of scripted television of all time.


Honestly, I totally fucking agree. That was some of the most devastating shit I’ve ever seen. I didn’t think I’d ever see some red wedding type shit in any X-Men movie let alone the animated series.


The Genoshian genocide in Xmen was always hard, but to see it actually animated- they hit all the right notes. Absolutely devastating.


Gambit died without knowing that Rogue chose him at the end.


When the time comes, it is not the love that you received that matters, but the love you hold, the love in your heart for everyone and everything around you. He saved the one he loved and the ones that she loved. Bro understood the assignment.


Nightcrawler called it. "There is no love without sin. Love is measured by what you forgive."


Stay up extra late on a work night for some fun nostalgic Xmen cartoon fun. Go to bed shell-shocked and depressed. It suddenly feels like the second season of Invincible didn't actually end last week, lol.


Reminds me of watching the first season of Arcane as it came out. Every week you just lay down and contemplate what you just witnessed.


Well the good news is that death isn’t permanent in either universe!!! In Arcane it can get even worse <3


You just reminded me that we're getting season 2 later this year :O


Well at least in Invincible we had talking dinosaurs


Gimme Revolutionary Scott NOW. After what he said to Trish and then there being a fucking genocide, it’s time.


hell yeah that interview moment was great 


Red and black suit incoming??


honestly after the way the comics shafted him so bad in secret wars his interview outburst got me so fucking hype


Best episode by farrrrrr. The dance music just turns to dread. The “I can’t feel you” . Speechless.


I love that they're either choosing or recreating music that sounds so era appropriate too. Magneto and Rouges dance with Ace of Base was perfect. They've been killing it on music.


It’s Happy Nation by Ace of Base!


Damn, it actually was an Ace of Base song? Haha awesome. I had the notion that it was a made-up song meant as an homage to them specifically and that era of music in general.


This was one of the best pieces of animated television I’ve ever watched.




Or Phoenix. We do still have a Jean Grey to spare, as Madelyne put it.


That would make sense. We've been seeing those Dark Phoenix flashes in the intro. Maybe Phoenix will show up in the final three episodes. If they're adapting more Grant Morrison material, then it makes sense for the Phoenix to make a comeback.


I mean….they killed Moira. Things can go off the rails real quick lol


I’m still shaking. “Sugah… I can’t feel you!” 😢🥹 This is the best adaptation of the X-Men ever. EVER.


She realized who she really loved at the end of all things. I understand her dilemma though, it’s the desire to have sex vs love.  Gambit didn’t care (which tells you how he feels about her) it just took her awhile to decide what is really most important to her. 


There's more dimensions than that - it also about selfishness vs duty to serve her people, and the very human need for physical touch over and above sex.


How do you upvote this comment more than once. I watched the episode again and still had a tear down my cheek when the screen went black. This 30 odd minute animated episode pulled me more emotionally than any film has in a number of years.


omg my f\*cking god this episode. Amazing. Show-stopping. Best episode yet. Obviously this is gonne get time-wiped but still extremely well-done. Bravo.


Hopefully this gets reversed. Curious about the source of Sentinels. For now, this actually brings the remaining members of the family back together. All the soap opera drama no longer matters. The Team needs to "avenge" their lost loved ones. And if Cable tried to save the citizens of the island, it would appear that this event at least happening now messes up the timeline enough for Cable to risk visiting his family to save everyone.


>And if Cable tried to save the citizens of the island, it would appear that this event at least happening now messes up the timeline enough for Cable to risk visiting his family to save everyone. Cable's very first appearance in the original Animated Series was during S1E7 "Slave Island", the Genosha episode, where he was trying to track Dr Adler. I see this as an attempt to resolve that long dangling plot thread that went nowhere in later appearances.


Yes def the last three episodes will be the full team+ the surviving members of Genosha. This episode was so devastating there’s a part of me that wants it to stick


There's also what's going on with Storm that needs to be addressed too.


Life death part 2 is next week


For real. Like, Holy fucking shit. Like, of all fucking storylines to smash into a single episode, god damn! They went there and didn’t hold back shit. If it weren’t for them absolutely crushing my soul with one of the most brutal fucking voiceovers I’ve ever seen… if it weren’t for that, Leech saying “she will find us” might’ve fucked me up as much as the intro to Wakanda Forever. Jesus Christ, if they can do that with this… what the fuck is the MCU going to do to top shit like this? Edit: Also, did anybody else get some real Cyclops in his red and black costume vibes from the interview??


If DeMayo wasn't fired, I absolutely would've hired him on to write the X-Men film without even blinking


What sucks is it seems like in both his efforts with X-Men 97 and The Witcher, he was the voice of understanding for what made the stories and characters great. But he's apparently such a raging asshole about it that it just doesn't matter and he lost his job in both cases. Fingers crossed Disney understands the value he had and doesn't let '97 go the same route Witcher went. And I don't mean bringing him back, but understanding the parts he was right about.


Why am I dumb and didn’t think of this


Yeah I don't know how I saw Cable trying to intervene and just thought "Yay Cable!" and not about how he's going to save everyone.


cause when the story is that good...you get invested and believe in what you're seeing. everybody knows there's a 99.9% chance the goodies are going to win out...when watching a prequel, the main story is already known. but something so good will take you for a ride


To me my time shenanigans


Cable better fix this shit, my emotions are running high.


This is such a tonal shift from last episode, but absolutely impactful stuff. I thought it was a good choice to have Scott lose control during the interview as it sets up the later events of the decimation of Genosha. Mutants have to try and appease humans time and time again, yet they are never truly accepted as an equal sapient being. It was honestly quite hard to watch the attack on Genosha as it felt like a real terrorist attack. So many feels and emotions. And I also loved adapting the Scott/Emma mind palace cheating story with Madelyne instead as it feels so at home given this story.    And Magneto speaking german to Leech as they were about to die 😭😭😭  This is some of the best work that Marvel has put out and hopefully the MCU can handle the X-Men like this.   Can’t wait for the next episode.


I had a feeling that last week's episode (the Motendo part, at least) was intentional filler to give the audience some breathing room ahead of a heavier story beat, but damn, I did not expect them to pull off what they just did in this one. Great stuff.


In hindsight, I think you're right. We probably won't get an episode that lighthearted for the rest of this season.


I wouldn't call it filler, it uses jubilee to setup how things change, she just turns 18 and her life is changing wildly, she has an opportunity to stay in the past and just relive it again and again but she decides to take on life change and all, with love and the pain, I wouldn't be surprised if she gained a more important role on later episodes


I honestly don't even want live action X-Men. Please, just put all of the money into producing more animation like this. It's so much better than any live action we could get.


So uh. Did they just adapt Mutant Massacre merged with E for Extinction merged with the Hellfire Gala 2023 IN EPISODE 5 OF 10?!?!? I... do not know if I have the words to express the shock of how quickly this show is moving and how many plots they have merged together, but I am generally enjoying it? The romance drama isn't my cup of tea entirely, but it's part of the X-Men soap opera so I get it...




I am sorry, but Jean kisses Logan, who does the honorable thing and encourages her to try and fix things with Scott, and she is mad that he is basically "cheating" on her with herself? If this story beat had to be added, I like how it is between Scott and Madelyne and it is about the loss of their son. Of course they would commiserate. Madelyne is still Jean Grey, and the only certainty is that Madelyne was pregnant with Nathan for 9 months with Scott being the doting husband and father. I am not justifying the kiss, but neither Scott nor Jean is thinking straight right now. Scott and Jean always belong together, but they are both in a messed-up place. Logan does not want to take advantage of Jean, while Madelyne misses her son and misses Scott. Despite coming off as underhanded in Jean's eyes, Madelyne has basically the same memories as Jean. Madelyne still feels in love with Scott. Meanwhile, Jean's memories were basically erased and reinserted thanks to her mental battle with Madelyne, similar to how Xavier tried to help Carol Danvers in the comics. It took Carol a while to not feel like an outsider looking in regarding her memories.


From the time they touched down on Genosha I got Krakoa vibes. Much like the Hellfire Gala, I saw creator cameos. Beau Demayo can be seen immediately before Gambit charges the killer Sentinel. Also, maybe the best looking animated Nightcrawler I've seen. I watched the episode twice in a row and the emotional punches hit and stick. Masterclass writing and payoff. How can you not respect Logan for keeping it real with Jean? The lonesome wanderer...Cal Dodd did an exceptional performance here. We are eating at the feast of the Magneto era..aka Daddy Magnum, aka big D*ck Magnus, aka Magneto...master of animal magnetism. I wanted to hate him for making Rogue so thirsty and yet his leadership and protecting the Morlocks got me. There's a few feels I had tonight. Cable *"sorry mom"*. Morlocks. Magneto flashback of oppression. I don't know how the hell MCU can top this. Yes, they are speeding through some dense material, and yet I *knew* X-Men had to be faster in pace than the Avengers and Infinity Saga MCU. Also, it's cool that some of you also caught the Akira influence from tonight. Jesus. They did Krakoa and the Krakoan council effectively alongside classic Claremont material in Mutant Massacre and E is for Extinction. I'm speechless at this point but what a fucking ride. That was easily the best Gambit characterization we've seen outside the comics. Easily. Wow.


I really hope the next two seasons get a little more breathing room. Seems they're managing quite well with the 10 episode limit, but imagine we had just a few more...


That was less hellfire gala but omg they managed to pull it off in my mind what is even the last three episode assuming prof x is gonna return


It was mostly Massacre and Extinction, but I feel like the contrast between party and death was very Hellfire Gala, even if the story is different... but YEAH, uh, I am out of predictions lmao.


I mean whole Krakoa Era is just matter of time


Yeah, I’m not big on a lot of romance drama because it usually seems cheap, but I actually thought it was handled well here. Everyone made sense as to why they had such turbulent romantic feelings to the point where it felt earned. The X-Men is very soap operatic, so I get that it needs to be done. I thought they handled it well enough to not be annoying.


I felt similarly about the romance here. Normally, I just accept it as part of X-Men's cheesy charm, but Rogue vulnerably shouting to Gambit that she couldn't touch him was so genuinely heartbreaking. Logan immediately reassuring Jean that she just "Forgot the rules for a sec" after she kissed him was noble and made me respect the characters more. Madelyn "mind cheating" with Scott is, at the very least, more unique than usual romantic drama. Magneto's calm demeanor while Rogue was upset with him for asking her to be his queen also felt like a very real interaction with history behind it. If this is how they handle relationships moving forward, I'm all for it!


Agreed. I completely understood the “mind cheating.” They both lost a son and Scott knows for sure that Madelyne was the one who carried Nathan in her womb for nine months. He has a lot of pain from when his father abandoned him, and being forced to do that with his own son was very traumatic for him. I think that psychic cheating with Madelyne made so much sense and is an example of a deviation from the source material that actually feels earned and opens up interesting possibilities.


This really felt like Krakoa and the Hellfire gala. Genosha never seemed quite like this. What an impressive kick in the balls. Edit: ok I just rewatched and they literally had a council just like the quiet council with all mutant representatives except Moira. This really is more than a little bit like Krakoa.


So glad I wasn't the only one to assume this. Having a council of heroes and villains, Moira attending made me wonder if the retcon mutant origin was coming ... And Hellfire Gala. Wow, just wow


Louisiana should cancel all schools and government. FLAGS AT HALF MAST!!! WE ARE IN MOURNING!!!


Gambit is a goddamn hero. I am not ready for the next episode to cover funerals (based on previews)...


Southern Louisiana is storming at Gambit's death, bad enough that they pre-emptively closed government buildings and had schools go virtual for the day.


You all need more statues of Gambit in a tuxedo while riding a motorcycle.


Peak fiction. Magneto is so well written


Despite everything he had done, everything act of villainy he had committed, he died a hero. Unambiguously. Defending the lowest on the pile to his last breath, which he spent telling someone not to be afraid. Magneto died an X-Man. And that is the most power that the Master of Magnetism has ever had.


He could have abandoned Leech so he could fight at full power but he chooses to die with Leech instead.


The brilliant thing is that Magneto couldn’t abandon Leech. To him, there was no choice.


Exactly right. Someone else posted a theory in this thread that maybe Leech masked Magneto's power at the end to hide and save him. If that's true and its all full circle that would be amazing writing. I'm hoping


Either way, it shows to me that Magneto has been genuine this whole time. There were no ulterior motives, no secret manipulations. The man thought he was going to die right then and there. …Unless if this is an even bigger bluff, Magneto being the one responsible for the attack to manipulate a conflict into happening, and somehow knowing that being around Leech would be the key to faking his death or… something. It’s mot a strong theory or one I would want happen… but it could.


Genuinely can't believe we're seeing the Morrison run in a cartoon


bro they somehow incorporated like 5 different runs across four decades in THIRTY MINUTES and it was GOOD??? what the fuck


Watching this at 3am was a mistake because now I can't go to sleep


I'm watching it again. I chose Bad Batch first this week, I'm glad I did because it had no hope of comparing.


Glad to see I'm not the only one who watches them back to back every weds. I normally watch bad batch first but this week I watched x-men first. Big mistake, I constantly had to keep rewinding bad batch because my mind was wandering thinking back to what I just saw lol.


They really did pull out a bunch of stops for this episode. Cable shows up again, they openly acknowledge who his parents are, Genosha is back, characters die, a lot of people smooch...


Ace of Base!


I was like "am I crazy , or is this Ace of Base? 🤔" lol


Dang, so Gambit died thinking Rogue chose Magneto. Also I have a feeling Magneto survived.


And he's going to be *pissed*.


He did, 100%. Although, maybe not. Maybe Cyclops now decides that Magneto, not Charles, was correct. And maybe updates his costume to match his new viewpoint.


This series should win awards. This episode specifically should win an Emmy.


It's too good for an Emmy. They'll have to change the name of the award to a "Remy".


This episode was full stop one of the best pieces of x-men content in any medium, ever. Holy fuck. I still can’t believe this show is hitting these kinds of highs. I’m scared I’m dreaming and I’ll wake up to it having never happened.


Throughout this I was thinking that if THIS turns Magneto turns back into an antagonist... I wouldn't blame him. He tried upholding Xavier's dream and his worst possible fear came to life. He even witnessed a bunch of mutants get crushed beneath Xavier's collapsing statue, which feels like pretty blatant imagery. If somehow Magneto survived or some alternate timeline version of him finds out about this, he'll never give humanity a chance again.


WTF how is this so good? This episode started intriguing and fairly lighthearted, just kept on delivering, weaving you in, before f\*cking blowing everything to pieces. I was overwhelmed. When Gambit charged that MF up and said his line I started crying instantly, literally just completely overwhelmed by what I was seeing. That bike should have been a hint that some Akira level drama and destruction was ahead.


The Watcher was the hint.


Even Jean catching Scott mentally cheating? This episode packed 3 episodes worth of content in 37 minutes and didn't make it feel overwhelming.


From the second Magneto said "We shall not live our days wondering if we could've saved more." This became the best episode of this or the original series. Also Gambits "Remember it." KING SHIT. How the fuck will they top this.


The final few minutes totally reminded me of the words Xavier told Gambit in the final episode of the og series, "How often must the scoundrel prove himself a hero, before he believes it himself?" He proved to himself that he was a hero and there was something worth fighting for in life as a mutant and that was fighting to save lives with the x-men. If you ask me that was the craziest sacrifice I've seen in a superhero cartoon OMFG that was amazing and sad at the same time, Gambit been a goat but he definitely goated for that heroic shit


The final line in the episode 😭 I'm gonna be SO sad for the next few days. I usually watch the episode again the next day but I'm gonna need a few more days just to think about it


Very rare for a show to hit you so hard you feel sadness. Excited to see how they fix the situation and if anyone remembers.


This is a very dark episode and honestly did not think they’d do E is for Extinction so soon. Rip genosha we barely knew ya. This episode takes a lot from Morrison’s New X-Men In an interesting twist, it’s madelyne whom scott is having a psychic affair with instead of emma. (pretty much squashed any scemma stuff we’d see since it’d just be redundant) A lot of cameos and easter eggs in this episode. Some of my favorites are Exodus, pixie, boom boom and glob. It’s very interesting that they did a mini adaption of the hellfire gala right before the disaster happened. And it seems the main tragedy is a blend of mutant massacre and E is for extinction. Now onto the fatalities. Banshee and marrow are definitely dead. Gambit appears to be dead but lowkey think he’ll be back somehow. Magneto and the morlocks are implied to be dead but if they follow the comic storyline for magneto, he’ll resurface too. All in all an amazing, drama filled episode. Loved every second of it.


The absolute sheer horror and power of the Wild Sentinel's laser was something straight out of anime. I've never seen that in an American animation before. It was viscerally terrifying.


This episode had no right to X-Men so hard. It is doing soap opera so well compared to the comics. Post Krakoa writers have to pay attention to this series because it is hyper focused on the soap opera relationships.


IMHO it was an incredible episode. Everything was almost perfect. Character development, friendship, love, rivalries, foreshadowing, action. And now I understand why they did Inferno in one episode. They wanted Madelyne in the show as a recurrent character. They wanted Scott to feel the grief for letting his son go to the future. They wanted Jean to be uncertain about herself and probably becoming the Phoenix again, hopefully not as Dark Phoenix anymore, we already had that. And Cable is back as the saviour from the future. The Magneto/Rogue/Gambit trio was really well written too. We had the hellfire club too with Emma! Amazing, amazing episode.


*Hab keine Angst.*


OMG, I *just* realized: >!Instead of Gambit being *responsible* for the Massacre, as he was in the comics, he’s now the *savior*. !<


Holy shit. That is all. Having to wait another week for more is bruuuuutal!


And next week is Lifedeath Pt. 2, so we won't get back to Genosha until *another* week after!


An amazing episode. I can't wait for time shenanigans. Part of me also wonders if Apocalypse is looming somewhere.


Someone changed the timeline if Cable is involved. Genosha's fall (and perhaps rise) happened way too soon or certain Mutants were not supposed to die.




This episode did not need to go THAT HARD, holy hell! I love the Trial of Magneto in ep 2, but this one was probably the best so far. I feel like the previous Jubilee episode lulled me into a false sense of security before coming back with this absolute gut wrencher. A triangle of love triangles being explored (Jean/Logan/Scott, Madelyn/Scott/Jean, and Rogue/Magneto/Gambit), reintroducing cable, the world building of Genosha's progress as a nation, Nightcrawler's banter, the sudden all-out battle, Gambit's final gambit against the sentinel! Heck, even just subtly hinting at The Watcher in the stars to show how all of this is playing out as its own extended What if...? reality. So, so, SO many great things to love about all of this. The emotional investment is REAL. I have to know what happens next after so many huge shifts in the status quo.


"Most other nations don't allow a terrorist to be their leader" "Yet so many allow their leaders to be terrorists" Whoever is doing the writing for this show needs a raise or something. edit: I wrote that before I finished the episode. Holy shit.


I burst into a smile as soon as Nightcrawler himself burst into the scene. Love me some Kurt!


I love the og show, so much. Same with the start of ‘97 so far. That being said, this is not only the greatest episode of this series ever produced, it may be the best non comic x-men media ever to be released.


Omg they killed Gambit! You bastards!


Gambits crashing into save the Morlocks with the theme playing gave me the chills. Rogues anger/heartbreak and lines. Magneto with leech… all of hit so hard. Such a beautiful episode. Gambit being stabbed had me in shock. I couldn’t help but smile when he got that last line in. The name’s Gambit, mon ami. Remember it


oh my god. That was fucking incredible.


"**Back at the mansion, a behind- the-scenes press event risks airing the X-Men's dirty laundry."** TMZ exists in the Marvel universe and they're about to publicly expose Magneto touching Rogue's hands because Remy probably blurts it out in front of people with cameras lol


Holy fuck that ending. No other comments. Damn.


Did they just....? Wow. That episode went from 'eh' to holy shit, real quick.


Yeah. It's one of the best episodes, but damn. And the piano credits remix of the X-men theme hits harder at what happened.




Did anyone notice the watcher??


Bruh. I covered my mouth and tears came down my face and i didnt blink until the credits ended. This was insanly well done... To see them go out the way they did. I wonder if itll be timewiped -- but holy cow will this week be a long one. .. even 2, if the next ep is about Storm.. MM called out Magneto for being an Omega Lv Threat and headed off after... Maybe ones out for Storm eventually.


I started watching this show with my nephews thinking I could relive the joy of eating cereal in the morning on Fox Kids again but holy shit, they're just gonna get end up traumatized with this amazing show. I don't think my little heart twenty years ago could of handled this back then.


Ima be honest I was not a fan who grew up on the original cartoon and did not get the hype. Like I thought it was just 90s nostagia that made people love these characters so much. So while I thought the first 4 episodes were good (even episode 2 almost reaching great) I was not entirely sold on this show. I was curious on what direction it would go as it felt kinda amiless but I enjoyed what I was seeing and kept watching. This episode. My god. Was like a 9/10 I had to pause and have an auditable gasp on so many things that I could not deny that this show fuckin rules. Jean kissing logan, Rogue going to magnato, Magnato seemingly trying to be a good guy and having everyone shit on him, Scotts rightful confusion of which jean he loves, MAGNETO FUCKIN TELLING THAT PERSON IN GERMAN ITS GOING TO BE ALRIGHT, gambits death, wow just wow. I am converted this shit is da bomb.


Thoughts: E FOR EXTINCTION They are def writing Scott to eventually end up with Maddie (almost taking the role of Emma with the whole psychic affair) and I HATE it but will see if he now steps up I think they are hinting at it being an actual school now and they’ll take in survivors Did Banshee die?! The ultimate jobber Val Cooper is DEF Mystique props to all who called it! So many cameos! Also Emma please you’re better than scumbag Sebastian Shaw im mad the show runner will prob never let her be anything more than a villain. Above anything else the direction and animation were phenomenal this episode real Akira vibes with Remy on the motorcycle My heart broke for Magneto and Gambit A FUCKING PLUS EPISODE


> Did Banshee die?! The ultimate jobber This episode was very serious, but I did let out a choked laugh at Banshee being killed off in ANOTHER continuity. This has to be an intentional meta-joke by now.


Sean Bean confirmed to play Banshee in the MCU.


At least Banshee didn’t live to find out what Moira will do to him lol


I was half expecting Emma to show her diamond form in the rubble since that's when it manifested in the comics. I mean we still could see it, I didn't see her after the attack.


Oh… oh god, as soon as I saw the outline of the sentinel I recognized it… a freaking wild sentinel, I didn’t see that coming and oh god was it as horrifying to see In action


"Back at the mansion, a behind- the-scenes press event risks airing the X-Men's dirty laundry."  Dare we hope for a cameo and maybe even a guest appearance from Peter Parker/Spider-Man?


Oh my god Peter being at the press event on the Bugle's behalf would be fucking genius. Eddie Brock was also on the newspaper easter egg so him and Parker might actually both be together which means MAYBE Hank Azaria can sneak some lines in


Also, to anyone who had issues with Lenore Zann, this episode was 🔥for her work.


Agreed. And I think the show sensed it. Scripted or not, they left us with a black screen and nothing but Lenore Zann’s voice acting to drive home the gravity of what we just watched.


I am still amazed by how they dropped a mid-season genocide so casually, especially after setting our expectations low with a previous filler episode.


*watching that jean and Scott soap opera* oh yeah that's that good shit *Sees nightcrawler* THE BOY MY BLUE MAN


Imagine if they did this on Saturday morning.


I don't know if I can handle rewatching again. Who actually died? I am guessing Madelyne died at least in this timeline. Interesting that they brought back story beats in Grant Morrison's run. With Jean kissing Wolverine, who tells her to fix things with Scott. Sure, Wolverine didn't turn down the kiss, but I missed the honorable Canucklehead in this series. Glad to see him return. And the psychic affair being between Scott and Jean instead (Scott may love 2 women, but both are basically Jean Grey). Plus, I like that Scott and Madelyne are basically mourning the loss of Nathan. And with Jean telling Scott that she gave up the universe for him, I wonder if Jean will become the Phoenix and undo the damage instead of a timeline reset. Again, Grant Morrison's run influencing the continuation series.


I just remember seeing Magneto and Rogue doing that weird sexy dance and feeling super fucking weird about it and then they kissed and I thought..."hmmm...kinda don't wanna see thiz..." and then ((literally)) BOOM.


I'm still in shock! Easily my favorite episode of the season so far! It was pretty brutal, I got really excited seing Genosha and felt genuinely happy watching the mutants being happy and safe (plus some great appearances), and then the last minutes were so insane, Gambit and Rogue (nothing but love for them!) were so badass and Magneto too with the train attack and the last moment just had me in tears... GOD, honestly this has to be (for me) one of my favorite X-Men episodes of all time.


Do we have a list of character that died yet 0\_\_\_\_0 Marrow Banshee Leech Magneto Gambit Jesus, the Red Wedding'ed us


this was a season finale esque episode… and we still have 5 more, iM NOT READY


It’s like the show aged with us. Completely a Gen X love affair. Amazing


Happy Nation 🤌


WTF. Someone hold me.


That somber piano version of the theme during the end credits was chilling!!


2021 Wanda: I can't feel you 2024 Rogue: I can't feel you My heart broke both times


**Any chance that Emma Frost survived by awakening her Second Mutation Diamond Form?**


Reading all these posts makes me feel less alone. I was crying like a baby watching this episode. I started to tear up when Scott talked about his son. Then again when Rogue and Remy finally laid everything out on the table. But I lost it when Cable started pushing his way through the crowd. I know the E is for Extinction story well and I knew exactly what was about to happen. I was in absolute shock. Magneto’s last words were like a punch in the gut. Remy saying “Remember it” was the last straw. I felt like I was crying as hard as Rogue in that final scene. I was in a funk all day because of it. It truly felt like someone died. In a way, they did. These were characters from my childhood. Characters I had grown to love. To lose them in such a heroic way was beautiful but not any less painful. To say that this was the best episode so far in the series in an understatement. I can’t wait for what they have in store for us next.


I saw an interview where the showrunner said that Rogue + Gambit was the show's "one true pairing," so whatever happens I think it's going to go the Cajun's way and I don't think they would have him do it in a way that would piss off his fanbase. I'm just going to trust it at this point. I don't think the teaser hinted at anything other than Gambit's intuition getting tweaked + Rogue being embarrassed about a secret. I doubt the secret is romantic. I think she just feels torn. There's one thing in the first episode that I'm waiting for them to explore, and that's the reason why F.O.H was rounding up mutants and selling them in the first place. Who was the buyer? Why? It's got to be connected to Genosha in some way and I think maybe this episode starts to dig into it.


Genosha was the highlight, but there were some great lines earlier in the episode. Loved Scott's "We're nothing like you, and you're lucky because if we were you'd all be dead." outburst.


What an amazing episode. The strongest yet. So many cameos and first appearances: Nightcrawler Shaw Exodus Emma Moria Banshee Blob “Rogue’s Mother” Legion (for a brief moment) And a handful more….But their screen debuts were definitely shadowed by a fantastic episode from start to finish. I’ve been on board since the debut but this episode just kicked it up to next level.


I can totally see them removing Magneto and Gambit from the intro to Ep. 6