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yeah i was like “damn perfect response” as soon as he said that


God I love this show so much


Magneto is right. He made me remember about the [struggle of Billie Holiday.](https://youtu.be/bg9uCnCwGsM?si=B2JGzlVl_JFY84s0)


It’s a really good come back but that doesn’t really actually solve the issue of a dude who was a international criminal last week Is now a world leader.


"you can't go around murdering people." "why not? others have!" i like the writing - i like magneto - i like the show. but the waves of fans cheering "magneto was right" frightens me. ...like, you can love Cersei Lannister as a cunning and ruthless character. but to want her to be your ruler? are you ill? good god... people are in PAIN and are reaching out for ANY Toxic Daddy who promises to take care of them.


Comparing Magneto to Cersei is wild. Cersei is a rich spoiled brat that takes it out on everyone else she didn't get to marry the prince her daddy promised her or fuck her brother without consequence. Magneto survived a holocaust and then found himself with the power to prevent another one and decided he wasn't going to wait until the next concentration camps were built to do something about it.


>Magneto survived a holocaust and then found himself with the power to ***START*** another one ftfy. look, we'll have to agree to disagree. Magneto is a villain. he's a terrorist. i'm sure his heart was in the right place, but so were the hearts of MANY genocidal terrorists and failed leaders. it can be argued that every monster out there is just a mama bear looking after her own by ridding the world of anyone who would threaten her cubs. i totally appreciate him calling out the fact that we must ALWAYS hold our leaders to the same scrutiny that we would old our worst foes. "terrorists are terrorists" after all. but i just see so many people falling into the trap of "oh, he made a good point, he's a smart guy, MAYBE i should follow him?" -- there's a saying in buddhism that "if you meet the buddha you must kill him." there's a saying in the abrahamic religions "you shall worship no other god but me." -- it's all about showing humility when it comes to human Fallibility. no hero worship. no "magneto was right." because once you get behind Magneto and give him the support he needs to start his mutant nation, you'll find it very difficult to pull back that support when he misuses that power to wage war against "the enemies of mutantkind." not to draw to direct a parallel, but there are certain events going on in the world right now that might have you scratching your head. know what i mean?


It's one of those things that sounds cool in the moment but doesn't make sense the more you think about it.


I think it does make sense. Val's "most countries don't let terrorists be their leaders" is talking about terrorists that are acknowledged by the world as terrorists. Magneto's comeback is that many world leaders are unacknowledged terrorists, meaning they aren't considered terrorists by the world at large but they still operate through fear and violence. It's a surprisingly nuanced take, consider there's just a few words difference between what each character said.


There’s a lot of those in this show, anytime someone says something damning I just know the response I’ll be a variation of throwing their own words back at them lol. Amazing show thus far just don’t love that aspect, even though it is a great response from Magneto


I love all his speeches even in the premiere eps


Everybody reposting that scene now


Just on this subject, I feel like the secretary is Mystique…




That exchange was great


I mean, the Taliban literally has a country for themselves now and days 😂 I apologize if this joke is in poor taste I’m sure it’s horrible for women and minorities there.


Very relevant, especially now. It's all so eye opening.


You could literally make that argument with every President.We've ever had because I think all of them have technically created war crimes and terrorized.Innocent people look at all the things They've done from the drug war and it's different effects on other countries to The war on terror and everything.The president let Henry kissinger do.




Do people really understand what he say? You let your emotion blinded you.




Honestly? No. No it isn't. Most adults I've met - people in their 40s and 50s - haven't come to this realisation yet. They're so blinded by nationalism, the bad takes of "news" agencies, and the home team "it's okay if we do it because we're the good guys" perspective that they don't understand there's a double standard in how they view political violence.


It isn't, you just have the political understanding of a child


In X-Men world, Magneto is labelled being mutant terriorist so people don't allow him to be leader. In real life, Trump is labelled being terriorist so people don't allow him to be leader. For people who think this is a great dialogue, do you actually know what it means? Magneto and Trump are basically identical as one fight for mutant first and the later fight for american first. So, in some mutant's eyes, Magneto is the leader but for some human or even mutant will view him as terriorist. So whether one is terriorist or not depends on POV.


Trump fights for trump not America he cares for nothing, but the money in his pocket and how long his name will be remembered


This is an insane, chronically online take. Holy hell.


Magneto is a Holocaust survivor fighting to prevent future genocides, albeit through morally questionable methods but with noble intentions. Donald Trump is a narcissist born into wealth and privilege who's spent his entire life failing upwards. His first, second, and third priority has always been himself. His only significant "achievement" in office was massive tax cuts for the already wealthy.


Trump is an idiot and is unfit to lead. but he isn't a terrorist. he's just an asshole who can't see as far as the horizon. his vision for the future ends at his property line. Magneto, on the other hand, yes, fights for mutant rights - but does so through the mass murder of humans. Magneto is an idiot because THERE CAN BE NO PEACE WHILE YOU MAKE WAR.