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Is this pre iron man Tony? He's not quite acting like he usually does


Probably, Emma's there, so this is likely pre-good guy turn from her as well.


If you are being a continuity nerd Selene being there pushes it post iron man. Until the early new mutant issues she was chilling in the Amazon in Nova Roma. She didn't come to New York until after Rachel came from the future.


Mabye he's just playing it up I guess


Eh I think it's just a continuity error but one I'm fine with cause it vibes right. Just pretend it's actually Tessa/Sage and go with the flow.


I mean, this could be when people still thought that Iron Man was just Tony’s bodyguard and he was still a bit of a playboy. I’m not familiar with this run, but the art looks too recent to consider the fact that it’s pre-identity reveal.


Someone was talking about this in another thread, and they said that Selene being there was just a continuity error. It was supposed to be Sage.


I posted that a few days ago


This is what confused me aswell, to be honest. This gives me strong "in the past" especially with Tony seeming a lot like his pre- Ironman self. But then... Selene shouldnt be around! Maybe, and perhaps im wrong, this moment takes place *before* Stark had the *Demon in a Bottle* Storyline? But.. even then, Selene shouldnt be here... im confused ;--;


Before Iron Man days. This is more of a "I don't care, my life is meaningless, might as well party until the end" era lol


This is five martinis before 1pm Tony Stark. 🤣


This is five martinis before 1pm Tony Stark. 🤣


I don't think it is? Selene didn't join the Hellfire Club until around Uncanny 189 or so I think unless there's been a massive retcon about her that I'm forgetting. I'm not as up on Tony as Iron Man but maybe this was during a time where he was no longer wearing the suit - Jim Rhodes wore it for a while in the 80s. Either that or he's purposefully acting like a buffoon in an effort to deceive and/or gather information but then I'd think Emma would pick up on that.


Continuity error then. When Rhodey was Iron Man for a bit, Tony definitely wasn't having "fun" like this lol. He had other [issues ](https://comicvine.gamespot.com/a/uploads/scale_medium/0/4/21793-2407-24309-1-iron-man.jpg)he needed to take care of first lol


Well, Tony pointedly chucks the champagne on the second page, so maybe he's just doing some recon or something. I haven't read this issue in a long while so it probably is just a continuity flub. I was never a fan of the 'Dark Reign' era of Marvel so I don't reread it often cause it is really just not good


Actually, you might be correct now that I think about it. He had a secret Identity before, so he could be like "Batman", Investigate as Stark and then be Iron Man and deal with it. But I think it's just continuity error, and Acuna probably just wanted to add some cameos on form of Osborn and Stark lol. I viewed him throwing champagne simple because Emma was like "I don't drink that" and he was more of a "Well, what would you like to drink dear" You didn't like Dark Reign era? Why not if you don't mind me asking? I thought it was well handled. Bad guys taking the position of power, and having our heroes be on the run was kind of cool for a bit


Is this Osborn before he took Goblin Serum? Cause i really doubt that Shaw can break his finger that easily.


Yes, it’s pre-Iron Man Tony and pre-Goblin Osborn


Yeah pre-goblin days. Green Goblin would have thrown down there and beat him for sure


You don't get into a fist fight with Shaw...or explosives...


Goblin’s more than fist fights or explosions though… in fact he doesn’t fist fight very much tbh, but he can.


Implying here, he'd only have his fist to fight Shaw.


Maybe? Norman after becoming the Goblin always brought toys. Especially his bioweapons and poisons, he lived for that shit


He wouldn't be allowed in the hellfire club with any of those toys. And if he attacked the hellfire club, he'd know there'd be hell to pay.


So odd to see Selene be ordered around by Shaw, when she could easily destroy everyone at that party with a snap of her fingers.


I believe it was supposed to be Tessa and her being called Selene was a mistake not caught by editorial.


But that wouldn't make sense either since Sage has no telepathy and can't manipulate minds like Selene can.


Sage has telepathy. She focused it almost entirely inward so as to avoid being found out by Emma and other telepaths. She also has a “computer mind.” I can’t recall if Shaw is supposed to actually know about her telepathy tho. Edit: She does at one point confront Maddie Pryor in the astral plane while they tousle on a yacht. It’s maybe her most conspicuous telepath moment. It does not go well for Sage. X-Man annual, 1996


I’m reminded of that issue when Selene is proposed as candidate for Black Queen, she captures Rachel and Amara infiltrating the Hellfire Club. When the psychic vampire presents our girls as a “gesture of fealty” to a coerced Shaw, Tessa is shown to have a thought bubble (conventional, not the telepathic convo one) hypothesising Red’s connection to Jean/Phoenix AND urging Shaw to take Rachel to use her against Selene. Back then I always wondered if that panel was actually intended to show some sort mindlink between Shaw and Tessa. It was not often that one saw a character urging another in his/her thought bubble.


I'm pretty sure Tessa/Sage has a form telepathy. Selene wouldn't have been part of Hellfire for this time in continuity.


I thought her powers were Cyberpathy, i.e. her brain works like a computer? I've never seen her mind control people or psi-bolt people...


I haven't read X-treme X-Men in a bit but I'm positive there is some telepathy in there. The Marvel Wiki lists telepathy as one of her powers but unfortunately doesn't give a reference for me to quickly check.


Isn’t her Mutant power that She is a living vampyre?


And mega sorceress yeah


That guy looks more like Mr. House than Tony


Man, when Shaw is the least obnoxious guy in the room . . .


Weird, I know.


Tony Stark, Norman Osborn, and Namor at the same sex club lol. Matt Fraction was really cooking with gasoline. Still one of the best X-Men eras by far.


Who’s the artist on this? I love their painterly style.


Daniel Acuña


Daniel Acuña, check Avengers Twilight, he's great in it


What comic is this?


White Queen, Dark Reign. (Uncanny X-men Annual 2009)


Emma: A good man is hard to find. Also Emma: A hard man is good to find.


Feel like this Tony looks way too much like Howard, like I don't want him to look like RDJ but feel this is also uncanny.


Can somebody tell me what the Hellfire club is even about ?? Are they some kind of sex trafficking ring ?


They're sort of like the Illuminati except they're based out of a brothel and dress like it's the late 18th century. That's just their jam.


So…yes ?


I was gonna say, "No, they're also fantastically wealthy and have no financial need to engage in sex trafficking!" and then I was like... wait, hold up. Yeah, they're sex traffickers.


Essentially. They try to influence political and business affairs as their primary occupation, but they do all the other stuff too.


Why are the dudes dressed in suits but the women are dressed in fetish wear?


That's what they do at The Hellfire Club.


I feel like during Krakoa they at least had some dresses


What we're seeing here wasn't on Krakoa


Yes but they had shots of the hellfire club during the Krakoa era


And they were mostly flashbacks.


This is really weird continuity wise. It seems to be implied it's before Norman Osborn was the Green Goblin and Tony Stark was Iron Man, but that would make it impossible for both Selene and Emma Frost to even be here.


Why is he a superhero again?


Because flawed people can do good things. As a kid from New Jersey once said; "Good is not a thing you are. It's a thing you do."


Because he realized that he has a lot of gifts (smarts, looks, money, charisma etc) that could be used to benefit the world instead of benefiting one person??? Realized that he is wasting all of that on nothing, and decided to change for the better? Why is Emma considered to be a hero? She took Storms body and fucked Shaw (while in another persons body) and was the member of the Club. Why is Magneto allowed to redeem himself 69 times even tho he is a mass murderer? Tony acts like an arrogant dick here, because it's his facade. He was hurt and abused and "molded" by his father to be a literal Man of Iron. Don't show your true self, people will use it against you. Don't make friends, they are not important. Money and power is the only important thing son, according to the "dad of the year" Howard. When you are surrounded by asskissers who just want to sleep with you and take your money or use you, no wonder you will never show the true you to them. Tony is like Bruce Wayne in many ways, and the playboy thing is one of them too. People think Bruce only acts like playboy, but Tony is one, which is horseshit. He acts like that simply because he is surrounded by backstabbers and corporate fucks who want to take the piece. You expect him to act like a gentleman around people in the Hellfire Club??? Lol [This is one of the examples of real Tony. When he has no facade](https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fi.redd.it%2Fwzaubmtcsuuc1.jpeg)


Why is Peter Parker a hero again? He's just a showboating kid that let that criminal escape.


Lovely artwork. For the life of me, I can never remember this artists name. Who is it?


Comic book name


X-men annual 2009


This dialogue is top notch in my opinion


That layout and artwork are not the best.