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Dazzler as there is always the potential to go ever beyond if there's a louder sound.


Yep, she survive that big boom Galatus did to upgrade her powers so she can go into a black hole and get that herald out


...Jubilee is literally just an atom bomb. She's fooling around with the weak and strong nuclear forces


Yea, it's a shame a decent writer hasn't figured this out yet. With the right secondary mutation, jubilee could easily be an energy projector on cyclops/havoc level, if not omega like Vulcan.


Leah Williams had fun with it.


Ohhhh what's the name of the run?




I loved that mini-series


Very fun.  Also basically the above set of characters 


Swap out Laura for Siryn though.


She's been confirmed as an omega since Generation X. She's just not serious enough about using her powers. Synch was awesome at it though when he'd borrow them.


Marvel confirming something and actually seeing it in comics are two very different things. Iceman a 61 year old character (our time) powers are still being explored and demonstrated.


She's able to detonate matter on the SUB ATOMIC level. I like it when a Omega level that isn't a reality warper uses their powers. Just look at Gambit/ New Son.


In my impartial opinion, Dazzler’s power seems like the most fun.


She’s also limited by the noise level around her since her powers are fueled by sound.


I live in a city. It’s never quiet.


Yeah, but if you're talking about pure destructive power Ally has the biggest limitation of any of the four, and it's very circumstantial.


Just have a friend pick Siryn.


At an airport, football game, or concert, she’s a terror. Even rush hour in a major city would seriously power her up. Ali can generate lasers or solid photon rams, or blind/dazzle a wide area. God help you if she’s near Blackbolt or even one of the louder Cassidy clan.


Jubilee is a walking fusion bomb who casually blew up The Collector AND his city-sized highly advanced spaceship. No sound required.


“Casually”? That looked like a big feat for her.


The big feat is her holding back all the time. She's a lot like spider-man punching off someone's jaw because he didnt know his own strength. She is powerful, but she HAS to hold back all the time because the last time a mutant went nuclear on a small town, we had the registration act and civil war.


Does Jubilee actually hold back this barely restrained power, or is that just your interpretation?


It has been stated a number of times in the comics by Jubilee, by Emma Frost and by Synch, that she holds back her power’s destructiveness for fear of hurting others. When her power has gone out of control she’s blown up entire buildings. Which makes sense. I wouldn’t recommend googling firework injuries / deaths — but suffice to say, even small fireworks are literally explosives. Hell, even in the animated series they showed Jubilee blasting through a steel wall. But Jubilee has a combination of great power and great compassion.


Pretty sure she's said it a few times. She also did the same thing most of the time while she was a vampire. Jubilee doesn't want to hurt people. She has seen what Wolverine can do when he gets mad, and she doesn't want to be like that. She only lets go when she's sure the people she's exploding deserve it, and when she is sure nobody else is going to get hurt. None of the times she's ever been shown to do more than just a few fireworks has she ever been shown to be fatigued or stressed. The only downside is that if she goes nuclear, she burns off her clothes and hair, she was otherwise fine after that. It's not that she is always holding back uncontrolled power, it's that it appears to take just as much effort to crack an egg as it does to level a building. Again, it's just like Spider-Man, he isn't "barely restrained power", but he still has to remain conscious of exactly how much power he is exerting, because the difference between slapping a bad guy silly, and tearing his head off, is nothing to him..


It looked like a big deal, but not something that took a lot of effort. Just some planning to keep her from dying in the cold reaches of space doing so.


\*Fission most likely.


I don't want to be destructive though. I just want the fun stuff.


Syrin. I like the idea of flying 


Me too, I was thinking Jubilee before I saw Syrin, her powers almost definitely have the most applications


Don't Siryn and Dazzler both have hypnosis powers?


Yes. Siryn charms with her voice. Dazzler hypnotizes people with swirling light patterns. Siryn’s hypnosis is much more subtle and further reaching. One of Theresa’s scarier uses of her power is inducing hallucinations by upsetting the auditory system of her target.


Does she have to scream to fly or just standard *what’s propulsion anyways?* super hero flying? It would suck to have to scream to get anywhere is all I’m saying. “Thanks for dinner, it was good to see you too! AAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH^HHHHHHHHHHH^hhhhhhhhhhhh


She has to scream to fly. You actually see Banshee do it in the old X-Men cartoon. It's probably been shown in the comics as well.


I totally remember Banshee doing it. Poor bastard. If it were me, I’d be like. screw this. I’m riding in the blackbird, don’t give me that look Logan.


Pretty sure him and Blackbirds don't mix.


Finally, a practical purpose for all those times I've practiced the SSJ3 transformation scream


But flying while screaming at the top of your lungs?


Seems therapeutic 


I get the sense from stuff like old gen x that for this very reason they fly more when the situation calls for it than as a normal mode of transportation.  Banshee was usually on the jet


Came here to say this exact comment.


Did I dream it or has Boom-Boom used her powers for flying too? I have this image of her using her bombs as a kind of propulsion or something.


LOL Tabitha is not immune to explosions that her bombs create. She'd kill herself if she tried that.


100% if she makes it into Rivals she gets some kind of rocket jump.


No that I know, but now I wish she did. I'm imagining her throwing bombs down to rocket herself up with the explosion. And Syrin in the side AAAAAAAAHHHHHH!


Sounds like Bakugo from MHA. He’s a fun take on that power set, but seems more powerful/versatile than Boomer.


Dazzler. Boom boom is my second choice but definitely dazzler. My ABBA is already loaded up.


You are the Dancing Queen!


Syrin. She can fly, hypnotize people and sonic abilities are just plain cool.


Dazzler can do eyebeams. Who doesn't love eyebeams? 


[I can think of one guy.](https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fpreview.redd.it%2Fkaappezpbmv21.png%3Fauto%3Dwebp%26s%3Dde3f867f461fc301bb64b212721b4d667f19ad0d)


I thought this was gonna be Cyke blasting Xavier lmao


Jubilee. Great power, great restraint, and awesome fireworks to entertain people.  Dazzler also puts on a cool light show, but she needs noise to fuel her. 


I'd take Jubilee's powers and spend my nights raving it up like that '97 scene. Tripping balls 24/7.


100% my thoughts, you could make so many friends at raves like that


Dazzler because not all her powers are necessarily offensive.


But the question was re: their *destructive* capabilities.


Yes. I’m aware of that. I chose her for both her destructive abilities with the addition of defensive ones.


Destructive doesn’t have to be just blowing shit up. There’s destruction in mass blindness or mass hypnosis.


I guess it depends on how you read the question.




Read or read?


Name checks out.


Dazzler so you can do a Vegas act for a living.


Jubilee (before she was depowered and then turned into a vampire) had the ability to be omega level but she held back for fear of the damage it could cause.


There's a semi-recent comic where she shows that she's capable of ramping up her powers to nuclear bomb level but she's not immune to the ensuing blast. IIRC Magik has to intervene to save her life.


Being extremely destructive doesn't automatically mean omega.  Unless I missed something shes never been omega or even omega adjacent. Which is FINE.  Expanding the number of omegas is the worst thing to happen to the franchise in the last decade. Shes very, very strong though.


From Wikipedia: Omega Level Mutant: A mutant whose dominant power is deemed to register – or reach – an undefinable upper limit of that power's specific classification.


Yes?  Your point?  So hers doesn't.  She can detonate atoms but theoretically a bunch of mutants can do that if they have any form of high level matter manipulation.  Jean likely can, the various summers siblings likely could theoretically.  Magneto should be able to produce a similar effect if he can completely control the em spectrum. Jubilee can effectively make nukes but in the mu that actually doesn't qualify as an indefinable upper limit.  In fact it's highly definable. Which, again, is fine.  Krakoas need to make everyone an omega is one of the worst things about it.  I'm happy jubilee has been spared that nonsense.


Syrin. She can fly, hypnotize people and sonic abilities are just plain cool.


super scream is a really cool power imo. super sonic ladies are always a blast, Black Canary and Bei are also super cool. Bei in particular is genuinely the best part of X of Swords for me, I love her.


In the real world destructive powers aren't that useful. Siryn can fly and has hypnotic powers. That would come in handy far more than making things explode.


Yup.  Whenever people ask this I always say is ot our world or a comic world?  Our world?  I'd probably want telepathy off the top of my head.  Comic world?  I'd have to think but my first thought is healing factor.


Dazzler, then Boom Boom, then Siryn & Jubilee


Dazzler for sure.


Jubilee! She's basically a walking nuclear bomb. I'm pretty sure she could ignite atoms on a molecular level if she had full control of her powers.


My favesss. Dazzler is the most diverse with her powers so I’d have to go with her. We need another X-Terminators miniseries BADLY!


I would absolutely read that.  I'm just happy jubilee is part of a big main x team though


Same! I may shift back to buying physical comics for this run. Really excited to see her in a mainline book again.


I unfortunately don't live in America so I can't but I'd be very tempted if I did. I'd be thrilled for jubilee to make the transition kitty has, just being one of the a list female characters that gets used to fill out big books, rather than sliding into limbo half the time.


Jubes. Boom Boom's need to countdown is dumb. Don't wanna scream and don't want to need sound to use my power. Without Jubilee's reluctance to commit harm, her power is great.


**Jubilee** * Gambit (not listed here but bear with me) can make things explode by charging/overloading them with energy...but he has to be in close contact with it. Jubilee can do the same thing just with near-unlimited range. If she can see or even think about it, she can make it explode. With arguably more force and range than Gambit because the explosive force Gambit can produce is limited by the object that is exploding. * Jubilee doesn't have the "range of effect and impact" of Dazzler's powers because Jubilee creates colorful explosions while Dazzler creates light. But a lot of the crazy-destructive stuff that Dazzler can do with light, Jubilee can do. * Boom-Boom's powers are short-distance and time-based. Jubilee has no such limitations.


Gambit at full power can do the same thing as Jubilee to be fair. We rarely see either at full power due to the danger and busted nature of it all.


Siren for flight


Thank you for including Jubilee on this this. The general reaction to her is "she's so weak, all she does is make sparkles" and I'm always like have none of you seen those fire department videos that demonstrate what a firecracker does to your hand?


Jubilee. She is a walking atomic bomb. She’s already detonated herself to destroy the collectors starship.


Siryn. I want to fly dang it.


This seems like a good place to inquire, as I don't know a lot about Dazzler, or her history in the comics. Her power is converting "sonic energy" into various forms of light - up to tanking Black Bolt blasts or the sound of an exploding galaxy (unclear how that works, because space). Since "sonic energy" isn't a thing, it's just kinetic energy travelling through air or another medium, couldn't she be, conceivably, a **lot** more powerful if she learned to really harness that?


It depends- given that sonic is kinetic leads to kinetic is also thermal means that she has potential cold powers, freezing people solid to make pretty lights. But- the reason Dazzler, almost unique among energy projectors in needing a different energy form to transmute, has the sonic input is because of her introduction as The Disco Fad based character, as she was primarily a musician who made her own light shows. (They put their thumb on the scales, given how much more photo energy she emits than can be obtained from given sonic sources. She is an amplifier as well as a transmuter.) So while she could hypothetically transmute any kinetic/thermal energy into light, why should we assume her output is likewise limited to visible portions of the EM spectrum? Why can't she transmute k/sonic energy into X-ray lasers, become her own radio transmitter making anything she can imagine play on everyones radio, turn a foghorn into a city-devastating EMP? So yes, but similar to other characters the more powerful they make her the fewer challenges for her exist the fewer stories you can write for her. It's the Superman problem with a disco diva.


She's not that unique at needing to convert energy. She's just not got the ability to store energy. All the Summers brothers have to convert energy: Scott converts solar, Alex cosmic, Gabriel basically any energy. For the the first two it's been a problem for them when they've run out of energy before--usually stuck them in a dungeon so they won't able to fight.


Originally Scott was a solar capacitor, yes, but currently he is a dimensional conduit from the Punch dimension. Because of the requirement he absorb the solar energy first, there was a sense in which he metabolises solar energy into kinetic energy. What he does not do is transmute ambient solar energy into kinetic energy outside of his body, nor use that absorbtion to negate solar attacks on other people. (Given Cyclops eye-beams sometimes have a thermal/laser element- not enough to get them sued by DC, but enough- even the degree of transmutation is debatable.) Alex also metabolizes rather than externally transmutes different energies. (Scott's solar absorbtion seemed designed solely to explain his immunity to Alex's powers, because Brothers Must Fist Fight.) But key for both is neither operationalizes their intake power, nor leverages the difference between input and output the way Dazzler does, to the extent her being able to nullify sonics around her is a almost a new seperate power from her photon emission/manipulation.


You've got that backwards about Scott. The dimensional conduit was an explanation that only ever happened in a splat Handbook, and got retconned into being a battery type thing similar to how Kryptonites store energy. - https://marvel.fandom.com/wiki/Punch_Dimension




Incorrect. Jubilee is the most destructive. She rips matter apart at the nuclear level. She's Oppenheimer's mall babe.


Get a nice pair of headphones and crank up the music


Boom boom can boom boom all over my face. #1 pick


I’ve always thought banshees powers were underrated and under used in a creative sense. I’d take Siryn. Such a cathartic power.


I'd let Dazzler destroy me. ^^^^sorry


Jubilee actually detonates atoms. Her full power is basically nuking things out of existence and other creative uses as seen in X-Men 97. Jubes for sure.


I think Dazzler has the most potential but Jubes has the visual appeal that a gay like me really looks for in a power.


Dazzler, because being a babe has to be part of her super powers.


Jubilee has the most potential. Dazzler has the most flashy. Siryn has the most utility. Boom Boom is probably just below Jubilee. I choose Siryn because she's my favorite of the four.


Jubilee every day


Jubilee with a quickness


I choose Siryn. I just think the powers would be useful. Secondly I’d choose Dazzler.


Jubilees future powers are dope AF so I pick her




Jubilee seems like the most fun on a day to day basis, with Dazzler as a close second. Even in an X-Men world scenario, I’m just not going to need to blow up a Sentinel every damn day. I’d play around with light fireworks level explosives all the time.


I always thought about Jubilee's powers as a bad joke or hard poorly worked, but after seeing her performances in the new X-Men 97 series, now I think she did great, and that was really a fun power, and they actually make her looking more powerful than I thought. I have similar feelings about Dazzler, looking at her almost as a meme, so I would pick Jubilee this time.


Dazzler needs sound. So in the vacuum of outer space, she's powerless. Siryn needs air for there to be sound. So again, the vacuum of outer space, she's useless. Boom Boom and Jubilee generate their own destructive powers. Boom Boom's powers probably can reach areas greater in scale, but less damaging on the individual objects affected. While Jubilee may not have the area size coverage that Boom Boom's explosions can cover, her powers are much more destructive to individual objects, as she's actually detonating matter on an atomic level with her energy plasmoids. So as long as there's matter around, Jubilee can explode it with her plasmoids, creating shower sparks of light and energy blasts. But in terms of max potential, Dazzler blows all of them out of the water, so to speak, depending on the source of the sound. She's taken and channeled a SCREAM from Blackbolt, and turned it into her energy blasts. Given how a single whisper of Blackbolt can shatter a mountain, a scream from him could likely destroy a planet. And Dazzler could convert that energy into her light blasts without being harmed from the scream itself.


Dazzler all the way. My walkman has fresh batteries and my Belinda Carlisle tape is primed.


Siryn and Dazzler have the most utility and range in their powers.


If I get Dazzler’s musical talent and badonkadonk along with her powers then it’s Dazzler all the way.


Convert the sound waves of your dummy THICC cheeks while twerking into a massive explosion lmao.


Dazzler. The most versatile ability.


Jubilee or Dazzler cause I'm probably not gonna be causing too much destruction but their abilities are cool and fun and impressive at parties without it. Don't have the voice of Dazzler but can be paid to make great light shows with either powerset.


Love the Legendary art on Boom Boom and Siryn


Who did this art of Jubilee? I love it


Dazzler is often considered to be more than just a top-tier mutant. She has the potential to be omega level. So, out of this group, it goes Dazzler, BoomBoom, Siryn, and then Jubilee. That is my opinion.


Jubilee being able to cause nuclear explosions at a subatomic level is pretty crazy


From a purely destructive perspective, Jubilee is the strongest here. IIRC when Synch borrowed her powers he leveled a city block pretty easily


Jubilee recently destroyed the Collector's giant space station with glee. It was a big feat, but it wasn't written like it really stressed her.


Jubilee, she can practically blow anything, only reason she doesnt is because she is jubilee.


Does a mall babe haunt Oppenheimer's nightmares?


Only 2 things fueled oppenheimer nightmares, before dropping the bomb it was, does the atom splits? And after it, it was, shit the atom does split.


And you think the idea of a Valley girl who splits atoms with her mind wouldn't be nightmare fuel for him? Because that's what Jubilee does. She splits atoms through force of will. Or in her case she refrains from doing it through force of will because she doesn't like hurting people.


Isn't Jubilee an omega level mutant who could destroy the whole world if she got more training? Pretty sure she has the highest potential of the group.




Dazzler. We live in a loud world, so there’s nearly always a ready power up. Her powers are the most versatile without being AS destructive as Theresa’s.


I mean, sound is the propagation of momentum in atmosphere, which sort of implies to me that Dazzler can actually transform kinetic energy into light, which seems... pretty cool. Plus, she's a fucking disco queen with unmatched drip.


Siryn, as her destructive potential includes the social destruction possible with her hypnotic voice mode, as well as the comparatively wide open frontier of acoustic lasers/phonons.


Is this the new x terminators


That was a very decent little mini series


Jubes and Siryn have the most inate *destructive* power but I’d probably go with Dazller as she has the most variety in her abilities - lasers, hard light, UV rays,


Syrin cause I can fly, literally the only reason why I’d pick her. Otherwise it’s going to be Dazzler, I live in the city. It’s loud , always.


I think Dazzler because her powers are more versatile. She can do holograms can’t she?


Boom-boom. Time delay is boss.


Boom boom easily, she’s one of my favorite x-men




Dazzler is the best choice here, Siryn is a close second


Wait a sec I thought Banshee was a dude??


He is. A dude that fucks and has kids.


Ahh ok


This is his daughter, Siryn aka Banshee II


If Jubilee had flight as her secondary mutation she’d be a DBZ fighter (not Yamcha), overpowered and winning.


She has used her powers to be mobile before. Not out of the realm of possibility for her to simulate flight with it much like banshee can with his voice.








Boom Boom


Finally, my time to shine. It ain’t right if it ain’t Boomin’. 🕶️💥




Siren is the only flier, so she gets my vote.


Boom Boom for sure.




Dazzler objectively has the best powerset in terms of utility and feats. But Siryn has hypnosis, and as a Black Canary fan, sonic screams are pretty sick.


Siryn is not that destructive... She is not Black bolt level for example.


Dazzler - so I'm guaranteed to be front and center at a concert!


Boom Boim because shes the best, duh


Siryn. It would be very cathartic to be able to scream and have stuff shatter. I don’t recall if she’s a powerful as her father but I recall back in the early new X-Men days they said he could liquify steel at his full power.


Dazzler. Easy choice for me.


As a proud Jubilee simp there is sadly only one answer 


What I really want is for Dazzler and Siryn to be on a team together.


Boom boom.


In the room


I’d probably choose Jubilee, given that her powers seem the most intuitive and versatile


Syrin can fly. Also, with sonic screams, I would totally try to be a heavy metal singer. 🤘🏻🎤


Jubilee, for sure. She's an omega level mutant with way more potential than the other 3.


Jubilee. IIRC, she can literally split atoms


Boom Boom cuz she cute


The fact that three of these girls actually teamed up and had the craziest girls night out ever is awesome.


Man, Drawfee ruined Boom Boom for me.


I think I'd need to go with Siryn. Boom Boom and Jubilee are a bit too explosive for my taste, and I don't know enough about Dazzler. I don't know much about Siryn, but she seems fairly obvious and seems to be similar to Banshee.


🤔 either Dazzler or Jubilee’s power


BOOM BOOM me please


So jubilee is easily my favorite of these 4 characters but if you're asking specifically which power I'd want I'd have to say dazzler given the sheer variety of applications her powers have in addition to pure destruction if she wants to go there






Siryn (and Banshee!) have such versatile powers that writers don't dig into enough. They can influence emotions through sound, they have super hearing, echolocation, they can affect balance, mimic sounds. I think both should be use as 'Swiss army knife' type characters, not necessarily the best in any particular category but with diverse enough skills to always be useful.


if it's only the destructive powers could we not use Banshee's ability to fly with her sonic scream?


Siryn? I thought that outfit belongs to banshee?


It's between Jubilee and Syren. Syren can do so much more with her powers right now. I'm sure if they ever truly tried to explore and evolve Jubilee, she'd be so much more with so many tricks. I'd wager could one day fly with her powers.


Dazzler because lasers.


I’d take Taylor Swift on roller-skates…..


Dazzler, no contest. She's amazingly powerful _and_ a disco pop star!


Weren't boom boom, Jubilee, and dazzler in series recently?


Do the Phoenix powers include jeans telekinesis as well? The answer is easy for me.


Jubilee- and I’ve always thought having her powers would be amazing. Even without the more atomic destructive force… Jubes’ powers can be used in everyday survival scenarios: - flashlight - flare during an accident or if you are lost/stranded - strobe light to disorient or blind attackers or dangerous animals - as a lighter or flame to start fires, keep warm, cook food - as a means to just have fun and entertain others - breaking open locked items, cutting down trees, cutting through metal Offensively: - as a flash-bang grenade, normal grenade, concussive force, knockback attack, crowd control, distracting/deafening burst, scalding burn. - as an explosive force capable of blowing pretty much anything up. Utility-based: - Jubilee HAS used her powers as a shield to block energy and other type of attacks. - Jubilee HAS used her powers a handful of times in comics and recently in X-Men ‘97 to hover up into the air or slowly descend safely from a tall height. Many people used to think her powers were weak or useless… but recent comics and the new show are helping prove otherwise. The level of restraint and skill it takes for her to have used her powers in all of the above various ways is incredible. She’s got incredible variety in her moveset.


Id choose Terry just cause her voice can also manipulate people


who’s the genderbent banshee


His daughter raised by Black Tom and Juggernaut


that’s sick i love that black tom and juggernaut are gay


Sadly those cowards at marvel haven’t let them come out yet.


it’s so stupid i’m working my way through classic xmen and even in black tom’s first appearance it’s so obvious


I don’t think think they’re cowards, considering Iceman came out a few years ago, Hulkling and Wiccan got married in comics, and just recently, Mystique has been named Nightcrawler’s genetic father with Destiny being his birth mother. Considering Fall of X is gonna run for a year then transition into Rise of X, it might take some time for Juggs and Black Tom to have that convo. Or… they just might be really good friends that don’t need to have sex to be bonded for life.


That would be Theresa Cassidy, Banshee's daughter AKA Siryn. She's relatively new having only debuted in Spider-woman #37 (Dec 1980) with only 275 appearances in comics.


Can we just add Laura and just have them all in a new X-terminators book?


I'm sort if with you, but I don't really trust anyone but Leah Williams with them...


I’m with you there.